`(cid:1)(cid:3)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:2)(cid:22)(cid:3)(cid:16)(cid:15)(cid:21)(cid:12)(cid:14)(cid:9)(cid:22)(cid:5)(cid:7)(cid:16)(cid:18)(cid:14)(cid:8)(cid:16)(cid:17)(cid:10)(cid:13)(cid:22) (cid:6)(cid:19)(cid:11)(cid:22)(cid:4)(cid:7)(cid:18)(cid:20)(cid:16)(cid:8)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:22)
`Ex. 1005
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`Page 001
`ASSURE?II Highlights
`* Provides postemergencecontrol of both annual
`and perennial grasses in canola, crambe,cotton,
`dry beans, dry and succulent peas, lentils, mint
`(spearmint and peppermint), snap beans,
`soybeans, sugarbeets, and noncropareas.
`Precautionary Statements ............0.0 ee eeee 1
`Directions For Use ........ 0.0.0 cece eee eee ees2
`Environmental Conditions & Biological Activity ...2
`Application Information ....................4.- 2
`Agricultural Uses 2.0... . ccc eee ects 2
`¢ ASSURE II hasaflexible rate range and tank mix Preplant Burndown ...........0.cce cece eens 2
`Non-Agricultural Uses .......... 00 cece ee eeeee3
`* For Soybeans, ASSURE II maybe tank mixed
`Application Timing See eee ence ee eeeee3
`Sequential Applications ..............0..0 ees3
`Spray Additives ......... 00... ce eee eee3
`STS. See“Applications with Broadleaf
`Weeds Controlled & Rate Selection .............4
`Tank Mixes cee cee ee cece eee eeeenees5
`- For Diy Beans) ASSURE I may be tank mixed
`Applications with Insecticides & Fungicides ..... 5
`with BASAGRAN.See “Applications with
`Applications with BroadleafHerbicides ......... 5
`Broadleaf Herbicides.”
`Dry Beans - Tank Mixes
`.............0.. 0000.5
`Soybeans - Tank Mixes
`..............020000 0s5
`Spot/Small Area Spray Recommendations ..........6
`Cultivation 2.0... ccc cece teens 6
`Crop Rotation .......... ccc ee cee cece teens 6
`Grazing occ eee ees 6
`Application Equipment ............ 2.0. c ee eee6
`GroundApplication cee cece eee eens ee cence6
`Aerial Application .......... 0.0.0 cee n ee eee eee6
`Mixing Instructions ............... 00 eee ee eeee6
`Sprayer Cleanup ............ ee cece eee eee eee 7
`Spray Drift Management ..................0005: 7
`Resistant Weeds 1... 0.0.0... c cece ee ete ee eens 8
`Integrated Pest Management ....................8
`Important Precautions ............. 0... e eee 9
`Storage and Disposal
`............... 0.0 e ee eeee 9
`Notice to Buyer me em meee ee eee eee eee e renee 9
`Notice of Warranty ......... 0.00. cece eee eee 10
`¢ May be applied by ground (broadcast, band, or
`spot spray) or byair.
`+ For groundapplication, use a minimum of10 gal
`water to 15 gal water peracre.
`Useflat fan or hollow cone nozzles at 25-60 psi.
`See “Application Equipment.”
`¢ Apply to actively growing grassesat the
`recommendedsizes. See “Timing to Weeds” and
`“Environmental Conditions and Biological
`* Consult label text for complete instructions.
`Always read and follow label directions for use.
`¢ Include crop oil concentrate or nonionic surfactant
`as recommendedin this label. See “Spray
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`DANGER!Causessevere eyeirritation. May irritate skin,
`nose, and throat. May be harmful if absorbed through the
`skin, swallowed, or inhaled. Avoid contact with skin, eyes,
`or clothing. Avoid breathing vapors or spray mist.
`Some materials that are chemical-resistant to this product
`are listed below. If you want more options, follow the
`instructions for category G on an EPA chemical-resistance
`category selection chart.
`Emulsifiable Concentrate
`Active Ingredients
`Quizalofop P-Ethyl
`By Weight
`Inert Ingredients
`Contains petroleum-baseddistillates.
`* Equivalent to 0.88 lb ai per gal
`EPA Reg. No.352-541
`Si usted no entiende la etiqueta, busque a alguien para que se
`la explique a usted en detalle. (If you do not understand this
`label, find someoneto explain it to you in detail.)
