Transcript of Gojko Lalic, Ph.D.
`Date: April 12, 2016
`Case: Altaire Pharmaceuticals, Inc. -v- Paragon Bioteck, Inc. (PTAB)
`Planet Depos, LLC
`Phone: 888-433-3767
`Fax: 888-503-3767
`Worldwide Court Reporting | Interpretation | Trial Services
`Exhibit 1026, Page 1 of 79

` - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
`INC. :
` Petitioner, : Case PGR2015-00011
` v. : Patent 8,859,623 B1
` Patent Owner.
` - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
` Videotape Deposition of Gojko Lalic, Ph.D.
` Seattle, Washington
` Tuesday, April 12, 2016
` 9:00 a.m.
` Job No.: 108297
` Pages: 1 - 64
` Reported By: Diane Rugh, CCR No. 2399, CRR
`Exhibit 1026, Page 2 of 79

`Videotaped Deposition of Gojko Lalic, Ph.D.
`Conducted on April 12, 2016
` Videotape Deposition of GOJKO LALIC, Ph.D.,
` held at the offices of:
` 701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5100
` Seattle, Washington 98104-7036
` 206.883.2500
` Pursuant to notice, before Diane Rugh, CCR No.
` 2399, CRR.
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`3 4 5
`Exhibit 1026, Page 3 of 79

`Videotaped Deposition of Gojko Lalic, Ph.D.
`Conducted on April 12, 2016
` A P P E A R A N C E S
` 1825 Eye Street NW
` Washington, DC 20006-5403
` 202.420.2201
` 701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5100
` Seattle, Washington 98104-7036
` 206.883.2500
` Michael Takos, Videographer
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`Exhibit 1026, Page 4 of 79

`Videotaped Deposition of Gojko Lalic, Ph.D.
`Conducted on April 12, 2016
` C O N T E N T S
`Mr. Doshi 6
` E X H I B I T S
` (Previously marked.)
`Exhibit 1012 Altaire Pharmaceutical, Inc. 51
` Identification Study STU0328
`Exhibit 1015 Chromatograms 38
`Exhibit 1020 Graph 45
`Exhibit 2016 Declaration of Gojko Lalic, 16
`Exhibit 2021 Declaration of Sailaja 31
` Machiraju, PARAGON - EXHIBIT
` 2021
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`2 3
`5 6 7
`Exhibit 1026, Page 5 of 79

`Videotaped Deposition of Gojko Lalic, Ph.D.
`Conducted on April 12, 2016
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Here begins Disk 1 in the
` videotaped deposition of Dr. Gojko Lalic in the
` matter of Altaire Pharmaceuticals, Incorporated
` versus Paragon Bioteck, Incorporated, in the United
` States Patent and Trademark Office before the Patent
` Trial and Appeal Board, Case Number PGR-2015-00011.
` Today is April 12, 2016, the time on the video
` monitor is 9 a.m.
` The videographer today is Michael Takos
` representing Planet Depos. This video deposition is
` taking place at 701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5100,
` Seattle, Washington.
` Would counsel please voice identify
` themselves and state whom they represent.
` MR. DOSHI: Dipu Doshi, Blank Rome,
` representing Petitioner Altaire. With me is my
` colleague, Jonathan England.
` MR. BROWN: Andrew Brown of Wilson Sonsini
` Goodrich & Rosati on behalf of Patent Owner Paragon,
` and with me is Sonja Gerrard.
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: The court reporter today
` is Diane Rugh representing Planet Depos. Would the
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`Exhibit 1026, Page 6 of 79

`Videotaped Deposition of Gojko Lalic, Ph.D.
`Conducted on April 12, 2016
` reporter please swear in the witness.
` P R O C E E D I N G S
` Whereupon,
` being first duly sworn or affirmed to testify to the
` truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth,
` was examined and testified as follows:
` Q Good morning.
` A Good morning.
` Q Could you state your name for the record,
` please.
` A Gojko Lalic.
` Q Have you been deposed before?
` A No.
` Q Okay. Let me just set some ground rules on
` how this is supposed to work. I'm going to ask some
` questions and you're going to answer to the best of
` your ability. Is that okay?
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`Exhibit 1026, Page 7 of 79

