Dale Shaner
`Shaner Consulting
`2815 Stonehaven Drive
`Fort Collins, CO 80525
`B.S. DePauw University, 1970-Botany
`M.S. University of Colorado, 1972-Plant Ecology
`Ph.D.: University of Illinois, 1976-Plant Plant Physiology
`Professional Experience
`1976-1979 Assistant Professor, Botany and Plant Science, UC Riverside.
`1979-1982 Weed Scientist, American Cyanamid
`Senior Plant Physiologist, American Cyanamid
`Principal Plant Physiologist, American Cyanamid
`1987-1990 Associate Research Fellow, American Cyanamid
`Research Fellow, American Cyanamid
`Senior Research Fellow, American Cyanamid
`1998-1999 Director, Herbicide Discovery, American Cyanamid
`1999-2000 Director, Ag Biotechnology, American Cyanamid
`Plant Physiologist, GS-15, USDA-ARS Water Management
`2013-Present Private Consultant
`Research Expertise
`Herbicide mechanism of action
`Herbicide-soil interactions
`Herbicide metabolism in soil and plants
`Plant-water relations
`Weed management
`Resistant weed detection and management
`Court Experience
`Depositions on imidazolinone carryover in soil (1990)
`Deposition on patent dispute on assay for detecting resistance to ALS inhibitors.
`• Valedictorian, Bradford High School, 1966
`Rector Scholar, DePauw University, 1966-1970
`Conant Science Scholarship, DePauw University, 1969
`Phi Beta Kappa, 1970
`Cyanamid Scientific Achievement Award, 1983
`• American Cyanamid Outstanding Publication Award, 1988
`• Award of Excellence, American Cyanamid, 1989, 1996
`• Outstanding Industry Award, Weed Science Society of America, 1993
`The Honorary Technical Service Award, American Cyanamid, 1996
`Fellow, Weed Science Society of America, 2000
`President, WSSA 2006-2007.
`• Outstanding Reviewer for Weed Science, 2011.
`• USDA-ARS No Revision Award in recognition of OSQR panel review 2011.
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` Outstanding Research Award, Weed Science Society of America 2013
`Professional Societies
`Weed Science Society of America
`•Chairperson, Physiology Section 1999 Annual Meeting
`•Chairperson, Soil and Environmental Fate Section, 2009 Annual Meeting
`•Organized and Chaired special symposium on “New Technologies for Weed
`Science” 2000 annual meeting
`•Organized and Chaired special symposium on “New Technologies for Herbicide-
`Soil Residue Analysis” 2009 annual meeting
`•Member, Herbicide Resistant Plant Committee, 2004 to present
`•Member, Research Committee 1996-2000
`•Associate Editor, Weed Science 1990-2002
`•Member at large on Board of Directors 2000-2004
`•Vice-President 2004
`•President-Elect, Annual meeting program chair 2005
`•President 2006
`•Co-chair, International Weed Science Society 2008 Congress Scientific Program
`Committee 2005-2008
`•Co-organizer for a Joint Meeting between WSSA and the Society for Range
`Management 2009
`Chair Herbicide Handbook Committee 2012
`Publications (last 8 years)
`Gaines, Todd, W. Brien Henry , Patrick Byrne , Philip Westra , Scott Nissen , and Dale
`Shaner. 2008. Jointed Goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica) by Imidazolinone-
`Resistant Wheat Hybridization Under Field Conditions. Weed Science. 56:36-
`Krutz, L. Jason, Dale. L. Shaner, Cesare Accinelli, Robert M. Zablotowicz, and W.
`Brien Henry. 2008. Atrazine Dissipation in Triazine-Adapted and Non-Adapted
`Soil from Colorado and Mississippi: Implications of Enhanced Degradation on
`Atrazine Fate and Transport. J. Environ. Qual. 37:848–857.
`Shaner, Dale L., Hamid Farahani, and Gerald Buchleiter. 2008. Predicting and Mapping
`Herbicide-Soil Partition Coefficients for EPTC, metribuzin and metolachlor on
`Three Colorado Fields. Weed Science. 56:133-139.
