`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2010/0185719 A1
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Jul. 22, 2010
`US 20100185719A1
`Kevin D. Howard, Tempe, AZ (US)
`(76) Inventor:
`Correspondence Address:
`BOULDER, CO 80301 (US)
`Appl. No.:
`Mar. 30, 2010
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(60) Continuation of application No. 12/197.881, filed on
`Aug. 25, 2008, now Pat. No. 7,730,121, Continuation
`in-part of application No. 12/197,881, filed on Aug.
`25, 2008, now Pat. No. 7,730,121, which is a division
`of application No. 10/340,524, filed on Jan. 10, 2003,
`now Pat. No. 7,418,470, which is a continuation-in
`part of application No. 09/603,020, filed on Jun. 26,
`2000, now Pat. No. 6,857,004.
`(60) Provisional application No. 61/165.301, filed on Mar.
`31, 2009, provisional application No. 61/166,630,
`filed on Apr. 3, 2009, provisional application No.
`60/347,325, filed on Jan. 10, 2002.
`Publication Classification
`(51) Int. Cl.
`G06F 5/16
`(52) U.S. Cl. ........................................................ 709/201
`Parallel Processing Communication Accelerator (PPCA) sys
`tems and methods for enhancing performance of a Parallel
`Processing Environment (PPE). In an embodiment, a Mes
`sage Passing Interface (MPI) devolver enabled PPCA is in
`communication with the PPE and a host node. The host node
`executes at least aparallel processing application and an MPI
`process. The MPI devolver communicates with the MPI pro
`cess and the PPE to improve the performance of the PPE by
`offloading MPI process functionality to the PPCA. Offload
`ing MPI processing to the PPCA frees the host node for other
`processing tasks, for example, executing the parallel process
`ing application, thereby improving the performance of the
`10. N
`Node 100
`Disk Storage
`Parallel Application 104
`MP 106
`Parallel Data15
`Ost CPU
`- - - - - - - - - - - - -
`Parallel Application 104
`Switch 116
`Node 1002)
`Node 1003)
`Node 1004)
`Node 1005
`Node 100(6)
`Node 100(A)
`Node 1008)
`Ex.1018 / Page 1 of 41Ex.1018 / Page 1 of 41
`Sandisk Technologies, Inc. et alSandisk Technologies, Inc. et al
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`US 2010/0185719 A1
`101 \
`Node 100(1)
`Disk Storage
`Parallel Application 104
`MPI 106
`Parallel Data 105
`Host RAM126
`- - - - - - - - - - - - -
`: Parallel Application 104
`MP 106
`- - - - -
`- - - - - - - - - - - - -
`Parallel Data 105
`HostNIS Bridge
`SWitch 11 6
`Node 1 OO(2)
`Node 100(3)
`Node 100(4)
`Node 100(5)
`Node 100(6)
`Node 100(7)
`Node 100(8)
`FIG. 1
`Ex.1018 / Page 2 of 41Ex.1018 / Page 2 of 41
`Sandisk Technologies, Inc. et alSandisk Technologies, Inc. et al
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`US 2010/0185719 A1
`Ethernet Channel 221
`HostN/S Bridge
`N/S Bridge
`Connect 220
`RAM 224
`Software 214
`Data 215
`Data SSD 228
`Firmware 223
`Data 225
`FIG. 2
`Ex.1018 / Page 3 of 41Ex.1018 / Page 3 of 41
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`US 2010/0185719 A1
`HostN/S Bridge
`RAM 224
`Software 214
`Data 215
`N/S Bridge
`Connect 232
`Firmware 223
`Data 225
`Ethernet Channel 221
`Ethernet Channel 231
`Ethernet Channel 233
`FIG. 2A
`Ex.1018 / Page 4 of 41Ex.1018 / Page 4 of 41
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`Ex.1018 / Page 5 of 41Ex.1018 / Page 5 of 41
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`NODE 100
`Parallel Application 104
`Parallel Data 105
`MPI 106
`Ethernet Channe 221
`MP Collective-Commands
`MP blocking commands
`MPI group Commands
`MP topology
`MP devolver
`FIG. 3A
`Ex.1018 / Page 6 of 41Ex.1018 / Page 6 of 41
`Sandisk Technologies, Inc. et alSandisk Technologies, Inc. et al
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`Jul. 22, 2010 Sheet 6 of 24
`US 2010/0185719 A1
`IPI Collective
`Operation (1024
`Servers, 25
`ME dataset site
`PPCA utilizing MPI Library
`Technique 372.
