`a2) Patent Application Publication (0) Pub. No.: US 2008/0195353 Al
`Igasaki et al.
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Aug. 14, 2008
`US 20080195353A1
`Shiro Igasaki, Kawasaki-shi (JP);
`Masaoki Yamagata, Kawasaki-shi
`Correspondence Address:
`38210 Glenn Avenue
`WILLOUGHBY,OH 44094-7808
`(73) Assignee:
`Kawasaki-shi (JP)
`(21) Appl. No.:
`Jan. 30, 2008
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Feb. 14,2007
`(IP) w.ceeccessesseeesteseeenes 2007-032933
`Publication Classification
`GOIB 5/20
`(52) US. Cl. ssanmcnrenvinnvemnncanentmten 702/168
`Inprofiling control of a contact type probe in which a contact
`point is moved along a surface of an object to be measured,
`while being in contact with the object by a constant measure-
`ment force F, a contact determination level is provided for
`detecting a predetermined force smaller than a target mea-
`surementforce is applied to the contact point, contact deter-
`mination is performedat the time when force applied to the
`contact point reaches the contact determination level during
`approach, and the contact point is shifted from position con-
`trol to force control for bringing the contact point into contact
`with the object by the target measurement force. Thereby
`contact trace is prevented from occurring onthe object to be
`measured without reducing approach speed as much as pos-
`sible and lowering measurementefficiency. In this case, a
`commandvalue of the force control maybeinterpolated and
`gradually increased from the contact determination level to
`the target measurement force, and thus impact increase and
`over-shoot can be prevented from causing due to high-re-
`Target a
`+ Force|force control
`position|Acceleration .Position
`compensator) Switch in
`Position detection value
`Position feedback
` 40
`Digital calculation controlling part
`Shenzhen Tuozhu 1017
`Shenzhen Tuozhu 1017
`Patent Application Publication
`Aug. 14,2008 Sheet 1 of 11
`US 2008/0195353 Al
`Fig. 1
`Fig. 2
`Input amplitude Pi
`Output amplitude Po
`Patent Application Publication
`Aug. 14,2008 Sheet 2 of 11
`US 2008/0195353 Al
`Fig. 3
` an enh adeeb denfn
`yoy fe
`yoy yoyooA
`Output amplitude Py
`Fig. 4
`= 100
`he 90
`23 70
`Measurementforce F [uN]
`Patent Application Publication
`Aug. 14, 2008 Sheet 3 of 11
`US 2008/0195353 Al
`Fig. 5
`Approach f
`2 W
`ork shape
`Constantforce profiling operation
`Patent Application Publication
`Aug. 14, 2008 Sheet 4 of 11
`US 2008/0195353 Al
`Fig. 6
`M 14 “
`r *,
`~~ Contact determination
`“ends and the mode }
`\ switches to force control}
` Impact in
`contactis strong
`Occurrence of
`ontact determination
`t od a
`aN Contact
`start position®
`| Goniactsta)
`amount by
`measurement ateeeeenrsennnenerent
`Occurrence of push-in
`mare than push-in by
`measurementforce by
`delay time of contact
`Occurrence of contact trace
`Patent Application Publication
`Aug. 14, 2008 Sheet 5 of 11
`US 2008/0195353 Al
`Fig. 7
`Force control command
`Target measurementforces |-----------ssssesssscceeseeeeeni -
`‘Contact determination
`ends and the mode
`switches to force control
`“’ Set force control
`command to target
`Target measurement force =>
`Position detection value
`Contact start position =
`— Qa9°
`=iY)g ad
`A Start.
`Measurement position a |...-—--------ssscc-cccesscongenes
`more than push-in
`amount by measurement
`Contact trace
`ends and the mode
`Impact in
`contact is small
`Contadt trace
`hardly occurs
`Patent Application Publication
`Aug. 14, 2008 Sheet 6 of 11
`US 2008/0195353 Al
`Fig. 8
`Force control command
`Target measurementforce = {-------~------<
`Contact determination
`«| ends and the mode
`“..\switches to force control
`Set force control
`command totarget
`measurement force
`Contact determination level =
`Contact determination level =
`sateeah hy
`Contactstart position =»
`Measurementposition = }----------------
`Target measurement force = }--...----.---.
