`Page 1
`- against -
`Patent Owner.
`Case No. PGR2015-00019
`April 20, 2016
`9:00 a.m.
`1133 Avenue of the Americas
`New York, New York
`GOLDBERG, Ph.D., held at the above-mentioned time
`and place, before Randi Friedman, a Registered
`Professional Reporter, within and for the State
`of New York.
`V eritext Legal Solutions
`CASE PGR2015-00019

`Page 2
` A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
` Attorneys for Petitioner
` 1133 Avenue of the Americas
` New York, New York 10036
` Attorneys for Patent Owner
` 607 14th Street, N.W.
` Washington, D.C. 20005
` * * *
` JD Martinez - Videographer
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 3
` A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
` IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED, by and between
`the attorneys for the respective parties hereto,
` All rights provided by the C.P.L.R.,
`and Part 221 of the Uniform Rules for the Conduct
`of Depositions, including the right to object to
`any question, except as to the form, or to move
`to strike any testimony at this examination is
`reserved; and in addition, the failure to object
`to any question or to move to strike any
`testimony at this examination shall not be a bar
`or a waiver to make such motion at, and is
`reserved to, the time of this action.
` This deposition may be sworn to by the
`witness being examined before a Notary Public
`other than the Notary Public before whom this
`examination was begun, but the failure to do so
`or to return the original of this deposition to
`counsel, shall not be deemed a waiver or the
`rights provided by Rule 3116, C.P.L.R., and shall
`be controlled thereby.
` The filing of the original of this
`deposition is waived.
`Veritext Legal Solutions

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` A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
` MR. MARTINEZ: We are now on the
` record. Please note that the microphones
` are sensitive and may pick up whispering and
` private conversations. Please turn off all
` cellphones or just place them away from the
` microphones, as they can interfere with the
` deposition audio. Recording will continue
` until all parties agree to go off the
` record.
` My name is J.D. Martinez,
` representing Veritext New York. The date
` today is April 20th, 2016, and the time is
` approximately 9:03 a.m. This deposition is
` being held at Patterson Belknap, located at
` 1133 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New
` York.
` This case caption is U.S.
` Endodontics, LLC versus Gold Standard
` Instruments, LLC. It is being held in the
` U.S. Patent and Trademark Office before the
` Patent Trial and Appeal Board, Case PGR
` 2015-0019. The name of the witness is Jon
` Goldberg. And at this time, the attorneys
` present in the room will identify themselves
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` A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
` and the parties they represent, after which
` our court reporter, Randi Friedman, will
` swear in the witness, and we can proceed.
` MR. LIEBERMAN: My name is Steve
` Lieberman from the law firm of Rothwell Figg
` Ernst & Manbeck. I'm here with my
` colleague, Jason Nolan, and together we
` represent the patent owner.
` Good morning, Dr. Goldberg.
` THE WITNESS: Good morning.
` MR. GINSBERG: This is Jeff
` Ginsberg. I'm with the law firm of
` Patterson Belknap. I represent the
` petitioner, U.S. Endodontics. With me is my
` colleague, Abhisheck Bapna, and we are also
` representing the witness.
` * * *
` A. JON GOLDBERG, the witness
` herein, having been duly sworn, was examined
` and testified as follows:
` * * *
` Q Good morning, Dr. Goldberg.
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` A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
` A Good morning.
` Q I know that you have been retained in
`a number of matters by the law firm representing
`U.S. Endodontics. That would include the IPR
`proceeding in the Patent Office; is that right?
` A Yes.
` Q That would include the District Court
`litigation in Tennessee?
` A Yes.
` Q And it would also include this matter;
`correct, the PGR?
` A Correct.
` Q Are there any other matters in which
`you've been retained by someone on behalf of U.S.
` A No.
` Q And which entity do you understand
`you've been retained on behalf of?
` A U.S. Endodontics.
` Q And have you been retained directly by
`U.S. Endodontics or by a law firm representing
`U.S. Endodontics?
` A By a law firm.
` Q Originally it was the Kenyon & Kenyon
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` A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`law firm where Mr. Ginsberg was?
` A Yes.
` Q And then when he moved to the
`Patterson Belknap firm, were you separately
`retained by the Patterson Belknap firm?
` A Yes.
` Q From whom do you receive payment for
`your services in these various matters?
` A Patterson Belknap.
` Q Previous to that, from Kenyon &
` A Yes.
` Q Would you please tell me on all of the
`matters together in which you've worked for U.S.
