`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`20 August 2015 (20.08.2015)
`International Patent Classification:
`BOID 53/22 (2006.01)
`E21B 43/34 (2006.01)
`CIOL 3/10 (2006.01)
`International Application Number:
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2015/123257 Al
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY,
`BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM,
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`International Filing Date:
`IL February 2015 (11.02.2015)
`Filing Language:
`Publication Language:
`Priority Data:
`11 February 2014 (11.02.2014)
`4 June 2014 (04.06.2014)
`Applicant: TECH 3 SOLUTIONS, INC. [US/US]; 7301
`SW 57th Court, Suite 400, South Miami, FL 33143 (US).
`Inventor: DICKERSON, Lyman, B.; 280 Lecuadendra
`Drive, Coral Gables, FL 33156 (US).
`Agents: SCANLON, Stephen, D. et al.; Thompson Hine
`LLP, 10050 Innovation Drive, Suite 400, Dayton, OH
`45342-4934 (US).
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, ST, SZ,
`TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU,
`TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE,
`LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK,
`GW, KM, ML, MR, NL, SN, TD, TG).
`with international search report (Art. 21(3))
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`(57) Abstract: A mobile apparatus may include a mobile platform or container equipped with at least one membrane separation unit
`for separating useful fuel gas from raw natural gas producedat anoil or gas productionfacility, a gas engine that uses the fuel gas to
`generate electricity that is returned to the facility, and a control panel for operating the apparatus. A method mayinclude the steps of
`} delivering the apparatus to an oil or gas productionfacility, connecting and operating the apparatus while the facility is generating
`WwW raw natural gas, and disconnecting and removing the apparatus from the site when raw natural gas is no longer being generated.


`WO 2015/123257
`Apparatus for Flare Gas Processing and Use
`[0001] This application claims the benefit ofprovisional U.S. Patent Application No. 61/938,485,
`filed 02/11/2014, and provisional U.S. Patent Application No. 62/007,648,filed 06/04/2014, both of
`which are incorporated by reference.
`[0002] The present disclosure relates generally to a mobile apparatus, system, and methodfor
`processing and using raw natural gas that is normally flaredat the site ofoil and gasfield operation
`[0003] Across the United States, Canada, and elsewhere large amounts ofraw natural gas are
`flared because ofthe lack of gas pipeline takeaway capacity. In the Bakkan Shale Gas Ficld of
`North Dakota alone, over 30% of the gas being recovered from oil and gasfield operations is being
`burnedoff into the atmosphere.Gasflared as a byproductofoil drilling in the Bakken Field releases
`millions oftons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every year, causing considerable
`environmental concerns.
`[0004] At the same time, a numberofoil and gas field facilities where gas is being flared rely on
`diesel-poweredelectrical generating units for electricity neededto runthefacilities. The diesel-
`poweredelectrical generating units and diesel fuel mustbe transported to the remotesites, and the
`fuel costs and costs of transporting and storing the fuel must be addedto the cost of operating the
`facility. Because ofcontaminants and uneven qualities, the rawnatural gas is often unsuitable for
`use in electric power generators.


`WO 2015/123257
`[0005] Membrane-based separation of components of raw natural gas, such as the separation of
`methane from heavier hydrocarbons such as propane and butane, is well-knownin the art. In this
`way, components of a natural gas stream, in particular methane gas, can be isolated and used as a
`fuel, as taught for example in U.S. Patents 6,161,386 and 4,370,150. Notwithstanding the
`availability of membranesto create useful fuel from raw natural gas, oil and gas production facility
`operators have not taken advantage of the technology due to technological, logistical, and economic
`shortcomings related to the priorart.
`[0006] A mobile apparatus may include a mobile platform or container equipped with at least one
`membrane separation unit for separating useful fuel gas from raw natural gas produced at an oil or
`gas production facility, a gas engine that usesthe fuel gas to generate electricity that is returned to
`the facility, and a control panel for operating the apparatus.
`[0007] A method mayinclude the steps of delivering the apparatus to an oil or gas production
`facility, connecting and operating the apparatus while the facility is generating raw natural gas, and
`disconnecting and removing the apparatus from the site when raw natural gas is no longer being
`(0008] Figure 1 is a schematic view of a combined gas conditioning and power generation system
`configured in accordance with the invention.
`[0009] Figure 2 is a perspective view of an apparatus comprising an embodimentof the system
`shown schematically in Fig. 1.