`If in eyes: Immediately flush with a steady gentle stream of
`water for at least 15 minutes.
`Call a physicianif irritation persists.
`If on skin: Wash with plenty of soap and water.
`Get medical attention if irritation persists.
`If swallowed: Do not induce vomiting. Give large
`quantities ofwater. Never give anything by mouth to an
`unconscious person. Call a physician.
`If large amounts are inhaled: Removeto fresh air. If not
`breathing, give artificial respiration, preferably by mouth.If
`breathingis difficult, give oxygen andcall a physician.
`For medical emergencies involving this
`product, call toll free 1-800-441-3637.
`Applicators and other handlers must wear:
`Long-sleeved shirt and long pants.
`Chemical-resistant gloves, such as barrier laminate or
`Shoesplus socks.
`Protective eyewear.
`Discard clothing or other absorbent materials that have
`been drenched or heavily contaminated with this product's
`concentrate. Do not reuse them. Follow manufacturer's
`instructions for cleaning/maintaining PPE. If no such
`instructions for washables, use detergent and hot water.
`Keep and wash PPEseparately from other laundry.
`Whenhandlers use closed systems, enclosed cabs, or
`aircraft in a mannerthat meets the requirementslisted in
`the Worker Protection Standard (WPS)for agricultural
`pesticides [40 CFR part 170.240 (d)(4-6)], the handler PPE
`requirements maybe reduced or modified as specified in
`the WPS.
`USERS SHOULD: Washhandsbeforeeating,
`drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco or using the
`toilet. Remove clothing immediately if pesticide gets
`inside. Then wash thoroughly and put on clean
`clothing. Remove personal protective equipment
`immediately after handling this product. Wash the
`outside of gloves before removing. As soon as
`possible, wash thoroughly and changeinto clean
`clothing .
`Do not apply directly to water, or to areas where surface
`water is present, or to intertidal areas below the mean high
`water mark. Do not contaminate water by disposal of
`equipment washwaters or wastes.
`Combustible. Keep away from heat, sparks, and open
`flames. Keep container closed.
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`It is a violation of federal law to use this product in a
`mannerinconsistent with its labeling.
`Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers
`or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only
`protected handlers may be in the area during application.
`For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult
`the agency responsible for pesticide regulation.
`Usethis product only in accordancewith its labeling
`and with the Worker Protection Standard, 40 CFRpart
`170. This Standard contains requirements for the
`protection of agricultural workers on farms, forests,
`nurseries, and greenhouses, and handlers of agricultural
`pesticides. It contains requirements fortraining,
`decontamination,notification, and emergency
`assistance. It also contains specific instructions and
`exceptions pertaining to the statements on thislabel
`about personal protective equipment(PPE) and
`restricted-entry interval. The requirements in this box
`only apply to uses of this product that are covered by
`the Worker Protection Standard.
`Donot enter or allow workerentry into treated areas
`during the restricted entry interval (REI) of 12 hours.
`PPE required for early entry to treated areas that is
`permitted under the Worker Protection Standard and
`that involves contact with anything that has been
`treated, such as plants,soil, or water, is:
`Chemical-resistant gloves, such as barrier laminate
`or Viton.
`Shoesplus socks.
`Protective eyewear.
`treated areas until sprays have dried.
`The requirements in this box apply to usesof this
`product that are NOT within the scope of the Worker
`Protection Standardfor agricultural pesticides (40 CFR
`Part170). The WPS applies whenthis productis used
`to produceagricultural plants on farms,forests,
`nurseries, or greenhouses.
`Weedcontrol in “Non-Agricultural Uses” is not within
`the scope of WPS.Keep unprotected persons out of
`ASSURE II is a systemic herbicide that is rapidly absorbed by
`treated foliage and translocated to the roots and other growing
`points ofthe plant. When affected, younger plant tissues become
`chlorotic/necrotic and eventually die, leaving treated plants
`stunted and noncompetitive. In general, these symptomsarefirst
`observed within 7 to 14 daysafter application depending on the
`grass species treated and the environmental conditions.
