`Na At


`Biopharmaceutics &
`Sixth Edition
`Leon Shargel, PHD, RPh
`Applied Biopharmaceutics, LLC
`Raleigh, North Carolina
`Affiliate Associate Professor, School ofPharmacy
`Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia
`Adjunct Associate Professor, School ofPharmacy
`University ofMaryland, Baltimore, Maryland
`Susanna Wu-Pong, PHD, RPh
`Associate Professor
`Director, Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate Program
`Department ofPharmaceutics
`MedicalCollege of Virginia
`Virginia Commonwealth University
`Richmond, Virginia
`- Andrew B.C. Yu, PHD, RPh
`Registered Pharmacist
`Gaithersburg, Maryland
`Formerly Associate Professor of Pharmaceutics
`Albany College ofPharmacy
`Albany, New York
`Present Affiliation: CDER, FDA*
`Silver Spring, Maryland
`*The contentof this book represents the personal views of the authors
`and notthat of the FDA.
`Sram Medical
`New York Chicago San Francisco Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City
`Milan NewDelhi San Juan
`Seoul Singapore Sydney Toronto


` The McGraw-Hill Companies
`Applied Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics, Sixth Edition
`Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America.
`Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or
`distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a data baseorretrieval system, without the prior written permission
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`1980 by Appleton-Century-Crofts.
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`ISBN 978-0-07-160393-5
`MHID 0-07-160393-X
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`Library of Congress Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
`Shargel, Leon, 1941-
`Applied biopharmaceutics & pharmacokinetics/Leon Shargel, Andrew
`B.C. Yu, Susanna Wu-Pong.—6th ed.
`p. ; cm.
`Applied biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics
`Includes bibliographical references and index.
`ISBN-13: 978-0-07-160393-5 (hardcover: alk. paper)
`ISBN-10: 0-07-160393-X (hardcover: alk. paper)
`|. Biopharmaceutics.
`2. Pharmacokinetics.
`I. Yu, Andrew B. C., 1945-
`Il. Wu-Pong, Susanna.
`Ill. Title.
`IV. Title: Applied biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics.
`1. Biopharmaceutics.
`2. Models, Chemical.
`3. Pharmacokinetics. QV 38]
`RM301.4.S52 2012
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`Preface xii
`Introduction to Biopharmaceutics and
`One-Compartment Open Model:
`Intravenous Bolus Administration 43
`Drug Product Performance
`Clinical Pharmacokinetics
`Practical Focus
`Drug Exposure and Drug Response
`Toxicokinetics and Clinical Toxicology
`Measurement of Drug Concentrations
`Basic Pharmacokinetics and
`Pharmacokinetic Models
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`Mathematical Fundamentals in
`Math Self-Exam 19
`Estimation and the Use of Calculators and
`Practice Problems
`Units in Pharmacokinetics
`Measurement and Use of Significant Figures
`Units for Expressing Blood Concentrations
`Practical Focus
`Rates and Orders of Reactions
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`Elimination Rate Constant
`Apparent Volume of Distribution
`Practical Focus
`Clinical Application
`Calculation of k from Urinary Excretion Data
`Practice Problem 54
`Clinical Application
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`Multicompartment Models:
`Intravenous Bolus Administration 61
`Two-Compartment Open Model
`Clinical Application
`Practice Problem 68
`Practical Focus
`Three-Compartment Open Model
`Determination of Compartment Models
`Practical Application
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`Intravenous Infusion 91
`One-Compartment Model Drugs
`Infusion Method for Calculating Patient
`Elimination Half-Life


