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`Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary. - Eleventh ed.
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`;es or is used for racing 2
`~~~a~~~~nus Coluber and
`dissensions or hatreds
`~~!l~t (CnemldopJunus
`oval course for raclna
`o frequents a racetrack
`mpetltive SpOrt of raclna at a
`oot contact with the around
`race•walk \·,w6k\ vt _
`current of water 2 : a chan.
`IUIJdfngs 3 : 1 RACE 5 4 : a
`b nnd the mother or Joseph
`ra -ch l·dee \ ' m·kQ·Jd!z, 'rA·\
`Ok rhachos thorn, Lith ratas
`>re: as a (I) : the elongated
`on of the petiole of a com.
`~~'::J part of the shaft or a
`ts, fr. Ok rhachitis spinal db.
`1 to, or based on a rnce (a"'
`vecn races <- equality)_
`theory that race determines
`re-cla l·lst \·list\ n or ad/
`~30) : to give a racial charac.
`enaaalnaln or holdlna races
`:~~~vlng details of past per-
`: a belief that race Is the Jlri·
`•ac!Ues and that racial differ(cid:173)
`a particular race 2 : racial
`;t also -shlst\ n or o4/
`movement) (14c) : a wind•
`t.kln to OE reccan to stretch
`framework for holdlna roo:
`torture on which a body is
`•aln (2): acute sufferina b
`a framework, stand, or arat·
`a : a bar with teeth on one
`r to transform rotary motion
`a utomobile steerlna meoha·
`to enaage with a pawl, click,
`.naular frame used to set up
`1S set up 8 : BBD, SACK -
`areal "motional stress
`! : to cause to suffer tortur.,,
`.y) (a company ----ed by In·
`tly ("'-'ed his brains) b : to
`r oppress with hlah rents or
`on a rack 5 : to work by a
`r contract <-a camera) 6
`11ether 7 : to place (as pool
`•ut of shape or out of plumb
`J•IY \ 'ra-kig-1!\ odv
`card dial.) reequler..t~rob. fr.
`ve, fr. L re- + oed(/Tcore to
`·r (ns wine) from the lees
`rse : to go at a rack
`-se: a : PACE 4b b : a fast
`k a nd spin" of a forequarter
`<ectJon of a lamb's forequar·
`\18 Illustration
`ION <- and ruin)
`:et 1: A tennis, B racquetball,
`b : a usu. lllealllmate enter(cid:173)
`atlon c : an "asy and Iuera·
`:lal life 2 : to move with or
`• obtains mon"y by an illegal
`>•I : to practice extortion
`ck•le \'ra-k;l\ odi [ME rake!) (14c) chiefly Scot : IMPETUOUS
`~ck railway n (1884) : a railway havina between Its rails a rack that
`meshes with a gear wheel or pinion of the locomotive for traction on
`steep grades
`ack-rent VI (1621) : to subject to rack rent
`~ack rent n ['rock) (1743) 1 : an exc..sslv" or unreasonably hiah rent
`2 Brit : th" hlahest rent that can be eam"d on a property
`rack-rent-er \ 'rak-,ren-t;r\ 11 (1680) : on" that pays or exacts rack rent
`rack UP VI (1949) : ACKIBVE. OA1N (rocked liP thei r 10th victory)
`ra-clette \ra·'klet, rii·\ n [F, lit ., scraper, fr. racier to scrape. fr. MF, fr.
`Old Occllan rasclar. fr. VL •ras/culore, fr. L rasus, pp. of rat/ere to
`scrape - more at RODENT) (ca. 1949) : a Swiss dish conslstins of
`cbees" m"lt"d over a nrc and then scrap"d onto bread or boiled pota·
`1oes; also : the cheese used in this dish
`ra•con \ ' rA·,kln\ n [radar beacon) (1945): RADAR BEACON
`18.con·teur \ ,ra-,kln-'t;r, -k;n-\ n [F, fr. MF, fr. roconter to tell. fr. OF,
`rr. re- + ocoll/er, ocompter to tell. count - more at ACCOUNT) (1826): a
`person who excels in telling anecdotes
`racoon var a! RACCOON
`18c.quet•ball \'ra-k; t-,bol\ n (1965) : a same similar to hnndbnll that is
`played on a 4-walied court with a short-handled racket and a larger
`ball; also : the bali used In this fame
`•racY \ ' rA·s!\ a4/ rac·l·er; -eel 'race) (ca. 16SO) 1 a : full of ust or
`.;gor b : having a strongly marked quality : PIQUANT (a ,...., navor)
`c : RJSQU~. SUOOESTIVI! ("'-'jokes) 2 : havina the distinctive quality
`of somethina in Its original or most characteristic form syn s..e PUN·
`oENT- rac·I·IY \'rA-s;-Ie\ adv- rac·l ·ness \·se-n;s\ 11
`2racY a4/ rac·l ·er; -est ['mce) (1841) : hnvlna a body fitted for racing
`: Ions-bodied and lean (a - dog)
`'red \'rad\ 11 [radiatJon absorbed dose) (ca. 1953) : a unit of absorbed