`Videotaped Deposition of Gojko Lalic, Ph.D.
`Conducted on April 12, 2016
` A Sure.
` Q If you have any -- if you don't understand
` my question just let me know and I'll try to
` rephrase it.
` A Okay.
` Q Okay? If you're not done with your answer
` and I continue with the next question just let me
` know and I'll let you answer.
` A Okay.
` Q All your answers have to be audible, okay,
` because she's taking it down, the court reporter
` here to my left. So just try to avoid uh-huhs and
` huh-uhs, okay?
` A Okay.
` Q And you understand you're under oath?
` A I do.
` Q And if you need to take a break please let
` me know and we can take a break. I just ask if
` there's an outstanding question that I get an answer
` before we go on break.
` A No problem.
` Q Okay, thank you. Any reason that you're not
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`Exhibit 1026, Page 8 of 79

`Videotaped Deposition of Gojko Lalic, Ph.D.
`Conducted on April 12, 2016
` able to give truthful or reasonable testimony today?
` A No.
` Q You're represented by counsel today?
` A No.
` Q What's your understanding as to why you're
` here today?
` A To provide testimony about -- that's an
` interesting question. I'm here to provide -- to
` answer some questions about my declaration with
` regards to some data.
` Q And that was a declaration filed in these
` proceedings?
` A Yes.
` Q To the best of your understanding?
` A To the best of my understanding, limited
` understanding.
` Q Thank you.
` Were you contacted by Paragon Bioteck?
` A No.
` Q Okay. So you were -- were you first
` contacted by counsel for Paragon?
` A Yes.
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`Exhibit 1026, Page 9 of 79

`Videotaped Deposition of Gojko Lalic, Ph.D.
`Conducted on April 12, 2016
` Q Okay. And who exactly was that?
` A Sonja Gerrard.
` THE WITNESS: Sonja Gerrard.
` Q When did she contact you? When did she
` first contact you?
` A I don't remember the actual date, but
` somewhere around Christmas of last year.
` Q Did you do anything to prepare for today's
` deposition?
` A Yes.
` Q What did you do?
` A Reviewed the documents, reviewed the
` declaration, and that's about it.
` Q Do you know which documents you reviewed --
` excuse me.
` Do you know which documents you reviewed in
` preparation for this deposition?
` A By name, or? I can describe them. I
` reviewed most of the HPLC data and the optical
` rotation data and my declaration.
` Q Okay, thank you. Did you review the '623
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`Exhibit 1026, Page 10 of 79

`Videotaped Deposition of Gojko Lalic, Ph.D.
`Conducted on April 12, 2016
` patent?
` A No.
` Q And just going forward, I said the '623
` patent but the full patent number is U.S. Patent
` Number 8,859,623. But we can agree that we'll just
` refer to it as the '623 patent?
` A Okay.
` Q Okay. Did you meet with anyone to prepare
` for your deposition today?
` A No.
` MR. BROWN: Sorry.
` THE WITNESS: We met for ten minutes before
` I entered the room here.
` Q Oh, okay. So other than meeting ten minutes
` prior to the deposition --
` A Yes. No other --
` Q -- no other --
` A -- meetings of any sort.
` Q Thank you.
` MR. BROWN: Last week.
` THE WITNESS: I understood the question to
` mean this morning or today did I do anything.
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`Exhibit 1026, Page 11 of 79

`Videotaped Deposition of Gojko Lalic, Ph.D.
`Conducted on April 12, 2016
` Q Not today.
` A In general --
` Q It's a little bit more open-ended.
` A -- like ever? Oh, okay. So we met --
` MR. BROWN: And I would just caution you not
` to reveal the substance of our conversations. But
` you can answer the question.
` THE WITNESS: So we met, that was on Friday
` last week. We met for a couple of hours in
` preparation for this meeting.
` Q And who did you meet with?
` A I met with Sonja Gerrard again and --
` MR. BROWN: Andy.
` THE WITNESS: Andy. Thank you.
` Q And you said that was for a couple of hours?
` A Yes.
` Q And did you look at any documents in those
` meetings?
` A Yes, I did.
` Q In preparation for today's deposition did
` you review Altaire's petition?
` A At some point I might have looked at it, but
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`Exhibit 1026, Page 12 of 79

