` hag Wonder Trade (Internet) @
`Select ane of your own Pokémon to
`put forth as a trade, and it will be
`whisked away to be traded with the
`Pokémon of someone else out in the
`world. There are no settings with this
`trade, so the Pokemon you receive
`In return is a total mystery. Look
`forward to finding out what you got!
`ree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 630
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 630
`*" Game Chat
`Game Chat allows you to talk with
`Friends while battling or trading.
`Please do not use this feature in any
`way that will make others feel
`uncomfortable or bad.
`Before you begin, read Getting
`Ready (Local Play) (page 25) or
`Getting Ready (Internet) (page 26).
`Gee Game Chat (Local Play) &/
`(Internet) @
`@ From the PSS screen.first choose
`a Friend and then select Game
`If the other party selects
`Yes, Game Chat will begin.
`@ Please speak toward your
`Nintendo 3DS system's
`You can turn Game Chat on oroff by
`selecting Enable Game Chat or
`Disahle Game Chat in the PSS
`Settings (page 13).
`When Game Chat is enabled. you
`can talk with a Friend while you
`battle or trade.
`age 631
`Gree, Inc.
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`Page 631
`eT Trainer PR Video
`Your Trainer PR Video is a 10-
`second-long video clip that you can
`use to show off what kind of player
`you are.
`You will be able to shoot your own
`Trainer PR Video once you have
`reached a certain point in your
`# For others to see your Trainer PR
`Video. you must set it to public in
`the PSS Settings (page 13).
`Before you begin, read Getting
`Ready (Local Play) (page 25) or
`Getting Ready (Internet) (page 26).
`—) Trainer PR Video (Local
`Play) &/(internet) @
`From the PSS screen, first choose a
`Friend and then select Trainer PR
`lf the other party agrees to
`share his or her video by selecting
`Yes, his or her Trainer PR Video will
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
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`Ex. 2001
`Page 632
`Store up energy. and use it to grant
`mysterious powers (O-Powers) to
`yourself and to other players.
`O-Pawers come with all sorts of
`different effects—like making
`Pokémon easier to catch, for
`example. The energy you use up
`returns over time.
`@ You can increase the number of
`O-Powers available as you
`progress through the game.
`Before you begin, please read
`Getting Ready (Local Play)
`(page 25) or Getting Ready
`(Internet) (page 26).
` @e Use 0-Powers by Selecting
`“Witte etelseinelsamniatem sects)
`Local Wireless (Local Play) &/
`Internet (Internet) ®&
`Select the person you want to use
`an O-Power on from the PSS screen.
`Select the O-Power you want to use
`on the next screen.
`lersecietety retiresshebe?
`othe feadPokionen ality.
`WhosGen20Ohees Qet
`When you have decided which O-
`Power you would like to use, select
`From the PSS screen, you can also
`receive O-Powers that others are
`offering to you. A person who is
`using their O-Power will he
`surrounded by a glowing light.
`Select a glowing character, and then
`select O-Power and finally Receive
`an O-Power! You will gain the
`benefits of that O-Power.
`oo Using O-Powers from the
`PSS Menu
` Local Wireless (Local Play) BQ /
`Intemet (Internet) @
`© WesGovan teOrhees Qet
`lerseciately reataveta?
`ollmeFeadPokies alee.
`peatedon oe
`Select O-Power from the PSS menu
`screen. When you have decided
`which O-Power you would like,
`select Use or Give,
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 633
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 633
`Your Helo Caster works with both
`SpotPass and StreetPass, receiving
`different services from each.
` Holo Caster (
`This software supports the automatic
`download of updates and other data
`via an Internet connection.
`SpotPass works both while you are
`playing the game and while your
`Nintendo 3D5 system is in Sleep
`If your wireless connection is
`it will automatically search out
`wireless LAN access points that you
`have previously set up, connect to
`them, and receive qame-related
`notifications (including
`announcements and advertisements).
`* Data received through SpotPass is
`saved on SD Cards. As aresult, it
`is recommended that you keep an
`SD Card inserted in your system
`at all times.
`Before you can use SpotPass, you
`must first accept the
`Nintendo 3DS Service User
`Agreement and set up an Internet
`Aciivating SpotPass
`@ How-To
`Tap Holo Caster on the PSS menu
`screen, then Activate SpotPass, and
`finally Yes.
