Transcript of Sailaja Machiraju
`Date: April 29, 2016
`Case: Altaire Pharmaceuticals, Inc. -v- Paragon Bioteck, Inc. (PTAB)
`Planet Depos
`Phone: 888-433-3767
`Fax: 888-503-3767
`Worldwide Court Reporting | Interpretation | Trial Services
`Exhibit 1034, Page 1 of 90

` - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
`INC. :
` Petitioner, : Case PGR2015-00011
` v. : Patent No. 8,859,623 B1
` Patent Owner.
` - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
` Deposition of Sailaja Machiraju
` Seattle, Washington
` Friday, April 29, 2016
` 9:00 a.m.
` Job No.: 108299
` Pages: 1 - 74
` Reported By: Diane Rugh, CCR No. 2399, CRR
`Exhibit 1034, Page 2 of 90

`Deposition of Sailaja Machiraju
`Conducted on April 29, 2016
` Deposition of SAILAJA MACHIRAJU, held at the
` offices of:
` 701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5100
` Seattle, Washington 98104-7036
` 206.883.2500
` Pursuant to notice, before Diane Rugh, CCR No.
` 2399, CRR.
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`3 4 5
`Exhibit 1034, Page 3 of 90

`Deposition of Sailaja Machiraju
`Conducted on April 29, 2016
` A P P E A R A N C E S
` 1825 Eye Street NW
` Washington, DC 20006-5403
` 202.420.2201
` 701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5100
` Seattle, Washington 98104-7036
` 206.883.2500
` Travis L. Sydow, Paragon BioTeck
`8 9
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`Exhibit 1034, Page 4 of 90

`Deposition of Sailaja Machiraju
`Conducted on April 29, 2016
` C O N T E N T S
`Mr. England 5
` E X H I B I T S
` (Previously marked.)
`Exhibit 1001U.S. Patent 8,859,623 21
`Exhibit 2008USP Monograph for Phenylephrine 30
` Hydrochloride Injection
`Exhibit 2009USP Monograph for Phenylephrine 30
` Hydrochloride Nasal Jelly
`Exhibit 2010General Chapter 621, 30
` Chromatography
`Exhibit 2021Declaration of Sailaja Machiraju 14
`Exhibit 2036Resume of Sailaja Machiraju 14
`Exhibit 2040Sample Information, 59
` Phenylephrine USP
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`2 3
`5 6 7
`Exhibit 1034, Page 5 of 90

`Deposition of Sailaja Machiraju
`Conducted on April 29, 2016
` P R O C E E D I N G S
` Whereupon,
` being first duly sworn or affirmed to testify to the
` truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth,
` was examined and testified as follows:
` Q Could you please state your name and address
` for the record.
` A My name is Sailaja. I live in Portland,
` 16275 Northwest Schendel, S-c-h-e-n-d-e-l, Avenue,
` 97006. Portland, Beaverton.
` MR. BROWN: Can we put appearances on the
` record?
` MR. ENGLAND: Sorry for that. My name is
` Jonathan England, I'm from Blank Rome for Altaire
` Pharmaceuticals.
` MR. BROWN: Andy Brown of Wilson Sonsini
` Goodrich & Rosati on behalf of the patent owner and
` the witness. With me are Sonja Gerrard and Mike
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`7 8
`Exhibit 1034, Page 6 of 90