`dose of lonlzlna radiation equal to an en"raY of 100 "filS per aram of lr·
`radlat"d material
`2rad odi (1982) slang : COOL 7. RADICAL
`'rad obbr 1 radian 2 radius 3 radix
`ra•dar \ ' ra-,dAr\ 11, often aurlb [radio detecting and ranatnal (1941) 1
`:a device or system conslstln& usu. of a synchronized radio transmitter
`and rec.,iver that emits radio waves and proc.,sses their reneclions for
`display and Is used esp. for detecting and localina objects (as aircraft)
`or surface features (as of a plan"!) 2 : ranae of notice (fell off the -
`after loslna their nrst three aam .. s)
`radar astronomy n (1959) : astronomy In which celestial bodies in th"
`solar system ar" studied by anal)l1:ing the return of radio waves dlr.,ct·
`ed at them
`radar beacon n (1945): a rndar trans mlner thnt upon recelvlna a radar
`signal emits a signal which reinforces the normal re nected signal or
`which introduces a code into the reflected slana! esp. for Identification
`radar gun n (1977): a handh.,ld d"vice that uses radar to measure th"
`s~d of a moving object
`ra·dar•&cope \'ra-,dJir·,skOp\ n [radar+ oscillotcope] (1945): th" oscil·
`loscope or screen servln& as the visual Indicator in a radar receiver
`'rad·dle \ ' rn·d' i\ n [ME radel, fr. dim. o f rad-, red red] ( 14c) : RED
`2reddle 1'1 red·dled; rad·dllng \'rad·lio, ' ra-d'l·lo\ (1631): to mark or
`pamt 1vith raddle
`3raddle vt red·dled; rad·dllng [E dial. raddle supple stick lnt.,nvov"n
`with oth"rs as in maklna a fence] (1671) : to twist togeth"r : tNTER·
`raddled a4/ [origin unknown) (1694) 1 : being in a state of confusion
`: lackin& composure 2 : UROKBN·DOWN, WORN
`radl· or radio· comb form [ F, fr. L rod ills rny) 1 : radiant energy : ra(cid:173)
`dlatJon (radioactive) (radiopaque) 2 : radioactive (radioelement) 3
`: radium : X-rays (radiotherapy) 4 : radioactive isotopes esp. as pro(cid:173)
`duc"d artiflclally (radiocarbon) 5 : radio (rad/otel"'raphy) 6 : ra(cid:173)
`dius bone (radl<>-ulna)
`1ra·dl·al \ ' rl-df-;1\ o4/ [ML radialis, fr. L radius ray) (1570) 1 : ar·
`ranged or having parts arranaed like rays 2 a : r"lating to, placed like,
`or movlna alona a radius b : characterized by dlvergenc" from a cen(cid:173)
`ter 3 : of, relating to, or adjacent to a bodily radius 4 : developing
`uniformly around a central wds- ra·di·ai·IY \-;-1~\ adv
`2radial n (1872) 1 a: a radial part b: RAY 2 :a body pan (as an ar·
`tery) lylna near or followlna the course of th" radius 3 : a pneumatic
`tire in which the ply cords that extend to the beads ar" laid at approxi(cid:173)
`mately 90 deare"s to the centerline of th" tr"ad -
`called also rotltal-ply
`tire, radial tire
`radial c leavage n (1973) : holoblastic cleavage that is typical of deu·
`terostomes a nd that is characterized by urrnnaement of the blasto(cid:173)
`mer"s of "ach upp"r tier d irectly over those of the next lower tier re·
`sultlna In radial symmetry around the pole to pole axis of the embryo
`- compare SPIRAL CI..BAVAOB
`radial engine 11 (1909) : a usu. lnt.,mal combustion "ngine with cylin(cid:173)
`ders arranaed radially like th" spokes of a wheel
`radial ker•ll •loi•O•mY \·,ker·>' tfi-1:>-me\ 11 (1980): a suraicai operation
`on the cornea for the correction of myopht that involves n attenlna It by
`makina a series of incisions in a radial pattern resembling tho spokes of
`a wheel -
`radial symmetry 11 (1872): the condltlon of having similar parts r.,gu.
`larly arranaed around a central axis -
`radially symmetrical a4/
`ra·dl·an \ ' rA-d!-;n\ n (1879) :a unit of plan" anaular measurement that
`is "qual to the angle at the c"nt"r of a circle subtended by an arc whose
`l"ngth equals the radius or af•proxlmately 57.3 de8f"eS
`ra·dl·ance \'rA·de-~n(t)s\ 11 ( 600) 1 : the quality or state of beln& ra(cid:173)
`diant 2 : a deep pink 3 : the flux density of radiant eneray per u nit
`solid a nale and per unit projected urea or radiating s urface
`1ra•di•an•CY \-;n(l)-s!\ 11 (1602) : RADIANCI!
