
`Nos. 18-587, 18-588, and 18-589
`In The
`Supreme Court of the United States
`---------------------------------  ---------------------------------
`---------------------------------  ---------------------------------
`DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States, et al.,
`---------------------------------  ---------------------------------
`Acting Secretary of Homeland Security, et al.,
`---------------------------------  ---------------------------------
`On Writs Of Certiorari To The
`United States Courts Of Appeals For The Ninth,
`District Of Columbia, And Second Circuits
`---------------------------------  ---------------------------------
`---------------------------------  ---------------------------------
` Counsel of Record
`7 Times Square
`11355 W. Olympic Blvd.
`New York, NY 10036
`Los Angeles, CA 90064
`(212) 830-7186
`COCKLE LEGAL BRIEFS (800) 225-6964


`INTEREST OF AMICUS CURIAE ........................
`MENT ..................................................................
`ARGUMENT ...........................................................
`POLICY CHANGE .......................................
`STUDENTS ..................................................
`A. DACA Freed Undocumented Young Peo-
`ple to Pursue Productive Lives .............
`1. Alejandro Fuentes Mena ..................
`2. Marissa Molina ................................. 10
`3. Vanessa Luna ................................... 10
`4. Erik Kwak......................................... 11
`5. Denise Panaligan ............................. 12
`6. Miriam Gonzalez Avila ..................... 13
`B. DACA Teachers Provide Special Value to
`Students, Schools, and Communities ..... 14
`1. Teacher Diversity Redresses Achieve-
`ment Gaps and Promotes Positive Stu-
`dent Outcomes .................................. 15


`2. Excellent Teachers Offer Great Value,
`Especially in Teacher Shortage Ar-
`eas ..................................................... 17
`C. Teach For America Has Expended Con-
`siderable Resources Recruiting and Sup-
`porting Talented DACA Teachers ......... 19
`CONCLUSION ....................................................... 25


`Bd. of Educ., Island Trees Union
`Free Sch. Dist. No. 26 v. Pico,
`457 U.S. 853 (1982) ................................................. 24
`Brown v. Bd. of Ed. of Topeka,
`347 U.S. 483 (1954) ................................................. 24
`Delgadillo v. Carmichael,
`332 U.S. 388 (1947) ................................................... 8
`Encino Motorcars, LLC v. Navarro,
`136 S. Ct. 2117 (2016) ......................................... 6, 23
`F.C.C. v. Fox Television Stations, Inc.,
`556 U.S. 502 (2009) ................................................... 6
`Garcia v. United States,
`No. 3:17-cv-5380 (N.D. Cal.) ................................ 1, 13
`Grutter v. Bollinger,
`539 U.S. 306 (2003) ................................................. 24
`Heckler v. Chaney,
`470 U.S. 821 (1985) ................................................... 5
`Motor Vehicle Mfrs. Ass’n of U.S., Inc. v.
`State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co.,
`463 U.S. 29 (1983) ............................................... 6, 23
`Ng Fung Ho v. White,
`259 U.S. 276 (1922) ................................................... 8
`Padilla v. Kentucky,
`559 U.S. 356 (2010) ................................................... 8
`Plyler v. Doe,
`457 U.S. 202 (1982) ..................................... 2, 3, 4, 24


`Regents of the Univ. of Cal. v.
`U.S. Dep’t of Homeland Sec.,
`908 F.3d 476 (9th Cir. 2018) ...................................... 8
`W. Virginia State Bd. of Educ. v. Barnette,
`319 U.S. 624 (1943) ................................................. 24
`6 U.S.C. § 202(5) ............................................................ 6
`Administrative Procedure Act ............................ 5, 6, 25
`AmeriCorps, Teach For America, https://www.
`and-benefits/americorps (last accessed Sept.
`29, 2019) .................................................................. 20
`Anna J. Egalite & Brian Kisida, The Effects of
`Teacher Match on Students’ Academic Percep-
`tions and Attitudes. Educational Evaluation
`and Policy Analysis, 40 Rev. Res. Educ. 59
`(2018) ....................................................................... 15
`Anna J. Egalite et al., Representation in the
`Classroom: The Effect of Own-Race Teachers
`on Student Achievement, Econ. Educ. Rev., Vol.
`45, Issue C, at 44 (2015) .......................................... 16