`Deactivating SpotPass
`@ How-To
`Tap Holo Caster on the PSS menu
`screen, and then select Deactivate
`SpotPass and then Yes.
`we Holo Caster (StreetPass)
`4 i)
`This software uses StreetPass (local
`wireless Communication) for
`exchanging game data (such as your
`Trainer name, ID, and region), even
`if your system is in Sleep Mode. You
`will see how many people you have
`passed and other information.
`To communicate using this feature,
`all players must activate StreetPass
`for this software.
` Activating StreetPass
`@ How-To
`Select Holo Caster an the PSS menu
`screen. When you are asked if you
`would like ta register for StreetPass,
`select Yes.
`Deactivating StreetPass
` Holo Caster
`@ How-To
`To deactivate StreetPass, open
`System Settings, select Data
`Management, and then select
`StreetPass Management.
`Tap the ican for Pokémon. and then
`select Deactivate StreetPass.
`lf you are playing both Pokémon X
`and Pokémon Y:
`Your StreetPass settings are
`shared between Pokémon X and
`Pokémon ¥, so if you are playing
`both games on the same system,
`the most recent settings you
`applied will affect both games.
`You will receive data from
`StreetPass into only one game at
`atime, It will not be downloaded
`ta both games.
`Gree, Inc.
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`Page 634
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 634
`Seek Pokémon
`Search for the Pokémon you want
`among the Pokémon other people
`are offering on the GTS. When you
`find a Pokémonthatfulfills your
`desired conditions, select one of
`your Pokémon that will fulfill the
`other party's desired conditions and
`trade them.
`Deposit Pokémon
`Deposit Pokémon that you wish to
`trade away. You can enter conditions
`for the Pokémon that you wish to
`receive in return, and, when you find
`a trade partner, your Pokemon will
`be traded.
`If the trade fails, you can
`take your Pokémon back by
`selecting Take back.
`# The nickname of any Pokémon
`deposited on the GTS will be
`visible to everyone who accesses
`the GTS. The name of the person
`who deposited it (your Trainer
`name) and any brief message sent
`with the Pokémon will also be
`Gree, Inc.
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`Page 635
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 635
`23| Game Sync
`Game Sync connects your game to
`the Pokémon Global Link (PGL). The
`PGL website connects with
`Pokémon X and Pokémon Y. See
`http: //www.pokemon-gl.com for
`more information about the PGL
`You must become a Pokémon Trainer
`Club member (no registration fee or
`annual membership fee required) to
`use the Pokémon Global Link. You
`can register for the Pokémon Trainer
`Club from the main page of the PGL
`@ The Pokémon Global Link (PGL)
`@ It provides additional content to
`increase your enjoyment of
`Pokémon X and PokémonYand is
`completely optional.
`It does not
`affect the progression of the main
`story in any way.
`@ Using Game Sync uploads a
`portion of your save data to the
`Pokemon Global Link.
`on the screen. Gree, Inc.
`lf you continue getting connection
`errors, check the error code and
`try one of the following.
`- Error Codes:
`090-0200 - 090-0211
`These error codes indicate a
`problem with the Pokémon
`Global Link site or with the
`server which authenticates
`codes. For help with these error
`codes, please check the PGL
`website at
`http://pokemon.com/PGL or visit
`the Pokémon customer support
`website at
`- Other Error Codes
`Please refer to the instructions
`Ex. 2001
`Page 636
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`Page 636
`B83 Other Features
`Before you begin, read Getting
`Ready (Local Play) (page 25) and
`Getting Ready (Internet) (page 26).
`You can enter text freely in your
`Shout-Outs and on your Profile.
`Please do not enter anything that
`could make others feel
`(Internet) &
`Messages will be sent ta everyone
`on the PSS.
`@ Shout-Out messages will not be
`sent to players who have chosen
`to disable communicationsin their
`PSS settings (p. 13).
`Favorites List (Local Play) &/
`(Internet) @
`View the profiles of people
`registered in your Favorites List. You
`can register up to 100 people. To
`register someone on yaur Favorites
`List, choose a player icon from the
`PSS screen, and then select that
`person's name on the next screen to
`appear. On his or her profile screen,
`select Add to Favorites List.
` Profile (Local Play) & /
`(internet) @
`You can edit your profile, which will
`appear on the PSS, and pick a
`message that will be seen by
`everyone on the PSS.
