United States Patent and Trademark Office
`Before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board
`Page 1
`Case Number PGR2017-00010
`Patent Number 9,326,381
`MAY 25, 2017
`Margaret M. Perry, MO & IL CSR
`515 Olive, Suite 300
`St. Louis, Missouri 63101
`3 4
`6 7
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Exhibit 1028


`Page 2
` between the hours of 10:02 a.m. and 10:21 a.m.
` before Margaret M. Perry, Missouri C.C.R. No.
` 948, and Notary Public.
`2 3
`7 8 9
`Veritext Legal Solutions


` A P P E A R A N C E S :
`Page 3
`F o r A V X C O R P O R A T I O N :
`M r . M i c h a e l H o u s t o n
`F o l e y & L a r d n e r
`3 2 1 N o r t h C l a r k S t r e e t , S u i t e 2 8 0 0
`C h i c a g o , I l l i n o i s 6 0 6 5 4
`( 3 1 2 ) 8 3 2 - 4 3 7 8
`m h o u s t o n @ f o l e y . c o m
`F O R P A T E N T O W N E R S A M S U N G
` E L E C T R O - M E C H A N I C S C O . , L T D
`M r . A l e x a n d e r P . O t t
`M r . H o s a n g L e e , h l e e @ m w e . c o m
`M r . B e r n a r d K n i g h t , b k n i g h t @ m w e . c o m
`M c D e r m o t t W i l l & E m o r y
`5 0 0 N o r t h C a p i t o l S t r e e t N W
`W a s h i n g t o n D C 2 0 0 0 1
`( 2 0 2 ) 7 5 6 - 8 0 0 0
`a o t t @ m w e . c o m
`A D M I N I S T R A T I V E P A T E N T J U D G E S :
`S a l l y C . M e d l e y
`J o n i Y . C h a n g
`T r e n t o n A . W a r d
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
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`2 4
`2 5
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` (Conference call was joined in progress by the
`Court Reporter)
`MR. HOUSTON: -- from the claims spawns
`two implied or really direct claim construction
`issues as raised by patent owner in their
`preliminary response. One is a discussion of what
`is meant by dielectric grains and then the other is
`what is meant by single dielectric layer, and so
`those are the two issues, they both stem from the
`same limitation. With respect to the dielectric
`grains issue, well for neither of those, Your
`Honor, has patent owner proposed formal
`constructions, but instead as they discussed prior
`art, they adopt implied constructions for those
`terms that would, that attempt to distinguish those
`claim limitations from the prior art. With respect
`to the first one, dielectric grains --
`JUDGE MEDLEY: Excuse me just one minute,
`so to make clear, I'm taking some notes, did
`petitioner propose a claim construction for either
`of those two terms in their petition?
`MR. HOUSTON: We did not propose a formal
`construction for them, Your Honor, we indicated
`that they should be given their plain and ordinary
`meaning as understood by one of ordinary skill in
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`Page 6
`the art, which at the time we thought was, would be
`MR. HOUSTON: Your Honor, what the patent
`owner has essentially done in its preliminary
`response by way of argument and distinguishing the
`prior art is to adopt a negative limitation or a
`negative construction for the dielectric grains
`claim term to say that that is not, does not equate
`to unsintered ceramic particles. The reference
`that was at issue there was Jeong Reference, which
`uses the term "ceramic particles", and furthermore,
`patent owner tries to distinguish around unsintered
`ceramic particles, we think that negative claim
`construction is both wrong and misleading, and the
`reason I mentioned both of those, we think each of
`those justifies good cause for filing a reply on
`that issue. We do think that ceramic particles is
`synonymous with dielectric grains and --
`JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. I don't want to get
`in to the merits of it, what I'm interested in
`hearing about is why there is a good cause showing
`as to the sort of belated, you could have put in
`your construction in your petition and you did not,
`now having advantage of seeing the patent owner
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`Page 7
`preliminary response, you want to file a reply, so
`we just want to find out procedurally why there is
`a good cause showing for doing so. So if you could
`keep your comments to procedurally why we should do
`that as opposed to getting into the merits and what
`your proposed claim construction would be on the
` MR. HOUSTON: Sure, Your Honor. So again
`for the good cause, for patent owner to suggest
`that dielectric grains, the construction for that,
`should not include ceramic particles is something
`that was unanticipated by us, something that we
`think is factually and scientifically incorrect and
`we could not have anticipated such a position being
`taken, there's no expert testimony for patent owner
`to explain that, but we think the science is clear
`on that, and it was, I think our first argument
`would be we couldn't anticipate that position being
`taken by patent owner because it's inconsistent
`with the facts and the science. Secondly, Your
`Honor, what I wanted to mention is that we also
`think it's misleading to The Board the way the
`argument has come out, and we understand that
`misleading factual arguments from a patent owner
`can also satisfy The Good Cause standard, and
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`Page 8
`this -- the way they have tried to distinguish
`Jeong is misleading to The Board because they're
`focusing on unsintered ceramic particles versus
`what our evidence was and what is in our petition
`focuses on sintered ceramic particles.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. And moving on to the
`second issue.