`Deposition of Sailaja Machiraju
`Conducted on April 29, 2016
` Rosato, both also of Wilson Sonsini, and Travis
` Sydow who in-house counsel for Paragon.
` Q Ms. Machiraju, is that a good pronunciation
` of your name?
` A Yes, absolutely.
` Q Okay. Have you been deposed before?
` A No.
` Q So I'm going to set some ground rules for
` today. I'm going to ask you some questions and
` hopefully you can give me some answers to the best
` of your ability. Is that okay?
` A Okay.
` Q If at any time you do not understand my
` questions, just let me know and I'll try to rephrase
` it in a more appropriate manner.
` A Okay.
` Q If you're not done with an answer and I
` continue to the next question, just let me know and
` I'll let you complete your answer. It's best for
` the record if we don't speak over each other.
` A Sure.
` Q And then if possible, all your answers
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`Deposition of Sailaja Machiraju
`Conducted on April 29, 2016
` should be audible so the court reporter can take it
` down and accurately represent what goes on today.
` A Okay.
` Q And you understand you're under oath today?
` A Yes.
` Q Is there any reason you're not able to give
` accurate and truthful testimony today?
` A No.
` Q Finally, if you need to take a break, just
` let me know. I would ask that you finish your
` answer and then we'll take a break. But also in
` these proceedings you're limited to your discussions
` with counsel during the break and you should not
` speak of anything of the substance of your
` testimony.
` A I understand, okay.
` Q Going to a few housekeeping matters, what is
` your understanding of why you're here today?
` A I'm here for the deposition for my patent
` that we have filed.
` Q So today we're here to discuss your
` declaration that was submitted in accordance with
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`Exhibit 1034, Page 8 of 90

`Deposition of Sailaja Machiraju
`Conducted on April 29, 2016
` the post-grant review of your patent. And that
` would be patent 8,859,623 which I will refer to as
` the '623 patent, if that's okay with you.
` A Yes.
` Q When were you first contacted by Paragon
` regarding this post-grant review, just the
` post-grant review proceeding?
` MR. BROWN: Objection.
` Q You can answer.
` A I don't remember the exact date.
` Q Okay. Who contacted you about submitting a
` declaration for this post-grant review?
` MR. BROWN: I'd just caution you not to
` reveal the substance of any conversations you may
` have had with any of the lawyers for Paragon, but
` you can answer the question that was asked.
` THE WITNESS: Paragon.
` Q Paragon, okay.
` A Yeah.
` Q And you were contacted by in-house counsel
` of Paragon?
` A Yes.
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`Deposition of Sailaja Machiraju
`Conducted on April 29, 2016
` Q So in preparation for today, what have you
` done to get ready for this deposition?
` MR. BROWN: Objection. I'd just caution you
` not to reveal the substance of any conversations you
` may have had with counsel.
` THE WITNESS: Okay. Paragon's attorney and
` Wilson Sonsini attorney.
` MR. BROWN: When she asks you to repeat
` something, she's not asking for clarification, she's
` asking for actually what you said so she can take
` what you had said previously.
` MR. BROWN: It's a little bit different than
` a normal conversation.
` Q In preparation for this deposition did you
` review the '623 patent?
` A Yes.
` Q And who did you meet with in preparation for
` this deposition?
` A Paragon's attorney and the WSGR attorney.
` Q And when did you meet with them?
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`Deposition of Sailaja Machiraju
`Conducted on April 29, 2016
` A Yesterday.
` Q And for about how long?
` A Just a couple of -- maybe one to two hours.
` Q And in preparation for this deposition have
` you spoken with Dr. Lalic?
` A No.
` Q Have you ever spoken with Dr. Lalic?
` A No.
` Q And what documents have you gone over in
` preparation for this deposition?
` A My declaration.
` Q Solely your declaration?
` A Yes.
` Q Did you review any of the exhibits that you
` discussed in your declaration?
` A Yes. That was the study that we have, not
` the exhibits that I have. The study that we had
` conducted, I have.
` Q Have you reviewed the petition filed for the
` post-grant review?
` A No.
` Q And have you reviewed any other declarations
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`Exhibit 1034, Page 11 of 90

