`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`15 November 2012 (15.11.2012)
`International Patent Classification:
`G06Q 40/02 (2012.01)
`International Application Number:
`International Filing Date:
`10 May 2012 (10.05.2012)
`Filing Language:
`Publication Language:
`Priority Data:
`10 May 2011 (10.05.2011)
`10 May 2011 (10.05.2011)
`10 May 2011 (10.05.2011)
`10 May 2011 (10.05.2011)
`Applicant(for all designated States except US): DYNAM-
`[US/US]; 493 Nixon Road, Cheswick, PA
`15024 (US).
`Inventors; and
`Inventors/Applicants (for US only): MULLEN,Jeffrey,
`D. [US/US]; 731 South Negley Avenue, Apartment #2,
`Pittsburgh, PA 15232 (US). RIGATTI, Christopher, J.
`[US/US]; 321 Jacksonia Strect, Pittsburgh, PA 15212
`(US). WALLACE, Michacl, T.
`[US/US]; 202 North
`Trailwood Road, Payson, AZ 15024 (US).
`Agent: WALLACE, Michael, T.; 493 Nixon Road,
`Cheswick, PA 15024 (US).
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2012/154915 Al
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BR, BW, BY, BZ,
`CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, Dk, DM, DO,
`HR, HU, ID, LL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, KR,
`KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, MF,
`MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ,
`SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR,
`TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, SZ, TZ,
`UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ,
`TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CU, CY, CZ, DE, DK,
`ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`Declarations under Rule 4.17:
`as to applicant's entitlement to apply for and be granted a
`patent (Rule 4.17(ii))
`with international search report (Art. 21(3))
`before the expiration ofthe time limit for amending the
`claims and to be republished in the event of receipt of
`amendments (Rule 48.2(h))
`1234567890 123456
`Jeffrey D. Mullen
`06 a
`FIG. 3
`(57) Abstract: A mobile device may provide payment acceptance and/or payment authorization for purchases, payments and/or
`money transfers by accepting payment information from a powered, or a non-powered, card using a contactless communication
`channel formed between the card and the mobile device. The payment information may be communicated by the mobile device to
`network entities that may be used to settle/authorize such purchase, payment and/or moneytransfer transactions. Physical cards may
`be presented to a mobile device to establish a contactless communication channel between the physical card and the mobile device.
`Information communicated bythe physical card may be received, stored, and used by the mobile device to generate a mobile wallet
`of v:irtual cards.


`- 1 -
`D/007 PCT
` Background of the Invention
`This invention relates to mobile devices and
` related systems.
`Summary of the Invention
`A mobil e device
`is provided
`as a point-—of-sal
`communication channel may,
`that may be used
`A contactless
`for example,
`be formed
`le terminal.
`between the mobil
`le device and a payment
`t card to
`communicate payment information from the payment card
`to the mobile device.
`The mobile device may,
`use the communicated payme
`complete a purchase transaction that
`by the
`mobile device.
`information need reside on
`may be initiated
`for example,
`the mobile terminal
`to complete a payment
`t transaction.
`application may be remotely activated,
` mobile device may act
`tivate an application on the mobile
`or a user of a
`that allows
`the mobile device to accept payment


`WO 2012/154915
`information directly from a payment card before and/or
`during a payment transaction.
`A mobile device may,
`for example, provide a
`browsing activity where goods and/or services may be
`located for purchase on a website (e.g., an Amazon or
`eBay website).
`An application may,
`for example, be
`executed on a mobile device that may communicate with a
`information may be exchanged directly from a user's
`payment card to the checkout application using the
`In so doing,
`user's mobile device.
`for example, a
`mobile device may be used as a contactless payment
`acceptance terminal.
`A user may be provided an option of storing
`information associated with a payment card
`within a memory of the mobile device. Accordingly,
`example, a mobile device may store payment information
`associated with one or more payment accounts.
`In so
`for example, a mobile device may store multiple
`payment accounts that may be recalled from a memory of
`the mobile device at the user's request to complete a
`payment transaction.
`A mobile device may detect the presence of a
` checkout application running on a website.
`card that is brought within a communication distance of
`a contactless interface of the mobile device.
`example, a card having RFID capability may communicate
`with an RFID device of a mobile device when the card
`comes within a distance (e.g., up to 2 inches) of the
`mobile device. Accordingly,
`for example, a card type
`a powered card or a non-powered card) may be
`identified by the mobile device.
`A non-powered card may,
`for example,
`communicate one,
`two, and/or three tracks of magnetic