` MR. HOUSTON: Yes, Your Honor. The second
`issue has to do with the single dielectric layer,
`and again, they are adopting a claim construction
`for that that would make that equate to strata or
`individual -- well, I think the best word for it is
`strata, that's the word that's used in the
`reference, they equate, again not formally to a
`claim construction, but to try to distinguish the
`prior art, they equate single dielectric layer from
`the claim to strata within the reference, and
`again, Your Honor, that is, we think, a claim, a
`negative claim construction that is way off base,
`that's unsupported, we don't know how to anticipate
`that sort of thing. The reference very clearly
`talks about a dielectric layer that within it has
`strata and now they have taken in their preliminary
`response a very different position on claim
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` JUDGE MEDLEY: So the good cause is what?
` MR. HOUSTON: For that one, Your Honor, I
`don't, it's truly an unanticipated claim
`construction position that they've taken, although
`again, they haven't taken it formally, they don't
`have a section where they adopt a claim
`construction either, but they're doing it in a
`subtle way by trying to distinguish the prior art,
`so I suppose --
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Issue Number 3?
` MR. HOUSTON: Issue Number 3, Your Honor,
`is that patent owner has raised three evidentiary
`issues as part of their preliminary response, lack
`of authentication, lack of corroboration and
`hearsay, and Your Honor, we understand under the
`rules that such evidentiary objections are to be
`raised after and only if there's an institution
`decision at which point then petitioner has a
`chance to follow under the rules, address those
`evidentiary objections. Instead --
` JUDGE MEDLEY: We would decide ourselves,
`I mean, why do you need a reply for that?
` MR. HOUSTON: Well, yes, Your Honor,
`you're right. So we actually think the correct
`position is that there shouldn't be a reply on that
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`Page 10
`and it shouldn't be considered by The Board at this
`time. We raise it now, Your Honor, because we have
`seen various decisions from various panels and even
`a federal circuit that commented on how a given
`party could have tried to address something by
`seeking to file a reply and we did not want to be
`in a position of, you know, that admonition being
`thrown back at us by not at least offering to
`address those issues now, Your Honor. However, to
`be clear, it's certainly our position that they
`should not be addressed now, they should not be
`considered but The Board at this time, but because
`they're in the preliminary response, we wanted to
`offer to The Board to address them now.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay, understood. At this
`time, we would like to hear from patent owner.