`The degree of control and duration ofthe effect ofASSURE II
`depend upon the rate used, weed spectrum, weed size and
`variability, growing conditions at and following treatment, soil
`moisture, precipitation, tank mixtures, and spray
`Conditions conduciveto healthy, actively growing plants
`optimize the performance ofASSURE II. Unacceptable control
`may occur ifASSURE II is applied to grasses stressed from :
`* abnormal weather (excessive heat or cold, or widely
`fluctuating temperatures),
`* hail damage,
`* drought,
`* water saturated soils,
`* mechanical injury, or
`* prior herbicide injury.
`Grasses under these conditions are often less sensitive to
`herbicide activity. Delay application until the stress passes and
`weeds and crop resume growth.
`Before making applications AssureII to crops previously under
`stress, or injured from other pesticide applications, the crop
`needsto be fully recovered and growing vigorously.
`ASSURE II is rainfast 1 hour after application.
`Agricultural Uses
`DuPont ASSURE®II Herbicideis a selective postemergence
`herbicide that controls annual and perennial grassesin canola,
`crambe,cotton, dry beans, dry and succulent peas, lentils, mint
`(spearmint and peppermint), snap beans, soybeans, sugarbeets,
`and noncrop areas. ASSURE II does not control sedges or
`broadleafweeds. Applied at recommendedrates and timings,
`ASSURE II controls the grasses listed in the “Weeds Controlled
`and Rate Selection” chart. See PRECAUTIONSfor seasonal
`use limits, and harvest intervals for the specific crop.
`Pre-plant Burndown
`DuPont ASSURE II Herbicide may be applied as an early
`preplant burndown treatmentfor the control of small
`foxtails, fall panicum, barnyardgrass, volunteer corn,
`shattercane, and wild proso millet prior to planting crops
`includedin this label, or supplementallabels.
`Apply ASSURE II as directed below using 2.5 to 5.0 ounces per
`acre. Applications must be made before grasses begin to tiller.
`Grass Height
`per acre
`Up to 3”
`4” -5”
`Early preplant burndown applications of “Assure”IJ,
`including applications made with tank mixes, must include a
`petroleum based crop oil concentrate at a rate of 1 gallon
`per 100 gallons of spray solution (1.0% v/v).
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`Non-Agricultural Uses
`Non-Crop Areas
`ASSURE II is recommended for postemergence control of
`certain grasses on noncropsites such as fence rows,
`roadsides, equipment storage areas, and other similar areas.
`Makea single application ofASSURE II at a rate of 12 to
`16 ouncesperacre to actively growing grasses.
`Non-Crop Areas- to aid in establishment of Wildflowers
`Since ASSURE II controls manygrasses but not most
`broadleafplants, it may be used to enhance establishment
`and growth of certain broadleafplants on non-cropsites
`(that is, plants identified as “wildflowers” such as indian
`blanket, cone flowers, bachelor button, dwarf cornflower,
`coreopsis, white yarrow, oxeye daisy, dames-rocket, blue
`flax, eveningprimrose, blackeyed-susan, marigolds,
`impatiens, bluebonnet, indian paintbrush, verbena,
`gaillardia, chrysanthemum,catchfly and scarlet
`Forthis use refer to use rates in the Weeds Controlled
`area ofthis label, and not the rates in the NON-CROP
`Section above.
`Application Timing
`Crop and Non-Crop Uses
`Apply ASSURE II to young,actively growing grasses
`according to the rate chart that follows.Ifa field is to be
`irrigated, apply ASSURE IIafter the irrigation. Applications
`madeto grassesthat are larger thanthe sizeslisted in the
`rate charts or to grasses understress mayresult in unsatis-
`factory control.
`Pre-Plant Burndown
`ASSURE IJ Alone: Application ofASSURE II may be
`madeat any time after emergenceofgrasses up to planting.
`applied after emergence ofgrasses, up to and including the
`planting of soybeans (refer to CANOPY/CANOPY XL
`labeling for application timing).
`This three-way tank mix must be applied a minimum of7 to
`30 days prior to soybean planting. The rate of 2,4-D (LVE)
`will determine the minimum interval prior to planting.
`Refer to the 2,4-D (LVE), CANOPY and CANOPY XL
`labeling for application information.
`ASSURE II + 2,4-D (LVE): A tank mix ofASSURE II plus
`2,4-D (LVE) may be madeany time after emergence of
`grasses, but must be applied a minimum of7 to 30 days
`prior to planting of soybeans. The rate of 2,4-D (LVE) will
`determine the minimum interval priorto planting. Refer to
`the 2,4-D (LVE)label for information on the preplant
`Donot exceed the maximum userate per acre per year, as
`specified for the specific crop (see Precautions section:
`Seasonaluse limits).
