`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`21 May 2015 (21.05.2015)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2015/072989 Al
`(51) International Patent Classification:
`F17C 5/06 (2006.01)
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`(25) Filing Language:
`KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME,
`SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM,
`TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM,
`14 November 2013 (14.11.2013)
`English (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, SZ, TZ,
`(26) Publication Language:
`UG, 2M, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ,
`ING, LLC [US/US]; One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA
`TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, Dis,
`98052 (US).
`Inventors: BELADY,Christian L.; c/o Microsoft Corpor-
`ation, LCA - International Patents, One Microsoft Way,
`KM,ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`Redmond, Washington 98052-6399 (US). JAMES, Sean
`M.; c/o Microsoft Corporation, LCA - International Pat- Declarations under Rule 4.17:
`ents, One Microsofi Way, Redmond, Washington 98052- ——as to applicant's entitlement to apply for and be granted a
`6399 (US).
`patent (Rule 4.17(ii))
`(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every Published:
`kind of national protection available). AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY,
`BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM,
`DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT,
`with international search report (Art. 21(3))
`Gas quatity
`Pressure sensingvalve, _
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`Figure 1
`(57) Abstract: Gas supply pressure spikes are absorbed and leveled-out by a gas supply shock absorber comprising gas storage,
`which is charged during positive pressure spikes and utilized during negative pressure spikes. The gas supply shock absorberalso
`during negative pressure spikes. A backflow preventer limits shock absorption to co-located equipment, but gas supply shock ab -
`sorbers operate in aggregate to create additional demand during positive pressure spikes and reduced demand during negative pres -
`sure spikes. If the gas storage has sufficient gas, a co-located data center utilizes such gas for increased electrical power generation
`during increased processing activity, which can be requested or generated. Conversely, if the gas storage has insufficient gas, and a
`negative pressure spike occurs, the data center throttles down or offloads processing.
`wo2015/072989A1IINIIMMNIINIINIATIANATTAMAAMTA comprises pressure sensing and regulating valves, which direct positive pressure spikes to the gas storage and drawgas from storage
` Communicational
`Electrical _]
`power >
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`WO 2015/072989
`The throughput of communications between multiple computing devices
`continues to increase. Modern networking hardware enables physically separate
`computing devices to communicate with one another orders of magnitude faster than was
`possible with prior generations of networking hardware. Furthermore, high-speed network
`communication capabilities are being made available to a greater numberof people, both
`in the locations where people work, and in their homes. As a result, an increasing amount
`of data and services can be meaningfully provided via such network communications. As
`a result, the utility of computing devices increasingly lies in their ability to communicate
`with one another. For example, users of computing devicestraditionally used to utilize
`computing devices for content creation, such as the creation of textual documents or
`graphical images. Increasingly, however, the most popularutilizations of computing
`devices are in the browsing of information sourced from other computing devices, the
`interaction with other users of other computing devices, the utilization of the processing
`capabilities of other computing devices andthe like.
`In particular, ithas become morepractical to perform digital data processing at
`a location remote from the location where such data is initially gencrated, and where the
`processed data will be consumed. For example, a user can upload a digital photograph to
`a server and then cause the server to process the digital photograph, changingits colors
`and applying othervisual edits to it. In such an example, the digital processing, such as of
`the photograph, is being performed by a device that is remote from the user. Indeed, in
`such an example, if the user was utilizing a battery-operated computing device to interact
`with the server such as, for example, a laptop or smartphone, the user could be in a
`location that was not receiving any electrical powerat all. Instead, electrical power can
`have been delivered to the server, which is remote from the user, and the server can have
`utilized electrical power to process the data provided by the user and then return the
`processed data to the user.
`To provide such data and processing capabilities, via network communications,
`from a centralized location, the centralized location typically comprises hundreds or
`thousands of computing devices, typically mounted in vertically oriented racks. Such a
`collection of computing devices, as well as the associated hardware necessary to support
`WO 2015/072989
`such computing devices, and the physical structure that houses the computing devices and
`associated hardware,is traditionally referred to as a “data center”. With the increasing
`availability of high-speed network communication capabilities, and thus the increasing
`provision of data and services from centralized locations, as well as the traditional
`utilization of data centers, such as the provision of advanced computing services and
`massive amounts of computing processing capability, the size and quantity of datacenters
`continues to increase.
