`J(i> Er
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`A WARNING- Seizures
`* Some people (about 1 in 4000) may have seizures or blackouts triggered by light flashes or patterns, such
`as while watching TV or playing video games, even if they have never had a seizure before.
`* Anyone who has had a seizure, loss of awareness, or other symptom linked to an epileptic condition
`should consult a doctor before playing a video game.
`« Parents should watch when their children play video games. Stop playing and consult a doctorif you or
`your child have any of the following symptoms:
`Eye or muscle twitching Loss of awareness
`Altered vision
`Involuntary movements Disorientation
`* To reduce the likelihood of a seizure when playing video games:
`1. Sit or stand as far from the screen as possible.
`2. Play video games on the smallest available television screen.
`3. Do not play if you are tired or need sleep.
`4. Play in a welHit room.
`5. Take a 10 to 15 minute break every hour.
`A WARNING - Radio FrequencyInterference
`The Nintendo DS can emit radio waves that can affect the operation of nearby electronics,including
`cardiac pacemakers.
`* Do not operate the Nintendo DS within 9 inches of a pacemaker while using the wireless feature.
`« If you have a pacemaker or other implanted medical device, do not use the wireless feature of the
`Nintendo DS without first consulting your doctor or the manufacturer of your medical device.
`« Observe and follow all regulations and mules regarding use of wireless devices in locations such as
`hospitals, airports, and on board aircraft. Operation in those locations mayinterfere with or cause
`malfunctions of equipment, with resulting injuries to persons or damage to property.
`A.WARNING- Repetitive Motion Injuries and Eyestrain
`Playing video games can make your muscles,joints, skin or eyes hurt after a few hours. Follow these
`instructions to avoid problems such as tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, skin imitation or eyestrain:
`« Avoid excessive play. It is recommended that parents monitor their children for appropriate play.
`* Take a 10 to 15 minute break every hour, even if you don't think you need it.
`* When using the stylus, you do not need to grip it tightly or press it hard against the screen. Doing 50 may
`cause fatigue or discomfort.
`« If your hands, wrists, arms or eyes becometired or sore while playing, stop and rest them for several hours
`before playing again.
`« ff you continue to have sore hands, wrists, arms or eyes during or after play, stop playing and see a doctor.
`A WARNING- Battery Leakage
`The Nintendo DS contains a rechargeable lithium ion battery pack. Leakage of ingredients contained within
`the battery pack, or the combustion products of the ingredients, can cause personal injury as well as
`damage to your Nintendo DS.
`lf battery leakage occurs, avoid contact with skin. If contact occurs, immediately wash thoroughly with
`Soap and water. If liquid leaking from a battery pack comes into contact with your eyes, immediately flush
`thoroughly with water and see a doctor.
`To avoid battery leakage:
`* Do not expose battery to excessive physical shock, vibration, or liquids.
`Do not disassemble, attempt to repair or deform the battery.
`Do not dispose of battery packin a fire.
`Do not touch the terminals of the battery, or cause a short between the terminals with a metal object.
`Do not peel or damage the battery label.
`Important Legal Information
`This Nintendo game is not designed for use with any unauthorized device. Use of any such devic will
`invalidate your Nintendo product warranty. Copying of any Nintendo gameis illegal and is strictly pro-
`hibited by domestic and international intellectual property laws. “Back-up” or “archival” copies are not
`authorized and are not necessary to protect your software. Violators will be prosecuted.
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`The official seal is your assurance
`that this product is licensed or
`manufactured by Nintendo. Always
`look for this seal when buying
`video game systems,
`accessories, games
`and related
`Nintendo does not license the cele or use ofproducts
`withoutthe OfficialNintondo Seal,
`game'stitle, are: “walk through,” “FAQ,” “codes,” and “tips.”
`Recordedtips for manytitles are available on Nintendo’s PowerLine at
`(425) 885-7529. This may be a long-distance call, so please ask
`permission from whoeverpays the phone bill.
`need is not on the PowerLine, you may want to try
`if the information
`are playing. Some helpful words to include in the search, along with the
`usin yourTaveniteWileenet search cnntofind tipsforthe game you
`The Pokémon Company
`© 2008 Pokémon. © 1995-2008 Nintendo/Creatures Inc/GAME FREAK inc.