`Loading Dose Plus IV Infusion—One-
`Dosage Regimen Schedules
`Practice Problems
`Compartment Model
`Practice Problems
`Chapter Summary=173
`Learning Questions
`Estimation of Drug Clearance and V,, from
`Infusion Data
`Intravenous Infusion of Two-Compartment
`Model Drugs
`Practical Focus
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`Nonlinear Pharmacokinetics
`Drug Elimination and Clearance
`Drug Elimination
`The Kidney
`Renal Drug Excretion
`Clinical Application
`Practice Problems
`Drug Clearance
`Clearance Models
`Renal Clearance
`Determination of Renal Clearance
`Relationship of Clearance to Elimination
`Half-Life and Volume of Distribution
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`Saturable Enzymatic Elimination Processes
`Practice Problem 180
`Drug Elimination by Capacity-Limited
`Pharmacokinetics: One-Compartment
`Model, IV Bolus Injection
`Clinical Focus
`Drugs Distributed as One-Compartment
`Model and Eliminated by Nonlinear
`Chronopharmacokinetics and Time-Dependent
`Bioavailability of Drugs that Follow Nonlinear
`Nonlinear Pharmacokinetics Due to
`Drug—Protein Binding
`Potential Reasons for Unsuspected
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`Pharmacokinetics of Oral
`Physiologic Drug Distribution and
`Protein Binding
`Pharmacokinetics of Drug Absorption
`Significance of Absorption Rate Constants
`Zero-Order Absorption Model
`Clinical Application— Transdermal
`Drug Delivery
`First-Order Absorption Model
`Practice Problem 142
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`Multiple-Dosage Regimens
`Drug Accumulation
`Clinical Example
`Repetitive Intravenous Injections
`Intermittent Intravenous Infusion
`Estimation of k and V, of Aminoglycosides
`in Clinical Situations
`Multiple-Oral-Dose Regimen
`Loading Dose
`Physiologic Factors of Distribution
`Clinical Focus
`Apparent VolumeDistribution 213
`Practice Problem 216
`Protein Binding of Drugs
`Clinical Examples
`Effect of Protein Binding on the Apparent
`Volume of Distribution
`Relationship of Plasma Drug—Protein Binding
`to Distribution and Elimination 227
`Determinants of Protein Binding
`Kinetics of Protein Binding
`Practical Focus
`Determination of Binding Constants and
`Binding Sites by Graphic Methods
`Clinical Significance of Drug—Protein
`Modeling Drug Distribution
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions


` Drug Elimination and Hepatic
`RMoeete of Drug Administration and Extrahepatic
`Dreg Metabolism 253
`Practical Focus
`Hepatic Clearance
`Enzyme Kinetics
`Cimical Example
`Practice Problem 263
`Asatomyand Physiology of the Liver
`Hepatic Enzymes Involved in the
`Biotransformation of Drugs
`Drwe Biotransformation Reactions
`Pathways of Drug Biotransformation
`Farst-Pass Effects
`Hepatic Clearance of a Protein-Bound Drug:
`Restrictive and Nonrestrictive Clearance
`from Binding
`Effect of Changing Intrinsic Clearance and/or
`Blood Flow on Hepatic Extraction and
`Elimination Half-Life after TV and Oral
`Biliary Excretion of Drugs
`Role of Transporters in Hepatic Clearance
`and Bioavailability
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`Polymorphism 303
`Adverse Drug Reactions Attributed
`to Genetic Differences
`Genetic Polymorphism in Drug Metabolism:
`Cytochrome P-450 Isozymes
`Genetic Polymorphism in Drug Transport:
`MDRI (P-Glycoprotein) and Multidrug
`Genetic Polymorphism in Drug Targets
`Relationship of Pharmacokinetics/
`Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacogenetics/
`Clinical Example
`Physiologic Factors Related to Drug
`Absorption 321
`Drug Absorption and Design of a Drug
`Route of Drug Administration
`Nature of Cell Membranes
`Passage of Drugs Across Cell Membranes
`Oral Drug Absorption During Drug Product
`Drug Interactions in the Gastrointestinal
`Oral Drug Absorption
`Methods for Studying Factors that Affect
`Drug Absorption
`Clinical Examples
`Effect of Disease States on Drug Absorption
`Miscellaneous Routes of Drug
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`Biopharmaceutic Considerations in
`Drug Product Design and In Vitro
`Drug Product Performance
`Biopharmaceutic Factors Affecting Drug
`Rate-Limiting Steps in Drug Absorption
`Physicochemical Nature of the Drug
`Formulation Factors Affecting Drug
`Product Performance
`Drug Product Performance, In Vitro: Dissolution
`and Drug Release Testing
`Compendial Methods of Dissolution
`Alternative Methods of Dissolution Testing
`Meeting Dissolution Requirements
`Problems of Variable Control in Dissolution
`Performance of Drug Products: In Vitro—In Vivo
`Dissolution Profile Comparisons
`Drug Product Stability
`Considerations in the Design of a Drug
`Drug Product Considerations
`Clinical Example
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions


