`‘.- ,..————~
`Biopharmaceutics 8:
`Seventh Edition
`Leon Shargel, PHD, RPh
`Applied Biopharmaceutics, LLC
`Raleigh, North Carolina
`Afi‘iliate Professor, School ofPharmacy
`Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia
`Adjunct Associate Professor, School ofPharmacy
`University ofMaryland, Baltimore, Maryland
`Andrew B.C. Yu, PHD, RPh
`Registered Pharmacist
`Gaithersburg, Maryland
`Formerly Associate Professor of Pharmaceutics
`Albany College ofPharmacy
`Albany, New York
`Formerly CDER, FDA
`Silver Spring, Maryland
`New York Chicago San Francisco Athens London Madrid Mexico City.
`Milan New Delhi Singapore Sydney Toronto
`Applied Biopharmaceutics 8: Pharmacokinetics, Seventh Edition
`Copyright © 2016 by McGraw—Hill Education. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Except as
`permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed
`in any form or by any means, or stored in a data base or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the
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`© 1985, 1980 by Appleton—Century-Crofts.
`1234567890 DOC/DOC 201918171615
`ISBN 978’0-07-183093—5
`MHID 0-07-183093-6
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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Shargel, Leon, 1941- , author.
`Applied biopharmaceutics & pharmacokinetics / Leon Shargel, Andrew B.C. Yu.—Seventh edition.
`p. ; cm.
`Applied biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics
`Includes bibliographical references and index.
`ISBN 978-0-07-183093-5 (hardcover)—ISBN 0-07-183093-6 (hardcover)
`1. Yu, Andrew B. C., 1945- , author.
`11. Title.
`II]. Title: Applied biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics.
`l. Biopharmaceutics.
`2. Pharmacokinetics.
`3. DrugAdministration Routes.
`4. Models, Chemical. QV 38]
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`Preface to First Edition
`Introduction to Biopharmaceutics and
`Drug Product Performance
`Clinical Pharmacokinetics
`Practical Focus
`Drug Exposure and Drug Response
`Toxicokinetics and Clinical Toxicology
`Measurement of Drug Concentrations
`Basic Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacokinetic
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`2. Mathematical Fundamentals in
`Practice Problem 31
`Mathematical Expressions and Units
`Units for Expressing Blood Concentrations
`Measurement and Use of Significant Figures
`Practice Problem 35
`Practice Problem 36
`Rates and Orders of Processes
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`3. Biostatistics
`Types of Data (Nonparametric Versus Parametric)
`Measures of Central Tendency
`Measures of Variability
`Hypothesis Testing
`Statistically Versus Clinically Significant
`Statistical Inference Techniques in Hypothesis
`Testing for Parametric Data
`Goodness of Fit
`Statistical Inference Techniques for Hypothesis
`Testing With Nonparametric Data
`Controlled Versus Noncontrolled Studies
`Bioequivalence Studies
`Evaluation of Risk for Clinical Studies
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`One-Compartment Open Model:
`Intravenous Bolus Administration 75
`Elimination Rate Constant
`Apparent Volume of Distribution
`Clinical Application
`Calculation of k From Urinary Excretion Data
`Practice Problem 87
`Practice Problem 88
`Clinical Application
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`Multicompartment Models:
`Intravenous Bolus Administration 97
`Two-Compartment Open Model
`Clinical Application
`Practice Problem 107
`Practical Focus
`Practice Problem 110
`Practical Focus
`Three-Compartment Open Model
`Clinical Application
`Clinical Application
`Determination of Compartment Models
`Practical Focus
`Clinical Application
`Practical Problem 120
`Clinical Application
`Practical Application
`Clinical Application
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`Intravenous Infusion
`One-Compartment Model Drugs
