`US 7,552,543 B2
`(10) Patent No:
`a2) United States Patent
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Jun, 30, 2009
`Inventor: Raffaele Tomelleri, Villafranca (IT)
`(73) Assignee: 3D Scanners Ltd., Derby (GB)
`(*) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term ofthis
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`USC. 1546) by 0 days.
`4/1988 Cusack v..cceeceneeeeen 33/561
`4,734,994 A *
`4/1996 Ernst
`5,509,211 A
`6,131,299 A * 10/2000 Raabet al... 33/503
`6,151,789 A * 11/2000 Raabetal. we 33/503
`6,449,861 BL*
`9/2002 Danielli etal. 0... 33/559
`we. 33/561
`6,526,672 BL*
`3/2003 Danielli et al.
`2005/0166413 A1*
`8/2005 Crampton wee 33/503
`(21) Appl. No.: 12/218,872
`WO 95/22739
`Jul. 18, 2008
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2009/0031575 Al
`Feb. 5, 2009
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(63) pemuationofapplicationNo. PCT/IT2007/000064,
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Feb. 2, 2006
`CIT) eee VR2006A0024
`Apr. 4, 2006
`sseseveessinzessinsssnsnes VR2006A0061
`GOIB 5/012
`(52) U.S.Ceee eerste 33/561, 33/503
`Field of Classification
`Classification Seare 33/50108, 559.56i
`file f
`h hi a:
`66 AppHeahGn
`le-6b CoiMplcte:seaken
`References Cited
`The International Search Report for PCT Application No. PCT/
`1T2007/000064, Aug. 9, 2007.
`The International Preliminary Report on Patentability, Aug. 14, 2008.
`* cited byexaminer
`PrimaryExaminer—G. Bradley Bennet
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Amster, Rothestein &
`Ebenstein LLP
`A probe for gauging machines with articulated arms com-
`prises a fixed gauging stylus (31), supporting, at its end, a
`2 oe
`gauging ball, characterized in that it also comprises a handle
`body (33) which can be manually operated by anoperator to
`pushthe gaugingball against a surfaceto be gauged(13), and
`inthat the handle body (33) is equipped with sensorssensitive
`to the force acting between the gauging ball andthe surface to
`be gauged and in that the signal supplied by the sensors
`controls measurement acquisition.
`4,462,162 A
`7/1984 McMurtry
`25 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets
`Shenzhen Tuozhu 1011
`Shenzhen Tuozhu 1011
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 30,2009
`‘Sheet 1 of 5
`US 7,552,543 B2
`fig. 2
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 30,2009
`Sheet 2 of 5
`US 7,552,543 B2
`fig. 3
`fig. 4
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 30,2009
`Sheet 3 of 5
`US 7,552,543 B2
`fig. 9
`fig. 6
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 30,2009
`Sheet 4 of 5
`US 7,552,543 B2
`fig. 7
`fig. 8
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 30,2009
`Sheet 5 of 5
`US 7,552,543 B2
`US 7,552,543 B2
`A furtheraim, notthelast, is to avoid applying load sensors
`directly on the gauging stylusor on the base of the gauging
`stylus, thus avoiding the possibility of the elastic deforma-
`tions required bythe sensor influencing gauging precision,
`and avoiding the use of very expensive sensors.
`Accordingly, the present invention achieves these aims and
`othersindicated in the description below witha probe madein
`accordance with the claims herein.
`In general, it comprises a handle body whichcan be oper-
`ated by the operator to move andangle a gaugingstylus and to
`bring the gauging ball into contact with the surface to be
`Ina first embodimentthe handle bodyis floatingrelative to
`the gauging stylus, whilst
`in another embodiment
`equipped with load sensors applied to the handle body.
`It should be noticedthat hereinafter the term “handle body”
`refers to the element gripped or in general operated by the
`operator to determine the direction of the probe during gaug-
`ing. The handle body mayconsistof a rigid orelastic body, or
`of an assembly madeup oftwo or more bodies, whetherrigid
`or elastic. Moreover, the handle body mayberigidlyfixed to
`the baseof the gauging stylusorelastically fixed to it. More-
`over, the handle body may be preloaded with forces so that
`whensaid forces are overcomeit movesrelative to the home
`position. In the latter case, the handle body is floating, and if
`the predeterminedlimits are exceeded, the load acting on it
`can deform it. If the handle body consists of two or more
`parts, ifthe predeterminedlimits are exceeded,the load acting
`on it can move the componentparts relative to one another.
