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`* M US-2004/0193246 A 1
`US-2002/0191878 A 1
`US-2004/0121283 A 1
`Tanaka et al.
`Karabin, Roger J.
`Heath et al.
`Heath et al.
`Matsutani et al.
`Wong et al.
`Moorleghem et al.
`Sachdeva et al.
`Bessel ink et al.
`Ueda et al.
`Mason, Robert M.
`Shiota, Hiroyuki
`Ferrera, David A.
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`Patel et al.
`Matsutani et al.
`US-7,137,815 82
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`Neill H. Luebke
`Dental and Medical Instruments Comprising Titanium
`Commissioner For Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Dear Sir:
`Pursuant to 37 CFR 1.97-1.98, Applicants are submitting herewith a listing of
`documents on an Information Disclosure Statement.
`The references cited on the attached Information Disclosure Statement have
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`Application No. 13/455,841
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`Information Disclosure Statement by Applicant be returned in accordance with MPEP §
`Date: January 29, 2014
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Richard T. Roche/
`Richard T. Roche, Reg. No. 38,599
`Attorney for Applicant
`Quarles & Brady LLP
`411 E. Wisconsin Ave.
`Milwaukee, WI 53202
`QB\115207.00011 \24859216.1

`Dental and Medical Instruments Comprising Titanium
`Docket No.: 115207.00011
`This application is a continuation of U.S. Patent Application No. 13/455,841
`filed April 25, 2012, which is a continuation of U.S. Patent Application No. 13/336,579
`filed December 23, 2011, now U.S. Patent No. 8,562,341, which is a continuation of
`U.S. Patent Application No. 12/977,625 filed December 23, 2010, now U.S. Patent
`No. 8,083,873, which is a divisional application of U.S. Patent Application No.
`11/628,933, now U.S. Patent No. 8,062,033, filed December 7, 2006 which is a 371
`of PCT/US05/19947 filed June 7, 2005 which claims priority from United States
`Patent Application No. 60/578,091 filed June 8, 2004.
`Not Applicable.
`1. Field of the Invention
`The invention relates to instruments used in medicine and dentistry. More
`particularly, the invention relates to medical and dental instruments such as drills,
`burs and files, and to endodontic instruments such as drills, burs and files used by
`2. Description of the Related Art
`Endodontics or root canal therapy is the branch of dentistry that deals with
`diseases of the dental pulp and associated tissues. One aspect of endodontics
`comprises the treatment of infected root canals by removal of diseased pulp tissues
`and subsequent filling.
`Figure 1 shows a representation of a tooth to provide background. Root
`canal therapy is generally indicated for teeth having sound external structures but
`having diseased, dead or dying pulp tissues. Such teeth will generally possess intact
`enamel 1 0 and dentin 12, and will be satisfactorily engaged with the bony tissue 20,
`- 1 -

`by among other things, healthy periodontal ligaments 18. In such teeth, the pulp
`tissue 14, and excised portions of the root 16, should be replaced by a biocompatible
`substitute. Figure 1 also shows the apical foramen 22 through which blood and
`nerves pass to support the pulp tissues.
`[0006] One method for the preparation of a root canal for filling is represented by
`Figures 2a-2e. A tooth having a basically sound outer structure 24 but diseased pulp
`26, is cut with conventional or coated dental drill 28 creating a coronal access
`opening 30. A broach is used for gross removal of pulp material 26 from the root
`canal through the coronal access opening 30. The void 32 formed is enlarged as in
`Figure 2d with file 34, to result in a fully excavated cavity 36. Debris is removed from
`this cavity by flushing and the cavity cleansed to remove all diseased tissue. The
`excavated canal is then ready for filling.
`During this procedure, small endodontic instruments (e.g., file 34) are
`utilized to clean and enlarge the long narrow tapered root canals. While most files
`perform entirely satisfactorily when cleaning and enlarging a straight root canal,
`problems have been encountered when using certain files to clean and enlarge a
`curved root canal. As will be understood by those skilled in the art, a very large
`portion of the root canals encountered by a practicing dentist and/or endodontist are
`of the curved variety, and thus this problem is a significant one for the profession.
`[0008] When performing an operation on a curved root canal with a smaller
`diameter file, the file can easily be inserted into the curved canal and will easily bend
`to fit the curved shape of the canal due to the flexibility of the small diameter file. In
`Figure 1 a, there is shown the file 34 of Figure 2d in a bent position. The file 34 has a
`shank 42 mounted at its proximate end 47 to a handle 43. The shank 42 may include
`calibrated depth markings 45 and further includes a distal end 48. The shank 42
`includes two continuous helical flutes 51 as shown in Figure 1 b that extend along its
`lower portion. The flutes 51 define a cutting edge. A helical land 53 is positioned
`between axially adjacent flutes as shown in Figure 1 b.
`[0009] While file 34 can easily bend to fit the curved shape of a canal due to the
`flexibility of the small diameter shank 42, with increasingly larger sizes of files, the file
`- 2-