`Bridges, Melissa, W. Brien Henry, Dale L. Shaner, Phil Westra, Raj Khosla, and Robin
`Reich. 2008. Spatial variability of atrazine and metolachlor dissipation on dryland
`no-tillage crop fields in Colorado. J. Environ. Qual. 37:2212-2220 .
`Shaner, D. L., R. J. Khosla, M. K. Brodahl, G. W. Buchleiter, and H. J. Farahani 2008.
`How well does zone sampling based on soil electrical conductivity maps represent
`soil variability? Agron. J. 100:1472–1480.
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`Hunter, W. J., and D. L. Shaner. 2009. Nitrogen limited biobarriers remove atrazine
`from contaminated water: Laboratory studies. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology
`Shaner, D. L., 2009. The role of translocation as a mechanism of resistance to
`glyphosate. Weed Science. 57:118-123.
`Nadler-Hassar, Talia, Dale L. Shaner, Scott Nissen, Baruch Rubin, and Phil Westra.
`2009. Are herbicide resistant crops the answer to controlling Cuscuta? Pest
`Management Science. In press.
`Hanson, B. D., Shrestha, A., and D. L. Shaner. 2009. Distribution of glyphosate-
`resistant horseweed (Conyza canadensis) and relationship to cropping systems in
`the Central Valley of California. Weed Science. 57: 48-53.
`Bukun, Bekir, Scott J. Nissen, Todd A. Gaines, Philip Westra, Galen Brunk, Dale L.
`Shaner, Byron B. Sleugh, and Vanelle F. Peterson. 2009. Absorption and
`translocation of clopyralid and aminopyralid in Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense).
`Weed Science. 57: 10-15.
`Shaner, D. L., L. Wiles, and N. Hansen. 2009. Behavior of atrazine in limited irrigation
`cropping systems in Colorado: Prior use is important. J.Environ. Qual. 38:1861-
`MacKinnon, D., D. Shaner, S. Nissen, P. Westra. 2009. The Effects of surfactants,
`nozzle types, spray volumes and simulated rain on 1-methylcyclopropene efficacy
`on tomato plants. HortScience. 44:1600–1603.
`Hunter, W. J., and D. L. Shaner. 2010. Biological remediation of groundwater
`containing both nitrate and atrazine. Current Microbiol. 60:42–46.
`Gaines, T. A., W. Zhang, D. Wang, B. Bukun, S. T. Chisholm, D. L. Shaner, S. J.
`Nissen, W. L. Patzoldt, P. J. Tranel, A. S. Culpepper, T. L. Grey, T. M. Webster,
`W. K. Vencill, R. D. Sammons, J. Jiang, C. Preston, J. E. Leach, and P. Westra.
`2010. Gene amplification confers glyphosate resistance in Amaranthus palmeri.
`PNAS 107:1029-1034.
`Shaner, Dale L., L. Jason Krutz, W. Brien, Henry, Brad D. Hanson, Michael D. Poteet,
`and Curtis R. Rainbolt. 2010. Sugarcane soils exhibit enhanced atrazine
`degradation and cross adaptation to other s-triazines. J. Am Soc. Sugarcane
`Technologists. 30:1-10.
`Krutz, L. Jason, Dale L Shaner, Mark A Weaver, Richard MT Webb, Robert M
`Zablotowicz, Krishna N Reddy, Yanbo Huang, Steven J Thomson. 2010.
`Agronomic and environmental implications of enhanced s-triazine degradation.
`Pest Manag. Sci. 66:461–481.
`Bukun, Bekir, Dale L. Shaner, Scott J. Nissen, Philip Westra, and Galen Brunk. 2010.
`Comparison of the interactions of aminopyralid vs. clopyralid with soil. Weed
`Sci. 58:473-477.
`Strachan, Stephen D., Mark S. Casini, Kathleen M. Heldreth, Joseph A. Scocas, Scott J.
`Nissen, Bekir Bukun, R. Bradley Lindenmayer, Dale L. Shaner, Philip Westra,
`and Galen Brunk. 2010. Vapor Movement of Synthetic Auxin Herbicides:
`Aminocyclopyrachlor, Aminocyclopyrachlor-Methyl Ester, Dicamba, and
`Aminopyralid. Weed Sci. 58:103-108.
