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`Helsinn Healthcare Exhibit 2032
`Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, Ltd., et al. v. Helsinn Healthcare S.A.
`Trial PGR2016-00007

`Reviews /‘Tnformation Included in this NDAReview.
`T X
`Ammrval Letter
`Apgrovable Letter
`Officer/Em lo ee List
`Office Director Memo
`Cross Disci n line Team Leader Review
`Medical Review s
`Chemistr Review s
`Environmental Assessment
`Pharmacolo Review s
`Statistical Review s
`Microbiolo Revifls)_
`Clinical Pharmac(fl_ogy/Biopharmaceutics Review s
`Risk Assessment and Risk Mitigation Reviewgs}
`Prorieta Name Review s
`Administrative/Correspondence Documentgs)
`Page 2 of 27
`Page 2 of 27

`Page 3 of 27
`Page 3 of 27

` »
`_—- __e1axo Wellcome,Inc.
`_ Attention: CraigA.Metz, Ph.D.
`' Director, RegulatoryAfi‘airs
`. Five-MooreDrive
`9. “
`. P.O. Box~1339s
`-~-- 1.‘¢$eafch$ria*ng1€Pa:k,Nc.27_7o9e
`f _'—r
`. I 9.
`APR 1'1 M” ..
`. —"”
`-_ ,'
`153- ;.%7.f’
`Metz: it
`October 13, 19:99, receiiiedi
`__ Tilileaserefertgyour supplemental new drug_appHcatidns-
`1 4;" ,. ——.
`- October 14,fl_1999, submitted under section.505fb).ofFede1al Foo£1_,"‘Drug:'andCosn_ietic Act
`for Zofi'a1i(o_ndansetron)lnjec_tion and Z_ofi’an Injection Premixed, respeEfiyely_. 4
`'l‘hese '.'C_hanges Being Effected-" supplemental ne\Ld'r"ug applicatigris provide fgrgevision ofthe l
`package insert to include 1) addition ofseveral‘ new adveise reactions in the‘Observe_d_Duringe-
`_. ClinicaFPractice subsection ofthe
`REA,C'«L'lON_S_ section and 2) revisions to the
`"OVERDOSAGE section to provideiconsistency in wording betweenthe oral[and injeetable _
`p1‘odu'ct,pac1<—ageinser__ts.' _ V
`' *4’
`.We‘hai)e ccifipletecithereviewo-ti‘these supp1emei3:tal:applicafions and have-concluded that
`adequate information has been presented"to 3demonsu'ate thatthedmg products are safe and
`effe’ctive.for use as recommended in the subrnitted final printed labeling (package insert
`‘.m§ubmittedOct_ober 13",-’199—9)i. Accordingly, these supplcjnentalapplications are approved -
`A--.~efi‘ectE?in the date ofthis letter? .j._ *
`all of ivord “chil__ci1_'en” to
`. At.the“ neitt printingh’ofthe*pa'c1cage1nsert,‘_,
`‘T _‘.‘pediat1fic patientsf" in accordance witH21 CFR 20l.57(f)(9). The Divisionmaybe informed of
`A» this revision in the subsequerg
`- M
`. Ifa letter communicating important information about product G.e., a "Dear Health
`Care Practitioner"1etter) is issued to physicians'and’other"s"responsible for patient__care, we T” ’
`request that you submit a copy ofthe letter to
`NDA and a copy_tg_1_;he_following address: :
`Roc1cville;’MD 20857"
`'AWe" youthat you n1ust_compl‘y-vi’/ith the foran‘appr_o_ved NDA set‘forth, M ‘
`"—_a _
`Page 4 of 27
`Page 4 of 27

`;:..;_:._ ‘T NDA 20-007/s—63o ._
`. NDA20-403/S-009»
`. 1>age:=.f
`‘ .
`v_ j
`._ Ifyou hgge any Mélodi McNeil, Regulatory Health Project’Mafiager., 5:
`(301) 321-7319.
`_._.-f;h__ _
`_ ~_

`+ -—" “ ’
`V. _
`*—»§ '