`Tap your own name, and you can
`change the icon that you use on the
`PSS. You can also usé an image or
`photo saved on your SD Card as
`your profile image. Please do not
`use a photo or image that includes
`personally identifying information or
`content that could make others feel
`@ Images and photos will be shown
`only to Friends registered to your
`friend list.
`Gree, Inc.
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`Page 637
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 637
`’ Getting Ready (Local Play)
`eg oe Ready (Local Play)
`This software supports multiplayer
`games via wireless Communication.
`With Local Play. you can enjoy
`battling (page 14), trading
`(page 15), and Game Chat
`(page 18) with players nearby. You
`can also share your Trainer PR Video
`(page 19), O-Powers (page 20). and
`Shout-Out messages (page 24).
`Each player must have a copy of the
`@ You Will Need:
`- One Nintendo 3DS system per
`player (up to 4)
`- One copy of Pokémon X or
`Pokémon Y per player (up to 4)
`@ Connection Procedures
`Please view the relevant page for
`each feature for more details on how
`to begin playing.
`es gee ae ge 638
` .
`Gree, Inc.
`. 2001
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`Ex. 2001
`Page 638
`26 Getting Ready (Internet)
` “—. Getting Ready (Internet) @
`Use the Internet for battling
`(page 14), trading (page 15). Battle
`Spot (page 16). Wonder Trade
`(page 17), and Game Chat
`(page 18)! Plus you can share your
`Trainer PR Video (page 19),
`O-Powers (page 20), ana Shout-Out
`messages (page 24). as well as
`linking up te the GTS (page 22) and
`Game Sync (page 23)!
`# Refer to your Operations Manual
`for information about connecting
`your system to the Internet.
`@ You Will Need:
`- One Nintende 3DS system per
`player (up to 4)
`- One copy of the Pokémon X or
`Pokémon Y software per player (up
`to 4)
`Please view the relevant page for
`each feature for more details on how
`to begin playing.
`= ee
`Gree, Inc.
`x. 2001
`age 639
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 639
`) Pokémon-Amie
`From the field screen, tap Hd or Ei to
`switch to Pokémon-Amie on the
`lower screen. Pokémon-Amie brings
`you even closer ta your favorite
`Pokemon. Pick one of the Pokémon
`from your party, and you can play
`together whenever you'd like.
`If you tauch the Pokémon shown in
`the lower screen during Pokémon-
`Amie, the following screen will be
`Play with your chosen Pokémon
`here. By sliding your stylus across
`the screen, you can stroke your
`@ Poké Putts
`Feed hungry Pokémon Poké Puffs!
`Select a Poke Puff, and slide it
`across the screen with your stylus to
`where the Pokémon might take a
`bite—then see what happens!
`® Minigames
`If you have three Pokémon ready for
`battle in your party, you may play
`minigames with them, The types of
`Poke Putis you receive will vary
`based on your results.
`@ Making Faces
`@ When your Pokémonis looking at
`you,fawill appear on the lower
`@ When you see the & icon, making
`different faces will launch the
`Making Faces game.
`® Instructions will appear in a small
`bubble near your Pokémaon's face,
`along with icons to show what
`expressions your Pokémon wants
`to see, Turn toward your
`Pokémon, and try to make the
`faces it requests.
`If your Pokémon
`is happy with your performance,
`you will have succeeded.
`Making Faces uses your
`Nintendo 3D5 system's inner
`camera. Please follow these
`directions to help the camera
`successfully detect your
`* Play in a well-lit area.
`*Keep your Nintendo 3DS system
`about a foot from your face,
`-Whantilting your head to the
`side, hold your Nintende 3D5
`level. se it does nottilt.
`-Pull your hair away from your
`face so that your eyebrows are
`Remove any eyewear.
`You can change the wallpaper and
`decorations in your Pokémon-Amie
`Switch which Pokémon you are
`playing with in Pokémon-Amie.
`ie, alesoSal alll
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 640
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 640
`B Super Training
`Fram the field screen, tap Hor Ei on
`the lower screen to switch to Super
`Training. Now your Pokémon can
`take part in Super Training, a
`competitive sport and training game,
`or Core Training, where your
`Pokémon can pound away at training
`Core Training Screen
`After choosing a training bag, tap
`the screen to make your Pokémon
`Strike the training bag. By working at
`Core Training, your Pokémen can
`reap a variety of benefits, such as
`raising its base stats or gaining
`useful advantages in its next Super-
`Training Regimen.
