`by Jan Newmarch
`on September 1, 2007
`Most people who have written networking software are familiar with the TCP and UDP protocols. These are
`used to connect distributed applications and allow messages to flow between them. These protocols have
`been used successfully to build Internet applications as we know them: e-mail, HTTP, name services and so
`forth. But, these protocols are more than 20 years old, and over time, some of their deficiencies have
`become well known. Although there have been many attempts to devise new general-purpose transport
`protocols above the IP layer, only one so far has received the blessing of the IETF: SCTP (Stream Control
`Transmission Protocol). The central motivation behind SCTP is to provide a more reliable and robust
`protocol than either TCP or UDP that can take advantage of features such as multihoming.
`SCTP is not a radical departure from TCP or UDP. It borrows from both but is most similar to TCP. It is a
`reliable session-oriented protocol, like TCP. It adds new features and options and allows finer control over
`the transport of packets. In all but the “edge” cases, it can be used as a drop-in in place of TCP. This means
`that TCP applications often can be ported trivially to SCTP. Of course, to benefit properly from the new
`features of SCTP, you need to use the additional API calls for SCTP.
`The first additional feature in SCTP is better support for multihomed devices—that is, computers with more
`than one network interface. At one time this meant only routers and bridges connecting different parts of the
`Internet, but now even computers on the edges of the network can be multihomed. Most laptops have built-in
`Ethernet cards and Wi-Fi cards, and many have Bluetooth cards as well (which have IP support through the
`Bluetooth PPP stack). Some laptops now are shipping with WiMAX cards, and it even is possible to run IP
`over the infrared port! So, the standard laptop is at least dual-homed, with possibly up to five distinct IP
`network interfaces.
`TCP and UDP allow use of only one or all of the interfaces. But, what if you are running your laptop as a
`peer in, say, a file-sharing service? It probably would be silly to use the Bluetooth and infrared interfaces.
`WiMAX can be very expensive to shift large amounts of data. But, it would make sense to use both the
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`Ethernet and Wi-Fi interfaces. SCTP can support this selective choosing of interfaces. Some
`implementations even can add and drop interfaces dynamically, so as you unplug your laptop and move out
`of the house, an application can switch to the WiMAX interface if you want.
`The second main new feature is multistreaming—that is, one “association” (which is renamed from
`“connection” from TCP) can support multiple data streams. It is no longer necessary to open up multiple
`sockets; instead, a single socket can be used for multiple streams to a connected host. Several TCP
`applications could benefit from this. For example, FTP (the major file transfer protocol) uses two streams:
`one on port 21 for control messages and another on port 20 for data. This caused problems with firewalls in
`place. A client could connect to a server through a firewall, but the server could not connect to the client for
`data transfer because of the firewall. The FTP protocol had to be extended to allow for “passive” connections
`to overcome this. There would be no need for such an extension under SCTP—simply send the data on a
`separate stream in an association established by a client.
`The X Window System also uses multiple sockets on multiple ports. Although it is not common, a computer
`can have multiple display devices. Typically, the first is on port 6000, the second on port 6001 and so on.
`Under SCTP, these could all be separate streams on a single association. HTML documents often contain
`embedded references to image files, and to display a page properly requires downloading the original page
`and all of these images (or embedded frames too). HTTP originally used a separate TCP connection per
`downloaded URL, which was expensive and time consuming. HTTP 1.1 brought in “persistent connections”,
`so that a single socket could be reused for all of these sequential downloads. Under SCTP, the separate
`images could be downloaded concurrently in separate streams on a single association.
`There are even more subtle uses of SCTP multiple streams. An MPEG movie consists of different types of
`frames: I frames, P frames and B frames. I frames encode complete images, and the other two types
`measure differences between frames. Typically, there is an I frame every ten frames, with the others
`“predicted” from these. It is critical that the I frames be delivered, but less so for the P and B frames.
`Although SCTP is not designed as a Quality-of-Service protocol, it does allow different delivery parameters
`on different streams within an association, so that the I frames can be delivered more reliably.
`SCTP has many more features, such as:
`TCP is a byte-oriented protocol, and UDP is message-oriented. The majority of applications are
`message-oriented, and applications using TCP have to jump through hoops, such as sending the
`message length as a first parameter. SCTP is message-oriented, so such tricks are not so necessary.