`WO 2013/123257
`[0010] The present invention seeks to reduce costs associated with diesel-powered electrical
`generating units, to eliminate undesirable emissions generated by flaring natural gas, and to reduce
`emissions from the generation ofelectricity used to operate oil and gasfield facilities, since
`electricity produced by gas engines results in fewer harmful emissions than electricity produced by
`diesel-fuel engines.
`[0011] The invention includes a mobile apparatus equipped to convert rawnatural gas into a
`suitable fuel and to use the fuel to provide electricity to an oil or gas production facility that
`generated the raw natural gas. In one embodiment, the apparatus includes a mobile container
`equipped with a coalescer for removing certain unwanted contaminants from the raw gas, at least
`one membrane separation unit for isolating useful fuel gas, a heating system for heating the fuel gas,
`a gas compressorin case the raw gas pressure is too low, a gas engine that uses the fuel gas to
`generate electricity, a radiator for cooling the engine, and a control panel for operating the
`[0012] A second membraneis also available for removal of H2S wherelevels exceed 200 ppm.
`The invention also includes a system for processing raw natural gas to produce fuel gasthat is used
`in a gas engine to produceelectricity for the production facility that generated the raw natural gas.
`10013] The invention further includes a method comprising the steps of delivering the apparatus to
`the production facility, connecting and operating the apparatus while the facility is generating raw
`natural gas, and disconnecting and removing the apparatus whenthefacility is no longer generating
`the gas.


`WO 2015/123257
`In one embodimentthe mobile container is a 40-foot long ISO containerthat is capable of
`holding the heating system, coalescer, one or more membrane separation units, gas engine, and
`control panel. The heating system, coalescer, membrane separation units, and control panel are in
`one embodiment secured to a skid, which is then secured within the container. For larger capacity
`systems, two or more mobile containers will be required. In one embodiment, for example, in which
`a gas engine having a capacity of 570 kW is needed,a first container contains the heating system,
`coalescer, and membrane separation units, and a second container contains the gas cngine and
`control panel. In a preferred embodiment, the invention includes a fleet of mobile containers and
`towing engines, or "tractors," where the various components of the invention are releasably attached
`within the containers and can be replaced and rearranged to accommodate different necdsat
`different production facilities. In another preferred embodiment, the containers are modular and
`each one can be used as a single operating unit or can be separated and used independently as two
`or more operating units. In still other embodiments, the mobile containers are trucks or other
`vehicles capable of carrying the invention components.
`In one embodiment incoming rawnatural gas is introducedinto a coalescer. Suitable
`coalescers include liquid-gas coalescers that remove water, some of the hydrocarbonliquids, and/or
`particulate matter from the raw natural gas, to thereby help protect the downstream membrane and
`gas engine. After passing through the coalescer, the natural gas is sent to the membrane separation
`unit. In situations where no coalescer is used, the incoming raw natural gas is introduceddirectly
`into the membraneseparation unit.
`[0016] A suitable membraneseparation unit is secured to the mobile container and includes an
`inlet for natural gas and a membrane, where gasentering the unit flowsacross the feed side of the
`membrane. The permeate side of the membraneis maintainedat lower pressure to provide a driving