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`Krutz, L. Jason, Dale L. Shaner, and Robert M. Zablotowicz. 2010. Enhanced
`Degradation and Soil Depth Effects on the Fate of Atrazine and Major
`Metabolites in Colorado and Mississippi Soils. J. Environ. Qual. 39:1369-1377.
`Shaner, D. L. 2010. Testing Methods for Glyphosate Resistance. In: Glyphosate
`Resistance in Crops and Weeds. V. K. Nandula (ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
`Hoboken, NJ. Pp.93-118.
`Shaner, D. L., M. Stromberger, R. Khosla, A. Helm, and B. Boseley. 2011. Spatial
`distribution of enhanced atrazine degradation across northeastern Colorado
`cropping systems. J. Environ. Qual. 40:1-11.
`Hunter W. J, and D. L.Shaner. 2011. Studies on removing sulfachloropyridazine from
`groundwater with microbial bioreactors. Current Microbiology 62:1560-1564.
`D.L. Shaner, R.B. Lindenmeyer, and M.H.Ostlie. 2011. What have the mechanisms of
`resistance to glyphosate taught us? Pest Manag. Sci. 68: 3–9
`M. J. M. Abit, C. M. Rainbolt, L. J. Krutz, D. L. Shaner, B. D. Hanson, 2012 Simazine
`Degradation Rates in Central Valley Soils with Varying Simazine Use Histories.
`Weed Science (in press)
`Bekir Bukun, Scott J. Nissen and Dale L. Shaner. 2012. Imazamox Absorption,
`Translocation and Metabolism in Red Lentil (Lens culinaris Medic.) and Dry
`Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Weed Science. 60: 350-354.
`Dale Shaner, Galen Brunk, Scott Nissen, Phil Westra, and Wenlin Chen. 2012. The role
`of soil adsorption and microbial degradation on dissipation of mesotrione in plant
`available soil water. J. Environ. Qual. 41:170–178.
`Hunter, W.J and D. L. Shaner. 2012 Removing Hexazinone from Groundwater with
`Microbial Bioreactors. Curr. Microbiol. 64:405–411.
`Abit, Mary Joy; Shaner, Dale; Krutz, L.; Rainbolt, Christine; O'Connell, Neil; Faber,
`Ben; Hanson, Bradley,. 2012. Assessing Simazine Degradation Patterns in
`California Citrus Orchards with Different Simazine Use Histories. Air, Soil and
`Water Research. 5 69-78.
`D.L. Shaner. 2012. Field dissipation of sulfentrazone and pendimethalin in Colorado.
`Weed Technol. 26:633-637.
`Lindenmayer, R.B., Nissen, S.J., Westra, P.P., Shaner, D.L. and Brunk, G., 2013.
`Aminocyclopyrachlor absorption, translocation and metabolism in field bindweed
`(Convolvulus arvensis). Weed science, 61(1), pp.63-67.
`Shaner, D. L. and Beckie, H. J. 2014.The future for weed control and technology. Pest.
`Manag. Sci., 70: 1329–1339. doi: 10.1002/ps.3706.
`Westra, E.P., Shaner, D.L., Westra, P.H. and Chapman*, P.L., 2014. Dissipation and
`leaching of pyroxasulfone and S-metolachlor. Weed Technology, 28:72-81.
`Shaner, D.L., 2014. Lessons learned from the history of herbicide resistance. Weed
`Science, 62:427-431.
`Odero, D.C. and Shaner, D.L., 2014. Dissipation of pendimethalin in organic soils in
`Florida. Weed Technology, 28:82-88.
`Odero, D.C. and Shaner, D.L., 2014. Field dissipation of atrazine and metribuzin in
`organic soils in Florida. Weed Technology, 28:578-586.
`Dayan, F.E., Owens, D.K., Corniani, N., Silva, F.M.L., Watson, S.B., Howell, J.L. and
`Shaner, D.L., 2015. Biochemical markers and enzyme assays for herbicide mode
`of action and resistance studies. Weed Science, 63:23-63.
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`Nolan, B.T., Malone, R.W., Doherty, J.E., Barbash, J.E., Ma, L. and Shaner, D.L., 2015.
`Data worth and prediction uncertainty for pesticide transport and fate models in
`Nebraska and Maryland, United States. Pest management science, 71:972-985.