`PPCA 28 Serial
`Reduction with
`wector operations
`PPCA 128 Serial
`Scain With Wecti
`PPCA 128 Serial
`All-Reduce with
`Wactor operations
`PPCA 128 Serial
`with Wector
`PPCA 128 Serial
`PPCA 128 Serial
`Complete time 374
`1 Exposed Protocol
`Se Tatilit
`1 Exposed Protocol
`Exposed Wector
`Processing times
`Sec Trailsittit
`1 Exposed Protocol
`O Exposed Wector
`Processing times
`Sec Transitit
`238 Exposed
`Protocol. Latercies
`sec transitit
`1 Exposed Protocol
`O Exposed Wector
`0.000 sec transmit
`2 Exposed Protocol
`O Exposed Wector
`sec trailsittit
`Exposed Protocol
`set transmit
`238 Exposed
`Protocol. Latencies
`Standard 10 Gbis NC with Standard
`MPI Library 380
`Complete time 384
`Technique 382.
`1024 Exposed
`Protocol. Latencies
`1.43&C Trainstit
`11 Exposed Protocol
`30 Exposed Wector
`0.11 sec transitit
`Biffilia Tree
`Bitial Tree
`Einottia Tree
`Binoritial Tree
`Master-Slave +
`Binoitial Tree
`Binonial Tree
`Bitloftial Tree
`11 Exposed Protocol
`30 Exposed Wector
`..li sec transitit
`10,240 Exposed
`Protocol Latencies
`1.4 sectansitit
`1 Exposed Protocol
`10 Exposed Wector
`.ill sec trailsittit
`1034 Exposed
`Protocol. Lateicies
`30 Exposed Wector
`1.34 sec trainstit
`11 Exposed. Latency
`sec transitit
`10,240 Exposed
`Protocol Latencies
`1.24 sec trainstilit
`FIG. 3B
`Ex.1018 / Page 7 of 41Ex.1018 / Page 7 of 41
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`US 2010/0185719 A1
`Protocol List 420
`Current Cluster
`Topology 410
`LLP Select
`Function 400
`State Data 412
`- Protocol List 420
`Cluster Configuration 414
`Cluster Topology 416
`Selected Protocol 418
`SWitch 11
`FIG. 4A
`Ex.1018 / Page 8 of 41Ex.1018 / Page 8 of 41
`Sandisk Technologies, Inc. et alSandisk Technologies, Inc. et al
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`US 2010/0185719 A1
`- PPCA detectS
`Cluster topology
`First Start-Up?
`Detect changes in cluster
`configuration since shutdown
`PPCA detects for
`PPCA detects for
`ls TOE
`LLC Select
`Selects a lowest
`latency protocol
`PPCA Select TOE
`PPCA Select
`FIG. 4B
`Ex.1018 / Page 9 of 41Ex.1018 / Page 9 of 41
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`NODE 100
`HOSt RAM 126
`Paging Code
`Page Frame
`Paging File 502
`Page Frame 514
`PPCA paging
`COde 526
`Firmware 223
`FIG. 5
`Ex.1018 / Page 10 of 41Ex.1018 / Page 10 of 41
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`Data storage location
`MD Updater
`Virtual Disk Array
`PPCA 128(F)
`Metadata 603
`Metadata 603
`PPCA 128(G)
`Metadata 603
`Metadata 603 :
`PPCA 128(E
`Metadata 603
`PPCA 128(H)
`Metadata 603
`FIG. 6
`Ex.1018 / Page 11 of 41Ex.1018 / Page 11 of 41
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`Parallel Application 104
`8 as is a sala as a a
`NAD Cache
`Functionality 710
`Cache 740
`720 YO Billy
`V O
`NAD 704
`FIG. 7A
`Ex.1018 / Page 12 of 41Ex.1018 / Page 12 of 41
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`Receive data to Write to NAD 7002
`Store Data in Cache 7004
`Send Store Request to NAD 7006
`Wait for NADResponse 7008
`Write from PPCA
`Cache to NAD
`FIG. 7B
`Ex.1018 / Page 13 of 41Ex.1018 / Page 13 of 41
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`Node 100 (1