`Annual Grasses
`In the event of a subsequentflush of grass, or regrowth of
`previously treated grass occurs, a second application of
`ASSURE II may beapplied. Select the appropriate rate for
`the grassy weed from the “Weeds Controlled - Rate
`Perennial Grasses
`If perennial grasses regrow, reapply ASSURE IIat 6-7
`ounces of product per acre. Application timing should be as
`follows: bermudagrass (3”tall or up to 6” runners), rhizome
`johnsongrass (6”-10”), quackgrass (4”-8”), wirestem muhly
`Note: For additional information, refer to the DuPontbulletin
`“Approved Adjuvants for Use with DuPont Row Crop
`and Cereal Herbicides”.
`Avoid products that do not accurately list their contents
`on the product label.
`Crop Oil Concentrates
`¢ Petroleum-based crop oil concentrates containing a minimum
`of 80% oils and 15% emulsifiers/surfactants is recommended,
`andis the preferred adjuvant in arid areas.
`¢ Because they may not perform as well as petroleum-based
`crop oil concentrates, methylated seed oils are not the
`preferred adjuvant.
`¢ Apply at 1 gal ofproduct per 100 gal of spray solution
`(1.0% v/v).
`Note - In Soybeans up to 2 gals ofproductper 100 gal of spray
`solution (2.0 % v/v) may be used based onlocal
`- For Aerial application apply 2 qts ofproduct per 100 gal
`of spray solution (0.5 % v/v).
`Nonionic surfactants
`¢ Use only adjuvants containing a minimum concentration of
`50% actual nonionic surfactant.
`¢ Apply at 1 qt ofproduct per 100 gal of spray solution
`(0.25% v/v).
`e An ammonium nitrogenfertilizer such as 28-0-0 (2-4 qt/A) or
`sprayable grade ammonium sulfate (21-0-0 at 2 - 4 Ib/A) may
`be added to the spray mix, but is not required to optimize
`performanceofthis product.
`¢ Fertilizers will not replace the need for nonionic surfactant or
`crop oil concentrate.
`PGR2021-00114 Ex. 1005
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`Page 005
`>55< t-}— a=&aa @a * %
`oO9 5
`g5 <2ég
`‘rygE, Q2 osAE2 =FFrnil, Gi i i
`Seedling (Sorghum halepense)
`Tank Mixed with
`Applied Alone
`(oz product/A)
`Broadleaf Herbicide
`(oz product/A)
`5 - 8 oz.
`Size at
`2-4 (pretiller)
`Shattercane (Sorghum bicolor)
`-—~<38 =ayS&
`z|2 E| aa2gx
`tN€ 8S=c~988
`Sprangletop (Leptochloafiliformis)
`Barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli)
`Crabgrass, Large (Digitaria sanguinalis)
`Crabgrass, Smooth (Digitaria ischaemum)
`Texas Panicum (Panicum texanum)o
`RedRice (Oryza sativa)
`Woolly Cupgrass (Eriochloavillosa)
`8 - 10 oz.
`9-10 0z.
`rodentSignage @raciriplanp)
`Perennial Grasses**
`Wire Maly (MuhlenbergiafFondoa [ato i
`Bermudagtass(Cynodon dactylon)
`(or up to 6" runners)
`10 - 12 oz.
`Johnsongrass, Rhizome (Sorghum halepense)
`Quackgrass (Agropyron repens)
`* See “Applications With BroadleafHerbicides”.
`10 oz.
`** For annual and perennial grasses, up to 12 oz per acre may be applied, based on local recommendations. Under arid conditions
`the higher use rate is recommended.
`Split = Split Application. May not be controlled adequately using a tank mix with broadleaf herbicides. For best results, alternate
`applications of ASSURE II with a broadleaf herbicide, ensuring that ASSURE II is applied either 24 hours before or 7 daysafter the
`Length of lateral growth.
`Size in height or diameter, whichever is more restrictive. Applications to plants with more than three tillers may result in
`unsatisfactory control.
`In Texas and other areas of the arid west, 10 oz is the recommended use rate for control of Texas panicum,
`use of lower rates may result in unsatisfactory control.
