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`products bearing the Official Nintendo Sea! of Quality®.
`This official seal is your assurance that Nintendo has reviewed this product
`and that it has met our standards for excellence in workmanship, reliability
`and entertainment value. Always look for this seal
`when buying games and aecessories to ensure
`complete compatibility with your Nintendo product.
`Ail Nintendo products are licensed by saig tor use only vath other authorized
`Sal ot ety
`Thank you for selecting the Pokémon® Game Pok for your Nintendo™ Game Boy® Color system.Please read this instruction booklet
`thoroughly to ensure maximum enjoyment of your new game. Save this booklet for future reference.
`Catching and Raising
`Gym Leaders and Badges 36
`Linking Up to Trade
`or Battle
`Mystery Gift
`Warranty & Service
`Your Adventure Begins
`Object of the Game
`Basic Controls
`Starting the Game
`The Menu Screen
`Buildings in Town
`Battle Mode
`For free, automated game piaytips and news, cali Nintendo's Power Line at:
`This moy be a long distance call, so please ask permission fram whomever pays the ahone b
`Rather talk with a game counselor?
`1-900-288-0707 (U.S.$1.50 per minute)
`1-900-451-4400 (Canada $2.00per minvie|
`éa.m.-9 p.m, Pacific time, Monday-Saturday, 6 em.
`- 7 p.m. Sunday
`This is theGoldVersion of Pokemon. Thereis also a Silver Version, but the story isthe some.
`Callers under age|8 need to oblain parental permission to coll {prices subject to change)
`Thereare somedifferences between the two versions, such as how often and which types of
`Pokémon appear. Youcon also connect to another Gome Boy to bottle ar trade Pokémonwith
`This product has been rated by the Entertainment
`Software Rating Board. For informati
`a friend.
`information about the ESRB
`CEESie ate
`rating, or to comment about the appropriatenessof the
`tating, please contact the ESRB at 1-800-771-3772.
`The Gold andSilver Versions of Pokémon are NOT compatible with Pokémon Stadium’ for the N64®,
`1995-2000 Nintendo/Creatures inc./GAME FREAKinc.
`Gree, Inc.
`TM, ® and Game Boy Color are trademarks Of Nintendo of America Inc.
`©2000 Nintendo of America Inc. All rights reserved.
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`In this world five creatures called Pokémon. Humans and Pokémonhavelived, worked and played
`together in harmonyfor ages. Nevertheless, there are still numerous mysteries surrounding them.In
`order to find out more about these strange and marvelous creatures, many scientist—such as
`Professor Elm of New Bark Town—have dedicated their lives to Pokémonresearch.
`You can set the game’s built-in clock to match the time in the real world. For example,
`if you play the gameat night, it will also be night in the game, and you may be able
`1o find some Pokémon that come out only at thot time. There are also things in the
`game,such as “Tuesday Events’—you can participate in the eventonly if you play
`on the specified day.
`Recently, while he was busy with his research, Professor Elm received some mail from one of his
`acquaintances, Mr. Pokémon. The message said, “I've discovered something fantastic! Please come and
`see if!!l” Unfortunately, Professor Elm was far too busy to leave his lab, so he called o friend to help
`him—a young boy named Gold.
`“Please go in my place and see what Mr. Pokémonhas discovered,” said Professor Elm. Always kind
`and curious, Gold agreed to help.
`Just then, Gold noticed tha! someone hadbeen lurking in the shadows outside,
`watching all ihis through the window. It appeared fo be a boy about the same age
`bos Gold, so Gold decided to go outside to talk to him. But when Gold approached
`the boy, he pushed him backwards, saying, “Whatare you looking at?!?”
`| me wasthis strange boy, and what had Mr. Pokémondiscovered? You're abou!to
`ind out...
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`If you are playing Pokémon Gold or Silver in the United States, Daylight Saving
`Time (DST) may be in effect. Far most of the US, DST begins at 2:00 o.m. on the first
`Sunday of April and lasts until 2'0.m. on thelast Sunday of October. There are some
`areas of the United States that do not observe Daylight Saving Time.Please check your
`local time whenentering the time in Pokémon Gold orSilver.
`The Professor then showed Gold three Pokémon and said, “Choose one of these
`Pokémon to take along with you.” Gold was thrilled! This was the first Pokémon
`Gold had ever hod!