`A single socket can support multiple associations—that is, a computer can use a single socket to talk
`to more than one computer. This is not multicast, but it could be useful in peer-to-peer situations.
`SCTP has no “out of band” messages, but a large number of events can be interleaved onto a single
`association, so that an application can monitor the state of the association (for example, when the
`other end adds another interface to the association).
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`The range of socket options is greater than TCP or UDP. These also can be used to control individual
`associations or individual streams within a single association. For example, messages on one stream
`can be given a longer time-to-live than messages on other streams, increasing the likelihood of their
`Availability of SCTP
`The SCTP Web site (www.sctp.org) has a list of implementations of SCTP. There are implementations for
`BSD and Windows, and since 2001, there has been a Linux kernel project at sourceforge.net/projects/lksctp.
`At present, SCTP is not in any Microsoft release, so applications running on Windows need to install one of
`the available stacks.
`SCTP is included in the Linux kernel as an experimental network protocol. SCTP is normally built as a
`module. It may be necessary to load the module using modprobe sctp. To build user applications, you may
`need to install the SCTP tools—in Fedora Core 6, these are in the RPM packages lksctp-tools-1.0.6-
`1.fc6.i386.rpm and lksctp-tools-devel-1.0.6-1.fc6.i386.rpm. On Fedora Core 6, I also had to add a symbolic
`link from /usr/lib/libsctp.so to /usr/lib/libsctp.so.1.
`The lksctp-tools package contains the libraries to run SCTP applications. It also contains a program called
`checksctp, which tells you if your kernel has support for SCTP. When you run this program, it prints either
`“SCTP supported” or an error message.
`The devel package contains the sctp.h header file, so you can compile and build your own applications, and
`man pages for the SCTP function calls.
`Most firewalls can be configured to deal with SCTP packets, but the documentation for each firewall may not
`mention SCTP explicitly. For example, the man page for iptables says, “The specified protocol [in a rule] can
`be one of tcp, udp, icmp, or all...”. But, it then goes on to say, “A protocol name from /etc/protocols is also
`allowed”, and in that file, we find that protocol 132 is sctp. So, rules for SCTP can be added to iptables in the
`same way as TCP and UDP rules.
`For example, an iptables rule to accept SCTP connections to port 13 would be:
`-A INPUT -p sctp -m sctp -i eth0 --dport 13 -j ACCEPT
`Webmin is a popular administration tool for managing things like iptables rules. Unfortunately, as of version
`1.340, it could not accept this rule, because it is hard-wired to accept port numbers only for TCP and UDP,
`not realising that SCTP also uses port numbers. Such a rule would need to be entered by hand into the
`iptables configuration file /etc/sysconfig/iptables. This will be fixed in later versions of Webmin after I logged
`a bug report, but similar problems may occur in other tools.
`One-to-One Socket API
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`As with TCP and UDP, SCTP provides a socket API for applications. A server creates a socket bound to a
`port and then uses this to accept a connection from a client. A client also creates a socket and then connects
`to a server. Both then use the socket file descriptor to read and write messages. SCTP is not a superset of
`TCP. Nevertheless, when restricted to a similar style of connection as TCP, there are sufficient similarities
`that an SCTP socket often can be used as a drop-in replacement for a TCP socket. When used in this way,
`SCTP sockets are called one-to-one sockets, as they simply connect one host to a single other host.
`To create a TCP socket, use the system call:
`This creates an IPv4 socket. To create an IPv6 socket, replace the first parameter with AF_INET6. The last
`parameter often is given as zero, meaning “use the only protocol value in the family”. It is better to use
`IPPROTO_TCP explicitly, because SCTP introduces another possible value.
`To create an SCTP one-to-one socket, simply replace IPPROTO_TCP with IPPROTO_SCTP:
`and that (in many cases) is it! The client or server is now talking the SCTP protocol instead of TCP.
`To see this in action, Listings 1 (echo_client.c) and 2 (echo_server.c) give a simple echo-client and server,
`where the server returns a string sent to it when a client connects to it. Only the line above needs to change
`in both the client and the server (with also an extra include file, sctp.h).