` MR. OTT: Yes, Alex Ott on behalf of
`patent owner. So on the first two issues of claim
`construction, I think you are correct to indicate
`that they did not propose a claim construction for
`these two terms and they had ample opportunity to
`do so, and in fact, it was their burden that if
`they had claim construction, that they could have
`and should have proposed them. And -- well, one
`issue they sort of indicated a couple of times was
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`Page 11
`their idea that we're trying to be elusive by
`implying a claim construction without actually
`proposing a claim construction, and I think the key
`issue there is; even if we had proposed a claim
`construction for terms that they hadn't proposed
`and proposed constructions for those terms, that
`still would not be good cause for them to have a
`reply and that specific issue, that issue where
`terms are actually proposed for the first time in a
`preliminary response was raised in IPR Number 2016
`616 Apple versus Rosetta-Wireless, and there that
`panel said the mere fact that patent owner seeks
`construction of a different set of claim terms or
`that petitioner does not agree with the evidence
`behind patent owner's proposed construction of
`these different terms does not strike us as worthy
`of additional briefing. And another panel came to
`the same conclusion, that was on Semiconductor
`versus Power Integrations, IPR Number 2016 Echo 9,
`the same fact pattern where new terms were proposed
`for the construction for the first time in a
`preliminary response and there The Board yet again
`said the petitioner had an adequate opportunity to
`present their proposed claim construction. So the
`same situation here, we do not propose claim
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`Page 12
`construction, that's right, but even if we had,
`that still wouldn't have been good cause. And
`going back to their allegation that our positions
`were unanticipated, I think they've really missed
`the requirement here. We, our position, without
`getting too much into the merits, the term
`dielectric grains, we took the position that the
`words of the claim are dielectric grains, the words
`in the prior art are ceramic particles and the
`petition doesn't meet its burden to show how the
`words of the claims are met by different words in
`the prior art, and the petitioner were the ones
`that brought up the prior art, so they should have
`clearly anticipated that different words in the
`prior art, they're going to have to do some
`explanation here and they missed that. And the
`same thing with single dielectric layers, even on
`this call, when they referenced dielectric layer,
`they dropped the word "single" out of their
`discussion, but it says "single", not just
`dielectric layer, so their petition is the same
`thing. The words in the claim are single
`dielectric layer and the petition only addresses
`the words dielectric layer and doesn't even address
`single, the word "single", and it was their burden
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`Page 13
`to do so and they had ample opportunity in the
`petition to address that term.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. And with respect to
`the third issue, the evidentiary issue?
` MR. OTT: So we disagree that evidentiary
`issues are to be punted to post institution --
` JUDGE MEDLEY: That's what our rule says,
` MR. OTT: Well, we don't think the fact
`that evidentiary issues can be addressed post
`institution means that they must be addressed post
`institution. And in our preliminary response, we
`cite the ServiceNow vs. HP case, that's Page 22 of
`our response, IPR Number 2015-716, and there
`institution was denied because evidence in the
`petition was held to be inadmissible hearsay
`evidence. And we've had another case which isn't
`cited, but we have the number here, it's Apple
`versus DSS Technology Management, IPR Number
`2015-369, and there again, the evidence cited in
`the petition was held to be hearsay and so
`institution was denied because there wasn't
`sufficient evidence. And so in addition to board
`decisions denying institution based often
`evidentiary grounds, there are also the rules,
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`Page 14
`which 37 CFR 42.62A says the federal rules of
`evidence apply to proceedings, and rule 42.2
`defines proceedings to include preliminary
`proceedings prior to institution, which is where we
`are now. So the federal rules of evidence by rule
`apply right now, and the The Board is instructed by
`the rules to consider evidentiary rules and must
`consider evidentiary rules, and by failing to
`address the evidentiary issues in the petition,
`they miss the boat, they had their opportunity to
`explain the admissibility of their evidence and
`they missed it and they shouldn't be able to reply
`to try to fix their defects.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. I'd like to hear --
`do you have anything else?
` MR. OTT: Well, I have one, not quite on
`point, but I wasn't sure what their reply would
`look like, but I think even if they sought the
`reply to sort of make up for their lack of
`addressing evidence, what would be in the reply
`would also be improper because, A, they're not
`allowed to add any new evidence at this stage
`because the statute 324A says institution must be
`based on quote "the information presented in the
`petition", they're not adding new evidence, they
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`Page 15
`shouldn't be going back and trying to re-present
`what is in the petition in a way that makes, that
`would supposedly make it look more admissible, and
`I have a board decision there IPR Number 2016 1079
`Air Laclede versus Press Air, where a preliminary
`response disputed the prior art status, I think it
`was a publication, and the petitioner asked for a
`reply to sort of identify where in their petition
`they supposedly showed that it was prior art and
`they were rejected because The Board said they had
`ample opportunity to do that in the petition. And
`then finally, and this is sort of a statement that
`comes in a lot of board decisions on reply briefs,
`it says The Board, and this is a statement in IPR
`2016 1529, where they denied the reply brief
`because they said assessment of the evidence and
`application of the law to the facts of the case are
`core functions of The Board, and you don't need the
`petitioner to come back and do that job, that's is
`The Board's job.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Thank you. I would like to
`hear briefly and then we will go off-line for a few
`minutes and decide what to do.
` MR. HOUSTON: Sure, thank you, Your Honor.
