Helsinn Healthcare Exhibit 2033
`Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, Ltd., et al. v. Helsinn Healthcare S.A.
`Trial PGR2016-00007
`Page 1 of 10

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`Page 2 of 10
`Page 2 of 10

`S~Hydmxy1;1*ypta.n1ine (5-HT)3 Receptors: Molecular Biology, Pharniacology
`and Therapeutic Ilnpvortamte
`{'.C'.'tI"rem‘ PI:I:r::1m*e*ui’iax:i }’)'am‘ In, 1.996.
`R.M. Egleni‘ and DW. Bonhaus
`z"ras:2itz;.te <2/']’i‘iarn:m<>(;Zog}>, 1\7em’(2bi0lo;,{,v {.e’m'i, Roche Biomience, 3401, Ifillview /lve._. 13am
`Alto, CA 94304, USA.
`Abstraét: The 5~HT_v,recep1.oris unique anmng known znm'zoarm‘im rece;>tIa>rs in tliat; ratlier than being :1
`prot<3i:s—coupl.ed 1'6-C€:[?lO1'.
`it form a iigaiildgzztaci ion channel. in the
`this t'.e(:.e3_}ts)r is fmmcl in high deiisity
`in‘ nuclei of the lmvei‘ brainstcm, area postmma anti nucleus of the trac:t:us .-;.ulitm“l’u:~;.
`I{.(iwe.r de.r13iti§§ of the
`1‘c::r:;§iI0r are fmmd in the cerebral C'cu‘teK and limbic ?1l'\3é}S,illClIl=Jil.‘I.g the illp]_}()_CE1ii1pl3S. in the periphery, fS~I‘l'i‘3
`z‘aceptor:a. are located on 1313- and postgangiiomic rmzrozzs. of both {~I€'3l’1Ee01‘}(' and f)zl{{:liiL\ xzerv<.>n..s: s;ysI;s1n:;. Tim.
`(1 p«:i1ta1ne1'ia: pratein ‘.~'llil“i 1n{ll_tif}l,&'3« agn>r1ist.aiaci allosimric ligand binding aim. Thus it has st:mi:l:m'al
`and funcI.inm1,l 3in1_ila1-ities with nicotinic, C§ABA.ergic a11d,0‘tl’K’:rliga1*1c1 gated ion clizmnels.
`in animal m<:>del:s of ztognim-rs and
`to pr«:»(l‘uce b<:zicl‘.ic.i;5il
`5-l~l'i‘3 re<3cpl:0z' amzigonists iiswe been f~Il}UWfl
`psychiemic -ill-.‘I~()I‘C.5fi‘-1'5‘ Whether
`reccgitur antagonists may have si‘ pmfcvumi ef"i:‘ects in km: i.i'«::n.t of
`anxiety, cicpression or psyclmsis will 13:: by the (!lJCC()n].E1 af o11.g()iiig Clllllfii-ll trials,
`l’lOV\’C-V531‘, it is in
`the treatmsmt of cancer <:hemoil‘xera;)y induced emrssis that S-HT3 receptzir a.zi§:ag01-nits lmve lléld tl3ei1“g:'eam{4:t
`impact. Tlie cytotoxic A".-xgentvs used in cancer c.l1ei110the2‘a}3y pmvoke the r»3lease of 5-‘H'l‘ fmm szmzstzzcliromaf‘fi.z'i
`cells in the gastrcilitezstinal
`trawl. This 5~HT acme on 5~HT3 :rece.pzors in the cemmi
`ixerxrzmm sys-21:31:} or on
`p<31‘ipliz:ml vagal 23./l”fa:re.nt fibers to initiate vmnil: 1’E‘2llE2XGS. 5»H.T3 rzzceptor zmtagcmists block this actizm zmci
`er:ab},:' greatly re«:iuce the munbsr of emetic episodes that 006111‘ during caiwer cl1e1n0I.he.x‘21py. Tim. l’ilf,i£‘1(l:)£l ciiiiicixl
`my of 5—HT3 1'eceptc~2r aixtzzgmiists sauczh as ondam;e.i:z'cir2, grasaiseiroii and tropi3etr<m '£(3g6tl‘lL’-1‘ with their lack
`of adverse Slilfi
`c1"l'e<;ts has rcvolutioiiized the treatimmt of caiicar
`cl12muih<:1*apy induced emcsis.