`J Contact determination ends and}
`_“+ the mode switchesto force control
`Yr Perform contact determination
`at contact determinationlevel
`Delay time of
`contact determination
`y dela
`time of contact determination
`smaller than push-in amount
`by measurement force
`No occurrence of push-in
`more than push-in amount
`by measurementforce
`No occurrence
`of contact trace
`. 14, 2008
`Sheet 7 of 11
`US 2008/0195353 Al
`Patent Application Publ
`Patent Application Publication
`Aug. 14, 2008 Sheet 8 of 11
`US 2008/0195353 Al
`Fig. 10
`Force control command
`Target measurementforce =>
`Contact determination level >
`Force control commandset to
`target measurementforce at
`step when contact determination
`ended and the mode switched
`to force control
`Contact determination level=>
`Increase of impact and
`Tree occurrence of over-shoot
`by high-responseof
`force control
`a ¢ Contact; ends andthe mode
`‘| determination}, switches to force control}
`_.f Delaytime of
`«~*~\contact determination
`Increase of impact an
`occurrenceof over-shoot
`pancemnnwennnanan enen.
`Measurement positionfo---m---mmm--rmm-PpPETAEAPAsmn by high-responseofforce control
`Occurrence of contact trace
`{ Contact start
`Contactstart positions }--i--+-- Seneteewannanemennsasdensncadsecececeas:
`{Contact determination ends
`:and the mode switches to}
`i force control =push-in amount}
`i at this time smaller than
` A
`Patent Application Publication
`Aug. 14, 2008 Sheet 9 of 11
`US 2008/0195353 Al
`Fig. 11
`Force control command
`Target measurementforce =
`Target measurement force =>
`switched to force control Contact determination level =
`Interpolate and slowly make force
`contro! command approach target
`measurement force when contact
`determination ended and the mode
`Contactdetermination ends and }
`the mode switchesto force control}
`Contact determination level=>
`Reduction of impact
`and over-shoot by
`at UE interpolation of force
`{ deelan }
`control command
`time of
`contact determination
`“ ,
`woednne genet
`f Contact
`Contact start position=>
`t 1iaH1Wiisancenecenennentcacsceneccensenshm
`{ends andthe mode
`i switchesto force control|
`i> Push-in amountat this;
`time smaller than push-in
`amount by measurement
`Reduction of
`impact and over-shoot
`Ne-oreultenceof¥ contact trace
`Measurementposition =|.----.-.-.-.-_--------eeeeneneeteeneeeee
`Patent Application Publication
`Aug. 14, 2008 Sheet 10 of 11
`US 2008/0195353 Al
`yoejuog seqyunog
`kK— T —
`Target measurement FOFCE ap }---—yra.-—---enennrnrenenenenneee
`Patent Application Publication
`Aug. 14,2008 Sheet 11 o0f11
`US 2008/0195353 Al
`Fig. 13
`(a) Lineartype
`Contact determination level
`(b) Exponenttype
`Force control command
`Target measurementforce «=
`Contact determination level =*
`(c) S-shapetype
`Force control command
`Target measurementforce = }-----.--.-----.------a-nes-05
`kK— T—
`Contact determination levels
`US 2008/0195353 Al
`Aug. 14, 2008
`[0001] The disclosure of Japanese Patent Application No.
`2007-32933filed on Feb. 14, 2007 including specifications,
`drawings and claims1s incorporated herein by referencein its
`1. Field of the Invention
`[0003] The present inventionrelates to a profiling control-
`ling method and controller for contact type probes, and a
`contact type measuring machine. Moreparticularly,it relates
`to a contacttype probeprofiling controlling method and con-
`troller capable of measuring a shape, roughnessof a surface
`or the like of a soft object to be measuredsuchasa plastic lens
`or aluminum product while leaving noncontact trace on the
`object, and a contact type measuring machine equipped with
`the contact type probe whichis profiling-controlled bythe
`2. Description of the Related Art
`[0005] As a touch sensor for probes used in the case of
`measuring a fine surface shape of an object to be measured
`with a fine shape measuring machineor a surface roughness
`measuring machine, or measuring an inner shape of a hole
`with a small hole measuring machine,the applicant proposes
`an excitation type force sensor shown in FIG. 1, the sensor
`being disclosed in Japanese Published Unexamined Patent
`Application No. 2001-91206 (Patent document 1). In the
`force sensor 10, piezoelectric elements 20 is adhered to both
`surfaces of a metallic base 12 integrated with a stylus 14, the
`piezoelectric element being separated into an exciting elec-
`trode (referred to as an exciting piezoelectric element) 22 and
`a detecting electrode (referred to as a detecting piezoelectric
`element) 24. Additionally, a contact point 16 constituted bya
`diamondchip or rubyballis fixed to a tip (lower end in FIG.