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`Rhizome Johnsongrass- Southern States
`For control of rhizome johnsongrassin the states of
`Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland,
`Mississippi, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia, a
`reduced rate ofASSURE II maybeusedif applied in a
`sequential application program as follows:
`1. Apply ASSURE II at 5 ounces per acre when
`johnsongrassis 10”-24”tall.
`2. Apply ASSURE II a second time at 5 ounces per acre
`when johnsongrass regrowth is 6”-10”tall.
`Do not apply ASSURE II in a tank mix with postemergence
`broadleaf herbicides when using this reducedrate,
`sequential application program.
`Refer to the labels ofall tank mix products for information
`regarding use information (suchasrates, timing, application
`information, and sprayer cleanup) and product precautions
`andrestrictions (especially adjuvants - ASSURE II requires
`the use of an adjuvant). The mostrestrictive provisions
`apply. If those recommendations conflict with this label, do
`not tank mix the herbicide with ASSURE II.
`DuPont also recommendsthat you first consult your state
`experimentstation, university, or extension agent,
`Agricultural dealer, or DuPont representative as to the
`potential for any adverse interactions (resulting in
`unacceptable grass control and/or crop injury) before using
`newherbicide, insecticide and fungicide mixtures. If no
`information is available, limit the initial use ofASSURE II
`and the new herbicide, insecticide or fungicide product to a
`small area.
`Alwaysconducta jar test to evaluate physical compatibility
`before applying a particular mixture to cropsfor thefirst
`Application With Insecticides and Fungicides
`ASSURE II may be tank mixed with postemergence
`insecticides registered for use in the specific crop (such as
`DuPont ASANA® XL Insecticide, DuPont LANNATE®
`Insecticide, DuPont LANNATE®LV Insecticide, DuPont
`VYDATE® C-LV Insecticide, and DuPont VYDATE® L
`ASSURE II maybe tank mixed with postemergence
`fungicides and bactericides (such as DuPont BENLATE®
`Fungicide, and Copper containing products) registered for
`use in the specific crop.
`Application With Broadleaf Herbicides
`Forbest results, apply ASSURE II alone or in sequence with
`a broadleaf herbicide(s). Tank mixes ofASSURE II with
`postemergence broadleaf herbicides have shown some
`reduction in control of most grass species andfailure to
`control certain grass species normally controlled by
`ASSURE II used alone. Activity of the postemergence
`broadleaf herbicide in the tank mixtureis not affected.
`Split Applications with Postemergence
`Broadleaf Herbicides
`Applying ASSURE II immediately priorto or following
`an application of a postemergence broadleaf herbicide
`may reduce control of some grasses. For best results, follow
`these recommendations when makingsplit applications:
`¢ Apply postemergence broadleafherbicidesat least
`24 hours after applying ASSURE II.
`e Apply ASSURE II whengrass begins to develop new
`leaves (generally 7 days after the postemergence
`broadleaf herbicide application) in fields treated with a
`postemergence broadleaf herbicide.
`Dry Beans - Tank Mixes Basagrarn’
`When tank mixing ASSURE II with “Basagran”, annual
`grass antagonism can be minimized by increasing the
`recommendedrate ofASSURE II by 2 ounces. Perennial
`grasses may require a sequential application for acceptable
`Soybeans- Tank Mixes with Postemergence
`Broadleaf Herbicides
`ASSURE II can be tank mixed with postemergent soybean
`broadleaf herbicides such as DuPont CLASSIC® Herbicide,
`DuPont CONCERT? SP Herbicide, DuPont PINNACLE®
`Herbicide, DuPont RELIANCE™STS®Herbicide and
`DuPont SYNCHRONY?STS® Herbicide or “Basagran” for
`use on soybeans to control broadleaf weeds and selected
`Include ammonium nitrogenfertilizer if specified on the
`tankmix partner label. Include either a crop oil concentrate
`or a nonionic surfactant as specified in the followingtable:
`(Pints per 100 gal ofspray solution)
`coc or NIS
`Tank mix partner
`Classic + Pinnacle —*
`Concert/Concert SP —*
`Reliance STS
`Synchrony STS
`* Do not use Dash’or crop oil concentrate when tank mixing
`CONCERT or CONCERTSP unless specified on other DuPont
`supplemental labeling.
`t Using the higher rate of nonionic surfactant, particularly under
`hot, humid conditions, may increase temporary crop injury.