`Videotaped Deposition of Gojko Lalic, Ph.D.
`Conducted on April 12, 2016
` it wasn't -- I probably wouldn't be able to say much
` about it. I mostly focused on the data.
` Q Did you review Patent Owners' response in
` preparation for today's deposition? This is the
` paper that Paragon filed.
` A If that's Sawaya -- I don't know the name, I
` can't pronounce the name, but if that's what you're
` referring to, the stuff that -- the declaration that
` went with the data, I did review that, yes.
` Q Okay. So the -- okay.
` Did you review any deposition transcript?
` A I did not. I don't believe I did.
` Q Have you reviewed any confidential documents
` relating to these proceedings in preparation for
` your deposition today?
` A I may need help because I'm not sure really
` what that means.
` Q Any documents that were marked confidential
` that were not included in --
` A Did not.
` Q Okay. Did you speak to anyone at Paragon in
` preparation for your deposition today?
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`Exhibit 1026, Page 13 of 79

`Videotaped Deposition of Gojko Lalic, Ph.D.
`Conducted on April 12, 2016
` A At one point on the phone I exchanged hellos
` with someone from Paragon, but that's about it. And
` I'm actually not sure, I don't remember the name of
` the person.
` Q Did you speak to any of the named inventors?
` A Unless that person I exchanged hellos with
` is a named inventor, I did not.
` Q Are you being compensated for your time in
` connection with these proceedings?
` A Can you repeat the question? I didn't hear
` it.
` Q Let me strike that.
` Are you being compensated for your time in
` connection with this deposition?
` A I think so, yes.
` Q How much are you being compensated?
` A I believe it's $350 an hour.
` Q And were you compensated for your time in
` preparing the declaration?
` A I have not been compensated yet, I guess,
` but I hope I will be.
` Q Have you submitted an invoice to Paragon?
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`Exhibit 1026, Page 14 of 79

`Videotaped Deposition of Gojko Lalic, Ph.D.
`Conducted on April 12, 2016
` A I did not.
` Q Okay. The time you spent on the
` declaration, would that also be at a $350 per
` hour --
` A That's my understanding.
` Q -- compensation? Apart from the $350 per
` hour, have you received any additional compensation
` from Paragon or Paragon owners?
` A No.
` Q Any other compensation that's not monetary?
` A No.
` Q Do you stand to benefit in any way based on
` the outcome of this proceeding?
` A Not that I can imagine.
` Q Do you have any ownership interest in
` Paragon?
` A I do not.
` Q Is Paragon funding any grants to you or
` your --
` A No. I wish.
` Q Who wrote the declaration?
` A Joint effort. Part was by Sonja Gerrard and
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`Exhibit 1026, Page 15 of 79

`Videotaped Deposition of Gojko Lalic, Ph.D.
`Conducted on April 12, 2016
` someone else who was on the other side, I'm not sure
` who else was involved. But Sonja for sure, and I
` did.
` Q Did you write portions of it yourself?
` A Sure.
` Q Would you be able to identify which portions
` you wrote yourself?
` A Not with absolute certainty, but there are
` probably things I could point out that are mine that
` I could reasonably be confident that they are mine.
` But every word, I couldn't.
` Q Have you previously worked with any
` attorneys at Wilson Sonsini?
` A No, I did not.
` Q Have you ever worked in private industry?
` A No, I did not.
` Q Have you ever worked in the pharmaceutical
` formulation manufacturing or distribution industry?
` A No, I have not.
` Q You previously testified that you have not
` been deposed before; is that correct?
` A If I properly understand what means being
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`Exhibit 1026, Page 16 of 79

`Videotaped Deposition of Gojko Lalic, Ph.D.
`Conducted on April 12, 2016
` deposed, no, I have not.
` Q Have you ever testified at trial?
` A I have never testified at a trial.
` Q Have you ever -- have you been a testifying
` expert before?
` A No, never.
` Q I went through the background very quickly.
` (Exhibit 2016, previously marked, is
` attached to the transcript.)
` Q All right, so I'm handing you Exhibit 2016.
` Just take a moment to look through that and let me
` know when you're done.
` A It looks familiar.
` Q Okay. Do you recognize that document?
` A Yes, I do.
` Q What do you recognize it to be?
` A It's a declaration that I wrote, co-wrote.
` Q I want to turn your attention to Paragraph 9
` of your report on which is Page 2.
` A Uh-huh, yes.
` Q Paragraph 9 of your report you discuss what
` you have been asked to do; is that correct?
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`Exhibit 1026, Page 17 of 79