`Arne Duncan et al., Bipartisan Letter to Congress
`from Former Education Secretaries, https://www.
`ed380001 (last accessed Sept. 29, 2019) ................. 14
`Champions of Change: Dacamented Teachers,
`The White House, https://obamawhitehouse.
`(last accessed Sept. 29, 2019) .................................. 17
`Constance A. Lindsay & Cassandra M. D. Hart,
`Exposure to Same-Race Teachers and Student
`Disciplinary Outcomes for Black Students in
`North Carolina, 39 Rev. Res. Educ. 485 (2018) ....... 16
`DACA Recipients, Teach For America, https://
`daca (last accessed Sept. 29, 2019) ............. 16, 20, 21
`Jie Zong et al., A Profile of Current DACA Recipients
`by Education, Industry, and Occupation, Mi-
`gration Pol’y Inst. 2 (Nov. 2017), https://www.
`recipients-education-industry-and-occupation ....... 18
`Leib Sutcher et al., A Coming Crisis in Teaching?
`Teacher Supply, Demand, and Shortages in
`the U.S., Learning Pol’y Inst. 1 (2016), https://
`REPORT.pdf ............................................................ 18


`Memorandum on Rescission of Deferred Action
`for Childhood Arrivals (Sept. 5, 2017), availa-
`ble at Pet. App. 101a, Dep’t of Homeland Sec.
`v. Regents of the Univ. of Cal., No. 18-587 ................ 4
`Remarks by the President on Immigration, The
`White House (June 15, 2012), https://obama
`06/15/remarks-president-immigration ..................... 3
`The State of Racial Diversity in the Educator
`Workforce 2016, U.S. Dep’t Educ. (July 2016),
` ..................... 15, 16
`Status and Trends in the Education of Racial
`and Ethnic Groups 2017, Nat’l Ctr. Educ.
`Statistics, U.S. Dep’t Educ. (July 2017),
` ............. 15
`Stephen B. Holt & Nicholas W. Papageorge, Who
`Believes in Me? The Effect of Student–Teacher
`Demographic Match on Teacher Expectations,
`Econ. Educ. Rev., Vol. 52, Issue C, at 209 (2016) ....... 16
`Teach For America, What We Do, https://www.
` (last accessed
`Sept. 29, 2019) ......................................................... 14
`Teacher Shortage Areas, U.S. Dep’t of Educ.,
` ..................................................... 18
`U.S. Dep’t of Educ. Fed. Student Aid, Financial
`Aid and Undocumented Students, https://student
`undocumented-students.pdf (last accessed Sept.
`29, 2019) .................................................................. 20


`Undocumented Student Tuition: Overview, Nat’l
`Conf. St. Legislatures (Sept. 29, 2019), http://
`student-tuition-overview.aspx ................................ 20
`Viridiana Carrizales, Why TFA Supports DACA
`and Undocumented Students, Teach For
`America (Feb. 28, 2017), https://www.teach
`and-undocumented-students .................................. 21
`Zenen Jaimes Pérez, Removing Barriers to Higher
`Education for Undocumented Students, Ctr.
`Am. Progress 8 (Dec. 2014), https://cdn.american
`HigherEd-report2.pdf ................................. 15, 16, 20