`WO 2015/123257
`force for transmembrane permeation. C3+ hydrocarbons (e.g. propane and butane), acid gases and
`water vaporall permeate the membranepreferentially, resulting in a contaminant-enriched permeate
`stream and a contaminant-depleted residue stream. In a preferred embodiment, the residue stream
`consists essentially of methane and is the conditioned fuel product. Membranes and the use of
`membrane processes to provide for the isolation of methaneis taught, for example, in U.S. Patents
`6,161,386 and 4,370,150, both of which are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety. In one
`embodiment, membrane skids are designed to house up to six membranesin the same pressure
`vessel, with any combination of methane recovery or H2S removal membranes, as required for flow
`rate and quality needed. In some embodiments where engines above 500kW are required or where a
`combination of engines are required at one site, a membrane-only container is provided with
`multiple pressure vessels, each capable of housing up to stx membranes each in any combination.
`In order to separate selectively for C3+ hydrocarbons over methane, the membraneis
`suitably made from an elastomericor rubbery polymer such as nitrile rubber, neoprene,
`polydimethylsiloxane (silicone rubber), chlorosulfonated polyethylene, polysilicone-carbonate
`copolymers, fluoroelastomers, plasticized polyvinylchloride, polyurethane, cis-polybutadiene, cis-
`polyisoprene, poly(butene-1), polystyrene-butadiene copolymers, styrene/butadiene/styrene block
`copolymers, styrene/ethylene/butylene block copolymers, thermoplastic polyolefin elastomers, and
`block copolymers of polyethers, polyamides and polyesters. Silicone rubber is a preferred material
`for separating C3+ hydrocarbons from methane. When the contammant of primary concern is
`hydrogen sulfide, a preferred membraneis one in which the selective layer is a polyamide-polyether
`block copolymer, such as commercially available Pebax® (Arkema, King of Prussia, PA). These
`materials exhibit selectivity in favor of C3+ hydrocarbons over methane, butare, in general, slightly
`less selective in that regard than silicone rubber.


`WO 2015/123257
`Suitable membranesinclude composite structures, and they may be manufactured asflat
`sheets or as hollow fibers and housed in any convenient module form. In a preferred embodiment,
`flat-sheet membranesin spiral-wound modules are used. The membrane modulesare typically
`housed end-to-end in one or more pressure tubes and the tubes are mounted on a skid. Other
`equipment, such as filters, compressors, pumps and monitoring or control equipment, may also be
`included on the skid as needed. Suitable membrane units as described herein are available
`commercially from Membrane Technology and Research (Newark, CA).
`{0019} The membrane unit may contain a single membrane module, a bank of membrane
`modules, or an array ofmodules, depending on the amount ofgas to be treated and the complexity
`of the separation. A single-stage membrane separation operation is suitable for many applications.
`Whentheresidue stream requires further purification,it is passed to a second bank of membrane
`modules for a second processing step. When the permeate stream requires further concentration,it is
`passed to a second bank of membrane modules for a second-stage treatment. Thesealternative
`arrangements and modifications are knownto those ordinarily skilled in theart.
`[0020] A suitable heating system is employed to receive the residue stream from the membrane
`unit when the gasis too cold for use in the gas engine. Some gas engines require, for example, that
`the gas be at a temperature of at least 43 degrees Fahrenheit. When present, the effluent from the
`heating system ts passed to the inlet ofthe gas engine. When no heating system is present, the
`residue stream from the membraneunit is passed directly to the gas engine.
`[0021] A suitable gas engine is secured to the mobile container and ranges upward in capacity
`from 100 kW, depending on the powerrequired. Examples of suitable gas enginesare illustrated in
`US. Patent 6,161,386 (depicting a combustor, turbine, and electricity generator) and U.S. Patent


`WO 2015/123257
`4,370,150. A suitable radiator, such as one sold by Gunter as Model 501092A121A,is included for
`engine cooling. Load cables connected to the gas engine transmit electricity generated by the gas
`engine to the productionfacility. In one embodiment, auxiliary meansfor providing electricity is
`provided whentherewill likely be periods when the production facility will require electricity but
`will be generating no or low levels of raw natural gas. In an alternative embodiment where the
`facility needs a source of heat, a combined heat and power (CHP)unit is employed as the gas
`engine, and a radiator system is used to cool the engine at times when thefacility has no need for
`the heat source. In a similar way, a combined cooling, heating, and power (CCHP) unit is used
`whenthe facility needs sourcesofelectricity, heating and cooling. In an application where the
`facility operator contemplates times when raw natural gas flow will be interrupted, a stand-by diesel
`generator is provided.
`[0022] At someproductionfacilities, only a relatively small portion of the raw natural gas
`generated by the facility is needed to powerthe facility, and it is desirable for environmental and
`sometimes economicreasons forthe flaring of raw natural gas to be further reduced. In one
`embodiment, the invention achieves this objective with the addition of a chiller unit. All or some
`portion ofthe rawnatural gas generated bythefacility is passed through the chiller and the chiller
`removesnatural gas liquids (NGLs) from the raw natural gas stream. The NGLsare collected in
`containersthat can be transportedoffsite. In the practice of this embodimentthe needto flare gasis
`thus further reducedor eliminated, and the NGLs can be used elsewhere or sold to generate
`revenue. As an additional advantage,thechiller is powered byelectricity from the generator, and
`the chiller's consumptionofelectricity furthers the goal of reducing flaring, since the added
`electricity demand enables the generator to utilize more methane. The chiller is in one embodiment
`contained in a separate mobile unit but operated through the main control panel.