`WO 2012/154915
`stripe data to a mobile device via a contactless
`interface of the mobile device. Accordingly, a
`processor of a mobile device may identify an account
`type (e.g., credit or debit)
`with the non-powered card by inspection of magnetic
`that may be associated
`stripe data (e.g., account number)
`received from the
`non-powered card.
`A powered card may,
`for example, communicate
`information (e.g.,
`information within discretionary
`data fields) to a contactless interface of a mobile
`In so doing,
`for example,
`the additional
`information may be analyzed by a processor of the
`to determine
`that a detected card is a
`powered card having increased capability. Accordingly,
`for example, a user of a powered card may select a
`feature (e€.g.,
`pay with credit) on the powered card and
`a processor of a mobile device may detect that such a
`is selected based upon an analysis of
`information (¢€.g.,
`discretionary data)
`received from
`the powered card.
`A mobile device may validate a payment card.
`For example, a mobile device may request entry of a PIN
`and payment information is communicated to the mobile
`device by the payment card. Once entered, a mobile
`device may,
`for example, access a server associated
` after a payment card is presented to the mobile device
`with the payment card's issuing entity to validate the
`PIN. Alternately,
`for example,
`a processor of a mobile
`device may compare the PIN entry against local memory
`contents of the mobile device to validate the entered
`As per another example,
`a mobile device may
`validate a payment card by requiring that the physical


`WO 2012/154915
`payment card be present during a payment transaction.
`for example, a mobile device may require
`mobile device so that a contactless communication
`channel may be
`formed between the
`payment card
`and the
`mobile device to verify the identity of the payment
`card. Accordingly,
`for example,
`that a physical payment card be tapped against
`information communicated by the payment card to the
`mobile device may be compared against information
`previously stored within a memory of the mobile device
`that may be associated with the payment card.
`One or more payment cards may,
`for example,
`be presented to a mobile device to complete a purchase
`transaction. Accordingly,
`options may be offered by a mobile device.
`for example, split-payment
`In So
`for example, a first payment card may be tapped
`against a mobile device and accepted by the mobile
`device as a first form of partial payment, a second
`payment card may be tapped against a mobile device and
`accepted by the mobile device as a second form of
`example, allow a user to select an amount for each
`partial payment, and so on.
`partial payment and may settle each partial payment
`amount with each respective
`issuer of
`A mobile device may,
`each payment card
`presented for partial payment.
`A mobile device may provide checkout options
`to a user.
`For example, a mobile device may allow a
`user to associate purchase categories (€.g.,
`auto repair, or entertainment)
`to purchases transacted
`by the mobile device so that the user may prepare a
`more detailed accounting of his or her expendit
`As per another example,
`a rewards card may be
`against a mobile device so that rewards card
` tapped


`WO 2012/154915
`information may be credited with purchases transacted
`by the mobile device.
`A mobile device may provide receipt delivery
` options (@e.g.,
`options to a user.
`For example,
`a mobile device may
`allow a user to select one of many receipt delivery
`delivery to accounting software executed by a processor
`text messaging, email or autonomous
`of the mobile device). Other receipt options may be
`provided by a mobile device in a graphical
`a barcode)
`so that proof-of-purchase may be
`verified by a reader (e.g.,
`a barcode reader).
`Money transfers may,
`for example, be
`transacted by a mobile device. One or more payment
`accounts (@€.g.,
`a car account or a utility account) may
`be selected by a user of a mobile device to receive a
`payment transacted by the mobile device.
`information may be recalled from memory and/or entered
`by a user of the mobile device and then communicated to
`network entities by the mobile device to complete
`tap his or her payment card against a device
`a mobile device)
`to communicate target account
`information where funds are to be deposited.
`A mobile
`device may,
`account information and communicate such information to
`for example, gather source and target
`network entities to complete the funds transfer
`payment transactions.
`Person to person transfers
`be transacted by a mobile device.
`for example,
`A user of a mobile
`device may,
`for example,
`tap a payment card against the
`mobile device to communicate source account
`to the mobile device where funds are to be withdrawn.
`A person receiving a transfer of funds may,