`1) of the stylus 14.
`[0006] An example ofa relationship between input ampli-
`tude and output amplitude ofthe force sensor 10 is shown in
`FIG.2. In the case where the contact point 16 is in noncontact
`with a work 8 which is an object to be measured, when a
`specified input amplitude Piis applied to the exciting piezo-
`electric element 22, the stylus 14 vertically ultrasonically
`vibrates at an amplitudeof, for example, several nm to several
`tens nm,and a signalof an output amplitude Po appears in the
`detecting piezoelectric element 24.
`[0007] Whenthe contact point 16 comes into contact with
`the work 8, as shown in FIG.3, the magnitude of the output
`amplitude decreases from Po to Px. When an output ampli-
`tude ratio kO=(Px/Po)x100=90%, 135 [UN] is obtained as
`measurementforce F in an example ofa relationship between
`the output amplitude ratio kO and the measurementforce F.
`When the force sensor 10 connected to an actuator (not
`shown)is controlled so that the output amplitude ratio k0 is
`constantly kept, measurement force (F) fixed profiling mea-
`surement (referred to as force fixed profiling measurement)
`can berealized that is capable of measuring a shapeor rough-
`ness ofthe work 8.
`In the case of measuring the work with use of a
`contact type probe, as shown in FIG. 5, approach (operation
`of shifting the probe, at low speed, for contact with the object
`to be measured, detecting the contact, and stabilizing the
`contact by a target measurementforce) to the work 8, which
`is the object to be measured,is required. Since, in sucha force
`sensor 10, there occurs no measurement force unless the
`sensor comes into contact with the object to be measured,
`approach drive before contact with the force sensor and the
`object to be measured is normally performed by position
`control, etc., using a scale detector, and the position controlis
`switched to force control after the contact with the sensor and
`the work 8. Then, the work 8 or probe (force sensor 10)
`attachmentsideis driven, and the sensor scans a surface ofthe
`work in a force controlstate. During the scan,a scale value of
`the probe and a position of the work are read as a shape
`measurement position. Then, after the force fixed profiling
`measurement ends,the force control 1s switched to the posi-
`tion control, and the sensorretractsto a retraction position.
`[0009] During the approach operation, the target measure-
`ment force (force judged at which contact is stabilized) is
`compared, for detecting the contact, with the measurement
`force detected by the force sensor 10, andthe position control
`is switched to the force control at the time when the measure-
`mentforce exceedsthe target measurementforce. In this case,
`a delay time, e.g. about 100 1s, is caused to contact determi-
`nation due to delayof an electric circuit, delayof calculation
`time of a digital controller, or the like. Consequently, as
`shown in FIG. 6, the probe is pushed into the work more
`deeply (over-push) than a position (measurementposition)
`where the sensor is pushed into the work by the target mea-
`surement force. Further, when an approach speed1s increased
`for raising measurementefficiency, not only does the amount
`of over-push become large but an impact in the contact
`becomelarge, and, a contact trace remains on the object to be
`measured, which may cause problem especially in the case
`wherethe object is a lens or metal mold.
`In order to prevent a contact trace from occurring
`due to approach, as shown in FIG. 7, a method has been
`conventionally employed that reduces, by reducing the
`approach speed as much aspossible, the push-in amount, as
`muchas possible, caused bythe delay time in the contact
`determination and simultaneously reduces the impact in the
`contact, and thus prevents the contacttrace from occurring on
`the object to be measured.
`[0011] However, inthe method, the approach speed must be
`reduced as muchas possible, and the measurementefficiency
`is conspicuouslylowered.
`[0012] The present invention was made in order to solve the
`above problem, and aims at preventing a contact trace from
`occurring on an object to be measured without reducing an
`approach speed as muchas possible and lowering measure-
`In order to solve the above problem, in the present
`invention,in profiling control of a contact type probe in which
`a contact point is moved along the object to be measured,
`while being in contact with the object by a fixed measurement
`force, a contact determination level is provided for detecting
`a predetermined force lower than the target measurement
`force is applied to the contact poit, contact determination is
`performedat the time when the force applied to the contact
`point reaches the contact determination level during the
`US 2008/0195353 Al
`Aug. 14, 2008
`approach, and the contactpointis shifted from position con-
`trol to force control for bringing the contact point into contact
`with the object to be measured by the target measurement
`[0014] The predetermined force can be considered to be a
`force at which contact can be predicted for the object to be
`measured and the contact point begins.
