(12) Unlted States Patent
`(10) Patent N0.:
`US 8,170,527 B2
`Granucei et al.
`(45) Date of Patent:
`May 1, 2012
`Inventors: Nicole Janine Granlrcci, San Francisco,
`CA (US); Came Elaine Vrlheasa San
`Francisco, CA (US); Ayman A.
`Hammad Pleasanton CA (US)
`(73) A551gnee: Vlsa U.S.A. lnc., San Pra11c1sco, CA
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 702 days.
`(2]) App]. No.: 11/904,409
`Sep. 26, 2007
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2009/0081990 A1
`NIar. 26, 2009
`Int. Cl.
`(2006.01 )
`HIMM 1 mm
`(52) us. Cl.
`........ 455/406; 455/407, 455/408; 455/466;
`705/37; 705/38; 705/30; 705/39, 705/40
`(58) Field of Classification Search .......... 455/4054407.
`455/410, 411, 705/30. 37, 40, 5,7, 39
`See application file for complete search history.
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`US. Patent
`May 1, 2012
`Sheet 1 0f8
`US 8,170,527 B2
`Yall E
`Prepaid Balance:
`FIG. 1A
` GOOG-1012
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`US. Patent
`May 1, 2012
`Sheet 2 0f8
`US 8,170,527 B2
`1 004
`Ynll E
`Prepaid Balance:
`Power Supply
`Transceiver 1024
`FIG. 18
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`Google LLC v. RFCyber Corp. / Page 6 of 16
`Apple EX1012 Page 6


`US. Patent
`May 1, 2012
`Sheet 3 0f8
`US 8,170,527 B2
`I I I II lI I I
`:II I I l I I | I
`(e.g. commercial
`Google LLC v. RFCyber Corp. / Page 7 of 16
`Google LLC v. RFCyber Corp. / Page 7 of 16
`Apple EX1012 Page 7


`US. Patent
`May 1, 2012
`Sheet 4 0f8
`US 8,170,527 B2
` Prepaid
`Card Point—of—Sale
`Merchant (2200)
`Hot List Storage
`Ac uirer
`Google LLC v. RFCyber Corp. / Page 8 of 16
`Google LLC v. RFCyber Corp. / Page 8 of 16
`Apple EX1012 Page 8


`US. Patent
`May 1, 2012
`Sheet 5 0f8
`US 8,170,527 B2
`Provide prepaid
`phone transaction
`amount from
`balance of
`ure aid hone
`Store remaining
`FIG. 4
`Google LLC v. RFCyber Corp. / Page 9 of 16
`Google LLC v. RFCyber Corp. / Page 9 of 16
`Apple EX1012 Page 9


`US. Patent
`May 1, 2012
`Sheet 6 0f8
`US 8,170,527 B2
`Read transaction
`data from
`prepaid phone
`Report Error
`Send phone
`SMS message
`with remaining
`FIG. 5
`Google LLC v. RFCyber Corp. / Page 10 of 16
`Google LLC v. RFCyber Corp. / Page 10 of 16
`Apple EX1012 Page 10


`US. Patent
`May 1, 2012
`Sheet 7 0f8
`US 8,170,527 B2
`Provide prepaid
`phone transaction
`balance of
`prepaid phone
`Store remaining
`FIG. 6
`Google LLC v. RFCyber Corp. / Page 11 of 16
`Google LLC v. RFCyber Corp. / Page 11 of 16
`Apple EX1012 Page 11


`US. Patent
`May 1, 2012
`Sheet 8 0f 8
`US 8,170,527 B2
`Prompt for
`PIN number
`PIN number
`Report Error
`Display remaining
`prepaid balance
`FIG. 7
`Google LLC v. RFCyber Corp. / Page 12 of 16
`Google LLC v. RFCyber Corp. / Page 12 of 16
`Apple EX1012 Page 12