`When Daylight Saving Time changes in real life, you should talk to your Mom fate-to-
`face in the game to change the clock setting.
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`Your goal is to complete your POKEDEX by collecting lots of different kinds of Pokémon. When you
`catch a Pokémon,its data will automatically be recorded in your POKADEX.Professor Ook, another
`Pokémenresearcher, invented the POKEDEX.Use the PC to contact him every oncein a while to have
`him rate haw complete your POKADEXis.
`© In order to catch all the Pokemon, thus completing your POKEDEX, you must
`trade with other versions of the Pokémon game. Work together with your
`friends to get your POKEDEX as complete as possible!
`Catch all Kinds of Pokémon!
`BILL. eo
`Try to become the best trainer ever!
`Another goal is to improve your skills as a PokemonTrainer. During your adventures, you'll battle Wild
`Pokémon, as well as othertrainers. Both battles will help you and your Pokémon becomestronger.
`There are also Pokémon Gyms in this world, each of which has a very talented trainer known as the
`Gym Leader, Only those who can defeat the Gym Leaders will be accepted as true trainers. However,
`the Gym Leaders have very powerful Pokémonthatwill be difficult to defeat. {t will be o fough fight,
`but you must be brave ond charge into battle! Gree,|
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`Onthe Title Screen, press the A Button or START to makethe following three options appear. Use the
`+ Control Pad
`+ Control Pad to select the option you want, then press the A Button.
`A Button
`Move aroundin the
`Select a command; Talk |
`© The CONTINUEoption will appear only after you have saved your game.
`field; Move the cursor
`© The MYSTERYGIFT option will appear once you have reachedocertain point in the game
`to a personin frontof
`on menuscreens
`you; Check out an item
`(see pg. 45).
`in frontof you;Scroll
`through text (when v
`whenin the field
`B Button
`Cancel a commanda
`New Gama
`Stort a game from the very beginning.
`Change a Pokémon’s
`2. Pick a Name
`MOVEduring battle:
`Enter a namefor your character. You canselect one of the
`Use items in the SEL
`names thot appearon the screen or enter your own name. To
`1. Set the Clock
`BUTTON (see pg. 13)
`enter your own name, use the + Control Pad to select a letter,
`Enter the current time. Use the + Control
`| Pad to select HOUR and MINUTE, then_then press the A Button to enter it. If you make a mistake,
`press the A Button to setthetime.
`press the B Button to go back one letter. When you’vefinished
`# The clock may not keep timeperfectly.
`entering your name,select END to start your journey!
`Bring up the menu
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`Continue playing from the last place whereyou saved.
`© See pg. 16 for more information on saving your game.
`To erase your saved data, go to the Title Screen, then simultaneously
`press * on the + Control Pad, SELECT and the B Button.
`Change certain gamesettings, such os text speed and battle style. Press + and + on the + Control
`Pad to select a setting, then press * and
`to changeit.
`Text Speed
`Battle Style
`Choose oneof these battle styles to use whenfighting PokémonTrainers.
`You may switch Pokémon when your opponent's Pokémonhas fointed,
`When your opponent's Pokémon has fainted, you will continue to battle with the currently
`selected Pokeman.
`Choose either MONO or STEREO.
`Set the darkness for printing to LIGHTEST, LIGHTER, NORMAL, DARKERor
`© See pg. 47 for information on printing.
`Set the speed at which the text will appear fo FAST, MID or SLOW.
`Menu Account—Turnthedescriptions of commands that appear on the Menu Screen
`Battle Scene
`ON or OFF.
`Turn battle onimations ON or OFF.
`Select o design to appear aroundthe edges of different screens.
`BATTLE iBae st Fer
`MENU sccilf
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`Whenyouare in the field, press START to bring up the Menu Screen. Use the
`+ Control Pad to choose an option,
`then press the A Button
`clahrcues mma
`Viewyour Pokémon’sstats and changetheir orderin thebattle lineup.
`In addition
`information is recorded here about Pokémon youseeor catch.