`Endodontics, approximately how much have you
`received for your work in these various matters
`relating to dental supplies?
` A I'm going to estimate 100 to
` Q Do you believe it's closer to the top
`end of that range?
` A I think it's closer to the top end. I
`mean I could go back and check, but that's just
`my estimate.
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`Page 8
` A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
` Q And is there work for which you've
`billed Patterson Belknap for which you have not
`yet received payment?
` A Yes.
` Q And approximately how much is it?
` A $4,000.00.
` Q Is there also work that you perform
`but have not yet billed Patterson Belknap?
` A Yes.
` Q About how much is that?
` A I'm going to estimate $5,000.00.
` Q So your best estimate is that to date,
`you have performed about $160,000.00 worth of
` A That's my estimate.
` Q Now, I'd like to spend a few minutes
`going through some aspects of your background, if
`that's okay with you.
` A Okay.
` Q And I want you to leave apart for the
`moment, leave aside any work that you've done in
`connection with these cases for U.S. Endodontics.
` A Okay.
` Q So I'm asking you about your
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` A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`experience prior to being retained in these
`matters, or after being retained, but on matters
`unrelated to U.S. Endodontics.
` A Okay.
` Q You're with me?
` A Yes.
` Q Have you ever, yourself, made an
`endodontic file?
` A No.
` Q Have you ever supervised anybody
`making an endodontic file?
` A No.
` Q Have you ever, yourself, heat-treated
`an endodontic file?
` A No.
` Q Have you ever supervised anybody
`heat-treating an endodontic file?
` A Separate from this case, no.
` Q And we'll get to the work that you've
`done in connection with this case, but I want to
`ask you about your experience outside of this
` A Okay.
` Q Do you understand that?
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` A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
` A Yes.
` Q So apart from any work that you've
`done on this case, have you ever supervised
`anybody in heat-treating an endodontic file?
` A No.
` Q Have you physically been present in a
`facility when an endodontic file was heat-treated
`and observed that heat treatment?
` A No.
` Q Have you ever written or added a
`protocol for heat-treating an endodontic file?
` A No.
` Q Have you ever written an article or a
`book or a book chapter about how to heat-treat
`endodontic files?
` A I'm trying to recall. Recently
`published a chapter -- well, two things. I had
`done work, to be fair, related to titanium alloys
`for orthodontic wires and recently wrote a
`chapter. I don't recall if -- it was definitely
`when we were doing development work of small
`diameter wires, which are similar to endodontic
`files for the orthodontic wire. We were working
`closely with the manufacturer then. I was doing
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` A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`testing of those small diameter wires.
` Recently I wrote a book chapter on
`orthodontic wires, but there was -- there were
`sections on nickel titanium, and I just don't
`recall right now -- we talked in that book about
`different phases of nickel titanium. I don't
`recall right now if there was any heat treatment
`in that chapter.
` Q Is this something that's been
` A Yes.
` Q What's the name of the book?
` A It's something like Biomechanics --
`Principles of Biomechanics of Orthodontics.
`Something of that -- edited by Charles Burstone.
`Edited by Charles Burstone.
` Q How do you spell Burstone?
` A B-U-R-S-T-O-N-E.
` Q When did you write this chapter?
` A It was probably over a two-year period
`starting maybe three, four years ago.
` Q Let's just talk about what orthodontic
`wires are.
` Those are the wires that are used on
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` A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`braces, for example, when somebody has
`orthodontia; correct?
` A Correct.
` Q They're not drills or files; correct?
` A There are now -- I'm trying to give
`you a complete answer. Some orthodontic therapy
`now does involve drilling small screws into bone
`as part of the orthodontic treatment. So that's
`the closest that -- that seems to be associated
`with what you're asking.
` Q You said you have done work on the
`orthodontic wires; correct?
` A Correct, correct.
` Q Had you done work on the drills that
`are used to drill holes in teeth to put in screws
`for orthodontia?
` A No.
` Q So focusing on the orthodontic wires
`themselves, orthodontic wires are not drills or
`files; correct?
` A Correct.
` Q Orthodontic wires are not used in
`endodontic procedures; correct?
` A I guess it's possible in a given case
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` A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`there'd be a combination of endodontics and
`endodontics. But the wires is not used for
`endodontic therapy.
` Q The endodontic therapy we're talking
`about are things like root canal procedures;
` A Yes.
` Q And you're unaware of procedures in
`which -- or a circumstance in which orthodontic
`wires used for braces would be used in an
`endodontic procedure; correct?
` A Correct.
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to form.