`Mike Houston for petitioner. Your Honor, I'm sure
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`Page 16
`that there are examples of the board denying
`replies, for example, to address claim construction
`issues, however, I hope and would assume The Board
`is likewise aware there are many examples of The
`Board allowing replies to address claim
`construction issues and the standard, I can cite
`some of those to The Board if it would be helpful,
`but the standard has generally been expressed as
`whether or not it would be helpful to the panel to
`hear an additional briefing on those particular
`issues, and so it's our position, Your Honor, that
`we think it would be helpful to the panel to
`receive the additional reply briefing to address
`the three issues, or at least the first two issues
`that we raised, and so that is the reason we're
`seeking a reply, and again we don't want to be in a
`situation later where we are told that we should
`have sought a reply and we didn't, we have seen
`that on numerous decisions, so that is the reason
`we're seeking a reply here. As to the evidentiary
`issues, Your Honor, to me the rules are very clear
`on how those are supposed to be handled. This is
`not a, I don't think there's anything different
`here than what would arise in any other proceeding
`where the rules clearly provide for evidentiary
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`Page 17
`objections to being made and raised after the
`institution decision and then addressed by the
`proponent of the evidence within the allotted time
`frame, which includes, Your Honor, the ability to
`serve and potentially ultimately submit
`supplemental evidence, and it's to cure such
`evidentiary objections that are raised under the
`federal rules of evidence. We've gone through that
`procedure many times in many proceedings and have
`never been faced with a situation where we'd be
`asked to do that at this stage of the proceeding,
`however, we think we can cure those, that is why we
`wanted to have this conversation with The Board and
`offer to do that now if The Board wants to go that
`JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. Thank you for your
`presentations. We will go off-line just for a few
`minutes. Please do not hang up. We'll be right
`(Off the record)
`JUDGE MEDLEY: Thank you for your patience
`and waiting for us to deliberate. We conferred and
`we've decided that we do not need a reply, so no
`reply will be authorized and we will go out with a
`short order memorializing today's call. Any
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`Page 18
`questions, comments?
` MR. HOUSTON: None for the petitioner,
`Your Honor.
` MR. OTT: None for the patent owner.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: We are adjourned.
`6 7 8 9
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`Page 19
` SS.
` I, Margaret M. Perry, a Notary Public in
`and for the State of Missouri, duly commissioned,
`qualified and authorized to administer oaths and to
`certify to depositions, do hereby certify that
`pursuant to Agreement, I attended a telephonic
`conference on MAY 25, 2017.
` That the said conference being by me
`reported in stenotype and caused to be transcribed
`into typewriting, and that the foregoing pages
`correctly set forth the telephonic conference and
`is in all respects a full, true, correct and
`complete transcript.
` I further certify that I am not of
` counsel or attorney for either of the parties to
` said suit, not related to nor interested in any
` of the parties or their attorneys.
` Witness my hand and notarial seal at
`St. Louis, Missouri, this 25th day of May, 2017.
` My Commission expires September 26, 2017.