`US 8,170,527 B2
`encoded Within, the mobile phone displays the current bal—
`ance. The balance may be calculated after a payment trans—
`action or received as a message from an acquirer, payment
`network, or issuer.
`FIGS. 1A—B illustrate an embodiment ofa prepaid payment
`mobile phone configured to display the current balance.
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram of a system embodiment to
`support the display of a current debit balance on a prepaid
`payment mobile phone.
`FIG. 3 is an expanded view of a merchant’s system
`embodiment to support the display of the current debit bal-
`ance on a prepaid payment mobile phone.
`FIG. 4 is a flow chart of a mobile phone process embodi—
`ment configured to calculate and store balance infomiation
`after a payment transaction.
`FIG. 5 illustrates a process embodiment sends a prepaid
`payment mobile phone balance information after a payment
`FIG. 6 is a flow chart of a mobile phone-writer process
`embodiment that stores balance information.
`FIG. 7 illustrates a process embodiment to display the
`current debit balance of a prepaid payment mobile phone.
`One aspect ofthe present invention includes the realization
`that displaying a real-time balance on a prepaid payment
`mobile phone reduces the cost of issuers supporting balance
`inquiry and balance returns from mobile phone customers.
`With the balance on a mobile phone display solution, mobile
`phone customers would be able to check their balance at any
`time. generating a higher volume of unplanned purchases,
`and potentially a higher amount of re—loads at the point of
`Embodiments of the present invention include a mobile
`phone apparatus, system, method, and computer-readable
`medium configured to support the real-time display of a debit
`balance on a prepaid payment mobile phone. Other embodi-
`ments of the present invention may include remote terminals
`configured to support the real-time display of a debit balance
`on a prepaid payment mobile phone.
`Turning to FIGS. lA—B, these figures depict a prepayment
`mobile phone 1000 configured to display of a balance on a
`real—time balance, constructed and operative in accordance
`with an embodiment ofthe present invention. In this example,
`prepayment mobile phone 1000 is depicted as a two-piece
`“flip” phone, but it is understood that the principles herein
`may be applied to any style mobile phone capable of elec-
`tronic payment.
`As shown in FIG. 1A, the payment mobile phone 1000
`includes a housing 1002, a display 1004, and aninput 1006. It
`is understood that housing 1002 may comprise one or more
`components. Some embodiments of housing 1002 may be
`plastic or any other suitable material known in the art.
`Display 1004 may be a liquid crystal display (LCD), light—
`emitting—diode (LED), organic light—emitting—diode (OLED),
`surface-conduction electron-emitter display (SED), digital
`light processing GDLP), interferometric modulator display
`(IMOD) or any other display known in the art that can be used
`within the form factor required by the payment mobile phone
`Input 1 006 may be any sensor or input device known in the
`art, including, but not limited to buttons 1006a, trackballs
`1. Field of the Invention
`Aspects of the present invention relate in general to finan-
`cial services. Aspects include a prepaid payment mobile
`phone apparatus, system, method and computer-readable
`medium configured to display a real-time prepaid payment
`balance. Further aspects of the invention include a method of
`storing and displaying a real-time prepaid payment balance
`on a mobile phone.
`2. Description of the RelatedArt
`The traditional paper “gift—certificate” is gradually being
`replaced by prepaid payment mobile phones
`mobile phones with a set limited value associated with a
`Primary Account Number (PAN). Some mobile phone debit
`accounts are affiliated with a particular vendor, such as a
`department store, supermarket or restaurant; yet other mobile
`phone debit accounts are afiiliated with an acquirer, payment
`processor, or other issuer.
`When a mobile phone customer makes a purchase, the
`prepaid payment mobile phone may be used to pay for the
`transaction. If the purchase amount equals or exceeds the '
`value of the prepaid payment mobile phone, the customer
`simply pays the excess amount using cash, credit card. debit
`card, or other financial instrument accepted by the vendor.
`However, when the purchase amount is less than the value of
`the prepaid payment mobile phone account. the purchase
`price is simply subtracted from the prepaid payment mobile
`phone account balance, and a new balance remains associated
`with the mobile phone.
`Mobile phone customers who carry prepaid payment
`mobile phones are often unaware of the debit balance of a
`prepaid payment mobile phone, especially on non-reloadable
`mobile phone products. While some issuer and acquirers
`mandate support for balance inquiries for some gift mobile
`phones and incentive mobile phones, such support is optional
`at merchants.
`When issuers fail to support these enhancements, or when
`merchants do not support them, mobile phone customers are
`restricted to spending the amount that is available on the
`mobile phone within one transaction often without knowing
`the balance in advance.
`When issuers, acquirers, and processors do not support
`these enhancements at the point-of-sale, the consumer is
`inconvenienced, and the process breaks down. Consumer
`frustration is common, resulting in higher amounts of break-
`age (resulting in unrecognized sales volume), and alternate
`forms ofpayment being used. Worse. consumers are discour—
`aged from purchasing more prepaid payment mobile phones.
`In the re—loadable prepaid mobile phone category. the only
`way a consumer can determine their balance on a mobile
`phone is by calling their mobile phone iss uer/third party agent
`or looking up the information online.
` Embodiments of the invention include a system, method
`and prepaid payment mobile phone configured to display a
`current debit balance. A remarkable aspect of the invention is
`that a prepaid balance retrieved from an issuer and stored at
`the prepaid payment mobile phone, as generally no such
`information is ever stored on such phones. The prepaid pay-
`ment mobile phone receives a balance request from a button
`on the mobile phone. After retrieving the current balance
`Google LLC v. RFCyber Corp. / Page 13 of 16
`Google LLC v. RFCyber Corp. / Page 13 of 16
`Apple EX1012 Page 13


