`Boston « New York
`Ex. 2004 |
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2004
`Page 1
`austo*load+ing (6't6-16/ding) adj. Semiautomatic.
`“gusto*bus (6/t0-biis’) 7., pl. -bus*es or -bus«ses. A motor
`éoach; a bus.
`autol*o*gous (5-t61’a-gas) adj. Derived or transferred from
`the same individual’s body. [auto- + -logous, as in HOMOL-
`austoecastal*yesis (6'td-ko-tal’i-sis) #., pl. -ses (-séz’). Ca-
`«sttalysis of a chemical reaction by one of the products of the
`‘yeaction. — au‘toecat/arlytfic (-kat’l-it/ik) adj. — au’to
`austol*y*sate (6-t5l/i-sat’, -2at’) x. Biochem. An end prod-
`uct of autolysis.
`cat/aclyt/iscalely adv,
`austol*yesin (6-tdl/i-sin, 6/ta-II’sin) 2. Biochem. A substance,
`auetoch-thon (6-t6k/ than) x., pi. -thons or -tho»nes (-tha-
`such as an enzyme, that is capable of destroying thecells or
`néz'). 1. One of the earliest known inhabitants of a place; an
`tissues of an organism within whichit is produced.
`. aborigine. 2. Ecol. Anindigenous plant or animal. [Gk. au-
`autol*y*sis (4-tdlli-sis) x. Biachem. The destruction of tis-
`i tokhthon: auto-, auto- +“kbthdn, earth; see dhghem-*.]
`sues or cells of an organism by the action of substances pro-
`"guetoch*thoenous (6-ték/tha-nas) also austoch+thasnal
`duced within the organism. — au‘toslyt/le (6/ta-lit?ik) adj.
`sc (-the-nal) or austochethonelc (6/tok-thon!tk) adj. 1. Origi-
`austo*emak«er (6/td-ma/kor) 1. A manufacturer of automo-
`“nating where found; indigenous. 2. Biol. Originating or
`tive vehicles; a carmaker.
`‘formed in the place where found. — austoch/thonsism, aus
`austoms«asta (6-tém/a-ta) 2. Pl. of automaton.
`-toch’thosny #. — austoch/thoenoussly adv.
`au*to* mate (6/ta-mat’) v. -mat-eed, -mat+ing, -mates. — zr.
`au-to-clave (&/td-klav’) #. A strong, pressurized, steam-
`1. To convert to automatic operation: automate a factory.
`iheated vessel, as for sterilization or cooking. (Fr. : Gk. auto-,
`2. To control or operate by automation. — intr. To convert to
`“auto. + Lat. cldvis, key.]
`or make use of automation. [Back-formation < automamion.]
`airtocera*cy (6-tok/ra-sé) »., pl. -cies. 1. Government by a
`au*toemat-ed teller machine (6/ ta-m4’ tid) ». An unattend-
`‘single person having unlimited power; despotism. 2. A coun-
`ed computer terminal that provides banking services.
`try or state governed by a person with unlimited power.
`auetoe matic (6/ta-mat/ tk) adj. 1.a. Acting or operating in a
`-guetoscrat (6/ta-krit’) 2. 1. A ruler having unlimited power;
`manneressentially independent of external influence or con-
`+4 despot. 2 A person with unlimited power or authority: 2
`trol: an automatic switch. b. Self-regulating. 2.a. Acting or
`“corporate autocrat. [Fr. autocrate < Gk. autokratés, ruling by
`done without volition or conscious control;
`oneself : arto-, auto- + -Rraiés, -crat.] — au’toecrat/ic, au’-
`b. Acting or done as if by machine; mechanical: an automatic
`“torcrat!iecal adj. — aufto+crat/iscalely adv.
`reply to'a question. 3.a, Capable offiring continuously until
`austo-da-fé (6/10-da-fa', ou’td-) m., pl austos-da-f6 (6'tdz-,
`ammunition is exhausted or: the trigger is released. b. Semi-
`ou’tdz-). 1. Public announcementof the sentences imposed by
`automatic: an automatic pistol. —n. 1. An automatic ma-
`théInquisition. 2. The public execution of those sentences,
`chine or device. 2.a. An automatic firearm. b. A semiauto-
`"esp, burning at the stake by secular authorities. [Port. auto da
`matic firearm. 3. A transmission or a motor vehicle with an
`' fé: auto, act + da, of the + fé, faith.]