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` < % S i g n a t u r e % >
` N o t a r y P u b l i c i n a n d f o r t h e
` S t a t e o f M i s s o u r i
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`[& - cause]
`& 1:16 3:4,15
`10 4:7
`1079 15:4
`10:02 2:4
`10:21 2:4
`15 4:8
`1529 15:15
`20001 3:17
`2015-369 13:20
`2015-716 13:14
`2016 11:10,19 15:4
`2017 1:13 2:3
`202 3:18
`22 13:13
`25 1:13 2:3 19:11
`25th 19:23
`26 19:24
`2800 3:5
`3 9:10,11
`300 1:18
`312 3:7
`321 3:5
`324a 14:23
`37 14:1
`42.2 14:2
`42.62a 14:1
`5 4:6
`500 3:16
`515 1:18
`60654 3:6
`616 11:11
`63101 1:19
`756-8000 3:18
`832-4378 3:7
`9 11:19
`9,326,381 1:8
`948 2:6
`a.m. 2:4,4
`ability 17:4
`able 14:12
`add 14:22
`adding 14:25
`addition 13:23
`additional 11:17
`address 9:19 10:5
`10:9,14 12:24
`13:2 14:9 16:2,5
`addressed 10:11
`13:10,11 17:2
`addresses 12:23
`addressing 14:20
`adequate 11:23
`adjourned 18:5
`administer 19:8
`admissible 15:3
`admonition 10:7
`adopt 5:14 6:7 9:6
`adopting 8:10
`advantage 6:25
`agree 11:14
`agreement 19:10
`air 15:5,5
`alex 10:17
`alexander 3:12
`allegation 12:3
`allotted 17:3
`allowed 14:22
`allowing 16:5
`ample 10:21 13:1
`anticipate 7:18
`anticipated 7:14
`aott 3:19
`appeal 1:2
`appearances 3:1
`apple 11:11 13:18
`application 15:17
`apply 14:2,6
`argument 6:6 7:17
`arguments 7:24
`art 5:14,16 6:1,7
`8:16 9:8 12:9,12
`12:13,15 15:6,9
`asked 15:7 17:11
`assessment 15:16
`assume 16:3
`attempt 5:15
`attended 19:10
`attorney 19:19
`attorneys 19:21
`authorized 17:24
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Page 1
`avx 1:4 3:2
`aware 16:4
`back 10:8 12:3
`15:1,19 17:19
`base 8:19
`based 13:24 14:24
`behalf 10:17
`belated 6:23
`bernard 3:14
`best 8:12
`bknight 3:14
`board 1:2 7:22 8:2
`10:1,12,14 11:22
`13:23 14:6 15:4
`16:1,3,5,7 17:13
`board's 15:20
`boat 14:10
`brief 15:15
`briefing 11:17
`briefly 15:22
`briefs 15:13
`brought 12:13
`burden 10:22
`c 3:22
`c.c.r. 2:5
`call 5:1 12:18
`capitol 3:16
`case 1:7 13:13,17
`cause 6:17,22 7:3
`7:9,25 9:1 11:7


`[caused - functions]
`caused 19:13
`ceramic 6:10,12
`6:14,18 7:11 8:3,5
`certainly 10:10
`certify 19:9,9,18
`cfr 14:1
`chance 9:19
`chang 3:23
`chicago 3:6
`circuit 10:4
`cite 13:13 16:6
`cited 13:18,20
`city 19:4
`claim 5:4,16,20
`6:9,14 7:6 8:10,15
`8:17,18,19,24 9:3
`9:6 10:18,20,23
`12:8,22 16:2,5
`claims 5:3 12:11
`clark 3:5
`clear 5:19 6:2 7:16
`10:10 16:21
`clearly 8:21 12:14
`come 7:23 15:19
`comes 15:13
`commented 10:4
`comments 7:4
`commission 19:24
`complete 19:17
`conclusion 11:18
`conference 1:12
`2:1,3 5:1 19:11,12
`conferred 17:22
`consider 14:7,8
`considered 10:1
`construction 5:4
`5:20,23 6:8,15,24
`7:6,10 8:10,15,19
`8:25 9:4,7 10:19
`10:20,23 11:2,3,5
`12:1 16:2,6
`constructions 5:13
`5:14 11:6
`core 15:18
`corporation 1:4
`correct 9:24 10:19
`correctly 19:15
`counsel 19:19
`couple 10:25
`court 5:2
`csr 1:16
`cure 17:6,12
`day 19:23
`dc 3:17
`decide 9:21 15:23
`decided 17:23
`decision 9:18 15:4
`decisions 10:3
`13:24 15:13 16:19
`defects 14:13
`defines 14:3
`deliberate 17:22
`denied 13:15,22
`denying 13:24
`depositions 19:9
`dielectric 5:7,8,10
`5:17 6:8,19 7:10
`8:9,16,22 12:7,8
`different 8:24
`11:13,16 12:11,14
`direct 5:4
`direction 17:15
`disagree 13:5
`discussed 5:13
`discussion 5:6
`disputed 15:6
`distinguish 5:15
`6:13 8:1,15 9:8
`distinguishing 6:6
`doing 7:3 9:7
`dropped 12:19
`dss 13:19
`duly 19:7
`echo 11:19
`either 5:20 9:7
`electro 1:10 3:11
`elusive 11:1
`emory 3:15
`equate 6:9 8:11,14
`essentially 6:5
`evidence 8:4 11:14
`15:16 17:3,6,8
`evidentiary 9:12
`9:16,20 13:4,5,10
`13:25 14:7,8,9
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`Page 2
`16:20,25 17:7
`example 16:2
`examples 16:1,4
`excuse 5:18
`exhibit 4:10
`expert 7:15
`expires 19:24
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`explanation 12:16