`Infusion Method for Calculating Patient Elimination
`Loading Dose Plus IV Infusion—One-Compartment
`Practice Problems
`Estimation of Drug Clearance and VD From Infusion
`Intravenous Infusion of Two-Compartment Model
`Practical Focus
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`7. Drug Elimination, Clearance, and
`Renal Clearance
`Drug Elimination
`Drug Clearance
`Clearance Models
`The Kidney
`Clinical Application
`Practice Problems
`Renal Clearance
`Determination of Renal Clearance
`Practice Problem 169
`Practice Problem 169
`Relationship of Clearance to Elimination Half-Life
`and Volume of Distribution
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`Pharmacokinetics of Oral
`Absorption 177
`Basic Principles of Physiologically Based
`Absorption Kinetics (Bottom-Up Approach)
`Absoroption Kinetics
`(The Top-Down Approach)
`Pharmacokinetics of Drug Absorption
`Significance of Absorption Rate Constants
`Zero-Order Absorption Model
`Clinical Application—Transdermal Drug
`First-Order Absorption Model
`Practice Problem 191
`Chapter Summary
`Application Questions
`Multiple-Dosage Regimens
`Drug Accumulation
`Clinical Example
`Repetitive Intravenous Injections
`Intermittent Intravenous Infusion
`Clinical Example
`Estimation of k and VD of Aminoglycosides in
`Clinical Situations
`Multiple-Oral-Dose Regimen
`Loading Dose
`Dosage Regimen Schedules
`Clinical Example
`Practice Problems
`Chapter Summary
`Learnng Questions
`Nonlinear Pharmacokinetics
`Saturable Enzymatic Elimination Processes
`Practice Problem 232
`Practice Problem 233
`Drug Elimination by Capacity-Limited
`Pharmacokinetics: One-Compartment
`Model, IV Bolus Injection
`Practice Problems
`Clinical Focus
`Clinical Focus
`Drugs Distributed as One—Compartment
`Model and Eliminated by Nonlinear
`Clinical Focus
`Chronopharmacokinetics and Time-Dependent
`Clinical Focus
`Bioavailability of Drugs That Follow Nonlinear
`Nonlinear Phannacokinetics Due to Drug—Protein
`Potential Reasons for Unsuspected
`Dose-Dependent Pharmacokinetics
`Clinical Example
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`1 1. Physiologic Drug Distribution and
`Protein Binding 259
`Physiologic Factors of Distribution
`Clinical Focus
`Apparent Volume Distribution
`Practice Problem 270
`Protein Binding of Drugs
`Clinical Examples
`Effect of Protein Binding on the Apparent Volume
`of Distribution
`Practice Problem 279
`Clinical Example
`Relationship of Plasma Drug—Protein Binding to
`Distribution and Elimination
`Clinical Examples
`Clinical Example
`Determinants of Protein Binding
`Clinical Example
`Kinetics of Protein Binding
`Practical Focus
`Determination of Binding Constants and Binding
`Sites by Graphic Methods
`Clinical Significance of Drug—Protein
`Clinical Example
`Clinical Example
`Modeling Drug Distribution
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`12. Drug Elimination and Hepatic
`Route of Drug Administration and Extrahepatic
`Drug Metabolism 309
`Practical Focus
`Hepatic Clearance
`Extrahepatic Metabolism 312
`Enzyme Kinetics—Michaelis—Menten
`Clinical Example
`Practice Problem 319
`Anatomy and Physiology of the Liver
`Hepatic Enzymes Involved in the Biotransformation
`of Drugs
`Drug Biotransformation Reactions
`Pathways of Drug Biotransformation
`Drug Interaction Example
`Clinical Example
`First—Pass Effects
`Hepatic Clearance of a Protein-Bound Drug:
`Restrictive and Nonrestrictive Clearance From
`Biliary Excretion of Drugs
`Clinical Example
`Role of Transporters on Hepatic Clearance
`and Bioavailability
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`13. Pharmacogenetics and Drug
`Metabolism 357
`Genetic Polymorphisms
`Cytochrome P-450 Isozymes
`Phase [I Enzymes
`Chapter Summary
`14. Physiologic Factors Related to Drug
`Absorption 373
`Drug Absorption and Design
`of a Drug Product
`Route of Drug Administration
`Nature of Cell Membranes
`Passage of Drugs Across Cell Membranes
`Drug Interactions in the Gastrointestinal