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`To spottreat small areas of annuals (i.e., volunteer corn) or
`perennials (i.¢., rhizome johnsongrass)
`¢ use a 0.375% v/v solution ofASSURE II and water.
`(fl oz
`0.5 (1 tbs;
`12 (3/4
`24 (1.5
`48 (3
`Crop Oil
`fl oz
`1.25 (2.5 tbs;
`32 (1
`64 (2
`128 (1
`fl oz
`0.3 (2 ts
`8 (1 cy
`16 (1
`32 (1
`Donotspot treat grasses using a tank mix of ASSURE II and
`broadleaf herbicides.
`include a nonphytotoxic crop oil concentrate at 1 gallon
`per 100 gal of spray solution (1% v/v) or a nonionic
`surfactant at 1 qt per 100 gal of spray solution
`(0.25% v/v).
`treat plants on a spray-to-wet basis to ensure good
`A timely cultivation may be necessary to control suppressed
`weeds, weeds that were beyond the maximum size at
`application, or weeds that emerge after an application of
`Cultivation up to 7 days before the postemergence
`application ofASSURE II may decrease weed control by
`pruning weedroots, placing the weeds understress, or
`covering the weeds with soil and preventing coverage by
`To allow ASSURE IIto fully control treated weeds,
`cultivation is not recommended for 7 days after application.
`Optimum timing for cultivation is 7 - 14 days after a
`postemergence application ofASSURE II.
`Do notrotate to crops other than Canola ,Cotton, Crambe,
`Dry Beans, Lentils, Mint (Spearmint and Peppermint), Peas
`(Dry and Succulent Peas), Snap Beans, Soybeans, or
`Sugarbeets within 120 days after application.
`Donot graze livestock in treated areas. In addition, do not
`feed forage, hay, or straw from treated areasto livestock.
`additional information and precautions.
`Ground Application
`Useflat fan or hollow cone nozzles at 25-60 psi.
`¢ Do notuse flood, rain drop, whirl chamber, or any other
`nozzle types that produce coarse, large spray droplets. In
`addition, do not use controlled droplet applicator (CDA)
`type nozzles as poor weed control or excessive spray drift
`¢ Use a minimum of 10 gal of water per acre in nonarid
`Use a minimum of 15 gal of water per acre in arid areas.
`Do not exceed 40 gal of water per acre.
`Increase spray volume and pressure as weed or crop
`density and size increase.
`Because band application equipment sprays a narrower
`area than broadcast application equipment, calibrate
`equipment to use proportionately less spray solution.
`To avoid crop injury, carefully calibrate the band
`applicator not to exceed the labeled rate.
`Carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions for
`nozzle type, nozzle orientation, distance of the nozzles
`from the crop and weeds, spray volumes,calibration, and
`spray pressure.
`For additional information on row banders see DuPont
`bulletin, “Application Accuracy - Row Banders”.
`Aerial Application
`¢ Use nozzle types and arrangements that provide optimum
`spray distribution and maximum coverage.
`¢ Use a minimum of 3 gal of water per acre in nonarid
`¢ Use a minimum of 5 gal of water per acre in arid areas.
`1. Fill the tank 1/4 to 1/3 full of water.
`2. While agitating, add the required amount ofASSURE II.
`IfASSURE II and a tank mix partnerare to be applied
`together, consult the tank mix partner label for
`information on which should be added first (normally
`granules and powdersare addedfirst).
`3. Continue agitation until the ASSURE IIis fully dispersed,
`at least 5 minutes.
`4. Once the ASSURE II is fully dispersed, maintain
`agitation and continue filling tank with water.
`5. Asthe tank isfilling, add the required volumeof spray
`additives, always add these to the spray tank last.
`6. Apply ASSURE II spray mixture within a reasonable
`period of time of mixing to avoid product degradation
`(24 to 48 hrs). If the spray mixture stands for any period
`of time, thoroughly re-agitate before using.
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`The spray equipment must be cleaned before ASSURE I] is
`sprayed. Follow the cleanup procedures specified on the
`labels of the previously applied products. If no directions
`are provided, follow the six steps outlined in After Spraying
`It is very important that any buildup of dried
`pesticide deposits which have accumulated in the
`application equipment be removedprior to spraying
`ASSURE IL. Steam-cleaning spray tanks to facilitate the
`removalof any caked deposits of previously applied
`products will help prevent accidental crop injury.