`WO 2012/154915
`A mobile device may,
`for example, provide a
`scanning capability (e.g., via a camera)
`to scan images
`(e.g., barcodes)
`that may be analyzed by a processor of
`the mobile device. Accordingly,
`for example, a mobile
`device may be used to scan product information from a
`product tag (e.g.,
`a barcode)
`to select an item for
`purchase. As
`items are selected for purchase, scanned
`information is processed and displayed by the mobile
`device to produce a summary of items that may be
`selected for purchase.
`The mobile device may,
`example, collect payment information from a payment
`card via a contactless communication channel and then
`use the payment information to complete a purchase
`transaction for the items scanned by the mobile device.
`A mobile device may access electronic billing
`information via one or more communication capabilities
`of the mobile device.
`A merchant (e.g.,
`a restaurant)
`may provide access to an electronic tab generated by
`the merchant (e.g., a bill generated by a restaurant
`for a dinner for two).
`Items billed by the merchant
`may be accessed by a user of a mobile device and
`displayed by the mobile device to produce a summary of
`items billed.
`The mobile device may,
`for example,
`collect payment information from a payment card via a
`contactless communication channel and then use the
`payment information to complete a purchase transaction
`for the billed items.
`Any mobile device,
`a mobile telephonic device (e.g.,
`such as a laptop computer,
`a cellular phone),
`PDA, an MP3 player, or a positioning device (€.g.,
`GPS) may be a point-of-sale terminal. Accordingly,
`example, a mobile device may accept payment
`from any payment card, communicate such payment


`WO 2012/154915
`information via a network, complete a settlement
`process with network entities (e.g., an issuer or a
`payment server) on such a network, and provide results
`(e.g., an electronic receipt) of the completed purchase
`transaction to a user of the mobile device.
`A mobile device may include a contactless
`communication device. Accordingly,
`for example, a
`mobile device may communicate with any card having
`contactless communication capability.
`For example,
`card (@€.g.,
`a non-powered card) may include a near-
`field communication device (¢.g., an RFID tag)
`that may
`communicate with a contactless communication device of
`a mobile device to form a two-way communication channel
`In so doing,
`between the card and the mobile device.
`for example, a non-powered card may communicate one,
`two, and/or three tracks of magnetic stripe information
`to a mobile device before and/or during a purchase
`transaction conducted by the mobile device.
`A card (€.g.,
`a powered card) may include a
`near-field communication device (e.g., an RFID)
`of a mobile device.
`include a battery,
`A powered card may,
`for example,
`a processor, memory, and a manual
`input interface (e€.g.,
`one or more buttons)
`that may
`allow a user of the powered card to programmably
`communicate information to a mobile device.
` ay communicate with a contactless communication device
` magnetic stripe data.
`example, a powered payment card may include a feature
`associated with a button that allows a user to,
`example, pay with credit or pay with debit.
`for example, a powered payment card may
`communicate such a payment selection within
`discretionary data fields of one or more tracks of


`WO 2012/154915
`A powered card may,
`for example,
`circuitry to simulate touch (e€.g.,
`a capacitance
`in order to form a contactless communication
`channel with a mobile device. Accordingly,
`example, a powered card may be pressed against a touch-
`sensitive display of a mobile device and information
`may be communicated by the powered card to the mobile
`device through a series of card-simulated touches that
`may be detected by the touch-sensitive display of the
`mobile device and processed by a processor of the
`mobile device as data communicated by the powered card.
`A powered card may,
`for example,
`include a
`light sensor to form a contactless communication
`channel with a mobile device. Accordingly,
`example, a powered card may be pressed against a
`display of a mobile device and information may be
`communicated from the mobile device to the powered card
`through a series of light pulses generated by the
`display of the mobile device.
`A frequency, pulse
`width, and/or a pulse intensity of light pulses may,
`for example, be detected by a processor of a powered
`card as data communicated by a mobile device.
`A powered card may,
`light source (e.g., an LED)
`for example,
`include a
`to form a contactless
`communication channel with a mobile device.
`for example, a powered card may emit
`varying light pulses from an LED that may be detected
`by a motion-capture device (e.g.,
`a camera) of a mobile
`device as data communicated by the powered card.
`for example,
`include sound emission
`powered card may,
`capabilities that may be detected by a microphone of a
`mobile device as data communicated by the powered card
`through a contactless communication channel.
`A mobile