`Oral Drug Absorption
`Oral Drug Absorption During Drug Product
`Methods for Studying Factors That Affect Drug
`Effect of Disease States on Drug Absorption
`Miscellaneous Routes of Drug Administration
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`Answers to Questions
`15. Biopharmaceutic Considerations in
`Drug Product Design and In Vitro Drug
`Product Performance
`Biopharmaceutic Factors and Rationale for Drug
`Product Design
`Rate-Limiting Steps in Drug Absorption
`Physicochemical Properties of the Drug
`Formulation Factors Affecting Drug Product
`Drug Product Performance. In Vitro: Dissolution
`and Drug Release Testing
`Compendial Methods of Dissolution
`Alternative Methods of Dissolution Testing
`Dissolution Profile Comparisons
`Meeting Dissolution Requirements
`Problems of Variable Control in Dissolution
`Performance of Drug Products: In Vino—In Viva
`Approaches to Establish Clinically Relevant Drug
`Product Specifications
`Drug Product Stability
`Considerations in the Design of a Drug
`Drug Product Considerations
`Clinical Example
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`16. Drug Product Performance, In Vivo:
`Bioavailability and Bioequivalence
`Drug Product Performance
`Purpose of Bioavailability and Bioequivalence
`Relative and Absolute Availability
`Practice Problem 474
`Methods for Assessing Bioavailability and
`In Vivo Measurement of Active Moiety or Moieties
`in Biological Fluids
`Bioequivalence Studies Based on Pharmacodynarnic
`Endpoints—In Vtvo Pharmacodynamic (PD)
`Bioequivalence Studies Based on Clinical
`Endpoints—Clinical Endpoint Study
`In Vitm Studies
`Other Approaches Deemed Acceptable
`(by the FDA)
`Bioequivalence Studies Based on Multiple
`Bioequivalence Studies
`Design and Evaluation of Bioequivalence
`Study Designs
`Crossover Study Designs
`Clinical Example
`Clinical Example
`Pharmacokinetic Evaluation of the Data
`The Partial AUC in Bioequivalence
`Examples of Partial AUC Analyses
`Bioequivalence Examples
`Study Submission and Drug Review Process
`Waivers of In Vivo Bioequivalence Studies
`The Biopharmaceutics Classification System
`Generic Biologics (Biosimilar Drug
`Clinical Significance of Bioequivalence
`51 1
`Special Concerns in Bioavailability and
`Bioequivalence Studies
`Generic Substitution
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`I7. Biopharmaceutical Aspects of the
`Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient and
`Pharmaceutical Equivalence
`Pharmaceutical Alternatives
`Practice Problem 534
`Bioequivalence of Drugs With Multiple
`Formulation and Manufacturing Process
`Size, Shape, and Other Physical Attributes of
`Generic Tablets and Capsules
`Changes to an Approved NDA or ANDA 537
`The Future of Pharmaceutical Equivalence and
`Therapeutic Equivalence
`Biosimilar Drug Products
`Historical Perspective
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`Impact of Biopharmaceutics on
`Drug Product Quality and Clinical
`Risks From Medicines
`Risk Assessment
`Drug Product Quality and Drug Product
`Pharmaceutical Development
`Example of Quality Risk
`Excipient Effect on Drug Product
`Practical Focus
`Quality Control and Quality Assurance
`Practical Focus
`Risk Management
`Scale-Up and Postapproval Changes (SUPAC)
`Practical Focus
`Product Quality Problems
`Postmarketing Surveillance
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`I9. Modified-Release Drug Products and
`Drug Devices
`Modified-Release (MR) Drug Products and
`Conventional (Immediate-Release, IR)
`Drug Products
`Biopharmaceutic Factors
`Dosage Form Selection
`Advantages and Disadvantages of Extended-
`Release Products
`Kinetics of Extended-Release Dosage Forms
`Pharmacokinetic Simulation of Extended-Release
`Clinical Examples
`Types of Extended—Release Products
`Considerations in the Evaluation of
`Modified-Release Products
`Evaluation of Modified-Release Products
`Evaluation of In Vivo Bioavailability Data