`If you den't actively tap the screen,
`your Pokemon will still hit the
`training bag once per minute.
` @s
`Play a competitive sports-style
`training game. Win the game to
`receive useful items for training and
`increase the base stats of your
`@ Choose a Training Bag
`Select a training bag for your
`Pokemon to use.
`© Current Team
`Select a Pokémon fram your current
`team to train.
`@ Effort-o-Metar
`Check the progress of your
`Pokémon's training on its Effort-o-
`Meter. Green represents the relative
`stat levels for a given kind of
`Pokémon, while yellow shows how
`much your own Pokémon has
`improved each of its base stats. The
`har on the right shows your
`Pokémon'’s overall progress in raising
`its stats. Fill this bar to the top, and
`your Pokéman will be a Fully Trained
`@ Shots
`Shows the type of shot your
`Pokemon will use during Super
`Training, There are five different shot
`@ Score
`Your score increases when you get
`shots into the goals in front of
`Balloon Bots.
`If points scored equals
`the number on the right, you win the
`game and yourtraining is complete.
`If any of the Balloon Bot's shots go
`inte your Pokémon's goal, though,
`your score drops. You can block
`opponents’ shots by pressing 1).
`@ Balloon Bot's Goal
`© Your Pokémon's Goal
`@ Energy Meter
`Your Pokémon accumulates eneroy
`over time.
`If you fire a shot when
`your Pokemon has enough energy.
`that shot is a powered-up Energy
`Shot. Both the colors and special
`features of Energy Shots differ for
`different kinds of Pokémon.
`® Timer
`When time runs out, your Super-
`Training Regimen is over!
`@ Sight
`Slide your stylus across the screen,
`and the sight on the top screen will
`mirror your movements. Tap the
`screen to release a shot.
`@ Retire Button
`Tap this butten twice, and you can
`exit Super Training immediately.
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`Page 641
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`Page 642
`Important Information
`6 Before You Start
`B Online Features
`g Parental Controls
`Getting Started
`Oo SavingandErasing Data
`into a World of Adventure
`@ Gameplay
`= Game Screens
`gg The Battle Screen
`Facilities and Buildings
`Player Search System
`B PlayerSearch System
`The pssMenu
`About Communications
`BB Link Battle
`B Link Trade
`(PD) Battle Spot
`Bo Game Chat
`19] Trainer PR Video
`E) 0-Power
`gg Holo taster
`B GIs
`Other Features
`|= Getting Ready (Local Play)
`E23 Getting Ready (Intemet
`Playing Super Training
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Support Information Page 643\ss”
`Gree, Inc.
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`Page 643
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`Page 644
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`Page 644
`This seat is your assurance that
`Nintendo has reviewed this product
`and that it has met our standards
`for excellencein workmanship,
`reliability and entertainment
`value, Always lookfor this seal
`when buying games and accessories
`to ensure complete compatibility
`Thank you for selecting the Pokéamon™* Game Pak for your Nintendo®
`Game Boy™ system. Please read this instruction booklet thoroughly to ensure
`maximum enjoyment of your new game. Save this booklet for future reference.
`"© 19981909 Notendo/Crecures SE HEHE be
`© FF Na
`a eee eae
`with your Nintendo Product.
`World Map
`The World of Pokémon
`Using The Controls
`Getting Started
`Menu Soreen
`Let's Begin
`Pallet Town
`Route *1
`Viridian City
`Route *2
`Pewter City
`The Adventure Goes On...
`Pokémon Leaders
`Collect Pokémon
`Battle Sereen
`Game Link™ Cable
`Pokémon List
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 645
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`Ex. 2001
`Page 645
`“They con be very dangerous. Se ee ;
`Pokémon, you can let them fight the wild ones. Come to my laboratory.
`ond Ti tel you more”
`are Wild Pokémon fiving in there.” he says.
`Growing up in Pallet Town, you spent a lot a time playing with
`your next coor neighbor, Buf lately he has become a bully and no
`longer wants to play withyou. Heeven thinks of you as his rival,
`After the two of you stopped playing together you becane very
`interested in Pokémon. One day you decide to go in search of
`Pokémon, bat just as you are leaving Pallet Town. you hear a
`“Hey! Don't go into the grass!” It's Professor
`Oak, the famous Pokémon expert!