`aueto-de+struct (6/té-di-strikt’) intr.v. -struct¢ed, -struct¢
`automatic gear-shifting mechanism. [< Gk. automatos: auto-,
`auto- + -matos, willing; see men-1*,] — au/toemat/iscalsly
`nig; -structs. To destroy itself or oneself; self-destruct. [avro-
`adv, —au!toemastic/ ity (-ma-tis/i-té) 2.
`©, + (seLz-)DESTRUCT.]
`automatic pilot ~. A navigation mechanism, as on anaircraft,
`austaedl+dact (6't6-di’ dakt’) z. A self-taught person. [< Gk.
`that automatically maintains a preset course.
`autodidaktos, self-taught : auto-, auto- + didaktos, taught;
`au*to*mastion (6’ta-ma/shoan) 7. 1. The automatic operation
`* sée‘Dmactic.] ~ au’ to-diedac/tic adj.
`austoedyne (6/ta-din’) #. A heterodyne radio device in which
`or control of equipment, a process, or a system. 2.
`The tech-
`oné.tube serves simultaneously as oscillator and detector.
`niques and equipmentused to achieve automatic operation or
`control. 3. The condition of being automatically controlled or
`Jauro- + (nerero)pyne.] —au/toedyne’ adj.
`operated. [<. auromatic.]
`au*toe-clous (6-té/shas) adj. Biol. Having all stages of a life
`austomeastism (6-t6m/9-tiz'am) n. 1.a. The state or quality
`cycle occurring on the same host. [< auro- + Gk. ozkos,
`house; see weik-'*,] — auetoe/cism (-siz’am) 7.
`of being automatic. b. Automatic mechanical action.
`2. Philos. The theory that the body is a machine whose func-
`auetorersostism (6/t6-ér/ s-tiz’am) or austoresrot+i+cism
`(CErdt/i-siz’am) m. 1. Self-satisfaction of sexual desire, as by
`tions are accompanied but not controlled by consciousness.
`3. Physiol. a. The involuntary functioning of a body structure
`masturbation. Z. The arousal of sexual feeling without an
`that is not under conscious control, such as the beating of the
`external stimulus. — au/to*e+rot/ic (-i-rét/tk) adj.
`heart. b. The reflexive action of a body part. 4, Psychol:
`autog*aemy (6-t6g’a-mé).”. 1. Bot. Self-fertilization in
`a. Suspension of consciousness in order to express subcon-
`plants..2. Biol. The union of nuclei within and arising from a
`scious ideas and feelings. b. Mechanical, seemingly aimless
`single cell, as in certain protozoans and fungi. —au’to*
`behavior characteristic of various mental disorders. [< Lat.
`gam/ic (6’td-gim/ik), austog’a*mous adj.
`automaton, automaton. See AUTOMATON.] — austom/aetist x.
`aif*to*gensessis (6/td-jén’i-sis) also auetogee-ny (6-tdj/a-
`austome«asti*za-tion (6-tém/’o-ti-za/shan) 2. Automation.
`86) i. See ablogenesis, — au’to»geene/ tic (-ja-nét’ik) adj.
`austomeastize (6-tém/a-tiz’) tr.v. -tized, -tiz-ing, -tiz*es.
`—~ au!toegesnet/iscalely adv.
`1. To make automatic. 2. To turn into an automaton. [<
`austog*e*nous (6-t5j’a-nas) also aueto*genric (6’ta-jén/ik)
`adj, 1; Produced from within. 2. Medic. Originating with the
`auetomeaston (6-tdm/a-tan, -tdn!) #., pf. -tons or -ta (-ta).
`one to whom applied. — austog’e-nousely adv.
`1. A self-operating machine or mechanism, esp. a robot.
`@U°tO-gieTo also aueto* gy*ro (6'td-ji/rd) 2., pl. -ros. An air-
`2. One that behaves or responds in a mechanical way. {Lat.,
`ctaft'powered by a conventional propeller and supported in
`self-operating machine < Gk. < neut. of automatos, self-
`flightby a freewheeling horizontal rotor that provideslift. [A
`acting. See auromatic.] — au*tom/a-tous adj.
`fotiiér trademark.]
`austo=moebile (6’ta-m6-bél’, -m6/bél’) 7. A self-propelled
`‘@to-graph (6/ta-graf’) ». 1. A person’s own signature or
`passenger vehicle that usu. has four wheels and aninternal-
`handwriting. 2. A manuscript in the author’s handwriting.
`combustion engine, used for land transport. [Fr.
