`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau
`I lllll llllllll II llllll lllll lllll lllll llll I II Ill lllll lllll lllll 111111111111111111111111111111111
`( 43) International Publication Date
`14 July 2005 (14.07.2005)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2005/062713 A2
`(51) International Patent Classification:
`Not classified
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`29 December 2004 (29.12.2004)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`31December2003 (31.12.2003) US
`(71) Applicant and
`(72) Inventor: SHEVACH, Yosi [IL/IL]; 19, Brachia st., 61191
`Tel Aviv (IL).
`LTD.; 43, Rubinstein st., 34987 Haifa (IL).
`AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN,
`CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, Fl,
`GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE,
`KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD,
`MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NA, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG,
`PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SY, TJ, TM,
`TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM,
`(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM,
`ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM),
`European (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, Fl,
`FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, MC, NL, PL, PT, RO,
`GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`without international search report and to be republished
`upon receipt of that report
`(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid(cid:173)
`ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin(cid:173)
`ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette.
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`0 (57) Abstract: Products based on beta vulgaris and especially red beet and methods for producing the same are provided. The orally
`> administered beta vulgaris based products are adapted to be used for reducing homocystein levels as well as reducing the cholesterol
`~ levels in the blood among other therapeutic effects.
`Human Power of N Company
`Page 1 of 17


`WO 2005/062713
`The present invention relates to products based on beta vulgaris. More
`particularly, the present invention relates to products such as beverages,
`juices, seasonings, vinegar, or delicacies based especially on red beet, as
`well as products for external use.
`Beta vulgaris and especially red beet had been shown to contain
`substances such as folic acid, betain, and vitamin B6 that facilitate in
`balancing the levels of homocystein in the blood. Reducing and normalization
`of the homocystein levels by those three substances was shown by
`Lalouschek et al. in 1996 and Sella & Dolman in 1999. Red beet had been
`also used as treatment for high blood pressure (Krispil 2000) and had been
`shown to reduce the blood pressure and the LDL cholesterol levels in the
`blood of patients treated with a sugar beet fiber reach diet (Hagander et al.,
`1989). Red beet had been shown also to act as an antioxidant (Kahkonen et
`al. 1999; Kujala et al. 2000) and had been ranked as one of the 10 leading
`vegetables having antioxidation effect (Kujala et al. 2000).
`Another component that has been shown to be in substantial amounts
`relative to other vegetables are phytostrols. Phytostrols from a vegetable
`source had been shown by Jones et al. to reduce the cholesterol level in the
`Red beet contains also fibers that had been shown to increase the
`activity of Glutathion peroxidase in the liver of rats. In rats fed with a diet
`containing 15% isolated fibers of red beet, the activity of the enzyme was
`Page 2 of 17