`US 8,170,527 B2
`100617, scroll—wheels 1006c, touch—pads or the like. In some
`embodiments, input 1006 and display 1004 may be merged as
`a touch- screen input device.
`Internal components of payment mobile phone 1000 are
`shown in FIG. 1B. Contained within housing 1002, a proces-
`sor or central processing unit 1008 is electrically coupled to
`the display 1004, input 1006, Read-Only-Memory (ROM)
`1010, Random Access Memory (RAM) 1012, a non-volatile
`programmable memory 1014, input/output circuitry 1016, an
`input/output port 1018, power supply 1020, cellular trans—
`ceiver 1022, and radio—frequency transceiver 1024. It
`understood by those familiar with the art that some or all of
`these elements may be embedded together in some combina—
`tion as an integrated circuit (IC).
`Processor 1008 may be any central processing unit, micro-
`processor, micro-controller, computational device or circuit
`known in the art.
`Read only memory 1010 is embedded with an operating
`Non-volatile programmable memory 1014 is configured to
`be an application memory device, and may store information
`such as the primary account number and/or current debit
`balance infonnation. Examples of non—volatile program—
`mable memory 1014 include, but not limited to: a magnetic
`stripe, flash memory, Electrically Erasable Programmable '
`Read-Only Memory (EEPROM). or any other non-volatile
`computer memory or storage known in the art.
`Random access memory 1012 is any temporary memory
`storage meditnn element known in the art. Random access
`memory is usually (but does not have to be) volatile memory.
`The processor 1008, the read only memory 1010, the ran-
`dom access memory 1012 and the non-volatile program-
`mable memory 1014 may coupled to one another through an
`internal bus system. Data can be interchanged between the
`input/output unit 1016, the processor 1008 and the non—vola—
`tile progrannnable memory 1014. Furthermore, data can be
`interchanged between the processor 1008 and the non—vola—
`tile programmable memory 1014.
`Additionally, in some embodiments, the input/output cir-
`cuitry 1016 is further coupled to an input/output port 1018
`being formed in a surface area of the plastic housing 1002.
`Input/output port 1018 may be any data communications port
`known in the art, including, but not limited to: a serial port, a
`parallel port, a Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface, an the
`Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 1394
`(“firewire”) interface, or any port known in the art.
`Cellular transceiver 1022 may be any cellular, personal
`communications system (PCS), Global System for Mobile
`Communications (GSM), General Packet Radio Service
`(GPRS), Enhanced Data for GSM Evolution (EDGE), Code
`Division Multiple Access (CDMA), Wideband Code Divi-
`sion Multiple Access (WCDMA), Frequency Division Mul-
`tiple Access (FDMA), Orthogonal Frequency- )ivision Mul-
`tiplexing (ODFM), or any other wireless communications
`protocol known in the art able to support voice communica-
`Radio frequency transceiver 1024 may use any wireless
`data protocol known in the art, such as: Bluetooth, Wireless
`Application Protocol (WAP), IEEE 802.11 (“WiFi”), IEEE
`802.16 (“WiMax”), or any other wireless data communica—
`tions standard known in the art.
`Power supply 1020 may be any electrical power supply,
`including a battery. fuel cell, long-term capacitor or any other
`power storage known in the art. Power supply 1020 may be
`recharged by applying a direct current voltage.
`FIG. 2 illustrates a system to support the display of a