`However, data centers often consumelarge quantities of electrical power,
`especially by the computing devices themselves. Increasingly, the cost of obtaining such
`electrical power is becoming a primary determinant in the economic successof a data
`center. Consequently, data centers are being located in areas where the data centers can
`obtain electrical power in a cost-effective manner. In someinstances, data centers are
`being located in areas that can provide inexpensive electrical power directly, such as areas
`in which electricity can be purchased from electrical utilities or governmental electrical
`facilities inexpensively. In other instances, however, data centers are being located in
`areas where natural resources, from which electrical power can be derived, are abundant
`and can be obtained inexpensively. For example, natural gas is a byproduct of oil drilling
`operations andis often considered a waste byproduct since it cannot be economically
`captured and brought to market. Consequently, in areas where oil drilling operations are
`being conducted, natural gas is often available for free, or at a minimal cost. As will be
`recognized by those skilled in the art, natural gas can be utilized to generate electrical
`power, such as, for example, through a fuel cell or by generating steam to drive a steam
`poweredelectrical generator. As another example, municipal landfills and otherlike
`waste treatment and processing centers can produce a gas commonly referred to as
`“biogas” which can, likewise, be utilized to generate electrical powerthat can, then, be
`consumed by the computing devices of a data center. Unfortunately, gas that is available
`at reduced cost cannot always be provided at a well-maintained pressure. Instead, the
`pressure at which such gases are provided can often vary substantially, including both
`positive and negative gas pressure spikes where the pressure of the provided gas increases,
`or decreases, respectively. Not only can such gas pressure spikes damage equipmentthat
`utilizes such gas, but they can also be disruptive to the entire gas supply network.
`In one embodiment, a gas supply shock absorber can absorb and level out gas
`pressure spikes by storing gas during positive pressure spikes and then releasing the stored
`WO 2015/072989
`gas during negative pressure spikes. Such a gas supply shock absorber can comprise a gas
`storage for storing gas during positive pressure spikes, as well as pressure sensing and
`pressure regulating valves to control the flow of gas into the gas storage, such as during
`positive pressure spikes and to control the flowofgas out of the gas storage, such as
`during negative pressure spikes.
`In yet another embodiment, each individual gas supply shock absorber can
`comprise a backflow preventer such that the gas supply shock absorberonly levels out gas
`pressure spikes for local gas-fed equipment. A sufficient quantity of such individual gas
`supply shock absorbers on a gas supply network can, in aggregate, act to smooth out the
`gas pressure on the whole gas supply network, each utilizing their gas storage to increase
`the ability to consume gas during positive pressure spikes and to reduce demand during
`negative pressure spikes.
`In a further embodiment, a gas supply shock absorber can beutilized in
`conjunction with a data center whose electrical poweris providedat least in part by
`devices that consume gas to generate electricity. Such a data center can have varying
`electrical power demands depending on the workload of the computing devices of the data
`center. Ifa sufficient quantity of gas is available in the gas storage of the gas supply shock
`absorber, an increase in the workload of the computing devices of the data center can be
`powered by gas from the gas storage, rather than the consumption of additional gas from
`the gas network.
`[0008] Inastill further embodiment, if the gas storage of a gas supply shock absorber
`has a sufficient quantity of gas, the data center can request additional processing from
`other data centers to consume someofthe gas in the gas storage. Similarly,if the gas
`storage of the gas supply shock absorber docs not have a sufficient quantity of gas, and the
`gas network experiences a negative pressure spike, the data center can throttle down the
`processing of its computing devices, or can offload someorall of its processing to other
`data centers.
`This Summary is provided to introduce a selection of concepts in a simplified
`form that are further described below in the Detailed Description. This Summary is not
`intended to identify key features or essential features of the claimed subject matter, nor is
`it intended to be used to limit the scope of the claimed subject matter.
`Additional features and advantages will be made apparent fromthe following
`detailed description that proceeds with reference to the accompanying drawings.
`WO 2015/072989
`The following detailed description may be best understood whentaken in
`conjunction with the accompanying drawings, of which:
`Figure 1 is a component diagram of an exemplary gas shock absorber, shown
`together with an associated gas-powered data center;
`Figure 2 is a flow diagram of an exemplary utilization of stored gas by an
`associated data center; and
`Figure 3 is a block diagram illustrating an exemplary general purpose
`computing device.