`Theterm “floating”attributed to the handle bodyrelative to
`the gauging stylushereinafterrefers to the fact that the handle
`body is not rigidly constrained to the gauging stylus, but
`instead, if the predeterminedloads are exceeded,it is free to
`moveat least according to one degree of freedom and with a
`predeterminedextentrelative to the gaugingstylus. Said free-
`dom of movement maybetheresult of a combination of two
`or more movements suchas translation androtation.
`When the movementof the floating handle body is within
`a predetermined range of values, gauging is enabled. Said
`movement maybe applied directly by the operator’s fingers to
`directly enable gauging,or, if the operator does not touch the
`gauging stylus, the deformation is obtained by pushing the
`gauging ball against the surface to be gauged.
`Moreover, the phrase “equipped with load sensors”attrib-
`uted to the handle body relative to the gauging stylusherein-
`after refers to the fact that one or more load sensors are
`applied to the handle bodyandsupplya signal which depends
`on the load acting between the handle body and the gauging
`The term “gauging stylus” hereinafter refers to the struc-
`ture, usually having the shape ofa cylindrical rod withvarious
`diameters, which supports the gauging ball at its end.
`Consequently, “base of the gauging stylus” means the
`structure rigidly connected to the gauging stylus and which
`supportsit, inserted betweenthe gauging stylus and the gaug-
`ing machine.
`“Fixed gauging stylus” refers to the fact that the stylus is
`integral with the baseof the gauging stylusandalso integral
`with the gauging machine,sothatthe position ofthe centre of
`the gauging ball, whichis fixed to the end of the gauging
`is completely defined by the angular measurement
`supplied bythe synchros with which the machineis equipped
`and does not depend on the movementofthe floating handle
`body from its homeposition.
`me Oo
`m on
`This is a Continuation of PCT Application No. PCT/
`1T2007/000064, filed Jan. 31, 2007, which claimspriority of
`Italian Application Nos. VR2006A000024, filed Feb. 2, 2006
`and VR2006A4000061, filed Apr. 4, 2006.
`The presentinvention relates to a gauging probe for use in
`particular in gauging machines with articulated arms, which
`allows the acquisition of the measurement when the gauging
`ball is in contact with the surface to be gauged, guaranteeing
`that the load applied is within a predetermined rangeofvalues
`and without having to manually operate any push-button.
`In gauging machines with articulated arms two types of
`probes are mostly used, fixed probes and electronic probes.
`In fixed probes the gauging stylus is integral with the
`gauging machine, meaningthat the position of the centre of
`the gauging surface (usually consisting of a gaugingball),
`whichis fixedto the end of the gaugingstylus, is completely
`definedby the angular measurementsupplied bythe synchros
`with which the machine is equipped.
`With fixed probes the gauging ball is manually broughtinto
`contact with the surface to be gauged and the operator
`acquires the point by operating a push-button.
`Theseprobes are very simple and economical and allow the
`acquisition of a continual sequence ofpoints while the gaug-
`ing ball is in contact with the surface to be gauged, but they
`require operation of a push-button. Moreover, the load which
`acts on the part during gauging is not controlled.
`In contrast, in electronic probes, when the gauging ball is
`placed in contact with the surface to be gauged with a load
`greater than a predetermined value, the stylus bends and
`breaks an electric circuit, supplying the measurement detec-
`tion signal. These probes therefore limit the load to a con-
`trolled value but are quite expensiveandonly allow the acqui-
`sition of one pointat a time.
`In the description reference is made withoutdistinction to
`load and force, and to force sensors andload sensors, the two
`terms having the same meaning.
`There are also probes whosestylus is equipped with load
`sensors which enable gauging when the load acting on the
`gauging ball is within a predetermined range and which there-
`fore allow the automatic acquisition of a sequenceofpoints.
`These probesare quite expensive, since the load sensors are
`usually applied directlyto the gauging stylusorto the base of
`the gauging stylus, which mustbe rigid enough not to com-
`promise gaugingprecision, meaning that the sensors must be
`This invention has for an aim to propose a gauging probe
`which allows the automatic acquisition of a sequence of
`points in a continuousfashion.
