Helsinn Healthcare Exhibit 2047
`Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, Ltd., et al. v. Helsinn Healthcare S.A.
`Trial PGR2016-00008
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`:producing bone
`‘embling bone
`Iogia, fr. Gk, description of
`branch of anatomy dealing
`an organism —- os-te-o-log.
`it \-té
`a-jist\ n

`'|'|'Ifl-ta \-me-ta\ [N'Ll (ca.
`(1854) : an infectious usu.
`of bacterial origin that may
`ractitioner of osteopathy
`mpathia, fr. oste- + L -pathia
`,e_based on atheory that dis-
`l integrity which can be re-
`*mented'by therapeutic mea-
`path-Ic \.as-te-a-‘pa-thik\
`reconstruction of defective
`rlas-tik\ adj
`'f0'S9S \-.S5Z\ [NL, fr. oste-
`| (1846) : a condition that af-
`.d by decrease in bone mass
`f bone spaces producing po-
`»'réi-tik\ ad/'
`us also -ma-ta \-ma-ta\ [NL]
`r containing bone tissue
`Isa -tl \-té\ [It, obstinate, fr.
`repeated persistently at the
`— compare IMITATION, sE-
`'m. of 0stiu_m] (ca. 1857) : a
`, fr. L; door, mouth of a riv-
`l828) : a mouthlike opening
`ood vessel)
`V] (1957) : an operation (as a
`o bodily elimination
`to ises [Nl., fr. Gk -astosis,
`ficatron of a (specified) part
`a,me_thod of temporary ban-
`special accusation,practiced
`eral consent from common
`rzstrukizein to banish by vot-
`tsherd — more at OYSTER]
`clude from a group by com-
`» \-.kod\ n Iultirn. fr. Gk as-
`soda) of verysmall aquatic
`in a bivalve carapace, the
`l_rudimentary, and only sev-
`’a-\ n [ultim.‘fr. Gk ustrakon
`‘ny of the early fossil jawless
`a bony covering of plates or
`-ka\ [Gk ostralcon potsherd,
`nt (as of pottery) containing
`2-toed flightless ratite bird
`est of existing birds and of-
`) : R._l-[EA c : leather made
`ostrich when pursued hides
`unseen] : one who attempts
`to face it —,os-trich-like
`Itteuccla) of temperate-zone
`Nltll graceful arched fronds
`1.'](14c .
`Os-tro-ggth-ic \)
`ver, N. Y.] (r7525 : a No.
`_wy scarlet irregular flowers
`lional therapy 2 Old Testa-
`,ous — more at EAR] : ear
`rr in the military servicervof
`onrst of Shakespeare's trag-
`n to OHG.flfldflT other, Skt
`f two or more) remaining or
`waved with the ~ one) b
`‘or those first mentioned or
`)ND (every ~ day) 2 : not
`other 9 out
`the same : DIFFERENT (any ~ color would have been better) (some-
`thing ~ than it seems to be) 3 : ADDITIONAL (sold in the US. and 14
`~ countries) 4 a : recently past (the ~ evening) b : FORMER (in
`~ times) 5 : disturbingly or threateningly different : ALIEN, Exorrc
`zother n (bef. 12c)
`1 a : one that remains of two or more b : a thing
`opposite to or excluded by something else (went from one side to the
`~) (nature as the ~ of culture) 2 : a different or additional one (the
`~s came later) 3 a : one (as another person) that is psychologcally
`differentiated from the self b ofien cap : one considered by members
`of a dominant group as alien, exotic, threatening; or inferior (as be-
`cause of different racial, sexual, or cultural characteristics)
`aotherpron, sometimes pl in constr (bef. 12c)
`1 obs a : one of two that
`remains b : each preceding one
`2 : a different or additional’ one
`4 (something or ~)

`other adv (l3c) : OTHERWISE — used with than (was unable to see
`\.a-flier-da-'rek-tad, -di-\ ad)‘ (1950) : directed in
`them ~ than bydgoing to their home)
`thought and action primarily by external norms rather than by one‘s
`own scale of values — oth-er—di-rect-ed-ness n

`oth-er-guess \'a-that-.ges\ adv‘ [alter. of E dial. othergates] (1632) ar-