`to reviewingtheir data, you can listen fo their cries and check out where
`they live. The last Pokémon you view beforeclosing your POKEDEX will be
`the first to appear the next time you open it
`© See pg. 47 for information on printing out your POKEDEX
`LL eo
`Pete bat
`PT Po
` Pe) taeee
` Por ip
`Display the status of each of your Pokemon—currentlevel, experience
`wu 7 al
`points, et.—
`on three separate pages. Press + and + on the + Control
`Pad fo flip through the pages and press t and + to switch Pokémon. Sea
`Display the Pokémon’s type. There are more than 10 types.
`increase, so does the Pokémon’s level.
`Press START to entér Search Mode. You can then search for Pokémon by
`type, such as Waler-type or Fire-type.
`&[ocd oeodBd
`Display the Pokémon’s current status.
`Display current HP and maximum HP for the Pokémon (see pg. 27).
`od CRC Rem ORSCUCU RtCCemea
`Display the name of the person who originally caught the Pokémon(OTis
`SCR CemmeaCnetMiron
`~ Allottery is held at the Radio Tower using these 1D Numbers (see pg. 19).
`- The Pokémon’s attack power, defense power, special attack paver. sect! dafense power and
`Bene mnie
`Press SELECT to change how the Pokémon are displayed. You can choose to display themin numerical
`orderor alphabetically. Additional ways to display your Pokémon may becomeavailable as you
`progress through the game...
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`Change the way your Pokémon are arranged in the battle lineup. Press * on
`+ on the + Control Pad to move the cursor to the Pokemon you wantte switch
`the currently selected Pokémon with, then press the A Button.
`View your Pokémon’s MOVEs and PP. Press ¢ and + on the + Control Pad to pea =
`| rosea SOR
`preaAn attack that may
`fpoake foe *#linch.
`Give items to Pokémonto use immediately or to hold for later.
`ier aes
`Display a list of the items you have. Items are automatically divided up according to their types and
`put into one of the Pack’s four pockets. There are also items that you can give to Pokémon to hold.
`This pocket holds generalitems, such as POTION, ANTIDOTE and REPEL.
`Poké Balls, which are used to catch Pokemon,are keptin this pocket.
`Key Items
`Othervaluable items that you don’t wantto lose goin this pocket.
`TM / HM
`This pocket is for Technical and Hidden Machines.
`A eol apes la bike
`feat moeoemeyt,
`You can-enter some of your Key Itemsinto the SEL BUTTON. Once you have entered an item into
`the SEL BUTTON, simply press SELECT while moving craund in the game to use it. For example, if
`you enter the BICYCLE, you canride it just by pressing SELECT. Y@reeelebrnchave to apen the
`MenuScreen,soit’s very convenient!
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`Pokémon Gear (POK6GEAR)
`Cell Phone
`Use your Watch, Town Mop,Cell Phone or Radio. Press ¢ and + onthe
`+ Control Pad to switch betweenthese functions.
`Talk to your Mom,Prof. Elm and PokémonTrainers you meet. Telephone
`numbers you receive are recorded automatically, so all you have to do is
`[erase any butt
`(Ls exit.
`Display the currenttime and day of the week.
`© Press any button to exit POKEGEAR.
`Town Map
`select the nameof the person you want fo call. You can receivecalls as well.
`PCety Tale it
`Listen to radio programs about Pokémon. Press * and * onthe
`+ Control Pad to change radio stations. You might just pick up some
`useful information!
`* You must obtain a Radio Card before you can use the Radio.
`Display your currentlocation on the map. Press * and + on the + Contral Pad to
`see the namesof different towns and locations.
`# You must obtain a Map Card before you can use the Town Map.
`Harte PRE CAH
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`Your Nama
`Display information, such as the amount of money you have, how long you've been playing, and
`which badges you have.
`Save your game at any time, except during a battle.
`* Do not turn your Game Boy or Game Boy Color OFF
`until the game has finished saving.
`Store or withdraw Pokemon you’ve captured. You can store up to 20
`Pokémonin each of the 14 boxes.
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`Page 1010
`Keveed: uhnaa UanveeeLillers)| Gree,Inc.
`There are manydifferent buildings and houses in each town. As you walk around, be sure to check out
`everything and chat with everyone you meet. You might find some useful information.
`Pokémon Canter
`The people here will heal your injured Pokémonforfree. You can also do other things here, such
`as use the PC. A PokemonCenteris the most useful place a Pokémon Trainer can visit!