`WO 2005/062713
`increased (Bobek et al. 2000) wherein the enzyme is known for its antioxidant
`activity in cells and membranes (Shils et al.).
`Beta vulgaris and especially red beet was provided also as supportive
`treatment in liver diseases and in fatty liver by PDR in 1999 and Weiss in
`It should be emphasized that other components having therapeutic effect
`were found to be present in red beet. ·
`The effects shown herein are attributed to the natural compositions of the
`substances in the red beet root or leaves and red beet has to be consumes as
`natural as possible in order to utilize its components in order to reduce the
`cholesterol and the homocysteine levels in the blood as well as to improve
`liver functionality. However, red beet is a vegetable that is hard to process to
`an edible form without fully or partially eliminating the active components.
`Moreover, red beet has a taste that is not favorable by many populations.
`Therefore, has to be processed in an alternative manner so as to become
`favorable to populations that are not familiar with the taste of red beet or are
`not used to consume red beet.
`It is an object of the present invention to provide edible and non edible
`products that are based on beta vulgaris containing components having
`antioxidant effect among other therapeutic effects, and methods to produce
`the same.
`It is another object of the present invention to provide alcoholic and non(cid:173)
`alcoholic beverages that are based on beta vulgaris, and methods to produce
`the same.
`It is yet another object of the present invention to provide products based
`on red beet that are provided with other additives based on other herbs as
`well as sweeteners, food supplements etc. that can be used as well, so as to
`improve the effect of the products in the body.
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`WO 2005/062713
`In addition, it is an object of the present invention to provide beta
`voulgaris and especially red beet-based products in the form of beverages or
`paste that can be provided as food supplements.
`It is therefore provided in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the
`present invention a method of reducing homocystein levels as well as
`reducing the cholesterol levels in the blood among other therapeutic effects by
`orally administering a subject with beta vulgaris-based composition prepared
`by a process comprising:
`preparing juice from beta vulgaris root;
`adding sweetening agent;
`filtering the resulting juice,
`Furthermore, in accordance with another preferred embodiment of the
`present invention, the process further comprising fermenting the mixture.
`Furthermore, in accordance with another preferred embodiment of the
`present invention,the process further comprising adding carbon dioxide.
`Furthermore, in accordance with another preferred embodiment of the
`the process
`further comprising adding yeasts and
`fermenting the resulting juice.
`Furthermore, in accordance with another preferred embodiment of the
`present invention, said beta vulgaris root is pilled.
`Furthermore, in accordance with another preferred embodiment of the
`present invention, said beta vulgaris is red beet.
`Furthermore, in accordance with another preferred embodiment of the
`present invention, said sweetening agent is selected from a group comprising
`fruit extract (preferably apple extract), beet molasses, sugar cane molasses,
`honey, maltose, brown or white sugar, sweet pomegranate extract,
`oligofructose, oligosaccharides.
`Furthermore, in accordance with another preferred embodiment of the
`present invention, the process further comprising fermenting the resulting
`juice; allowing natual acidation; filtering the juice; and adding bacteria so as to
`produce vinegar or seasoning.
`Page 4 of 17


`WO 2005/062713
`Furthermore, in accordance with another preferred embodiment of the
`present invention, the process further comprising heating the juice; adding
`gelling additive; steering the mixture until the mixture is fully homogenous; and
`cooling the mixture so as to produce jelly.
`Furthermore, in accordance with another preferred embodiment of the
`present invention, said gelling additive is selected of a group comprising agar
`agar, tragacanth gum, gelatine, or pectin.
`Furthermore, in accordance with another preferred embodiment of the
`present invention, the process further comprising adding lemon juice.
`Furthermore, in accordance with another preferred embodiment of the
`present invention, the process further comprising adding oil and adding
`lechitin so as to produce paste adapted for spreading.
`Furthermore, in accordance with another preferred embodiment of the
`present invention, said oil is olive oil.
`Furthermore, in accordance with another preferred embodiment of the
`present invention, the process further comprising adding medical herbs.
`It is further provided in accordance with another preferred embodiment of
`the present invention, a method of reducing homocystein levels as well as
`reducing the cholesterol levels in the blood among other therapeutic effects by
`orally administering a subject with beta vulgaris-based composition prepared
`by a process comprising:
`preparing juice from beta vulgaris root;
`drying said juice into powder;
`Furthermore, in accordance with another preferred embodiment of the
`present invention, the process further comprising encapsulating said powder.
`Furthermore, in accordance with another preferred embodiment of the
`present invention, said beta vulgaris is a red beet.
`In addition, it is provided in accordance with yet another preferred
`embodiment of the present invention, a method of reducing effects of
`gynecologic problems such as menopause, PMS, and fertility problems by
`orally administering a female with red beet-based composition comprising:
`dry red beet extract;
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`WO 2005/062713
`dry pomegranate extract;
`additives selected of a group comprising cimicifuga
`racemosa, fatty acid - gla, ferulic acid, chamaelirium luteum, and
`vitex agnus castus.
`Further, in accordance with an additional embodiment of the present
`invention, a method of increasing the blood count of a subject, especially a
`subject going through a chemotherapy treatment, by orally administering the
`subject with red beet-based composition comprising:
`dry red beet extract;
`dry astragalus membranaceus extract;
`in accordance with another preferred embodiment of the present
`invention, a method of increasing the blood count of a subject, especially a
`subject going through a chemotherapy treatment, by orally administering the
`subject with red beet-based composition comprising:
`dry red beet extract;
`dry withania somniferum extract;
`It is also provided in accordance with another preferred embodiment of
`the present invention, a method of treating skin diseases such as seborrhea
`and seborrheic dermatitis by externally spreading the subject with products
`adapted for external use comprising juice extracted from beta vulgaris root.
`Furthermore, in accordance with another preferred embodiment of the
`present invention, said beta vulgaris is a red beet.
`additionally, in accordance with another preferred embodiment of the
`present invention, Resulting products made by the methods in Claims 1 - 21.
`The present invention provides unique and novel beta vulgaris-based
`products as well as methods for producing the products that preserve the
`therapeutic influence of the components contained in the beta vulgaris and
`especially in red beet species. Red beet contains substances that had been
`Page 6 of 17