`[0015] The approach speed can be selected so asto satisfy
`the following inequality:
`(push-in amountat contact determination level
`+push-in amount by delay time of contact determi-
`[0018] =push-in amount by measurementforce.
`[0019] A commandvalueof the force control is interpo-
`lated and gradually increased from the contact determination
`level to the target measurement force, and thus an impact
`increaseor over-shoot can be prevented from causing due to
`high response.
`[0020] Additionally, an interpolation curve of the force
`control commandvalue can beclassified into a linear type,
`exponent type or S-curvetype.
`[0021] Additionally, an interpolation timeofthe force con-
`trol commandvalue can be made variable.
`[0022] Thepresent invention providesa profiling controller
`for contact type probes, in which the contact point is moved
`along the surface of
`the object to be measured, while being in
`contact with the object by a fixed measurement force, the
`controller including:
`contact detecting means for detecting a predeter-
`mined contact determination level force lower than thetarget
`measurement force is applied to the contact point;
`position controlling meansfor controlling a position
`of the contact point;
`force controlling means for controlling measure-
`mentforce applied to the contact point; and
`[0026] means for performing the contact determination at
`the time whenthe force applied to the contact point reaches
`the contact determination level during the approach, and
`shifting the contact pointfrom the position controlto the force
`control for bringing, by the target measurement force, the
`contact point into contact with the object to be measured.
`[0027] Additionally, the present invention provides a con-
`tact type measuring machine equipped with the contact type
`probeprofiling-controlled bythe controller.
`[0028] According to the presentinvention, the contact trace
`can be prevented from occurring on the object to be measured
`without reducingthe approach speed as muchas possible and
`lowering measurementefficiency.
`[0029] These and other novel features and advantages of
`the present invention will becomeapparent from the follow-
`ing detailed description of preferred embodiments.
`FIG. 3isa graph indicating an example of change in
`the output amplitude at contact, disclosed in patent document
`FIG. 4 is a graph indicating an example ofa rela-
`tionship between an output amplitude ratio and measurement
`force, disclosed in patent document1.
`FIG. 5is a view showing an exampleofforce fixed
`profile measurement using the force sensor.
`FIG. 6 is a view showing a state where a contact
`trace occurs, due to approach, on an object to be measured,
`disclosed in patent document 1.
`FIG. 7 is a graph indicating a state where an
`approach speed is low, disclosed in patent document1.
`FIG. 8 is a graph indicating operation of a first
`embodimentof the present invention.
`FIG. 9 is a block diagram illustrating a constitu-
`tional example of a probe system for carrying out thefirst
`FIG. 10 is a graph indicating a problem ofthe first
`FIG. 11 is a graph indicating operation of a second
`embodimentof the present invention solving the problem of
`the first embodiment.
`FIG. 12 is a block diagram illustrating a constitu-
`tional example of a probe system for carrying out the second
`FIG. 13 is a graph indicating an example of an
`interpolation curveof a force control commandofthe second
`invention will be
`[0044] Embodiments of the present
`described below in detail with referenceto the drawings.
`a first embodiment of the present invention, as
`shownin FIG.8, a contact determination level is provided for
`approach to an object to be measured,the level for detecting
`a predetermined force (force that it can be predicted contact
`begins) lower than the target measurementforce (force thatit
`is judged contactis stable for measurement) is applied to a
`contact point, the force being, contact determination is per-
`formed at the time when force applied to the contact point
`reaches the contact determination level during the approach,
`and the contact point is quickly shifted from position control
`to force control for bringing, by the target measurementforce,
`the contact point into contact with the object to be measured.
`[0046] Here, the contact determination levelis set as a state
`where measurement force smaller than the target measure-
`mentforce is generated. The push-in amountof a position of
`the probe at the contact determination level is smaller than
`that of a position of the probe pushed into the object by the
`target measurement force. When the force applied to the
`contact point reaches the contact determination level, the
`contact determination is performed, and position control is
`switched to force control.