`Listing 1. echo_client.c
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`#define USE_SCTP
`#include <stdio.h>
`#include <stdlib.h>
`#include <string.h>
`#include <sys/types.h>
`#include <sys/socket.h>
`#include <netinet/in.h>
`#ifdef USE_SCTP
`#include <netinet/sctp.h>
`#define SIZE 1024
`char buf[SIZE];
`char *msg = "hello\n";
`#define ECHO_PORT 2013
`int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
` int sockfd;
` int nread;
` struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;
` if (argc != 2) {
` fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s IPaddr\n", argv[0]);
` exit(1);
` }
` /* create endpoint using TCP or SCTP */
` sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM,
`#ifdef USE_SCTP
` );
` if (sockfd < 0) {
` perror("socket creation failed");
` exit(2); }
` /* connect to server */
` serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
` serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(argv[1]);
` serv_addr.sin_port = htons(ECHO_PORT);
` if (connect(sockfd,
` (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr,
` sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0) {
` perror("connect to server failed");
` exit(3);
` }
` /* write msg to server */
` write(sockfd, msg, strlen(msg) + 1);
` /* read the reply back */
` nread = read(sockfd, buf, SIZE);
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` /* write reply to stdout */
` write(1, buf, nread);
` /* exit gracefully */
` close(sockfd);
` exit(0);
`Listing 2. echo_server.c
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`#define USE_SCTP
`#include <stdio.h>
`#include <stdlib.h>
`#include <sys/types.h>
`#include <sys/socket.h>
`#include <netinet/in.h>
`#ifdef USE_SCTP
`#include <netinet/sctp.h>
`#define SIZE 1024
`char buf[SIZE];
`#define ECHO_PORT 2013
`int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
`int sockfd, client_sockfd;
`int nread, len;
`struct sockaddr_in serv_addr, client_addr;
`/* create endpoint using TCP or SCTP */
`sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM,
`#ifdef USE_SCTP
`if (sockfd < 0) {
`perror("socket creation failed");
`/* bind address */
`serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
`serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
`serv_addr.sin_port = htons(ECHO_PORT);
`if (bind(sockfd,
`(struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr,
`sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0) {
`perror("bind failed");
`exit(3); }
`/* specify queue length */
`listen(sockfd, 5);
`for (;;) {
`len = sizeof(client_addr);
`/* get a connection from client */
`client_sockfd = accept(sockfd,
`(struct sockaddr *) &client_addr,
`if (client_sockfd == -1) {
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`perror("accept failed");
`/* transfer data */
`nread = read(client_sockfd, buf, SIZE);
`/* write to stdout */
`write(1, buf, nread);
`/* and echo it back to client */
`write(client_sockfd, buf, nread);
`/* no more for this client */
`The usual C compile command can be used to create object modules and executables. If the program uses
`SCTP-specific functions (the programs in Listings 1 and 2 don't), you also need to link in the SCTP library:
`cc -o echo_client echo_client.c -lsctp
`Is it worthwhile to take an application that runs over TCP and move it to SCTP? The disadvantages are that
`SCTP is not as well supported as TCP, the tools are sometimes not aware of SCTP and the API is still
`evolving. On the other hand, it benefits from the experience of 20 years of seeing TCP and UDP applications
`in practice. For example, SCTP is secure from SYN attacks by design, and the protocol has no known
`security holes. SCTP also will take advantage of multihoming when needed automatically. If packets are
`getting lost, due to, say, congestion, SCTP will use different interfaces to try to avoid the losses, and this
`could result in faster throughput.
`The withsctp Tool
`In the previous section, I discussed how to alter the source code of a client or server to use SCTP instead of
`TCP. The sctp-tools package contains a program called withsctp, which essentially does the same to binary
`code. This program acts as a wrapper around a TCP application to turn it into an SCTP application. It first
`saves the address of the “real” socket() function call, and then inserts its own version of socket() into the load
`library path. This new version of socket() simply gets the parameters of the function call, changes the third
`parameter from IPPROTO_TCP to IPPROTO_SCTP and calls the “real” socket() function.