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`Targeted Drug Delivery Systems and
`Biotechnological Products
`Drug Carriers and Targeting
`Targeted Drug Delivery
`Pharmacokinetics of Biopharmaceuticals
`Bioequivalence of Biotechnology-Derived
`Drug Products
`Learning Questions
`Relationship Between Pharmacokinetics
`and Pharmacodynamics
`Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
`Relationship of Dose to Pharmacologic Effect
`Relationship Between Dose and Duration of
`Activity (rm), Single IV Bolus Injection
`Practice Problem 643
`Effect of Both Dose and Elimination Half—Life on
`the Duration of Activity
`Effect of Elimination Half-Life on Duration of
`Substance Abuse Potential
`Drug Tolerance and Physical Dependency
`Hypersensitivity and Adverse Response
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`Application of Pharmacokinetics to
`Clinical Situations
`Medication Therapy Management
`lndividualization of Drug Dosage Regimens
`Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
`Clinical Example
`Clinical Example
`Design of Dosage Regimens
`Conversion From Intravenous Infusion to
`Oral Dosing
`Determination of Dose
`Practice Problems
`Effect of Changing Dose 0nd Dosing Interval on
`CL” sz. and c;
`Determination of Frequency of Drug
`Determination of Both Dose and Dosage
`Practice Problem 699
`Determination of Route of Administration
`Dosing Infants and Children
`Practice Problem 702
`Dosing the Elderly
`Practice Problems
`Clinical Example
`Dosing the Obese Patients
`Pharmacokinetics of Drug Interactions
`Inhibition of Drug Metabolism 710
`Inhibition of Monoamine Oxidase (MAO)
`Induction of Drug Metabolism 712
`Inhibition of Drug Absorption
`Inhibition of Biliary Excretion
`Altered Renal Reabsorption Due to Changing
`Urinary pH 713
`Practical Focus
`Effect of Food on Drug Disposition
`Adverse Viral Drug Interactions
`Population Pharmacokinetics
`Clinical Example
`Regional Pharmacokinetics
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`Application of Pharmacokinetics to
`Specific Populations: Geriatric, Obese,
`and Pediatric Patients
`Specific and Special Populations
`Module 1: Application of Pharmacokinetics t0 the
`Geriatric Patients
`Learning Questions
`Further Reading
`Module II: Application of Pharmacokinetics to the
`Obese Patients
`Learning Questions
`Module III: Application of Pharmacokinetics to the
`Pediatric Patients
`Learning Questions
`General Approaches for Dose Adjustment in Renal
`Measurement of Glomerular Filtration Rate
`Serum Creatinine Concentration and
`Creatinine Clearance
`Practice Problems
`Dose Adjustment for Uremic Patients
`Practice Problem 787
`Practice Problem 792
`Practice Problems
`Practice Problem 795
`Extracorporeal Removal of Drugs
`Practice Problem 799
`Clinical Examples
`Effect of Hepatic Disease
`on Pharmacokinetics
`Practice Problem 805
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`25. Empirical Models, Mechanistic
`Models, Statistical Moments, and
`Noncompartmental Analysis
`Empirical Models
`Mechanistic Models
`Noncompartmental Analysis
`Comparison of Different Approaches
`Selection of Pharmacokinetic Models
`Chapter Summary
`Learning Questions
`Appendix A Applications of
`Software Packages in
`24. Dose Adjustment in Renal and Hepatic
`Renal Impairment
`Pharmacokinetic Considerations
`Appendix B Glossary 875
`Multiple-Dosage Regimens
`Rodney C. Siwale and Shabnam N. Sani
`Chapter Objectives
`Define the index for measuring
`drug accumulation.
`Define drug accumulation and
`drug accumulation rm.
`Explain the principle of
`superposition and its
`assumptions in multiple-dose
`Calculate the steady-state Cmax
`and C
`after multiple iv bolus
`dosing ofdrugs.
`Calculate k and VD of
`aminoglycosides in multiple
`dose regimens.
`Adjust the steady—state Cmax and
`Cmin in the event the last dose
`is given too early, too late, or
`totally missed following multiple
`lV dosing.