`Molecular Biology and Structulwz
`5—Hyzlmxytryptemiine (5-HT, serotoiiin) cx.<:rLs
`inudulamry icffects an boil:
`cm'x:,1'al and pr:.1'ipl‘u:.i'al nervous
`S}‘.S’i¢:1YIS, via activation of sevrzmi discrete receptor ihinilies. In
`general. 5~llT receptors structurally conforrn to the arcliciypsxl
`motif for G __m‘0I.ein~co.upleCi
`t.¢s:eptors and regulate cellular
` via naodmation of aclenylyl ztyclaisiz or pii0.$plis)lip23se
`C activity. The om: exception is tilt! 5~l-{T3 re::eI;:i:or subtype.
`This .receptor, which licars significant SC:.ql.lC~|lvZ2(§ lioimlogy with
`the 11i,<;olinic 1'CC6{,}(01‘ family, mediates a fast depolzimzatimi of
`central and f?€}1‘iphE:{£ll
`by increasing s<i<;iium. and
`potassium perm::al:iliLy. in the last. decadc S-l~lT’3 rec '§7l;i.lI‘S have
`been the focus of extensive rese.-:u‘cl1 e.fforls, not only becéiuse of
`i,:h«:ia" uimguc St!‘LlC),l;U{<3 amsmg monamine rcsccapters, but also
`because of lilac clinical efficacy of selective ama.g0niszs in tin:
`trcalrnmt of tslrmsis ll$.‘Sl3(2ilit(:‘iZ_l with ()Ell3CBl‘ (1li§)YliL‘1[l’1{3i"El{'lj/. 5—H'l‘3
`;*m1ag0n.i:s1;s miijl also act as cngnitive 0l'll1E!l1C&)1‘S,
`anii.~}Jsyz;limic-s and as
`cliniwl valis'laticm cal‘
`these pulraiive a}>;3iiczii:i(ms.
`lacking. This lniicf review suliinwtizisr; smnc lcey Fcalures of the
`rm3l'cculai' structure and pl1m'1‘na<::‘>].0gy oftllc S—l-’iT3 i‘cce.;3t0r.
`also adcln->:sscs findings {ram rcc.e—’nt clinical studies examining
`the lll‘c1t'2i))(:‘»l}tlC miiity oi‘ 5-HT3 re.c:z:plc:r aiiiagonists;
`in the
`Lrc-.atn1em: oi’ acute. and -iiclayeicl
`l:1al'lC9?l' x:he1'm7tlier21py induced
`mm-.sis, Savtwal reviews of 5-l'1’I‘3 recepi.m' pliam1a::0i0_gy and
`mcclicinal ch:>,misti‘y lmve recently been pul>iisii:z.:l [1-3]. ‘Recent
`1'ex«'iew's of the clinical
`trials te>;iin.g l1l'li3- <:l‘.‘flcacy of 5-HT}
`1‘ecc:ptor zzntiagoriistel have also lxscan written [4~f5]. The reader is
`refrzrred to tilt?-SB revirws and the l>ibli0gmplaics cited therein for
`inl‘m'x11aLi<m on specific mpics.
`E”=’E€§iE3‘{5:?3i may be
`Page 3 of 10
`Cspyrigght iaw {létlza
`1381-6128./96 3ic\f;£)£}
`5-l~l‘T;; recept0r.s* nizzciiate rapicl nmuumzl cle:])ol.ari2.atio1i by
`i11L‘rc¢asing me-n1br;:m<:‘. })ei‘:ne.ability to ra<>d_inm anal p0ta.s3.i1n'n
`in clcmal cell
`lines tli<3.y have also been shown to
`ions arzcl
`Iiiediate calcium. ion flux [7~ i I]. The rapid 0:139: and 0i:‘l’".s:ct of thc
`5-llT3z‘ecep1'.or ine.ciiate<l responses led to the initial suggestion
`this re-..::<<3r niagfbe an ion channel. However, only
`relativfly rec-am;I.y, by {h¢,‘. mar: of paicl -ciamp techniques. has‘
`the 5vI~l'l"'3 reoeptoir brscn unequivocally shown to comprise an ion
`chsmiiszl per se, mllicai‘ than being a. C}-protein ctmplcci 1‘<:<;=capt<>i'
`that activated ism channels via m0hiliz»': cf 21
`{I2}. Thus,
`in isolated whole c-alis of guinea pig
`submucosal plexus, 5-I~l'I‘3rcceptm'r-iiiedialed currents; were
`ins::nsi1.ive to gmrmmfs toxin and i.ndcpr:.ndenI; of the presence of
`GTP in ‘the. imrexcellulaz' :-mlution.
