(12) United States Patent
`(10) Patent No.:
`US 10,380,573 B2
`Lin et al.
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Aug. 13, 2019
`References Cited
`4,701,601 A
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`Primary Examiner 7 Narayanswamy Subramanian
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm 7 Dentons US LLP
`Various techniques are provided for carrying out peer-to-
`peer financial
`transactions using one or more electronic
`In one embodiment, a request for payment
`transmitted from a first device to a second device using a
`near field communication (NFC) interface. In response to
`the request, the second device may transmit payment infor—
`mation to the first device. The first device may select a
`crediting account and, using a suitable commmiieation pro-
`tocol, may communicate the received payment information
`and selected crediting account
`to one or more external
`servers configured to process and determine
`Whether the payment may be authorized. If the payment is
`authorized, a payment may be credited to the selected
`crediting account. In a further embodiment, a device may
`include a camera configured to obtain an image of a payment
`instrument. The device may further include an application to
`extract payment information from the acquired image,
`36 Claims, 78 Drawing Sheets
`Inventors: Gloria Lin, San Ramon, CA (US);
`Amir Mahmood Mikhak, Cambridge,
`MA (US); Taido Lantz Nakajima,
`Cupertino, CA (US); Sean Anthony
`IVIayo, Dover, NH (US); NIichael
`Rosenblatt, Campbell, CA (US)
`(73) Assignee: Apple Inc., Cupertino, CA (US)
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 950 days.
`(21) Appl. No.: 12/286.488
`(22) Filed:
`Sep. 30, 2008
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2010/0082481 A1
`Apr. 1, 2010
`Int. Cl.
`G06Q 20/40
`G06Q 40/00
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`CPC ......... G06Q 20/223 (2013.01); G06Q 20/042
`(2013.01); G06Q 20/105 (2013.01); G06Q
`2032 (2013.01); 0069 20/322 (2013.01);
`G06Q 20/3278 (2013.01); G06Q 20/40
`(2013.01); G06Q 40/00 (2013.01); H04L
`63/0492 (2013.01); H04L 63/0853 (2013.01)
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`CPC ......................... G06Q 40/004)8; G06Q 20/40
`USPC ...................................................... 705/3574]
`See application file for complete search history.
`Device 1
`. .
`Carc‘ Informatio
`Ye ’ o: 1
`Information and
`Authorize Pa ment
`------ «l- -
`418 “m
`Credlt Card
`' ““““ 2' """""’
`a i"
`Google LLC v. RFCyber Corp. / Page 1 of 129
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`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 13,2019
`Sheet 1 of 78
`US 10,380,573 B2
`Maps3 Weather
`Clock“ Calculator
` GOOG-1020
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`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 13,2019
`Sheet 2 of 78
`US 10,380,573 B2
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`Aug. 13, 2019
`Sheet 3 0f 78
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`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 13,2019
`Sheet 4 of 78
`US 10,380,573 B2
`Financial Server(s)
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`U.S. Patent
`8%:m0e1m.ScU3NW 2oenDnuas3hymeamEE/.0a2382gosmeEM“wAESdEééEé
` =meN:88§>Ezouu<§t290382:
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`Aug. 13, 2019
`Sheet 9 0f 78
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`US 10,380,573 132
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`Aug. 13, 2019
`Sheet 12 0f 78
`US 10,380,573 132
`x025IwonIE 88625
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`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 13, 2019
`Sheet 13 0f 78
`US 10,380,573 132
`V 2
` .23SEE? ..__Q%©£_Em_5530one
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`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 13,2019
`Sheet 14 0f 78
`US 10,380,573 B2
`Transmit Invoice
`Information to Payor
`Acquire Payment
`Information from Payor
`Crediting Account
`Receive Payment
`Cancel Transaction
` 344
`Complete Transaction
`Send Receipt
`FIG. 11A
`Google LLC v. RFCyber Corp. / Page 18 of 129
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`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 13,2019
`Sheet 15 0f 78
`US 10,380,573 B2
`Receive Payment
`Request from Payee
`Provide Payment
`Information to Payee
`Account Charged
`Receive Receipt
`Account Not Charged
`FIG. 11B
`Google LLC v. RFCyber Corp. / Page 19 of 129
`Google LLC v. RFCyber Corp. / Page 19 of 129
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`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 13, 2019
`Sheet 16 0f 78
`US 10,380,573 B2
` 3:053.mva:.u.......cozomwcmt...m...n....368m..coaméccoou.cozommcmfi"umEmE>mm......n...........wmmooim.NNVU.nunnuu“SEE3W...“......mmv”u..Tnew=o=m§o§w.nuuaE.oH“833.85"uoa.>Gn“ES:86...........-.n“magma
`Google LLC v. RFCyber Corp. / Page 20 of 129
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`Aug. 13, 2019
`Sheet 17 0f 78
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`V 3‘
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`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 13,2019
`Sheet 19 0f 78
`US 10,380,573 B2
`Host Mode
`in Wake on
`NFC Mode
`Wake NFC
`Device Profiies
`Data Transfer
` GOOG-1020
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`Sheet 20 0f 78
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`Aug. 13, 2019
`Sheet 21 0f 78
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` 3263.25m3inmm;
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`Aug. 13,2019
`Sheet 22 0f 78
`US 10,380,573 B2
`C °