`chaic : DIFFERENT
`oth-er-ness \'s-that-nas\ n (1587)
`1 : the quality or state of being oth-
`er or different 2 : something that is other or different
`‘other than prep (l4c) : with the exception of : EXCEPT FOR, BESIDES
`2 (other than that, nothing happened) ‘
`other than com’ (1605) : EXCEPT, BUT (cannot be changed other than by
`judicial order)
`oth-er-where \-.hwer, -.wer\ adv (l4c) : ELSEWHERE
`oth-er-while \-.hwi(-a)l,
`th-er-whiles \-.hwi(-a)lz,
`-.wi(-a)1\ also’
`1 -.wi(-a)lz\ adv (13c)chie/ly dial : at another time
`oth-er-wlse \-.wiz\ pron [ME, fr. OE (on) othre wisan in another man-
`ner] (bef. 12c) : something or anything else : something to the contrary
`(was ordered to testify and could not do ~)
`‘otherwise adv (l3c)
`1 :‘in a different way or manner (glossed over or
`~ handled —Playbuy) 2 : in different circumstances (might ~ have
`left) 3 : in other respects (an ~ flimsy farce —Cur-rent Biag.) 4 : if
`not (do what I tell you, ~ you'll be sorry) 5 :1 NOT —. paired with an
`adjective, adverb, noun, or verb to indicate its contrary or to suggest an
`indefinite alternative (people whose deeds, admirable or ~ —-John
`Fischer)-(almost thirty thousand women,‘ Irish and,~ —J. M. Burns)
`(his opinion as to the success or ~ of it —Austral. Diet. ofBiog)
`“otherwise adi (l4c) : DIFFERENT (if conditions were ~)
`other woman n (1680) : a woman with whom a married man has an af-
`fair — usu. used with the ‘
`oth-er-world \'s-thor-.warld\ n (l3c) : a world beyond death or beyond
`oth-er-worId- V \.a-thar-'warl(d)-lé\ ad)’ (1879)
`1 a : of, relating to, or
`present reality ,‘
`resembling that of a world other than the actual world b : devoted to
`preparing for a world to come 2 : devoted to intellectual or imagina-
`tive pursuits — oth-er-world-Ii-ness n
`‘-otic adj .n4fi‘i.x [Gk -o'tikos, fr. -étas, ending of verbals, fr. -0- (stern of
`causative verbs in -mm) + -tos, suffix forming verbals — more at -ED]
`: of, relating to, or characterized by a (specified) action, process, or
`2 condition (symbiotic)

`-otic ad/' combform [Gk otikos of the ear, fr. fit-, nus ear] : having (such)
`a relationship to the ear (dichotic)
`oti-use \'6-she-.os, '5-té-\ adi IL otiosus, fr. otium leisure] (1794)
`: producing no useful result : FUTILE 2 : being at leisure : iDLE
`: lacking use or effect : FUNCTIONLESS
`syn see VAIN — otl-ose-Iy
`adv — oti-ose-ness n — oti-as-i-ty \.6-shé-‘ii-so-té, .6-té-\ n
`oti-tis \
`tes\ n [NL] (ca. 1799) : inflammation of the ear
`otitis me-dia \-‘me-dé-9\ n [NL] (1874) : inflammation of the middle
`ear marked esp. by pain, fever, dizziness, and hearing loss
`oto-cyst \'6-ta-.sist\ n [ISV; fr. its probable auditory function] (1877)
`: a fluid-containing organ of many invertebrates that contains an‘
`otolith : STATOCYST —- oto-cys-tic \.6-ta-‘sis-tik\ adj
`oto-lar-yn-gol-o-gv \,'gii-la-je\ n (1897) : a medical spe-
`cialty concerned esp. with the ear, nose, and throat — oto-lar-yn-go-
`log-i-cal \-ga-‘la-ji-kel\ adi — oto-lar-yn- ol-o-gist \-'ga-la-jist\ n
`oto-Iith \'6-to-.lith\ n [F atolithe, fr. at- +1-tthe -lith] (ca. 1836) : a cal-
`careous concretion in the inner ear of a vertebrate or in the otocyst of
`an invertebrate -— oto-lith,-ic \.<'i-ta-'li-thik\ ad)’ ~
`otol-0-gv \6-‘ta-lo-je\ n [ot- +~-logy] (1842) : a science that deals with
`the ear and its diseases _— oto-log-ic \.6-to-‘la-jik\ also oto-log-i-cal
`\-ji ka1\ adj — otol-o-gist \o-'
`-19 st\ n .
