`(12) United States Patent
`Cota-Robles et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,819,699 B2
`Aug. 26, 2014
`References Cited
`(75) Inventors: Erik C. Cota-Robles, Mountain View,
`CA (US); Steven M. Bennett, Hillsboro,
`OR (US); Andrew V. Anderson,
`Hillsboro, OR (US): Sebastian
`Schoenberg, Hillsboro, OR (US)
`(73) Assignee: Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, CA
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 1352 days.
`(*) Notice:
`(21) Appl. No.: 11/618,446
`(22) Filed:
`Dec. 29, 2006
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2008/O163254A1
`Jul. 3, 2008
`(51) Int. Cl.
`G06F 3/00
`G06F 9/44
`G06F 9/46
`G06F I3/00
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`USPC .......................................................... 71.9/313
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`USPC .......................................................... 71.9/313
`See application file for complete search history.
`2002fO161961 A1* 10, 2002 Hardin et al. ..................... T11 ?6
`2003/0037089 A1* 2, 2003 Cota-Robles et al. .
`2005/014 1554 A1* 6/2005 Hammarlund et al. ....... 370/468
`2005/0240700 A1* 10/2005 Bennett et al. ................ T10,260
`Barham et al., "Xen and the Art of Virtualization', 2003, pp. 1-14.*
`Adams, Keith et al., “A Comparison of Software and Hardware
`Techniques for x86 Virtualization', Oct. 21-25, 2006, ACM, pp.
`* cited by examiner
`Primary Examiner — Andy Ho
`Assistant Examiner — Timothy A Mudrick
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Trop, Pruner & Hu, P.C.
`Embodiments of apparatuses, methods, and systems for con
`trolling virtual machines based on performance counters are
`disclosed. In one embodiment, an apparatus includes an event
`counter, a comparator, and virtualization control logic. The
`event counter is to keep an event count based on the number
`of occurrences of an event. The comparator is to determine
`whether the event count has reached a threshold value. The
`virtualization control logic is to transfer control of the appa
`ratus from a guest to a host in response to the comparator
`determining that the event count has reached the threshold
`17 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets
`310 Create VMCs
`312 Config event counter
`314 Oad threshold
`322 config offset window
`324 load window size
`330 WM entry
`332 execute guest instruction -
`370 execute host instruction
`WM enter
`occurrence of event
`occurrence of event
`344 increment evert counter
`offset Widow reached
`342 decrement event counter
`- Y -
`362 WM exit -----
`Ex.1013 / Page 1 of 10Ex.1013 / Page 1 of 10
`Sandisk Technologies, Inc. et alSandisk Technologies, Inc. et al
`Ex.1013 / Page 2 of 10Ex.1013 / Page 2 of 10
`Sandisk Technologies, Inc. et alSandisk Technologies, Inc. et al
`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 26, 2014
`Sheet 2 of 3
`US 8,819,699 B2
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`Ex.1013 / Page 3 of 10Ex.1013 / Page 3 of 10
`Sandisk Technologies, Inc. et alSandisk Technologies, Inc. et al
`Ex.1013 / Page 4 of 10Ex.1013 / Page 4 of 10
`Sandisk Technologies, Inc. et alSandisk Technologies, Inc. et al
`US 8,819,699 B2
`1. Field
`The present disclosure pertains to the field of information
`processing, and more particularly, to the field of using per
`formance counters in a virtualization environment.
`2. Description of Related Art
`Generally, the concept of virtualization in information pro
`cessing systems allows multiple instances of one or more
`operating systems (each, an "OS) to run on a single infor
`mation processing system, even though each OS is designed
`to have complete, direct control over the system and its
`resources. Virtualization is typically implemented by using
`software (e.g., a virtual machine monitor, or a “VMM) to
`present to each OS a “virtual machine” (“VM) having virtual
`resources, including one or more virtual processors, that the
`OS may completely and directly control, while the VMM
`maintains a system environment for implementing virtualiza
`tion policies such as sharing and/or allocating the physical
`resources among the VMs (the “virtualization environment').