`For almost three decades, Teach For America, Inc.
`has recruited top college graduates and professionals
`who commit to teach for at least two years in low-
`income communities. More than 6,500 Teach For Amer-
`ica corps members currently teach in 2,500 public
`schools across the country. Many Teach For America
`alumni become lifelong leaders in the effort to end ed-
`ucational inequity. They win recognition as teachers,
`school principals, and leaders in school systems and
`departments of education. Our 62,000 corps members
`and alumni include 20,000 teachers working in class-
`rooms; nearly 3,000 principals, assistant principals,
`and deans; more than 550 system leaders; and over 100
`school board members. Eight alumni currently lead
`statewide school systems, serving as state education
`commissioners, state education secretaries, or state su-
`perintendents. Others work outside the education sys-
`tem, advocating for policy reforms or pioneering new
`approaches for meeting the needs of low-income chil-
`Teach For America counts almost 250 Deferred Ac-
`tion for Childhood Arrivals (“DACA”) recipients among
`its corps members and alumni, including Respondent
`Miriam Gonzalez Avila, who was a corps member
`when she became a party in Garcia v. United States,
`No. 3:17-cv-5380 (N.D. Cal.). The organization witnesses
`1 All parties have consented to the filing of this brief. No
`party or party’s counsel authored this brief in whole or in part. No
`one but amicus curiae and its counsel made monetary contribu-
`tion to its preparation or submission.


`firsthand the leadership, passion, and empathy these
`incredible individuals bring to serving their students,
`schools, and communities. An end to DACA would end
`their ability to work and put them at risk of deporta-
`tion—a far cry from the pathway to citizenship these
`young people deserve. Ending DACA would undermine
`Teach For America’s effort to increase academic suc-
`cess among all students, and would severely impact
`undocumented students, for whom DACA teachers are
`particularly powerful role models. Teach For America
`thus has an interest in the continued vitality of DACA,
`and seeks to ensure that the program is not unlawfully
`---------------------------------  ---------------------------------
`Almost four decades ago, this Court confirmed
`that undocumented children enjoy a constitutional
`right to free public education, “the primary vehicle for
`transmitting the values on which our society rests.”
`Plyler v. Doe, 457 U.S. 202, 221 (1982) (internal quota-
`tion marks omitted). “By denying these children a
`basic education,” the Court explained, “we deny them
`the ability to live within the structure of our civic in-
`stitutions, and foreclose any realistic possibility that
`they will contribute in even the smallest way to the
`progress of our Nation.” Id. at 223. Especially because
`undocumented children may “remain in this country
`indefinitely,” the cost of public education is “wholly


`insubstantial” when compared against the benefit “to
`these children, the State, and the Nation.” Id. at 230.
`On Plyler’s thirtieth anniversary, President Obama
`announced a policy of temporary relief from deporta-
`tion for “talented young people, who, for all intents and
`purposes, are Americans.” In a tacit acknowledgement
`of Plyler’s legacy, President Obama identified DACA’s
`beneficiaries as “young people who study in our schools,”
`who have “been raised as Americans,” and who “under-
`stand themselves to be part of this country.”2
`Over the next five years, hundreds of thousands of
`people successfully applied to the United States De-
`partment of Homeland Security for temporary depor-
`tation relief and work authorization under DACA.
`They graduated from high school, pursued higher edu-
`cation, served in the military, and worked in their com-
`Presented with the full range of job opportunities,
`many chose to give back to their communities. In par-
`ticular, approximately 250 helped educate a new gen-
`eration of students by serving as Teach For America
`corps members, often working in schools with large
`populations of undocumented children who, to this day,
`benefit from Plyler’s promise of free public education.
`These teachers typically held leadership positions in
`their colleges, and are often open about their status
`as DACA recipients. They deconstruct stereotypes and
`2 Remarks by the President on Immigration, The White House
`(June 15, 2012),