`WO 2012/154915
`include sound emission
`for example,
`device may,
`capabilities that may be detected by a microphone of a
`powered card as data communicated by the mobile device
`through a contactless communication channel.
`A user may communicate information directly
`from a card to a memory location of a mobile device via
`a contactless communication channel between the card
`and the mobile device. Accordingly,
`for example, a
`mobile device may store information (e.g., payment
`information) associated with one or more cards (é6.g.,
`one or more payment cards)
`that have been presented
`within a proximity to the mobile device.
`In so doing,
` for example, a mobile device may be a mobile wallet
`having multiple accounts (e€.g.,
`identification, and travel accounts) stored within a
`memory of the mobile wallet where each account may be
`recalled from a memory of the mobile wallet at the
`user's request to perform a function (e.g.,
`to complete
`a payment transaction).
`A mobile device may detect the presence of a
`a contactless interface of the mobile device.
`card that is brought within a communication distance of
`A card
`for example, provide RFID capability that may
`communicate with an RFID device of a mobile device when
`the card comes within a communication distance of the
`mobile device. Accordingly,
`for example, a card type
`may be identified by the mobile device and information
`the card to the mobile device.
`associated with the card type may be communicated from
`Information received by
` the mobile device from the card may be autonomously
`categorized by the mobile device in accordance with a
`card type and the information may be stored and


`WO 2012/154915
`displayed to a user in accordance with the
`A card (€.g.,
`a non-powered payment card)
`for example, communicate one,
`two, and/or three
`tracks of magnetic stripe data to a mobile device via a
`contactless interface. Accordingly,
`for example, a
`processor of a mobile device may identify a card type
`a payment card) by analyzing the magnetic stripe
`data received from the card.
`A processor of a mobile
`device may,
`for example, determine an account type
`(e.g., credit or debit)
`that may be associated with the
`non-powered payment card by inspection of magnetic
`stripe data (e.g., account number)
`received from the
`non-powered card.
`A powered card may,
`for example, communicate
`information to a contactless interface of a mobile
`In so doing,
`for example, additional
`information (¢€.g.,
`information presented in
`discretionary data) may be identified by a processor of
`to determine
`that a detected card is
`the mobile
`a powered card having increased capability.
`for example, a user of a powered card may
`select a feature (€.g.,
`pay with credit) on the powered
`card and a processor of a mobile device may detect that
`such a feature
`is selected based upon an analysis of
`the information received from the powered card.
`A mobile device may,
`for example, validate a
`payment card.
`For example,
`a mobile device may request
`entry of a PIN after a payment card is presented to the
`mobile device. Once a PIN is entered, a mobile device
`for example, access a server associated with the
`issuing entity to validate the PIN.
`A processor of a
`mobile device may,
`for example, compare the PIN entry


