The Atnerican
`Heritage® Dictionary
`of the English Language
`~ Boston New York
`Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories, Ltd., et al.
`Helsinn Healthcare S.A., et al.
`U.S. Patent No. 9,(cid:20)(cid:26)(cid:22),(cid:28)(cid:23)(cid:21)
`Reddy Exhibit 1029
`Exh. 1029

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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`The American Heritage dictionary of the English language. -4th ed.
`ISBN 0-395-82517-2 (hardcover) -
`(hardcover with CD ROM)
`1. English language-Dictionaries
`PE1628 .A623 2000
`ISBN 0-618-08230-1
`Manufactured in the United States of America
`Exh. 1029

`reprimand; a formal document. 3a. Characterized by strict or meticulous
`observation of forms; methodical: very formal in their business transac-
`tions. b. Stiffly ceremonious: a formal manner; a formal greeting; a formal
`bow to the monarch. 4. Having the outward appearance but lacking in
`substance: a formal requirement that is usually ignored. •:• n. Something,
`such as a gown or social affair, that is formal in nature. [Middle English,
`from Latin formiilis, from forma, shape.] -for'mal•ly adv. -for'-
`mal•ness n.
`for• mal • de•hyde (f0r-m1ilfda-hid') n. A colorless gaseous com-
`pound, HCHO, the simplest aldehyde, used for manufacturing melamine
`and phenolic resins, fertilizers, dyes, and embalming fluids and in aque-
`ous solution as a preservative and disinfectant. [FORM(IC ACID) + ALDE-
`for•ma•lin (for'ma-lln) n. An aqueous solution of formaldehyde
`that is 37 percent by weight. [Originally a trademark.]
`for•mal•ism (for'ma-llz'am) n. 1. Rigorous or excessive adherence
`to recognized forms, as in religion or art. 2. An instance of rigorous or
`excessive adherence to recognized forms. 3. A method of aesthetic anal-
`ysis that emphasizes structural elements and artistic techniques rather
`than content, especially in literary works. -for'mal•ist adj. & n.
`-for'mal•is'tic adj. -for'mal•is'ti•cal•ly adv.
`fo r •mal•i•ty (for-m1i!li-te) n., pl. -ties 1. The quality or condition
`of being formal. 2. Rigorous or ceremonious adherence to established
`forms, rules, or customs. 3. An established form, rule, or custom, espe-
`cially one followed merely for the sake of procedure or decorum.
`for•mal•ize (for'ma-liz') tr.v. -ized, -iz•ing, -iz•es 1. To give a
`definite form or shape to. 2a. To make formal. b. To give formal stand-
`ing or endorsement to; make official or legitimate by the observance of
`proper procedure. -for'mal•iz'a•ble adj. -for'mal•i•za1tion
`( -ma-ll-zafshan) n. -for'mal•iz' er n.
`formal logic n. The study of the properties of propositions and de-
`ductive reasoning by abstraction and analysis of the form rather than the
`content of propositions under consideration.
`for•mal•wear (forfmal-war') n. Attire, such as evening gowns and
`tuxedos, for wear on formal occasions.
`For• man (for'man, for'-), Milos Born 1932. Czech-born American
`filmmaker who won an Academy Award for his direction of One Flew
`Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) and Amadeus (1984).
`for•mant (forfmant) n. Any of several frequency regions of relatively
`great intensity in a sound spectrum, which together determine the char-
`acteristic quality of a vowel sound. [German, from Latin formiins, for-
`mant-, present participle of formiire, to form, from forma, form.]
`for•mat (for'miit') n. 1. A plan for the organization and arrange-
`ment of a specified production. 2. The material form or layout of a pub-
`lication. 3. Computer Science a . The arrangement of data for storage or
`display. b. A method for achieving such an arrangement. •:• tr. v. -mat•
`ted, -mat•ting, -mats 1. To plan or arrange in a specified form: They
`formatted the conference so that each speaker had less than 15 minutes to
`deliver a paper. 2. Computer Science a. To divide (a disk) into marked
`sectors so that it may store data. b. To determine the arrangement of
`(data) for storage or display. [French, ultimately from Latin formiitus,
`past participle of formiire, to form, from forma, form.]
`for• mate (forlmat') n. A compound, such as a salt or an ester of
`formic acid, that contains the HCoo- radical. [FORM(IC ACID)+ -ATE2.]