`operate as role models of achievement, possibility, and
`service. Their presence is especially valuable for un-
`documented students, a vulnerable group that benefits
`substantially from having authority figures with whom
`they can identify.
`Because of DACA, these Teach For America corps
`members have a better chance than ever before to live
`out the simple truth, recognized by this Court, that
`“education provides the basic tools by which individu-
`als might lead economically productive lives to the
`benefit of us all.” Plyler, 457 U.S. at 221.
`That chance was abruptly curtailed, however,
`when the Department rescinded DACA on September
`5, 2017. Acting Secretary Elaine Duke’s memorandum
`(the “Duke Memorandum”) articulated unsubstanti-
`ated concerns about the legal basis for the DACA pol-
`icy, then announced that the Department would “wind
`it down in an efficient and orderly fashion.”3
` Without DACA, undocumented youth—including
`thousands of schoolchildren—lack a clear path to
`higher education, economic mobility, and high-quality
`jobs. They risk deportation to countries they do not
`know. Even if they avoid removal, they are hampered
`in their ability to “lead economically productive lives.”
`Without DACA, Teach For America, school districts,
`and other organizations lose the investment they have
`3 Memorandum on Rescission of Deferred Action for Child-
`hood Arrivals (Sept. 5, 2017), available at Pet. App. 101a, Dep’t of
`Homeland Sec. v. Regents of the Univ. of Cal., No. 18-587 (“Re-


`made in recruiting and training talented workers, and
`our communities lose teachers, caregivers, healthcare
`professionals, and members of the military, all of whom
`seek to advance our nation’s ideals.
`In light of the enormous reliance interests at
`stake, the Department errs in arguing that this Court
`may not review the rescission of DACA even under an
`“arbitrary and capricious” standard. The Department
`asks this Court to tell DACA recipients, the nation, and
`the world that judicial review does not apply to a gov-
`ernment decision depriving 700,000 young people of
`basic protections for personal safety and the ability to
`continue the only life they have ever known. No legal
`basis supports the Department’s decision, which would
`hobble our moral standing and undermine American
`values. See Heckler v. Chaney, 470 U.S. 821, 832 (1985).
`The Duke Memorandum makes no mention of
`DACA’s profound impact on hundreds of thousands of
`young people, or on the communities where they live,
`learn, teach and work. For these reasons, Teach For
`America urges this Court to affirm the unanimous
`opinions and orders from the lower courts setting aside
`the Department’s rescission of DACA as arbitrary and
`capricious under the Administrative Procedure Act
`---------------------------------  ---------------------------------


`Congress vested the Department with authority to
`implement the DACA policy, and also to amend or re-
`scind that policy. 6 U.S.C. § 202(5). Although agencies
`are “free to change their existing policies,” they must
`“provide a reasoned explanation for the change.” En-
`cino Motorcars, LLC v. Navarro, 136 S. Ct. 2117, 2125
`(2016). In particular, the agency must acknowledge
`cases in which the “prior policy has engendered serious
`reliance interests.” F.C.C. v. Fox Television Stations,
`Inc., 556 U.S. 502, 515 (2009). “[I]t is not that further
`justification is demanded by the mere fact of policy
`change,” but the agency must offer “a reasoned expla-
`nation” for “disregarding facts and circumstances that
`underlay or were engendered by the prior policy.” Id. at
`Courts reviewing agency action under the APA
`must ensure that an agency’s “decision was based on a
`consideration of the relevant factors.” Motor Vehicle
`Mfrs. Ass’n of U.S., Inc. v. State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins.
`Co., 463 U.S. 29, 43 (1983). A court should set aside an
`action as arbitrary and capricious if the agency “en-
`tirely failed to consider an important aspect of the
`problem.” Ibid. Where “serious reliance interests [are]
`at stake,” the agency may not rely on “conclusory state-
`ments” to justify its change in position, and must pro-
`vide a “reasoned explanation” for reversing course.
`Encino Motorcars, 136 S. Ct. at 2127.