`ra-dl·ant \ 'rA-d!·;nt\ odi (ISc) 1 a : radlatlna rays or ren..ctlna beams
`of liaht b : vividly bri&ht and shlnin& : OLOW1NO 2 : mork..ct by or
`expresslv" of love. conrldenc.,. o r happiness (a- smile) 3 II : emit·
`ted or transmitted by radiation b: em itt ina or relating to radiant heat
`2 SYn s"e DRI OHT- ra ·dl•&ni•IY adv
`radiant 11 {en. 1741) : something that radiates: as a : a point in the
`heavens at which the visible paths of me teors to meet when
`traced backward b : the part of a gas or " lectric heater that becomes
`rackle • radio-
`radiant energy n (1870) : .,n.,rgy traveling as electromaan.,uc waves
`radiant flux 11 (1917) : th" rate of emission or transmission of radiant
`radiant heat 11 (1621) : heat transmitted by radiation as contrasted with
`that transmltt"d by conduction or convection
`1ra·di•llte \ 'rA-de·,At\ 1•b -at-ad; -at·lng [L rad/orus, pp. of rodiore, fr. ra·
`dlus ray] vi (ca. 1619) 1 : to proceed In a direct lin" from or toward a
`cent"r 2 : to s..nd out rays : shine bri&htly 3 a : to Issue ln or as if in
`o•r 1 : to send out in or ~
`rays b : to evolve by adaptiv" radiation -
`If In rays 2 : IRRADIATE. ILLUMINATE 3 : to spread abroad or
`around as lf from a center
`2 ra·dl·ate \ ' rii·d!·ot. -1At\ a4/ (1668) : having rays or radial parts: as a
`: having ray nowers b : characterized by radial symmetry : radially
`symmetrical- ra·di-ale·IY adv
`rs·dl·a·tlon \,rA-d!-'4-sh;n\n (ISc) 1a: the action or process of radi·
`atlna b : th" process of emit tina radiant "neraY In the fonn of waves
`or particles c (I) : the combined processes of emission, transmission,
`and absorption of radiant e neray
`(2) : the transfer of heat by radia·
`lion -
`compare CONDUCTION, CONVIlCTION 2 a : something that is
`radiated b : eneray radiated in the form of waves or particles 3 : ra(cid:173)
`dial arranaement 4 : ADAPTIVE RADIATION 5 : RADIATOR -
`&•tiOn•al \·shn;l. -sh;-n'l\ o4/- rll•dl·a·tlon-less \·sh;n-l;s\ a4J -
`r&·dl·&·tlve \'r4-d~·,A·tlv\ a4i
`radiation sickness n (1924) : sickness that results from "xposure to
`radiation and is commonly marked by fallgue, nausea, vomiting. loss of
`teeth nnd hair. nnd in mor" severe cases by damage to biood·formlna
`tissue with decrease in red and white blood cells und with bleeding
`radiation therapy 11 (1922) : RADIOTHERAPY
`ra•dl·&·lor \ 'r4·d!-,d-t;r. dial ' ra·\ 11 (1836) : one that radiates: as a
`: any of various devlc..s (as a s..ries of pipes or tubes) for transfurina
`heat from a nuid 1vlthln to an area or object outside b : a trnnsmlttlna
`1rad·l·cal \ 'ra·di-k;l\ a4/ [ME, fr. LL ratlicolis, fr. L rotlic·. radix root -
`more at ROOT) (14c) 1 : of, relatlna to, or proc.,edlna from a root: as
`a (I) : of or growina from the root o f a plant <- tubers) (2) : grow(cid:173)
`Ina from the base of a stem, from a rootlike st.,m, or from a ste m tha t
`do..s not rise above the ground ( - leaves) b : of. relating to, o r con(cid:173)
`stituting a linguistic root c : of or '"latina to a mathematical root d
`: desianed to remove the root of a disens<: or all dlsens<:d and potential(cid:173)
`ly dis..ased tissue ("'-' sura.,ry) <- mast.,ctomy) 2 :of or relatlna to
`the origin : FUNDAMENTAL 3 11 : markw by a considerable d"partur"
`from the usual or traditional : BXTREME b : tendln& or disposed to
`make extre me changes In e xistina views, habits, conditions, or institu·
`tlons c : of, relalina to, or constituting a political aroup associated
`with views, practices, and policl"s of extreme chana" d : advocatlna
`"xtreme m"asures to retain or restore a political state of affairs (the (cid:173)
`naht) 4 slang: llXCBLLEi'o'T. COOL- rad·l·cal·nlls& n
`2 redlcel n (1641) 1 a : a root part b : a basic principle : FOUND.-n ON
`2 8 : ROOT 6 b : a sound or l"tt"r belonging to a radical 3 : one who