`Videotaped Deposition of Gojko Lalic, Ph.D.
`Conducted on April 12, 2016
` A Yes, it does.
` Q And does Paragraph 9 accurately state what
` you address in your report?
` A I believe so.
` Q And Paragraph 10 through 13 state the
` summary of your opinion; is that correct? I'm
` sorry, let me strike that.
` In Paragraphs 10 through 13 state the
` summary of your opinions; is that correct?
` A Yes.
` Q Does your report address whether the claims
` of the '623 patent are non-obvious?
` A Could you repeat, because you were turned
` away from me and it's kind of hard to hear.
` Q Yeah, sure.
` Does your report address whether the claims
` of the '623 patent are non-obvious?
` A That doesn't sound like something I engaged
` in in any way.
` Q Your understanding is that you did not
` address whether the claims of the '623 patent are
` non-obvious; correct?
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`Exhibit 1026, Page 18 of 79

`Videotaped Deposition of Gojko Lalic, Ph.D.
`Conducted on April 12, 2016
` A Yes.
` Q In general terms, how would you characterize
` the substance of your report?
` A How would I characterize the substance of my
` report? I'm not sure -- I'm not sure what that
` means.
` Q Just generally speaking, how would you --
` what do you think was the scope of your report?
` MR. BROWN: Objection.
` Q Well, let me strike it, actually.
` You've reviewed the '623 patent; correct?
` A I at some point read through the patent,
` yes.
` Q Okay. And in your opinion, what is the
` subject matter of the '623 patent?
` A Very quickly, it seemed that it has nothing
` to do with what I've been asked to do. So I
` honestly couldn't tell you much except that it
` didn't have much to do with my area which was to
` analyze HPLC data and optical rotation data. And I
` focused on that.
` So I read through it but didn't find
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`Exhibit 1026, Page 19 of 79

`Videotaped Deposition of Gojko Lalic, Ph.D.
`Conducted on April 12, 2016
` anything useful for me. And that was at the
` beginning, so I really don't know much about it.
` Q Thank you.
` A Sure.
` Q Looking at Page 5 of your report, let me
` know when you get there.
` A I'm there.
` Q Okay. In Paragraph 19 you say,
` "Phenylephrine contains one chiral center."
` What is a chiral center?
` A Chiral center is usually a carbon atom that
` contains four non-identical substituents.
` THE WITNESS: Substituents.
` MR. BROWN: I was going to try to spell it
` but then I realized I'd probably get it wrong.
` Q And what makes it a chiral center in that
` regard?
` A Could you rephrase it in some way, because
` I'm not sure where to go.
` Q Well, let's just go to Paragraph 20.
` A Okay.
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`Exhibit 1026, Page 20 of 79

`Videotaped Deposition of Gojko Lalic, Ph.D.
`Conducted on April 12, 2016
` Q Well, let's go back to Paragraph 19, I'm
` sorry. You say that, "Phenylephrine contains one
` chiral center." Do you see that?
` A Yes.
` Q And because it only has -- and I'm
` paraphrasing here --
` A Uh-huh.
` Q -- one chiral center, it has two
` stereochemical forms called enantiomers.
` Do you see that?
` A Yes.
` Q Can it have more than two?
` A More than two?
` Q Well, let me strike that question, it's a
` bad question.
` Can this phenylephrine -- does phenylephrine
` have more than two enantiomers?
` A No.
` Q And what is an enantiomer?
` A It's a complicated question, but it's almost
` a circular definition. Enantiomers are molecules
` that are mere images of each other but are not
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`Exhibit 1026, Page 21 of 79

`Videotaped Deposition of Gojko Lalic, Ph.D.
`Conducted on April 12, 2016
` superimposable. And they are subs because they
` contain chiral centers.
` Q Thank you.
` In your report you've been asked to analyze
` HPLC-based analytic methods.
` A Yes.
` Q What is HPLC?
` A It's an analytical or preparative technique
` for separation of compounds.
` Q And what types of compounds can be
` separated?
` A Many different types, but in general I'm
` familiar with uses in organic chemistry where
` essentially all organic compounds can in some
` contexts be separated by HPLC.
` Q And how can one tell that the compounds have
` been separated? In other words, what's the output
` of an HPLC analytic tool that would allow you to
` understand that compounds have been separated?
` A Output is generally in the form of a
` chromatogram that shows how a particular property of
` choice, and we can talk about what is property of
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`Exhibit 1026, Page 22 of 79