`Leave your Pokémon here to completely restore their HP (Hit Points orvitality)
`and PP (Power Points or number of times you can use a MOVE). Your Pokémon
`will also recover completelyif they are paralyzed, poisoned, ett.
`Store or withdraw your items. PCs are also available in other buildings.
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`You can carry up to six Pokémon with you. If you are already carrying six
`Pokemon, any additional Pokémon youcatch will be sent directly to Bill's
`PC. Make sure your box isn’t full, or you will be unable to transmit any
`extra Pokémon youcatch.
`Store and withdraw youritems, You can also store
`your mail here.
`Have Professor Ook evaluate how complete your POKEDEXis.
`Visit o Coble Club {see pg. 38) to batile or trade Pokémon with a friend. You'll find one on the second
`Poké Mart
`Buyitems that can help you on your adventure. Poké Marts in different towns sometimes sell
`different things.
`Department Store
`Choose from an incredible selection of items.
`floor of any Pokémon Center. BUILDINGS IN TOWN
`Radio Tower
`Tune in to radio programs about Pokémon 24 hours a day. The Radio
`Tower also holds a lottery based on !D Numbers.If you win, you just
`might get a greatprize!
`¢ The winning number changes every Friday.
`Your Room
`Add decorationsto your room by logging on to your PC.
`Name Rater
`Visit the Name Rater to change your Pokémon’s nicknames:
`© You cannot changethe nicknames of Pokémon you receivedin a trade.
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`You can obtain items in many ways, such as by buying them at stores, finding them duting your
`travels, and receiving them {rom other people. There are monydifferenttypes of items, and all of
`them will come in handy as you go along.Thefollowing are just o few of them...
`It is said that there are ancient ruins of something built ages ago near one of the towns. If you explore
`these ruins, you may find somehints to help you solve their mysteries.
`Supporting Cast
`Restores Pokemon HP by 20
`Professor Elm
`SUPER POTION Restores Pokemon HP by 50
`Professor Elm is a scientist who has devoted hislife to the
`Restores Pokemon HP by 60
`study of Pokémon.Thoughstill young, he is well respected
`Restores Pokemon HP by 80
`by other researchers for his amazing discoveries, such os
`Cures poisoned Pokemon
`“Pokémon evolution.”
`AWAKENING—Awckenssleeping Pokémon
`Heals paralyzed Pokemon
`Revives fainted Pokémon and restores HP to half
`of the Pokemon’s maximum HP
`Restores Pokemon PP by 10
`Pokémon Power-Ups
`knows a lot aboutthe lives of
`Increases a Pokemon’s level by one
`Pokemon ond will cheek to see how
`Ky ;
`Licradcie hace HE
`jour POKEDEX is coming along.
`Increasesbasic Attack Power
`Causes attacks to easily hit an opponent's weak
`spot—canbe used only during battle
`Professor Ook
`A long-timefriend of Professor Elm,
`Oak is the acknowledged leader in
`thefieldofPokémonresearch.He Bo
`Recovery Items
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`The following items may come in handy.
`Give these to a Pokémonto see their effects...
`Use for escaping from places such as caves
`Restores some of a Pokémon’s HP during a battle
`Prevents weak Wild Pokemon from attacking in
`when KP falls
`places like grassy areas
`# Con also be used outside of battle.
`* Effective for up to 100 paces.
`PSNCUREBERRY Cures a Pokemon of poisoning during a battle
`Prevents weak Wild Pokemonfrom attacking, It is
`© Can also be used outside of battle.
`a more effective version of REPEL.
`BURNT BERRY Thawso frozen Pokémonduringobattle
`Use to find hidden items
`* Can also be used outside of bottle.
`Increases the power of Fire-type MOVEs
`Increases the power of Normal-type MOVEs
`Restores HPlittle by little during a battle
`Allows you fo move around twice as fast as
`QUICK CLAW—Occasionally allows your Pokemonto strike first
`when walking
`Occasionally causes your opponent's Pokemon
`Use this near water fo catch water Pokémon
`Lets you catch water Pokemonthot can't be caught
`using the OLD ROD
`Use this to carry coins tha you can use to play
`gomes at the Game Corner
`Permits passage on the $.S. Aqua
`Key Items
`$.8. TICKET
`How do you arrange the items in your Pack?