`Each OS, and any other software, that runs on a VM is referred
`to as a "guest' or as "guest software.” while a “host' or “host
`software' is software, such as a VMM, that runs outside of the
`virtualization environment.
`A physical processor in an information processing system
`may support virtualization, for example, by Supporting an
`instruction to enter a virtualization environment to run a guest
`on a virtual processor (i.e., a physical processor under con
`straints imposed by a VMM) in a VM. In the virtualization
`environment, certain events, operations, and situations, such
`as external interrupts or attempts to access privileged regis
`ters or resources, may be intercepted, i.e., cause the processor
`to exit the virtualization environment so that a VMM may
`operate, for example, to implement virtualization policies. A
`physical processor may also Support other instructions for
`maintaining a virtualization environment, and may include
`memory or register bits that indicate or control virtualization
`capabilities of the physical processor.
`A physical processor Supporting a virtualization environ
`ment may also include performance counters for logging
`performance monitoring information. Typically, these perfor
`mance counters may be used to count occurrences of events
`related to the execution of software on the processor. For
`example, a performance counter may count the number of
`instructions executed or retired, or the occurrence of any
`condition resulting from the execution of software on the
`processor, Such as a cache miss, a translation look-aside
`buffer miss, or a branch misprediction.
`The present invention is illustrated by way of example and
`not limitation in the accompanying figures.
`FIG. 1 illustrates an embodiment of the present invention in
`an information processing system.
`FIG. 2 illustrates an embodiment of the present invention in
`a method for controlling a virtual machine based on a perfor
`mance counter according to an absolute mode of operation.
`FIG.3 illustrates an embodiment of the present invention in
`a method for controlling a virtual machine based on a perfor
`mance counter according to a relative mode of operation.
`The present invention may be embodied in an apparatus, a
`method, or a system for controlling virtual machines based on
`performance counters, as described below. In this description,
`numerous specific details, such as component and system
`configurations, may be set forth in order to provide a more
`thorough understanding of the present invention. It will be
`appreciated, however, by one skilled in the art, that the inven
`tion may be practiced without such specific details. Addition
`ally, some well known structures, circuits, and the like have
`not been shown in detail, to avoid unnecessarily obscuring the
`present invention.
`Embodiments of the present invention provide for perfor
`mance counters to be used to improve the performance of an
`information processing system supporting virtualization, by
`allowing host Software to gain control from guest Software
`based on performance measurements taken during the execu
`tion of the guest software. The host software may then have
`the ability and the information useful to make scheduling and
`other decisions to optimize absolute or relative performance,
`or otherwise monitor guest performance.
`Elements of embodiments of the invention may be imple
`mented in hardware, Software, firmware, or any combination
`of hardware, software, or firmware. The term hardware gen
`erally refers to an element having a physical structure such as
`mechanical, electro-mechanical parts, etc. The term Software
`generally refers to a logical structure, a method, a procedure,
`a program, a routine, a process, an algorithm, a formula, an
`expression, etc. The term firmware generally refers to a logi
`cal structure, a method, a procedure, a program, a routine, a
`process, an algorithm, a formula, or an expression that is
`implemented or embodied in a hardware structure (e.g., flash
`memory or read only memory). Examples of firmware are
`microcode, writable control store, and micro-programmed
`FIG.1 illustrates an embodiment of the present invention in
`information processing system 100. In FIG. 1, bare platform
`hardware 110 may be any data processing apparatus capable
`of executing any OS, VMM, or other such software. For
`example, bare platform hardware may be that of a personal
`computer, mainframe computer, portable computer, handheld
`device, set-top box, server, or any other computing system.
`Bare platform hardware 110 includes processor 120 and
`memory 130.