`Westra, E.P., Shaner, D.L., Barbarick, K.A. and Khosla, R., 2015. Evaluation of
`Sorption Coefficients for Pyroxasulfone, s-Metolachlor, and Dimethenamid-p.
`Air, Soil and Water Research, 8:9.
`Shipitalo, M.J., Malone, R.W., Ma, L., Nolan, B.T., Kanwar, R.S., Shaner, D.L. and
`Pederson, C.H., 2015. Corn stover harvest increases herbicide movement to
`subsurface drains–Root Zone Water Quality Model simulations. Pest management
`Ostlie, M., Haley, S. D., Anderson, V., Shaner, D., Manmathan, H., Beil, C., and Westra,
`P. (2015). Development and characterization of mutant winter wheat (Triticum
`aestivum L.) accessions resistant to the herbicide quizalofop. Theoretical and
`applied genetics, 128(2), 343-351.
`Sebastian, D.J., Nissen, S.J., Westra, P., Shaner, D.L. and Butters, G., 2016. Influence of
`soil properties and soil moisture on the efficacy of indaziflam and flumioxazin on
`Kochia scoparia L. Pest management science.
`Shaner, D. 2016. Pyridines Substituted by an Imidazolinone and a Carboxylic Acid as
`Acetohydroxyacid-Synthase-Inhibiting Herbicides. Bioactive Carboxylic
`Compound Classes: Pharmaceuticals and Agrochemicals.
`Sebastian, D. J., Nissen, S. J., Westra, P., Shaner, D. L., and Butters, G. 2017. Influence
`of soil properties and soil moisture on the efficacy of indaziflam and flumioxazin
`on Kochia scoparia L. Pest management science, 73(2), 444-451.
`Ostlie, M. H., Shaner, D., Bridges, M., and Westra, P. 2019. Imazamox Absorption,
`Translocation, and Metabolism by Cereal Rye (Secale cereale) at Low
`Temperatures. Weed Science, 1-6.
`Other Supporting Information
`In cooperation with Colorado State University, have had multiple grants funded for a
`total of more than $700,000.
`Sponsored a BARD post-doctoral fellow with CSU, 2004-2005.
`Co-Edited two books: “The Imidazolinone Herbicides”, 1991, CRC Press, and
`“Herbicide Resistance and World Grain” 2001, CRC Press.
`Awarded 3 patents.
` Assisted with two articles of ARS Magazine that included description of components of
`incumbent’s research: “Dealing with those Pesky Weed Seed Banks” (August
`2003) and “Keeping Weeds in Check with Less Herbicide” (August 2006).
`Received grants from AgroFresh from 2006-2012.
`Received grant from Monsanto in 2011-2012.
`Professional Advisory and Consulting Activities
`Faculty affiliate, Bioagricultural Science and Pest Management Department,
`Colorado State University, since 2002.
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`Faculty affiliate, Department of Plant Science, University of Wyoming, since
`Member of panel created to assess Natural Products Program, Dow AgroScience,
`Consulted with Valent Chemical Company and made presentations on herbicide
`resistance management in rice, 2004-2005.
`Consulted with SePro Inc. on herbicide resistance management in aquatic weeds
`and developed a non-funded CRADA with SePro on developing an ALS
`resistance assay for aquatic weeds.
`Consulted with BASF on imidazolinone herbicides and imidazolinone-resistant
`wheat, 2002-2006.
`Consulted with DeAngelo Brothers Inc. on herbicide resistance management in
`railroads and rights of way, 2002.
`Lectured on mechanism of action of herbicides at the Herbicide Course, Purdue
`University, 2003-2004.
`Regular reviewer for Weed Science, Weed Technology, Weed Research, Pest
`Management Science, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, and
`occasional reviewer for other agricultural research journals.
`Chair, ALS Inhibitor Working Group, 1992-1994.
`Chair, Herbicide Resistance Action Committee, 1996-2001.
`Consulted with FMC and DowAgroScience on their herbicide discovery program,
`2006, 2009.
`Consulted with AgroFresh and conducted research funded by AgroFresh on the
`utility of 1-MCP in agronomic crops, 2006-2011.
`Consultant with National Academy of Science on the future of agriculture in
`South Asia, 2007.
`Consultant with Maketeshim Agan 2013.
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