Case 8:19-cv-01805-DOC-JDE Document 312 Filed 11/24/20 Page 1 of 5 Page ID #:22151
`Case No.: SA CV 19-01805-DOC-JDE
`Ex. 3003


`Case 8:19-cv-01805-DOC-JDE Document 312 Filed 11/24/20 Page 2 of 5 Page ID #:22152
`Plaintiff Pinn, Inc. (“Plaintiff” or “Pinn”) has asserted United States Patents No. 9,807,491 (“the
`’941 Patent”), 10,455,066 (“the ’066 Patent”), and 10,609,198 (“the ’198 Patent”) against Defendant
`Apple Inc. (“Defendant” or “Apple”). Pinn previously settled with Defendant Google LLC and
`Defendant Samsung Electronics America, Inc. The only remaining Defendant is Apple Inc. Plaintiff
`asserts Claims 1 and 9 of the ’491 Patent, Claims 4, 6, 9, 10, 14, 21, 30, 34, 36, and 38 of the ’066
`Patent, and Claims 1, 3, 5, 12, 21, 25, 27, and 29 of the ’198 Patent (Dkt. 299 at 1.) against Defendant.
`Before the Court is the dispute over the proper definitions of numerous contested terms in the patents at
`issue. On March 16, 2020, the Court appointed David Keyzer to serve as the Technical Special Master
`for the Court in this case (Dkt. 47, 64, 77).
`The parties submitted their respective Opening Claim Construction Briefs on April 28, 2020
`(Dkts. 102, 103). The parties submitted their respective Responsive Claim Construction Briefs on May
`15, 2020 (Dkts. 110, 111). Also before the Technical Special Master were the parties’ July 16, 2019
`Second Amended Joint Claim Construction and Prehearing Statement (Dkt. 97) and Second Amended
`Joint Claim Construction Chart (Dkt. 97, Ex. A). The parties had not agreed on any constructions.
`Pursuant to the Court’s March 26, 2020 Amended Order Appointing Technical Special Master
`(Dkt. 77) and Order Regarding Claim Construction Proceedings (Dkt. 78), the Technical Special
`Master, having reviewed numerous filings from the parties, as well as having conducted a full-day
`hearing on June 9, 2020, filed his Report and Recommendation (“R&R”) on June 29, 2020 (Dkt. 159).
`Both parties filed timely objections to the R&R. Dkt. 172 (Pl.’s Objections); Dkt. 171 (Defs.’
`Objections). Plaintiff filed a response to Defendant’s Objections on July 31, 2020 (Dkt. 186).
`Defendant filed a response to Plaintiff’s Objections on July 31, 2020 (Dkt. 185). After conducting a de
`novo review including further argument on November 17, 2020, the Court ADOPTS the Report and
`Recommendation of the Technical Special Master as outlined below.
`When reviewing the Technical Special Master’s Report and Recommendation, the Court
`reviews de novo all objections to a Special Master’s report and recommendation, including legal
`conclusions and findings of fact. Fed. R. Civ. P. 53(f)(3), (4); Seaman v. Sedgwick, Detert, Moran &
`Arnold, LLP, Case No. SACV-11-0664-DOC (RNBx), 2014 WL12700973, at *1 (C.D. Cal. Sep. 30,
`Ex. 3003


`Case 8:19-cv-01805-DOC-JDE Document 312 Filed 11/24/20 Page 3 of 5 Page ID #:22153
`2014). Accordingly, “[t]he court may ‘accept, reject, or modify, in whole or in part, the findings or
`recommendations made by the [special master].’ The [court] may also receive further evidence or
`recommit the matter to the [special master] with instructions.” McDonnell Douglas Corp. v.
`Commodore Bus. Machs., Inc., 656 F.2d 1309, 1313 (9th Cir. 1981) (quoting 28 U.S.C. §
`A. Adoptions of Report and Recommendation
`After conducting de novo review of the R&R, the Court adopts the following constructions as
`recommended by the Technical Special Master for all the reasons described in the R&R (as noted in the
`following chart, the Court does not construe certain terms because those terms appear in claims that
`Plaintiff no longer asserts (see Dkt. 299)):
`Ex. 3003


`Case 8:19-cv-01805-DOC-JDE Document 312 Filed 11/24/20 Page 4 of 5 Page ID #:22154
`e 8:19-cv-01805-DOC-JDE Document 312 Filed 11/24/20 Page 4of5 Page ID #:22154
`Adopted Construction
`A.(1) “wirelessly pairing”
`“establishing a trusted relationship between two
`devices that allows them to communicate
`A.(2) “wireless pairing”
`wirelessly” (See R&R at 6-17.)
`A.(3) “wirelessly paired”
`“a trusted relationship is established between
`B. “smartphone”
`“mobile device that can communicate on a
`two devicesthat allows them to communicate
`wirelessly” (See R&R at 6-17.)
`the wireless earbud receives audio data originated “in response to pressing of the user input button,
`cellular network (and can do so without needing
`to communicate through another device), that
`can perform many ofthe functions of a
`computer, and that can be held by hand” (See
`R&Rat 18-27.)
`C. “mobile application”
`“a software application installed on a mobile
`computing device” (See R&R at 27-35.)
`D. “A method of operating the apparatus of
`(The Court does not construe this term because
`claim 1, the method of comprising: initiating
`this term appears in a claim that Plaintiff no
`wireless pairing .
`. in response to pressing of the
`longerasserts (see Dkt. 299).)
`user input button .
`. turning off the wireless
`E. “in response to pressing of the user input
`button, the at least one processoris configured to
`the at least one processoris configured to execute
`execute computer program instructions stored in
`computer program instructions stored in the at
`the at least one memory to initiate processing for
`least one memory to initiate processing for the
`the wireless pairing with the smartphone such that
`wireless pairing with the smartphone to enable
`the wireless earbudto receive and play audio data
`Ex. 3003
`Ex. 3003


`Case 8:19-cv-01805-DOC-JDE Document 312 Filed 11/24/20 Page 5 of 5 Page ID #:22155
`November 24, 2020
`Ex. 3003

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