`Processor 120 may be any type of processor, including a
`general purpose microprocessor, such as a processor in the
`Intel(R) PentiumR Processor Family, Itanium(R) Processor
`Family, or other processor family from Intel(R) Corporation, or
`another processor from another company, or a digital signal
`processor or microcontroller. Although FIG. 1 shows only
`one such processor 120, bare platform hardware 110 may
`include any number of processors, including any number of
`multicore processors, each with any number of execution
`cores, and any number of multithreaded processors, each with
`any number of threads.
`Memory 130 may be static or dynamic random access
`memory, semiconductor-based read-only or flash memory,
`magnetic or optical disk memory, any other type of medium
`readable by processor 120, or any combination of such medi
`ums. Processor 120 and memory 130 may be coupled to or
`communicate with each other according to any known
`approach, Such as directly or indirectly through one or more
`buses, point-to-point, or other wired or wireless connections.
`Bare platform hardware 110 may also include any number of
`additional devices or connections.
`In addition to bare platform hardware 100, FIG. 1 illus
`trates VMM 140, VMs 150 and 160, guest operating systems
`152 and 162, and guest applications 154, 155, 164, and 165.
`Ex.1013 / Page 5 of 10Ex.1013 / Page 5 of 10
`Sandisk Technologies, Inc. et alSandisk Technologies, Inc. et al
`VMM 140 may be any software, firmware, or hardware
`host installed on or accessible to bare platform hardware 110.
`to present VMs, i.e., abstractions of bare platform hardware
`110, to guests, or to otherwise create VMs, manage VMs, and
`implement virtualization policies. In other embodiments, a
`host may be any VMM, hypervisor, OS, or other software,
`firmware, or hardware capable of controlling bare platform
`hardware 110. A guest may be any OS, any VMM, including
`another instance of VMM 140, any hypervisor, or any appli
`cation or other software.
`Each guest expects to access physical resources, such as
`processor and platform registers, memory, and input/output
`devices, of bare platform hardware 110, according to the
`architecture of the processor and the platform presented in the
`VM. FIG. 1 shows two VMs, 150 and 160, with guest OS 152
`and guest applications 154 and 155 installed on VM 150 and
`guest OS 162 and guest applications 164 and 165 installed on
`VM 160. Although FIG. 1 shows only two VMs and two
`applications perVM, any number of VMs may be created, and
`any number of applications may run on each VM within the
`Scope of the present invention.
`A resource that can be accessed by a guest may either be
`classified as a “privileged' or a “non-privileged’ resource.
`For a privileged resource, VMM 140 facilitates the function
`ality desired by the guest while retaining ultimate control over
`the resource. Non-privileged resources do not need to be
`controlled by VMM 140 and may be accessed directly by a
`Furthermore, each guest OS expects to handle various
`events such as exceptions (e.g., page faults, and general pro
`tection faults), interrupts (e.g., hardware interrupts and soft
`ware interrupts), and platform events (e.g., initialization and
`system management interrupts). These exceptions, inter
`rupts, and platform events are referred to collectively and
`individually as “virtualization events' herein. Some of these
`virtualization events are referred to as “privileged events’
`because they must be handled by VMM 140 to ensure proper
`operation of VMs 150 and 160, protection of VMM 140 from
`guests, and protection of guests from each other.
`At any given time, processor 120 may be executing instruc
`tions from VMM 140 or any guest, thus VMM 140 or the
`guest may be running on, or in control of processor 120. When
`a privileged event occurs or a guest attempts to access a
`privileged resource, control may be transferred from the guest
`to VMM 140. The transfer of control from a guest to VMM
`140 is referred to as a “VM exit' herein. After handling the
`event or facilitating the access to the resource appropriately,
`VMM 140 may return control to a guest. The transfer of
`control from VMM 140 to a guest is referred to as a “VM
`entry herein.