`At the End of the Day
`It is recommendedthat during periods when multiple loads
`ofASSURE II herbicide are applied, at the end of each day
`of spraying the interior of the tank be rinsed with fresh
`water and then partially filled, and the boom and hoses
`flushed. This will prevent the buildup of dried pesticide
`deposits which can accumulate in the application
`After Spraying ASSUREI! and Before
`Spraying Crops Other Than ThoseListed in
`the Crop Rotation Section
`To avoid subsequent injury to desirable crops,
`thoroughly clean all mixing and spray equipment
`immediately following applications ofASSURE II as
`1. Drain tank; thoroughly rinse spray tanks, boom, and hoses
`with clean water. Loosen and physically remove any visible
`2. Fill the tank with clean water and 1 gal of household
`ammonia* (contains 3% active) for every 100 gal of water.
`Flush the hoses, boom, and nozzles with the cleaning
`solution. Then add more water to completely fill the tank.
`Circulate the cleaning solution through the tank and hoses
`for at least 15 min. Flush the hoses, boom, and nozzles
`again with the cleaning solution, and then drain the tank.
`3. Removethe nozzles and screens and clean separately in a
`bucket containing cleaning agent and water.
`4. Repeat step 2.
`5. Rinse the tank, boom, and hoses with clean water.
`6. If only Ammoniais used as a cleaner, the rinsate solution may
`be applied back to the crop(s) recommended onthis label. Do
`not exceed the maximum labeled userate. If other cleaners
`are used, consult the cleaner label for rinsate disposal
`instructions. Ifno instructions are given, dispose ofthe rinsate
`onsite or at an approved waste disposal facility.
`*Equivalent amounts ofan alternate-strength ammonia
`solution or a DuPont-approved cleaner can be used in the
`cleanout procedure. Carefully read and follow the individual
`cleaner instructions. Consult your Ag dealer, applicator, or
`DuPontrepresentative for a listing of approved cleaners.
`1. CAUTION:Donotuse chlorine bleach with ammonia as
`dangerous gases will form. Do not clean equipment in an
`2. Steam-cleaning spray tanks is recommended priorto
`performing the above cleanout procedure to facilitate the
`removal of any caked deposits.
`3. When ASSURE II is tank mixed with otherpesticides, all
`cleanout procedures should be examined and the most
`rigorous procedure should be followed.
`4, In addition to this cleanout procedure, all precleanout
`guidelines on subsequently applied products should be
`followedas per the individual labels.
`5. Where routine spraying practices include shared equipment
`frequently being switched between applications ofASSURE
`II and applications of other pesticides to ASSURE II-sensitive
`crops during the same spray season, it is recommendedthat a
`sprayer be dedicated to ASSURE II to further reduce the
`chanceofcrop injury.
`The interaction ofmany equipment and weather-related factors
`determines the potential for spray drift. The applicator is
`responsible for consideringall these factors when making
`application decisions.
`The mosteffective way to reduce drift potential is to apply large
`droplets (>150 - 200 microns). The best drift management
`strategy is to apply the largest droplets that provide sufficient
`coverage and control. The presenceofsensitive species nearby,
`the environmental conditions, and pest pressure may affect how
`an applicator balances drift control and coverage. APPLYING
`Temperature and Humidity, and Temperature Inversions
`sections ofthis label.
`Controlling Droplet Size - General Techniques
`¢ Volume- Use high flow rate nozzles to apply the highest
`practical spray volume. Nozzles with higher rated flows
`produce larger droplets.
`Pressure - Use the lower spray pressures recommended
`for the nozzle. Higher pressure reduces droplet size and
`does not improve canopy penetration. WHEN HIGHER
`Nozzle Type- Use a nozzle type that is designed for the
`intended application. With most nozzle types, narrower
`spray angles producelarger droplets. Consider using low-
`drift nozzles.
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`RiceTec, Inc.
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`Controlling Droplet Size - Aircraft
`¢ Numberof Nozzles - Use the minimum numberof
`nozzles with the highest flow rate that provide uniform
`Nozzle Orientation - Orienting nozzles so that the spray
`is emitted backwards,parallel to the airstream will
`produce larger droplets than other orientations.
`Nozzle Type- Solid stream nozzles (such as disc and core
`with swirl plate removed) oriented straight back produce
`larger droplets than other nozzle types.