`Select PACK on the Menu Screen, Movethe cursor to the item you wantta a
`move, then press SELECT. Next, move the cursor to the place where you
`| % rer
`want to movethe item, then press SELECT or the A Button.
`! — eS,
`© You cannot move an item to a different pocket.
`ee Oe
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`Varieties of Balls
`Cotches Wild Pokemon
`Catches Wild Pokémon moreefficiently than o
`Poké Ball
`Catches Wild Pokemon moreefficiently then 0
`Catches Wild Pokémon 100% ofthe time
`Makes it easier to catch Pokémon byfishing
`Makesit easier to catch Pokémonthat try to
`escape quickly
`o &
`There is a BERRY that turns into a Poké Ball!
`Oie'yoit jourtvey yu off iad sores places where froit-beoring trees grow.
`Thereis an artisan in one of the towns who will take the Apricorn from oneof
`these trees and turn it into a special Poké Ball. If you find him, ask him to
`make ane for
`you. Mlis soid, however,that he will do His mn for someoneer
`ause a Pokémon to appeat when used on a tree
`Technical and Hidden Machines
`Both Technical and Hidden Machines allow your Pokémonto learn new MOVEs. Technical Machines
`(TM) can be used only once, but you can use Hidden ‘Machines (HM) asoften asyoulike. Different
`types of Pokémon will be able to learn different MOVEs.
`Examples of MOVEs Used in the Field
`Lights up pitch-black caves, making it easier to
`get around
`Instantly cuts downtrees that block the road
`Instantly returns you to a town you've
`previously visited
`seq of rivers
`Allows you to move safely across a whirlpool
`—_—_Lets you climb up torrential waterfalls
`© MOVEs learned with a Hidden Machine can be used both in battles and in thefield.
`Smashes rocks that block the road
`Lets you escape from places such as caves
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`There are two kinds of Battle Modes. Oneis for fighting against Wild Pokémon, and the other is for
`Looking at the Battle Screen
`A Pokémon thal you caught will
`Name of opponent's Pokémon
`Gender of opponent's Pokémon
`Level of opponent’s Pokémon
`have a: © symbol byits nome
`Hopleno— We,
`Pokémon’s gender
`Attack T
`fea ie omaanee
`Pokimon’s MOVES
`Pokémon’s level
`Pokémon’s HP
`ema IF na
`Maximum HP
`Experience Points meter
`you win thebattle, each Pokémonthatparticipatedin the battle will receive o share of the Experience
`Points. However, if all your Pokémonfaint, you will lose the battle, you will be returned to the last
`Pokémon Center you used, and you will lose half of your money,
`Pokémon five in places such as coves and grassy areas, so when you pass through such places, Wild
`Pokemon mayattack. When they do, you can use o Poké Ball—or anothertype of ball—tocatch them.
`Battling a Pokémon Trainer
`if you make eye contact with a trainer or walk in front of one, he or she will
`challenge you to a duel. You cannot run from a battle against o fellow
`Pokémon Trainer-—thebattle will continue until a winner is decided. If you
`arevictorious, you will be rewarded with prize money.Also, sometrainers may ask for your shone number once thebattle is over.
`(tren HP
`Pokemon’svitality. When HP reaches 0, the Pokemon faints and can’t
`battle anymore.
`hed of times o particular MOVE
`ganie used. When PP reaches 0, the
`During a aies a trainer, the number skeen you each haye will be indicated by
`on can‘t.usethat MOVE
`Experience Points
`io © symbo
`lose the Pokemoniis tor
`S" is mole, and 2
` Pokémon’s Gender
`i ~~
`© You cannot capture an opponent’s Pokémon.
`Center for free.
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`If you get hit by an opponent's special atfack, your Pokémon’s status mightbe affected. However, you
`can use your items to help your Pokémon recover. Or you can takeit to a Pokémon Center where if
`will recover completely at no charge.
`Battle Commands
`WhenStatus is Affected
`Display the Pokémon’s MOVEs.Select oneto attack. ee ae:
`Use items in the Pack to revive your Pokemon or to catch
`Wild Pokémon.
`Escape from a battle.(You cannot run from a battle against
`a trainer.)