`™ and the Nintendo DS logo are trademarks of Nintendo. © 2008 Nintendo.
`© WHAT IS A POREMOM RAMGER?...+0.0+0020000004
`@ PLAYING THEGRIME .......++0+0+r00er0e0erevere0s++ 08
`e BASICCOITTROLS....0ss.ecysessecvsssvassaseseeeessO7
`O STARTING THEGPITIEs2..hessss-,sessesoitons-0209
`© THESTHLERIMEI.sscssossvsvcsssonnsnvsessosetees 12
`© SAVING THEGAITIEnxesetibeavenersttreneens18
`, io:18
`© QUESTS"....... hghdae. .ss agg. 30
`@ COMMLMCATION MIMIDES .......c00ccssscsernssue 2
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`Pokémon Rangers are people who keep peace with
`the help of Pokémon. Every Rangeris equipped
`with a Capture Styler—a special device that only
`Rangers are allowed to use. Using their Stylers to
`form close friendships with Pokémon, Rangers work
`day and night to help keep the world peacefulfor
`both people and Pokémon.
`® |
`Whichever gender you choosewill not have anyeffect on the story.
`other roles that support the Rangers all over Almia.RR
`With dreamsof becoming a Pokémon Ranger, our hero leaves behind a loving family
`and movesto the Almia region to attend the RangerSchool. There, our budding
`Ranger develops new friendships and learns whatit’s like to become a real Ranger.
`Upon graduation, our hero begins life as a Pokémon Ranger, sworn to protect the
`peace in Almia.
`The Ranger Schoolis an educationalfacility for
`students who wish to be trained as Pokémon Rangers.
`In addition to Rangers, students can also prepare for
`* \n Pokémon Ranger: Shadows ofAlmia, you may choose to play either as a boy or a girl hero.
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`sure to help you on your adventures.
`challenges with their help. ARanger is always accompanied by one
`Having become an official Pokémon Ranger, the hero is
`assigned Missions from the Ranger Leaders or the Ranger
`Union to protect the peace in the region. There are a wide
`variety of Missions—manyof them can't be cleared by a
`Ranger alone.If you face such a challenging situation, try
`enlisting the help of a Pokémon to complete the Mission.
`Every Pokémon Ranger can capture a wild Pokémon by
`connecting with it on an emotional level (see page 19).
`Acaptured wild Pokémonis called a Friend Pokémon. A
`Friend Pokémon will accompany the Ranger and provide
`help when called upon. Pokémon have a widevariety
`of abilities that can be helpful to the Ranger. Learn
`whatabilities each Pokémon has so you may overcome
`Partner Pokémon(see page 22). You can
`add to your choices of Partner Pokémon
`as you become more skilled. Your Partner
`Pokémon, with their unique abilities, are
`Basic operations are performed by touching and/or sliding the stylus on the Touch
`Screen (lower screen), TOP SCREEN
`Touch Screen...... Touchthe stylus on the Touch Screen to make the hero move toward the touched location.
`{Lower Screen)
`The Touch Screen is also used for talking to people and checking things. Whendisplaying
`text or dialog, touch anywhere on the screen to advance the text.
`X,YButtons........ Pressto indicate which Pokémon are accompanying the hero.
`‘> Control Pad...,. Press to move the hero.
`AButton........... Press to choose “Yes,” check something, talk to someone in front of the hero, or advance text.
`BButton........... Press to choose “No” or go back one screen.
`LButton........... Press to switch the top screen's display mode,
`RButton,....-..... Press to access the Styler Menu. Press it again to retum to the field screen.
`* Closing the Nintendo DS while playing will automatically put it into Sleep Mode.
`Opening the Nintendo DS will resume the game.
`* START and SELECT are not used.
`* Rememberto take a break if your hands get tired.
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`Touch the stylus on the Touch Screen to make the hero move
`toward the touched location. The hero can also be moved by
`pressing the Control Pad.
`Touch any person with the stylus to talk with them. (The
`person can be anywhere on the screen.) You canalso talk to
`a person by pressing ® when the hero is facing that person.