`for•ma •tion (for-ma' shan) n. 1: The act or process of forming
`something or of taking form. 2. Something formed: beautiful cloud for-
`mations. 3. The manner or style in which something is formed; struc-
`ture: the distinctive formation of the human eye. 4. A specified arrange-
`ment or deployment, as of troops. 5. Geology The primary unit of
`lithostratigraphy, consisting of a succession of strata useful for mapping
`or description. -for•ma'tion•al adj.
`for•ma•tive (for'ma-tiv) adj. 1. Forming or capable of forming.
`2a. Susceptible to transformation by growth and development. b. Biol-
`ogy Capable of producing new cells or tissue. 3. Of or relating to forma-
`tion, growth, or development: the formative stages of a plot. 4. Linguistics
`Relating to the formation or inflection of words. •:• n. Grammar A der-
`ivational or inflectional affix. -for'ma•tive•ly adv.
`form class n. A set of words that have one or more grammatical or
`syntactic characteristics in common, such as the class of transitive verbs
`in English.
`form criticism n. A method of textual criticism, applied especially
`to the Bible, for tracing the origin and history of certain passages through
`systematic study of the writings in terms of conventional literary forms,
`such as parables, proverbs, and love poems. -form critic n. -form
`critical adj.
`form•er' (forfmar) n. 1. One that forms; a maker or creator: a former
`of ideas. 2. A member of a school form: a fifth former.
`for•mer2 (forfmar) adj. 1a. Occurring earlier in time. b. Of, relating
`to,_ or taking place in the past. 2. Coming before in place or order; fore-
`gomg. 3. Being the first of two mentioned. 4. Having been in the past:
`a former ambassador. [Middle English, comparative of forme, first, from
`Old English forma. See per' in Appendix I.]
`Usage Note Grammarians have often insisted that the phrases the
`former and the latter should be used only to refer to the first of two things
`and the second of two things, respectively, as in Ernest L. Thayer's "Casey
`at the Bat": "But Flynn preceded Casey, as did also Jimmy Blake, and the
`for:ner was a lulu and the latter was a fake." It is easy to find violations of
`this rule in the works of good writers; nonetheless, many readers feel un-
`easy when the words are used in enumerations of more than two things,
`JUSt as they would feel uneasy over the similar incorrect use of a com par-
`formaldehyde I fornicate
`ative in a sentence such as Her boys are 7, 9, and 13; only the younger was
`born in California.
`for•mer•ly (for'mar-le) adv. At an earlier time; once.
`form•fit•ting (form'fit'ing) adj. Snugly fitting the contours of the
`body: fOrmfitting jeans.
`form genus n. A genus of fossil plants or imperfect fungi classified
`according to their asexual organs.
`for•mic (for'mik) adj. 1. Of or relating to ants. 2. Of, derived from,
`or containing formic acid. [From Latin formica, ant.]
`For•mi•ca (for-mi'b) A trademark used for a variety of high-pres-
`sure laminated plastic sheets of synthetic resin employed especially as a
`heat-resistant and chemical-resistant surface on tables and counters. This
`trademark sometimes occurs in print in attributive uses: "The restaurant
`was dimly lit, with plain Formica tables and cushioned booths" (Chicago
`formic acid n. A colorless caustic fuming liquid, HCOOH, tised in
`dyeing and finishing textiles and paper and in the manufacture of fumi-
`gants, insecticides, and refrigerants. [From its natural occurrence in
`for•mi•car•y (for'mi-ker'e) n., pl. -ies A nest of ants; an anthill.
`[Medieval Latin formiciirium, from Latin formica, ant.]
`for•mi•civ•o•rous (for'mi-sivfar-as) adj. Feeding on ants. [Latin
`formica, ant + -VOROUS.]
`for•mi•da•ble (for'mi-da-bal, for-mid'a-) adj. 1. Arousing fear,
`dread, or alarm: the formidable prospect of major surgery. 2. Inspiring
`awe, admiration, or wonder: "Though a true hero, he was also a thorough-
`going bureaucrat and politician, a formidable combination" (Mario Puzo).
`3. Difficult to undertake, surmount, or defeat: a formidable challenge; a
`formidable opponent. [Middle English, from Old French, from Latin
`formidiibilis, fromformidiire, to fear, fromformido, fear.] -for'mi•da•
`bilfi•ty, for'mi•da•ble•ness n. -for'mi•da•bly adv.