`Changeto another Pokémonorlook at a
`Pokémon’s stats.
`Gradually decreases HP during the battle. If the POISON doesn’t wearoff,
`HP will continue to decrease even after the battle is finished.
`Numbs the Pokémon’s body and makesit difficult for it to use its MOVEs
`Puts opponentfo sleep, makingit unable to fight
`Freezes Pokémonso that it cannot fight
`Gradually decreases HP during the bottle
`When HP reaches0, the Pokémon can nolongerbattle
`* Pokémon may also become CONFUSED duringbattles.
`——— -
`ii eee
`Sttiin Greene.
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`You can catch a Wild Pokémon with a Poké Ball. Once you arein Battle Mode,select PACK.Next,
`choose a Poké Ball to throw at the Pokémon and capture if. After you have caught the Pokémon, you
`congive it a nickname.
`Hints for Fighting
`Use a Pokémon’s type to your advantage.
`The various types of Pokémon—suchas Electric, Grass, et—each have different strengths and
`weaknesses against other types. For example, Water-type MOVEs have the greatest effect onFire-type
`Pokémon, while Ground-type MOVEs have no effect on Flying-fype Pokémon. Use these qualities to
`your advantage to comeup with an effective battle strategy.
`Give your Pokemon a BERRY.
`Fruit-bearing trees grow in various places. The BERRIES that grow on these
`trees have different effects, such as curing poison or paralysis. If you let a
`Pokémon hold oneof these BERRIES, it will be able to recover whenit receives
`damagein battle. There are also some items other than BERRIES that
`Pokémoncan hold (see pg. 23).
`The Secret to Catching Pokémon
`If you use a Poké Ball on o Pokémonthat has taken verylittle damage,it will
`break free of the ball. You must first weaken the Pokémonbyattackingit until
`its HP is low. It will also be easier to catch the Pokémonif you putit to sleep,
`poison it, etc.
`© See pg. 24 for information on thedifferent types of Poké Balls.
`Where to Find PoKémon
`Youwill run into Wild Pokémonif you walk in the grass alongthe side of
`the road.
`© If your Pokemon’s HPis low, and you don’t wantto fight, avoid walking
`in grassy areas.
`¥ a
`Inside caves, Wild Pokémon can be found al ‘ if
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`Here's a hint for raising weak Pokemon.
`First of all, place the weak Pokémonfirst in yourbattle lineup. Then, immediately switch to another
`Pokémon as soon as you enter Battle Mode. As long as you win thebattle, even the weaker Pokemon
`thatdidn't fight will receive a portion of the Experience Points. This takes a bit of effort, but by
`repeating these steps, you can slowly but steadily increasethelevel of a weak Pokémon.
`Traded Pokémon grow the fastest.
`Pokémon you receive from a trade receive a larger-than-normalportion of Experience Points when
`they win a battle, Try to trade with your friends a lot {see pg. 38).
`Woter-type Pokémon moy appear when you are crossing a lake or the ocean.
`Youcanalso use a Fishing Rod by the water to catch some Pokémon.
`If you use HEADBUTT while facing o tree, a Wild Pokémon might come
`tumbling down.
`A Bug-Catching Contest is held several times a week at a certain park. If you
`participate, you might just be able to catch some rare Pokémon!
`Different Pokémonwill appear at different times of day.
`Based on haw you setthe clock at the beginning of the game, time in the gamewill poss just as it does
`in reallife. Also, different types of Pokémon will appeor at different times of day (MORN, DAY or
`NITE). For example, the Pokémon HOOTHOOT™ seems to be nocturnal and will come out only at night.
`Even if you've beento g/certtian area before, try going theta.anain at a different time of day.
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`Pokémon Evolution
`There are some Pokemon that evolve and change form as they grow. A Pokémoncan evolve whenits
`level increases, through the use of an Evolution Stone, orif it is traded. There is also o rumor that
`there are other ways they can evolve...
`A Pokémon Egg was found?!?
`There are many unsolved mysteries about Pokémon, and the PokémonEgg is just one of these. If you
`leave a cougle of your Pokemon at a Daycare, you may return to find an egg...
`Leave your Pokemon at a Daycare.
` In a certain town there is an older couple whowill raise your Pokémon for
`you. You can leave up to two Pokemonwith them af a time. It takes a
`while to raise them, so wait a bit before you come back to check on them.