`WO 2005/062713
`shown to have therapeutic effect on the body. It is important to preserve the
`activity of the components when producing the products. In addition, red beet
`has side tastes that are not favorable when eating the product itself and the
`methods of producing the products of the present invention eliminate the
`unfavorable taste of the red beet so as to allow producing products such as
`beverages that are tasty and can be consumes by many populations.
`The present invention provides a main aspect by which a juice made of
`red beet is produces wherein the juice can be produces from the root, pilled or
`un-pilled, from the leaves or from both. It is then being sweetened so as to
`eliminate any bad taste and can be fermented so as to establish an alchoholic
`beverage. Moreover,
`is known
`increase the biological
`availability of active components in the body therefore, fermenting the red
`beet should
`the biological availability of the specific active
`components in the red beet to the body. The juice can be filtered and used for
`other products. Following are examples of producing red beet based products.
`Example 1:
`Stages in the preparation of alcoholic beverage:
`1. Preparing juice from a red beet root (with or without the peel):
`Extracting the juice from the beet using a juice extractor, for example.
`The red beet can be slightly heated so as to facilitate the peeling of the
`peel in case peeling is desired.
`2. Adding sugar based component to the juice to facilitate fermentation.
`The sugar based component can be chosen of a group comprisin.g fruit
`(preferably apple extract), beet molasses, sugar cane
`molasses, honey, maltose, brown or white sugar, sweet pomegranate
`extract. The percentage of sugar component depends on the final
`alcohol level that is required for the beverage. It is preferable that the
`final amount of sugar content in the mixture will be substantially 25% so
`that the final percentage of alcohol will stand substantially on 12%.
`3. Adding yeasts in case non-natural fermentation is desired.
`4. Fermenting the resulting mixture.
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`WO 2005/062713
`5. Filtering the mixture so as to obtain the fluid.
`It is optional, however preferable to maintain the mixture in an oak barrel
`so as to improve the flavor and aroma of the beverage.
`Optionally, the fermentation process can be extended to a malolactic
`fermentation as well.
`Other materials can be added into the beverage such as spices and
`medical herbs so as to improve the taste and the quality of the beverage.
`Optionally, chips of oak tree can be also added after the fermentation process
`is finished. Whisky or other alcoholic drinks can be also added.
`In order to produce a sweet beverage, oligofructose or oligosaccharides
`can be added. Any other additives that are added into the red beet root based
`alcoholic beverage are covered by the scope of the present invention.
`Based on this preparation, vinegar or seasoning product can be
`It should be mentioned that the alcoholic beverage is a preferable
`beverage due to the importance of alcohol consumption in relative low
`quantities on well being. It had been shown that moderate consumption of
`alcohol has a protective effect over the heart. The increase in homocystein in
`the blood that might be also a consequence of alcohol consumption is
`eliminated due to the fact that the red beet contains also folic acid, vitamin 86,
`and betain that cause an opposing effect on homocystein as mentioned
`herein before.
`An additional reason for the preference of alcoholic beverages is that the
`fermentation process
`the biological availability of certain
`components. Alcohol also decreases stress and gives a synergistic effect with
`the active components in the red beet, which are triterpen saponins that
`provides the red beet with adaptogenic activity. Stress by itself imparts risk of
`atherosclerosis so this risk is also reduced due to drinking the red beet-based
`alcoholc drink of the present invention.
`Since alcohol can have a negative effect on the liver, incorporating the
`alcohol with the red beet components that are known to have a protective
`effect on the liver, as mentioned herein before, is preferable.
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`WO 2005/062713
`Example 2:
`The stages for the production of vinegar or seasoning are as follows:
`1. Preparing juice from a red beet root (with or without the peel).
`2. Adding sugar based component
`Optionally, the fermentation process can be based on the natural
`content of sugar that is present in the beet itself. If sugar from another
`source is added, the percentage of sugar should not exceed 18%.
`3. Adding yeasts in case non-natural fermentation is desired.
`4. Fermenting the resulting mixture.
`5. allowing natural acidation.
`6. Filtering the mixture so as to obtain the fluids.
`7. Adding bacteria (such as acetic acid bacteria) so as to sour the liquid.
`Example 3:
`Another product based on the root of a red beet is a jelly or delicacy.
`The stages for preparing a jelly comprises:
`1. Preparing a juice from a red beet root (with or without the peel).
`2. Adding sugar based component or sugar substitute. The sugar based
`component can be chosen of a group comprising
`fruit extract
`(preferably apple extract), beet molasses, sugar cane molasses,
`honey, maltose, brown or white sugar, oligofructose, oligosaccharide,
`or stevioside. Oligofructose and oligosaccharide are preferred in gelly
`based foods. Adding the sugar can be performed after other stages as
`well, so as to improve the taste.
`3. Heating the mixture.
`4. Adding lemon juice.
`5. Adding gelling additive. The gelling substance can be chosen from a
`group consisting of agar agar, tragacanth gum, gelatine, or pectin. Any
`other additive that forms gelation is covered by the scope of the
`present invention.
`6. Steering the mixture until the mixture is fully homogenous.
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`WO 2005/062713
`7. Cooling the mixture.
`This product can be improved by sweetening components, spices or
`This product
`the cholesterol and
`is adapted
`homocysteine levels in the blood as well as improving the functionality of the
`liver. T.he gelling product can also improve and enhance the intestinal activity,
`to reduce the appetite, and to reduce markedly the risks for large intestine
`cancer, especially when sweetened with oligofructose or oligosaccharides.
`Example 4:
`An additional beverage that can be produces from red beet is a juice. The
`preparation comprises the following stages:
`1. Preparing juice from a red beet root (with or without the peel).
`2. Adding sweetening agent.
`3. Optionally, adding carbon dioxide for producing a gaseous beverage.
`4. Optionally, adding spices or herbs or food supplements.
`Example 5:
`A dry extract from red beet can be also produced in accordance to the present
`invention. The preparation comprises the following stages:
`1. Preparing a juice from a red beet root (with or without the peel).
`2. Drying the juice into a powder. Drying the juice can be performed in a
`freeze drying procedure, or spray drying.
`3. Encapsulating the powder into pills, for example.
`The powder is adapted for reducing the cholesterol and the homocystein
`levels in the blood.
`It should be noted that incorporating medical herbs into the powder in
`any form can have an effect of increased blood count. This specific
`formulation of red beet dry extract and medical herbs, which may be for
`example dry astragalus membranaceus extract and dry withania somniferum
`extract, can have a tremendous influence as a supportive treatment on cancer
`patients that are being treated in a chemotherapeutic procedure.
`Page 10 of 17