`Teach For America’s experience demonstrates that
`the Department violated these well-settled principles
`when it rescinded DACA.
`In 2013, Teach For America was among the first
`organizations to recruit DACA-eligible college stu-
`dents. Starting with two DACA teachers in Denver,
`Teach For America’s DACA cohort has grown to 89 cur-
`rent members and more than 150 alumni, many of
`whom remain active in the education community.
`Teach For America has expended considerable re-
`sources to recruit and support these talented young
`people on their journey to becoming teachers and lead-
`ers in communities nationwide. Their lived experience
`as undocumented immigrants enhances their ability to
`guide students and spearhead transformative change
`in the classroom and beyond, and so advances Teach
`For America’s pedagogical mission. Because of these
`unique benefits, an end to DACA harms not only DACA
`recipients, but also the organizations that recruited
`and trained them, the students who depend on them
`daily, and the communities they serve.
`A. DACA Freed Undocumented Young Peo-
`ple to Pursue Productive Lives
`Commentary on DACA’s impact has generally—
`and rightly—focused on the 700,000 individuals who


`hold temporary relief and work authorization. See, e.g.,
`Regents of the Univ. of Cal. v. U.S. Dep’t of Homeland
`Sec., 908 F.3d 476, 520 (9th Cir. 2018) (Because of
`DACA, Respondent “Dulce Garcia and the hundreds of
`thousands of other young dreamers like her may con-
`tinue to live productively in the only country they have
`ever known.”).
`DACA allows undocumented youth to live without
`fear of deportation. One cannot overstate the benefits
`of dispelling that ever-present specter. As this Court
`has long recognized, involuntary removal may cause
`“loss of both property and life, or of all that makes life
`worth living.” Ng Fung Ho v. White, 259 U.S. 276, 284
`(1922). For a young person who thinks of America as
`home and has never known any other, deportation
`means “banishment or exile.” Delgadillo v. Carmichael,
`332 U.S. 388, 391 (1947); see also Padilla v. Kentucky,
`559 U.S. 356, 373 (2010) (recognizing the “severity of
`In addition to providing peace of mind, DACA
`opened up opportunities that U.S. citizens take for
`granted, like applying for a driver’s license or a job. Al-
`most 250 of these accomplished young leaders chose to
`participate in the Teach For America program to help
`remedy educational inequity and become lifelong lead-
`ers who impact societal change. The six described be-
`low embody DACA’s benefits and the reliance interests
`at stake in this case.


`1. Alejandro Fuentes Mena
`At age four, Alejandro Fuentes Mena came to
`San Diego from Valparaiso, Chile. His undocumented
`parents found work, but their low-wage jobs could not
`prevent periods of homelessness during Fuentes’s
`childhood. He entered his teenage years with near-
`failing grades, but encouragement from a dedicated
`teacher helped him raise his GPA high enough to earn
`a full scholarship at Whitman College in Washington.
`As college graduation approached, however, he began
`to feel hopeless about his future, fearing that his lack
`of documentation would force him into the same low-
`wage, under-the-table jobs as his parents.
`DACA changed everything, enabling Fuentes to
`join Teach For America as one of the first undocumented
`corps members. He wanted to become a teacher because
`he’d seen an educator turn around a child’s life. Fuentes
`finished his two-year commitment with Teach For
`America in 2015 and continues to serve students in
`Denver, where he began his seventh year as a middle
`school math teacher this fall. After participating in
`Moonshot, a school incubator fellowship, Fuentes now
`seeks to start his own school with a focus on arts inte-
`gration. He aims to help students develop their talents
`alongside their academics. Fuentes also continues to
`humanize the undocumented community, seeking to
`share his narrative in the podcast Shoebox Stories to
`contribute to nationwide exposure around the immi-
`gration crisis.