`When you get fo the lab, you find your former Friend there. too. You're
`omazed to find that he is Professor Oak's grandson! “Thave prepared
`o Pokémon for you” says the Professor
`“Now that you have a
`Pokémon, the rest is up to you.”
`Gree, Inc.
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`Page 646
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 646
`There are mang ways to travel from
`Place to place. Use this map fo help
`gou find where you're going,
` ina
`Vrs ccgh et eeee
`eee Gaece ee Feeders d coed nee
`FeaestishessStee ee Tee ee eee ee
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 647
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 647
`In the world of Pokémon, there are many Pokémon Trainers
`who raise Pokémon for fighting. Only 8 of these trainers ore
`considered to be Pokémon Leaders. You can find these lead-
`Serres nee oreo vos nes eee Sa en of
`ers hanging out at local gyms. training their Pokémon to
`many yearsefstudying Pokémon. | strongly sugges! that you read
`become stronger
`this document thoroughly so you may become a Pokémon Master.
`BROCK wants
`1 Fight?
`There are more than 100 Pokémon in existence. The more they
`fight the more powerful they become. The Pokémon havingonly
`simple attack techniques. such as TACKLE or TAIL WHIP. gain
`new, stronger techniques.
`like BITE or WATER GUN.
`Pokémon evolve and change in appearance,
`These leaders are waiting for anyone who wants to chal-
`lenge them. In-order to complete your Pokédex, you must
`fight these leaders,
`Your goal is to capture one of every Pokémon in the world to
`become a true Pokémon Master,
`To reach this goal, all of your findings must be recorded in your
`electronic encyclopedia called a Pokédex. Al of the Pokémon
`data you find will be automatically recorced in your Pokédex.
`To catch Pokémon, you will need Poké Balls, which you may pur-
`chase from Poké Marts in most towns and cities. Yoo will also
`need to trade Pokémon with friends who have a different ver-
`aion in order to complete your Pokédex.
`¢ Inorder to record allPokémon inyour Pokédex, you willneed
`to trade Pokémon with the Red andBlue versions.
`Gree, Inc.
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`Page 648
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 648
`Professor Ook is prepared to give you his Pokédex and a
`Pokémon. That Pokémon is none other thon..Pikachul The
`+ Gontrol Pad to turn towards Pikachu and press
`Pikachu Professor Oak has given you isalittle different from
`the A Button. A window will open in the cenfer of
`other Pokémon. It doesn't seem to like to go inside Poké Bails.
`the screen. and Pikachu's face wil appean You
`As your unexpected partner Pikachu stays with yoo and joins
`will know whether or not Pikachu is in a good
`you in your travels.
`mood by looking ot its expression.
`If Pikachu Paints doring battle. it is returned to the Poké Ball
`and will disappear from behind you. Pikachu also disappears
`when you deposit it in the computer.
`(When you withdraw it
`from the computer: Pikachy oppears behind you again.)
`Pikacha other than the one you received from
`Professor Oak wil sotbe shownbehind you inthe
`Gree, Inc.
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`Page 649
`Gree, Inc.
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`Page 649
`On the Title screen. press either the A Button
`or START. and an optionsscreen willappean
`Use the + Control Pad toSelect and the A
`Button fo contin,
`New Game
`This option lets you play the game from the beginning. Register the
`names of your character and rival’ Choose from theavailable names, or |
`choose the New Name option to create your own Select letters using
`the + Control Pad and confirm with the A Button. IF you make a mistake,
`you can erase the letters one by one using the B Button,
`Tf you have saved a previous game, the Continue option will be added
`to the Mena screen, so you will be able to continue from the last time
`you saved. Thare is only one save slot available.
`See Page 15.
`On the Title sereen, press up on the + Control Pad while pressing SELECT and the B
`Do notinsert your Gane Pak into a Game Boy. Game Boy pocket.
`or GameBoyColorunit that is ON. You may lose allyour saved data.
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 650
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 650
`ATTACH=Pokemon’s attock
`The Pokédex command lets you view information on any Pokémon you
`DEFENSE Pokimon’s delense power.
`see or capture.
`—_Pokimon’s speed.
`Pokémon’s special power.
`While moving in the world, press START to display the Menu sereen. On
`the Menu screen, you can salect seven commands.