`WO 2005/062713
`Example 6:
`An additional product based on red beet juice or squash is a paste. The paste
`preparation comprises the following stages:
`1. Preparing juice from a red beet root (with or without the peel).
`2. Adding olive oil.
`3. Adding lecithin.
`The paste can be used for spreading on bread, for example.
`Example 7:
`A composition especially for woman with gynecologic problems such as
`menopause, PMS, and fertility problems, is produced through from the
`following components:
`1. Dry red beet extract.
`2. Dry pomegranate extract.
`3. Additional additives such as cimicifuga racemosa, fatty acid - gla,
`ferulic acid, chamaelirium luteum, and vitex agnus castus.
`As mentioned herein before, other additives can be added into the
`mixtures that produce the different products as disclosed herein. Examples for
`herbs that can be added separately or more than one herb are as follows:
`silybum marianum,
`taraxacum spp., curcuma spp., cynara scolymus,
`commiphora mukul, ganoderma lucida, gymnema sylvestre, allium sativum,
`trigonella foenum-graecum, atriplex spp., pterocarpus marsupium, momordica
`chrantia, vaccinium myrtillus, panax spp., vanilla spp. coriandrum sativum.
`Piper nugrum, gentiana spp.
`Examples for food additives are as follows: 8-complex vitamins such as
`folic acid, 812, 86, and niacin, Omega 3 fatty acids, chromium, vitamin C,
`carnitine, inulin.
`Eliminating the possible negative effects of the red beet can be
`established by adding vitamin C so as to prevent formation of nitrosamines.
`Oxalic acid can be also eliminated. The natural sugar present in the red beet
`is eliminated in case the final product is for low calories dietary product.
`Page 11 of 17