`In the embodiment of FIG. 1, processor 120 controls the
`operation of VMs 150 and 160 according to data stored in
`virtual machine control structure (“VMCS) 132. VMCS 132
`is a structure that may contain state of a guest or guests, state
`of VMM 140, execution control information indicating how
`VMM 140 is to control operation of a guest or guests, infor
`mation regarding VM exits and VM entries, and any other
`such information. Processor 120 reads information from
`VMCS 132 to determine the execution environment of a VM
`and constrain its behavior. In this embodiment, VMCS 132 is
`stored in memory 130. In some embodiments, multiple
`VMCSs are used to support multiple VMs. Although FIG. 1
`shows VMCS 132 stored in memory 130, storing a VMCS in
`a memory may not be required by the present invention.
`Processor 120 also includes event counter 170, which may
`be any structure to perform a counting function, Such as a
`hardware register configured to increment (or decrement) its
`US 8,819,699 B2
`contents upon the occurrence of any specified event. In this
`embodiment, event counter 170 is a performance counter that
`may be programmed by Software running on processor 120 to
`log performance monitoring information. Other embodi
`ments may include any number of counters and/or any type or
`size of counter. Event counter 170 may be programmed to
`increment (or decrement) for each occurrence of a selected
`event, or to increment (or decrement) for each clock cycle
`during a selected event. The event may be any of a variety of
`events related to the execution of software on processor 120,
`or conditions resulting from the execution of Software on
`processor 120. Such as retirement of instructions, branch
`mispredictions, cache hits, cache misses, translation looka
`side buffer hits, translation lookaside buffer misses, wait
`cycles, memory-bus activities, etc. Therefore, event counter
`170 may be used fortuning or profiling program code to yield
`the best possible performance on processor 120.
`Processor 120 also includes event counter control register
`171, threshold register 172, and window size register 173.
`Each of event counter control register 171, threshold register
`172, and window size register 173 may be any register, stor
`age location, or any other structure of any size, or portion of
`one or more registers, storage locations, or other structures,
`for storing information.
`Event counter control register 171 is to store information to
`control or configure event counter 170. Event counter control
`register 171 may be programmed with information to control
`or configure event counter 170, such as information to enable
`event counter 170, to select the event to be counted, to select
`the method of counting (e.g., number of occurrences or dura
`tion of event), to select conditions for counting (e.g., based on
`privilege level of software executing when event is detected)
`and to set any other control, configuration, or other variables.
`Threshold register 172 may be programmed with a thresh
`old value to be compared to the contents of event counter 170,
`as described below. The threshold value may be represented
`in any form, such as a whole number that is to be directly
`compared to the contents of event counter 170, any number
`that may be logically or arithmetically transformed to be
`compared to the contents of event counter 170, or any number
`that may be compared to the logically or arithmetically trans
`formed contents of event counter 170.
`Window size register 173 may be programmed with a
`window size, where the window size may be any quantity of
`any system parameter that may be measured. In this embodi
`ment, the window is a period of time, and the window size
`may be any number of cycles of the clock used to synchronize
`instruction execution by processor 120. Therefore, using the
`window size as further described below, the number of occur
`rences of the event being counted by event counter 170 may
`be considered on a relative rather than an absolute basis, i.e.,
`the number may be considered relative to the passage by time.
`In other embodiments where the window is also a period of
`time, any other clock accessible to processor 120 or system
`100 may be used. In other embodiments, the window may
`correspond to a different system parameter, Such as anything
`that could be counted by an event counter similar to event
`counter 170. For example, event counter 170 may be pro
`grammed to count cache misses, and the window size may be
`measured in the number of instructions retired, so that cache
`misses may be considered relative to the number of instruc
`tions retired.
`Processor 120 also includes offset counter 174 to count the
`window parameter. In this embodiment offset counter 174
`counts clock cycles. In other embodiments, offset counter 174
`may be any other type of counter, including a performance
`counter identical or similar to event counter 170.