`checkpoint State 846.----------
`Parallel Application 104 H - - - - -
`Parallel Data 105
`m am am sm m m -
`- - - - rom ma as an -
`- - -m as and
`PPCA 128(A)
`Checkpoint Store 850
`Checkpoint State 846(1)
`Functionality 810
`Node 100(2)
`Node 100(3)
`PPCA 128(B (B)
`Checkpoint State
`PPCA 128(C )
`Checkpoint State
`Node 100(4)
`PPCA 128(D)
`Checkpoint State
`FIG. 8
`Ex.1018 / Page 14 of 41Ex.1018 / Page 14 of 41
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`101 v
`Node 1001)
`Node 100(2)
`Node 100(3)
`Node 100.4)
`FIG. 9A
`Node 100(2)
`Node 100
`101 v
`NOde 1001
`Ex.1018 / Page 15 of 41Ex.1018 / Page 15 of 41
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`Restart Command 1030(2)
`Node 100(1)
`Node 100(2)
`Failed NOde
`Spare Select
`Command 1020
`a s p A
`FIG. 10
`Ex.1018 / Page 16 of 41Ex.1018 / Page 16 of 41
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`Node 1 O O
`C/D Functionality 1110
`C/D Store 1124
`Data 1120
`Compressed Data 1122
`lag 1130
`Received Data 112
`Flag 1131
`-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
`Estimated Data Size 1123
`Uncompressed Data 11
`Ethernet Channel 221
`FIG. 11
`Ex.1018 / Page 17 of 41Ex.1018 / Page 17 of 41
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`NODE 1001)
`PPCA 128(A)
`Data 1222
`APS Store 1224
`Topology Data 1223
`NODE 100(4)
`PPCA 128(D)
`NODE 100(5)
`PPCA 128(E)
`NODE 100(6)
`PPCA 128(F
`FIG. 12A
`Ex.1018 / Page 18 of 41Ex.1018 / Page 18 of 41
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`Transmission Cross Multiple
`DOes dataset
`require robust protocol
`Select LOWest Latency Protocol to
`Next NOde
`Selectrobust protocol
`FIG. 12B
`Ex.1018 / Page 19 of 41Ex.1018 / Page 19 of 41
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`PPCA 1328
`RAM 1324
`SDR fate 130- -
`Node ID
`- - - -
`SDR Software
`HostN/S Bridge
`NIS Bridge
`SDR Components 132
`SDR Controller 1334
`SDR Hardware 1336
`NVM 1322
`SDR Table 1330
`SDR Software
`SDR Antenna 1338
`FIG. 13A
`Ex.1018 / Page 20 of 41Ex.1018 / Page 20 of 41
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`1350 \
`NODE 136O1
`PPCA 1328(A)
`SDR Table 1330
`RF Processing
`SDR functionality 1352
`SDR Antenna 1326
`SDR Antenna 1326
`SDR Antenna 1326
`PPCA 1328(B
`PPCA 1328(C)
`PPCA 1328(D)
`PPCA 1328E
`R-channel 1372
`R-Channel 1373
`R-Channel 1374
`R-Channel 1375
`Node 1360(2)
`Node 1360(3)
`Node 1360(4)
`Node 1360(5)
`FIG. 13B
`Ex.1018 / Page 21 of 41Ex.1018 / Page 21 of 41
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`US 2010/0185719 A1
`1350 \
`PPCA 1328(A)
`R-Channel 1371
`SDR Table 1330
`Node ID 1360(1) ā R-Channel 1371
`Node ID 1360(2) ā R-Channel 1372
`Node ID 1360(3)
`- R-Channel 1373
`Node ID 136O(4) ". R-Channel 1374
`PPCA 1328(B)
`R-channel 1371
`PPCA 1328(C)
`R channel 1371
`PPCA 1328(D)
`R-channel 1371.
`R-Channel 1373
`R-channel 1374
`Node 1360(2)
`Node 1360(3)
`Node 1360(4
`FIG. 14
`Ex.1018 / Page 22 of 41Ex.1018 / Page 22 of 41
`Sandisk Technologies, Inc. et alSandisk Technologies, Inc. et al
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`US 2010/0185719 A1
`PPCA 1328(A)
`POSSible R-Channels 1530
`SDR Table 1330
`PPCA 1328(B)
`R-channel 1371.