`oto-rhi-no-lar-yn-gol-o-gy \.
`‘git-19-jé\ n (ca. 1900)
`: OTOLARYNOOLOGY — oto-rh no ar-yn-go-log-i-cal \-gs-‘la-ji-kal\
`adi — oto-rhi-no-Iar-yn-gol-o-g st \-‘git-la-jist\ n—
`oto-scle-ro-sis \.o-to-side-‘r6-ses\ n [NL] (1901) : growth of spongy
`bone in the inner ear that causes progressively increasing’ deafness
`oto-scope \'<'>p\ n (1853) : an instrument with lighting and mag-
`nifying systems used for visual examination of the tympanic membrane
`and the canal connecting it to the exterior of the body
`oto-tox-ic \.6-ta-'tiik-sik\ azli (1951) : producing, involving, or being‘
`adverse effects on organs or nerves involved in hearing or balance (an —
`~ drug) —- oto-tox-ic-i-ty .\-tiik-'si-so-té\ n
`OTR abbr occupational therapist, registered
`OTS abbr officers’ training school
`ot-ta-Va \6-‘til-va\ adv or ad)" [It, octave, fr. NIL octav,a]‘(l848) : at an oc-1
`tave higher or lower than written —_ used as a direction in music
`ottava ri-ma \-'ré-ma\ n, pl ottava rimas [It, lit., eighth rhyme] (1820)
`a c
`g abztanza of eight lines of heroic verse with a rhyme scheme, of aba-
`0t-ta-wa \'ii-ta-wa, -.wii, -.wo\ n, pl -was or -wa [F Outaoua, fr. Ojibwa
`(eastern dial.) ota'wu'] (1687) : a member of an American Indian peo-
`ple of Michigan and southern Ontario
`ot-ter \"a‘-tar\ n, pl otters also otter [ME oter, ‘fr. 0E otor; akin to OHG ~
`ottar otter, Gklhydfir water .— more at WATER] (bef. 12c)
`1 : any of
`various largely aquatic carnivorous mammals (as genus Lutra or Enhy-
`dm) of the weasel family that usu. have webbed and clawed feet and
`dark brown fur 2 : the fur or pelt of an otter
`ot-ter-hound \-.haund\ n [fr.,its use in hunting otters] (1590) : any of a
`breed of large hounds that originated in Great Britain and have a rough
`outer and inner coat, webbed feet, and a keen sense of smell
`otto var ofATTAR .
`1 cap a : a member of a Turkish dy-
`ot-to-man \'ii-ta-mon\ n (1605)
`nasty founded by Osman I that ruled the Ottoman Empire b : a citi-
`zen or functionary of the. Ottoman Empire 2 [F ottomane, fr. fern. of
`ottoman, adj.] a : an upholstered often overstuffed seat or couch usu.