` Q And the orthodontic wires that you've
`worked with you said involve titanium alloys?
` A Yes.
` Q Did they involve nickel titanium
` A Yes. We were doing testing -- we were
`developing Beta titanium alloys in a number of
`coverage positions in that area. We were doing
`comparisons to nickel titanium.
` Q Were the wires that you were working
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` A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`on nickel titanium orthodontic wires?
` A Yes.
` Q And when did you start to do that
` A 1980, '85.
` Q Did you ever yourself personally
`heat-treat nickel titanium orthodontic wires?
` A I don't recall.
` Q You don't recall doing that?
` A Right.
` Q Did you ever, yourself, personally
`supervise the heat treatment of nickel titanium
`orthodontic wires?
` A I don't believe so. We were doing
`processing of Beta titanium wires including
`different thermal processing, but I don't recall
`if we actually did the heat-treating on the
`nickel titanium. We were comparing it to the
`nickel titanium.
` Q Someone else had prepared the nickel
`titanium orthodontic wires, and you were just
`comparing what you were working on to what
`somebody else had prepared; is that correct?
` A Correct.
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`Page 15
` A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to form.
` Q So just so the record is clear, you
`don't recall ever having supervised the heat
`treatment of any nickel titanium orthodontic
`wires; correct?
` A Well, we would select wires that are
`of interest to us. They may well have been
`heat-treated. I just don't know. It was what
`was available to us that we wanted to compare to,
`but I didn't personally supervise the heat
`treatment of those wires.
` Q Let's just be very clear. You told me
`you were working on some orthodontic wires which
`you compared to nickel titanium orthodontic wires
`that had been prepared by other people; correct?
` A Correct.
` Q So I want to focus on the preparation
`of nickel titanium orthodontic wires.
` A Okay.
` Q You were never involved in preparing
`nickel titanium orthodontic wires; correct?
` A Well, exclusive of selecting them and
`testing them. Not the actual -- I wasn't
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` A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`involved in the actual fabrication of the wires.
`Not the nickel titanium ones.
` Q Right. You didn't make them or
`supervise the making of them; correct?
` A Not the nickel titanium wires.
` Q That's what I'm asking about.
` A Yes.
` Q So, again, just to be very clear,
`you've never participated in the heat treatment
`of any nickel titanium orthodontic wires;
` A I'm just -- the wires were used --
`might have been heat-treated. We selected them
`for comparison purposes. I wasn't personally
`involved in doing the treatment of the nickel
`titanium. We were doing treatments of the Beta
` Q Could you read my question back to the
`witness, please.
` (Whereupon the reporter read back
` the requested portion of the record.)
` THE WITNESS: That's correct.
` Q And you've never participated in heat
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` A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`treatment of any nickel titanium endodontic
`files; correct?
` A Correct.
` Q And you've never participated in the
`heat treatment of any endodontic files; correct?
` A Correct.
` Q Before you began doing your work on
`these cases for U.S. Endo, had you ever written
`anything professionally about the different means
`of heat-treating nickel titanium endodontic
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: So as part of my
` teaching, I teach about different alloys,
` including nickel titanium that's applied
` both in endodontics, as well as
` orthodontics. I don't -- you know, I don't
` know how far back, but I do talk about the
` different phases that are present for
` different applications both in endodontics
` and orthodontics. That would -- I'm not
` sure if that's answering your question.
` Q Well, my question had to do with your
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` A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`professional writings. Let's focus on that
`first. Then we can talk about what you do in
`your classes.
` A Right. So when you say professional
`writing, the materials I prepare professionally
`for teaching?
` Q Well, let's focus first on articles,
`books and book chapters.
` Have you ever written any articles,
`books or book chapters on heat treatment of
`endodontic files?
` A No.
` Q Have you ever written any other sort
`of -- we'll get in a moment to what you do with
`your classes.
` A Okay.
` Q Have you written any other sort of
`professional materials outside of this case on
`the heat treatment of endodontic files?
` A No. I mean, what I've written about
`includes the same alloys that are used in
`endodontics, but they were not specifically the
` Q I'd like the record to be very clear,
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` A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`have you ever written about professionally,
`outside of course, materials which we'll get to
`in a moment?
` A Right.
` Q Methods of heat-treating orthodontic
` A So I'm just trying to be fair. The
`files like the wires come from similar stock
`materials. The metallurgy is the same in both
`cases, so I have written about that recently in
`this textbook.