`Node 1360(2)
`PPCA 1328(C)
`Rchannel 1371.
`Node 1360(3)
`Node 1360(4)
`Node 1360(5)
`FIG. 15A
`NODE 1410(1)
`PPCA 1328(A)
`R-Channel 1371
`POSSible R-Channels 1530
`SDR Table 1330
`PPCA 1328CB)
`SDR Table 1330
`Richannel 1371 ||
`Node 1360(2)
`PPCA 1328(D)
`|| PPCA 1328(E)
`SDR Table 1330
`SDR Table 1330
`|| Richannel 1371 || || Richannel 1371 || || Richarnel 1371
`Node 1360(3)
`Node 1360(4)
`Node 1360(5)
`FIG. 15B
`Ex.1018 / Page 23 of 41Ex.1018 / Page 23 of 41
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`1350 \
`Node 1360(2)
`PPCA 1328(B)
`Base Table 1620
`Assignment Alg 1622
`SDR Table 16
`Node 1360(5)
`PPCA 1328(E)
`Base Table 1620
`ASsignment Alg 1622
`SDR Table 1626
`PPCA 1328(C)
`PPCA 1328(D)
`Base Table 1620
`Base Table 1620
`ASSignment Aig 1622
`ASSignment Alg 1622
`SDR Table 1626
`SDR Table 1626
`NOde 13603
`NOde 1360 (4
`FIG. 16
`Ex.1018 / Page 24 of 41Ex.1018 / Page 24 of 41
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`1701 v
`Node 100(1)
`Node 100(2)
`Node 100(3)
`Node 100(4)
`Checkpoint Data 1720
`FIG. 17
`Ex.1018 / Page 25 of 41Ex.1018 / Page 25 of 41
`Sandisk Technologies, Inc. et alSandisk Technologies, Inc. et al
`US 2010/0185719 A1
`Jul. 22, 2010
`0001. This application claims priority to U.S. Patent
`Application Ser. No. 61/165.301, filed Mar. 31, 2009, and
`U.S. Patent Application Ser. No. 61/166,630, filed Apr. 3,
`2009, both of which are incorporated herein by reference.
`This application is also a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent
`application Ser. No. 12/197,881, filed Aug. 25, 2008, which is
`a divisional application of U.S. patent application Ser. No.
`10/340,524, filed Jan. 10, 2003 (now U.S. Pat. No. 7,418,
`470), which claims priority to U.S. Patent Application Ser.
`No. 60/347,325, filed Jan. 10, 2002, and is a continuation-in
`part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/603,020 (now U.S.
`Pat. No. 6,857,004), filed on Jun. 26, 2000, all of which are
`incorporated herein by reference.
`0002. A parallel processing computer cluster is made up of
`networked computers that form nodes of the cluster. Each
`node of the cluster can contain one or more processors, each
`including one or more cores. A computational task, received
`from a requesting system, is broken down into Sub-tasks that
`are distributed to one or more nodes for processing. If there
`are multiple processors and/or cores the computational task is
`further decomposed. Processing results from the cores are
`collected by the processors, and then collected by the node.
`From the node level, results are transmitted back to the
`requesting system. The methods of breaking down and dis
`tributing these sub-tasks, and then collecting results, vary
`based upon the type and configuration of the computer cluster
`as well as the algorithm being processed.
`0003. One constraint of current parallel processing com
`puter clusters is presented by inter-node, inter-processor and
`inter-core communication. Particularly, within each com
`puter node, a processor or core that is used to process a
`Sub-task is also used to process low-level communication
`operations and make communication decisions. The time cost
`of these communication decisions directly impact the perfor
`mance of the processing cores and processors, which directly
`impact the performance of the node.