`Deposition of Sailaja Machiraju
`Conducted on April 29, 2016
` or deposition transcripts?
` A No.
` Q And in preparation did you review the USP
` Monograph?
` A Yes.
` Q And did you review the USP General Chapter
` 621 on Chromatography?
` A No.
` Q And have you recently reviewed the results
` generated by Encompass?
` A Yes.
` Q And are you being compensated beyond your
` normal salary for your deposition testimony here
` today?
` A No.
` Q Are you being compensated for the
` declaration you submitted beyond your standard
` compensation?
` A No.
` Q Do you expect to be compensated for either
` of these?
` A No.
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`Deposition of Sailaja Machiraju
`Conducted on April 29, 2016
` Q Do you stand to benefit in any way in the
` outcome of this proceeding?
` MR. BROWN: Objection.
` Q Let me clarify. Do you expect to gain
` monetary benefit if the patent is determined valid
` at the end of this proceeding?
` A Can you please phrase it in some other
` words?
` Q Will you receive either a bonus or monetary
` compensation at the end of this proceeding, the
` post-grant review challenge?
` A No.
` Q Do you have any remaining ownership interest
` in the '623 patent?
` A No.
` Q Do you receive any royalties derived from
` products covered by the '623 patent?
` A No.
` Q Do you have any ownership interest in
` Paragon?
` A No.
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`Deposition of Sailaja Machiraju
`Conducted on April 29, 2016
` Q Who wrote the declaration?
` A I drafted my declaration and I submitted the
` information required to be put in my declaration,
` and I submitted that to WSGR. And they compiled it
` and then they sent it back to me, I reviewed it and
` signed off on it.
` Q Okay. And have any of your opinions changed
` since you signed your declaration?
` A No.
` Q Have you ever testified at trial before?
` A Sorry?
` Q Have you ever testified at trial before?
` A No.
` Q And have you ever worked in the role of a
` consulting or testifying witness?
` A Can you please repeat the question?
` Q Have you ever essentially been paid to
` consult about technology or testify according to a
` District Court proceeding?
` A No.
` Q Going forward, I'm going to hand you what
` has been previously marked as Exhibits 2021 and
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`Exhibit 1034, Page 14 of 90