`The Pokémon command displays the status
`of the Pokémon you currently have in your
`passession. You may carry only 6 Pokémon
`ot a time,
`Genetic class of Pokémon.
`Pokémon’s health. Whenit’s 0, it can’t fight.
`BP Power Points. When i's 0, techniquemightnot work.
`Rome of the Origlual Wreiner.
`TD NG,—1D oumber determined at the stort,
`Rearrange the order of your Pokémon, Whenyouencounter enemy
`Pkoncnenhpyoritne atod
`rearrange the order soyourstrongest Pokémon, or the one you want
`fo tlahontoptte
`If you yank its
`(et will
`to bite you.
`Select Quit fo return fo the Menu screen.
`SelectCancelwhen you wantto return to the Meaw screen.
`Gree, Inc.
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`Page 651
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 651
`The Item command displays a list of items that you have
`collected. You may carry up to twenty items at a time.
`Select this to usethe
`highlighted item.
`Select this to throw awey
`the highlighted iter.
`change fo your liking the speed of thetext the battle animation and
`the style of battie.
`Battle Animation
`Trete exits diag «ight tO
`eons Lich”ebtacamesistoShe Gin :
`Boy Printer {each sold
`com print oot your Pokédex. Select
`Alter defeating on opponcat’s Pokémon, you ‘4
`rent group.
` Select Option to view a list of game play options. You will be able to
` iYellow, when
`priet quality when you prist. con switch to another Pokémon in your cur-
`In this mode, even if you defeat your oppo-
`pent’sPokémon, youmust use thesame
`Pokemon to continwe fighting.
`This command returns you to the game.
`Gree, Inc.
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`Page 652
`Gree, Inc.
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`Page 652
`Oak's Lab.
`A Gift from Prof. Oak
`Professor Oak has prepared a Pokémon
`for you bat not eveything goes according
`to plon..
`Explore the town before heading North. After leaving
`wart things out:
`3)Professor Oak :
`You nead to find Professor Oak. but he's not
`inhis lak As youtry toleave town, Professor
`Oak stops you: “Hey! Wait! Don't go. out!”
`Soon enough, you're standing in Professor
`Your quest to become a Pokémon Master begins here.
`1) Your Home2) Your Rivals Home
`Where you live. You and your rival grew up:
`Your rival lives here. Since you were once great
`fetes peed Thevacoatiotce yt fa ee
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 653
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 653
`\ E
`Yoowil travelNorth into the grassy area
`o— pts
`Roonnee oe ss
`Beapence of
`YOUR FIRST BATTLE WhenyouencounteraWidPoitmon2
`events takes place. The informationonthispage
`where you will pun into: many Wild Pokémon.
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 654
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 654
`TO ROUTE *2 2)Pokémon Center
`Here, you may recaver the HP and PP of your Pokemon for free. You
`SionwarseandPokemonandItemsvsing theper-
`plows twenty of
`1 Viridian GYM
`imeOCeetaauata yer’
`2)Poké Mart
`Someone's Computer
`Access this computer to deposit or withdraw Pokemon. You may
`orehharae YoumayorganizeyourPelletsaor
`esebtHatonsFwesBPnt ——
`fresuenaeraeeeaon is =
`Your Computer
`eeer, ee ‘Youmaycarryuptotwentyala
`AccessOok’s computer to receive Professor Ook’s cating of your progress.
` Prof. Oak's Computer
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 655
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 655
`aT ¥
`ROUTE #2?
`Roate*2 is between Viridian City and PewterCity. Be careful
`You will need to use Poké Balls to capture Wild
`this rood travels through the Viridian Forest which has
`Pokémon. It will work best if you get its energy
`Powerful Pokémon lurkingabout Moke sare you've built your
`down as far as possible, but not all the way,
`Pokémon levels up before traveling here.
`Try a Pokémon who has the ability to put the
`Wild Pokémon to sleep. Once it's sleeping throw
`a Poké Ball to capture it
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 656
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 656
`The ViridionForest is fulofcanger WhenyoubattleotherPokémon Trainers. youearn maney,
`and your Pokémon goin experience points. A Pokémon 4
`You will also find plenty of other “rainermayhave |to6trainedPokénonsoit'sagoodidea
`Fokémon Trainershere. Thisisagreat
`foryoutohave 6.Youwilnotbe able tocapture Pokémon
`from other PokémonTrainers.