`is radical 4 : FileS RADtc.-.L; also : a group of atoms bonded togethe r
`that is considered an e ntity In various kinds of reactions or as a subunit
`of a larger molecule 5 a : a mathematical expression lndicallng a root
`by means of a radical sign b : RADICAL SIGN
`radical chic n (1970) : a fashionnbl" practice amona socially promi(cid:173)
`nent people of assoclatJna wit.h rndkals or members of minority aroups
`rad·l·cal· ise Brit ooor a{ RADICALIZE
`rad·l·cal· lsm \ ' ra-di-k;-,11-z;m\ 11 (1820) 1 :the quality or stat" of be·
`Ins radical 2 : the doctrines or principles of radicals
`rad·l·cal·lze \·ko-,llz\ vt ·ized; · IZ•Ing (1830) : to make radical esp. ln
`rad·I·C&I·I·za·tlon \,rn·dl·k>l~·'za-shon\ n
`politics -
`rad·l·cai·IY \ ' ra-dl·k(>)le\ odv (15c) 1 : in orialn or ess.,nce 2 : in a
`radical or extrem" manner
`radical sign n (1668) : the sian v or .J placed befor" an expression to
`denote that the SQ\!llf'C root is to be extract"d or that the root marked
`by nn ind"x (as In 'I or~ for the c ube root) is to be extracted
`rad·l·cand \,rn-d;-'kand\ 11 [L ratllcantlum, ne ut. of radicondus, gerun(cid:173)
`dive of ,-ad/carl] ( 1889) : the qua ntity under a radical sign
`re·diC•Chlo \ra-'dl·k~.O\ n, pi -chlos [It, chicory, fr. VL •radicullls, nl·
`ter. of L rodicula) (1968) : a chicory of a red variety with varieaat"d
`leaves that is us"d as a salad areen
`radices pi a{ RADIX
`r&d·l·cle \ 'ra-di-k;l\ 11 [L radlculo. dim. of rotlic·, radix) (1671) 1 : the
`lower part of the axis of a plant " mbryo or seedling: s : th" embryonic
`root of a seedlina b : HYPOCOTYL c : the hypocotyl and the root to(cid:173)
`gether 2 : RADICAL 4
`ra·diC•U•lar \r3·1dl·kY:t·lor, ra-\ atl/ (1830) 1 :of or relating to a plant
`radicle 2 : of, relating to, or involvlna a nerve root ("'-'pain)
`radii pi a{ RADIUS
`1ra•dlo \'ra-d~·,O\ odi ['radio or radio-) (1887) 1 :of. r"lating to, or op(cid:173)
`erated by radiant enerav 2 : of or relating to electric currents or phe(cid:173)
`nomena (as el.,ctromagn.,tic radia tion) o f frequenc ies between about
`3000 hertz and 300 a iaahertz 3 a : or. relating to, or used in radio or a
`rudio set b: specializing in radio or associated with the radio Industry
`c ( I) : trans mitted by radio
`(2) : making or participating In radio
`broadcasts d :controlled or directed by radio
`2 radlo n. pi ra·dl·os [shon for radiotelegraphy) (1903) 1 a : the wire·
`less transmission and reception of el.,ctric impul<es or signals by means
`of electromaanetlc wav..s b : the use of these waves for th" wlrel"ss
`transmission of electric impuls..s Into which sound is converted 2 : n
`radio message 3 : a radio recelvlna set 4 a : a radio trnnsmittlna stn·
`tion b: a radio broadcasting oraanization c: the mdlo broadcast in&
`Industry d : communication by radio
`3 radlo vt (1913) 1 : to s..nd or communlcat" by radio 2 :to send n ra(cid:173)
`dio message to- 11 : to send or communicat" som.,thing by radio
`radio- -
`see RADt·
`\:>\abut \"\kitten. F table \or\ further \a\ ash \ft\ ace \A\ mop, mar
`\1\ Job
`\1\ hit \i\ Ice
`\au\ out \ch\ chin \e\ bet
`\e\ Ct\SY \a\ go
`\o\ sing \6\ ao \6\ lnw \6i\ boy \th\ thin \l.ll\ the \0\ loot \il\ foot
`\y\ yet \zh\ vision. beige \k. •, oe. u:. "\see Guide to Pronunciation


`nlzatlon 3 : 1~ admtnlu-.
`n rapid
`ri!\ n, pi
`s, conn(cid:173)
`,. secret,
`toyed to
`tine and
`leer or a
`or dlrec·
`~ compa·
`lrds and
`ho super·
`:elton for
`>1\ otQ-
`nee or Its
`secretary 4b
`d the ear]
`•e) or sub-Saharan Africa that
`eneral (1701) : a prlnclpat~e~.
`11t-1ng [back-fonnatlon fr. ,._
`; se•CrBt•lng (alter, of obs,,._
`r conceal In a hiding place 2
`ynsec HIDE
`] (1902) : an Intestinal proldft,
`secretion by the pancreas and
`rr. L secretion·. secretlo ~
`. SECRET] (1646) 1a : tlie pro.