`A— '
`‘ Li1ia‘T§Iiirico_,_~M;D.
`DivisiotI‘of_Gastrointes'tiné1Land Coa,gt_1lationDrugi 3-7
` _ _...
`Ofice of Drug Evaluation III-.-‘——
`Cent¢1_'_for,Dmg Ev_z_1_}uatio1Land 1}_§seafrcl1~- 1-‘
`~ ..
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`zArch'ivANDAs 2o—oo7,2o-403.
`TI-IFI_)-18_()'/Div.Fi1cs , H _.-«
`I .I-IFD-L80/M.McNc'i1.:
`.5 .
`I~IF-2/,MedWatch.(With1.abelin.‘A;) “-
`HFD-002"/ORM (with labeling)‘
`I'IFD-103/ADIEK (with.1_abelingl_
`HFI-20/Pgess Ombe
`laibeling) " “‘ "
`~ ——~—
`.. "“ "‘:“"~
`HED.-"820/DNDC”Division Dirggtor, \- '
`» f1% %
`V g -~
`— 1AJy::n_n;/AbpriI‘10;'—2iV)0O ‘
`Ini_t_ialed by: LTalarico 4/1o/oo_ _
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`filenaxrblg-..;_ c:\;nydocuments\cso\n\2O007604-_ap.dAoc-_ —~:;

`-4- .4
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`Page 5 of 27
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`20-007/S030 7
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`‘I >
`L‘ 0
`ZOERANO (ondansetror”Iydr6_g;hloride) Injection Premiieci
`' Packagé-Insert
`_ __
`; ~
`v Page 7 of 27
`Page 7 of 27

`U W - p=IxF“'3-‘J, ."°!35°!“I.
`@ --
`4' uonasuapuo)
`li0i.lVWUD3Ni.l9i'l00Ud =
`Injection Premixed
`' 5-HT3 receptor type. Chemically it is (2) 1. 2. 3% 9-tetrairydro-9—methyi—
`-one. monuhydrochioridg: dihydrate. It has the iollowing structural formula:
`I. "
`' "K
`‘lift-wnitepowderthatissoiubieinwaterand nonnalsaiiné
`(l.V.) or lntqmuuular (l.M.) Adminlstminn: Each 1rnL ofaqueous solution in the 2-mL single-dose vial
`tnejiydrochiondiuiihydrate; 9.0 mg oi sodium cmoridef USP. and 0.5;ingot citric acid mnnohydrate. USP - _’'-‘= V-
`itrata dihydrate. USP as buffers in Water tor iniaction. USE"
`solution in the 20—mL muitidose vial comains‘2 mg oi ondansetron as the iiydrochioridia'6ihydmte' 8.3 mg of sodium
`-, _.
`citric acid monohydrate, USP and 9.25 mo of sodium?-irate dihydraie, USP as butters; and 12 mg of methyiparaben,
`_-__. .
`NFand0.15mg oipropylparaben, NFaspreservatives iiwaterforInjection. USP.
`' -"
`. .
`ZOFRAN injection is a clear. cuteness.nonpywgenic. sterileseiution. The pH at the injection solution is 3.3 to 4.0.
`I ~ '--*
`garlic. Premium! snliitiiin iorlnuavonnusMininhtratloninSinpls-Dost. FlullllePlastic coiitainorr
`- "
`owover. cytoto‘iic chernotherapyappears tube associ-‘
`datedwithreleaseofsemtqninfromthg_e__nierqchrpma1fincellsatthesmall intestine.Inhumans.urinary5—HlAA(5-hydroxyintioieaceticacid) f ’
`- ' .
`’n may stimulate the vagai afferents
`.throughthe 5-HT; receptors and initiatetheyomiting reflex _
`_> T -V-_—~
`' 7
`” __
`compounu from the urine The prime

`recovered as the parent
`In normal voiunteersmtefoilowing mean phannacokineti
`lewinra singii: 0.15-mu/kg I.V. dose.
`.. Janioi:Pnaunaidizinancsinuormaivaiiinisiax-~
`Plasma Clearance L/it/kg)
`istmdasa15-mlnutul.\LintusiorLTiiemaaneiiniinationhait-iitew$4.1|'iours.Systemic_exposurnto32mu otondarisatronwasnot
`.. _.f T‘.
`A Page
`of 27
`Page 8 of 27