`While talking with people, you may be presented with
`“Yes/No” choices. Touch the “Yes” or “No”icon on the
`Touch Screen to make your choice. You can also choose
`“Yes” by pressing ®,or choose “No” by pressing ©.
`Touch any Pokémon or a target with the stylus to obtain
`information. (The accessed information is shown on the top
`screen.) Signs and other objects can be examined by touching
`them or by pressing ® when the hero is facing them.
`© Makesure that the Nintendo DS systemis turned off.
`aia talage
`Insert the Pokémon Ranger: Shadows ofAlmia Game
`Card into the Game Card slot on the backof the a
`system and push untilit clicks into place.
`San abet Haver
`® Turn the poweron, and the Health and Safety Screen
`is displayed (shownto the right). Once you have read edie
`over the information, touch the Touch Screen.
`Pelawe ec
`® Touch the Pokémon Ranger: Shadows ofAlmia panel
`on the DS Menu Screen to start the game.
`* If you set the DS system to Auto Mode, the gamewill
`automatically start after the Health and Safety Screen
`is displayed. For more information, please check the
`Instruction Booklet of your Nintendo DS.
`© For instructions beyond this point, please refer to
`page 10.
`* In this Instruction Booklet, a blue frame surrounds the top
`screen and an orange ‘rame surrounds the Touch Screen
`(lower screen).
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`* If you start playing a “New Game" and you save,
`any previously recorded gamedata will be deleted.
`(You will no longer be able to “Continue” using the
`previously saved data.)
`First, choose the hero's gender. Touch either the boy or
`the girl with the stylus to choose.
`Touch “Continue” to resume gameplay from the last
`place you saved the game.
`When resuming game play using quicksave data, you
`will be given a “Yes/No”choice.
`® Save Machine: See page 18
`© How to quicksave the game: See page 18
`Choose Ranger Net to download
`Missions over Nintendo® Wi-Fi
`Connection, and then play
`your downloaded Missions.
`(For more information, see
`page 32.)
`Once the story starts, you will be required to enter
`the hero’s name. (Touching “OK” without entering a
`namewill give your character the nameKellyn or Kate,
`depending on the hero's gender.) Touch the keyboard
`to enter the nameone letter at a time. If you make a
`mistake, touch the left arrow icon to go back oneletter.
`When you have entered the name, touch “OK” to register
`the hero’s name.
`* The hero's gender and name cannot be changed once they
`have been registered.
`Compatible wireless router and broadband access required foronline play. For more info, go to
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`Whenthe hero is in the field, touching the Rangericon at the bottom right of the
`Touch Screenorpressing the R Button opens theStyler Menu. On this screen, icons
`for the Styler's various functions are shown. Touch the desired function's icon to
`access it. To return to regular game play, touch the arrow icon at the top right of
`the Touch Screen.
`Touching the Rangericon displays the hero’s name, Exp. Points (Experience Points),
`and other related data on the top screen.
`* A mark is lit if the
`hero is on a Mission
`or a Quest.
`: _
`STYLER:Pace 13
`MISSIONS:pase 14
`OPTIONS:page 17
`(see page 26).
`Touching the Styler button opens the screen that displays
`the status of the player's Styler (School, Capture, etc.). The
`top screen shows the Styler’s level, the Exp: Points needed to
`level up, the total Exp. Points earned thislevel, its energy,its
`Capture Line length, andits
`The Defense Status of the Styler is displayed on the Touch
`Screen. Touch the triangular icon at the center-right of the
`Touch Screento display the Styler’s Power-up Data List
`GLOSSARY:pace 17
`BROWSER: Page 15
`QUESTS: Page 14
`QUICKSAVE:pase 17
`MAP:pace 17
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`The hero’s ongoing Mission information is shown on the top
`screen. On the Touch Screen, the map is displayed with both
`the Mission and the player's locations flashing.
`The Browser keeps records of captured Pokémon. Each kind of Pokémonislisted with
`such data as its group and Field Move. The captured Pokémon are listed according to
`a special numbered system used only by Rangers. The Browseris updated every time
`a new species of Pokémon is captured. Try capturing every kind of Pokémonin the
`Almia region to complete the Browser.