`This invention also has for an aim to propose a gauging
`probe which avoids direct contact between the hand and the
`gauging stylus so as to avoid heating up thestylus and the
`consequent gaugingerrors caused bythe thermal deformation
`This invention has for yet another aim to propose a probe
`for gauging machines with articulated arms, whichis posi-
`tioned and angled directly bythe operator’s hand and which
`allows automatic acquisition of the measurement when the
`force applied on a probe handle body is within a predeter-
`minedrange ofvalues.
`An embodiment of the invention also has for an aim to
`propose a probe which allows automatic acquisition of the
`measurement while the operator sees directly in the probe the
`condition which enables gauging and is therefore able to
`US 7,552,543 B2
`me Oo
`The term “gauging surface”refersto the surface present at
`the end of the stylus and integral with it, for which, when
`placed in contact with the part to be gauged, the position and
`angle are acquired.
`The term “gauging ball”refers to a special “gauging sur-
`face” having a spherical shape, which is brought into contact
`with the “surface to be gauged”. Since most probes have
`spherical gauging surfaces, the invention will be described
`almost always with reference to a “gauging ball”, although it
`shall be understood that everyrelative consideration is valid
`even when the gauging surface has a different shape. For
`example, the gauging surface may have the shape ofa cylin-
`drical surface or even oftwo cylindrical surfaces, as indicated
`Finally, the term “load sensors”refers to transducers used
`to supply values relative to the force acting between the
`gaugingball and the surface to be gauged. These sensors are
`of the most diverse types, since they may consist of strain
`gauges (deformableresistors connected bridge style), piezo-
`electric sensors, Hall effect sensors, etc., used individually or
`in numbers consisting of two or more sothat the electronics
`connected to them can supply one or more signalslinked to
`the amplitude, and if necessaryalso the direction, with an
`acceptable error, of the load acting between the handle body
`and the gauging stylus. Whenthe signal supplied bythe load
`sensors 1s within a predeterminedrangeofvalues, gauging is
`enabled. Said load acting between the handle body and the
`gauging stylus may be applied directly by the operator’s
`fingersto directly enable gauging,or, ifthe operator does not
`touch the gauging stylus, the load dependsonthe force acting
`betweenthe gaugingball andthe surface to be gauged.Forthe
`sake of convenience, the accompanying drawingsillustrate
`one, twoorthree load sensors,although it shall be understood
`that there maybe a different numberof them.
`Therefore, in accordance with the present invention, the
`gauging stylusis ofthe fixed type, that is to say, the position
`ofthe centre ofthe gauging ball integral with it is completely
`defined by the angular position supplied by the gauging
`machineaxestransducers, and does not depend on theposi-
`tion or angle ofthe handle bodyrelative to the gaugingstylus.
`If the handle body is floating, it is preloaded with forces
`which act between the handle body and the base ofthe gaug-
`ing stylus in such a way asto holdit in its home position when
`it is gripped. Only whenthe external forces whichact on the
`handle body exceed predetermined values does it move from
`said homeposition (overcoming the preloading forces).
`In practice, the operator acts manually on the floating
`handle body to move it laterally or axially, relative to the
`gauging stylus, when the gaugingball is in contact with the
`surface to be gauged.
`the operator can visually verify, by
`During gauging,
`observing the position of the handle body relative to the
`gauging stylus, whenthe extent ofthe lateral and axial move-
`ment of the handle bodyrelative to the gauging stylus are
`within the range of movements whichenable gauging.
`Finally, one or more sensors supply the gauging enabled
`signal whenthe lateral or axismovementofthe floating body
`relative to the gauging stylus is within a predeterminedinter-
`The fact that the operator visuallyverifies in the probe
`whenthe extent ofthe lateral or axial deflection is within the
`predeterminedinterval which enables gauging meansthat the
`extent of the deflection is clearly evident, just as it appears
`evidentif it is within the range of values which enable gaug-
`ing. This allowshim to easily control the gauging movements
`againstthe surface so as to keep gauging enabled, and,thatis
`to say, without taking his eyes off the probe.
`Other embodimentsof the invention in which the handle
`body is equipped with load sensorsalso achieve the aim ofthe
`invention to allow automatic acquisition of the measurement
`when the force acting between the gauging ball andthe sur-
`face to be gauged is within a predetermined rangeofvalues.