`becomes significantly less flexible and becomes more and more difficult to insert
`through the curved portion of the canal. In some cases, the relatively inflexible file
`will cut only on the inside of the curve and will not cut on the outside of the curvature
`of the root canal. Thus, the problems, which occur during the therapy of a root canal,
`are often the result of the basic stiffness of the files, particularly with the respect to
`the instruments of larger diameter.
`Various solutions have been proposed to limit the problems encountered
`when cleaning and enlarging a curved root canal with a file. For example, U.S.
`Patent No. 4,443,193 describes a shaped endodontic instrument that is said to solve
`this problem. U.S. Patent No. 5,380,200 describes an endodontic instrument having
`an inner core and an outer shell wherein one of the cores or shell is a nickel-titanium
`alloy and the other core or shell is selected from stainless steel, titanium alpha alloy,
`titanium beta alloy, and titanium alpha beta alloy. (For background on beta-titanium,
`see U.S. Patent Nos. 4,197,643; 4,892,479; 4,952,236; 5,156,807; 5,232,361;
`5,264,055; 5,358,586; 5,947,723; 6,132,209; and 6,258,182.) U.S. Patent No.
`5,464,362 describes an endodontic instrument of a titanium alloy that is machined
`under certain specific operating parameters to produce an instrument having high
`flexibility, high resistance to torsion breakage, and sharp cutting edges. U.S. Patent
`No. 6,315,558 proposes the use of superelastic alloys such as nickel-titanium that
`can withstand several times more strain than conventional materials without
`becoming plastically deformed. This property is termed shape memory, which allows
`the superelastic alloy to revert back to a straight configuration even after clinical use,
`testing or fracture (separation).
`In spite of the aforementioned advances, there remains a need for medical
`and dental instruments, and particularly endodontic instruments, such as drills, burs
`and files, that have high flexibility, have high resistance to torsion breakage, maintain
`shape upon fracture, can withstand increased strain, and can hold sharp cutting
`- 3 -

`The present invention overcomes the problems encountered when
`cleaning and enlarging a curved root canal. In one aspect, the invention provides an
`endodontic instrument for use in performing root canal therapy on a tooth. The
`instrument includes an elongate shank having a cutting edge extending from a distal
`end of the shank along an axial length of the shank. The shank comprises a titanium
`alloy, and the shank is prepared by heat-treating the shank at a temperature above
`25°C in an atmosphere consisting essentially of a gas unreactive with the shank.
`The shank has high flexibility, high resistance to torsion breakage, maintains shape
`upon fracture, can withstand increased strain, and can hold sharp cutting edges.
`Thus, it solves the problems encountered when cleaning and enlarging a curved root
`In another aspect, the invention provides an endodontic instrument for use
`in performing root canal therapy on a tooth. The instrument has an elongate shank
`having a cutting edge extending from a distal end of the shank along an axial length
`of the shank. The shank consists essentially of a titanium alloy selected from alpha(cid:173)
`titanium alloys, beta-titanium alloys, and alpha-beta-titanium alloys. The shank
`avoids the use of complex two material systems that are expensive to produce and
`are prone to delamination of the materials. This version of the invention also solves
`the problems encountered when cleaning and enlarging a curved root canal.
`These and other features, aspects, and advantages of the present
`invention will become better understood upon consideration of the following detailed
`description, drawings, and appended claims.
`Figure 1 is a cross-sectional view of a tooth.
`Figure 1 a is a side elevational view of an endodontic instrument.
`Figure 1 b is a partial detailed view of the shank of the endodontic
`instrument shown in Figure 1 a.
`- 4-