`Drug Product Performance,
`In Vivo: Bioavailability and
`Drug Product Performance
`Purpose of Bioavailability Studies
`Relative and Absolute Availability
`Practice Problem 407
`Methods for Assessing Bioavailability
`Bioequivalence Studies
`Design and Evaluation of Bioequivalence
`Study Designs
`Crossover Study Designs
`Clinical Example
`Evaluation of the Data
`Bioequivalence Example
`Study Submission and Drug Review
`The Biopharmaceutics Classification System 431
`Generic Biologics (Biosimilar Drug
`Clinical Significance of Bioequivalence
`Special Concerns in Bioavailability and
`Bioequivalence Studies
`Generic Substitution
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`Impact of Drug Product Quality
`and Biopharmaceutics on Clinical
`Risks From Medicines
`Drug Product Quality and Drug Product
`Pharmaceutical Development
`Excipient Affect on Drug Product
`Practical Focus
`Quality Control and Quality Assurance
`Risk Management
`Scale-Up and Postapproval Changes (SUPAC)
`Product Quality Problems
`Postmarketing Surveillance
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`Modified-Release Drug Products
`Conventional (Immediate-Release) and
`Modified-Release Drug Products
`Biopharmaceutic Factors
`Dosage form Selection
`Advantages and Disadvantages of
`Extended-Release Products
`Kinetics of Extended-Release Dosage Forms
`Pharmacokinetic Simulation of Extended-Release
`Clinical Examples
`Types of Extended-Release Products
`Considerations in the Evaluation of
`Modified-Release Products
`Evaluation of Modified-Release Products
`Evaluation of Jn Vivo Bioavailability Data
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`Targeted Drug Delivery Systems and
`Biotechnological Products
`Drug Carriers and Targeting
`Targeted Drug Delivery
`Pharmacokinetics of Biopharmaceuticals
`Bioequivalence and Comparability of
`Biotechnology-Derived Drug Products
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`Relationship Between
`Pharmacokinetics and
`Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics
`Relationship of Dose to Pharmacologic
`Relationship Between Dose and Duration of
`Activity (t,,-), Single IV Bolus Injection
`Practice Problem 536
`Effect of Both Dose and Elimination Half-Life
`on the Duration of Activity
`Effect of Elimination Half-Life on Duration
`of Activity
`Clinical Examples
`Rate of Drug Absorption and Pharmacodynamic
`Drug Tolerance and Physical Dependency
`Hypersensitivity and Adverse Response


`Drug Distribution and Pharmacologic
`Pharmacodynamic Models
`Drug Exposure-Pharmacologic Response
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`Application of Pharmacokinetics to
`Clinical Situations
`Medication Therapy Management
`Individualization of Drug Dosage Regimens
`Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
`Clinical Example
`Design of Dosage Regimens
`Conversion from Intravenous Infusion
`to Oral Dosing
`Determination of Dose
`Practice Problems
`Effect of Changing Dose and Dosing
`Interval on. Ce. Cogs and Cy,
`Determination of Frequency of Drug
`Determination of Both Dose and Dosage
`Determination of Route of Administration
`Dosing of Drugs in Infants and Children
`Dosing of Drugs in the Elderly
`Dosing of Drugsin the Obese Patient
`Pharmacokinetics of Drug Interactions
`Inhibition of Drug Metabolism 594
`Inhibition of Monoamine Oxidase (MAO)
`Induction of Drug Metabolism 596
`Inhibition of Drug Absorption
`Inhibition of Biliary Excretion
`Altered Renal Reabsorption Due to
`Changing Urinary pH 596
`Practical Focus
`Effect of Food on Drug Disposition
`Adverse Viral Drug Interactions
`Population Pharmacokinetics
`Regional Pharmacokinetics
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`General Approaches for Dose Adjustment
`in Renal Disease
`Measurement of GlomerularFiltration Rate
`Serum Creatinine Concentration and Creatinine
`Practice Problems
`Dose Adjustment for Uremic Patients
`Extracorporeal Removal of Drugs
`Clinical Examples
`Effect of Hepatic Disease on
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`Physiologic Pharmacokinetic Models,
`MeanResidence Time,andStatistical
`Moment Theory 657
`Physiologic Pharmacokinetic Models
`Mean Residence Time
`Statistical Moment Theory
`Selection of Pharmacokinetic Models
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`Appendix A
`Appendix B
`Applications of Computers in
`Appendix C
`Solutions to Frequently
`Asked Questions (FAQs) and
`Learning Questions
`Appendix D
`Guiding Principles for
`Humanand Animal
`Research 761
`Appendix E
`Popular Drugs and
`Dose Adjustment in Renal and Hepatic
`Renal Impairment
`Pharmacokinetic Considerations