`0004. Within a computer system, such as a personal com
`puter or a server, a PCIe bus, known in the art, provides
`point-to-point multiple serial communication lanes with
`faster communication than atypical computerbus, such as the
`peripheral component interconnect standard bus. For
`example, the PCIe bus Supports simultaneous send and
`receive communications, and may be configured to use an
`appropriate number of serial communication lanes to match
`the communication requirements of an installed PCIe-format
`computer card. A low speed peripheral may require one PCIe
`serial communication lane, while a graphics card may require
`sixteen PCIe serial communication lanes. The PCIe bus may
`include Zero, one or more PCIe format card slots, and may
`provide one, two, four, eight, sixteen or thirty-two serial
`communication lanes. PCIe communication is typically des
`ignated by the number of serial communication lanes used for
`communication (e.g., "X1ā designates a single serial commu
`nication lane PCIe channel and 'x4' designates a four serial
`communication lane PCIe channel), and by the PCIe format,
`for example PCIe 1.1 of PCIe 2.0.
`0005 Regarding the PCIe formats, PCIe 1.1 format is the
`most commonly used PCIe format; PCIe version 2.0 was
`launched in 2007. PCIe version 2.0 is twice as fast as version
`1.1. Compared to a PCI standard bus, PCIe 2.0 has nearly
`twice the bi-directional transferrate of 250 MB/s (250 million
`bytes per second). A 32-bit PCI standard bus has a peak
`transfer rate of 133 MB/s (133 million bytes per second) and
`is half-duplex (i.e., it can only transmit or receive at any one
`0006 Within a parallel application, a message-passing
`interface (MPI) may include routines for implementing mes
`sage passing. The MPI is typically called to execute the mes
`sage passing routines of low-level protocols using hardware
`of the host computer to send and receive messages. Typically,
`MPI routines execute on the processor of the host computer.
`0007. In high performance computer clusters, cabling and
`Switching between nodes or computers of a computer cluster
`may create significant issues. One approach to simplify
`cabling between nodes is blade technology, well known in the
`art, which uses a large backplane to provide connectivity
`between nodes. Blade technology has high cost and requires
`special techniques, such as grid technology, to interconnect
`large numbers of computer nodes. When connecting large
`numbers of nodes, however, grid technology introduces data
`transfer bottlenecks that reduce cluster performance. Further
`more, issues related to Switching technology Such as costs and
`interconnect limitations are not resolved by blade technology.
`0008 Disclosed are Parallel Processing Communication
`Accelerator (PPCA) systems and methods for enhancing per
`formance of a Parallel Processing Environment (PPE). The
`PPCA includes a micro-processing unit (MPU), a memory, a
`PPE connection for communicating with other nodes within
`the parallel processing environment, a host node connection
`for communicating with a host node and a Message Passing
`Interface (MPI) devolver. The MPI devolver communicates
`with a host node executed MPI process for optimizing com
`munication between a host node executed parallel application
`and the parallel processing environment. In addition, the MPI
`devolver processes at least a portion of the MPI process
`including one or more of MPI collective-commands, MPI
`blocking commands, MPI group commands, and MPI topol
`0009 FIG. 1 shows exemplary apparatus for enhancing
`performance within parallel processing environment.
`0010 FIG. 2 shows the PPCA of FIG. 1 in further detail.
`FIG. 2A shows an alternative embodiment of the
`PPCA of FIG. 2.
`0012 FIG. 2B shows an embodiment of a system using the
`PPCA of FIG. 2A coupled in parallel-star configuration.
`0013 FIG.2C shows an embodiment of a system using the
`PPCA of FIG. 2A with one port of each PPCA in star con
`figuration to a Switch, and three or more ports coupled in tree
`(0014 FIG. 3A shows one exemplary MPI devolver
`enabled system.
`0015 FIG.3B shows one exemplary chart comparing esti
`mated completion time of MPI collective operations between
`Ex.1018 / Page 26 of 41Ex.1018 / Page 26 of 41
`Sandisk Technologies, Inc. et alSandisk Technologies, Inc. et al
`US 2010/0185719 A1
`Jul. 22, 2010
`a one exemplary PPCA, utilizing a PPCA optimized MPI
`library, and a standard 10 Gb/s NIC, utilizing a standard MPI
`0016 FIG. 4A shows one exemplary low latency protocol
`(LLP) enabled system.
`0017 FIG. 4B shows one exemplary low latency protocol
`(LLP) selection method.
`0018 FIG. 5 shows one exemplary PPCA based paging
`enabled system.
`0019 FIG. 6 shows the parallel processing environment of
`FIG. 1 implementing a virtual disk array (VDA) using the
`PPCA within each of nodes.
`0020 FIG. 7A shows one exemplary network attached
`device (NAD) caching enabled system.