`3 rtouvwuoarruonooua
`—~ “M V
`eeonucrtnronnerrou-—-0 -
`_ (ondansetmn

`_ _fonn of ondan@_a_nd a selective blocking agent ofthe serotonin 5-HT, receptor type. chemically it is (z) 1, 2. 3. 9-tetrahydro-9-rnethyl-.
`~ 3‘l(2‘mfltWHH-ifllilifllol-1-Ytlrrlfllllyll-4H-cartraaoljgijone. monohydrochlgritie. dihyclrate. it has the following structuraflormula;
`_ g _‘
`~ ‘"7’
`' 7"
`V "”?'- _‘~~Vi#
`-‘ -
`' C
`The empiricalionnula is C.gH,9N3D-Hcl-2H20,' representing a molecular weight of 365.9. V
`" Vondansetron Hcl isa white to off-white powder that is soluble in water and nonnal saline.
`Sterile lnlectlonftlr Intravenous (l.lI.) or lniranmcular (l.M.) Mmlnlstralionz Each~1—mL of aqueous solution in the Z.-‘mL sing|e—tlose vial
`# contains 2 mg of ondansetronas the hydrochloride-dihydrate; 9.0 mg ol sodium cliloride. USP; and 0.5 mg of citric acid monohyorate. USP
`and 0.25 mg of sodium citrate dil1ydrate,.USi’..as_outfers in Water for injection, USP.
`Each 1 mL of aqueous solution inth_e_20-mt; multidose vial contaiosz mg of ondansetron as the hydrochloride dihydrate: 8.3 mg of sodium ._"" ’
`cntonea.+rse+o.5mgorcifiéacidmononyarate. USP'and0.25 mgofsodiumcitratedlhydrate. USPasbullers:and 1.2 mgofmethylparaben,
`NF and 0.15 mg of propylparaben, NF as preservativesin Water for Injection. USE.
`ZOFRAN lnlectlon is a clear.colt_t_rVless. nonpiyrogenic‘. sterile solution. The pH otthe injection solution is 3.3 to 4.0.‘
`. Sterile. Premixed soifitlon for intravenousAdministration in Single-Dose". Flexible Plastic container: Each 50 mL contains ondansetion
`32 mg (as the hydrochloride dihydrate): dextrose 2500 mg;~and citricacid 26 mg and sodium citrate 11.5 mg as butters in Water for lnjec-
`tion..l.lSP.ltcontainsno preservatives. The osmclarity of this solution is 270 mosm/I. (approx). and the pH is 3.0 to 4.0..
`;7— -

`’ _
`Pherrner:ettyrramlt:s:__Ondansetron iVsa.selective 5-HT; receptor antagonist. While ondansetron's mechanism of action has not been fully
`characterized. it is not_a'dopamine—receptorantagonist. Serotonin receptors of the 5-HT, type are present both periphelalb/.on vagal nerve‘
`terminals and cemrally in the chemoreceptor trigger zone of the area postrema. it is not certain whether onda'nsetron's antiemetic action in
`ated with release of serotonin from ttreenterochrpnraffin cells olthe small intestin_e:ln humans. urinary 5_-l-llAA (5:hydroxyindoleaeetic acid)
`_’ ”’_
`' ’

`' .
`- _ ‘
`,. _
`1 ;‘
`‘ ;
`..vagotomy and greater splanchnic nerve section, or pretreatment witha serotonin 5-HT, receptor antagonist
`In nonnal volunteers, single l.\I. doses of0.15 mg"/kg ofondansetroli t'ia1‘no effect on esophageal motility. gastric motility, loweresopha-
`geal sphincter pressure. orsmall intestinal transit time. in anotltecstudy in.six normal male volunteers. a 16-mgflse infused over 5 minutes.
`showed no effect of the drug oncardiac output, hearrrate. stm.ke_volum'e. blood pressure. or electrocardiogram (ECG). Multiday adminis-V
`tratlon ofondansetron hasVheen shown to slow colonic transit In n_orrnal volunteers. Ondansetron has no effect onplasma prolactin
`1 '