`WO 2013/123257
`[0023] The control panel provides the necessary displays and systems for monitoring and
`operating the various componentsofthe invention. In one embodiment, the apparatus will be
`equipped with sensing and computing equipmentthat detects and monitors operational
`characteristics and conditions, including gas leaks andthe like, and forecasts needs for servicing
`and repair. The sensing and computing cquipmentis either part of the control panel or in
`communication with the control panel, and sometimesincludes other audio-visual devices. In this
`way the apparatus provides visual and/or audible signals and information about characteristics,
`conditions, or needs for service or repair. In still another embodiment, the sensing and computing
`equipmentis in communication with remote locations so that output from the equipmentis available
`at the remote locations. In further embodiments, the apparatus is equipped with automatic
`adjustment and shut-off controls that are actuated either directly by the sensing and computing
`equipment, or actuated by human operators, located either remotely or on site, who receive output
`from the sensing and computing equipment.
`[0024] Oil and gas production facilities require electricity and sometimes heating and cooling to
`operate, but production facilities are typically located in remote areas where noutility poweris
`available. In accordance with the present method, the container and equipment is transportable and
`is delivered to and kept at a production facility only for as long as thefacility is operating and
`generating rawnatural gas. In this way, the invention can effectively accommodate numerous
`production facilities without the need for a capital investment in stationary and unnecessarily
`duplicative equipment, and without the added costs of installing and uninstalling stationary
`equipmentat each production site. One or more containers can be moved as an operator expands or
`contracts its drilling sites to different or additional remote locations. The operator can lease or
`purchase containers and equipment and arrange for transportation to sites as needed, or the operator


`WO 2015/123257
`can enter into a service contract with a provider of mobile containers and equipment, where the
`provideris responsible for transportation, connection, optionally operation and maintenance,
`disconnection, and removal.
`[0025] Referring to the drawings, the illustrated apparatus has parts that are examplesof the
`elements recited in the apparatus claims, and can be operated in steps that are examplesof the steps
`recited in the method claims. The illustrated apparatus thus includes examples ofhow a person of
`ordinary skill in the art can make anduse the claimed invention. These examples are described here
`to further provide enablement and best mode without imposing limitations that are not recited in the
`[0026] Figure 1 is a schematic view of a system configured to operate as described above. The
`illustrated example has subsystemsincluding a gas conditioning system 100 and a gas engine genset
`102. The gas conditioning system 100 may be configured as shown and described in U.S. Patent
`Publication No. 2013/0055897, which is incorporated by reference as part of this disclosure. The
`gas genset 102 includes a gas engine 110 and a generator 112 that is driven by the engine 110.
`These subsystems 100 and 102 may be operatively interconnected for transportation and use as
`parts of a unitary assembly as shownin Fig. 2. This particular example includes a container 120 in
`which the gas conditioning system 100 and the gas genset 102 are operatively interconnected with
`an air cooler 122 and electrical controls 124. Theair cooler 122 is linked with the engine 110
`through water lines as shown in the drawing, and thus serves as a radiator for the engine 110. The
`electrical controls 124 may be accessible to a user standing or reaching within the container 120,
`and include a control panel as described above. A cable 126 in communication with the engine 110
`transmits electricity generated by the engine 110 to the production facility. Accordingly, the