`Earlier chapters of this book discussed single-dose drug and
`constant—rate drug administration. By far though, most drugs are
`given in several doses, for example, multiple doses to treat chronic
`disease such as arthritis, hypertension, etc. After single—dose drug
`administration, the plasma drug level rises above and then falls
`below the minimum eflective concentration (MEC), resulting in a
`decline in therapeutic effect. To treat chronic disease, multiple-
`dosage or IV infusion regimens are used to maintain the plasma
`drug levels within the narrow limits of the therapeutic window
`(eg, plasma drug concentrations above the MEC but below the
`minimum toxic concentration or MTC) to achieve optimal clinical
`effectiveness. These drugs may include antibacterials, cardioton—
`ics, anticonvulsants, hypoglycemics, antihypertensives, hormones,
`and others. Ideally, a dosage regimen is established for each drug
`to provide the correct plasma level without excessive fluctuation
`and drug accumulation outside the therapeutic window.
`For certain drugs, such as antibiotics, a desirable MEC can be
`determined. For drugs that have a narrow therapeutic range
`(eg, digoxin and phenytoin), there is a need to define the therapeu—
`tic minimum and maximum nontoxic plasma concentrations
`(MEC and MTC, respectively). In calculating a multiple-dose regi-
`the desired or target plasma drug concentration must be
`related to a therapeutic response, and the multiple-dose regimen
`must be designed to produce plasma concentrations within the
`therapeutic window.
`There are two main parameters that can be adjusted in
`developing a dosage regimen: (1) the size of the drug dose and
`(2) r, the frequency of drug administration (ie, the time interval
`between doses).
`To calculate a multiple-dose regimen for a patient or patients,
`pharmacokinetic parameters are first obtained from the plasma
`level—time curve generated by single—dose drug studies. With these
`pharmacokinetic parameters and knowledge of the size of the dose
`and dosage interval (r), the complete plasma level—time curve or
`Chapter 9
`the plasma level may be predicted at any time after
`the beginning of the dosage regimen.
`For calculation of multiple-dose regimens, it is
`necessary to decide whether successive doses of
`drug will have any effect on the previous dose. The
`principle of superposition assumes that early doses
`of drug do not affect the pharmacokinetics of subse-
`quent doses. Therefore,
`the blood levels after the
`second, third, or nth dose will overlay or superim-
`pose the blood level attained after the (n—1)th dose.
`In addition, the AUC = ( I: Cp a't) for the first dose is
`equal to the steady—state area between doses, that is,
`(I:2 C], dt) as shown in Fig. 9-1.
`I The principle of superposition allows the pharma-
`cokineticist to project the plasma drug concentration—
`time curve of a drug after multiple consecutive doses
`based on the plasma drug concentration—time curve
`obtained after a single dose. The basic assumptions are
`(1) that the drug is eliminated by first-order kinetics
`and (2) that the pharmacokinetics of the drug after a
`single dose (first dose) are not altered after taking mul-
`tiple doses.
`The plasma drug concentrations after multiple
`doses may be predicted from the plasma drug con-
`centrations obtained after a single dose. In Table 9-1,
`the plasma drug concentrations from 0 to 24 hours
`are measured after a single dose. A constant dose
`of drug is given every 4 hours and plasma drug con-
`centrations after each dose are generated using the
`data after the first dose. Thus, the predicted plasma
`drug concentration in the patient is the total drug
`level —q
`Simulated data showing blood levels after
`administration of multiple doses and accumulation of blood
`levels when equal doses are given at equal time intervals.
`concentration obtained by adding the residual drug
`concentration obtained after each previous dose. The
`superposition principle may be used to predict drug
`concentrations after multiple doses of many drugs.
`Because the superposition principle is an overlay
`method, it may be used to predict drug concentra-
`tions after multiple doses given at either equal or
`unequal dosage intervals. For example, the plasma
`drug concentrations may be predicted after a drug
`dose is given every 8 hours, or 3 times a day before
`meals at 8 AM, 12 noon, and 6 PM.
`There are situations, however,
`in which the
`In these
`superposition principle does not apply.