`Multiple-Dosage Regimens
`Chapter Objectives
`Define the index for measuring
`drug accumulation.
`Define drug accumulation and
`drug accumulation t,..
`Explain the principle of
`superposition andits
`assumptions in multiple-dose
`Calculate the steady-state C_..
`and C,,,, after multiple IV bolus
`dosing of drugs.
`Calculate k and V, of
`aminoglycosidesin multiple-
`dose regimens.
`Adjust the steady-state C,,.. and
`Cin in the event the last dose
`is given tooearly, toolate, or
`totally missed following multiple
`IV dosing.
`Earlier chapters of this book discussed single-dose drug adminis-
`tration. Generally, drugs are given in multiple dosesto treat chronic
`disease such as arthritis, hypertension, etc. After single-dose drug
`administration, the plasma drug level rises above and then falls
`below the minimum effective concentration (MEC), resulting in a
`decline in therapeutic effect. To treat chronic disease, multiple-
`dosage or IV infusion regimens are used to maintain the plasma
`drug levels within the narrow limits of the therapeutic window (eg,
`plasma drug concentrations above the MEC but below the mini-
`mum toxic concentration or MTC) to achieve optimal clinical
`effectiveness. These drugs mayinclude antibacterials, cardiotonics,
`anticonvulsants, hypoglycemics, antihypertensives, hormones, and
`others. Ideally, a dosage regimen is established for each drug to
`provide the correct plasma level without excessive fluctuation and
`drug accumulation outside the therapeutic window.
`For certain drugs, such as antibiotics, a desirable MEC can be
`determined. Some drugsthat have a narrow therapeutic range (eg,
`digoxin and phenytoin) require definition of the therapeutic mini-
`mum and maximum nontoxic plasma concentrations (MEC and
`MTC,respectively). In calculating a multiple-dose regimen, the
`desired or target plasma drug concentration must be related to a
`therapeutic response, and the multiple-dose regimen must be
`designed to produce plasma concentrations within the therapeutic
`There are two main parameters that can be adjusted in devel-
`oping a dosage regimen: (1) the size of the drug dose and (2) T, the
`frequency of drug administration (ie, the time interval between
`To calculate a multiple-dose regimen for a patient or patients,
`pharmacokinetic parameters are first obtained from the plasma
`level—time curve generated by single-dose drug studies. With these
`pharmacokinetic parameters and knowledgeofthe size of the dose
`and dosage interval (tT), the complete plasma level-time curve or