`Figures 2a-2e represent a prior art procedure for preparing a tooth for
`endodontic restoration.
`Figure 3 is a graph showing the results of a study of torsion (Mt) reported in
`g,:,cm performed in accordance with "ISO Standard 3630-1 Dentistry- Root-canal
`instruments- Part 1: General requirements and ANSI/ADA Specification No. 28,
`Endodontic files and reamers" for untreated (Control) files, heat-treated files (TT),
`and titanium nitride coated files (Ti-N).
`Figure 4 is a graph showing the results of a study of torsion (At) reported in
`degrees of deflection performed in accordance with "ISO Standard 3630-1 Dentistry-
`Root-canal instruments- Part 1: General requirements and ANSI/ADA Specification
`No. 28, Endodontic files and reamers" for untreated (Control) files, heat-treated files
`(TT), and titanium nitride coated files (Ti-N).
`Figure 5 is a graph showing the results of a study of maximum torque at
`45° of flexion (Mf) reported in g,:,cm performed in accordance with "ISO Standard
`3630-1 Dentistry- Root-canal instruments- Part 1: General requirements and
`ANSI/ADA Specification No. 28, Endodontic files and reamers" for untreated (Control)
`files, heat-treated files (TT), and titanium nitride coated files (Ti-N).
`Figure 6 is a graph showing the results of a study of angle of permanent
`deformation after the flexion test (ADP) reported in degrees of deflection performed in
`accordance with "ISO Standard 3630-1 Dentistry- Root-canal instruments- Part 1:
`General requirements and ANSI/ADA Specification No. 28, Endodontic files and
`reamers" for untreated (Control) files, heat-treated files (TT), and titanium nitride
`coated files (Ti-N).
`Figure 7 is a graph showing the results of a study of fatigue reported in
`cycles (revolutions) to failure for untreated (Control) files, heat-treated files (TT), and
`titanium nitride coated files (Ti-N). This study was performed in accordance with the
`ISO Standard 3630-2 Dental root-canal instruments- Part 2: Enlargers and
`ANSI/ADA Specification No. 95, for Root canal enlargers".
`- 5 -

`[0024] One embodiment of the invention provides an improved endodontic
`instrument for use in performing root canal therapy on a tooth. This embodiment of
`the invention is an endodontic instrument as shown in Figure 1 a that includes an
`elongate shank 42 mounted at its proximate end 47 to a handle 43. The shank 42
`may be about 30 millimeters long. The proximate end 47 may have a diameter of
`about 0.5 to about 1.6 millimeters. The shank 42 may include calibrated depth
`markings 45 and further includes a distal end 48. The shank 42 includes two
`continuous helical flutes 51 as shown in Figure 1 b that extend along its lower portion.
`The flutes 51 define a cutting edge. A helical land 53 is positioned between axially
`adjacent flutes as shown in Figure 1 b.
`The shank 42 comprises a titanium alloy, and is prepared by heat-treating
`the shank at a temperature above 25°C in an atmosphere consisting essentially of a
`gas unreactive with the shank. Preferably, the temperature is from 400oc up to but
`not equal to the melting point of the titanium alloy, and most preferably, the
`temperature is from 475°C to 525°C. Preferably, the gas is selected from the group
`consisting of helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon. Most preferably, the
`gas is argon. In one example embodiment, the shank is heat-treated for
`approximately 1 to 2 hours. In another example embodiment, the shank is heat-
`treated at 500oc for 75 minutes. However, other temperatures are suitable as they
`are dependent on the time period selected for heat exposure.
`The titanium alloy may be selected from alpha-titanium alloys, beta-
`titanium alloys, alpha-beta-titanium alloys, and nickel-titanium alloys. Non-limiting
`examples of alpha-titanium alloys, beta-titanium alloys, alpha-beta-titanium alloys for
`use in this embodiment of the invention are: Ti-5AI-2.5Sn alpha alloy; Ti-5AI-2.5Sn(cid:173)
`ELI (low 0 2) alpha alloy; Ti-3AI-2.5V alpha alloy; Ti-5AI-5Zr-5Sn alpha alloy; Ti-6AI-
`2Cb-1Ta-0.8Mo alpha alloy; Ti-5AI-5Sn-2Zr-2Mo-0.25Si near alpha alloy; Ti-6AI-2Nb-
`1Ta-1Mo near alpha alloy; Ti-8AI-1Mo-1V near alpha alloy; Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo near
`alpha alloy; Ti-6AI-2Sn-1.5Zr-1 Mo-0.35Bi-0.1 Si near alpha alloy; Ti-2.25-AI-11 Sn-
`5Zr-1 Mo-0.2Si near alpha alloy; Ti-3AI-2.5V alpha-beta alloy; Ti-1 OV-2Fe-3AI alpha-
`- 6-

`beta alloy; Ti-5AI-2Sn-2Zr-4Mo-4Cr alpha-beta alloy; Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo alpha-beta
`alloy; Ti-4AI-4Mn alpha-beta alloy; Ti-6AI-2Sn-2Zr-2Mo-2Cr-0.25Si alpha-beta alloy;
`Ti-4AI-3Mo-1V alpha-beta alloy; Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo alpha-beta alloy; Ti-11 Sn-5Zr-
`2AI-1 Mo alpha-beta alloy; Ti-6AI-4V alpha-beta alloy; Ti-6AI-4V-ELI (low 02) alpha-
`beta alloy; Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn-0.75Cu alpha-beta alloy; Ti-7AI-4Mo alpha-beta alloy; Ti-
`6AI-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo alpha-beta alloy; Ti-5AI-1.5Fe-1.5Cr-1.5Mo alpha-beta alloy; Ti-
`8Mn alpha-beta alloy; Ti-8Mo-8V-2Fe-3AI beta alloy; Ti-11.5Mo-6Zr-4.5Sn beta alloy;

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