`without a back b : an overstuffed footstool 3 : a heavy clothing fab-
`ric characterized by pronounced crosswise ribs
`Ot-to-man \'5i-ta-man\ adj [F, adj. ,& n., prob. fr. It ottomana, fr. Ar
`‘othmzini, fr. ‘Othmén Osman I, founder of the Ottoman Empire] (1603)
`: of or relating to the Ottoman Empire or its citizens
`oua-bain \w§-‘bi-arr, ‘W5-.b5n\ n [ISV, fr. F ouabaib, an African tree,
`fr. Somali wagzbayyo arrow poison] (1893) : a poisonous glycoside
`C29H44O12 obtained from several African shrubs or trees (genera Stro-
`phanthus and Acokanthzm) of the dogbane family and used medically
`like digitalis and in Africa as an arrow poison
`ou-bli-ette \.I"r-blé-'et\ n [F, fr. MF, fr. aublier to forget, fr. OF oblier, fr.
`VL‘ *obIitare, freq. of L oblivisci to forget — more at OELIVION] (1819)
`: a dungeon with an opening only at the top
`ouch \'auch\ 71 [ME, alter. (fr. misdivision of a nauche) of nouche, fr.
`AF nusche, nouche, of Gmc origin; akin to OHG nusca clasp] (l4c)
`obs : CLASP, BROOCH 2 a : a setting for a precious stone b : JEWEL,
`2 ORNAMENT; em : a buckle or brooch set with precious stones
`ouch interj [origin unknown] (1838) — used esp. to express sudden pain
`oud \'\‘id\ 1: [Ar ‘ad, lit., wood] (1738) :'a musical instrument of the lute
`1 family used in southwest Asia and northern Africa
`ought \'ot\ verbal auxiliary [ME aughte (1st & 3d sing. pres. indic.), fr.
`oughte, lst & 3d sing. past indic. 8: subj. of owen to own, owe — more
`at OWE] (12c) —— used to express obligation (~ to pay our debts), ad-
`visability (~ to take care of yourself), natural expectation (~ to be
`2 here by now), or logical consequence (the result ~ to be infinity)
`ought \'o(l_c)t\ vt [ME oughte, lst & 3d sing. past indic. of owen] (l3c) 1
`3 chiefly Scot : POSSESS 2 chiefly Scot : own
`4ought \'ot\ n (1678) : moral obligation : DUTY
`ought \'ot, 'it\ archaic var afAUGl-11‘
`Oughtlft \'(')-t°nt\ (1884) : ought not
`ou-gul-ya \u-'gwe-9. -'gé-a\ n, pl ou uiya [Ar dial. figlya, fr. Ar fiqiya,
`lit., _ounce] (1973) — see MONEY tab e
`Oui-la \'wé-ja. -J‘ ”\ trademark — used for a board with the alphabet and
`other signs on it that is used with a planchette to seek spiritualistic or
`1 telepathic messages
`ounce \'ai'in(t)s\ n [ME, fr. AF unce, fr. L uncia 12th part, ounce, fr.
`unus one — more at ONE] (l4c)
`1 a,: a unit of weight equal to ‘/1; troy
`pound —— see WEIGHT table b : a unit of weight equal to ‘/is avoirdu-
`2 pois pound c : a small amount (an ~ of sense) 2 : FLUID OUNCE ’
`ounce n [ME unce lynx, fr. MF, alter. (by misdivision, as if Ponce the
`ounce) of lance, prob. fr. OIt lonza, fr. MGk lynk-, lynx, fr. Gk] (1774)
`our \§r, 'a1'i(-a)r\ adj, [ME oure, fr. OE fire; akin to OHG unsér our, 013
`is us] (bef. 12c) : of or relating to us or ourselves or ourself esp. as pos-
`sessors or possessor, agents or agent, or objects or object of an action
`(~ throne) (~ actions) (~ being chosen)
`Our Father n [fr. the opening words] (1882) : LORD’S PRAYER
`ours \'ai’1(-e)rz, i'Lrz\pmn, sing orpl in constr (14c) : that which belongs
`to us — used without a following noun as a pronoun equivalent in
`meaning to the adjective our
`our-self \ar-‘self, au(-o)r-\ pron (14c) : MYSELF — used to refer to the
`single-person subject when we is used instead of I (as by a sovereign)
`(will keep ~ till supper time alone —Shak.)