`I -
`‘ '
`Onclansetron does not alter the respiratory depressant effects produced by affentanil
`“by atracurlum. Interactions with general or local anesthetics have not been studied.
`‘ Pliannecokinetlce: Qndansetron is extensively rrtetabolized_iri hti’ri1‘a'iis';with approitirrrately 5% of a radiolabeled d
` Elimination Half-life (ll), .
`ild-to-moderate liver impair-'
`rth Increases in the mean apparent vhfime of distribution of less than twofold. as
`compared to normals. The mean hail—lile of 3.6 hours in normals increased to 92 hours in patients with mild-to-moderate hepatic impair-
`ment and-was _pr_olong_ed to 20.6 hours inpatients with severevhepatic insufficiency.
`. A reductron.in_t_:learance and increase in elimination half-life are seen in patients over 75 years old. in clinical trials with patients with -
`cancer. there was neither a difference in,safety nor efficacy between-patients over 65 years of age and those under 65 years of age; there
`was an insttfficiem number of patientsrover 75 years‘of age to permit conclusions in that age-group. No adjustment in dosage-is recom-
`mended rn the elderty..
`' -»
`.‘ '
`pediatric patients (see CLINICAL TRIALS: Pediatricsm
`In a study of 21 -pedliflic Ditienis (aged 3 to 12 yrs) who were undergoing surgery requiring anesthesia for a duration of 45 minutes-
`to 2 hours. a single l.V. dose of ondansetron. 2 mg (3 to 7years)’or4 mg (8 to 12 years). was administered immediately prior to ‘anesthesia
`induction. Mean weight-nonnalized clearance and volume of distribution values in these pediatric surgical patients were similar to those
`previously reported foryoung adultssMean term‘
`hall-lifewas slightly reduced in pediatric Mients (range. gs to 3hours)_in comparison’
`with adults (range. 3 to 3.5 hours).
`in normal volumeers (19;to 30 years old;n = 23). the peak plasma concenhation was 264 ng/mL following a single 32-mg dose admin-
`istered as a 15-minute l.V. infusion. The mean elimination half-lite was 4.1 hours. systemic exposure to 32_mg of ondansetron was not.
`proportional to dose as measured by oornnanng dose-nonnalmd AUG wines to an 81mg dose. This is consistent with a small decrease in

`systemic clearance with tncreaslnd plasma concentrations.
`Astudywas perfonnedrn normalvolunteers(n;'56)toevaluamdnnhamaooldnedcsofasutgled-mgdoseadmmlsteredasas-ndnum~
`inlusien compared to a single intramuscular injection. Systemic exposure as measured by mean AUG was equivalent. with values of
`155 [9556 or 136. 180] and 151 195% CVl137.19o]ng-n/mL for l.v. and LM. omups. respectively. Mean D933 Plasma coneentrationsvrere
`429 [9593 cl 3:18, 54.4] ng/mL at to minutes after l.lI. infusion and 31.9 [9596 cl 26.3. 38.6] ng/mL at 41.mrnutesafterl.M.
`Page 9 of 27