`WO 2012/154915
`against memory contents of the mobile device to locally
`validate the entered PIN.
`Data received from a card may,
`for example,
`be encrypted. Accordingly,
`for example, data received
`from a card may be stored in an encrypted state and
`decrypted upon receipt of a decryption key.
`decryption key may,
`for example, be received froma
`a card issuer's
`sponsoring entity of the card (e€.g.,
`be destroyed
`server). Decrypted data may,
`such that each usage of encrypted data may require a
`decryption key prior to usage. Alternately,
`example, decrypted data may be stored within a
`protected memory of the mobile device and kept for
`future use.
`A user of a mobile device may,
`for example,
`travel, and rewards cards)
` extract physical, or real, cards (€.g.,
`from the
`user's physical wallet or purse and may convert each
`physical card into a virtual equivalent card that
`resides electronically within the mobile device.
`for example, each physical card (e.g.,
`powered card or a non-powered card) may be brought
`within a proximate, or touching, relationship with a
`mobile device to create a contactless communication
`channel. Card information (¢.g., cardholder data, card
`data, and card configuration data) may,
`for example, be
`communicated by the card to the mobile device via such
`a contactless communication channel.
`In so doing,
`example, a virtual card may be created within the
`mobile device that is both visibly and functionally
`equivalent to its physical counterpart.
`A non-powered card may,
`virtually rendered onto a display of a mobile device in
`for example, be


`WO 2012/154915
`a manner that resembles its physical counterpart. Card
`and cardholder information may,
`for example, be
`communicated by the non-powered card to the mobile
`device and rendered onto a virtual card that may be
`displayed by a processor of the mobile device.
`for example,
`the functionality of the
`physical card (€.g.,
`a non-powered payment card) may be
`imparted to the virtual card by the mobile device when
`the mobile device communicates information (e.g.,
`payment information)
`that may be associated with the
`non-powered payment card. As per one example, a mobile
`device may communicate payment information associated
`with a virtual card that may be displayed on a GUI of
`the mobile device when the mobile device is brought
`to complete a purchase transaction (e€.g.,
`device of the mobile device may communicate with an
`information between the mobile device and the merchant
`another example, a mobile device may communicate
`As per
` within a communication distance of a merchant terminal
` terminal to complete the purchase transaction).
`an RFID
` RFID device of a merchant terminal to exchange payment
`payment information associated with a virtual card when
`the mobile
`accesses a network entity (e€.g.,
` purchase transaction using the communicated payment
`payment server) via a wireless network (e.g., a
`cellular network or a Wi-Fi hotspot)
`to complete a
`A powered card may,
`for example, be virtually
`rendered onto a display of a mobile device in a manner
`that resembles its physical counterpart.
`A powered
`card may,
`for example, be virtually rendered onto a
`display of a mobile device in a manner that provides
`user interface functionality that may be associated


`WO 2012/154915
`th the physical counterpart.
`A powered card may,
`communicate configu
`ration information
`tton placement and associated functionality,
` bu
`placement and associat
`functionality) to
`virtual card such
`card provides subs
`ted functionality and input/output
`of a mobile device and
`the processor may render such a configuration onto a
`the configuration of the virtual
` can
`tially identical functionality as
`compared to its physical coun
` ude
` incl
`powered payment ca
`As per one exampl
`when activated determine
`a powered card (@€.g.,
`one or more buttons
`a method of payment to be
`used to complete a
`button may invoke
`pressing another b
`transaction). Acc
`(e.g., pressing one
`credit payment transaction while
`utton may invoke a debit
`for example,
`a virtual card

` TO
`uched on
`to a displ
`lay of a mobile
`device that
`may be rendered on
`includes the same
`virtual button is
`and when another v
` virtual card,
`by the mobile devi
`a de
`As pera
`programmed for ap
` the vi
`such that when one
`the mobile device
`rtual card,
`a credit
` touched on the
`ted by
`ton is
`payment message iS communicat
`irtual butt
`message is communicated
`nother example,
`a powered card may be
`articular feature by pressing a
`ton on the powered card associated with that
`Accordingly, for example,
`a powered card may
`communicate information associated with a selected
`fea ture to a mobile device and a processor of the
`mobile device may render a virtual card on a GUI of the
` mobile device in accordance with the selected
` In so doing,
`for example,
`a powered card may be
`selected as a powered payment card with a debit