`5 .5
`w 0:!N Buuemov
`pemeiea uogssgwsueiJ.
`Send Request
`NFC Link Active
`Please tap the device
`to the receiving device.
`Google LLC v. RFCyber Corp. / Page 26 of 129
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`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 13,2019
`Sheet 23 0f 78
`US 10,380,573 B2
`390 5%
`5 E(I)
`NFC Link Active
`Please tap the devnce
`to the receiving device.
` GOOG-1020
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`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 13, 2019
`Sheet 24 0f 78
`US 10,380,573 132
` m2:_NamEmomwmwhEmopwpmmI950|..—:flawwea:_mNNexxxxxxx
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`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 13, 2019
`Sheet 25 0f 78
`US 10,380,573 132
`Google LLC v. RFCyber Corp. / Page 29 of 129
`Apple EX1020 Page 29


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 13, 2019
`Sheet 26 0f 78
`US 10,380,573 132
`Google LLC v. RFCyber Corp. / Page 30 of 129
`Apple EX1020 Page 30


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 13, 2019
`Sheet 27 0f 78
`US 10,380,573 132
`Google LLC v. RFCyber Corp. / Page 31 of 129
`Apple EX1020 Page 31


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 13, 2019
`Sheet 28 0f 78
`US 10,380,573 132
` zozmshobsEcnw«copingvcaw2038:3025mm
`Google LLC v. RFCyber Corp. / Page 32 of 129
`Apple EX1020 Page 32


`U.S. Patent
`Google LLC v. RFCyber Corp. / Page 33 of 129
`Google LLC v. RFCyber Corp. / Page 33 of 129
`Apple EX1020 Page 33


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 13,2019
`Sheet 30 0f 78
`US 10,380,573 B2
`328 "\
`{from step 332)
`Establish NFC
`Connection (TAP)
`53“ 3
`:1 ‘334
`f.-..--.--....- .---..-.-......w336
`Join N FC
`Connection (TAP)
`Crediting Account
`Transmit Payment &
`Crediting Account to
`Financiat Server(s)
`& Crediting Account
`Payment Terms
`Account Verified &
`Sufficient Funds
`Cancel Transaction
`F!G 1 5A (to step 346)
`Google LLC v. RFCyber Corp. / Page 34 of 129
`Google LLC v. RFCyber Corp. / Page 34 of 129
`Apple EX1020 Page 34


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 13,2019
`Sheet 31 0f 78
`US 10,380,573 B2
`(from step 362)
`Connection (TAP)
`Invoice Information
`Accept InVOIce
`Establish NFC
` 654
`Connection (TAP)
` 656
`Transmit Payment
`Account Information
`"""""""""""""""" ' FIG. 153
`(to step 368)
`Google LLC v. RFCyber Corp. / Page 35 of 129
`Google LLC v. RFCyber Corp. / Page 35 of 129
`Apple EX1020 Page 35


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 13,2019
`Sheet 32 0f 78
`US 10,380,573 B2
`730 x
`Payment Method
`Payment Information
`Account Charged
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