`Chapter 8
`the plasma level may be predicted at any time after
`the beginning of the dosage regimen.
`For calculation of multiple-dose regimens,it is
`necessary to decide whether successive doses of
`drug will have any effect on the previous dose. The
`principle of superposition assumesthat early doses
`of drug do not affect the pharmacokinetics of subse-
`quent doses. Therefore, the blood levels after the
`second, third, or nth dose will overlay or superim-
`pose the blood level attained after the (n — 1)th dose.
`In addition, the AUC = (Jf, C,dt) for the first dose is
`e ual
`to the steady-state area between doses,
`dc»dt) as shownin Fig. 8-1.
`3 The principle of superposition allows the phar-
`macokineticist to project the plasma drug concentra-
`tion—time curve of a drug after multiple consecutive
`doses based on the plasma drug concentration—time
`curve obtainedafter a single dose. The basic assump-
`tions are: (1) that the drug is eliminated byfirst-order
`kinetics and (2) that the pharmacokinetics of the
`drug after a single dose (first dose) are not altered
`after taking multiple doses.
`The plasma drug concentrations after multiple
`doses may be predicted from the plasma drug con-
`centrations obtained after a single dose. In Table 8-1,
`the plasma drug concentrations from 0 to 24 hours
`are measured after a single dose. A constant dose of
`drug is given every 4 hours and plasma drug concen-
`trations after each dose are generated using the data
`after the first dose. Thus,
`the predicted plasma
`drug concentration in the patient is the total drug
`Time (hours)
`: me
`Simulated data showingbloodlevels after
`administration of multiple doses and accumulation of blood
`levels when equal dosesare given at equal timeintervals.
`concentration obtained by adding the residual drug
`concentration obtained after each previous dose. The
`superposition principle may be used to predict drug
`concentrations after multiple doses of many drugs.
`Because the superposition principle is an overlay
`method, it may be used to predict drug concentra-
`tions after multiple doses given at either equal or
`unequal dosage intervals. For example, the plasma
`drug concentrations may be predicted after a drug
`dose is given every 8 hours, or 3 times a day before
`meals at 8 AM, 12 noon, and 6 pM.
`in which the
`There are situations, however,
`superposition principle does not apply.
`In these
`cases, the pharmacokinetics of the drug changeafter
`multiple dosing due to various factors,
`changing pathophysiology in the patient, saturation
`of a drug carrier system, enzyme induction, and
`enzymeinhibition. Drugs that follow nonlinear phar-
`macokinetics (see Chapter 9) generally do not have
`predictable plasma drug concentrations after multi-
`ple doses using the superposition principle.
`If the drug is administered at a fixed dose and a
`fixed dosageinterval, as is the case with many multiple-
`dose regimens, the amount of drug in the body will
`increase and then plateau to a mean plasma level
`higher than the peak C, obtained from theinitial
`dose (Figs. 8-1 and 8-2). When the second dose is
`given after a time interval shorter than the time
`required to “completely” eliminate the previous
`dose, drug accumulation will occur in the body. In
`other words, the plasma concentrations following the
`second dose will be higher than corresponding
`plasma concentrations immediately following the
`first dose. However,if the second doseis given after
`a time interval
`longer than the time required to
`eliminate the previous dose, drug will not accumu-
`late (see Table 8-1).
`Asrepetitive equal doses are given at a constant
`frequency, the plasma level-time curve plateaus and
`a steady state is obtained. At steady state, the plasma
`drug levels fluctuate between C*,, and Cri, . Once
`steady state is obtained, C™,, and C™.. are constant
`and remain unchanged from dose to dose. In addi-
`tion, the AUC between (J. C,dt) is constant during
`a dosing interval at steadystate (see Fig. 8-1). The
`Cyax is important in determining drug safety. The
`Cyax should always remain below the minimum


`TABLE 8-1 Predicted Plasma Drug Concentrations for Multiple-Dose Regimen Using the
`Multiple-Dosage Regimens
`Superposition Principle*
`wa ee Se
`46 6 es
`10 a a0 as
`8.50 te eS a
`wi Re ee :
`16 ag. se eee - ebasig
`2 Nb
`17 ee beet) 748
`iste den Bi aadaes
`2i3e 425
`«169 0
`dere? 3et eY tad
`72 Gas
`2A single oral dose of 350 mg wasgiven and the plasma drug concentrations were measured for 0-24 h. The same plasma drug concentrations are
`assumed to occurafter doses 2-6. The total plasma drug concentration is the sum of the plasma drug concentrations due to each dose.Forthis
`example, Vp = 10 L,t,. =4h, and k, = 1.5 h-’. The drug is 100% bioavailable and follows the pharmacokinetics of a one-compartment open model.