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 657
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 657
`ROUTE*3 og ee ree
`Paar wsom Peter
`You may only travelon Roate
`"3 after you have defeated
`Brock uses Rock-type Pokémon. You wil have
`2) Poké Mart
`1) Maseum
`When you visit the museum, you oanlearn
`about extinct Pokémon. Theinformation
`is saved to your Pokédex so you will
`remember what you learned.
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 658
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 658
`Thare is so much more than what has been described in the
`previous pages. You must talk to all of the people that you
`find theoughout
`qpeat to become the world’s
`i oe
`7) eseMile, ItletsyouuseFLASH
`se4 Anyhigher,theyareunruly!
`E|The Power of all Pokémoninereos- H Pokbecn up te level 70 ebey you.
`The defense of all Pokémon increases
`sue It lets you use SURF any
`Ltoe ae Blaine: Cinnabar Island
`eee my
`Your Pokémon’sspecialabilities
`It lets you use FLY omy
`increase a little,
`§ Erik Celadon City
`wae we
`ponyrey level50
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 659
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 659
`There are twelve boxes in which you may store Pokémon.
`Newly-captured Pokémon will ke stored in the currently-
`selected box. When a box is full. you must change boxes.
`Tf Your Pokémon Box is Full
`Tf your Pokémon Box is Full, you will not be able to keep Pokémon that you
`capture. You need to cooess the computer in a Pokémon Centre and
`change fo a box that is not full.
`First open ITEM on the Menu screen. Move the cursor (using the + Control
`Padi) to the itemyou want to move, then press SELECT. Next move the cur-
`sor fo where you want theifemto be moved dsing the +ControlPad. and
`press SELECT,
` How to Arrange Items
`Change Pokémon Nicknames
`There is onlyone place whereyoumay change the nicknamesof
`your Pokémon. When you find this place, make sure you remem-
`Sometimes, you will get a Hidden Machine instead of a Technical Machine.
`It works similar fo a Technical Machine, but you candse a Hidden Machine
`as many times as gou want Also, the skills learned from this machine can
`be used while moving in the world. For instance. you can CUT atree block-
`ing the read by using an ability called CUT. or swim in the water by using
`an ability called SURF
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 660
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 660
`capture it again.
` aepear ed!
`/ BS
`Many ofthe Pekémen you'll collect can be found in wild
`places: in the grass. in caves, water efc,
`You maycollect Pokémoninmany differentways. Please study these
`Beag WetachaVidaloacow ocact Woks
`In each game, there is a Pokémon
`that appears only once. If you do
`not capture it the
`first time. you will
`never have the chance to
`You can collect some Pokémon through special events: win
`one os a prize in the Game Cornen get one by helping a
`person in need, or capture them at the Safari Zone. etc.
`Tn a Pokémon Centre, you can use a Game Linkcable
`(sold separately) to link your Game Boy system to a friend's
`Gane Boy system and trade Pokémon betweenthe two Game Paks.
`Some Pokémon wil evolve when you trace them. Also, some Pokémon won't appear in your version
`of the game, so you must trade with a Friend who has a different version in order to complete
`your collection.
`Many Pokémon evolve when their experience level
`evolving into Gravelen Train all your Pokémon to higher
`levels and discover the ones that evolve.
`<P wr
`ea 2 é
`/@ ary
`rc s
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 661
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 661
`tertee|__|e! Be
`ingour success.
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 662
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 662
`eo oem
`Pokémon. Select the one you wantto use.
`and attack.
`PKMN “Pokémon”
`Use this to select a different Pokémon. Choose the one yoa
`want and press the A Button. It takes one turn for the
`exchange fo happen. Ifyou want to only view the status of
`your Pokémon, gou can use thiswitheat wasting a turn.
`Use an item from your inventory. Select the item you wish to
`use, then select the Pokémon you wish to use that Item on.
`Use it to escape froma battle.
`1F you win the fight all of the Pokémon who participated
`receive experience points,
`money will be gone,
`Pokémon gain experience points by fighting. F
`they receive enough experience points, their level
`wil increase. They may ‘earn new abilities.or even
`Pokémon that you get by trading with a
`friend wil grow foster thon those not
`traded:It is definitely worth yourwhile fo
`trade your Pokémon with others.
`When allyour PokémanW“inktouse
`last Pokémon Conter you
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 663
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 663
`Button te confirm. Li
`select the Pokémon and pr

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