`The top screen displays the data of the Pokémon selected on the Touch Screen.
`The Touch Screen showsthelist of Quests accepted by the
`Ranger Union and the hero’s ongoing Quest. Touch and select
`any Quest to display detailed information about it on the
`top screen. Touch “Check Location” on the Touch Screen to
`display the location of the Quest's client on the lower screen.
`Quests: See page 30
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`Touch the “Search”icon to search for Pokémon by name,
`Poké Assist, Field Move, or by their Pokémon Number.
`Poké Assists: See page 23
`Field Moves: See page 27
`>> P AREA
`Touch the “Area” icon to indicate the selected Pokémon’s
`location on the map on the top screen. The location is
`indicated with a highlight color.
`* The location of some Pokémon will not be revealed.
`A map ofthe entire Almia region is displayed on the Touch
`Screen. The hero's present location is indicated with a flashing
`icon. As the hero progresses through the story, the places the
`hero visits are added to the map. Touching a location displays
`a snapshot from that location on the top screen.
`The Glossary provides detailed descriptions of special terms
`and techniques used in Pokémon Ranger: Shadows ofAlmia,
`The entries in the Glossary are listed in the three categories:
`“Field,” “Capture,” and “Terms.” Touch the heading you want
`to check to access information on it. When an entry is opened,
`touch the arrows on the Touch Screen to flip pages. The Glossary
`is automatically updated as you progress through the game.
`The text speed and window design can be changed in Options.
`Friend Pokémon can be released anytime by touching
`the “Release” icon. You may also be forced to release
`Pokémon if you capture more than you are allowed. When
`releasing Pokémon, your Friend Pokémon are shown at
`once. Select those to be released by touching them, then
`touch the “Release” icon at the center-top part of the
`Touch Screen. The released Pokémonreturn to wherever
`they were originally captured.
`If a wild Pokémon helps the hero with a Poké Assist or a Field Move,
`it is automatically released.
`You can quicksave your game and resumeplay from thatpoint.
`Using Quicksave: See page 18
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`fedsJeg)goe de)apy)
`You can save your game by touching any Save Machine in a Ranger
`facility or in the field. (You will be asked if you want to save, “Yes/No.”)
`You can resume play from the saved spot by choosing “Continue” the
`next time you play.
`\f you start playing a "New Game” and then save, any previous game data will
`be overwritten. (The old “Continue” data will be lost.)
`A “capture” is the process of befriending a Pokémon by
`establishing an emotional bond. Once captured, the Pokémonwill
`travel with the hero until it provides help and/or is released. A
`capture is performed using the stylus (the Styler).
`The Touch Screen switches to the Capture Screen when the hero
`makes contact with a Pokémon in thefield.
`Touch “Quicksave” on the Styler Screen to save the game onthe spot. (You will be
`asked if you want fo quicksave, “Yes/No.”) When the Nintendo DSis turned on later,it
`is possible to resume play using the quicksave data.
`* The quicksave data does not overwrite the “Continue” data.
`* Don't turn off the power while you are saving.
`The next time you start this game, you will be askedif you would like to resume play
`from where you quicksaved. If you reply “Yes,” you will be asked if it is okay to delete
`the quicksaved data. Replying “Yes” will start the game from where you quicksaved
`and delete the quicksave data.
`If you use the quicksaved data to resume play, it Will be deleted. Save your game by using a
`Save Machine after you resume your play. Replying “No”will retum you to the “Resume Play from
`Quicksave” screen,
`To avoid fatigue and discomfort when using
`the stylus, do not grip it tightly or press it hard
`against the screen. Keep yourfingers, hand, wrist
`and arm relaxed. Long, steady, gentle strokes
`work just as well as many short, hard strokes.
`Whenthe Capture Screen appears, touch the stylus to the ground on-screen. The
`Capture Disc will appear where the stylus is touching;it disappears if the stylus is
`lifted from the screen.
`Keeping the stylus touching the screen,slide it to move the Capture Disc.It will leave
`the Capture Line in its wake. Use the Capture Line to draw loops around the Pokémon
`you wantto capture.