`cases, the pharmacokinetics of the drug change after
`multiple dosing due to various factors,
`changing pathophysiology in the patient, saturation
`of a drug carrier system, enzyme induction, and
`enzyme inhibition. Drugs that follow nonlinear phar-
`macokinetics (see Chapter 10) generally do not have
`predictable plasma drug concentrations after multi-
`ple doses using the superposition principle.
`If the drug is administered at a fixed dose and a
`fixed dosage interval, as is the case with many mul-
`tiple-dose regimens, the amount of drug in the body
`will increase and then plateau to a mean plasma level
`higher than the peak Cp obtained from the initial
`dose (Figs. 9-1 and 9—2). When the second dose is
`given after a time interval shorter than the time
`required to “completely” eliminate the previous
`dose, drug accumulation will occur in the body. In
`other words, the plasma concentrations following the
`second dose will be higher than corresponding
`plasma concentrations immediately following the
`first dose. However, if the second dose is given after
`a time interval longer than the time required to elimi-
`nate the previous dose, drug will not accumulate
`(see Table 9-1).
`As repetitive equal doses are given at a constant
`frequency, the plasma level—time curve plateaus and
`a steady state is obtained. At steady state, the plasma
`drug levels fluctuate between C23, and C32,". Once
`steady state is obtained, Cg“ and C3," are constant
`and remain unchanged from dose to dose. In addi-
`tion, the AUC between (
`:2 Cp dt) is constant during
`a dosing interval at steady1 state (see Fig. 9-1). The
`C3“ is important in determining drug safety. The
`should always remain below the MTC. The 0’“
`Multiple-Dosage Regimens
`TABLE 9-1 Predicted Plasma Drug Concentrations for Multiple-Dose Regimen Using the
`Superposition Principle"
`Time (h)
`" Plasma Drug Ctmcent'ratio‘n (IQ/ml.)
`Dose 3’
`Doses -
`1 .27
`"A single oral dose of 350 mg was given and the plasma drug concentrations were measured for 0—24 h. The same plasma drug concentrations are
`assumed to occur after doses 2—6. The total plasma drug concentration is the sum of the plasma drug concentrations due to each dose. For this
`example, VD = 10 L, rm = 4 h, and k, = 1.5 h-‘.The drug is 100% bioavailable and follows the pharmacokinetics ofa one-compartment open model.
`Chapter 9
`is also a good indication of drug accumulation. If a
`drug produces the same CE“ at steady state, com-
`pared with the (C—l)max after the first dose, then
`thereis no drug accumulation. If C‘”
`is much larger
`max, then there is significant accumulation
`than (CH)
`during the multiple—dose regimen. Accumulation is
`affected by the elimination half-life of the drug and
`the dosing interval. The index for measuring drug
`accumulation R is
`R =
`(Cn=l )max
`(9 1)
`Substituting for Cmx after the first dose and at steady
`state yields
`R =
`D0/VD[1/(l —e"”)]
`Equation 9.2 shows that drug accumulation mea—
`sured with the R index depends on the elimination
`constant and the dosing interval and is independent
`of the dose. For a drug given in repetitive oral doses,
`the time required to reach steady state is dependent
`on the elimination half-life of the drug and is inde-
`pendent of the size of the dose, the length of the
`dosing interval, and the number of doses. For exam-
`ple, if the dose or dosage interval of the drug is
`altered as shown in Fig. 9-2, the time required for the
`drug to reach steady state is the same, but the final
`steady-state plasma level changes proportionately.
`N>O~8§8880c: Amountoidruginbody(mg)
`Time (hours)
`l 00
`u 600 mg every 24 h
`Time (hours)
`Simulated plasma drug concentration—time
`curves after N infusion and oral multiple doses for a drug with an
`elimination half-life of 4 hours and apparent VD of 10 L IV infusion
`given at a rate of 25 mg/h, oral multiple doses are 200 mg every
`8 hours, 300 mg every 12 hours, and 600 mg every 24 hours.