`"'leoslns some matcrlaltelihtt
`.olated for exc:retlon,(as'ililne)
`' animal or plant: up : one.ptr.
`he orsanlsm 2 Puqttel : lht
`seoere•tlon·art \'lh>
`ENT -
`ack-formatlon rr. secrttll'lllal,
`.posed to secrecy : not open ,.
`1es BYII sec SILENT -
`llvldual or blood group A, B,l!f
`erlstlc or these blood aroups Ill
`kri!·t(:~o)ri!\ otQ (1692): o!, rtlat·
`roduccd by secretion
`lse membership In a parlnenblp
`anizatlon operatlns lor the mosl
`11 purposes of Its sovemmenl ol·
`mental service or a secret natutt
`:. Treasury Department chllltli
`rfeltlns and the protcctlonollht
`us oath-bound socletlca o!tendo(cid:173)
`e and mutual u.sslstance
`. & L; AF. group, !action, !r, U
`L course of action, way of life
`~i 1;, follow - more at BUB] (14c)
`us body· esp : one resardcd as el·
`>omlnatl'on 2 orcl>alc : BBX I (Ill
`adhering to a distinctive doCiriM
`1 : or. relating to, or ch~IU'IItler>
`lin character or scope : MROCifl
`; r"a sect 2 : a narrow or 6taot!d
`-lzed: -lz·lng vi (1842): 10 act 11
`0f.:,allll (I*~Sl
`)) : a member or a
`/Is, rr. scctus. PP· 1 < berlll""
`1ctlo, rr. secore to cut-r::.:
`with a smooth cu am
`nstance or cuttl~g o~~~r.=:, Jlll1 !lf
`r by cutting 2 • a
`s plirl 3 •
`chapter, law. ohr ne~PbY an tntll'
`o! a jOU4
`1 appear If cult roug
`esultlns from the cuttingS • aci>JI'
`' or a taxonomic group
`nlns or a section and as :S 1 one ci
`re mile In area rom;tn'e~lorlil al
`7 : a distinct phart t:lt~rlc ,.., ~~-~
`~ or people (t e
`ed (a ..,..,
`or Is viewed OS separ;.~nl o! a 1~10
`e route) b : one seg
`usu. having a specl
`table for mlcrosco
`~ nceorOI'
`by dlvldlns the
`oups Into which ~~~f waY undll
`r hlcles or I
`of a permanent
`ne or two or moralre ve mponcnt pall'
`13: one or seve
`1111y be assembled or reassembled (a bookcase In -...,v) 14 : a dl·
`t~~t n of an orchestra composed of one clas.• of Instruments (the string
`,....o 15 ; SIGNATURE 3b syn sec PART
`'"'~oil vb sec-tioned; Bec•tlon-lng \-sh(:~o)niQ\ >•t (1819) 1 : to cut
`'eiC separate Into sections (-... an orange) 2 : to represent In sections
`or vi' to become cut or separated Into parts
`'"' \'sek-shn~l. -sh~·n'l\ otQ (1806) 1 a : or or relating to a
`lst'j10n b : local or regional rather than general in character<- ln(cid:173)
`secrests) 2 ; consisting of or divided Into sections (-.. furniture) -
`.1\0II•al•IY odv
`•~looal n (1901) : a piece or furniture made up of modular units ca(cid:173)
`._pab.le of use separately or in various combinations
`...... tton•ai•IBm \'sek-shn~,ll-~m. -sh:~-n:~-,11-\ n (1847): an exaggerat·
`"::i devotion to the Interests or a region
`.r.'..tton Eight n [Section VIII, Army Regulation 615-360, In effect
`- · J)ecember 1922 to July 1944] (1943) : a discharge from the U.S.
`=y for military Inaptitude or undesirable habits or traits or charac-
`a/JO: a soldier receiving such a discharge
`:.ton gang n (1889): a crew or track workers employed to maintain
`ra11roall section
`~on hand n ( 1873) : a laborer belonging to a section sans
`tsec•tor \'sck·l~r. -,t6r\ n [LL, rr. L. cutter, rr. sccore to cut - more at
`- wl (1570) 1 a : a seometrlc ngure bounded by two rndll and the ln(cid:173)
`~uded an: or a circle b (I) : a subdivision or a defensive military po(cid:173)
`~ilon (2) : a portion or a military front or area or operation c : an
`or portion resembling a sector (bilingual -
`or town - David
`~nberg) d : a sociological, economic, or political subdivision or so·
`deiY (cooperation between the public and private -s - Peter Chap(cid:173)
`man) 2 : a mathematical Instrument consisting or two rulers connect·
`eel at one end by a joint and marked with several scales 3 : a subdlvl·
`Jlonofa track on a computer disk -
`sec•tor·al \'sck·t(:>·)r:>l\ ottl
`'sec•IDI \·l~r\ VI Sec•tOred; BeC•tOr•lng \·I(:~< )riQ\ (I 884) ; to divide
`tn1o or rumlsh with sectors
`IIC•IO•rt•al \sek·'t6r·!·~l\ otQ (1803) : or, relating to, or having the
`Jhape or a sector or a circle
`'Mc.U•Iar \'se-ky~l~r\ ottl [ME, rr. AF seculer. rr. LL saeculor/s, rr.