`Ex.1013 / Page 6 of 10Ex.1013 / Page 6 of 10
`Sandisk Technologies, Inc. et alSandisk Technologies, Inc. et al
`US 8,819,699 B2
`The operation of embodiments of the present invention,
`where offset counter 174 is not present, used, or enabled, may
`be referred to as absolute mode operation. In embodiments
`using absolute mode operation, event counter 170 may incre
`ment for each occurrence of the event that it has been config
`ured to count. Event counter 170 may be reset by software to
`begin counting from a known value. Such as Zero, at any
`desired time. Therefore, embodiments using absolute mode
`operation could alternatively use a decrementing counter
`rather than an incrementing counter, and could increment or
`decrement the counter by any quantity per event.
`The operation of embodiments of the present invention,
`where offset counter 174 is used in addition to event counter
`170, may be referred to as relative mode operation. In
`embodiments using relative mode operation, the count of
`offset counter 174 may be used to directly or indirectly offset
`the count of event counter 170. In one embodiment, where
`event counter 170 increments (or decrements) for each occur
`rence of a specified event, offset counter 174 may be used to
`count clock cycles, and each time the number of clock cycles
`reaches (i.e., matches or exceeds) the window size, event
`counter 170 is decremented (or incremented, as appropriate),
`and offset counter 174 is reset. Therefore, the number of
`occurrences of events reflected by the contents of event
`counter 170 is not absolute; instead, it may be considered
`relative to the passage of time. In some embodiments, event
`counter 170 may not be decremented beyond a floor value,
`Such as Zero (or incremented beyond a ceiling value).
`In other embodiments using relative mode operation, many
`other permutations or the use of event counter 170 and offset
`counter 174 are possible. For example, event counter 170 may
`be directly adjusted based on the contents of offset counter
`174. Or, the contents of offset counter 174 may be indirectly
`adjusted by offsetting (e.g., Subtracting) the contents of offset
`counter 174 from the contents of event counter 170 (with or
`without Scaling or otherwise manipulating the inputs or out
`put of the offsetting operation) before being used as described
`below. In some embodiments, the window parameter may be
`chosen Such that any combination of incrementing or decre
`menting by a fixed amount, incrementing or decrementing by
`a variable amount, loading, or clearing event counter 170
`and/or offset counter 174 may be used. In some embodiments,
`there may be more than one event counter, more than one
`offset counter, more than one threshold register, and/or more
`than one window size register, in any number of dedicated or
`shared arrangements, such that any desired relationship
`among the counters and registers is possible. For example,
`one window size register and one corresponding offset
`counter may be used in connection with two or more thresh
`old registers and two or more corresponding event counters.
`In embodiments using absolute mode operation, event
`counter 170 may be a performance counterprovided and used
`for well-known purposes, which may also be used according
`to embodiments of the present invention. In embodiments
`using relative mode operation, event counter 170 may be a
`Substantial duplicate of a performance counter provided and
`used for well-known purposes, with changes being made to
`the Substantial duplicate according to embodiments of the
`invention (e.g., decrementing based on offset counter 174) so
`that the original may continue to serve its well-known pur
`In embodiments using absolute mode operation, event
`counter 170 may be a performance counterprovided and used
`for well-known purposes, which may also be used according
`to embodiments of the present invention. In embodiments
`using relative mode operation, event counter 170 may be a
`Substantial duplicate of a performance counter provided and
`used for well-known purposes, with changes being made to
`the Substantial duplicate according to embodiments of the
`invention (e.g., decrementing based on offset counter) so that
`the original may continue to serve its well-known purpose.
`Processor 120 also includes comparator 175, which may be
`any structure to perform a comparison function. In this
`embodiment, comparator 175 compares the contents of event
`counter 170 to the contents of threshold register 172. In other
`embodiments, the contents of event counter 170 and/or the
`contents of threshold register 172 may be manipulated, for
`example by Subtracting an offset count from the event count
`as described above, before the comparison is made.