` Z0l=HAN°:.(Thdansetron hydrochloride) Injection A
`A ZOFBAN° (ondansetron hydrochloride) Injection Premixed
`- —Elasnra pmtein binding of ondansetron as measured in vitro was 70% to 76%-. with binding constant over the plrannacologic concentra-
`tion range (10th 500 nglmt). Circulating drug also distributes intc erythrocytes.
`0 Pfisitiviflymphoblast transfonnation test to ondansetron has been reported. which suggests immunologic sensitivity to ondansetron.
`Chorhottrenprlnduced Nausea and Vomiting: In a double-blind study of threediftererrt dosing regimens of ZOFRAN injection, 0.015 mt}/kl-J.
`0.15 mil/kit. and 0.30 mu/kn, each given three times during the courseot cancer chemotherapy, the 0.1ErmgIlrg dosing regimen was more
`effective than the 0.015-my/lip dosifigregimen. The 0.30-ma/kg dosing reuimehwas not shown to be more'eflective than the (L15-mg/kg
`dosing regimen.
`cleplnlln-Baudcnemomenpnln a double-blind study-irr28 patients. ZOFRAN injection (three 0.15mg/lro doses) was signifntlymore
`we thahlplacebo in preventing nausea and vomiting induced by cispIatr'n—based chemotherapy. Treatment responsewas as follows:
`ram": 2: Prevention or crfémoiiiaiapy-Induced Nausea and germ in Single-Bay clsplalin Therapy‘
`Number of patients _
`4- '
`treatment response
`. "
`0 Emetic episodes
`.1-2 Ematic episodes
`as Emetic episodes
`“ '
`More than 5 emetic episcdeslrescued‘
`_ Median number of emeticepisodes
`. Median timetdfirst érfretic episodeth)
`Median nauseascores (o-1oo)_§.
`’_"' 7
`7 ~
`‘Efficacy based-on“aIIpat_iemstreated'1analysis.
`*Median undefined since at least 50% of the patients-were rescued or had more than five emetic episodes.
`‘ "Wisual analog scale assessment of nausea:'0.= no nausea. 100 = nausea as bad as it can be.
`. ‘Visual analog scale assessment otsatisfactinn: q__=, not at allsatistied, 100 = totally satisfied.
`, Ondanselron was"'compar‘éd with metocloprarnide in a single—blind trr‘ah‘n 307 patientsreceiving cisplatin 2100 mg/m2 with or without
`other chemliiitmneutic agents. Patients received the first dose of ondansetron or metocloprarhide 30 minutes before cisplatin. Two addi-
`tional ondansetron doses wereadrninistered 4 and 8 houilater. or five additional rnetoclopramide doses were administered 2. 4. 7. 10, and
`’ 13 hours later. Cisplatin was administered over a period or 3 hours or less. Episodes of vomiting and retching were tabulated.mrer the period
`of 24 hours alter cisplatln. The results of this study are summarized belonn=-
`Table3: Prevention at some lndueedby cisplatirr(2100 mg/m'=)'srngie-ouy Therapy‘ I __,_
`Z_0l-’HAN injection
`0.15_ mg/kg x 3
`2 mg/kg x 6
`Number of-patients in_V@r:y population " _
`138 ‘
`‘ Treatmem response»
`0 Emetic episodes,
`54 (-10%)
`41 (30%)
`1'2 Emetic episodes
`34 (25%), —
`30 (22%)
`. ~-
`= -~3-5 Emetir: episodes
`_ _19(14_°/.)
`More than 5 emetic episodes/rescu
`49 (36°/»)_
`- comparispnof-treatinents with respect to ‘
`.0 Emelicepisodes’
`0.009 —
`_‘ _
`- More than.5 emetic episodes/rescued
`. 49/138
`' Median number oremetic episodes
`Median time to first aneiic‘episode (h)
`Global satisfaction with control of nausea and vomiting (0400)?
`B5’ .77 V —-
`"Acute dystfinic reactions
`,_ "
`' -
`-— -
`— ‘0.005
`s,_' ‘In §ddition4ofcisplatirT,68% of patients‘
`other chemotherapeutic ag—erTt§. including cyclcphosphamide, etoposide. and fluorouracil.
`There was no difference _p=etween treatments in the types of chemotherapy that would account for differences in response.
`' Tvisual analog scale assessment 0 = nntatall satisfied.—100 = totally satisfied.
`Forty-one of the ondansetron patients were over 65 yéar‘s"ot age. The complete response rate (lero erneticepisodes) was 41% in this group
`compared with’-10% in those 65 years old or younger.
`In a
`randomized, double-blind, parallel-group. multicenter studs? ‘single -32-mg dose of ondansetron was compared with three
`0.15-mollto doses inpatientsroceiving cisplatln doses 01 either 50 to 70 mg/ml or 2100 mglm’. Patients received the first ondansetron
`dose 30 minutes belore cispiatin. Two additional ondansetron doses were administered 4 and 8 hours later to the group receiving three
`0.15-ma/kg dosesfln bath strata, sighiticantty fewer. patientson the single 32-mg dose than ttrosereceivino the three-dose regimen failed?" ‘
`Table 4: Prevention of lthernottroreyy-induced Mao and Ernesis In Single"-Don 11rIrIpy A
`~~—~ M
`.l? ._
`. _.
`-7 .-
`"' "
`-~ ‘
`. Page 10 of 27
`__ A.
`Number arfiienis
`0 Emetic episodes
`More than 5 emetic episodeslrescued
`3-5 Emetir: episodes
`Median time tofirstemetic episode (ll)
`Median nauseascores 0100)‘
`Medlumjlon eisplotln (50-Tltmu/in’)
`Number of patients
`Treatment response
`0 Emetic episodes
`3-5 Emetic episodes
`Modlan time to tirst orneti:
`Median nausea scores (0-1ll1)" ‘
`~ " ‘trim.-slain-.I.m.....r......_..__._:\
`) ‘
`:_ '-
`: '.
`'_ ~3-
`Page 10 of 27