`Deposition of Sailaja Machiraju
`Conducted on April 29, 2016
` 2036.
` (Exhibits 2021 and 2036, previously
` marked, are attached to the transcript.)
` Q Starting with the document marked Exhibit
` 2021, do you recognize this document?
` A Yes.
` Q What do you recognize it to be?
` A That's my declaration.
` Q Have you reviewed it to authenticate it's
` your declaration?
` A Yes.
` Q Do you recognize the document labeled
` Exhibit 2036?
` A Yes.
` Q And what do you recognize that document to
` be?
` A This is my resume.
` Q Are there any notable changes since that was
` submitted?
` A No.
` Q Turning to Page 5 of your declaration, the
` declaration is dated February 10, 2016. Is this the
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`Deposition of Sailaja Machiraju
`Conducted on April 29, 2016
` date you completed and signed the declaration?
` A Yes.
` Q Approximately when was the first version of
` the declaration you completed? You said you
` completed a declaration and submitted it to Wilson
` Sonsini.
` A Yes.
` Q Do you know the date?
` A I don't remember the date.
` Q Do you know if it was the week -- or do you
` know if it was in February or in January?
` A It was in February.
` Q And did any of your opinions change from the
` time you submitted your declaration until --
` A No.
` MR. BROWN: Let him finish his question
` before you answer.
` Q Turning to, I believe it's Page 2 of your
` declaration, what is your current role at Paragon?
` And when I say Paragon, you understand it to be
` Paragon Bioteck; correct?
` A Yes. I'm the senior research associate at
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`Deposition of Sailaja Machiraju
`Conducted on April 29, 2016
` Paragon.
` Q What does that role include?
` A That includes taking care of all the
` in-house research activities as well as contacting
` the contract manufacturers to find out and designing
` the experiments and the protocols, and reviewing the
` reports.
` Q Let's try to break that down. So first you
` said that you oversee all research.
` A Yes.
` Q And so that's all research across Paragon?
` A Yes.
` Q And do you do any of that research yourself
` or do you have a team?
` A If required I do it myself. We have a team
` as well. And then we -- if required we find out the
` contact of such organizations and we design the
` study required based on Paragon's requirements.
` Q So Paragon has in-house testing capabilities
` to do this type of testing that you talk about?
` A Yes. We perform it at university if
` required, Portland State University.
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`Deposition of Sailaja Machiraju
`Conducted on April 29, 2016
` Q And then you say that you also contract out
` research?
` A Yes.
` Q And how do you decide when to contract out
` research?
` A So depends on what study we want to perform.
` And we have a -- it depends on the study
` requirements and the past experience of Paragon as
` well as we find out if -- we check the contract
` manufacturers and we check if they are compliant
` with CGMB and if they follow all the regulatory
` requirements. Our quality department does all those
` checks.
` Q Are you involved at all in the manufacture
` and distribution of pharmaceutical drugs?
` A No.
` Q You're only on the research side of it?
` A Yes.
` Q And so generally what are the subjects of
` the research that you oversee at Paragon?
` A Mostly the GMB part of the regulatory
` applications, I take care of that. That also
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`Deposition of Sailaja Machiraju
`Conducted on April 29, 2016
` includes the analytical testing part.
` Q By saying you "take care," you say you
` either do the in-house research or in-house
` experiments or you design it to be contracted out?
` A Yes.
` Q And how do you select contract research
` organizations?
` A We have a quality department. They do their
` checks and then they certify the contract
` researcher. And then we -- that's how we qualify
` the contract research organization.
` Q What type of checks are you talking about?
` A They perform -- they certify them if they
` are compliant with the regulatory bodies, and then
` they see if they follow all the CGMP regulations and
` if they are certified bodies for performing the
` required tests.
` Q And who does that at Paragon?
` A Paragon's quality department, quality
` assurance.
` Q Are you in charge of the quality assurance
` department?
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`Deposition of Sailaja Machiraju
`Conducted on April 29, 2016
` A No, I'm not in charge.
` Q Okay. So looking at Paragraph 7 of your
` declaration you say that, you state, "I also direct
` experiments performed ..."
` What does directing experiments entail?
` A That means that I contact the contract
` research organization of what needs to be done,
` required in the study.
` Q Is that an oral or a written direction?
` A That could be both depending on the
` requirement of the study. Mostly it would be a
` study design protocol from Paragon end, and then we
` submit that to the contract research organization
` and they design a protocol for the study. We review
` it and then we approve the study, myself and the
` quality department, we approve it. And then the
` study starts.
` Q So would it be fair to characterize that as
` you submit the initial research design, they submit
` a procedure to do it?
` A Yes.
` Q And then you approve it?
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`Deposition of Sailaja Machiraju