`Furthermore, if the drug is given at the same
`dosing rate but as an infusion (eg, 25 mg/h), the aver—
`age plasma drug concentrations will (C°“) be the
`same but the fluctuations between CL“ and C31“ will
`vary (Fig. 9-3). An average steady--state plasma drug
`concentration is obtained by dividing the area under
`the curve (AUC) for a dosing period (ie, I? Cp dt) by
`the dosing interval 1', at steady state.
`An equation for the estimation of the time to
`reach one-half of the steady-state plasma levels or
`the accumulation half-life has been described by van
`Rossum and Tomey (1968).
`Accumulation t1,2-t“2 [1+3.310g
` 4‘)
`FIGU RE 9-2 Amount ofdrug in the body as a function of
`time. Equal doses of drug were given every 6 hours (upper curve)
`and every 8 hours (lower curve). ka and k remain constant.
`For IV administration, ka is very rapid (approaches no);
`k is very small in comparison to ka and can be omitted
`in the denominator of Equation 9.3. Thus, Equation 9.3
`reduces to
`Accumulationt1,2 =1.‘1,2[1+3.3log%]
`Since ka/ka = 1 and log 1 = 0, the accumulation rm of
`a drug administered intravenously is the elimination
`rm of the drug. From this relationship, the time to
`reach 50% steady—state drug concentrations is depen-
`dent only on the elimination t1 ,2 and not on the dose
`or dosage interval.
`As shown in Equation 9.4, the accumulation
`rm is directly proportional to the elimination ’1/2-
`Table 9—2 gives the accumulation rm of drugs with
`various elimination half-lives given by multiple
`oral doses (see Table 9-2).
`From a clinical viewpoint, the time needed to
`reach 90% of the steady—state plasma concentration is
`3.3 times the elimination half-life, whereas the time
`required to reach 99% of the steady-state plasma
`concentration is 6.6 times the elimination half—life
`(Table 9-3). It should be noted from Table 9-3 that at
`a constant dose size, the shorter the dosage interval,
`the larger the dosing rate (mg/h), and the higher the
`steady-state drug level.
`The number of doses for a given drug to reach
`steady state is dependent on the elimination half—life
`Multiple—Dosage Regimens
`of the drug and the dosage interval I (see Table 9-3).
`If the drug is given at a dosage interval equal to the
`half-life of the drug, then 6.6 doses are required to
`reach 99% of the theoretical steady-state plasma
`drug concentration. The number of doses needed to
`reach steady state is 6.6t1 ,2/1', as calculated in the far
`right column of Table 9—3. As discussed in Chapter 6,
`Table 6-1, it takes 4.32 half—lives to reach 95% of
`steady state.
`Paroxetine (Prozac) is an antidepressant drug with a
`long elimination half-life of 21 hours. Paroxetine is
`well absorbed after oral administration and has a tmax
`of about 5 hours,
`longer than most drugs. Slow
`elimination may cause the plasma curve to peak
`slowly. The tmax is affected by k and ka, as discussed
`in Chapter 8. The Cmax for paroxetine after multiple
`dosing of 30 mg of paroxetine for 30 days in one
`study ranged from 8.6 to 105 ng/mL among 15 sub—
`jects. Clinically it is important to achieve a stable
`steady-state level in multiple dosing that does not
`“underdose” or overdose the patient. The pharmacist
`should advise the patient to follow the prescribed
`dosing interval and dose as accurately as possible.
`Taking a dose too early or too late contributes to
`TABLE 9-2 Effect of Elimination Half-Life and Absorption Rate Constant on Accumulation
`Half-Life after Oral Administrationa
`Half-life (h)
`Elimination Rate
`constant (11h)
`Absorption Rate
`Constant (1/h)
`Half-life (h)
`1 2
`1 2
`0.1 73
`0.1 73
`1 .50
`1 .50
`1 .50
`1 .50
`1 .00
`1 .00
`1 .00
`1 .00
`1 2.8
`1 3.0
`aAccumulation halfrlife is calculated by Equation 8.3, and is the half-time for accumulation of the drug to 90% of the steady-state plasma drug
`Chapter 9
`TABLE 9-3
`Interrelation of