`Videotaped Deposition of Gojko Lalic, Ph.D.
`Conducted on April 12, 2016
` choice, how does it change in a eluent from the HPLC
` over time.
` THE WITNESS: Eluent. And I can elaborate
` on property of choice if you're interested.
` Q Well, I was going to get there, yes.
` So what properties of choice -- what do you
` mean by properties of choice?
` A Most common is UV absorbents, but we can
` also track many, many other physical properties. We
` can look at the mass of compounds that are contained
` in the eluent at any particular time, we can look at
` optical rotation, we can look at other different
` properties. But UV absorbancy is the most common
` one.
` Q I'd like to turn your attention to Paragraph
` 27, Page 7.
` A I see.
` Q You say, "Assignment of chromatogram peaks
` to individual compounds within a sample typically
` involves either upstream HPLC validation
` experiments ..."
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`Exhibit 1026, Page 23 of 79

`Videotaped Deposition of Gojko Lalic, Ph.D.
`Conducted on April 12, 2016
` What did you mean by that?
` A So big question in interpreting the HPLC
` data is evaluating the changes in the specific
` property like, say, UV absorbents over time to
` presence of any specific compound. And in order to
` be able with some certainty to connect the presence
` of a change in UV absorbents, which we can call
` peak, with a specific compound, we have to be able
` to either find another way to make sure that that's
` what we think has happened.
` So that either involves taking a known
` sample of a known compound in a pure form, analyzing
` it in a separate experiment by HPLC, and then
` assigning that specific peak under specific
` conditions comes from the presence of that specific
` compound. So that would be an upstream validation
` method. So knowing how specific compounds in their
` pure form under controlled conditions behave can
` help us later assign the presence of that compound
` based on the HPLC data.
` Q Thank you. And how about downstream
` specific identification methods, also in Paragraph
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`Exhibit 1026, Page 24 of 79

`Videotaped Deposition of Gojko Lalic, Ph.D.
`Conducted on April 12, 2016
` 27; what did you mean by that?
` A So under particular conditions, it is
` possible to actually isolate the material that's
` eluted from the HPLC column and analyze it after it
` went through the HPLC and after we obtained a
` chromatogram, and then determine that that peak that
` we saw contains a compound that we can identify by
` other analytical techniques such as NMR or mass spec
` or a combination of those and other ones.
` Q In Paragraph 28 you discuss a validation
` experiment that may take the form of a series of
` three HPLC runs. Do you see that?
` A Yes.
` Q Are there other experiments that could be
` done to validate a HPLC experiment?
` A I can imagine that there are, but what I
` described is standard in my experience. It's the
` simplest one can think of that satisfies a general
` requirement.
` Q And are all three runs that you describe
` here in Paragraph 28 necessary to validate an
` experiment?
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`Exhibit 1026, Page 25 of 79

`Videotaped Deposition of Gojko Lalic, Ph.D.
`Conducted on April 12, 2016
` A Generally, I would say yes.
` Q Generally, but not always?
` A Depending on what is the goal of the
` experiment. If you can tell me what the goal of the
` experiment is, I can be more specific whether all
` three are required.
` Q In this context, in this declaration we're
` discussing the separation of R-phenylephrine from
` S-phenylephrine --
` A Uh-huh.
` Q Right? So in that context, is this the
` only -- is Paragraph 28 the only method by which you
` believe an HPLC experiment can be validated?
` A I would hesitate to say "only," but this is
` generally accepted as a standard way of validating
` those experiments, yes.
` Q But there could be other ways?
` A It's hard for me to exclude other
` experiments, but I would -- I think I would feel
` comfortable saying that all of the other experiments
` I can imagine would be significantly more
` complicated than this.
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`Exhibit 1026, Page 26 of 79

`Videotaped Deposition of Gojko Lalic, Ph.D.
`Conducted on April 12, 2016
` Q Understood, thank you.
` Turn to Paragraph 24 of your declaration.
` It's on Page 6. Do you see that?
` A Yes.
` Q All right. It appears you acknowledge that
` Sigma-Aldrich sells R-phenylephrine hydrochloride
` under the Product Number P6126; is that correct?
` A Yes.
` Q The Sigma-Aldrich catalog indicates the
` purity of the product is greater than 99 percent;
` correct?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. Would you have any reason to believe
` the catalog is incorrect?
` MR. BROWN: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: Do you want me to answer?
` Q Yeah.
` A No, there's no reason.
` Q Okay. Does the method of testing affect the
` purity of the product? I'm sorry.
` Does the method of testing affect the purity
` of the Sigma-Aldrich product?
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`Exhibit 1026, Page 27 of 79

`Videotaped Deposition of Gojko Lalic, Ph.D.
`Conducted on Apr

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