`Conducted on April 29, 2016
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. And how often do you do these -- or
` submit research to contract research companies
` annually, we'll say?
` A Quite often.
` Q Is quite often 10 to 15 or 50 times?
` A Fifty.
` Q Fifty?
` A Yeah.
` Q Okay. And do you have any interaction with
` suppliers of either the pharmaceutical drugs for the
` studies?
` A If required.
` Q When would it be required?
` A If we are trying to establish new
` contractors or new suppliers for our products.
` Q Okay. And how often do you revalidate
` suppliers or contractors?
` A Every year. And that's taken care of
` quality assurance department.
` (Exhibit 1001, previously marked, is
` attached to the transcript.)
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`Deposition of Sailaja Machiraju
`Conducted on April 29, 2016
` Q Okay. I'm handing to you what has been
` previously marked Exhibit 1001. Do you recognize
` the document labeled Exhibit 1001?
` A Yes.
` Q What do you recognize it to be?
` A This is the patent that we have filed.
` Q Take a second look through it to make sure
` that it's there in its entirety.
` Turning to Page 1 of the document, you are a
` named inventor of the '623 patent; correct?
` A Yes.
` Q In your opinion, what is the general subject
` matter of the '623 patent?
` MR. BROWN: Objection, scope.
` THE WITNESS: This is outside the scope of
` my declaration.
` Q You stated that you're a named inventor. I
` just want to kind of have your general idea of what
` the patent is about.
` MR. BROWN: Objection, scope.
` MR. ENGLAND: Withdrawn.
` Q What aspect of the '623 patent did you
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`Deposition of Sailaja Machiraju
`Conducted on April 29, 2016
` contribute to inventing?
` MR. BROWN: Objection, scope.
` Q Please answer.
` A The research part of it.
` Q Could you please be a little bit more
` specific?
` MR. BROWN: Same objection.
` THE WITNESS: The analytical testing.
` Q When you say analytical testing, that's
` what's generated by the figures?
` MR. BROWN: Same objection.
` THE WITNESS: That's outside the scope of
` the --
` Q I'm just trying to figure out when you say
` you're a named inventor what part of the patent
` you're an inventor of.
` MR. BROWN: She said she's a named inventor.
` That means her name is on the front of the patent.
` That's pretty straightforward. You can have a
` little bit of latitude, but --
` MR. ENGLAND: This is not going to go deep
` into the patent. I just generally want to know what
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`Deposition of Sailaja Machiraju
`Conducted on April 29, 2016
` part she contributed to the patent.
` MR. BROWN: I think she's answered that.
` Q So you did the analytical research of the
` patent?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. And then turning to Page 11 of that
` document, down to Column 12, Line 39, it's the first
` claim.
` What part of the analytical research was
` involved in that claim?
` MR. BROWN: Objection. Scope, relevance.
` THE WITNESS: It's not part of my
` declaration. Outside the scope.
` Q I still need an answer.
` MR. BROWN: Answer to the best of your
` ability.
` Q You can say very generic.
` A I would prefer not to. It's outside the
` scope of my declaration.
` Q Is there any answer you can give me?
` A No.
` Q Okay. Let's go back to your declaration.
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`Deposition of Sailaja Machiraju
`Conducted on April 29, 2016
` On Page 2, Paragraph 8, you state that you selected
` Encompass Pharmaceutical Services, Incorporated. If
` it's okay with you I'll just refer to it as
` Encompass.
` A Yes.
` Q What type of services does Encompass
` provide?
` A It provides the GMP analytical services for
` the pharmaceuticals.
` Q Does it provide a broad spectrum of testing
` analysis for pharmaceutical companies?
` A Yes.
` Q And how did you select Encompass for this
` study?
` A We have a past relationship with Encompass,
` and then our quality assurance department does all
` the review of the compliances and all that, and
` makes sure that they are compliant with CGMP
` regulations.
` Q And when you say the quality assurance
` department makes sure they're compliant with all the
` GMP practices, do you have firsthand knowledge of
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`Deposition of Sailaja Machiraju
`Conducted on April 29, 2016
` that or is that from the quality assurance
` department?
` A I also would have some knowledge of that.
` Q And where did you obtain that knowledge
` from?
` A With my experience. With my experience in
` the pharmaceutical industry.
` Q Could you please elaborate on that?
` A Can you please again --
` Q You say that your experience qualifies you
` as being GMP compliant. How does your experience in
` the pharmaceutical industry --
` A Because I have worked for a lot of GMP
` related compounds in my past, and then I have worked
` for API manufacturers, and I know the regulations
` that are required for being compliant with CGMP.
` Q And have you seen the labs at Encompass to
` assure that they are compliant with GMP?
` A I have not.
` Q And have you seen any of the procedures or
` validation that established they're compliant?
` A Yes.
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`Deposition of Sailaja Machiraju
`Conducted on April 29, 2016
` Q And when did you see that?
` A When we perform the study they submit all
` the necessary documents with the report.
` Q And you reviewed those documents?
` A Yes.