`!(1ltlllum the present world, rr. L, generation, age, century, world; akin
`10 W hoed/lifetime] (14c) 1 a : or or relating to the worldly or tempo·
`ra1 <-concerns) b : not overtly or speclf. rellslous <- music) c
`• oot ecclesiastical or clerical (-... courts) (-... landowners) 2 : not
`bound by monastic vows or rules: spccif : or, relating to, or forming
`dci8Y not belonging to a religious order or congregation (a -
`3 a: occurring once In an age or a century b : existing or continuing
`throuah aacs or centuries c : or or relating to a long term or indennlte
`duration <- lnnation) -
`sec·u-lar·l·ty \,se-ky:>-'la-r:~-ti!\ n -
`Uiltr•IY \'se-ky~l~r-1!\ odv
`'e/Cular n, p/ aeculara or secular (14c) 1 : a secular ecclesiastic (u.s a
`diocesan priest) 2 ; LAYMAN
`MCUIBr humanism n (1933) : HUMANISM 3; csp : humanistic philoso(cid:173)
`phy vJewed as a nontheistic religion antagonistic to traditional religion
`- aecular humanist " or otQ
`ite•U•IBr•lae Brit vor o/SBCULARIZE
`IIC•U•IBr•lsm \'se·ky:>·l:~-,rl·z:>m\ n (185 I) : Indifference to or rejection
`or exclusion or religion and religious considerations -
`\-rill\ n- secularist also sec•U•Iar•IB•tlc \,se·kY~·I:>·'ris·tik\ ottl
`IIC•U•IBr•lze \'se·ky~l:>·,riz\ vt-lzed; -lz·lng (1611) 1 : to make secu(cid:173)
`lar 2: to transfer from ecclesiastical to clvll or lay usc, possession, or
`CIIRirol 3 : to convert to or Imbue with secularism -
`110{1 \,sc-ky~l~r:~-'zA-sh:>n\ tt -
`sec•U•Iar•IZ•er n
`1ttocUnt \sl-'kyur\ otQ BB•CUr•er: -est [L sccurus safe, secure, rr. se
`111\!lout + curo care- more at SUICIDE] (ca. 1533) 1 a orciJo/c: un(cid:173)
`wiiijy free from rear or distrust : OVERCONFIDENT b : ea.•y In mind
`!COHPIDBNT c: assured In opinion or expectation: having no doubt
`2 I: free from danger b : free from risk of loll.~ C : affording safety
`(l~~idcaway) d: TRUSTWORTHY, DEPENDADLil (a- foundation)
`3: .,..uRBD I (a -
`victory) - Se•CUrB•IY adv -
`ae•CUrB•nesB n
`'MOunt vb ae•cured; 88•CUr•lng vi ( 1588) 1 a : to relieve from expo(cid:173)
`lUte to danger : oct to make sale against adverse continscncies <- a
`wpply line from enemy raids) b : to cut beyond hazard or losing or
`Cl~ot recelvlns; GUARANTEE(- the Iessing.• of liberty -U.S. Con·
`llitlollltlon) c : to give pledge or payment to (a creditor) or or (an obllga-
`.n) <-a note by a pledge or collateral) 2 a : to toke (a person) Into
`custody: hold fast : PINION b: to make fast(-... a door) <-a bike to
`t~>b 3 8 : to get secure usu. la.~tlng possession or control or<- a
`~'O!k t duty- vi 1 of naval persomwl: to stop work :go orr duty 2
`:DRING ADOUT, BPPECT 4: to rclca.•c (naval personnel) from
`as lp: to tic ur, ; BERTH syn sec ENSURE - Be•CUf•er n
`ltoeum.mant \sl· kyur-m:>nt\" (1622) 1 obs : PROTI!CTION 2 : the
`~r process or securing
`(u ·~·llze \sl·'kyur·:>·,tlz\ vt -tlzed: -tlz·lng (198 I) : to consolidate
`the m
`ortlllse loans) and sell to other Investors for resale to the public In
`onn or securities -
`sa•CU•rl•tl·za·tlon \· kyur-~t~'zil·sh~n\ n
`r:,:u·ll·ty \sl-'kyur-:~-1!\ "·pi-ties (I Sc) 1 : the quality or state or be·
`fcir ICCure: as a : freedom from danger : SAFETY b : freedom from
`"')or anxiety c : freedom from the prospect or bclns laid orr (job