`~~ZOFRAN°(ondansetron hydrochloride)Jniection
`ZOERAN9(on_dansetron hydrocfrlorirle)lniection Premixed--
`Plasma protein bindingofondansetronasmeasuredin vitro was 76%,withbindinoconstantoverfhe prtannaoo'logic concetltra: “'
`tion range (10 to 500 ngImL). Circulating drug also distributes into erythrocytes.
`A positivelymphoblasttrahsfonnation testto ondanse_t_r_on_has been reported. which suggests immunologicsensitivitvto ondansetron.
`____ ,
`Cllemotherepy-induced mumand Vomiting:Inadouble-blind studyofthreedifferentdosingregimensofzornm injection,o.o15 ma/ks.
`0.15 mg/kg. and 0.30 mg/kg, each given three times during the course of cancer chemotherapy, the 0.15—rng/kg dosing regimen was more
`-—effective than the 0.015-mg/kg dosingregimen. The 0.30-mg/kg dosing regimen was not shown to he more effective thanthe 0.15-mg/kg
`dosing regimen.
`CfspIatin—Basedcriemonmp;Ina double-blindshrdy,_in 23
`zornnirifiieeion (three0.15—rngIkpdoses)"wassignificarmymore
`effective than[°L’ltlng nausea and vomiting induced bycrsplatrn-based chemotherapy. Treatment response was as follows.“
`Table 2: Prevenfloit ‘oi rirnmottterany-induced Neuseaand Ernesls in singrsoay cisprarrn Therapy‘
`ZOFRAN lniection
`-_ Number of patients
`5-" ,
`Treatment response
`-3; —
`0 (0%)
`2 (14%)
`0 Emetic episodes -----A
`0 (0%)
`8 (57%)
`1-2 Emetic episodes __
`1 (7%)
`2 (14%)
`_ 3-5 Emetfc episodes
`13 (93%)
`g _ ,
`2 (14%)
`More than 5 emetic episodeslrescued -
`" " 1.5
`_Median number ofemetic episodes
`0.001 .
`11.6 —'
`--Median timeto first emetic episode (h)
`'- '"" V
`V -- f
`Median nausea scores (0-100)§
`Global satisfaction with control'of nausea and vomiting (0-1002'. .,
`.'chemotherapy was high dose (100 and 120 mglmz; ZOFHAN lif)e‘r:tion n = 6, placebo n = 5) ormoderate dose (50 and-00’mgIm‘: ZOFRAN
`Injection n = B. placebo n = 9). other chemotherapeutic agentsincluded fluorouracit:doxorubicin. andcyclophosphamide. There was no ‘
`difference between treatments in thetypes ofchemotherapy ttrat would account for differences in response.
`_, .
`1Etflcary based on “all patients treated” analysts.
`.. -.—
`‘Median undefined since at least 50% of the patients were rescued or had more than five emetic episodes? '
`5Vlsual analog scale assessment of nausea: 0 = no naus. 100 = nausea as bad as itcan be.
`--5*‘ ' ‘ " Visual analog scale assessment of satisfaction: 0,: notatall satisfied. 100 = totally satisfied.
`- Ondansetron was compared with metoclupramida in a singleeblind trial in 307 patients receiving cisplarin 2100 rngIm?wittr or without
`thetchemotlierapeutfc agents; Patients received the first dose of ondansetzon ormetoclopramide 30 minutes before cispfatin. Two addi-
`tional ondansetron doses werevadministered 4 and 8 hours later. or five additional metoclupramide doses were administered 2. 4. 7. 10, and
`“ ‘13 hours later. Cisplatin was administered over a period of3 hours or-less. Episodes of vomiting and retching were tabulated over the period
`of 24 ho_urs after cisplatin. The results ofthis study aresummarized below.
`Table 3: Prevention of Ernest: Induced byclsplatin (2100'mgIrn’) Single-_Day‘ Therapy; .____ ’ .