`: Gk. auto-,
`-graphed,-graph+ing, -graphs. 1. To write one’s name
`auto- + Fr. mobile, mobile (< OFr.; see mosme).] — au’toe
`°F Signature on or in; sign. 2. To write in one’s own hand-
`moebile! adj. — au/ta*moe bil’ ist 2.
`Writing.— adj, Written in the writer’s own handwriting.
`austo*mortive (6'ta-m6/ tiv) adj. 1. Moving by itself; self-
`(Lat. autographum < neut. of Lat. autdgraphus, written
`propelling orself-propelled. 2. Of or relating to self-propelled
`with One’s own hand < Gk. autographos: auto-, auto- +
`“ephein; to write, see —crarH.] —au/toegraph/ic, au/to-
`au-toenomeic (6/ta-ndm/ik) adj. 1. Physiol. a. Of, relating
`Staph’i*cal adj. — au’to* graph! \+calely adv.
`to, or controlled by the autonomic nervous system. b. Occur-
`Bitstography (6-t5¢/ra-fe) n. 1. The writing of somethingin
`ring involuntarily; automatic. 2. Resulting from internal stim-
`: lees own handwriting. 2. Autographs considered as a group.
`uli; spontaneous. — au/to-nom/iecal+ly adv.
`“*tosharp-(5/td-harp’), A trademark used for a musical in-
`_Sttument similar to a zither.
`autonomic nervous system 7. The part of the vertebrate nerv-
`oi boy
`4 pat
`h “Mtoshyp-nossis (6/t6-hip-nd/ sis) 2. 1. The act or process
`ous system that regulates involuntary action, as of the intes-
`ou out
`a pay
`tines, heart, and glands.
`hypHotizing oneself. Z. A self-induced hypnotic state,
`60 td0k
`ar care
`aueton*o*mous(6-tén!a-mas) adj. 1. Not controlled by oth-
`aU'to*hypsnot/ic (-nét/ik) adj.
`a father 60 boot
`‘ Metor
`ers or by outside forces; independent. 2. Independent in mind
`iM*mune (6/t6-i-mydon’) adj. Of or relating to an im-
`& pet
`a cut
`oc judgment; self-directed: 3.a. Independent of the laws of
`muneresponse by the body against one ofits own tissues or
`é be
`ar urge
`anotherstate or government; self-governing. b. Of or relating
`pes"Of cells, —au’to-im=mu/ni-ty x. —au‘toeim’mue
`i pit
`th thin
`to a self-governing entity. c. Self-governing with respect to
`Za! tion (-im’ya-na-za! shon) 1.
`I pie
`th this
`local or internal affairs: an autonomous region of a country.
`*insfec+tion (6/to-in-fék! shan) 7. Infection, such as re-
`fr pler==hw which
`4, Autonomic. [< Gk. autonomos: auio-, auto- + nomos,
`‘boils, caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites that
`6 pot
`law; see nem-*.} —auston/o-mousely adv.
`PArsist ‘OAlor in the body.
`6 toe
`=a about,
`auston’o-my (6-tén/a-mé) n., pi. -mies. 1. The condition or
`insoc*usia-tion (6't6-i-ndk! yo-la/shan) 2. 1. Inocu-
`5 paw
`quality of being autonomous. 2.a. Self-government or the
`é “ag with a vaccine made from microorganisms obtained
`right of self-government; self-determination. b. Self-
`mt thé recipient’s body. 2. An infection by a disease that has
`Stress marks:
`am a different part of the body. — au’tosin=oc/ue
`government with respect to local or internal affairs. 3. A self-
`? (primary);
`governing state, community, or group. [Gk. autonomia < au-
`! (secondary), as in -
`tonomos, self-ruling. See auronomous.] — aueton’o-mist 7.
`toxsiecastion (8't6-in-ték‘si-ka!shan) 7. Self-
`dictionary (dik‘sho-nér’é)
`austo*pen (6/t6-pén’) 2. A mechanical device used for writing
`Caused by endogenous microorganisms, metabolic
`imitations of a personal signature,
`» Of Other toxins produced within the body.
`y that
`al or-
`+ who
`e. [Fr.
`e from
`2 tonic
`Fr, au-
`vese ad-
`an un-
`. —aue
`‘y work,
`> assume
`, creator
`.) —aue
`i6r!-, 6
`7 obedi-
`Dé, relat-
`Srl-, 6-
`') n, ph
`ace, com-
`with this
`2. Power
`cy or cot-
`of author
`|. To grant|
`; sanction.
`storisen <
`or, author.
`mes Bible.
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2004
`Page 2

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