`Indirect gaugingofthe force using the load sensors applied to
`the handle body, even ifaffected by possible acceptable gaug-
`ing errors, offers the advantage of avoiding application ofthe
`sensors directly on the gauging stylus, preventing deflections
`The present invention is described in more detail with
`reference to the accompanying drawings whichillustrate sev-
`eral preferred, non-limiting embodiments, and in which:
`G. 1 1s a schematic axonometric view ofa fixed probe
`g gauging, made in accordance withthe priorart;
`G. 2 is a schematic axonometric view of an electronic
`probe during gauging, made in accordance withthepriorart:
`FIG. 3 is a schematic partial longitudinal section of a
`floating spring probe madein accordancewitha first embodi-
`mentof the present invention;
`FIGS. 4 to 6 are schematic partial longitudinal sections of
`the floating probe of FIG. 3 during gauging;
`G. 7 is a schematic partial longitudinal section of the
`sensors which define the range of deflections which enable
`FIG. 8 is a schematic cross-section of the sensors which
`enable gauging of FIG. 7 accordingto the line VIN-VII;
`FIG. 9 is a schematic partial longitudinal section of a
`floating flexible spring probe made in accordance with a
`second embodimentof the present invention;
`FIG. 10 is a schematic view of a third embodiment with a
`probe equipped with a handle bodywith load sensors in which
`the sensors are appliedto the handle body;
`FIG. 11 is a schematic view ofa fourth embodiment ofthe
`probe with load sensors equipped with a handle body con-
`nected differently to the gaugingstylus, again with load sen-
`sors applied to the handle body;
`FIG. 12 is a schematic view of a probeparticularly recom-
`mended for gauging pipes, in which the gauging surface
`consists of two cylindrical surfaces.
`FIG. 1 shows a commonfixed probe applied to a machine
`harticulated arms. The probe 16is fixed to the end part 10
`the gauging machine and is equipped with a stylus 11
`ose end supportsthe ball 12 which is brought into contact
`h the surface to be gauged 13 belonging to the part 17.
`FIG. 2 shows a knownelectronic probe 20 fixed to the end
`part ofthe machine 10. The probe is equipped witha stylus 21
`whose end is integral with the gauging ball 22 which is
`brought into contact with the surface to be gauged 13. Acqui-
`sition of the measurementis automatic andtakes placeat the
`moment whenthe stylus, whose axis in the homeposition is
`in the position 23, is deflected by a minimumextent, finally
`reachingthe position 22. This type of probe allows acquisi-
`tion of a single point at the momentthedeflection starts.
`FIG. 3 showsa first embodiment of the probe disclosed,
`fixed to the end body of the machine 10. It basically consists
`ofthe baseofthe stylus 30 integral with the stylus 31 (in turn
`integral at its end with the gauging ball 32), and of the handle
`body 33 which, in the homeposition,is, relative to the stylus
`31, in the centred position illustrated in FIG. 3 thanks to the
`effect of three preloading springs 34. Said springs 34 apply a
`load whose resultant value is concentric with the handle body
`33 therefore they cause the ring-shape projection 35 housed in
`the ring-shapedslot 36 to rest on the surface 37.
`The handle body 33 maybe gripped by the operatorto
`angle and direct the probe towards the surface to be gauged
`13. Whenthe gauging ball is in contact with the surface to be
`gauged 13 andthe force applied by the operator’s hand on the
`handle body manages to overcome the preloading force
`applied bythe springs, the handle body 33 is deflectedrelative
`to the stylus 31 and is detached from the surface 37. While the
`handle bodyis deflected, the gauging ball 32 remains in
`contact with the surface 13 whilst the position ofthe gauging
`ball 32 is completely transduced by the gauging machine
`transducers(ofthe knowntypeand therefore notillustrated).
`Gauging continuesto be enabled until the deflection exceeds
`which the handle body 33 is fixed to the gauging stylus 31,
`a predetermined value.
`FIGS. 4, 5 and 6 show three different movements to which
`and the load sensors 38 are presentclose to the fixing zone so
`that they are subjected to the loads acting betweenthe handle
`the handle body 33 maybe subjected, which in the home
`body and the stylus.