`our-selves \-'selvz\ pron pl (15c)
`1 : those identical ones that are we
`— used reilexively (we're doing it solely for ~), for emphasis (we ~
`will never go), or in absolute constnictions (~ no longer young, we
`can sympathize with those who are old); compare WE '1 2 : our nor-
`mal, healthy, or sane condition (just not ~ today)
`-ous adj suifix IME, fr. AF -us, -nus, fr. L -osus]
`1 : full of : abounding
`in : having : possessing the qualities of (clamorous) (poisonous) 2
`: having a valence lower than in compounds or ions named with an ad-
`jective ending in -in (mercurous)
`ousel var ofoUzEL
`Ou-shak also Ushak \i‘i-'shak\ n, ofien attrib [fr. Oushak, Ushak (Usak),
`town in Turkey] (1901) : a heavy wool Oriental rug characterized esp.
`by bright primary colors and an elaborate medallion pattern
`oust \'aust\ vt [ME, fr. AF oster, ouster to take off,«,remove, oust, fr. LL
`obstare to ward off, fr. L, to stand in the way, fr. ob- in the way + store
`to stand — more at on-, STAND] (l5c)
`1 a : to remove from or dispos-
`sess of property or positionby legal action, by force, or by the compul-
`sion of necessity b : to take away (as a right or authority) .' BAR, RE-
`MovE 2 : to’ take the place of : SUPPLANT syn sec ErE(.'r
`oust-er \'a1'is-tar\ n |',AF, fr. aster, ouster to oust] (1531) 1a : a wrong-
`ful dispossession b : a judgment removing an officer or depriving a’
`corporation of a franchise 2 : Exi>ULsIoN
`1 out \'aut\ adv [ME, fr. OE fit; akin to OHG 122 out, Gk hysteros later, Skt
`ud up, out] (bef. 12c)
`1 a (1) : in a direction away from the inside or
`center (went ~ into the garden)
`(2) : OUTSIDE (it’s raining ~) b
`: from among others c : away from the shore d : away from home
`or work (~ to lunch) e : away from a particular place 2 a : so as to
`be missing or displaced from the usual or proper place (left a word ~)
`(threw his shoulder ~) b : into the possession or control of another
`(lend ~ money) c : ‘into a state of loss or defeat (was voted ~) (1
`: into a state of vexation (they do not mark me, and that brings me ~
`—Shak.) .e : into groups or shares (sorted ~ her notes) (parceled ~
`the farm) 3 a : to the point of depletion, extinction, or exhaustion
`(the food ran ~) (turn the light ~) (all tuckered ~) b : to comple-
`tion or satisfaction (hear me ~) (work the problem ~) c : torthe
`full or a great extent or degree (all decked ~) (stretched ~ on the
`floor) 4 a : in or into the open (the sun came ~) b : our LOUD
`(cried ~) c : in or into public circulation (the evening paper isn't ~
`yet) (hand ~ pamphlets) (the library book is still ~), 5 a : at an end
`\9\ abut \’\ kitten, F table \ar\ further \a\ ash \2'i\ ace \ii\ mop, mar
`\at‘1\ out
`\ch\ chin \e\ het
`\é\ easy \g\ go \i\ hit
`\i\ ice \i\ job
`\n\ sing \6\ go \o\ law \oi\ boy \th\ thin \m\ the \1'i\ loot \u\ foot
`\y\ yet
`\zh\ vision, beige \l_c, ", re,-ue, V\ see Guide to Pronunciation
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