`Usage Note Traditionally formidable has been pronounced with
`stress on the first syllable, but recently the pronunciation with stress on
`the second syllable, which is a common variant in British English, ap-
`pears to be on the rise in American English. The traditional pronuncia-
`tion is apparently still preferred by a large majority of educated speakers,
`however. A recent survey shows that 80 percent of the Usage Panel use
`the pronunciation (for'mi-da-bal), while 14 percent use (for-mid'a-bal).
`A few Panelists approved both pronunciations.
`form•less (!Orm'lis) adj. 1. Having no definite fontt; shapeless. See
`synonyms at shapeless. 2. Lacking order. 3. Having no material exis-
`tence. -form'less•ly adv. -form'less•ness n.
`form letter n. A usually impersonal letter in a standardized format
`that may be sent to different people or to large numbers of recipients.
`For• mo•sa (for-mo'sa) See Taiwan.
`Formosa Strait See Taiwan Strait.
`for•mu•la (for'myo-la) n., pL -las or -lae ( -le') 1a. An established
`form of words or symbols for use in a ceremony or procedure. b. An
`utterance of conventional notions or beliefs; a hackneyed expression. 2.
`A method of doing or treating something that relies on an established,
`uncontroversial model or approach: a new situation comedy that simply
`uses an old formula. 3. Chemistry a. A symbolic representation of the
`composition or of the composition and structure of a compound. b. The
`compound so represented. 4a. A prescription of ingredients in fixed
`proportion; a recipe. b. A liquid food for infants, containing most of the
`nutrients in human milk. 5. Mathematics A statement, especially an
`equation, of a fact, rule, principle, or other logical relation. 6. Formula
`Sports A set of specifications, including engine displacement, fuel capac-
`ity, and weight, that determine a class of racing car. [Latin formula, di-
`minutive of forma, form.] -for'mu•la'ic (-lafik) adj. -for'mu•la'-
`i•cal•ly adv.
`for•mu•la•rize (for'myo-la-riz') tr.v. -rized, -riz•ing, -riz•es To
`express as or reduce to a formula; formulate. -for'mu•la•ri•za1tion
`(-lor-i-za'shan) n. -for'mu•la•riz'er n.
`for•mu•lar•y (for1myo-ler'e) n., pl. -ies 1. A book or other collec-
`tion of stated and fixed forms, such as prayers. 2. A statement expressed
`in formulas. 3. A fixed form or pattern; a formula. 4. A book containing
`a list of pharmaceutical substances along with their formulas, uses, and
`methods of preparation.
`for• mu•late (for'myo-lat') tr.v. -lat•ed, -lat•ing, -lates 1a. To
`state as or reduce to a formula. b. To express in systematic terms or con-
`cepts. c. To devise or invent: formulate strategy. 2. To prepare according
`to a specified formula. -for'mu•laftion n. -for'mu•la'tor n.
`formula weight n. See molecular weight.
`for• mu • lize (for'myo-liz') tr.v. -lized, -liz•ing, -liz•es To formu-
`late. -for'mu•li•zaftion ( -Jl-zalshan) n. -for'mu•liz' ern.
`form word n. See function word.
`form•work (form'wfuk') n. The structure of boards that make up
`a form for pouring concrete in construction.
`for•myl (for'mil') n. "X'he negative univalent radical HCO, character-
`istic of aldehydes. (FORM(IC ACID) + -YL.]
`For•nax (for'niiks') n. A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere
`near Sculptor and Eridanus. [Latin forniix, furnace, oven. See gwher- in
`+ for•nent (far-nent') prep. Chiefly Midland U.S. Variant of ferninst.
`intr.v. -cat•ed, -cat• ing, -cates To
`for•ni•cate (for'ni-kat')
`commit fornication. [Late Latin forniciiri, forniciit-, from fornix, fornic-,
`vault, vaulted cellar, brothel. See gwher- in Appendix I.] -for'ni•ca'-
`tor n.
`a pat
`a pay
`ar care
`a father
`e pet
`I pie
`6 pot
`oo took
`oo boot
`fir urge
`th thin
`th this
`zh vision
`a about, item
`+ regionalism
`Stress marks: ' (primary);
`1 (secondary), as in
`dictionary (dik'sha-ner'e)
`Exh. 1029

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