`GREE, Inc. (Patent Owner)
`Case PGR2018-00029 / U.S. Patent 9,636,583
`Case PGR2018-00047 / U.S. Patent 9,770,659
`Patent Owner’s Demonstratives
`Wednesday, June 19, 2019
`1:00 PM (EDT), Courtroom B
`Patent Owner’s Demonstratives - 1
`Patent Owner Demonstrative Exhibit – Not Evidence – 1
`Exhibit 2009
`All Challenged Claims are Valid
`• The Challenged Claims Are Not Directed to an Abstract Idea
`• The Challenged Claims Satisfy Alice Step Two
`• The Challenged Claims Have Sufficient Written Description
`• The Challenged Claims Are Definite
`Patent Owner Response, Paper 26, at 16-75;
`Patent Owner Sur-Reply, Paper 35, at 1-24.
`Patent Owner Response, Paper 20, at 16-81;
`Patent Owner Sur-Reply, Paper 29, at 1-25.
`Patent Owner Demonstrative Exhibit – Not Evidence – 2
`Exhibit 2009
`Instituted Grounds
`• U.S. 9,636,583 – claims 1-15 under 35 U.S.C. §§ 101,
`112(1), 112(2)
`• U.S. 9,770,659 – claims 1-15 under 35 U.S.C. §§ 101,
`112(1), 112(2)
`Patent Owner Demonstrative Exhibit – Not Evidence – 3
`Exhibit 2009
`‘583 Patent – Claim 1
`Ex. 1001, 9:11-40.
`Patent Owner Demonstrative Exhibit – Not Evidence – 4
`Exhibit 2009
`‘659 Patent – Claim 1
`Ex. 1001, 10:25-50.
`Patent Owner Demonstrative Exhibit – Not Evidence – 5
`Exhibit 2009
`Claim 1 of Both Challenged Patents
`PGR2018-00029 -Ex. 1001, 9:11-40.
`PGR2018-00047 -Ex. 1001, 10:25-50
`Patent Owner Demonstrative Exhibit – Not Evidence – 6
`Exhibit 2009
`The Challenged Patents
`• The challenged patents identify and address problems with known prior
`art card games.
`-029: Paper 26, at 2-9; Ex. 1001, 1:28-44.
`-047: Paper 20, at 2-9; Ex. 1001, 1:30-50.
`Patent Owner Demonstrative Exhibit – Not Evidence – 7
`Exhibit 2009
`The Challenged Patents
`Ex. 1001, Figs. 3, 12.
`Patent Owner Demonstrative Exhibit – Not Evidence – 8
`Exhibit 2009
`The Claims Are Patentable Under the Revised Guidance
`• The challenged claims do not fall into any of the
`three groupings:
`– Mathematical concepts
`– Certain methods of organizing human activity
`– Mental processes
`-029: Paper 35, at 2-5.
`-047: Paper 29, at 2-5.
`Patent Owner Demonstrative Exhibit – Not Evidence – 9
`Exhibit 2009
`The Claims Solve a Problem Arising in Prior Art Card Games
`• The “claimed solution is necessarily rooted in computer technology in
`order to overcome a problem specifically arising in the realm of
`computer networks.” DDR Holdings, LLC v. Hotels.com, L.P., 773 F.3d
`1245, 1257 (Fed. Cir. 2014).
`“It is this challenge of retaining control over the attention of the customer
`in the context of the Internet” that the challenged claims address. See
`id. at 1258.
`“…these claims recite a specific improvement over prior systems,
`resulting in an improved user interface for electronic devices.” Core
`Wireless Licensing S.A.R.L. v. LG Elecs., Inc., 880 F.3d 1356, 1363
`(Fed. Cir. 2018).
`-029: Paper 26, at 22-27.
`-047: Paper 20, at 22-28.
`Patent Owner Demonstrative Exhibit – Not Evidence – 10
`Exhibit 2009
`Petitioner Changed The Alleged Abstract Idea
`“The ‘583 Patent Claims the Abstract Idea of Displaying a Video Game
`Based on Stored Panel Information.” Paper 1, at 21.
`Petitioner’s Reply:
`“The ‘583 Patent Recites an Abstract ‘Way of Managing a Game and
`Playing a Game.” Paper 33, at 9.
`-029: Paper 35, at 5.
`-047: Paper 29, at 5.
`Patent Owner Demonstrative Exhibit – Not Evidence – 11
`Exhibit 2009
`The Claims Combine Improved Gameplay and Visual Effect
`-029: Declaration of Mr. Crane, Ex. 2002 ¶¶ 23, 29.