`[0030] The preferred embodimentswill be described with
`reference to the drawings, wherein like elements have been
`denoted throughout the figures with like reference numerals,
`mination level, and the position control is switched to the
`and wherein;
`force control. Therefore,ifan approach speeds selected so as
`to satisfy the following inequality:
`[0031] FIG.1is a perspective view of a force sensor dis-
`closed in patent document1.
`(push-in amountat contact determination level
`+push-in amountby delaytime of contact determi-
`FIG. 2 is a graph indicating an example of a rela-
`tionship between excitation amplitude and output amplitude,
`disclosed in patent document1.
`[0050] =push-in amount by measurementforce,
`In the method, the contact determination is per-
`formed at the time when the force exceeds the contact deter-
`US 2008/0195353 Al
`Aug. 14, 2008
`over push-in doesnot occur, and noncontacttrace remains on
`the object to be measured.
`FIG. 9 showsa constitutional example of a contact
`type profiling probe system employing a digital controller, to
`carry out the embodiment. In FIG. 9, a probe 30 includes: a
`force sensor 10 for detecting the measurement force, the
`sensor being similar to a conventional sensor; a drive actuator
`32 for driving a tip of the probe in positioning control and
`force fixed profiling control; anda scale 34 andscale detector
`36 for performing position feedback and counting a shape
`position detection value.
`[0052] Additionally, a controler 40 includes: a drive ampli-
`fier 42 for supplying powerto the drive actuator 32 of the
`probe 30 side; a counter 44 for counting a position of the
`probe based on output of the scale detector 36; an analog/
`digital (A/D) converter 46 for converting an analog signal
`from the force sensor 10 into a digital signal; and a digital
`control calculating part 48 capable of controlling the switch-
`ing ofthe position control and force control.
`[0053] Moreover, in the case of the probe system for per-
`forming the forcefixed profiling as shown in FIG.9, in terms
`of improvement of measurement efficiency, the probe is
`desired to followshape variation, as fast as possible, of the
`object to be measured. Accordingly,it is requiredto set a loop
`gain of a force control loop high and to make high-response.
`In this state, whenthe first embodimentis applied, as shown
`in FIG. 10, impact increase and over-shoot occur due to the
`high response, and there 1s a possibility that the contacttrace
`remains on the object to be measured.
`In order to solve such problemsofthe first embodi-
`ment, in a second embodimentof the present invention, as
`shownin FIG.11, a force control command whentheposition
`control is switchedto the force controlis not raised at once to
`being used for an acceleration curve ofthe position control,
`and can be arbitrarily selected in accordance with a measure-
`ment condition or the like.
`In the case ofthe linear type interpolation curve in
`FIG. 13(a), controlis simple. On the other hand,in the case of
`the S-curve type interpolation curve in FIG. 13(c) being used,
`calculation is difficult, but extremely smooth control can be
`performed. Additionally, in the exponent type interpolation
`curve in FIG. 13(6), control can be performed more smoothly
`than that when the linear type interpolation curve in FIG.
`13(a) is used, and calculation can be performed moreeasily
`than that when the S-curve type interpolation curve in FIG.
`13(c) is used.
`[0060] Additionally, an interpolation time T of shift from
`the contact determination level to the target measurement
`force can be arbitrarily selected, the time being shownin FIG.
`13. For example, in the case of an object to be measured on
`which a contact trace easily occurs, the interpolation time is
`lengthened, and in the case of an object to be measured on
`which a contact trace hardly occurs, the interpolationtime is
`shortened. Thus, the measurementefficiencycan be raised.
`[0061] Alternatively,
`in place of the interpolation time,
`increase (inclination) offorce for unit time maybeset like the
`acceleration commandofthe position control.
`[0062] A user thus can select a proper interpolation pro-
`cessing in accordance with properties of the object to be
`measured, and can perform approach operation excellent in
`the measurementefficiency without causing a contact trace.
`[0063] Moreover, though the applicant used, in the embodi-
`ments, the force sensor disclosed in patent document 1, a
`probe of the present invention is not limited thereto. The
`present invention can be similarly applied to any probe as
`longas it can observe fine measurement force. Additionally,
`the probe system is not limitedto a digital constitution.