`WO 2005/062713
`Optionally, the products can go through a sterilization process during any
`one of the stages.
`The beverages (alcoholic, nonalcoholic, gaseous) can optionally be
`mixed with juices prepared from pomegranate. The pomegranate juice can be
`5 mixed in any of the stages.
`While the invention has been described with reference to certain
`exemplary embodiments, various modifications will be readily apparent to and
`may be readily accomplished by persons skilled in the art without departing
`from the spirit and scope of the above teachings.
`1 O
`It should be noted that these products can be also applied in shampoo
`products as well as soaps so as to treat skin diseases such as seborrhea and
`seborrheic dermatitis. Other products for external use can be provided with
`extracts of the red beet and food supplements such as 86, zinc, selenium,
`medical herbs such as arctum lappa, calendula officinalis, aloe spp. and urtica
`spp, tabebuia spp., echinacea spp, salix spp.
`It should be also noted that the use of red beet is preferable, however,
`the products mentioned herein and used in the present invention can be
`produced and prepared from other beta vulgaris varieties.
`It should be understood that features and/or steps described with
`respect to one embodiment may be used with other embodiments and that not
`all embodiments of the invention have all of the features and/or steps shown
`in a particular figure or described with respect to one of the embodiments.
`Variations of embodiments described will occur to persons of the art.
`It is noted that some of the above described embodiments may
`describe the best mode contemplated by the inventors and therefore include
`structure, acts or details of structures and acts that may not be essential to the
`invention and which are described as examples. Structure and acts described
`herein are replaceable by equivalents which perform the same function, even
`if the structure or acts are different, as known in the art. Therefore, the scope
`of the invention is limited only by the elements and limitations as used in the
`claims. The terms "comprise", "include" and their conjugates as used herein
`mean "include but are not necessarily limited to".
`Page 12 of 17


`WO 2005/062713
`Bobek P et al. The effect of red beet (Beta vulgaris var. rubra) fiber on
`carcinogenesis in rats. Nahrung, 2000; 44(3): 184-187p.
`Hagander B et al. Dietary fibre enrichment, blood pressure, lipoprotein profile
`and gut hormons in NIDDM patients. Eur J Clin Nutr 1989; 43: 35-44p.
`Jones P.J.H et al. Cholesterol-lowering efficacy of a sitostanol-containing
`phytosterol mixture with a prudent diet un hyperlipidemic men. Am J Clin Nutr
`1999;69: 1144-1150p.
`Kahkonen M.P et al. Antioxidant activity of plant extracts containing phenolic
`compounds. J Agric Food Chem 1999; 47: 3954-3962p.
`Krispil N. Beta vu/garis (Red beet) . Medical plants in Israel and through out
`the world: The complete guide 2000: 170-171p. (the book in Hebrew) [a]
`Krispil N. Beta vu/garis (beet) . Medical plants in Israel and through out the
`world: The complete guide 2000: 171p. (the book in Hebrew) [b]
`Kujala T.S et al. phenolics and betacyanines in red beetroot (Beta vulgaris)
`root: distribution and effect of cold storage on the content of total phenolics
`and three individual compounds. J Agric Food Chem 2000; 48:5338-5342p.
`Lalouschek W et al. Hyperhomocyst(e)inemia--an independent risk factor of
`stroke, Fortschr Neural Psychiatr 1996; 64(7): 271-277p.
`PDR for herbal monographs. Beta Vulgaris. 1th Edition 1999: 505-523p.
`Sella B.A & Dolman R. Dialysis attended and organs transplanted that
`consume Cyclosporin: tow sectors of patients with high levels of Homocystein,
`Harefua 1999; 136(3): 218-222p. (the article in Hebrew)
`Shils M.E et al. Nutrition and the immune system, 9th Edition. Modern nutrition
`in health and disease 1999: 741-742p.
`Weiss R. F. Beta vulgaris (Sugar Beet). Herbal Medicine 1988: 89p.
`Page 13 of 17