`expressed 16:8
`faced 17:10
`fact 10:22 11:12
`11:20 13:9
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`factual 7:24
`factually 7:13
`failing 14:8
`federal 10:4 14:1,5
`file 7:1 10:6
`filing 6:17
`finally 15:12
`find 7:2
`first 5:17 7:17
`10:18 11:9,21
`fix 14:13
`focuses 8:5
`focusing 8:3
`foley 3:4
` 3:8
`follow 9:19
`foregoing 19:14
`formal 5:12,22
`formally 8:14 9:5
`forth 19:15
`frame 17:4
`full 19:16
`functions 15:18


`[further - need]
`further 19:18
`furthermore 6:12
`generally 16:8
`getting 7:5 12:6
`given 5:24 10:4
`go 15:22 17:14,17
`going 12:3,15 15:1
`good 6:17,22 7:3,9
`7:25 9:1 11:7 12:2
`grains 5:7,11,17
`6:8,19 7:10 12:7,8
`grounds 13:25
`hand 19:22
`handled 16:22
`hang 17:18
`hear 10:16 14:14
`15:22 16:10
`hearing 6:22
`hearsay 9:15
`held 13:16,21
`helpful 16:7,9,12
`hlee 3:13
`honor 5:12,23 6:4
`7:8,21 8:8,18 9:2
`9:11,15,23 10:2,9
`15:24,25 16:11,21
`17:4 18:3
`hope 16:3
`hosang 3:13
`hours 2:4
`houston 3:3 4:6,8
`5:3,22 6:4 7:8 8:8
`9:2,11,23 15:24,25
`hp 13:13
`idea 11:1
`identify 15:8
`il 1:16
`illinois 3:6
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`indicated 5:23
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`13:24 14:4,23
`instructed 14:6
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`interested 6:21
`ipr 11:10,19 13:14
`13:19 15:4,14
`issue 5:11 6:11,18
`8:7,9 9:10,11
`10:25 11:4,8,8
`issues 5:5,9 9:13
`10:9,18 13:6,10
`14:9 16:3,6,11,14
`jeong 6:11 8:2
`job 15:19,20
`joined 5:1
`joni 3:23
`judge 5:18 6:3,20
`8:6 9:1,10,21
`10:15 13:3,7
`14:14 15:21 17:16
`17:21 18:5
`judges 3:21
`justifies 6:17
`keep 7:4
`key 11:3
`knight 3:14
`know 8:20 10:7
`lack 9:13,14 14:19
`laclede 15:5
`lardner 3:4
`law 15:17
`layer 5:8 8:9,16,22
`layers 12:17
`lee 3:13
`legal 1:17
`likewise 16:4
`limitation 5:10 6:7
`limitations 5:16
`line 15:22 17:17
`look 14:18 15:3
`lot 15:13
`louis 1:19 19:4,23
`m 1:16 2:5 19:6
`margaret 1:16 2:5
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Page 3
`mcdermott 3:15
`mean 9:22
`meaning 5:25
`means 13:11
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`mechanics 1:10
`medley 3:22 5:18
`6:3,20 8:6 9:1,10
`9:21 10:15 13:3,7
`14:14 15:21 17:16
`17:21 18:5
`meet 12:10
`mention 7:21
`mentioned 6:16
`mere 11:12
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`met 12:11
`mhouston 3:8
`michael 3:3
`mike 15:25
`minute 5:18
`minutes 15:23
`misleading 6:15
`7:22,24 8:2
`missed 12:4,16
`missouri 1:19 2:5
`19:1,7,23 20:4
`mo 1:16
`moving 8:6
` 3:13,14
`need 9:22 15:18


`[negative - right]
`negative 6:7,8,14
`neither 5:11
`never 17:10
`new 11:20 14:22
`north 3:5,16
`notarial 19:22
`notary 2:6 19:6
`notes 5:19
`number 1:7,8 9:10
`9:11 11:10,19
`13:14,18,19 15:4
`numerous 16:19
`nw 3:16
`oaths 19:8
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`offer 10:14 17:14
`offering 10:8
`office 1:1
`okay 6:3,20 8:6
`10:15 13:3 14:14
`olive 1:18
`ones 12:12
`opportunity 10:21
`11:23 13:1 14:10
`opposed 7:5
`order 17:25
`ordinary 5:24,25
`ott 3:12 4:7 10:17
`10:17 13:5,9
`14:16 18:4
`owner 3:10 5:5,12
`6:5,13,25 7:9,15
`7:19,24 9:12
`10:16,18 11:12
`owner's 11:15
`10:10 12:5,7
`positions 12:3
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`potentially 17:5
`power 11:19
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`6:5 7:1 8:23 9:13
`10:13 11:10,22
`13:12 14:3 15:5
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`press 15:5
`prior 5:13,16 6:7
`8:16 9:8 12:9,12
`12:13,15 14:4
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`14:3,4 17:9
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`10:20 11:25
`proposed 5:12 7:6
`10:24 11:4,5,6,9
`proposing 11:3
`provide 16:25
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`publication 15:7