` As you mentioned, I know you're going
`to come to course materials later. I'm trying to
`be fair that I've dealt with those but not
`specifically after they had been machined into
` Q So you have not written professionally
`about methods of heat-treating endodontic files
`after they've been made into files; correct?
` A Correct.
` Q You've written about general methods
`of heating different types of metals; correct?
` A I've written about phase changes in
`nickel titanium alloys with compositions that are
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` A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`the same as in endodontic files. And written
`those to explain the changes in mechanical
`properties as a result of the heat treatments of
`those nickel titanium alloys.
` Q But in terms of endodontic files
`themselves, you've never written professionally
`about the heat treatment of endodontic files;
` A Correct.
` Q Can you identify for me any written
`course materials that we could look at so that we
`can see exactly what you wrote, written course
`materials that discuss the different methods of
`heat-treating endodontic files?
` A I would have to go back and check.
`I'm not sure what was in the syllabus. What
`would have been on my slides. What I would have
`discussed in general. I mean I do lecture them
`about phase changes in nickel titanium alloys
`that are the same composition as endodontic and
`point out to them that the metallurgy in the two
`are similar. That it might be processed one way
`to become an orthodontic wire and another way to
`become an endodontic file. And what would be the
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` A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`benefits and pros and cons of getting the
`structures that result in particular properties
`and why those properties are advantageous.
` Q Dr. Goldberg, I don't want you to
`speculate about what you might have done.
` A Okay.
` Q My question is what you specifically
`remember doing. Let me ask the question. Are
`you with me so far?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to form.
` There's no question.
` Q My question is, do you specifically
`remember creating written course materials so
`that we can take a look at them --
` A Right.
` Q -- that discuss different methods of
`heat-treating endodontic files?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: I don't recall.
` Q You don't recall that?
` A Right.
` Q And do you recall specifically
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` A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`teaching your students about different methods of
`heat-treating endodontic files?
` A Yes, because in the context of, again,
`the courses, a basic material science course
`apply to dentistry. My approach is different
`material systems, including nickel titaniums to
`say here's the compositions. These are the
`different structures that are possible. These
`structures lead to the following properties.
`These properties have this benefit in orthodontic
`application. These properties have a benefit in
`an endodontic application. That would be typical
`of how I would teach the course.
` Q My question's a very specific one.
` A Okay.
` Q And I'd like you to try to answer it
`if you can. Will you agree to try to do that?
` A Yes.
` Q Do you recall specifically teaching
`students about different methods of heat-treating
`endodontic files after the files have been made
`into files? Not the metal from which the files
`are made.
` A Right. So I'm trying to answer you
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` A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`completely. I definitely talk to the students
`about different types of nickel titaniums that
`might be used in endodontics. I made -- the
`sequence might have been we formed this
`structure. I may not have gone into the detail
`of the processing necessary to get to that
`structure. But then I explain the benefits of
` So if that encompasses heat treatment,
`then the answer is yes. Have I specifically said
`here's the heat treatment time, temperature
`necessary to get this endodontic file to that
`condition, then, no, I wouldn't go into that
` Q Outside of your work with respect to
`these matters for U.S. Endodontics, have you ever
`advised any companies about the best methods of
`heat-treating endodontic files?
` A No.
` Q Have you ever engaged, outside of your
`work for U.S. Endodontics, in any studies
`regarding the most efficient methods of
`heat-treating endodontic files?
` A No.
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`Page 24
` A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
` Q The most cost-effective methods of
`heat-treating endodontic files?
` A No.
` Q And I may have already asked this, and
`if I did, I apologize. Outside of your work for
`U.S. Endodontics on these matters, have you ever
`seen endodontic files being heat-treated?
` A I don't believe so.
` Q And that would include, since we're in
`the internet age, seeing a video of endodontic
`files being heat-treated?
` A Correct.
` Q Correct, you haven't seen that either?
` A Correct.
` Q Now, you've spent a fair amount of
`time studying an article by a fellow named Kuhn;
` A Correct.
` Q And you've written about Mr. Kuhn's
`work or Dr. Kuhn's work in a number of different
`reports that you've given; correct?
` A Yes.
` Q Let me show you a copy of the Kuhn
`article. It's previously been marked as PGR
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` A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`Exhibit 1030. This is the article that you've
`opined about a number of times in your reports?
` A Yes.
` Q About how many times would you say
`you've read this article?
` A Reading it straight through, maybe
`only a couple of times. What I usually do is go
`to a particular section that I'm interested and
`look at that, so I've done that, a dozen times.
` Q Okay. What is room temperature?
` A I would say 72 degrees F.