`2. Marissa Molina
` Marissa Molina came from Mexico when she was
`nine and grew up in Glenwood Springs, Colorado. Be-
`fore her first day of school, she practiced saying, “I don’t
`speak English.” Even after learning English, she spent
`high school ashamed and isolated by her undocu-
`mented status, which her family instructed her to keep
`secret. She revealed her status to an empathetic col-
`lege counselor, who helped Molina become the first
`member of her family to attend college. Paying tuition
`was a struggle, however, even though Molina worked
`alongside her mother cleaning houses. She considered
`dropping out. Without the ability to work legally, she
`thought, a college degree was little more than a piece
`of paper.
`Then DACA opened new opportunities. Molina
`graduated from college and joined Teach For America
`in 2014. The following year, the White House honored
`her as a “Champion of Change” for developing a cultur-
`ally responsive curriculum tailored to native Spanish
`speakers. In March 2019, Colorado Governor Jared Po-
`lis appointed Molina to the Board of Trustees for the
`Metropolitan State University of Denver, acknowledg-
`ing her ability to advocate for expanding educational
`3. Vanessa Luna
`Vanessa Luna emigrated from Lima, Peru at age
`ten. Like Molina, she grew up fearing social rejection
`and removal orders, then became the first of her family


`to graduate from college. She taught in Los Angeles as
`a Teach For America corps member and served as a
`founding member of the organization’s DACA Advisory
`After her time in the classroom, Luna drew on her
`experiences as an undocumented student and teacher
`to found ImmSchools, a non-profit organization that
`helps educators create safe and welcoming spaces for
`undocumented students and their families. She cre-
`ated programming materials that have trained almost
`1,000 educators, and devised workshops to help nearly
`1,000 immigrant families learn about legal and educa-
`tional services. This year, the Forbes “30 Under 30” list
`honored Luna for her ongoing impact.
`4. Erik Kwak
`Eric Kwak came to the United States from South
`Korea when he was eight and grew up in Koreatown,
`Los Angeles. Kwak’s mother faced dim prospects in
`South Korea as the fourth daughter in a patriarchal
`society, and moved to America hoping to give her fam-
`ily a chance at a better life. She was determined to es-
`cape poverty and impressed upon her son the value of
`education as a tool for upward social mobility.
`Kwak graduated as the valedictorian of his high
`school class and went on to the University of Califor-
`nia, Berkeley. He then joined Teach For America as a
`Head Start teacher in West Garfield Park, Chicago. He
`is now pursuing a career in education policy, hoping to
`address inequities in our education system. This past


`year, he worked as a Public Policy Fellow at the Ala-
`meda County Office of Education to organize and ad-
`vocate for a bill increasing funding for public schools
`in California. DACA gave him the opportunity to make
`his mother’s dream come true.
`5. Denise Panaligan
`Denise Panaligan was born in Mandaluyong in the
`Philippines. She came to the United States when she
`was nine and, like Kwak, grew up in Koreatown. She
`too spent much of her life ashamed and fearful of her
`undocumented status, until a resourceful counselor
`told her about a conference that connected undocu-
`mented students with resources in higher education.
`With support from her community, Panaligan gradu-
`ated from UCLA with a dual degree in Economics and
`Asian American Studies, then earned a master’s de-
`gree in urban education from Loyola Marymount Uni-
`After joining Teach For America, she was honored
`as the Urban Educator of the Year for her work with
`English Learners and students with disabilities. Pan-
`aligan began her fourth year of teaching this fall as a
`history teacher, and will be assisting with Teach For
`America trainings around diversity, equity, and inclu-
`sion. She believes teachers should help break down
`systemic injustices and develop equitable policies for
`new generations of students. Panaligan is also an ac-
`tive member of UPLIFT, a community organization
`that advances Asian American and Pacific Islander


`representation in the narrative around immigration in
`order to highlight important histories, cultures, and so-
`cial justice issues.
`6. Miriam Gonzalez Avila
` Miriam Gonzalez Avila arrived in Los Angeles at
`age six. In high school, a formerly undocumented La-
`tina teacher became her role model and inspired her to
`believe that she could “make it,” even without a formal
`immigration status. After graduating with Dean’s
`Honors from UCLA, Gonzalez joined Teach For Amer-
`ica, hoping that she too could become a role model. She
`recalls a student confessing his undocumented status
`to her, a secret he had not told any other teacher. After
`hearing his family’s story, including their reluctance to
`ask for help for fear of being discovered, she organized
`a “know your rights” workshop for local immigrant
`Gonzalez was in the middle of teaching a class in
`her hometown when the Department announced its re-
`scission of DACA. Her students knew that she was a
`DACA recipient. They asked what would happen to
`her, and whether she would have to leave. She decided
`to join the complaint in Garcia v. United States to show
`her students the importance of fighting for one’s be-
`liefs. She believes, as Teach For America believes, that
`to rescind DACA so abruptly, when so many have re-
`lied on it to better themselves and their country, is un-
`lawful and wrong.
` *
` *