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`The endsof the Capture Line must cross to form a complete loop around the
`targeted Pokémon.
`By drawing completeloops,the Friendship Gauge
`under the Pokémonfills. When the gauge becomes
`filled, the capture is successful.
`* For some Pokémon,theFriendship Gauge is displayed
`at the top of the Touch Screen.
`If the stylus is lifted before the capture is completed, the Capture Line disappears. If
`the Pokémonis left alone, the Friendship Gauge gradually drains. Draw enough loops
`until the targeted Pokémonis captured.
`Whena Rangeris trying to make a capture, the targeted Pokémon will behave in a
`variety of ways depending on the species. Some will become startled and run around,
`while others may act aggressively. If a Pokémon touches the Capture Line, the line is
`broken. If that happens, you must start drawing loops with a new CaptureLine.
`During captures there is no need to use any force. The trick is to draw loops lightly and
`quickly. If your hands becometired, quicksave the game and take a break.
`lf a Pokémon’s attack hits the Capture Line, not only is the line broken, but the Styler
`loses someof its energy. If the Styler Energy drops to zero, the Styler breaks, making
`it impossible to capture Pokémon. In that event, the hero may only resume play from
`the latest Save Machine data or from thetitle screen. If the Styler Energy is running
`low, it can be recharged at any Rangerfacility or by using certain Field (Map) Moves
`or Poké Assists of Friend Pokémon.
`You can give up on a capture and flee from the targeted
`Pokémon anytime. Touch the Flee icon at the bottom left of
`the Touch Screen. Choose “Yes” when given the choice to
`* It may be impossibleto flee from certain situations.
`When a capture is successful, the hero earns
`Exp. Points. Upon accumulating certain amounts
`of Exp.Points, the hero's Styler levels up. When
`the Stylerlevels up,it gains power andits
`maximum energy capacity is recharged and
`enlarged. Depending on several conditions, the
`hero can earn bonus Exp. Points from a capture.
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`"| folJeggeeaeea
`A Ranger can use the abilities of Friend Pokémon to capture other Pokémon.A Friend
`Pokémon can use its ability to boost the performance of the Capture Disc (Poké
`Assist), endowing the Capture Line with a special power. There is a large variety of
`Poké Assists that vary amongdifferent Pokémon groups. For example, the Poké Assist
`Grass makes tall grass sprout from the Capture Line, ensnaring and slowing the
`Pokémon thatcrossit.
`Any Pokémon accompanying the
`Ranger can perform a Poké Assist to
`boost the performanceof the Capture
`Disc. There are many kinds of Poké
`Assists that vary with the Pokéman’s
`group. To use a Poké Assist, touch
`the Poké Assist icon during a
`capture. Then, touch and select the
`Pokémon you want to use.Finally,
`touch the Poké Assist button at the
`top of the Touch Screento get the
`chosen Pokémon’s help.If you choose
`the wrong Pokémon, touch another
`Pokémon or anypart of the ground.
`Poké Assist will be displayed with a blue frame.
`A Rangeris always accompanied by one special Pokémon called a Partner Pokémon
`that is not released even after using its Poké Assist during a capture; however, the
`Partner Pokémon's Poké Assist cannot be used unless its Partner Gauge isfilled.
`The hero will acquire more Partner Pokémon as the story progresses, but can be
`accompanied by only one at a time. (Partner Farm: See page 31)
`When this gauge is filled, the Partner Pokémon can use its
`Poké Assist once. The gauge drops to zero when used.
`Touch thisiconto use the Poké Assist ability of a Partner
`Pokémon or aFriend Pokémon.
`If an upward-pointing arrow appears beside the targeted
`Pokémon’s name, the selected Poké Assist matches
`up favorably against the target. If the matchup is
`unfavorable, a downward-pointing arrow is displayed. The
`Poké Assist-target matchup canalso be confirmed when
`selecting the Pokémon to be used.If the Pokémon's Poké
`Assist matches up favorably,it will be displayed with a
`red frame. Ifthe matchupis unfavorable, the Pokémon's
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`Depending on the Ranger Rank (see page 26), there are limits on how many Pokémon
`can travel with the hero. If a capture puts the hero overthe limit, Pokémon must
`be released.