`The following descriptionrelates to the absorption and leveling out of gas
`supply pressure spikes by a gas supply shock absorber. A gas supply shock absorber can
`comprise gas storage that can be charged with pressurized gas during positive pressure
`spikes in the gas supply, and which can subsequently utilize such stored gas during
`negative pressure spikes in the gas supply, thereby leveling out gas supply pressure spikes.
`Together with the gas storage, a gas supply shock absorber can also comprise pressure
`sensing valves and pressure regulating valves, which can detect positive pressure spikes in
`the gas supply and enable such overly pressurized gas to charge the gas storage, and which
`can also detect negative pressure spikes in the gas supply and, in response, make available
`the gas stored in the gas storage to compensate for such negative pressure spikes. A
`backflow preventer can limit the absorption of gas supply pressure spikes to gas
`equipment co-located with the gas supply shock absorber. Nevertheless, a gas supply
`network having connected thereto multiple such gas supply shock absorbers can
`expcricnce Icss disruptive gas pressure spikes, since cach gas supply shock absorber can
`create additional gas demand during positive pressure spikes, such as in the form of
`accepting additional gas for storage, and can create reduced gas demandduring negative
`pressure spikes, such as by utilizing locally stored gas. A data center co-located with a gas
`supply shock absorber can be provided with electrical power from a gas-consuming
`device, and the amount of power consumedby the data center can vary depending on the
`processing workload of the computing devices of the data center. If the gas storage has a
`sufficient quantity of gas stored therein, the data center can utilize such gas to provide
`increased electrical power during periods of increased processing activity and workload.
`The data center can additionally request workload from other data centers, in such an
`instance, or can generate additional workload by, for example, reducing the cost of the
`WO 2015/072989
`processing provided by the computing devices of the data center. Conversely,if the gas
`storage has an insufficient quantity of gas stored therein, and the gas supply experiences a
`negative pressure spike, the computing devices of the data center can be throttled down to
`consumelesselectrical power, or, alternatively, or in combination, workload from the
`computing devices of the data center can be transferred to other data centers.
`The techniques described herein make reference to specific types of gas and
`specific types of gas-consuming equipment. For example, reference is made to natural-
`gas-powered generators, such as a fuel cell. Such references, however, arestrictly
`exemplary and are made for ease of description and presentation, and are not intended to
`limit the mechanisms described to specific generators and utilizations of water
`enumerated. Instead, the techniques described herein are equally applicable, without
`modification, to the absorption of gas supply pressure spikes, irrespective of the type of
`gas experiencing the spikes, and irrespective of the equipment consuming such gas.
`Although not required, aspects of the descriptions below will be provided in the
`general context of computer-executable instructions, such as program modules, being
`executed by a computing device. More specifically, aspects of the descriptions will
`reference acts and symbolic representations of operations that are performed by one or
`more computing devices or peripherals, unless indicated otherwise. As such, it will be
`understood that such acts and operations, whichare at times referred to as being computer-
`executed, include the manipulation by a proccssing unit of electrical signals representing
`data in a structured form. This manipulation transforms the data or maintainsit at
`locations in memory, which reconfigures or otherwisealters the operation of the
`computing device or peripherals in a mannerwell understood by those skilled in the art.
`The data structures where data is maintained are physical locations that have particular
`properties defined by the format of the data.
`Generally, program modules include routines, programs, objects, components,
`data structures, and the like that perform particular tasks or implementparticular abstract
`data types. Moreover, those skilled in the art will appreciate that the computing devices
`need not be limited to conventional server computing racks or conventional personal
`computers, and include other computing configurations, including hand-held devices,
`multi-processor systems, microprocessor based or programmable consumerelectronics,
`network PCs, minicomputers, mainframe computers, and the like. Similarly, the
`computing devices need not be limited to a stand-alone computing device, as the
`mechanisms may also be practiced in distributed computing environments linked through
`WO 2015/072989
`a communications network. In a distributed computing environment, program modules
`may belocated in both local and remote memory storage devices.