` Number of patients in efficacy population’
`! ~
`Treatment response .
`'41 (30%)
`._ o Emetic episodes
`30 (22%)
`34 (25%)
`1-2 Emetic episodes
`18 (13%)
`19 (14%)
`3-5 Emetic episodes’
`49 (36%)
`29 (21%)
`A __.
`— —
`j’ Morethan5 emetic episodeslrescyed '
`comparison oftreatmerrtswith respectto
`- "‘ .54/13§
`0.083 -
`0Emetic episodes
`' '”'
`' 0L9__
`More than 5 emetic.episodes/rescued
`hr 2 "
`_ ‘
`_Median numberofemeficepisodes
`Median timetoflrstemettcepisode (h)
`__.H - 63‘
`85 ,,,
`Global satisfaction with comrol of nausea and vomiting (0-100)’
`g B"-*—.— —’
`Acutedystonir: reactions
`" Arratmsia
`‘In addition to cisplatin. 68% of patients-received other chemotherapeutic agents. including cyclophosphamide. etoposide. andsftuorouracil. “
`_Itrere wasrnidifference betweentreatments inthe types of chemotherapy that would account fordifferences in response.
`‘Visual analog scale assessment; 0: not at_alI satisfied. 100 = totally satisfied.
`_ _"Forty-one of the ondansetron patients were ever 65 years rrfage. The complete responserate (zero emetic episodes) was 41% in this group
`~-a- -cgmparedwith40%intlrose’65.vears oldoryoonger.

`'— _—
`In a stratified. randomized. double-blind. parallel-group. multicenterstudy. a single32-mg dose oLndanset1on wascomparedwiththrmr_
`_V__0.f5'-mg/kg dosesifpatientsreoelving cisplatin doses of either 50 to 7Qmglrn3.or_2T00‘i'ng/m3;-Patients received the first onrtansetron
`’ '“duse'30 minutes before cisplatin. Two additional ondaosetron doses were administered 4 and B hours‘la’terto~the group receirdng three
`——0.4 5-mg/kg doses. In truth strata. significantly fewer patients on the single 32-n'ifi'ose than those receiving the three-dose regimen failed. - .
`Table 4: Prevention of chernotherariy-induced Hansen and Emule in Single-Dose Therapy", .
`Ondansetron Dose
`32 mg x 1
` ' I-llgh-dose erspiatIn_(zjoo mg/in’)
`Number of patients
`Treatment response
`49 (48%)
`41 (41%)
`0Emetic episodes
`25 (25%) -~ -
`_ 19 (19%)
`1-2 Emetic episodes
`8 (8%)
`4 (4%)
`3-5 Emetic episodes
`0 009
`20 (20%)
`36 (36%)
`More than 5 emetic episodes/rescued
`Median time to first emetic episode (h)
`Median nausea scores (0-100 '
`Medium-dose clsplatin (5040 mgfm’)
` Number of patiems I01
`T eatrn nt
`'— '
`_ z i
`1-2 Emetic episodes‘
`11 (11%)
`'4 (15%)
`3-5 Emetic episodes
`6 (6%)
`3 (3%)
`More than 5 emetic episodes/rescued
`22 (22%)
`B (9%)
`Median time to first emetic episode (h)
` Median nausea scores (0-100)‘ ~ 9 3 0-73‘) .