`Grass sprouts from the Capture Line and may ensnare the
`Pokémon that crossit. Its status changes to “Slowed,” making
`its movements sluggish. This Poké Assist has no effect on
`levitating Pokémon.
`This Poké Assist boosts the amountof Friendship Gauge points
`gained by encircling the targeted Pokémon.tt also temporarily
`changes the Pokémon's status to “Tired,” which prevents its
`Friendship Gauge from draining.
`There are many other kinds of Poké Assists that you'll discover!
`Pokémon in the wild again.
`When releasing Pokémon, your Friend Pokémon are shown atonce. Touch the Pokémon
`you wantto release (more than one Pokémon may be selected). Touch again to cancel
`the selection. Touch the “Release” icon at the center-top part of the Touch Screen
`to release the Pokémon. Pokémonwith the Field Move Recharge can be madeto use
`Recharge upon release for restoring the Styler Energy.
`Depending on the type of Poké Assist, the targeted
`Pokémon can be affected by a status change
`such as “Slowed” and “Tired.” When affected, the
`Pokémon will be shown with a status icon beside
`it. The icon disappears when the Pokémon recovers
`trom the status change.
`ao ~ Wake
`Released Pokémon automatically return to wherever they were originally captured.
`Shortly after release, you may go backto the original capture spot to see a released
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`[| ,
`eeli se8
`While performing your duties as a Pokémon Ranger, you
`may come across obstacles such asfallen trees and giant
`boulders that block your path. Such obstacles are referred
`toas “targets.” Touch a target with the stylus and its data
`will be displayed on the top screen.
`These targets can be eliminated using the moves of
`Friend Pokémon. The moves of Pokémonused to remove
`obstacles are called “Field Moves,”
`way is called a “Target Clear.”
`@ Touch a Friend Pokémonwith the stylus, then draw
`a line to the target. If the selected Pokémon has the
`necessary Field Move, you will be given a “Yes/No”
`choice. Choose “Yes.”
`© The Friend Pokémonusesits Field Move to eliminate
`the target. The process of removing an obstacle in this
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`Page 692
`Pokémon Rangers are graded using a numbered ranking system—the Ranger
`Ranks. These numbers—from 1 to 10—indicate the Ranger's abilities. Rangers are
`promoted to higher ranks by Ranger Leaders as rewards for completing Missions.
`By advancing through the Ranger Ranks, the Rangeris given new benefits. For
`example, the Rangerwill be permitted to travel with more Pokémon and will gain
`the use of more Poké Assists for making captures. Not only that, the Ranger will be
`assigned more important Missions.
`Power-up Data are software upgrades that enhance the performance of the Stylerin
`a variety of ways. Many provide protection against Pokémon attacks; others add to
`the performance of the Styler. You may check the performance specsof your Styler
`by touching “Styler” on the Styler Menu. Then touch the triangle icon at the right of
`the Touch Screen to display the Power-up Data List. Touch
`individual icons to see their descriptions.
`Quests: See page 30
`Power-up Data can be obtained only from the Ranger Union
`as rewards to the Rangerfor clearing certain Quests.
`} r
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`The kindsof Field Moves andtheir powers vary
`depending on the Pokémon species. For example, while
`Glameow and Roselia both use the Field Move Cut,
`Glameow’s Cut is rated “1,” weaker than Roselia's
`“2.” Targets are identified using the same power
`ratings. Even if a Pokémon has theright kind of Field
`Move,if its power rating is lower than the target’s, it
`can'tclearthat target.
`In this example, the target requires “Cut 2”to clear.
`Glameow can't do the job; instead, Roselia’s Field
`Move is needed.
`There are many other kinds of Field Moves for you to discover!
`A spray of wateris let loose
`A tackle is thrown to shake
`Shrubs, fences, and similar
`targets are cut down. to put outafire.trees and mave heavy objects.
`Map Movesare a variation of Field Moves. They are used to ride Pokémon, recharge
`the Styler, or warp out of a dungeon, for example. You can confirm if a Pokémon has
`a Map Moveby touching that Pokémonwith the stylus. There mayberestrictions on
`where some Map Moves can be used.