`fufnu 2 8 : something given, deposited, or pledged to make certain the
`ment or an obligation b : SURETY 3 : an Instrument or Invest·
`~~~the ronn or a document (as a stock certificate or bond) provld·
`110~ ~nee or Its ownership 4 a : somcthlns that secures : PROTI!C(cid:173)
`(I) : measures taken to guard against espionage or sabotage,
`tasltts :~ri~· or escape
`(2) : an organl7.ation or department whose
`tanket n ( 1968) 1 : a blanket carried by a child u.s a protec(cid:173)
`st anxiety 2 : a usu. familiar object whose presence dispels
`ouncll n (1944) : a permanent council or the United Na-
`tlc:u~th Primary responsibility for maintaining peace and security
`~Pro.(lertlntarest n (1951): the rights that a creditor has In the person(cid:173)
`lleumy Y or a debtor that secures an obligation : LIEN
`:AilPO~!Ice n (1920) 1 : pollee engaged In counterespionage 2
`:: llbbr secretary
`abbr sedimentation
`section • see
`se·dan \sl·'dan\ 11 [origin unknown] (1635) 1 : a portable often cov(cid:173)
`ered chair that Is designed to carry one person and that Is bomo on
`poles by two people 2 a : a 2· or 4-door automobile seating four or
`compare COUPE b
`more persons and usu. havlns a permanent top -
`: a motorboat havinf one passenger compartment
`se·dete \sl·'dAt\ otQ L sedotus, rr. Pr,· or sedore to calm; akin to sediftW
`to sit - more at SIT] (1663) : keep ng a quiet steady attitude or pace
`a ; UNRUPPLED syn see SERIOUS - Be•date•IY odv- BB•date•ness n
`sedate vt se·dat•ed: se·dat·lng [back-formation rr. sedative] (1945)
`: to dose with sedatives
`Be•de•tlon \sl·'dli·sh:>n\ 11 (1543) 1 : the Inducing or a relaxed easy
`state esp. by the use or sedatives 2: a state resulting from or u.s If from
`sed·a·tlve \'se-da-tiv\ otQ [ME. alleviating pain, rr. MF sedotif, rr. ML
`sedat/vus, rr. L sedotus] (1779) : tending to calm, moderate, o r tranquil(cid:173)
`Ize nervousness or excitement
`2sedatlve n (1797) : a sedative agent or drug
`aed-en•tary \'se-d'n·,ter~\ otQ [MF sedento/re, rr. L sedentorlus, rr.
`scdcttt·, sedens, prp. or sedm to sit - more at SIT] (I 598) 1 : not mi(cid:173)
`gratory: SETTLED<- birds)<- civilizations) 2 a: doing or requir(cid:173)
`Ing much slttlns (a,..., job) b : not physically active (a -lifestyle)
`3 :permanently attached<- barnacles)
`se·der \'sd·d~r\ n, pi seders also seoda·rlm \5:1-'dfl.r·:>m, ,se-dfl·'rtm\
`often cop [Heb sifdiJer order] ( 1865) : a Jewish home or community ser(cid:173)
`vice Including a ceremonial dinner held on the nrst or nrst and second
`evenings or the Passover In commemoration or the exodus from EBYPI
`se·de·runt \s>'dlr·:>nt, ·'der·\ n [L, there (they) sat (fr. :sedifre to sil)
`word used to Introduce list or those attending a session- more at stTf
`(1825): a prolonged slUing (as for discussion)
`sedge \'sej\ n [ME segge rr. OE secg; akin to MHO segge sedge, OB
`sogu saw- more at SAWj (bef. 12c) : any or a family (Cyperaceae, the
`sedge family) or usu. tufted monocotyledonous marsh plants differing
`from the related grasses In having achenes and solid stems; esp : any or
`a cosmopolitan genus (Corex)- sedgy \ 1se·je\ otQ
`se·dl·lla \5:>-'dt!l-y:>, -'dll·, esp Brlt-'dl(·:>)l·\ n pi [L. pl. or scdl/e seat, rr.