`With reference to Figure 1, an exemplary system 100 is illustrated for
`absorbing gas supply pressure spikes. For example, the exemplary system 100 can be
`located in an area where the gas supply 110 can be plentiful or otherwise available at a
`minimalcost, but such a gas supply 110 can also experience pressure spikes, including
`positive pressure spikes where the pressure of the gas supply 110 can increase, and
`negative pressure spikes where the pressure of the gas supply 110 can decrease. The gas
`supply 110 can supply any type of gas that can be utilized, either directly or indirectly, by
`a consumer, such as the data center 190. For example, the gas supplied by the gas supply
`110 can include natural gas, biogas, methane, propane or other hydrocarbons, hydrogen, or
`any other fuel that can be accepted by a gas-to-electricity converter 180, such as a
`generator, which can generate electrical power 181, or other type of power, for the data
`center 190. As indicated previously, the mechanisms described herein are not limited by
`the type of powerthat is generated from the gas, nor are they limited by the type of gas.
`In one common example, the gas provided by the gas supply 110 can be natural
`gas that can be provided to a fuel cell, which can act as the gas-to-electricity converter
`180. In such an exemplary embodiment,the fuel cell, acting as the gas-to-electricity
`converter 180, can generate powerfor the data center 190 in the form of direct current
`clectrical power 181 from the natural gas. More specifically, and as will be understood by
`those skilled in the art, a fuel cell, such as a gas solid oxide fuel cell, can comprise an
`electrolyte, typically in the form of a solid ceramic material, and an anode and cathode on
`opposite sides of the electrolyte, each typically comprised of an ink coating on the
`electrolyte. Such a fucl cell can accept natural gas as an input and, inside of the fucl ccll,
`the natural gas can be mixed with water steam to form a “reformed fuel”. This reformed
`fuel can then enter the anodeside ofthe electrolyte and, as it crosses the anode,it can
`attract oxygen ions from the cathode, whichare attracted into the cathode from the hot air
`that is fed to the fuel cell. The oxygen ions combine with the reformed fuel in the
`electrolyte to produceelectricity, water, and small amounts of carbon dioxide, as well as
`Aswill also be recognized by those skilled in the art, certain ones of the gas-to-
`electricity converter 180, such as the above-described fuel cell, can be sensitive to varying
`gas pressures, and can be damagedbygasthat is provided at too high a pressure.
`Consequently, in one embodiment, the system 100 of Figure 1 can be utilized to absorb, or
`WO 2015/072989
`“level out”, shocks in the pressure of the gas supply 110, including positive pressure
`spikes and negative pressure spikes. As illustrated in Figure 1, the system 100 can
`comprise a gas transmission apparatus, such as a piping system 120, through which
`pressurized gas can flow and be provided to gas-consuming devices, such as the gas-to-
`electricity converter 180. The piping 120 accepts pressurized gas from the gas supply 110
`and can deliver it to gas-consuming devices, such as the gas-to-electricity converter 180.
`In one embodiment, to protect the gas-to-electricity converter 180 from gas
`pressure spikes that can be damagingto the gas-to-electricity converter 180, a pressure
`regulating valve 170 can beinstalled in-line with the flowof gas, through the piping 120,
`from the gas supply 110 to the gas-to-electricity converter 180. Asillustrated, a pressure
`regulating valve can comprise a gas pressure sensor 171 and a gas shutoff valve 172, and a
`communicational connection 173 between them such that the gas pressure detected by the
`gas pressure sensor 171 can be utilized to inform whether the gas shutoff valve 172 allows
`gas to pass through the piping 120 to the gas-to-electricity converter 180, or whether the
`gas shutoff valve 172 prevents any gas from flowing throughthe piping 120 to the gas-to-
`electricity converter 180. Typically, it will be recognized by those skilled in the art, the
`pressure regulating valve 170 can remain open so long as the gas pressure in the piping
`120 is below an upper threshold pressure that can be based on the maximum gas pressure
`acceptable by the gas-to-electricity converter 180. Once the gas pressure in the piping 120
`exceeds such an upper threshold pressure, the gas pressure sensor 171 can sense such an
`increase in the gas pressure and can causethe gas shutoff valve 172 to stop the flow of gas
`to the gas-to-electricity converter 180. Conversely, if the gas pressure provided from the
`gas supply 110 experiences a negative pressure spike, the pressure regulating valve 170
`can remain opcn, allowing for the provision of gas to the gas-to-clectricity converter 180,
`but the pressure at which such gas is provided may beinsufficient to enable the gas-to-
`electricity converter 180 to generate the electrical power 181 required by the data center
`To provide for gas pressure shock absorption, in one embodiment, the system
`100 can comprise a gas storage 160 that can be connected with the piping 120 such that
`the gas storage 160 can accept pressurized gas for storage when the pressure of the gas
`provided by the gas supply 110 experiencesa positive pressure spike.