`condition is in the centred position shown in FIG. 3. In FIGS.
`FIG. 11 showsa fourth embodimentofthe probe with load
`4, 5 and 6, the direction of movement of the stylus 31 is
`sensors in which the handle body33is fixed to the base of the
`indicated by the arrow40. Whenthe gaugingball 32 is pushed
`stylus 30, whilst the load sensors 38 are fixed to the handle
`laterally against the surface 13 (FIGS. 4 and 5), the handle
`body 38 close to the zone for anchoring to the base of the
`body 33 movesinto the position 41 indicated in FIG.4 or into
`stylus so that they are subjected to the loads acting between
`the position 42 indicated in FIG. 5 (in whichit is deflected in
`the handle bodyandthestylus.
`the opposite direction). In contrast, when the handle bodyis
`The force sensors 38 may be movement sensors which
`pushed axially towardsthe surface to be gauged 13, it trans-
`detect the extent of the handle body33 elastic yielding, such
`lates axially, movingto the position 42 indicated in FIG.6. In
`yielding depending on the forces acting between the handle
`practice all combinationsofthe two movementsofdeflection
`body and the gauging stylus. Said sensors may therefore be
`and translation may occur depending onthe action applied by
`used to discover the force, since loads and deformations are
`the operator’s hand which reflects the load acting on the
`linked by a proportional relationship. From the forces mea-
`FIGS. 7 and8showthe possible arrangementofthe sensors sured andthe position and angleof the sensors,it is possible
`which indicate when the handle body is deflected laterally or
`to discover, with acceptable errors, the forces acting at the
`ranslated axially. The ring-shaped projection 35 is in contact
`gauging ball with the knownrelations.
`with three contact points 51 which according to known tech-
`In other embodiments the movementsensors maybe ofthe
`iques form three electrical contacts, therefore only when the
`LVDTtype. Automatic enabling of gaugingis easily obtain-
`andle body 33 is in the homepositionall three contact points
`able with the prior art methods using an electronic circuit in
`51 are in contact with the inner ring 35. If the handle body33
`which the minimum and maximum force values are preset,
`is laterally diverted or axially translated at least one of the
`within which gauging is enabled. The enabled for gauging
`hree points 51 is no longerin contact with the ring 35, and
`status maybe indicated acoustically or visually with ilhumi-
`his enables gauging.
`nated signals, such as LEDs, positioned in the handle body.
`Whenthelateral deflection or the axial translation of the
`It should be considered that when gauging is enabled, the
`series of measurements may be acquired for example on the
`andle body 33 exceeds a predetermined value as indicated
`by the position 53 in FIG.7,the ring 35 makes contact with
`basis of a preset acquisition frequencyor on the basis of a
`he ring 52 which makesacircuit indicating that the maxi- predetermined step, or distance between two due consecutive
`num stroke has been reached. The ring 52 is supported by the
`measurements. In another embodimentofthe probe16,illus-
`spring 54 meaningthat reachingthe limit deflection (or trans-
`trated in FIG. 12, there is a stylus having the shapeofa fork,
`lation) does not cause an impact againsta rigid part which is
`particularly recommended for gauging pipes. At the end of
`instead elastically absorbed.
`the gauging stylus it has a gauging surface consisting of two
`Suitable sensors mayindicate said deformation for auto-
`cylindrical styli arranged in a V shape and positioned and
`matic acquisition of the measurements, with prior art meth-
`angled symmetrically to it, which are brought into contact
`with the pipe during gauging. When the handle body, not
`FIG. 9 shows a second embodiment in which the handle
`indicatedin the drawing but which may haveanyofthe forms
`presented, is operated, and when the load applied is within
`two predetermined values, gauging is enabled.
`FIG. 12 showsa gauging stylus particularly recommended
`for gauging pipes, in whichfixed to the base ofthe stylus 31
`there are tworods arranged ina “V”shape 80 and 81, around
`which the tubes 82 and 83 are free to rotate, whose outer
`surface constitutes the gauging surface which is placed in
`contact with the surface to be gauged consisting of the outer
`surface of the pipe 87. The two tubes 82 and 83 are held
`axiallyin position bytwo stop rings 85 and 86.