`Chapter 8
`is also a good indica-
`toxic concentration. The Cy,,
`tion of drug accumulation. If a drug produces the
`same Cy, at steady state, compared with the (C,, _,)
`max after the first dose, then there is no drug accumu-
`lation. If C=,
`is much larger than (C,, _ ,)max» then
`there is significant accumulation during the multiple-
`dose regimen. Accumulationis affected by the elimi-
`nation half-life of the drug and the dosing interval.
`The index for measuring drug accumulation R is
`= CO")cas
`(Char Dye
`Substituting for C,,,, after the first dose andat steady
`state yields
`p— DolVol-e*)]
`Equation 8.2 shows that drug accumulation
`measured with the R index depends on the elimina-
`tion constant and the dosing interval and is indepen-
`dent of the dose. For a drug given in repetitive oral
`the time required to reach steady state is
`dependent on the elimination half-life of the drug
`and is independentof the size of the dose, the length
`of the dosing interval, and the number of doses. For
`example, if the dose or dosageinterval of the drug is
`altered as showninFig. 8-2, the time required for the
`drug to reach steady state is the same, but the final
`steady-state plasma level changes proportionately.
`Furthermore, if the drug is given at the same dosing
`rate but as an infusion (eg, 25 mg/h), the average
`plasma drug concentrations (C;,) will be the same
`but the fluctuations between C=. and C=, will
`vary (Fig. 8-3). An average steady-state plasma drug
`concentration is obtained by dividing the area under
`the curve (AUC)for a dosing period (ie, Pr C,dt)
`by the dosing interval T, at steady state.
`An equation for the estimation of the time to
`reach one-half of the steady-state plasma levels or
`the accumulation half-life has been described by van
`Rossum and Tomey (1968).
`Accumulation ¢,,. = t,>(i+3.3 logs Ky4 (8.3)
`© 600 mg every 24h
`IV infusion
`(25 mg/h)
`Time (hours)
`FIGURE 8-3=Simulated plasma drug concentration-time
`curvesafter IV infusion and oral multiple doses for a drug with
`Time (hours)
`an elimination half-life of 4 hours and apparent V, of 10 L. IV
`infusion given at a rate of 25 mg/hr, oral multiple doses are
`200 mg every 8 hours, 300 mg every 12 hours, and 600 mg
`every 24 hours.
`FIGURE 8-2 Amount ofdrugin the body asa function
`of time. Equal doses of drug were given every 6 hours (upper
`curve) and every 8 hours (lower curve). k, and k remain constant.


`For IV administration, k, is very rapid (approachesee);
`k is very small in comparison to k, and can be omit-
`ted in the denominator of Equation 8.3. Thus,
`Equation 8.3 reduces to
`Accumulation 4,,. = ty(i+3.21og2)
`Because k,/k, = 1 and log 1 = 0, the accumulation ¢,,,
`of a drug administered intravenously is the elimina-
`tion ft), of the drug. From this relationship, the time
`to reach 50% steady-state drug concentrations is
`dependenton the elimination f,,. and not on the dose
`or dosage interval.
`As shownin Equation 8.4, the accumulation ¢,,,
`is directly proportional to the elimination t,,.. Table
`8-2 gives the accumulation /,,, of drugs with various
`elimination half-lives given by multiple oral doses
`(see Table 8-2).
`From a clinical viewpoint, the time needed to
`reach 90% of the steady-state plasma concentration
`is 3.3 times the elimination half-life, whereas the
`time required to reach 99% of the steady-state
`plasma concentration is 6.6 times the elimination
`half-life (Table 8-3). It should be noted from Table
`8-3 that at a constant dosesize, the shorter the dosage
`Multiple-Dosage Regimens
`interval, the larger the dosing rate (mg/h), and the
`higher the steady-state drug level.
`The number of doses for a given drug to reach
`steady state is dependenton the elimination half-life
`of the drug and the dosageinterval Tt (see Table 8-3).
`If the drug is given at a dosage interval equal to the
`half-life of the drug, then 6.6 doses are required to
`reach 99% of the theoretical steady-state plasma
`drug concentration. The number of doses needed to
`reachsteady state is 6.6 f,,./t, as calculated in the far
`right column of Table 8-3. As discussed in Chapter
`5, Table 5.1, it takes 4.32 half-lives to reach 95% of
`Paroxetine (Prozac) is an antidepressant drug with a
`long elimination half-life of 21 hours. Paroxetine is
`well absorbedafter oral administration andhasa f,,,,,
`of about 5 hours,
`longer than most drugs. Slow
`elimination may cause the plasma curve to peak
`slowly. The f,,,, i8 affected by k and k,, as discussed
`in Chapter 7. The C,,,, for paroxetine after multiple
`dosing of 30 mg of paroxetine for 30 days in one
`study ranged from 8.6 to 105 ng/mL among 15 sub-
`jects. Clinically it is important to achieve a stable
`TABLE 8-2 Effect of Elimination Half-Life and Absorption Rate Constant on Accumulation
`Half-Life after Oral Administration?
`“Accumulation half-life is calculated by Equation 8.3, andis the half-time for accumulation of the drug to 90% of the steady-state plasma drug
` JPcy se
`2 ae