` Q What does that convert to in
` A I think 22, 23 degrees. Twenty-four.
`Some range in there.
` Q So I'd like you to look at the Kuhn
`article, Page 3. On the bottom right-hand
` A I'm sorry. Did you give me the 700 --
`third page, Page 718?
` Q 718. Do you see there's a paragraph
`on the bottom right-hand corner entitled -- two
`paragraphs under the section Bending Tests?
` A Correct. And it continues -- that
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` A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`section continues over to the next page.
` Q Right. I'd like you to read out loud,
`please, the first sentence in the second
`paragraph under the heading Bending Tests, and
`then we'll be talking about that sentence.
` A I'm sorry. The first sentence in the
`second paragraph?
` Q That's correct.
` A "As can be seen from the curves, the
`samples deformed at room temperature recover
`their original state, indicating that the
`transformation of temperature is close to room
` Q Now, I'd like to focus on the question
`of what curves are being referred to in this
` A Okay.
` Q That's something you have opined on a
`number of times; correct?
` A I can remember once. I don't know if
`it was many times.
` Q Okay. But that's a matter that you've
`spent some fair amount of time thinking about?
` A Well, the questions, if I recall, had
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` A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
`to do with which figure that was referring to.
` Q Right. And that's something you spent
`a fair amount of time thinking about; correct?
` MR. GINSBERG: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: Yeah. I'm not sure
` what you mean by a fair amount of time, but
` the questioning about that previously had
` been about which figure this text was
` referring to.
` Q And you actually opined on that
`subject in the expert report you did in this PGR
`matter; is that right?
` A I'd have to check where it appeared.
` Q You just don't remember offhand?
` A No.
` Q Whether you opined on that subject?
` A I do. I just don't remember what
`documents it appears in.
` Q I'm going to show you a copy of your
`report, which has previously been marked as PGR
`Exhibit 1002.
` MR. LIEBERMAN: I'm happy to give
` you an extra copy, Mr. Ginsberg. I see you
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` A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
` have one there?
` MR. LIEBERMAN: You want an extra
` copy?
` MR. GINSBERG: That's okay.
` Q Could you turn, Dr. Goldberg, to Page
`89 of your report.
` A Okay. I'm there.
` Q And in paragraph 168, you're
`discussing the question of what figures the
`sentence is referring to; is that right?
` A If I can just take a look for a
` Q Of course.
` A Just so I'm understanding, the
`sentences that you're referring to in 168 are not
`the paragraph that I was just reading.
` Q Well, in paragraph 168 of your report
`you're talking about the sentence that you read
`out loud at my request from the Kuhn article
`about samples deformed at room temperature
`recovering to original state; correct?
` A I'm not sure about that. Okay.
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` A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
` Q You agree that in paragraph 168 of
`your report in the PGR, you're talking about that
`sentence we had you read out loud?
` A Yes.
` Q From the Kuhn article.
` A Yes. I'm assuming that quote,
`"recover their original state" is from this
`sentence. And not someplace else in the paper.
` Q Do you remember, sitting here now, the
`phrase "recover their original state" showing up
`anywhere else in the Kuhn article?
` A I don't recall.
` Q You don't recall that?
` A I don't recall. I mean, I know
`there's a couple of different figures and the
`issue has often been is it recovering at original
`state or not, so...
` Q So I'd like to focus on the sentence
`in the Kuhn article that you read to us. Do you
`see at the end of the -- that sentence, there's
`the phrase indicating that "the transformation
`temperature is close to room temperature;" do you
`see that?
` A Yes.
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`Page 30
` A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
` Q And the room temperature that we're
`talking about here would be somewhere between 22
`and 23 degrees?
` A Right. Maybe 25. Somewhere in that
` Q Well, 22 to 23 would correlate to 72
`degrees Fahrenheit; correct?
` A Okay.
` Q Well, you're the scientist. I'm
`asking you.
` A I just don't recall offhand what those
`exact conversions are.
` Q Do you want to do the math? It's
`9/5's C-plus 32.
` A I guess I would say I'm going to say
`it's 22 to 24. I mean -- I guess people would
`use different assumptions for what room
`temperature would be.
` Q But generally, the assumption of room
`temperature is 22 degrees; correct?
` MR. GINSBERG: Object to the form
` of the question.
` THE WITNESS: I would agree that's
` your interpretation of room temperature.
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`Page 31
` A. Jon Goldberg, Ph.D.
` Q Is that how you read room temperature
` A I didn't specifically focus on what
`room temperatu

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