`The comparison results in a determination as to whether
`the event count has reached (i.e., matched or exceeded) the
`threshold value. The result of the determination may be com
`municated to virtualization control hardware 180, described
`below, as an internal signal within processor 120, or accord
`ing to any other approach.
`Processor 120 includes virtualization control hardware 180
`to Support the creation and management of virtual machines.
`Virtualization control hardware 180 may be microcode, pro
`grammable logic, hard-coded logic, or any other form of
`control hardware within processor 120.
`Virtualization control hardware 180 may cause processor
`120 to execute portions of method embodiments of the
`present invention, such as the method embodiments
`described below with reference to FIGS. 2 and 3, for example,
`by causing processor 120 to include the execution of one or
`more virtualization micro-operations in its response to virtu
`alization instructions or other instructions from a host or
`Virtualization control hardware 180 includes VM entry
`logic 181 to transfer control of processor 120 from a host to a
`guest (i.e., a VM entry) and VM exit logic 182 to transfer
`control of processor 120 from a guest to a host (i.e., a VM
`exit). In some embodiments, control may also be transferred
`from a guest to a guest or from a host to a host. For example,
`in an embodiment Supporting layered virtualization, Software
`running on a VM on processor 120 may be both a guest and a
`host (e.g., a VMM running on a VM is a guest to the VMM that
`controls that VM and a host to a guest running on a VM that
`it controls).
`According to embodiments of the present invention, virtu
`alization control hardware receives the result of the determi
`nation by comparator 175. If the determination is that the
`threshold value has been reached while guest software, OS
`152, is executing on a processor 120, virtualization control
`hardware 180 causes a VM exit to occur. The VM exit may
`include saving guest state, including the event count of event
`counter 170, according to any known approach, Such as to a
`designated storage location in VMCS 132, so that the host,
`e.g., VMM 150, may have information useful for managing
`the virtualization environment.
`FIG. 2 illustrates an embodiment of the present invention in
`method 200, a method for controlling a virtual machine based
`on a performance counter according to an absolute mode of
`operation. Although method embodiments are not limited in
`this respect, reference is made to information processing sys
`tem 100 of FIG. 1 to describe the method embodiment of FIG.
`In box 210 of FIG. 2, a VMM (e.g., VMM 140) creates a
`VMCS (e.g., VMCS 132) for a VM (e.g., VM 150). In box
`212, a first performance counter is configured to count occur
`rences of an event. For example, event counter 170 may be
`configured, by programming event counter control register
`171, to count instructions retired. In box 214, a threshold
`value is loaded into a threshold register. In one embodiment,
`Ex.1013 / Page 7 of 10Ex.1013 / Page 7 of 10
`Sandisk Technologies, Inc. et alSandisk Technologies, Inc. et al
`US 8,819,699 B2
`the performance counters, event counter, event counter con
`trol register, and threshold register may be configured by the
`VMM by writing values into the VMCS, processor registers,
`or any other storage location or locations. The processor may
`load or otherwise enable the desired configuration as part of
`the VM entry.
`In box 260, it is determined whether a virtualization event
`has occurred. If not, method 200 continues at box 232. If so,
`then, in box 262, control of processor 120 is transferred from
`the guest to the host. The transfer of control, or VMexit, may
`include VM exit logic 182 causing processor 120 to execute
`operations or micro-operations to save the guest state (includ
`ing performance counter values, etc.) and load the host state.
`Box 262 may also include resetting the event counter, either
`as part of the VMexit or otherwise. As part of the VMexit, the
`event counter may be reset automatically or only when indi
`cated by a VMexit reason. In another embodiment, the event
`counter may be reset upon a VM entry instead of a VMexit.
`Processor 120 may or may not continue to count events while
`executing the VMM.
`In box 270, the host begins or continues to execute instruc
`tions. In box 272, it is determined whether a VM entry is to
`occur. If so, method 200 continues at box 230. If not, method
`200 continues at box 290. In box 290, it is determined whether
`a halt or other such instruction is to be executed. If not,
`method 200 continues at box 270. If so, method 200 ends.