`Chapter 8
`TABLE 8-3 Interrelation of Elimination Half-Life, Dosage Interval, Maximum Plasma
`Concentration, and Time to Reach Steady-State Plasma Concentration?
`2A single dose of 1000 mg of three hypothetical drugs with variouselimination half-lives but equal volumesofdistribution (V, = 10 L) were given by
`multiple IV dosesat various dosingintervals.All time values are in hours; C>,, = maximum steady-state concentration;( Cz) = average steady-state
`plasma concentration; the maximum plasma drug concentration after the first dose of the drug is (C, =,),3, = 100 ug/mL.
`Time to reach 99% of steady-state plasma concentration.
`<Since the dosageinterval, 1, is very large comparedto the eliminationhalf-life, no accumulation of drug occurs.
`If t is equal to the dosage interval (ie, the time
`steady-state level in multiple dosing that does not
`“under dose” or overdose the patient. The pharmacist—between the first dose and the next dose), then the
`should advise the patient to follow the prescribed
`amount of drug remaining in the body after several
`dosing interval and dose as accurately as possible.—_hours can be determined with
`Taking a dose too early or too late contributes to
`variation. Individual variation in metabolism rate
`can also cause variable blood levels, as discussed
`in Chapter
`ater In
`Dy = Dye
`The maximum amountof drug in the body following
`a single rapid IV injection is equal to the dose of the
`drug. For a one-compartment open model, the drug
`will be eliminated according to first-order kinetics.
`Dz = Dye-*
`The fraction (f) of the dose remaining in the
`bodyis related to the elimination constant (k) and the
`dosageinterval(t)as follows:
`fz Ds =e
`With any given dose, f depends on k and 7.If 7 is
`large, f will be smaller because D, (the amount of
`drug remaining in the body) is smaller.


`Multiple-Dosage Regimens
`TABLE 8-4 Fraction of the Dosein the Body
`before and after Intravenous Injections of a
`1000-mg Dose?
` 2
`of = 0.25.
`Dinax ~ Omnis = Po
`In this example,
`1333 - 333 = 1000 mg
`D=,, can also be calculated directly by the rela-
`Substituting knowndata, we obtain
` _ ae
`max —0.25 =1333mg
`Then, from Equation 8.8,
`Demin = 1333 — 1000 = 333 mg
`The average amount of drug in the body at
`steady state, D™ , can be found by Equation 8.10
`or Equation 8.11.F is the fraction of dose absorbed.
`For an IV injection, F is equal to 1.0.
`o. es
`aw (8.11)
`1. A patient receives 1000 mg every 6 hours by
`repetitive IV injection of an antibiotic with an
`eliminationhalf-life of 3 hours. Assume the drug
`is distributed according to a one-compartment
`model and the volumeofdistribution is 20 L.
`a. Find the maximum and minimum amountof
`drugin the body.
`b. Determine the maximum and minimum
`plasma concentration of the drug.
`a. The fraction of drug remainingin the bodyis
`estimated by Equation 8.7.The concentration
`of the drug declines to one-half after 3 hours
`(ty. = 3 h), after which the amountof drugwill
`again decline by one-half at the end of the
`next 3 hours. Therefore, at the end of 6 hours
`only one-quarter, or 0.25, of the original dose
`remainsin the body.Thusfis equalto 0.25.
`To use Equation 8.7, we mustfirst find the value
`of k from the t,,.
`0.693 0.693
`—— =0.231h"'
`ty Fe
`The timeinterval t is equal to 6 hours. From Equa-
`tion 8.7,
`f = e-(0.23116)
`In this example, 1000 mg of drug is given
`intravenously, so the amountof drug in the body
`is immediately increased by 1000 mg. At the end
`of the dosageinterval(ie, before the next dose),
`the amountof drug remaining in the bodyis 25%
`of the amountof drug presentjust after the previ-
`ous dose,

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