`in excised patches
`of «mil zm~:mlm1_1'ics m)pisct3‘0n~scn5;‘il;ive Lrurrmits v./cm evokecl by
`5~-I-1"!‘ up to 5 lmurs l‘ol[ow_ing isolati<in of that
`(Ii"I‘"P or
`ctilixcr scilublc
`c§,’mg>l.asi1iic ;u*0tcvix'zs were my; mc;i1iz'<*._(i for ‘aim cur3.‘x»3m.'-s i:</okzzd
`by 5-HT and ctmvlncingly ;n'gued ihilif the l‘C¢(2t)}J(()l' was an ion
`Ull:ii1wi.ely, ti:-:3 »:lc:«nizzg and seqn<si3<:ii3g of 2: ftzmziiorml 5—I~i’i"3
`re(:c3>ts>r dt‘7lIl()l'lEiil‘ilt€'.d
`the Sii'llCIlJ£'C of the l.'i‘)CC‘.pl(3)‘ had an
`amino acid sequence and l_Clj)(lgl”E\[)lfl)’
`l1o1fm)!og<)i1s with other
`ligzsml gzited ion Qlfifllilltlléh such as the 1i.i<:.;)tlni<: C.i).()¢l.ill£fi‘gl(Z or
`GAi3/~\ 9:/zcepismfs {iii}. Ream: silxclitas using ele<*.t)'0n mi::ms<:o};sy
`have slim-zcl light on the q_'u;itai'r:izu‘y SiJ‘l3(?{ilY\‘3 of this clmnncl f'm'tl1e2r
`colifirmiug its
`inclusion in [hit family of ligem.(l gatccd ion
`cl1am1c:l.s- [l4‘l5’}. }T’le.timzm maplica itnages oi? the charimzl as
`imaged by romry s:i=.;1d§)vv'i,m;‘ of ;_>ur'sfictd 5—H"l"3 i'ec<>pl:0x‘e; Show
`the r::.c:<-lptm“ to be: as rosette sl1ag>.e<l particle, 3-9 nlvl’ in ciimnctmu
`:3; 15796 Bantlmm Scimice Pixblislicrs; B.V.
`Page 3 of 10

`368 Current Pharmaceutical Design, 1996, Vol. 2, No. 4
`Eglen and Bmzlzatcs
`with a length of approximately 11 nM (Fig. 1). This pentameric
`motif is, of course, similar to that determined for the nicotinic
`cholinergie [I6] and GABAergic receptors [17].
`(1). Filtered electron microscopic images of four
`demonstrating that the 5-HT3 receptor is a symmetrical pentamer with a
`central core. This picture is taken, with permission, from Boess et al.,
`The similarities in primary and quaternary structure of the 5-
`HT3, GABA and nicotinic receptors suggest that these receptors
`may share similar molecular pharmacology. Thus,
`unsurprising that the 5-HT3 receptor possesses multiple agonist
`binding sites subject to allosteric regulation and susceptible to
`noncompetitive blockade by ligands which may bind in the pore
`of the channel. Based upon data from studies with nieotinic and
`GABAergic receptors, it would also be expected that the 5-HT3
`receptor would be a heteromeric structure with subtypes of the
`receptor being defined by the incorporation of different specific
`subunits into the protein. However,
`in this last regard at least,
`the 5—HT3 receptor may differ from other ligand gated channels,
`since the existence of heteropentameric receptors has not been
`(Competitive, Non-
`Ligand Interactions
`competitive, Cooperative and Allosteric)
`The presence of multiple, positively cooperative agonist
`binding sites on? the
`receptor was
`indicated by
`electrophysiological studies showing that
`the concentration-
`response curves had Hill slopes markedly greater than unity.
`Subsequent radioligand binding experiments, using radiolabeled
`agonists, show similar indications of positive eooperativity
`[l8—24]. However, for reasons that are unclear, detection of this
`phenomenon by radioligand binding depends upon the specific
`radioligand, membrane preparation and ionic content of the
`buffer employed in the binding assay.
`The interaction among agonist binding sites has also been
`demonstrated using kinetic binding methods in that rates of
`radioligand dissociation were found to be dependent upon the
`competing ligand [25]. This finding is inconsistent with simple
`“displacement” of one agonist molecule modifies
`dissociation rate constants for the remaining bound agonist
`molecules. The results from these kinetic experiments also
`indicate that not all antagonists produce equivalent effects on
`dissociation rates suggesting that
`the binding of different
`antagonists can produce different conformations of the receptor.