`-029: Paper 35, at 6.
`-047: Paper 29, at 6.
`Patent Owner Demonstrative Exhibit – Not Evidence – 12
`Exhibit 2009
`The Claims Recite A Practical Application
`-047: Declaration of Mr. Crane, Ex. 2002 ¶ 29.
`-029: Paper 35, at 5-7.
`-047: Paper 29, at 5-7.
`Patent Owner Demonstrative Exhibit – Not Evidence – 13
`Exhibit 2009
`The Challenged Claims are Analogous to Those Found
`Ancora – USPN 6,441,941
`[1a] selecting a program residing
`in the volatile memory,
`‘583 Patent
`[1b] a panel selection function of
`selecting one or more panels to
`be disposed in one or more
`divisions of a game display
`screen including a display region
`formed by the divisions, from
`the first panel database and the
`second panel database;
`-029: Paper 35, at 7-9.
`Patent Owner Demonstrative Exhibit – Not Evidence – 14
`Exhibit 2009
`The Challenged Claims are Analogous to Those Found
`‘583 Patent
`[1e] the data storage function
`further stores points set for the
`first user, which are decreased by
`disposing a panel,
`Ancora – USPN 6,441,941
`[1b] using an agent to set up a
`verification structure in the
`erasable, non-volatile memory of
`the BIOS, the verification
`structure accommodating data
`that includes at least one license
`-029: Paper 35, at 7-9.
`Patent Owner Demonstrative Exhibit – Not Evidence – 15
`Exhibit 2009
`The Challenged Claims are Analogous to Those Found
`‘583 Patent
`[1f] the panel selection function
`selects a panel from the first
`panel database according to the
`points set for the first user,
`Ancora – USPN 6,441,941
`[1c] verifying the program using
`at least the verification structure
`from the erasable non-volatile
`memory of the BIOS, and
`-029: Paper 35, at 7-9.
`Patent Owner Demonstrative Exhibit – Not Evidence – 16
`Exhibit 2009
`The Challenged Claims are Analogous to Those Found
`‘583 Patent
`[1h] the panel layout function
`disposes the panel selected by
`the panel selection function in a
`target division when the panel is
`allowed to be disposed in the
`target division.
`Ancora – USPN 6,441,941
`[1d] acting on the program
`according to the verification.
`-029: Paper 35, at 7-9.
`Patent Owner Demonstrative Exhibit – Not Evidence – 17
`Exhibit 2009
`The Challenged Claims are Analogous to Those Found
`‘659 Patent
`Core Wireless – USPN 8,434,020
`[1a] a panel selection function of
`[1a] a display screen, the
`receiving a selection by the first
`computing device being
`user, the selection being for one
`configured to display on the
`or more panels indicating
`screen a main menu listing at
`characters to be disposed in one
`least a first application,
`or more divisions of a game
`[1d] each function in the list
`display screen including a
`being selectable to launch the
`display region formed by
`first application and initiate the
`the divisions;
`selected function,
`-047: Paper 29, at 7-9.
`Patent Owner Demonstrative Exhibit – Not Evidence – 18
`Exhibit 2009
`The Challenged Claims are Analogous to Those Found
`Core Wireless – USPN 8,434,020
`[1b] and additionally being
`configured to display on the
`screen an application summary
`window that can be reached
`directly from the main menu,
`‘659 Patent
`[1c] a screen display control
`function of controlling the game
`display screen on a screen
`display unit on the basis of
`information regarding the layout
`by the panel layout function and
`layout of the panel in the
`divisions by the second user,
`-047: Paper 29, at 7-9.
`Patent Owner Demonstrative Exhibit – Not Evidence – 19
`Exhibit 2009
`The Challenged Claims are Analogous to Those Found
`Core Wireless – USPN 8,434,020
`[1c] wherein the application
`summary window displays a
`limited list of at least one
`function offered within the first
`‘659 Patent
`[1d] the panel layout function
`disposes the panel received by
`the panel selection function in a
`target division or receives an
`instruction that the panel is
`disposed in the target division,
`when the panel is allowed to be
`disposed in the target division,
`-047: Paper 29, at 7-9.
`Patent Owner Demonstrative Exhibit – Not Evidence – 20
`Exhibit 2009
`The Challenged Claims are Analogous to Those Found
`‘659 Patent
`[1e] the panel indicating the
`character is displayed as an
`animation when being disposed
`in the target division.
`Core Wireless – USPN 8,434,020
`[1e] and wherein the application
`summary window is displayed
`while the application is in an un-
`launched state.
`-047: Paper 29, at 7-9.