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`put 6:23
`p 3:12
`page 4:4 13:13
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`panels 10:3
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`particles 6:10,12
`6:14,18 7:11 8:3,5
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`party 10:5
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`3:21 5:5,12 6:4,13
`6:25 7:9,15,19,24
`9:12 10:16,18
`11:12,15 18:4
`patience 17:21
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`8:4 12:10,21,23
`13:2,16,21 14:9,25
`petitioner 1:5 5:20
`9:18 11:14,23
`12:12 15:7,19,25
`phone 7:7
`plain 5:24
`please 17:18
`point 9:18 14:17
`position 7:14,18
`8:24 9:4,25 10:7
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Page 4
`qualified 19:8
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`11:10 16:15 17:1
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`replies 16:2,5
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`9:22,25 10:6 11:8
`15:8,13,15 16:13
`16:16,18,20 17:23
`reported 19:13
`reporter 5:2
`requirement 12:5
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`respects 19:16
`response 5:6 6:6
`7:1 8:24 9:13
`10:13 11:10,22
`13:12,14 15:6
`right 9:24 12:1
`14:6 17:18


`[rosetta - way]
`rosetta 11:11
`rule 13:7 14:2,5
`rules 9:16,19
`13:25 14:1,5,7,7,8
`16:21,25 17:8
`sally 3:22
`samsung 1:10 3:10
`satisfy 7:25
`says 12:20 13:7
`14:1,23 15:14
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`secondly 7:20
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`16:17 17:10
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`spawns 5:3
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`ss 19:3
`st 1:19 19:4,23
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`statement 15:12
`states 1:1
`status 15:6
`statute 14:23
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`strata 8:11,13,17
`street 3:5,16
`strike 11:16
`submit 17:5
`subtle 9:8
`sufficient 13:23
`suggest 7:9
`suit 19:20
`suite 1:18 3:5
`supplemental 17:6
`suppose 9:9
`supposed 16:22
`supposedly 15:3,9
`sure 7:8 14:17
`synonymous 6:19
`taken 7:15,19 8:23
`talks 8:22
`technology 13:19
`telephone 1:12 2:1
`telephonic 19:10
`term 6:9,12 12:6
`terms 5:15,21
`10:21 11:5,6,9,13
`testimony 7:15
`thank 15:21,24
`thing 8:21 12:17
`think 6:14,16,18
`7:13,16,17,22 8:12
`8:18 9:24 10:19
`11:3 12:4 13:9
`14:18 15:6 16:12
`16:23 17:12
`third 13:4
`thought 6:1
`three 9:12 16:14
`thrown 10:8
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`10:16 11:9,21
`times 10:25 17:9
`today's 17:25
`told 16:17
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`transcribed 19:13
`transcript 19:17
`trenton 3:24
`trial 1:2
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Page 5
`tried 8:1 10:5
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`true 19:16
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`trying 9:8 11:1
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`10:21 16:14
`typewriting 19:14
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`7:12 9:3 12:4
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`understood 5:25
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`unsintered 6:10
`6:13 8:3
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`uses 6:12
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`veritext 1:17
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`11:19 13:19 15:5
`vs 1:7 13:13
`waiting 17:22
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`10:6 16:16
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`wants 17:14
`ward 3:24
`washington 3:17
`way 6:6 7:22 8:1
`8:19 9:8 15:2


`Page 6
`[we've - y]
`we've 13:17 17:8
`wireless 11:11
`witness 19:22
`word 8:12,13
`words 12:8,8,11
`worthy 11:16
`wrong 6:15
`y 3:23

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