`It should be apparentto those skilled in the art that
`the above-described exemplary embodiments are merely
`illustrative which represent the application of the principles
`of the present
`invention. Numerous and various other
`arrangements can be readily devised bythose skilled in the art
`without departing from the spirit and the scope of the inven-
`the target measurementforce, but interpolated and gradually
`raised so as to approachthe target measurement force. Thus,
`the impact and the over-shoot in contact are reduced, and the
`contact trace can be prevented from occurring.
`FIG. 12 showsa constitutional example of a probe
`system of the embodiment.
`[0056] The probe system is different fromthe probe system
`shown in FIG. 9 in the point that a force control command
`Whatis claimedis:
`interpolation processing part for subjecting the target mea-
`1.Aprofiling controlling method for contact type probes,
`surementforce to interpolation processing and makingit into
`in which a contact point is moved along a surface of an object
`the force control commandis provided inthe digital control
`to be measured, while being in contact with the object by a
`calculating part 48. The system is similar to that shown in
`specified measurement force, comprising the steps of:
`FIG. 9 in other points, therefore, description of the points is
`providing a contact determination level for detecting a
`predetermined force smaller than a target measurement
`force is applied to the contact point;
`performing contact determination at the time when force
`applied to the contact point reaches the contact determi-
`nation level during approach; and
`to force
`shifting the contact point from position control
`control for bringing the contact point into contact with
`the object by the target measurementforce.
`2. Theprofiling controlling method for contact type probes
`according to claim 1, wherein
`the predetermined force is a force at which contact can be
`consideredto be predicted for the object to be measured
`and the contact point begins.
`3. Theprofiling controlling method for contact type probes
`according to claim 1, wherein
`speed of the approachis selected so as to satisfy the fol-
`lowing inequality:
`[0057] Here, occurrence ofthe contacttrace on the object to
`be measured depends on conditions such as properties, such
`as shape and hardness, of a contact part of the force sensor,
`approach speed, magnitude of impact in contact, properties
`such as hardness of a surface of the object to be measured,
`control performanceofthe position control and control per-
`formanceofthe force control. Thus, force control command
`interpolation processing may include the following perfor-
`[0058] That is, as shown in FIG. 13, an interpolation curve
`ofthe force control commandcan beselected and used from
`arbitrary curves. In FIG. 11, the interpolation curve is shown
`by a straight line connecting the contact determination level
`and the target measurement force as shown in FIG. 13(a).
`However, interpolation curves of various types such as the
`exponent type shown in FIG. 13(), S-curve type shown in
`FIG. 13(c) and the like can be used, the interpolation curve
`US 2008/0195353 Al
`Aug. 14, 2008
`(push-in amountat contact determination level
`+push-in amountby delay time of contact determination)
`“Spush-in amount by measurementforce.
`4. Theprofiling controlling method for contact type probes
`according to claim 1, wherein a
`a command value of force control is interpolated and
`gradually increased fromthe contact determination level
`to the target measurementforce.
`5. Theprofiling controlling method for contact type probes
`according to claim 4, wherein
`an interpolation curveof the force control command value
`is linear.
`6. The profiling controlling methodfor contact type probes
`according to claim 4, wherein
`the interpolation curve ofthe force contro] commandvalue
`is an exponenttype.
`7. The profiling controlling method for contact type probes
`according to claim 4, wherein
`the interpolation curve ofthe force contro] commandvalue
`is a S-curve type.
`8. The profiling controlling method for contact type probes
`according to claim 4, wherein
`an interpolation time ofthe force control commandvalueis
`9. Aprofiling controller for contact type probes,in which a
`contact point is moved along a surface of an object to be
`measured, while being in contact with the object by a speci-
`fied measurementforce, the controller comprising:
`contact detecting meansfor detecting a predetermined con-
`tact determination level force lower than a target mea-
`surementforce is applied to the contact point;
`position controlling meansfor controlling a position ofthe
`contact point;
`force controlling meansfor controlling measurement force
`applied to the contact point; and
`means for performing contact determination at the time
`when the force applied to the contact point reaches the
`contact determination level during approach, and shift-
`ing the contact point fromposition control to force con-
`trol for bringing the contact point into contact with the
`object by the target measurementforce.
`10. A contact type measuring machine comprising a con-
`tact type probe profiling-controlled bythe controller of claim
`Hoe ee

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Sealed Document
We are unable to display this document, it may be under a court ordered seal.
If you have proper credentials to access the file, you may proceed directly to the court's system using your government issued username and password.
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