`A filial indication of multiple agonist binding sites comes from
`the results of saturation binding experiments conducted with
`different radiolabelled agonists. These studies have shown that
`the maximum number of detectable binding sites depends on the
`raclioligand used to label the receptor [22,26]. One explanation
`for these data is that the binding of certain ligands to one site on
`the receptor precludes occupancy of adjacent sites either by a
`steric hinderence or by allosterically modifying the affinity of
`adjacent binding sites on the receptor. Since heterogeneity in
`these agonist binding sites has not been detected, these multiple
`binding sites may be pharmacologically equivalent. Taken
`together, the findings from radieligand and electrophysiological
`studies suggest a model of agonist interactions that are similar
`to those which have been established for
`the nicotiuie
`acetyleholine receptor. Namely,
`that occupancy of multiple
`binding sites is required for receptor activation and that
`binding of one molecule of agonist facilitates the binding of
`subsequent molecules [27].
`Positive allosteric interactions among ligands binding to
`sites distinct
`from the agonist recognition sites have been
`suggested on the basis of findings made with ethanol and
`ketamine [28,29]. Ethanol, a drug that modifies the function of a
`number of ligand—gated ion channels, augments 5~HT3 receptor-
`gated ion currents
`[30] and 5-HT3 receptor mediated
`[l4C]guanidinium ion influx [31]. The concentrations of ethanol
`required to achieve this action, while high, are not outside the
`range of those achieved in humans; thus augmentation of 5—I-IT3
`receptor mediated neurotransmission may occur during alcohol
`intoxication. Whether
`this interaction plays a role in the
`psychobehavoral effects of alcohol is unclear. Howevei‘, 5~HT3
`receptor antagonists have been shown to reduce the voluntary
`ethanol consumption in rats [32] and humans [33] and to disrupt
`learning [34]
`raising the
`possibility that some of the reinforcing actions of ethanol are a
`consequence of 5-HT3 receptor activation. The potentiating
`actions of ketamine were detected at micromolar concentrations
`and were reversible upon washout of the drug. Importantly the
`effects of ketamine were not mimicked by a 5-HT uptake blocker.
`The site of action of this compound is not known but
`mechanism may involve
`reduction in
`rate of
`desensitization of the channel.
`While these findings of positive modulatory actions
`strongly suggest direct actions on the receptor
`allosteric ligand binding sites, these interactions have, for the
`most part not yet been confirmed with ligand binding studies or
`isolated tissue patches. For
`this reason the possibility of
`indirect interactions underlying these apparent allosteric effects
`cannot be excluded.
`ln this regard,
`the finding that 5—HT3
`receptor mediated currents can be enhanced by activators of
`protein kinase C underscores
`the potential
`interactions via activation or inhibition of cellular kinases [35].
`riicotinic and
`The precedent established by NMDA,
`GABAergic ligand gated ion channels suggests that 5-HT3
`should also be
`to blockade by
`Page4 of 10
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`Current Pharmaceutical Design, 1996. Vol. 2. No. 4
`include several phenylbiguanides, notably metaehlorophenyl-
`biguanide. A feature of these latter compounds is that, although
`they possess relatively high potency,
`they are partial agonists
`with respect to 5~HT. Therefore, the potency of these agonists
`depends on tissue factors such as the receptor reserve and or
`efficiency of stimulus response coupling. Different effects on
`desensitization rates may also contribute to the appearance of
`partial efficacy. A lack of response to these agonists in a
`specific tissue .may not therefore necessarily indicate a lack of
`involvement of the receptor.
`Extensive research has centered around the identification of
`silent, surmountable, antagonists for the 5-HT3 receptor (see
`below). The medicinal chemistry in this area has been
`extensively reviewed previously and will be briefly summarized
`here. Current 5~HT3 receptor antagonists comprise two major
`structural classes:
`the benzamides or benzoate esters, and the
`6,5-heteroaromatics, of which MDL 72222 and tropise_tro_n are
`prototypic compounds.
`In the benzamide series,
`of the 2-methoxy group and a 4-amino-5-chloro. substitution
`results in compounds with high affinity. Several aromatic nuclei
`have been incorporated in this molecule. including benzofurans,
`benzothiophenes, quinolines and benzoxazines or pyridines.