`WO 2015/123257
`container 120 and its contents togetherdefine a self-contained, mobile flare gas processing unit that
`providesa user with electrical power output but requires only feed gas input from the user.
`[0027] The gas engine genset is compact, containerized/skid mounted, and mobile which makes
`the system particularly suitable for remote sites where high levels of heavy hydrocarbonsand/or
`H2Spresentin the fuel gas are reduced significantly to allowreliable engine operation and remain
`within the emissions threshold limits.
`Theinlet to the membranesis taken asa slip-stream (#1) gas pipeline. The inlet gas enters
`the filter coalesce which removesany liquid condensates/aerosols (#2) formed and the overhead gas
`next enters the membrane vessels. The membrane vessels split the inlet (#3) into two streams:
`1. The membranespreferentially permeate the heavy hydrocarbons, CO2, water and H2S, and the
`resulting permeate stream (#4)is flared (or flows back into the pipeline).
`2. Theresidue gas stream will be the conditioned gas (#5) with a lower BTU (dry gas) value and
`with a lower H2S content The conditioned fuel gas will be routed to the gas enginesafter
`necessary pressure regulation.
`3. The conditioned gas will be burned in a high efficient (low emission) gas engine and generates
`4. The generatedelectricity powers either a local grid (island opcration) or will be fed into the main
`Someof the major advantages of the packaged Fuel Conditioning and Power Generation
`Unit are as follows:


`WO 2013/123257
`[9030] Mobile solution: The turn-key containerized design allows for easy shipping andlittle
`onsite work to hook up the system.
`[0031] Easy accessibility: The membrane system as well as the generation system are easily
`accessible from inside and outside ofthe container. This allows for fast service and maintenance of
`the system.
`[0032] Reliable process solution: The Membrane System is a passive solution with no mechanical
`or rotating parts. Maintenance and operating costs are reduced considerable comparedto other gas
`treating solutions. The engine operates with a gas similar to natural gas which allowsfor extended.
`service intervals and high uptime. Installation is ideal for remove locations.
`[0033] Dehydration without Rotating Equipment: The proposed Membrane Fuel Gas
`Conditioning System dehydrates the conditioned gas without the expense of other maintenance-
`heavy, gas dehydration solutions.
`{0034] Design Flexibility: The modular design approach of the containerized solution allows for
`future design flexibility. Through the addition of future engine and membrane units, additional gas
`can be processed and the generation capacity can be increased.
`[0035] Less Unscheduled Downtime: The presence of heavy hydrocarbons, acid gases, and water
`vapourin the fuel gas can result in significant operating problems with gas engines. Rich fuel
`causes pre-detonation, incomplete combustion of fucl, and carbon deposit build-up, which can
`damagethe internals of the firing chamber. With the incorporate membrane system, the expected
`time between scheduled engine maintenanceis increased.


`“WO 2015/123257
`[0036] Fuel Generation: On-site generation for spec-quality fuel gas from field gas. This allows
`utilizing field gas directly and avoids to movethe gas from a remotefloat/station to a processing
`field line before utilizing.
`[0037] Environmental Impact: Using on-site flare gas for power generation will reduce the
`amount of gas which needsto be flared and thus lowers the “carbon footprint”. In addition the
`impact of trucking, storing and combusting diesel for power generation will be reduced as well.
`[0038] Reduction of Emissions from power generation: Combustion of acid gases and the
`incomplete combustion of hydrocarbonsin thefiring chamberresult in dangerous pollutants in the
`exhaust gas. The package reduces the volume of VOCand acid gas emissions.
`In somecases the amountofelectrical powerrequired on an oil ficld pumping site may be
`small compared to the amount of powerthat can be produced with the gas available. For example,
`the amountof gas goingto flare might produce about 3 MW of power when only about 250 KW is
`needed to run the site. Therefore, the system can provide power for both local consumption and
`also for export to the grid at the same time if utility power lines are accessible from thesite.
`Additionally, the gas may be of sufficient quality to burn directly out of the well without any
`membranetreatment. For this reason the system could be configured to bypass the membrane
`separation unit.
`[0040] This written description sets for the best mode of carrying out the invention, and describes
`the invention so as to enable a person skilled in the art to make and usethe invention, by presenting
`examples of elements recited in the claims. The patentable scope of the invention is defined by the
`claims, and may include other examplesthat occur to those skilled in the art. Such other examples,
`which may be available either before or after the application filing date, are intended to be within


`WO 2015/123257
`the scope of the claims if they have elements that do notdiffer from the literal language of the
`claims, or if they have equivalent elements with insubstantial differences from the literal language
`of the claims.