`Youwill also need to pay the couple a small fee when youreceive your
`Pokémon from them.
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`There is @ Leader in every Pokémon Gym. Every Leaderis a tough, specialized trainer. For example,
`one Leader may be an expert with bird Pokémon, while another strikes with Ice-type attacks. However,
`if you are able to beat a Gym Leader, you'll receive an official Pokémon League Badge as evidence of
`your impressive victory. Wearing these badges gives you somesort ofaffect...
`Increases the attack power of your Pokemon.Allows you to use Flash,
`even outside of batile.
`Causes all Pokemonof Level 50 and below to obey you, evenif you got
`them in a trade. Allows you to use SURF, even whenoutside of battle.
`Causes all Pokemon of Level 70 and below to obey you, evenif you got them
`ina trade. Allows youto use FLY, even when outside ofbattle.
` Causes all Pokémonof Level 30 and below to obey you,even if you
`got them in a trade. Allows you to use CUT, even outside ofbattle.
`Olivine City Gym’s Jasmine
`Increases your Pokémon’s defensive power.
`Strengthens your Pokémon’s special attack and special defense. Allows you to use
`WHIRLPOOL, even when outside of battle.
` eee at es ty
`Increases your Poké
`when outside of bottlesi
`A) Couses all Pokémonto obey you. Allo
`even when outside of battle.
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 1020
`Use a GameLink® cable (sold separately) to have fun trading or battling your friends with Pokémon
`Gold and PokémonSilver.
`© You connot have link battles with the Red, Blue or Yellow Versions of Pokémon (see pg.41). See pg.
`42 for moreinformation on irading Pokemon.Also, please do not attempt to trade or batile with a
`foreign version of Pokémon, or your data will be corrupied.
`of the room, then press the A Button.
`Preparing to Link Up
`Connect two Game Boysystems using a Game Link cable. Turn the power ON,select CONTINUE, then
`go too Cable Club on the second floor of any Pokémon Center.if you are trading with a Gold or Silver
`Version, head to the Trade Center. If you are battling with a Gold orSilver Version, go to the
`ae If you are trading with a Red, Blueor Yellow Version, speak to the receptionist at the Time
`Trading at the Trade Center
`Follow the instrucio
`saved ‘automatiically beetare the trade begins.
`Enter the Trade Center, face each other at the table in the middle
`A list of the Pokémon you can trade will appear. Select
`STATS to check the status of your Pokémon, then figure
`out which Pokemon you will trade. When you are
`ready, select TRADE.
`After a little while, TRADE / CANCEL will appear on the
`screen. Select TRADE, then press the A Bution to begin
`the trade. Your Pokémon will then be transmitted
`through the Game Link cable.
`* Pokémonthat evolve by being tradedwill evolve at
`this time.
`Ed Keer ra
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 1021
`Battle at the Colosseum
`Unlike normal batiles, you can’t use items when battling in the Colosseum,
`if you Run,you will lose the battle.It is a good idea for you and your
`friend to come up with your ownrules. For example, you may wantto limit
`the types of Pokémon that can be used or battle only with Pokémon thatare
`Level 20 or below. If you do this, your battles will be even more fun!
`* You cannot battle with a Red, Blue or Yellow Version.
`The results will be displayed once the winner has been decided.
`j1ez inne
`Thereceptionist will show you to the Colosseum room. You ond yourfriend
`should both sit at the table, then press the A Button to enter Battle Mode.
`The Pokémon each of you has will be displayed just before you start to battle.
`ss a
`Once the trade is complete, select CANCEL fo return to
`the Trade Center screen.
`¢ The traded Pokémon will be saved atthis point.
`Let a Pokémon hold an item before you trade.
`Before you trade of o Trade Center, you con give on
`item to your Pokémon.In other words, you can trade
`items using Pokémon.You con give o rare or useful
`item to yourfriend this way. Also, if you give them
`Mail, you can exchangeletters. There is a rumor that
`trading items this woywill have some sort of effect on
`Pokémon that evolve...
`a T
`tlh— CaAr
`* Thereis o poster to the left of the Reception Counter
`where your battle record will be recorded.
`Bae.T 21rteeeSAN

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