` Q And I presume that also includes the
` International Conference of Harmonisation of
` Technical Requirements for Registration for
` Pharmaceuticals for Human Use and the United States
` Pharmacopeial Convention Guidelines?
` A They submit all the required documents
` necessary for performing the particular study.
` Q And is that before or after they perform the
` study?
` A It's before. They state that in the
` protocol what are the necessary specifications or
` the regulations that they follow for that required
` study.
` Q So that would have been after you submitted
` the study to them and then they would respond with
` the protocols when they submit that information?
` A Yes.
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`Deposition of Sailaja Machiraju
`Conducted on April 29, 2016
` Q Okay. And do you have any other studies
` with Encompass currently pending?
` A That's outside the scope of my declaration.
` Q Your declaration talks about, it says in
` Paragraph 9, "We have used Encompass in the past and
` are confident in the quality of analytical chemistry
` services they provide." So I'm just trying to see
` how often you use them.
` A We do use them a lot. There are a lot of
` studies that are currently ongoing with Encompass.
` Q And approximately how many companies do you
` use for research?
` A It depends on -- for of the analytical
` testing it would be only Encompass. And it depends
` on the kind of research that we are performing.
` Q Going back to that same sentence, "We have
` used Encompass in the past," how are you confident
` in the quality of analytical chemistry services they
` provide?
` A I have reviewed the results and the
` protocols and the testing that they do, so I am
` confident on their results.
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`Deposition of Sailaja Machiraju
`Conducted on April 29, 2016
` Q And do you do any independent validation of
` the results?
` A Encompass does the validation of their test
` results.
` Q Does Paragon do any independent validation
` of the testing and results?
` A No.
` Q Why did you not include the validation and
` the GMP practices in the papers we discussed earlier
` in the submission accompanying your declaration?
` MR. BROWN: Objection, foundation.
` THE WITNESS: That's outside the scope of my
` declaration and that's company's proprietary
` information that I would not want to disclose that.
` Q So you testified that it conforms to Good
` Manufacturing Practices and you state that they
` provide documents supporting that. I'm wondering,
` or my question is, why didn't those documents
` accompany your declaration to establish that they
` actually conformed to the report?
` MR. BROWN: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: That's outside the scope of
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`Deposition of Sailaja Machiraju
`Conducted on April 29, 2016
` the declaration.
` Q I don't believe that's outside the scope of
` the declaration. You are testifying in your
` declaration that the laboratories conform to Good
` Manufacturing Practice. And I'm inquiring why you
` didn't submit the documents that show as the basis
` of your statement with the declaration.
` A I --
` MR. BROWN: Objection. And please answer to
` the best of your ability.
` THE WITNESS: Anything that would have any
` proprietary information of Paragon or Encompass, I
` am not allowed to submit those.
` MR. ENGLAND: I think this would be a good
` time for our first break.
` MR. BROWN: Okay.
` (Short break.)
` Q Going to Paragraph 10 of your declaration,
` Page 2, is it a fair characterization to say that
` the purpose of the experiment you directed Encompass
` to perform was limited to whether or not the
` specific HPLC method described in USP the Monograph
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`Deposition of Sailaja Machiraju
`Conducted on April 29, 2016
` for identification of R-form phenylephrine
` hydrochloride was capable of separating
` phenylephrine enantiomers?
` A Yes.
` Q I'm handing you three documents previously
` labeled Exhibit 2008, Exhibit 2009 and Exhibit 2010.
` (Exhibits 2008, 2009 and 2010, previously
` marked, are attached to the transcript.)
` Q Here is 2008, here is Exhibit 2009, and here
` is Exhibit 2010.
` Starting with Exhibit 2008, have you seen
` this document before?
` A Yes.
` Q Just for your point, this is the
` Phenylephrine Hydrochloride Injection document?
` A Yeah.
` Q Okay. What is this document?
` A This is the USP Monograph for phenylephrine
` injection.
` Q And how do you know this?
` A This is the standard.
` Q Going to Exhibit 2009, have you seen this
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`Exhibit 1034, Page 31 of 90

`Deposition of Sailaja Machiraju
`Conducted on April 29, 2016
` document before?
` A Yes.
` Q What is this document?
` A This is the USP Monograph for Phenylephrine
` Hydrochloride Nasal Jelly.
` Q And could you please tell me the difference
` between Exhibit 2008 and 2009? I'm sorry, let me be
` more specific.
` Could you please tell me the difference
` between phenylephrine hydrochloride nasal jelly and
` phenylephrine hydrochloride injection?
` A Both are different formulations.
` Q How are they different?
` A One is injection, the other one is nasal
` jelly.
` Q And so what is the formulation for
` injection?
` A I do not have that information.
` Q And what is it for nasal jelly?
` A I do not have that information either.
` Q So are these for different

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