`FIG. 7B shows one exemplary NAD caching
`0022 FIG. 8 illustrates one step in one exemplary all-to
`all exchange in a holographic checkpoint enabled parallel
`processing environment with one detailed node.
`0023 FIGS.9A-C illustrates three steps of one exemplary
`all-to-all exchange in a holographic checkpoint enabled sys
`0024 FIG. 10 shows one exemplary illustrative represen
`tation of one exemplary holographic checkpoint restart
`operation enabled system.
`0025 FIG. 11 shows one exemplary compression enabled
`0026 FIG. 12A shows one exemplary auto protocol selec
`tion enabled system.
`0027 FIG. 12B is one exemplary auto protocol selection
`0028 FIG. 13A is one exemplary software defined radio
`(SDR) enabled PPCA.
`0029 FIG. 13B is one exemplary SDR enabled system.
`0030 FIG. 14 shows one exemplary SDR fixed channel
`node assignment (FCNA) enabled system utilizing a centrally
`located r-channel look-up table.
`FIG. 15A shows one exemplary gather step for a
`SDR-FCNA enabled system utilizing a gather-scatter method
`for distributing a distributed r-channel look-up table.
`0032 FIG. 15B shows one exemplary scatter step for a
`SDR-FCNA enabled system utilizing a gather-scatter method
`for distributing a distributed r-channel look-up table.
`0033 FIG.16 shows one exemplary SDR-FCNA enabled
`system utilizing an all-to-all exchange method for distribut
`ing a distributed r-channel look-up table.
`0034 FIG. 17 shows one exemplary single time-step
`checkpoint/restart enabled system.
`0035. In a parallel processing environment that includes a
`cluster having several computing nodes, a parallel computing
`task is divided into two or more sub-tasks, each of which are
`assigned to one or more of the computing nodes. A measure of
`efficiency of the parallel processing environment is the time
`taken to process the parallel computing task, and the time
`taken to process each sub-task within the compute nodes.
`0036) Each compute node includes one or more processors
`that process assigned tasks and Sub-tasks in as short a time as
`possible. However, each computing node must also commu
`nicate with other computing nodes within the cluster to
`receive assigned sub-tasks and to return results from process
`ing sub-tasks. This communication imposes an overhead
`within the compute node that can delay completion of the
`assigned sub-task. To reduce this delay, certain low-level
`operations may be devolved from the one or more processors
`of the computing node to a devolving engine. The devolving
`engine, in an embodiment, is located on an accelerator card
`having some functions similar to a network interface card
`(NIC) installed in the computing node and provides commu
`nication between networked computing nodes of the cluster.
`0037. The devolving engine allows the host computer to
`offload low-level communication operations to the devolving
`engine while maintaining control of high-leveloperations and
`high-level communication decisions.
`0038 FIG. 1 shows an exemplary Parallel Processing
`Communication Accelerator (PPCA) 128 for enhancing per
`formance within a parallel processing environment 101
`formed of a plurality of computing nodes 100 and a switch
`116. PPCA 128 is preferably included within each computing
`node 100 of environment 101.
`0039. In an embodiment, at least one of computing nodes
`100 represents a host node as used within a Howard Cascade
`(see U.S. Pat. No. 6,857,004 incorporated herein by refer
`ence). In the example of FIG. 1, environment 101 has eight
`computing nodes 100(1-8) that communicate through switch
`116. Environment 101 may have more or fewer nodes without
`departing from the scope hereof. Each node 100(1-8) includes
`a PPCA 128(A-H) that provides devolving and communica
`tion functionality.
`0040. In FIG. 1, only node 100(1) is shown in detail for
`clarity of illustration. Nodes 100 are similar to each other and
`may include components and functionality of conventional
`computer systems. For example, nodes 100 may also include
`components and functionality found in personal computers
`and servers. Node 100(1) has host central processing unit
`(CPU) 120, a host north/south (N/S) bridge 124, a host ran
`dom access memory (RAM) 126, and disk storage 122.
`Nodes 100 may include other hardware and software, for
`example as found in personal computers and servers, without
`departing from the scope hereof.