`In particular, in one
`embodiment, the piping 120 can have connected, in-line, a pressure sensing valve 150
`between the gas supply 110 and the gas storage 160. Like the pressure regulating valve
`170, the pressure sensing valve 150, in one embodiment, can comprise a gas pressure
`WO 2015/072989
`sensor 151, a gas shutoff valve 152 and a communicational connection 153 between them.
`Assuch, the gas shutoff valve 152 can either allow, or prevent, the flow of gas from the
`gas supply 110 into the gas storage 160, depending on the pressure sensed by the gas
`pressure sensor 151. For example, were the gas supply 110 to experience a positive gas
`pressure spike, the gas pressure sensor 171 of the pressure regulating valve 170 could
`detect such a high-pressure and could trigger the gas shutoff valve 172 to stop the flow of
`pressurized gas to the gas-to-electricity converter 180. Similarly, the gas pressure sensor
`151 of the pressure sensing valve 150 could detect to the same high pressure and could
`trigger the gas shutoff valve 152 to open and enable the flow of pressurized gas from the
`gas supply 110 into the gas storage 160. In such a manner, the gas storage 160 can be
`“charged”, orfilled with gas.
`In one embodiment, as the positive gas pressure spike ends, and the gas
`pressure provided by the gas supply 110 returns to normal, the gas pressure sensor 171 of
`the pressure regulating valve 170 can detect such a decrease in gas pressure and can,
`consequently, cause the gas shutoff valve 172 to open back up and enable the flowof
`pressurized gas from the gas supply 110 to the gas-to-electricity converter 180. Similarly,
`the gas pressure sensor 151 of the pressure sensing valve 150 can also detect the decrease
`in gas pressure and can cause the gas shutoff valve 152 to close and prevent the flow of
`gas out of the gas storage 160, since, as will be recognized by those skilled in the art,
`because the gas storage 160 was charged with a higher pressure gas, a decrease in the
`pressure of the gas provided by the gas supply 110 can result in a negative differential
`between the pressure of the gas in the gas storage 160 and the pressure of the gas now
`being provided by the gas supply 110 and in the piping 120, thereby potentially causing
`the gas in the gas storage 160 to flow back into the piping 120, unless the gas shutoff valve
`152 closes. In such a manner,the gas storage 160 can be filled with pressurized gas
`during a positive gas pressure spike, which can then be retained while the pressure of the
`gas supplied by the gas supply 110 returns to lower, normal pressures.
`Should the gas supply 110 subsequently experience a negative gas pressure
`spike, such that the pressure of the gas supplied by the gas supply 110 decreases, in one
`embodiment, the gas pressure sensor 151 of the pressure sensing valve 150 can detect such
`a decrease in the gas pressure and can cause the gas shutoff valve 152 to open to enable
`gas from the gas storage 160 to flow into the piping 120, thereby increasing the gas
`pressure in the piping 120 and providing the gas-to-electricity converter 180 with a
`sufficient pressure to continue to provide sufficient electrical power 181 to the data center
`WO 2015/072989
`190. In such a manner, the gas storage 160, together with the pressure sensing valve 150,
`can act as a gas supply shock absorber, accepting additional gas during positive gas
`pressure spikes in the gas being supplied by the gas supply 110, and sourcing additional
`gas during negative gas pressure spikes. In particular, the gas storage 160 provides
`additional demand for gas during positive gas pressure spikes, since the filling of the gas
`storage 160 comprises a consumption of gas, and causes reduced demand for gas during
`negative gas pressure spikes, since the provision of gas from the gas storage 160 reduces
`the amount of gas required from the gas supply 110.