`real-time prepaid payment balance on a mobile phone, con-
`structed and operative in accordance with an embodiment of
`the present invention. A customer 2100 receives a prepaid
`payment mobile phone 1000. In some instances the mobile
`phone 1000 is purchased from an issuer 2500;
`in other
`instances the customer receives the mobile phone 1000 indi-
`rectly from the issuer 2500, as a gift or as the result of a
`promotion. When the customer 2100 uses the prepaid pay-
`ment mobile phone 1000 at a merchant 2200 to pay for a
`product or service, the merchant 2200 contacts an acquirer
`2300 (for example, a commercial bank) to determine whether
`there is sufficient funds on the mobile phone to pay for the
`transaction or a portion of the transaction. The acquirer 2300
`forwards the details of the payment transaction to a payment
`processor 2400 for processing. Payment processor may be
`any payment network known in the art. An example of a
`payment network includes, but is not limited to: VisaTM, Mas-
`terCardl’M, American Express“, Club'l'M, or Discoverl'M. In
`some instances,
`the payment processor 2400 determines
`whether the transaction should be allowed; in other instances,
`the payment processor 2400 queries the 2500 to determine
`whether the prepayment mobile phone has enough funds to
`allow the transaction.
`FIG. 3 depicts merchant 2200 in greater detail, Where mer—
`chant 2200 includes a system to support the display of a
`real—time prepaid payment balance on a mobile phone, con—
`structed and operative in accordance with an embodiment of
`the present invention. As shown, in FIG. 3, merchant 2200
`comprises a mobile phone point-of-sale read/writer 2210 that
`communicated with a merchant central computer 2230 via the
`merchant’s private network 2220. In some embodiments,
`merchant central computer 2230 may be coupled to hot list
`storage 2240.
`Mobile phone point-of-sale read/writer 2210 is any device
`capable of reading a personal account number off a prepaid
`payment mobile phone 1000, and write balance infomiation
`to the prepaid payment mobile phone 1000.
`Merchant central computer 2230 is a networked device
`capable of communicating transaction data with mobile
`phone point-of-sale read/writer 2210 and transmitting the
`transaction data over network 3100 to acquirer 2300.
`Hot list storage 2240 may be any list, database, or memory
`structure containing either invalid or valid primary account
`Operation of these prepayment mobile phone and system
`embodiments of the present invention may be illustrated by
`We now turn our attention to method or process embodi—
`ments. It is understood by those known in the art that instruc—
`tions for such method embodiments may be stored on a non-
`volatile programrnable memory 1014 and executed by a
`processor 1008.
`FIG. 7 illustrates a process embodiment to display the
`current debit balance of a prepaid payment mobile phone
`1000, constructed and operative in accordance with an
`embodiment of the present invention. When a user wants to
`know the balance ofprepaid payment mobile phone 1000, the
`user requests the balance through pressing button 1006. The
`mobile phone receives the balance request, block 7002.
`In mobile phone 1000 embodiments that utilize a personal
`identification number (PIN), display 1004 prompts the user
`for the PIN number, block 7004. The personal identification
`number may be stored in non-volatile programmable memory
`1014. At this point, the user may enter a PIN number using

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