`WO 2012/154915
`and the selected feature may be communicated to a
` virtual payment card having a fixed payment feature
`mobile device (e.g.,
`the debit feature may be
`communicated to a mobile device within a discretionary
`data field of a magnetic stripe message).
`resulting virtual payment card rendered onto a display
`of the mobile device may,
`for example, provide a
`a fixed debit payment feature).
`A mobile device may,
`for example, challenge a
`user of the mobile device to enter a password (€.g.,
`that may be associated with a card.
`A mobile
`device may,
`for example,
`require a password before a
`virtual card may be created and stored within the
`mobile device.
`A mobile device may,
`for example, allow
`a virtual card to be created and stored within a mobile
`device, but may challenge a user of the mobile device
`to enter a password associated with the virtual card
`before it can be recalled from a memory of the mobile
`device and used (e.g., used to complete a purchase
`A user may,
`for example, participate in the
`personalization of a virtual card that may be stored
` within a memory of a mobile device.
`A mobile device
`for example, store various logos (e.g.,
`logos, network brand logos, and merchant
`logos) within
`a memory of the mobile device and may allow a user of
`the mobile device to use a GUI of the mobile device to
`personalize an appearance of a virtual card with such
`logos. Accordingly,
`for example, a user may perform
`drag-and-drop operations, alphanumeric entry
`operations, and any other operation to personalize an
`appearance of a virtual card stored within a memory of
`the mobile device.


`WO 2012/154915
`A processor of a mobile device may,
`example, organize two or more virtual cards for display
`on a GUI of the mobile device.
`A mobile device may,
`for example, keep track of a number of usages of one or
`more virtual cards and may sort such virtual cards
`may easily access his or her most used virtual card
`from a top of the displayed list.
`A mobile device may,
` within a list of displayed virtual cards so that a user
`for example,
`device and organize a list of virtual cards in
`track a location of a user of the mobile
`accordance with such a location. Accordingly,
`example, a user may be shopping within a general
`merchandise store (e.g., Target), a processor of the
`user's mobile device may track the user's position to
`the Target store and the processor of the user's mobile
`device may display a virtual card (e.g.,
`a Target gift
`card) at the top of a displayed list of virtual cards
`based upon the user's location.
`In so doing,
`example, a virtual card most pertinent to the user's
`location may be sorted to the top of a displayed list
`of virtual cards for easy and convenient access by the
`A user may,
`for example, select one virtual
`card from a list of virtual cards presented by a GUI of
`a mobile device and may perform one of many operations
`on the selected virtual card.
`A user may,
`for example,
`conduct a purchase transaction using a virtual payment
`for example, a user may place a mobile
`device within a vicinity of a merchant terminal and may
`card selected from a list of virtual cards.
`communicate payment information associated with a
`selected payment card to the merchant terminal.
`As per
`another example, payment information associated with a


`WO 2012/154915
`selected virtual card may be communicated to a network
`entity (e€.g.,
`a payment server or an issuer's server)
`by the mobile device to complete a purchase
`A mobile device may,
`for example,
`receive an
`electronic receipt for the purchase transaction either
`mobile device and the merchant terminal or via other
`via a communication channel established between the
`communication channels (e.g.,
`text messaging or email
`exchange with a network entity such as a payment
`A user may,
`for example, view documents
`(e.g., receipts or bank statements)
`associated with a virtual card. Accordingly,
`that may be
`example, a mobile device may collect and store
`documents associated with a virtual payment card and
`may display the associated documents upon request from
`the user.
`A GUI of a mobile device may,
`for example,
`allow a user to annotate documents that may be
`associated with a virtual card (e.g.,
`a user may make a
`note that may be electronically attached to an
`electronic receipt that may be associated with a
`virtual payment card).
`Other cards (e.g., other virtual cards) may
`be associated with a selected virtual card and those
`associations may be viewed from a GUI of the mobile
`For example, a payment card may be associated
`with a rewards card,
`such that in response to a request
`from a user of a mobile device, a processor of the
`mobile device may display the associations to the
`payment card and may use the associated virtual cards
`in support of a purchase transaction (e€.g.,
`associated rewards card may be used during a payment
`transaction conducted with the selected virtual payment


`WO 2012/154915
`card so that the rewards account may accrue rewards
`points for the purchase transaction).
`A mobile device may,
`for example, allow a
`user of the mobile device to cancel an account that may
`be associated with a virtual card stored within the
`mobile device. Accordingly,
`for example, a virtual
`payment card may be stored within a mobile device and
`may be associated with a payment account that is

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