`sedere] (1793): seat• on the south side or the chancel for the celebrant
`and his assistants
`sed•l•ment \'se-d:>·m:>nl\ n [Lsedlmentum settling, rr. sedi're to sit, sink
`down] (1547) 1 : the matter that settles to the bottom or a liquid 2
`: material deposited by water, wind, or alaclers
`saclol·ment \-,ment\ rt (1859) : to deposft as sediment,..., vi 1 : to set(cid:173)
`tle to the bottom In a liquid 2 : to deposit sediment
`aed·l·ment•able \,se-da·'men-t:~ob~l\ otQ ( 1943) : capable or belns sed I·
`mented by centrifugation<- ribosomal particles)
`aed·l·men-ta•rv \,sc-da·'men·t>ri!, ·'men·tri!\ otQ (I 830) 1 : or, relat(cid:173)
`Ing to, or containing sediment <- deposits) 2 : formed by or from
`deposits or sediment <-rock)
`sed•l•men•ta-tlon \,se-d>m~n·'td-sh:>n, -,men·\ n (1848) : the action or
`process of forming or depositing sediment ; SETTLING
`Bed•l•men•tOI•O•gY \,se-d:~omon·'tfi·l~je, ·,men-\ n (1932) :a branch of
`science that deals with sedimentary rocks and their Inclusions- sed(cid:173)
`l•men•tO•IOg•IC \·,men·t~'lli·Jik\ or sed·l·men•to•log·l·cal \·jl-k:>l\
`sed·l·men•tO•Iog·loeai•IY \-jl-k(:~-)lt\ odv- seCI·I·men•tol·o(cid:173)
`otQ -
`glst \·man·'lli·l:>·jlst, -,men·\ n
`ae·dl•tlon \sl-'dl·sh:>n\ 11 [ME sed/clou11, rr. AF scdlclun, rr. L sedition-,
`sed/I/o, lit., separation, rr. sed·, se· apart + Ilion·, lt/o act or going, rr. ire
`to so - more at SECEDE, ISSUE] (14c) : Incitement or resistance to or
`Insurrection against lawful authority
`aeodl•tlous \sl·'dl-shos\ otQ (I Sci 1 : disposed to arouse or take part in
`or guilty or sedition 2 : or. relatlns to. or lendlns toward sedition -
`aeodl·tlous·IY odv -
`se·dl·tlous·ness n
`saoduce \sl·'dOs, ·'dyOs\ vi BB•ducad: seoduc·lng [LL scduccre, fr. L,
`to lead away, rr. se· apart+ ducere to lead- more at TOW] (15c) 1 :to
`persuade to disobedience or disloyalty 2 : to lead astray usu. by per·
`suasion or false promises 3 : to carry out the physical seduction or
`:entice to sexual intercourse 4 : ATTRACT syn sec LURE- se·duc(cid:173)
`se•duce•ment \·m~nt\ n (1586) 1 : SllDUCTtON 2 : something that
`serves to seduce
`se•dUC•tlon \sl-'d~k-sh~n\ tt fMF. fr. LL seduction·, seduct/o, rr. L, act
`or leading aside, rr. seduccrc (1526) 1 : the act or scduclns; esp: the
`enticement or a person to sexual Intercourse 2 : something that sc·
`duces :TEMPTATION 3 : something that attracts or charms
`se•dUC•tlve \·'d:>k-tlv\ otQ (1651): tending to seduce: having alluring
`or tempting qualities (a -..., sometimes disingenuous man - Thatcher
`Freund) (a -
`aroma) -
`se·duc-tlva·IY odv -
`se•dUC•tlve•nesa n
`Be•dUC•tress \·'d:>k·tras\ n [obs. scductor male seducer, rr. LL, rr. se·
`ducere to seduce] (1802) : a woman who seduces
`Se•dU•Il•ty \sl·'dQ-1:>-ti!, -'d¥0·\ t1 (1542); sedulous activity; DILIOENCE
`sed•U•lOUB \'se·j:>-los\ otQ [L scd11/us, fr . • redu/o sincerely, diligently, fr.
`sed·, se without+ dolus guile- more at SUICIDE] (1540) 1 : Involving
`or accomplished with careful perseverance <- craftsmanship) 2
`: diligent In application or pursuit (a -... student) syn see ousy -
`aed•U•IOUB•IY odv- Bed•U•IOUB•ness 11
`BB•dum \'si!·d~m\ tt [NL, fr. L, housclcek] (1760): any of a genus (Se·
`dum) or widely distributed ncshy herbs or the orplne family -
`1see \'se\ vb saw \'s6\; seen \'sen\: see·lng \'se·IQ\ [ME seen, rr. OE
`sifon; akin to OHG sciJon to sec and perh. to L sequ/to follow - more
`at suB] vi (bef. 12c) 1 a : to perceive by the eye b: to perceive or de·
`teet U.S If by sight 2 8 ; to have experience of ; UNDEROO (-... army
`service) b : to come to know : DISCOVER c : to be the setting or
`time o( (the last nrty years have seett a sweeping revolution In science
`- Barry Commoner) 3 8 : to form a mental picture of ; VISUALIZE
`(can still -...her as she was years ago) b : to perceive the mcanln!l or
`Importance of : UNDERSTAND C : to be aware of ; RECOGNIZE <-s
`only our faults) d : to Imagine as a possibility : SUPPOSE (couldn't-...
`\~\abut \"\killen, F table \ar\ further \a\ ash \li\ ace \ll\ mop, mar
`\au\ out \ch\ chin \e\ bet \t\ easy \s\ go
`\1\ Ice
`\1\ hit
`\IJ\ slag \il\ so \6\ low \61\ boy \th\ thin \l.h\ the \U\ loot \u\ root
`\k, •, ""· "'· '\sec Guide to Pronunciation
`\y\ yet
`\zh\ vision, beige


`: of a number owning
`al portions into which
`ny of the equal inter(cid:173)
`•oration is divided and
`,e or more cert

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