`Sent: Mondav, April 13, 2020 10:45 AM
`To: eshuster@tafi|aw.com; hielenlt@vahoo.com
`Cc: rwhite@taf‘tlaw.com; dmcphailrfiltai‘tlawcom
`Oral argument is scheduled for l'v'la',r 141, 2020, but will be held on that date only:r if the
`parties request it. According to the Revised Scheduling Order (Paper 33], a request for
`oral argument was due April 2, 21321] {DUE DATE 4]. However, we have not received a
`request from either partv. Please confirm that oral argument is not being requested
`in this case.
`Thank vou,
`Eric W. Hawthorne
`Supervisory.r Paralegal Specialist
`Patent Trial and Appeal Board
`Ex. 3004
`EX. 3004
`From: Shuster, Elizabeth A. <EShuster@tattlaw.oom>
`Sent: l‘i."lcin[:la1_.rJI April 13,, 2020 11:03 AM
`To: Hawthorne, Eric W. {Eric.Hawthorne@USPTD.GG :
`Cc: white, Ryan 0. <Rwhite@taftlaw.com>; Trademark Docket - Indiana polis
`<tmTaftdo-cketflafflawmom}: Donald R. McPhail (DMcPhailfldickinson—
`wrightmm‘»; Powell,'liana L <TPcrwell@taftlaw.com:-3
`Subject: RE: PGRZGJB-flm25
`Dear Mr. Hawthorne.
`We confirm that Petitioner is not requesting oral argument in this case.
`Best regards,
`Elizabeth A. Shuster, Counsel for Petitioner
`Taft I
`Elaifiarillgeth A. Shuster
`Registered Patent Attomey, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`Dir: 31T.T13.355E|
`| Fax: 31T.T15.4548
`Tel: 31T.T13.3500
`One Indiana Square, Suite 3500
`Indianapolis. Indiana 462044023
`Taft Bio
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`here. For news and advice on coronavirus—related implications,
`please review our Resource Toolkit anytime.
`This message may contain information that is attorney-client privileged,
`attorney work product or otherwise confidential. If you are not an intended
`recipient. use and disclosure of this message are prohibited. If you received
`this transmission in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete
`the message and any attachments.
`From: Theodore Bielen {bielenthEahooLom}
`Sent: Monday, April 13, 213213 6:28 PM
`To: Hawthorne, Eric W. =:Eric.HawthorneQUSPTGEDVe
`Cc: Elizabeth A. Shuster eeshusterfiafilaweom:
`Subject: Re: PGREDlS—DDUES
`Dear Mr. Hawthorne
`Patent owner understood that the request for an oral argument
`under the CARES Act was extended to 2 May 202D. Patent
`owner will request an oral argument if it is safe to travel to
`Washington DC at the appointed time.
`Is the 14 Ma},r EBED oral argument date a firm dfte'?
`Theodore J. Eiielen, .Jr.
`From: Hawthorne, Eric W. <Eric.Hawthorne@USPTO.GOU>
`Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 3:22 PM
`To: bielenlt@vahoo.com; eshuster@taftlaw.com
`Cc: rwhite@taft|aw.com; dmcphai|@taftlaw.com
`Petitioner has confirmed that oral argument is not being requested.
`Patent Owner has responded as follows:
`Patent owner understood that the request for an oral argument under the CARES Act
`was extended to 2 Mag.I 2020. Patent owner will request an oral argument if it is safe
`to travel to Washington DC at the appointed time. Is the 14 May 2020 oral argument
`date a firm date?
`Regarding Patent Owner's statement that it "understood that the request for an oral
`argument under the CARES Act was extended to 2 May 2020", two points.
`The CARES Act provides no automatic extension of due dates and, thus, does not
`extend DUE DATE 4, the request for an oral argument, to May 2, 2020. Rather, it
`provides additional relief before the PTAB under certain circumstances. See
`patent-and-trademark-related-timing and embedded links for more information.
`If Patent Owner means to seekfuthorization to file a request for an extension of time
`to file the request for oral argument, then Patent Owner should first confer with
`Petitioner and then request a conference call with the PTAB. Please note that, per the
`Revised Scheduling Order [Paper 33}, DUE DATE 4 "may not be extended by
`stipulation" lid. at 6}.
`Regarding Patent Owner's statement that "Patent owner will request an oral argument if it is
`safe to travel to Washington DC at the appointed time," please note that oral hearings are
`currently,I being conducted by video, not in person. See htt
`s: www.us to. our
`application—processfipatent—trial—an d—appeaI—boardfhea rings .
`Regarding Patent Owner‘s question I‘ls the 14 May 2020 oral argument date a firm date?,"
`two points.
`The Revised Scheduling Order {Paper 33} indicates that oral argument is scheduled for
`May 14, 2020 {DUE DATE 8] and that "[t]he oral argument (if requested by either party] shall
`be held on this date." rd. at 5, emphasis added.
`If Patent Owner means to seek authorization to file a request to reschedule oral
`argument, then Patent Own er should first confer with Petitioner and then request a
`conference call with the PTAB.
`If after considering this email Patent Owner still wishes to file a request for oral argument,
`then Patent Owner should confer with Petitioner about filing {a} a request to extend the time
`to file said request for oral argument and, if also sought, {b} a request to reschedule oral
`argument, and then request a conference call with the PTAB.
`Thank you,
`Eric W. Hawthorne
`Supervisory Paralegal Specialist
`Patent Trial and Appeal Board