`Area Movesare anothervariation of Field Moves. They are used
`to ride Pokémonor change the weather, for instance. They can be
`used only if “?” appears above the hero's head. Touch the “?” to
`determine which Area Move is needed. Touch Pokémon with the
`stylus to see if they have Area Moves.
`LEH (hs
`aU Baa
`A physical blow for
`Electricity is discharged to
`destroying crates and
`recharge the Styler Energy.
`smashing boulders.
`* Can also be used as a Poké Assist.
`eee Tha
`A downpouris summoned.
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`Page 693
`In addition to Missions, Rangers are also expected to help
`citizens solve their problems. Such a taskis called a “Quest.”
`People who wantthe help of a Rangerfor a Quest are easily
`identified: “..." is displayed overtheirheads.
`—eichaera from theStyler
`Completing a Quest is called a “Quest Clear.” By clearing a Quest, you may be
`rewarded with Power-up Data (see page 26) from the Ranger Union or with a new
`Partner Pokémon(see page 22).
`A Ranger Depotis a facility in locations too small to support a full Ranger Base. An
`Operator is on handto recharge the Styler Energy, and there is also a Save Machine
`available in the Ranger Depot.
` Pokémon Ranger.
`In the towns of the Almia region, wild Pokémonlive alongside thecitizens. While in
`towns,talk to people and touch objects with the stylus. You may be able to obtain
`useful information.
`Gla; =
`Atranquil rural town in central Almia. The hero isfirst stationed here after becoming a
`This is where Pokémon go that have become Partners with the Ranger through Quests
`and such. Touch a Partner Pokémonif you want to switch your Partner Pokémon.
`A Ranger Base is the centerof operations for Pokémon Rangers.In addition to obtaining
`key information here, the hero may also be assigned Missions at the Ranger Base.If
`the Styler Energy is down,talk to the Operator at the counterto get it recharged to full.
`There is also a Save Machinefor keeping a record of your adventures.
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 694
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 694
`’ Reesehceseieye)aa)aglela 5
`Using the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, you may download several rare Missionsfor
`Pokémon Ranger: Shadows ofAlmia.
`* Once downloaded, the Missions may be unplayable until certain game conditions are met.
`Please be aware that the Missions download service over Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection may be
`terminated at any time without notice.
`Compatible wireless router and broadband access required for online play. For more
`info, go to NintendoWiFi.com.
`ee eeeepee eieeegeeslg
`Youwill first need to establish a wireless Internet connection to use Nintendo Wi-Fi
`Connection. From the Main Menu, select “Ranger Net” then “Nintendo WFC Settings”
`to configure the DS system.
`For questions on connecting to Nintendo WFC and information on who to contact for additional
`assistance when setting up your connection, please refer to the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection
`i Instruction Booklet, available at waw.nintendo.com/consumer/manuals.
`* If you are having trouble connecting to Nintendo WFC,read the troubleshooting section of the Nintendo
`Wi-Fi Connection Instruction Booklet.
`Follow these procedures for downloading Missions over Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.
`Youwill be asked if
`you wantto connect
`to Nintendo Wi-Fi
`Connection. Touch the
`the Ranger Net Menu.
`New Missions.
`Touch “Search
`The downloadable
`Missions are displayed.
`Touch and select
`the Mission to be
`When downloading
`is completed,the
`downloaded Mission can
`be played by touching
`“Play a New Mission” in
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 695
`Gree, Inc.
`Ex. 2001
`Page 695
`The Nintendo DSSystem ("DS")carnas
`peyton tracedar Mew insa nua FiCoast
`© To play Nintendo DS gamesover the internet, you must first set up the Nintendo Wi-
`tiieHeese,oolneaiens?theterms: by ). Wintendo provides fo'you subject to
`Fi Connection (Nintendo WFC) on your Nintendo DS system. Please see the Nintendo
`Wi-Fi Connection instruction booklet, available at www.nintendo.com/consumer/
`manuals if you need directions on setting up your Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.
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`SecenLdalapelinaeneater Sealerari
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