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`Continued fiom Page
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`USP Monograph: Phenylephrine HCE Ophthalmic sialuaim, omciat 6810112013 —: Ii30I2013
`1-55 3
`Eg R
`USP Manngraph: Phenyiephxine RC1 Na53! Jefly, Officiai l}8f{m2l}!3 -1 1l3fiI2!}l3
`To determine the Phenyiephrine I-lydrochkxride assay levéls iii 111:: above lots.
`Model: _ £361 SIN:
`ealibramdweekly@daily@ % dne'@_&
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`Run Time: 20’ min
`Column Tenxparauue: Ambient Wavelength: 230 min
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`3) Epinaphrineflimtatafifi
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`Continued fmm Page
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`gm, 'koI(\./{3
`A) MobilePhase~ [Ext 590 mL af(1) + 50:} ml. ms) + 1.1gof(4)}. axlzixed__§_;_f3_Lof{1) and____i_;g___L of(6) and
`mixedwel}. Then added 2. 2-:'.‘«Hrg af(4) andmixed weli. Adjustedpflto 2363 witi1{5). Exp. 1: gig 2‘'5
`E} Diiuezrt — (50:50) _£‘g_.1.5_'-_I.. of(§} and _§;:-_?;§+_L of(6)m1d mixed wen. mijusted pi-11:0 §£__¢>_‘~gwish (5).
`Pbenylephrine Stock Standard— [Ex 20 mgcm) into a 19 mL volumetric flaskandQS’dwith{3}}. Weighed-'g—§_-_§.;mg
`of{2) into 3.
`14:: mi.volumetric flask. Dissolved a_nd.QS’dwith (B). ;a'IwZr3
`Phenyiephrine Working Standard m Pipfiéred 1 mi. (DZ: into $3.20 1211. voiumetris: flask. Dissolved and QS‘:i with (C).
`Zvlixadw-aIt{conuenh*atIen=~4i.1mgfmL}. Exp. 1o{|.J\-3
`Phenylephrine Resolution Workixlg Standard —— iEx: Pipetted it) mi. of(C) into :1 1601111.. volumetric flask. Added 10.0 mg
`.333) andQsna w]:11(g}}_ 'Pip$fl;e,d
`5'. CI intoa_fi_t_3v*mL volumetric flask. AMw ng of
`(3) andqsaawith (B) andmixedwell. Bxp. dL t<>{u>1t '3'
`Sample Pram-ation
`. 2.5% Phenylepln-fine Solution: Pipettsed 2.0 ml. ofsample into 2120!} 11114 vohtmeiric flask, QS’d with {B-) and mixed welt.
`‘File-11 pipetted 4.0 ml. eftlte above solution into a 10 ml. volmnelric flask, QS’s with (B)
`Ami mixed w&ll(om:c:sm1'ation = -43.3: n1gfmL)._Exp. 115 ng !'~'r.uL who it’:
`10.9% Phenylephriue Sointion: Pipertedlo ml. ofsampia into a200 ml. votumetric f1ask.‘QS’d with (B) and mixed well.
`Then pipezted 1.0 ml. aftha above solution into 21 10 mL Volumetric flask, QS’s with (B)
`And mixed wall (noncefitraiian ='— -l}.1xng/mL).Em 105% “'3
`jg} ‘£0 3
`Befliewudfiy: My
`{DIM £33
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`§ S_
`Read and Understood By
`Czintinued on Page '\fi$


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`HPIE Caultilieus:
`was-snrmsymm #1
`Colman: Phenomena): Luna 511 Cm{4.<Smm xfififlnrrn :4 Sum} S\N: 5?36?.4—54
`Deiacmr: WaH>r$UV @ 230 am
`‘item Ru:5: 1.0%} Inuntirl.
`induction ‘Vanna: 20 KL
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`Phcu leriueficl ntdasfi
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`Emmoic G-eluiafiw:
`R1813-H27: {(855-w3r9o¢436}*(o.1IJ2 mgrnL)*(2oo;2)*(10!-4)j= 24. I2 mgrm1..
`nrsia-ma: :(s1:1nn:9amsy»co.ao2 mgan1.)w;zae.eyr(;w:;;n9a35 mgbni.
`Continued on Pas
`it: it
`Read and Understood By

` -
`" 'F2&'pm-ten‘ by User; éustifi Srafriehaz {Sanaziuui}
`E’hTeny|§—>phrine Repggt
`Ffgieat mm’ F%:e11yiapIirIna_1 31b1?;Sys?;:J5
`fianpfsj-2 I-viafraé:
`S.é_'rrp'I<3 Type;
`lnjefiéipn VDIUF?’Ef
`Run ‘I‘:rr'e:-
`Sarrgala SE1‘
`29.00 ul
`SDI). l‘«Iir1'uE_e;~3
`fiéqiliréd By:
`State Acquiraci:
`Acq. Nletiwd 5&2,
`ate: Fat:-._:i;-_§s'e:d:
`F-‘:’If::£f:;F3E._5§i'ig Iiiggfhréfiz
`éiffannél bane;
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` Phenv'ephrin% REF?9??
`Justin Sanéchez [Sa‘na:i1J1.;1}
`Ffp§ef:{f\|afi‘BT' Phehyiephtinemiaiei?_Sys?;.1S
`Reparteci by User:
`_Sanpre )‘}$arre:-
`_Sé§n1:Ia Ty ‘pa:
`lnjectirm ‘doturrvé
`Run fine;
`Sanfife S=;e§i_!§£}an*e:
`{Jrti-mw n
`29.05‘; ul
`3&0. Mn'u£s35
`Acquired By:
`Date Acquired;
`Acq-. Nefiwiid $8!‘
`{me F’rc_a:i:—;s$_'ed_:
`H‘r§_¢e§ fng Efiafladd:
`Chm Desrsrz:
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`Frqéect Narré; F11enylephrinE_131D17m$ys?,,}$.
`Justin Sanchez {Sanch._Ju1)
`Repnrted by User:
`‘Semis Ty pg:
`Inj'a'.r;_u::n 1::
`kzjeqflon Voiumi.‘
`mm Tune:
`Sarmie Set-fsie'.1:T'e'
`Afiquirad By;
`Spikedw Ssisgfiér
`1fiI1?i2€313'6_:05_9f4$ PN1
`Data Acquired:
`Lhw-knew :1
`Acq. Meifiad Seat‘
`101156201 3 9;_4$:4-5 AM
`Data: F’rcscessed.:
`F_E1eny£a'phr'ina 8
`Prg¢’essing Mefihczgd;
`20.60 2;!
`Qiwanner r~,ién‘a:
`33.0 Mnutes
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`p;me;g"§,45;45 AM" =::ma:'2<313
`I=ia'g-Q1 of’!

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