`In one embodiment, the system 100 of Figure 1 can comprise a backflow
`preventer 140, thereby preventing gas that is supplied by the gas storage 160 from being
`provided back to the gas supply 110. In particular, and as described above, the gas storage
`160 can store gas at a high pressure, such as gas that can have been providedto the gas
`storage 160 during a period whenthe gas supply 110 was experiencing a positive pressure
`spike. Subsequently, and as also described above,if the gas supply 110 were to
`experience a negative pressure spike, the gas from the gas storage 160 can be provided
`back into the piping 120 to, for example, provide sufficient gas to the gas-to-electricity
`converter 180. However, as will be recognized by those skilled in the art, absent a
`backflow preventer 140, the gas provided by the gas storage 160 during negative pressure
`spikes can flow, not to the gas-to-electricity converter 180, or other local consumerofgas,
`but rather back to the gas supply 110. As such, the optional backflowpreventer 140
`enables the gas stored in the gas storage 160 to be used for local gas consumers. In
`another embodiment, if the gas supply 110 is metered such that the provision of gas back
`to the gas supply 110 results in a corresponding credit, than the backflow preventer 140
`need not be present, since the provision of gas from the gas storage 160 back to the gas
`supply 110 would result in a monetary benefit.
`From the perspective of a gas network, such as the gas supply 110, that can
`supply gas to a myriad of consumers, the above described gas supply shock absorber can
`be implemented by a numberof those consumers and such gas supply shock absorbers can
`act in aggregate to smooth out gas pressure spikes in the gas supply 110. More
`specifically, even if each gas consumingentity utilized a backflow preventer, such as the
`backflow preventer 140, the aggregate effect of multiple gas supply shock absorbers,
`installed by multiple ones of the consumers of gas to which the gas supply 110 provides
`gas, can be to increase the demand for gas during positive pressure spikes, thereby
`reducing the magnitude of such positive pressure spikes with such increased demand, and
`WO 2015/072989
`can further be to decrease the demand for gas during negative pressure spikes, thereby
`reducing the magnitude of such negative pressure spikes with reduced demand. For
`example, during a positive pressure spike, each of the individual gas supply shock
`absorbers can open the valves to their gas storages, such as the exemplary gas storage 160,
`so as to charge each of those individual gas storages. Each gas storage, such as the
`exemplary gas storage 160, can, as described above, represent a consumerof gas and can
`create demand for gas. The aggregate effect, therefore, of each of the individual gas
`supply shock absorbers opening the valves to their gas storages during a positive pressure
`spike can be to increase the demand for gas, thereby more quickly dissipating the positive
`gas pressure spike. As another example, during a negative pressure spike, each of the
`individual gas supply shock absorbers can openthe valves to their gas storages, such as
`the exemplary gas storage 160, so as to provide gas from each of those individual gas
`storages to those devices consuming gas. Since the devices consuming gas would, in such
`an instance, be receiving at least someof their gas from the individual gas storages, the
`ageregate effect of each of the individual gas supply shock absorbers opening the valves to
`their gas storage during a negative pressure spike can be to decrease the demandfor gas
`from the gas supply, thereby enabling the gas supply to increase pressure across such a
`reduced demand and more quickly dissipate the negative gas pressure spike.
`Althoughnot part of a gas supply shock absorber, the system 100 of Figure 1
`also illustrates an optional gas quality sensor 131 that can be communicationally coupled
`to a gas diverter valve 133 via the communicational connection 132. As indicated
`previously, in one embodiment, the gas supply 110 can be from non-regulated gas sources,
`suchas the gas produced fromalandfill, or gas produced as a waste product ofoil drilling.
`As will be recognized by those skilled in the art, such gas can contain impuritics that can
`damage various gas-consuming equipmentsuch as, for example, the gas-to-electricity
`converter 180, For example, such gas can comprise too much sulfur, carbon dioxide,
`siloxanes, or other like impurities. Thus, in one embodiment, a gas quality sensor 131 can
`be positioned to monitor the quality of the gas received from the gas supply 110. Should
`the gas quality sensor 131 detect that the quality of gas being provided is no longer
`acceptable, the gas diverter valve 133 can be triggered and the gas provided by the gas
`supply 110 can be vented as vented gas 111. The gas quality sensor 131 and the gas
`diverter valve 133 can be spaced sufficiently apart such that the