`FIG. 3 illustrates an another embodiment of the present
`invention in method 300, a method for controlling a virtual
`machine based on a performance counter according to a rela
`tive mode of operation. Although method embodiments are
`not limited in this respect, reference is made to information
`processing system 100 of FIG. 1 to describe the method
`embodiment of FIG. 3.
`In box 310 of FIG. 3, a VMM (e.g., VMM 140) creates a
`VMCS (e.g., VMCS 132) for a VM (e.g., VM 150). In box
`312, a first performance counter is configured to count occur
`rences of an event. For example, event counter 170 may be
`configured, by programming event counter control register
`171, to count instructions retired. In box 314, a threshold
`value is loaded into a threshold register.
`In box 320, an offset register is configured to count clock
`cycles. In box 322, the number of clock cycles desired to be
`used as a window size is loaded into a window size register. In
`one embodiment, the performance counters, event counter,
`event counter control register, threshold register, offset reg
`ister, and window size register may be configured by the
`VMM by writing values into the VMCS, processor registers,
`or any other storage location or locations. The processor may
`load or otherwise enable the desired configuration as part of
`the VM entry.
`Inbox 330, control of processor 120 is transferred from the
`host (i.e., VMM 140) to a guest (e.g., OS 152). The transfer of
`control, or VM entry, may include VM entry logic 181 caus
`ing processor 120 to execute operations or micro-operations
`to save the host state and load the guest state. In box 332, the
`guest begins or continues to execute instructions.
`Inbox 340, it is determined whether the event has occurred
`or the offset count has reached the window size. If neither,
`method 300 continues at box 360. If the offset count has
`reached the window size, then, in box 342, the event counter
`decrements, and method 330 continues to box 360. In an
`embodiment, the even counter cannot be decremented below
`a floor value, e.g., Zero. If the event has occurred, then, in box
`344, the event counter increments. Inbox 346, the event count
`is compared to the threshold value. If the event count has not
`reached the threshold value, then method 300 continues at
`box 360. If so, method 300 continues at box 362.
`In box 360, it is determined whether a virtualization event
`has occurred. If not, method 300 continues at box 332. If so,
`then, in box 362, control of processor 120 is transferred from
`the guest to the host. The transfer of control, or VMexit, may
`include VM exit logic 182 causing processor 120 to execute
`operations or micro-operations to save the guest state (includ
`ing performance counter values, etc.) and load the host state.
`Box 362 may also include resetting the event counter, wither
`as part of the VMexit or otherwise. As part of the VMexit, the
`event counter may be reset automatically or only when indi
`cated by a VMexit reason. In another embodiment, the event
`counter may be reset upon a VM entry instead of a VMexit.
`Processor 120 may or may not continue to count events while
`executing the VMM.
`In box 370, the host begins or continues to execute instruc
`tions. In box 372, it is determined whether a VM entry is to
`occur. If so, method 300 continues at box 330. If not, method
`300 continues at box 390. Inbox 390, it is determined whether
`a halt or other such instruction is to be executed. If not,
`method 300 continues at box 370. If so, method 300 ends.
`Within the scope of the present invention, the methods
`illustrated in FIGS. 2 and 3 may be performed in a different
`order, with illustrated boxes omitted, with additional boxes
`added, or with a combination of reordered, omitted, or addi
`tional boxes. For example, in box 340 of FIG.3, an event may
`occur at the same time the offset count reaches the window
`size. In this case, embodiments of the invention may be imple
`mented to give priority to one or the other situation and the
`boxes of method 300 may be rearranged accordingly or
`executed in series. Furthermore, although methods 200 and
`300 have been illustrated as part of virtualization system,
`aspects of these and other described embodiments of the
`present invention (such as relative-mode operation) may be
`applicable in non-virtualized systems as well.
`Processor 120, or any other component or portion of a