`WO 2005/062713
`A method of reducing homocystein levels as well as reducing the
`cholesterol levels in the blood among other therapeutic effects by orally
`administering a subject with beta vulgaris-based composition prepared
`by a process comprising:
`preparing juice from beta vulgaris root;
`adding sweetening agent;
`filtering the resulting juice.
`The method as claimed in Claim 1, wherein the process further
`fermenting the mixture;
`The method as claimed in Claim 1, wherein the process further
`adding carbon dioxide.
`The method as claimed in Claim 1, wherein the process further
`adding yeasts;
`fermenting the resulting juice.
`The method as claimed in Claim 1, wherein said beta vulgaris root is
`. 25
`pilled .
`The method as claimed in Claim 1, wherein said beta vulgaris is red
`The method as claimed in Claim 1, wherein said sweetening agent is
`selected from a group comprising
`fruit extract (preferably apple
`extract), beet molasses, sugar cane molasses, honey, maltose, brown
`Page 14 of 17


`WO 2005/062713
`or white
`sweet pomegranate extract,
`The method as claimed in Claim 1, wherein the process further
`fermenting the resulting juice;
`allowing natual acidation.
`filtering the juice;
`adding bacteria;
`so as to produce vinegar or seasoning.
`The method as claimed in Claim 1, wherein the process further
`heating the juice;
`adding gelling additive;
`steering the mixture until the mixture is fully homogenous;
`cooling the mixture;
`so as to produce jelly.
`The method as claimed in Claim 8, wherein said gelling additive is
`selected of a group comprising agar agar, tragacanth gum, gelatine, or
`The method as claimed in Claim 8, wherein the process further
`adding lemon juice.
`The method as claimed in Claim 1, wherein the process further
`adding oil;
`adding lechitin;
`Page 15 of 17


`WO 2005/062713
`so as to produce paste adapted for spreading.
`The method as claimed in Claim 11, wherein said oil is olive oil.
`The method as claimed in Claim 1, wherein the process further
`adding medical herbs.
`A method of reducing homocystein . levels as well as reducing the
`1 O
`cholesterol levels in the blood among other therapeutic effects by orally
`administering a subject with beta vulgaris-based composition prepared
`by a process comprising:
`preparing juice from beta vulgaris root;
`drying said juice into powder;
`The method as claimed in Claim 14, wherein the process further
`encapsulating said powder.
`The method as claimed in Claim 15, wherein said beta vulgaris is a red
`A method of reducing effects of gynecologic problems such as
`menopause, PMS, and fertility problems by orally administering a
`female with red beet-based composition comprising:
`dry red beet extract;
`dry pomegranate extract;
`additives selected of a group comprising cimicifuga
`racemosa, fatty acid - gla, ferulic acid, chamaelirium luteum, and
`vitex agnus castus.
`Page 16 of 17


`WO 2005/062713
`A method of increasing the blood count of a subject, especially a
`subject going
`through a chemotherapy
`treatment, by orally
`administering the subject with red beet-based composition comprising:
`dry red beet extract;
`dry astragalus membranaceus extract;
`A method of increasing the blood count of a subject, especially a
`subject going
`through a chemotherapy
`treatment, by orally
`administering the subject with red beet-based composition comprising:
`dry red beet extract;
`dry withania somniferum extract;
`21. A method of treating skin diseases such as seborrhea and seborrheic
`dermatitis by externally spreading the subject with products adapted for
`external use comprising juice extracted from beta vulgaris root.
`22. A method as claimed in Claim 20, wherein said beta vulgaris is a red
`23. Resulting products made by the methods in Claims 1 - 22.
`Page 17 of 17

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