`terms of the 6,5-lieteroaromaties, a large number of high affinity
`antagonists utilize this substitution. Granisetron, for example,
`possess an indazole nucleus that acts as a bioisostere for the
`indole ring.
`Indeed, a large number of nuclei may act as a
`biosteric replacement of the indole. The position of the basic
`nitrogen to the carbonyl
`linker is
`in determining
`affinity, particularly with the groups orientated close to
`planarity. Several
`now available of
`exceptionally high affinity i.e. pKi values greater than 9.0 [44-
`Receptor Subtypes
`Pharmacological evidence from tissue~based functional
`for several years, suggested the presence of
`studies have,
`receptor subtypes. The principal finding being that tissues from
`guinea—pig have lower affinity for nearly all 5—HT3 receptor
`antagonists in comparison to equivalent tissues from rat, mouse
`or man. Similar differences have been reported using high
`. affinity radioligands to label 5-HT; receptors in guinea-pig and
`other species. Differences in antagonist affinity between 5-HT;;
`receptors in rat, rabbit or mouse, as well as between different
`strains of mice have also been reported (see Table l) [47—49l.
`The molecular basis for these affinity differences are unknown,
`and cloning of a guinea-pig 5-HT3 receptor ot subunit has not yet
`been reported. I-lowever,
`the sequence homology between the
`cloned rat and rabbit 5—HT3 receptors is only 80 %. It is also
`though unproven,
`that these interspecies differences
`in affinity reflect different subunit assemblies.
`that intraspecies
`Interestingly, several studies also report
`in 5-HT3reeeptors may exist. However,
`pharmacological and eleetrophysiological data indicating
`intraspecies differences are sparse and the differences in ligand
`affinity small. Nonetheless,
`there are unconfirmed reports of
`differences in ligand affinity at 5-1-lT3rcceptors in mouse
`cerebral cortex and ileum [50]. Electrophysiologically,
`5—Hydr0x_ytryptamz'ne (5-HT) Rece tors
`noncompetitive antagonists such as channel binding ligands.
`And indeed, such interactions are now being found. Ifenprodil, a
`non competitive blocker of NMDA receptor mediated currents,
`also blocks 5-HT3 receptor mediated currents in NGl08-l5 cells
`via a reversible, noncompetitive mechanism [36]. The most
`likely site of interaction would seem to be the pore of the
`channel itself, although voltage dependence of the blockade has
`not been shown. A second compound which may block 5-HT3
`receptor mediated currents via an action in the channel is curare
`[37—39]. This compound blocks other ligand—gated ion channels
`and its block of 5—HT3 receptor gated channels shows both
`competitive and noncompetitive components. Curare is
`interesting in its own right
`in that,
`its potency for species
`variants of the 5—HT3 receptor varies by nearly 2000 fold.
`Other ligands, which interact with undefined binding sites on
`the 5-HT3 receptor at relatively low affinities are some local
`anesthetics [40,4l] and cannabinoids [42]. The finding that
`local anesthetics interact with the channel, at concentrations
`similar to those at which they interact with sodium channels,
`for studies attempting to elucidate the
`mechanism by which this class of compounds produces
`analgesia. The data showing that eannabinoids,
`including the
`endogenous ligand anadamide, block 5-HT3 receptors, not only
`suggests a possible mechanism by which these compounds
`mediate tliéirantiemetic actions, but also raises the possibility
`of endogenous antagonists for this receptor.
`In summary the presence of multiple ligand binding sites on
`the 5-HT3 receptor greatly enriches theipharmacology of the
`receptor and provide mechanisms of regulation not found with
`the G-protein coupled 5-HT receptors. Additional studies are
`clearly needed to address these intriguing interactions and to
`further define the therapeutic potential of noncompetitive 5—HT3
`receptor antagonists.
`the 5—HT3 receptor
`The discovery of
`is extensively
`documented elsewhere. However,
`is worth noting that
`pharmacological characterization of 5-HT3 receptors began forty
`years ago with the recognition of a distinct 5-HT “M’ receptor
`[43]. Interestingly, the ligand first used in the characterization
`of the “M” receptor, namely cocaine, served as a lead for the one
`of the first selective antagonists, MOL 72222. This research
`extensively used tissue based functional assays such as those
`based on the guinea-pig isolated ileum or
`rabbit nodose
`ganglion to identify selective 5-HT3 receptor antagonists. One
`in vivo assay step that has been extensively used in studies of
`the 5—HT3 receptor is the von Bezold Jarisch reflex. This is a
`vago-vagal reflex, observed in in rats, dogs, ferrets or man,
`mediated by afferent nerve terminals in the heart. Taken
`together, it was only relatively late in the discovery process that
`radioligands and expression cloning techniques were applied to
`the characterization of 5-HT3 receptors.