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`Page 11 of 27

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`ZDFRANF--(ondansetmn h¥'drocl_Ilt'r-ridetlnjeotlgn 3
` -
`ZOFRAN°(ondansetron hydroc lo_ride)_lru'ection-PremixedV
`' __
`The resultsaresumrr'ia7i?e"d"
`inprevenfing nauseaand
`mriE Prevention atchemotherapy-Induced mum and aunt: in single-nay tiyelnpho:phamidI'l1ierIpy’
`of patients
`Treatment response
`0 Emetic episodes
`1-2 Emetic episodes —— V-—
`< “"
`lyre than 5 emetic episodulrescued '
`Median number atemetir: episodm
`-— -~ --
`Median time to first emetic episode (h)"
`Median nauseascores to-rm);
`GIob_al'satislaction with control of nausea and vomiting (o-too)‘
`rapy that would account torditterences in response.
`ittticacy based on “allpatients.treated" anatysis.
`. g,
`sinceat least 50% ot patients did nuuiaveany emetic‘episodes. -—
`__-. e ,
`§Visua| analog scaleasessmentof nausea‘ 0 = no nausea, 100 =' nausea as bad as itcan be.
`"Visual analog scale assessment ot satisfaction: 0 = not at all satisfied; 100 a: totally satisfied.
`. no-Irnbnont: In uncontrolled trials. 127-patientueeeiving cisplatin (median dose..Jo0rngIm'é’)and.ondansetmn who had two or fewer
`emetic episodes were retreatedwith ondansetron and chemotneflvy. mainlycisplatin. foratotal of 269 re-treatment courses7Tn.e'rtian. 2; _
`‘range, 1 tntll). Noemeticepisodesoocurred in160 (59%). and
`emeticepisodes occurred in 217 (81%) re-treatmentcourses.
`PediatricStudios:Four operrlabei. nonoomparative (one US. three foreign) trials have been perfonned with 209 pediatric cancer patients
`aged 4 to 18years given avarietyot ctsotatirier noncisplatin regimens. Inthethreeforeigntrials. the initialZOFRAN Injection dose ranged
`'_lrom 0.04 to 0.87 mglkg to
`ondansetron ranging tromt to
`metic episodes on day 1. Thus.
`FRAN Injection
`,_. .
`» ”
`i-- ‘
`"‘"’ A
`g was well tolerated in thesepedlatric patients.
`Poflflltlmivfl llltml Ind V0ffliiifl92A_£’1Il;I[€!ln o!Post'operaIinNeueaml VorrrIllr'rg:Adult surpi
`immediately before the induction ol general balanced anesthesia (barbiturategthiopental, metlrohexital
`gtentanyl: nitrous oxide; neuromuseularbloclcadez succrnylcltolino/curare and/or vecuronium oratracurium; and so
`pplemental isotlurane)
`were evaluated in two double-blind US studies involving 554 patients. ZOFRAN Injection (4 mg) l.V. g;ven_over2_to 5.minutes was signiti-—
`ntty/rnoreetfectivethan placebo. Theresultsotthesestudiesare‘summari_zed beldwz‘
`—Table 8: Pmerrtton offtlfllwntlve Nausea ind Vomiting In Adult Patients.
` Ondansetron 4 mg1.V.
` Emeticepisodeg ’ V‘ _ _ " — f __‘_-
`~t36 -
`' “
`Treatmentresponse over24~n postoperative period
`..___ _
`’ “
`<0.001 '
`9 ',_n_ _— —
`Morethan'1 emetic episode//rescu
`Nausea assessments:
`Number otpatients
`-No nausea aver 24-lr postoperative period
`72: .
`' "‘
`"--~_P_ ..
`_ ..
`143 - g
`Jtlemberotpatients __
`, Treatrnentresponseo1e_rgt_-h postopefative period
`' '7
`‘ B5(63%)
`1 Emetie episode
`-. _ .
`Morethant emetic episodwrescued
`35.(26%)— ‘
`5t (36%)
`Nausea assessments:
`' '
`- ""“"”
`Number at patients
`_ _".‘~""
`- _> .
`_ .
`-5 —'

`2-s .
`. ”.
`T _
`Page 12 of 27

`nZ0‘FBAN°’(ondansetron hydrochloride)'Iniection
`ZOFltAN° (ondansetron hydrochloride) Injection l’remixed__

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