`Patent Owner Demonstrative Exhibit – Not Evidence – 21
`Exhibit 2009
`Whether Cards “Correspond” to Panels as Claimed is
`“It is not enough, however, to merely trace the invention to
`some real-world analogy. The eligibility question is not
`whether anyone has ever used tabs to organize information.
`That question is reserved for §§ 102 and 103. The question of
`abstraction is whether the claim is ‘directed to’ the abstract
`idea itself.”
`Data Engine Techs. LLC v. Google LLC, 906 F.3d 999, 1011
`(Fed. Cir. 2018).
`-029: Paper 26, at 36-37.
`-047: Paper 20, at 43-44.
`Patent Owner Demonstrative Exhibit – Not Evidence – 22
`Exhibit 2009
`Improvements on General Purpose Hardware are Not Abstract
`• “Moreover, we are not persuaded that the invention’s ability
`to run on a general-purpose computer dooms the claims.”
`Enfish, LLC v. Microsoft Corp., 822 F.3d 1327, 1338 (Fed.
`Cir. 2016).
`• “Much of the advancement made in computer technology
`consists of improvements to software that, by their very
`nature, may not be defined by particular physical features
`but rather by logical structures and processes.” Id. at 1339.
`-029: Paper 26, at 25, 38.
`-047: Paper 20, at 25, 45.
`Patent Owner Demonstrative Exhibit – Not Evidence – 23
`Exhibit 2009
`The Claims Satisfy Alice Step Two
`Patent Owner Demonstrative Exhibit – Not Evidence – 24
`Exhibit 2009
`Step Two Is Satisfied When the Claims are More than Well-
`Understood, Routine, Conventional Activity
`• “When the limitations…are taken together as an ordered
`combination, the claims recite an invention that is not
`merely the routine or conventional use of the Internet.”
`DDR, 773 F.3d at 1259.
`• “In short, the claimed solution amounts to an inventive
`concept for resolving this particular Internet-centric problem,
`rendering the claims patent-eligible.” Id.
`-029: Paper 35, at 10-12.
`-047: Paper 29, at 10-12.
`Patent Owner Demonstrative Exhibit – Not Evidence – 25
`Exhibit 2009
`The Claims Require A New Type of Information
`-029: Ex. 2002 ¶ 23.
`-029: Paper 35, at 17-18
`-047: Paper 29, at 17-19.
`Patent Owner Demonstrative Exhibit – Not Evidence – 26
`Exhibit 2009
`Panels Are A “New Or Original Deck of Cards”
`“We could envisage, for example, claims directed to
`conducting a game using a new or original deck of cards
`potentially surviving step two of Alice.” In re Smith, 815 F.3d
`at 819.
`-029: Paper 35, at 19-20.
`-047: Paper 29, at 19-20.
`Patent Owner Demonstrative Exhibit – Not Evidence – 27
`Exhibit 2009
`Petitioner Fails to Provide Any Evidence from a Skilled Artisan
`“The question of whether a claim element or combination of
`elements is well-understood, routine, and conventional to a
`skilled artisan in the relevant field is a question of fact.”
`Berkheimer, 881 F.3d at 1368.
`-029: Paper 35, at 20-21.
`-047: Paper 29, at 21-22.
`Patent Owner Demonstrative Exhibit – Not Evidence – 28
`Exhibit 2009
`The Original Claims Provide Sufficient Written Description
`“the data storage function further stores points set for the
`first user, which are decreased by disposing a panel, the
`panel selection function selects a panel from the first panel
`database according to the points set for the first user,
`… t
`he panel layout function disposes the panel selected by the
`panel selection function in a target division when the panel is
`allowed to be disposed in the target division.”
`-029: Paper 26, at 64-65; Ex. 1002, at 220-221.
`-047: Paper 29, at 23; Ex. 1002, at 279.
`Patent Owner Demonstrative Exhibit – Not Evidence – 29
`Exhibit 2009
`Mr. Crane Understood the Claims
`-047: Ex. 2002 ¶ 50; see also -029: Ex. 2002 ¶ 44.
`“What is implied there but goes unsaid is obviously if the – an
`attempt is being made to dispose a panel into a space where
`the panel will not fit, it will also not be allowed to be disposed,
`and a person of ordinary skill in the art would understand that
`very well.”
`-029: Ex. 1009, at 107:24 – 108:4.
`-047: Ex. 1011, at 107:24 – 108:4.
`-029: Paper 35, at 21-23.
`-047: Paper 29, at 22-25.
`Patent Owner Demonstrative Exhibit – Not Evidence – 30
`Exhibit 2009

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