`Fixed at the end of one or both ofthe rods 80 and 81 there
`may bea ball 84 constituting a newgauging surface, both for
`gaugingthe pipe and for gauging mechanicalparts other than
`the pipe. The handle body maybeofthe floating type or 1t may
`be equipped with load sensors asalready described.
`Therefore,in general, various forms maybe adopted for the
`gauging surface, even though in the above description andin
`the accompanying drawingsit is mainly indicated andrepre-
`sented with a gauging ball. This is simply because it is the
`most common form.
`bodyis constrainedto the base ofthe stylus 30 by a preloaded
`traction spring 70. Said spring 70 is inserted between the base
`of the stylus 30 and the floating handle body 33. Once the
`operator hasgrippedthe handle body33, the spring 70 may be
`deformed laterally or even axially when the ball 32 is in
`contact with the surface of the part 17. When in the home
`position,all ofthe coils ofthe preloaded traction spring 70 are
`in contact with one another with a predetermined level of
`preloading, meaningthat they constitute a rigid body defining
`a homeposition for the centred handle body 33. Only when
`he lateral or axial loads exceed predetermined values do the
`coils of the spring 70 detach from one another, allowing the
`andle body 33 to floatrelative to the stylus 31.
`In this example the sensors are represented by an LVDT
`type differential transformer. It basically consists of a coil 71
`integral with the handle body 33 and suppliedat a sufficiently
`igh frequency, and two coils 72 and 73 integral with the
`stylus 31, woundin the opposite direction and positioned in
`series and centred relative to the position ofthe coil 71. When
`he handle body 33 is in the homeposition the voltage induced
`US 7,552,543 B2
`in the seriesof the twocoils is zero. Whenthe handle body 33
`bendsor movesthe voltage inducedontheseries oftwocoils
`is other than zero and increases with increases in the defor-
`mation. An electronic circuit indicates when the signal is
`within predetermined threshold values, defining the range of
`deflections within which gauging is enabled.
`FIGS. 10 and 11 show two other embodiments in which a
`handle body33 is equipped with load sensors 38.
`FIG. 10 shows a third embodiment of the invention
`m on
`US 7,552,543 B2
`The aim ofthis invention to propose a gauging probe which
`allows automatic acquisition ofa single point or a sequence of
`points in a continuousfashion is achieved.
`The aim ofthe invention to propose a gauging probe which
`avoids direct contact between the handandthe gauging stylus
`so as to avoid heating up the stylus and the consequent gaug-
`ing errors caused by the thermal deformation induced is
`The aim ofthis invention to propose a probe for gauging
`machines with articulated arms, which is positioned and
`angled directly by the operator’s hand and which allows
`automatic acquisition of a single measurementor a sequence
`ofmeasurements whenthe force applied onthe probe handle
`body for the gauging is within a predetermined range of
`values is achieved.
`The aim of an embodimentof the invention to propose a
`probe which allows automatic acquisition of the measure-
`ment while the operator sees, directly in the probe, the con-
`dition which enables gauging andis therefore able to control
`it is achieved.
`The furtheraim,notthelast, to avoid applying load sensors
`directly on the gauging stylus or on the base of the gauging
`stylus, thus avoiding the elastic deformations required by the
`sensorinfluencing gauging precision is achieved.
`The handle body may have various forms and it may be
`madefloating or equipped with load sensors combining vari-
`types ofmovementrelative to the gaugingstylus without
`changing what characterises the probe.
`One embodiment of the invention is a probe for gauging
`machines with articulated arms, comprising a fixed gauging
`stylus (31), supporting,at its end, a gauging surface, charac-
`terised in that it also comprises a handle body (33) which can
`be manually operated by an operator to push the gauging
`surface against a surface to be gauged (13), and in that the
`handle body (33) is equipped with load sensors sensitive to
`the force acting between the gauging surface and the surface
`to be gauged and in that the signal supplied bythe sensors
`controls measurement acquisition.
`Another embodimentofthe inventionis a probe for gaug-
`ing machineswith articulated arms, comprising a fixed gaug-
`ing stylus (31), supporting, at its end, a gauging surface,
`characterised in that it also comprises a handle body (33)
`which can be manually operated by an operator to push the
`gauging surface against a surface to be gauged (13), and in
`that the handle body (33) is equipped withload sensors sen-
`sitive to the force acting between the gauging surface and the
`surface to be gauged and in that when the signal supplied by
`the sensors is within a predetermined range of values, mea-
`surement acquisition is enabled.