`Host N/S bridge 124 may support one or more bus
`ses within node 100 to provide communication between host
`CPU 120, disk storage 122, host RAM 126 and PPCA 128
`(A). For example, host N/S bridge 124 may implement a bus
`140 that allows one or more computer cards (e.g., graphics
`adapters, network interface cards, and the like) to be installed
`within node 100. In an embodiment, Bus 140 is a peripheral
`component interconnect express (PCIe). In the example of
`FIG. 1, PPCA 128 connects to bus 140 when installed within
`node 100, and provides a communication interface to com
`municate with other PPCA 128 equipped nodes 100 via
`Switch 116.
`0042. When configured in the form of a PCIe card, PPCA
`128 may be installed in a computer system Supporting the
`PCIe bus to form node 100. Although PPCA 128 is shown
`connecting within node 100(1) using bus 140, PPCA 128 may
`be configured to connect to node 100(1) using other computer
`busses without departing from the scope hereof. In an alter
`nate embodiment, PPCA 128 is incorporated into a mother
`board of node 100.
`0043. Disk storage 122 is shown storing a parallel appli
`cation 104, a message passing interface (MPI) 106 and par
`allel data 105. Disk storage 122 may store other information
`and functionality, such as an operating system, executable
`computer code, computational tasks, Sub-tasks, sub-task
`results, computation task results, and other information and
`Ex.1018 / Page 27 of 41Ex.1018 / Page 27 of 41
`Sandisk Technologies, Inc. et alSandisk Technologies, Inc. et al
`US 2010/0185719 A1
`Jul. 22, 2010
`data of node 100, without departing from the scope hereof
`Parallel application 104 may represent a software program
`that includes instructions for processing parallel data 105.
`MPI 106 represents a software interface that provides com
`munications for a parallel application 104 running on nodes
`100 of environment 101. MPI 106 may include one or more
`interface routines that instruct PPCA 128 to perform one or
`more operations that provide communications between node
`100(1) to other nodes 100, and may implement additional
`functionality, as described below.
`0044 CPU 112 is shown as a single processing unit, but
`CPU 112 may represent a plurality of processing units, for
`example, a central processing unit, an arithmetic logic unit
`and a floating-point unit.
`0045. In one example of operation, at least part of each of
`parallel application 104, MPI 106 and parallel data 105 are
`loaded into host RAM 126 for execution and/or access by host
`CPU 120. Parallel application 104, MPI 106 and parallel data
`105 are illustratively shown in dashed outline within host
`RAM 126. Parallel data 105 may be all, or a portion of, a data
`set associated with a parallel processing task or Sub-task. Host
`RAM 126 may store other programs, software routines, infor
`mation and data for access by host CPU 120, without depart
`ing from the scope hereof.
`0046. In an embodiment where bus 140 is a PCIe bus with
`one or more card slots that accept PCIe format computer
`cards, PPCA 128 is a PCIe format computer card that plugs
`into one of these card slots. Further, PPCA 128 is configured
`to use one or more serial communication lanes of bus 140, and
`it is preferred that bus 140 provide sufficient serial commu
`nication lanes to match or exceed the requirements of PPCA
`128. The greater the number of serial communication lanes
`used by PPCA 128, the greater the communication bandwidth
`between PPCA 128 and host N/S bridge 124.
`0047 PPCA 128 functions to devolve certain parallel pro
`cessing tasks from host CPU 120 to PPCA 128, thereby
`increasing the availability of host CPU 120 for task process
`ing. PPCA 128 provides enhanced communication perfor
`mance between node 100 and switch 116, and in particular,
`provides enhance communication between nodes 100 of envi
`ronment 101.
`0048 FIG. 2 illustrates PPCA 128 of FIG. 1 in further
`detail. PPCA 128 includes a Microprocessor Unit (MPU)
`212, a N/S bridge 218, an Ethernet connect 220, a non-volatile
`memory (NVM) 222, and a random access memory (RAM)
`224. PPCA 128 may also include a solid-state drive (SSD)
`226. N/S Bridge 218 provides communication between MPU
`212, host N/S bridge interface 216, Ethernet connect 220,
`NVM 222, RAM 224, and optional SSD 226. Host node
`connection, host N/S bridge interface 216, provides connec
`tivity betweenN/S Bridge 218 and bus 140, thereby providing
`communication between PPCA 128 and components of node
`100, into which PPCA 128 is installed and/or configured.
`0049 Parallel processing environment connection, Ether
`net connect 220, connects t

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