`WO 2015/123257
`Whatis claimed is:
`1. A mobile apparatus for processing raw natural gas and using fuel gas resulting from
`the processing to produceelectricity for use in an oil or gas production facility that generated the
`raw natural gas, the apparatus comprising:
`(a) amobile platform;
`(b) amembraneseparation unit secured to said mobile platform, said unit comprising an
`inlet for receiving raw natural gas from the production facility, a membrane for separating usable
`fuel gas from the raw natural gas, an outlet for a residue stream consisting essentially of
`methane, and an outlet for a permeate stream consisting of other components of the raw natural
`(c) a gas enginefor generating electricity and which comprises an inlet for receiving the
`residue stream from the membraneseparation unit, the gas engine being secured to said mobile
`platform and operatively interconnected with the membrane separation unit; and
`(d) acable ia communication with the gas engine for transmitting electricity generated
`by the gas engineto the production facility.
`2. An apparatusas definedin claim | wherein the mobile platform is part of a container
`configured to enclose and contain the membrane separation unit and the gas engine for
`transportation with the container. |
`3. An apparatusas defined in claim 2 wherein the mobile platform is a part of a vehicle
`4. A system for processing raw natural gasand using fuel gas resulting from the
`processing to produceelectricity for use in an oil or gas production facility that generated the raw
`natural gas, the system comprising:
`(a) a mobile platform;


`WO 2015/123257
`(b) a membraneseparation unit secured to said mobile platform, said unit comprising an
`inlet for receiving raw natural gas from the production facility, a membrane for separating usable
`fuel gas from the raw natural gas, an outlet for a residue stream consisting essentially of
`methane, and an outlet for a permeate stream consisting of other components of the raw natural
`(c) a gas engine secured to said mobile platform for generating electricity and which
`comprises an inlet for receiving the residue stream from the membrane separation unit;
`(d) acable in communication with the gas engine for transmitting electricity generated
`by the gas engine to the productionfacility; and
`(e) acontrol panel and sensing and computing equipmentthat provide for operation of
`the membrane separation unit and gas engine, detection and monitoring of operational
`characteristics and conditions of the membrane separation unit and gas engine, and forecasting of
`needs for servicing and repair of the membrane separation unit and gas engine.
`5. A system as defined in claim 4 wherein the mobile platform is part of a container
`configured to enclose and contain the membrane separation unit and the gas engine for
`transportation with the container.
`6. A system as defined in claim 5 wherein the mobile platform is a part of a vehicle
`7. A method for processing raw natural gas and using fuel gas resulting from the
`processing to produce electricity for use in an oil or gas production facility that generated the raw
`natural gas, the method comprising:
`(a) providing a mobile apparatus comprising a mobile platform, a membrane separation
`unit secured to said mobile platform, a gas engine secured to said mobile platform for generating
`electricity and which comprises an inlet for receiving the residue stream from the reverse


`WO 2015/123257
`osmosis unit, and a cable in communication with the gas engine for transmitting electricity
`generated by the gas engineto the production facility, wherein the membrane separation unit
`comprises an inlet for receiving rawnatural gas from the production facility, a membrane for
`separating usable fuel gas from the raw natural gas, an outlet for a residue stream consisting
`essentially ofmethane, and an outlet for a permeate stream consisting of other components ofthe
`raw natural gas;
`(b) transporting the mobile apparatus to the production facility;
`(c) connecting and operating the mobile apparatus while the productionfacilityis
`generating raw natural gas, and
`(d) disconnecting and removing the mobile apparatus from the production facility when
`raw natural gasis no longer being generatedbythe facility.
`8. A method as defined in claim 7 wherein the mobile platform is part of a container
`configured to enclose and contain the membrane separation unit and the gas engine for
`transportation with the container.
`9. A method as defined in claim 8 wherein the mobile platform is a part of a vehicle


`WO 2013/123257


`WO 2015/123257


`IPC(8) - B01D53/22; C10L3/10; E21B43/34 (2015.01)
`CPC - B01D53/22; C10L3/10; E21B43/34
`According to International Patent Classification (IPC) or to both national classification and IPC
`Minimum documentation searched (classification system followedbyclassification symbols)
`IPC(8): B01D53/22, 53/72, 61/06, 61/12; C10L3/10; E21B43/34 (2015.01)
`CPC: 801D53/22, 53/72, 61/06, 61/12, 2257/7025, 2313/365; C10G2300/4068; C10L3/10; E21B43/34
`Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documentsare includedin the fields searched
`Citation of document, with indication, where

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