`The 5—HT3 receptor is uniquely sensitive to the agonist 2-
`methyl 5—HT, and relatively insensitive to indoles such as 5-
`methoxytryptamine or 5—carboxamidotryptamine. Indeed,
`response to 2-inethyl 5-HT is so selective that it is diagnostic of
`activation of 5-HT3 receptors. Other agonists for the ijeceptor
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`370 Current Plzarrnacezltical Design. J 996, Vol. 2, No. 4
`Eglen and Ban/zaus
`Table 1.
`Affinity Values (pKi) for Compounds Binding to 5—HT3 Receptors in Membrane Homogenates of Different Tissues
`SD Rat Cortex
`CD-I Mouse Cortex
`CD-.1 Mouse Ileum
`Rabbit Ileum
`Guinea Pig Ileum
`NGl08-15 Cells
`8.6 (0.22)
`9.7 (0.26)
`10.2 (0.12)
`8.4 (0.22)
`9.9 (0.05)
`9.8 (0.14)
`9.2 (0.12)
`9.3 (0.16)
`9.9 (0.04)
`8.4 (0.10)
`9.9 (0.06)
`9.7 (0.06)
`GR 65630
`9.1 (0.08)
`7.1 (0.14)
`9.7 (0.08)
`9.3 (0.12)
`8.3 (0.15)
`9.2 (0.26)
`9.2 (0.05)
`7.8 (0.04)
`9.6 (0.11)
`9.0 (0.05)
`7.2 (0.14)
`6.6 (0.06)
`7.5 (002)
`5.6 (0.06)
`6.9 (0.11)
`8.9 (0.07)
`Q ICS 205—930
`9.0 (0.05)
`7.0 (0.15)
`9.7 (0.12)
`8.8 (0.06)
`8.3 (0.05)
`6.9 (0.14)
`9.1 (0.06)
`7.3 (0.13)
`7.7 (0.18)
`8.5 (0.08)
`8.6 (0.06)
`7.0 (0.14)
`8.6 (0.18)
`7.9 (0.18)
`7.9 (0.31)
`8.3 (0.07)
`6.0 (0.04)
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`5.8 (0.25)
`5.4 (0.15)
`7.3 (0.03)
`7.2 (0.12)
`5.2 (0.19)
`6.] (0.13)
`6.4 (0.17)
`6.7 (0.15)
`6.6 (0.19)
`6.8 (0.12)
`4.9 (0.45)
`6.7 (0.17)
`5.3 (0.08)
`5.7 (0.15)
`6.2 (0.15)
`Radioligand binding studies were conducted with [3l~l]RS-42358-197 and tissue membrane homogenates. Expe1'i1nental details and additional data are contained in the
`original papers [49,50]. Note that differences in rank order of affinities can be found for each species examined. The agonists phenylbiguanide (PBG) and
`metachorophenylbiguamde (mPBG) distinguished rat from mouse cortex while ondansetron could be used to distinguish rabbit from mouse ileum. Guinea-pig tissue had
`relatively low affinity for most ligands tested but the differences between affinities in this species and others varied from 10 fold to over 1,000 fold depending upon the
`ligand. Except for the agonists PEG and n1PBG'thc affinities of ligands in NGl08-15 cells were similar to those in rat corlcx. Note, by contrast the small differences in
`affinities for ligands binding to mouse cortex and ileum.
`discrepancies have also been observed in the potassium/sodium
`ion permeability, unitary conductance, inward rectification and
`rates of desensitization of 5—HT3 receptor as expressed in
`different tissues from a single species. However, a number of
`explanations, other than differences in the receptor protein or
`subunit composition may account for these differences. Thus,
`the lipid environment in which the receptor sits may be different
`or the degree to which the receptors are desensitized prior to the
`experiment may differ. Molecular cloning approaches have not
`yet provided evidence for intraspecies receptor heterogeneity.
`Thus far, only a single 5—HT3 receptor subunit, termed 5-HT3R—A
`and :1 splice variant have been cloned from any single s

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