`Another embodimentofthe inventionis a probe for gaug-
`ing machines as described above, characterised in that the
`andle body (33) is floating and in that the handle body (33)
`is preloaded byforces which hold it in a predetermined home
`position relative to the gaugingstylus (31), also being char-
`acterised in that the handle body (33) movesrelative to the
`homeposition whenthelateral load orthe axial load applied
`manually on the handle body (33) exceed predetermined val-
`Another embodimentofthe inventionis a probe for gaug-
`ing machines as described above, characterised in that the
`handle body (33) is floating and in that the handle body (33)
`consists of a body which can move from the homeposition
`whenthelateral or axial load exceed a predeterminedvalue.
`me Oo
`Another embodimentof the inventionis a probe for gaug-
`ing machines as described above, characterised in that the
`handle body(33)is floating and inthat the handle body (33)
`consists of two or more bodies which can move fromtheir
`homeposition whenthelateral or axial load exceed predeter-
`mined values.
`Another embodimentofthe invention is a probe for gaug-
`ing machines as described above, characterised in that the
`handle body(33)is floating and inthat the handle body (33)
`is constrained to the base ofthe stylus (31) bya preloaded
`traction spring (70).
`Another embodimentof the invention is a probe for gaug-
`ing machines as described above, characterised in that the
`handle body (33) is floating and in that it comprises one or
`more elastic elements (34) which act symmetrically between
`the handle body(33) and the gauging stylus (31), applying a
`resultant force parallel with the axis of the gauging stylus
`Another embodimentof the invention is a probe for gaug-
`ing machines as described above, characterised in that the
`handle body(33)is floating and inthat the handle body (33)
`is constrained byan elastic body(70) to the baseofthe stylus,
`and in that it deforms whenthelateral or axial load exceed
`predetermined values.
`Another embodimentof the invention is a probe for gaug-
`ing machines as described above, characterised in that the
`handle body (33) is floating and in that it comprises one or
`more sensors which supply a gauging enabled signal when
`the axial or lateral movementofthe handle body(33) relative
`to its homeposition is within predeterminedvalues.
`Another embodimentofthe invention is a probe for gaug-
`ing machines as described above, characterised in that the
`handle body(33) is floating and in that a sensorfor detecting
`handle body(33) minimum deflectionrelative to the gauging
`stylus (31) is obtained from a ring (50) equipped with pro-
`jecting contacts (51) which whentheyare all in contact with
`the handle body (33) supply the homecondition signal.
`Another embodimentof the invention is a probe for gaug-
`ing machines as described above, characterised in that the
`handle body(33) is floating andin that a sensorfor detecting
`handle body(33) maximum deflectionrelative to the gauging
`stylus (31) is obtained with a metal ring (52) which makes
`contact with the handle body (33) and when the movement
`from the homeposition exceeds a predetermined value.
`Another embodimentof the invention is a probe for gaug-
`ing machines as described above, characterised in that the
`handle body(33) is floating and in that the sensor for detect-
`ing handle body(33) deflection relative to the gauging stylus
`(31) is made using an LVDTtype differential transformer (71,
`72,73) whichdetects the extent ofthe lateral and axial deflec-
`Another embodimentof the invention is a probe for gaug-
`ing machines as described above, characterised in that the
`handle body (33) is floating and in that during gauging the
`operator has a direct view in the probe of the extent of the
`handle body (33) movementfrom its home position.
`Another embodimentof the invention is a probe for gaug-
`ing machinesas described above, characterised in that when
`the signal supplied by the sensors is within a predetermined
`range of values, measurement acquisition is enabled.
`Another embodimentof the inventionis a probe for gaug-
`ing machines as described above, characterised in that the
`handle body(33) is equipped with load sensors which supply
`asignal which dependsonthe force acting between the handle
`body (33) and the gauging stylus (31) and in that gauging is
`enabled when the signal is within predetermined values.
`that the handle body (33) consists of a body which can move
`from the homeposition when the lateral or axial load exceed
`a predetermined value.
`4. The probe for gauging machines according to claim 1,
`characterised in that the handle body (33) is floating and in
`that the handle body (33) consists of two or more bodies
`which can

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