`Dedicated educators inspired these young people
`to pursue higher education. Yet their limited post-
`college prospects nearly stifled that inspiration. DACA
`brought hope and created a legal path to previously
`unattainable goals. Their government offered an op-
`portunity and they made the most of it, hoping to give
`back to the nation that had given them so much. As
`five former Secretaries of Education explained, re-
`scinding DACA would “violate a promise our nation
`made to these earnest young people.”4
`B. DACA Teachers Provide Special Value to
`Students, Schools, and Communities
`Fuentes, Molina, Luna, Kwak, Panaligan, and
`Gonzalez exemplify the “outstanding and diverse lead-
`ers” that Teach For America places in low-income com-
`munities, where they “confront both the challenges and
`joys of expanding opportunities for kids.”5 Teach For
`America requires strong academic records and leader-
`ship skills, attributes often found in DACA students
`who engage in advocacy and awareness campaigns
`around immigration issues on campus, in the public
`square, and in the halls of government. Moreover,
`4 Arne Duncan et al., Bipartisan Letter to Congress from For-
`mer Education Secretaries at 2,
`0000015e-5b9c-db52-a75e-dffded380001 (last accessed Sept. 29,
`2019); see also ibid. (“We must not, we cannot, let these children
`down. The stakes are too high for them and for the future of our
`5 Teach For America, What We Do, https://www.teachforamerica.
`org/what-we-do (last accessed Sept. 29, 2019).


`DACA enables Teach For America to recruit and part-
`ner with teachers who reflect the diverse demographics
`in school systems across the country, thereby advanc-
`ing Teach For America’s mission in unique and power-
`ful ways.
`1. Teacher Diversity Redresses Achieve-
`ment Gaps and Promotes Positive Stu-
`dent Outcomes
`Undocumented youth are a vulnerable group: com-
`pared to their U.S.-born peers, they are five times less
`likely to finish high school, and those who enroll in col-
`lege are far less likely to graduate.6 Black and Hispanic
`students, too, continue to lag behind on standardized
`test scores, discipline records, and high school gradua-
`tion rates.7
`A growing body of research shows that diversity
`among educators plays a powerful role in closing these
`achievement gaps, in addition to “providing social ad-
`vantages for all students.”8 Diverse teachers “break[ ]
`6 Zenen Jaimes Pérez, Removing Barriers to Higher Educa-
`tion for Undocumented Students, Ctr. Am. Progress 8–9 (Dec. 2014),
`7 Status and Trends in the Education of Racial and Ethnic
`Groups 2017, Nat’l Ctr. Educ. Statistics, U.S. Dep’t Educ., at iii–v
`(July 2017),
`8 The State of Racial Diversity in the Educator Workforce
`2016, U.S. Dep’t Educ., at 2 (July 2016),
`?id=ED571989; see also Anna J. Egalite & Brian Kisida, The Ef-
`fects of Teacher Match on Students’ Academic Perceptions and At-
`titudes. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 40 Rev. Res.


`down negative stereotypes” and serve as “positive role
`models” in different ways to different students.9 Teach-
`ers who share demographic traits with their students
`help upend the tyranny of low expectations, diffuse
`conflicts that can lead to disciplinary action, and in-
`spire students to be their best selves.
`DACA teachers add to the diversity of Teach For
`America’s corps in many ways, including language flu-
`ency, national origin,

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