`For example, the xinetd dæmon can run a group of TCP and UDP services. The services are those listed in
`the directory /etc/xinetd.d, which have enable = yes or disable = no. The TCP services all can be run
`over SCTP by:
`withsctp xinetd
`One of the simplest services that is run by xinetd is daytime. The service accepts a connection and returns
`an ASCII string for the current date. A quick Google search turns up source code for many clients, but the
`simplest way is to run Telnet:
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`telnet <host-name> 13
`If you have daytime running as an SCTP service rather than a TCP service, use withsctp to connect to it:
`withsctp telnet <host-name> 13
`This is a quick way of testing whether a TCP service can be converted to SCTP.
`Message Orientation
`TCP is a byte-oriented protocol—that is, you write bytes and read bytes. The UNIX system calls read() and
`write() typically are used for this. TCP also has send()/recv(), which have an extra flags parameter, but these
`do not change the byte-transfer model.
`SCTP, on the other hand, is message-oriented, more like UDP. Most Internet applications have a message
`structure to their communications rather than merely a sequence of bytes. For example, a single HTTP
`request has a header and body section, and even the header section is composed of an arbitrary number of
`lines. The sender has to compose the parts into the single request, and the receiver of such a message has
`to parse it back into its component messages. A few protocols are only byte-oriented (for example, the file
`transfer mode of FTP), but these are the minority.
`SCTP makes it easy to use a message-based structure—within limits. A write() call writes a complete
`message. The corresponding read() reads this complete message. So, to send an HTTP header over SCTP,
`you could do a write of each line, followed by a write of an empty line. The receiver would read each line as a
`separate message, stopping after reading an empty line. There would be no need to parse the received
`bytes into a set of lines before processing each one. Note that if the original TCP application already used a
`series of writes followed by a single read, expecting TCP to concatenate all the messages, the application
`would need to be modified to match each write to a corresponding read statement.
`The caveats are with big messages. Applications that want to take advantage of these messaging
`capabilities must be careful when sending big messages (say 32KB or more). To send a message, you aren't
`merely passing a pointer to data on the stack, you're actually moving that data across the network. That
`means putting it into buffers on the sender side, passing it through buffers in intermediate nodes and, finally,
`delivering it to a buffer in the reading application. All of these buffers have limits that cannot be exceeded.
`For example, say a sender uses a buffer with a size set by the socket option SO_SNDBUF. An attempt to
`write a message larger than that will fail and return -1. The size of this is generous, typically about 64KB. It
`can be changed by using setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, &val, &val_len),
`where val is an integer variable containing the length to which you want to set the buffer. But, then other
`limits may come into play. Each host along the route from sender to receiver will have a maximum packet
`size that it will pass along. The Path Maximum Transmission Unit (PMTU) is the minimum of all of these. If
`the message (plus any IP and SCTP headers) is larger than the PMTU, it will be fragmented and delivered in
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`pieces. The sender can guard against this by setting the SCTP option SCTP_DISABLE_FRAGMENTS so
`that a message is delivered as a single entity or not at all, but this typically will only decrease the maximum
`possible message size.
`The receiver of a message also has a receiving buffer size, which is controlled by the socket option
`SO_RCVBUF. It will not receive messages larger than this—fragmenting them if necessary. The major
`problem from the receiving side is how to deal with fragmented messages. The system calls read() and
`recv() do not contain any information about message boundaries, as they are byte-oriented. Fortunately,
`SCTP has a new system call, sctp_recvmsg(), which returns status information about the read in an integer
`parameter. In particular, if the MSG_EOR bit (message end-of-record) is set, read of a message has been
`completed. If it is not set, the message has been fragmented and more of the message needs to be read.
`This can be used by the reader to build up a complete message before processing it.
`Listing 3 shows how the sctp_recvmsg() call can be used to receive fragmented messages and build them
`up into a complete message. It does so by reading each part of a message as it comes in and adding it to
`the parts already received. When a part arrives with the MSG_EOR bit set in the flags, the message is
`complete and can be returned to the reading application.
`Listing 3. read_sctp_msg.c
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`#include <stdio.h>
`#include <sys/types.h>
`#include <sys/socket.h>
`#include <netinet/in.h>
`#include <stdlib.h>
`#include <netinet/sctp.h>
`/* call by
` nread = read_sctp_msg(sockfd, &msg)
`int read_sctp_msg(int sockfd, uint8_t **p_msg) {
` int rcv_buf_size;
` int rcv_buf_size_len = sizeof(rcv_buf_size);
` uint8_t *buf;
` struct sockaddr_in peeraddr;
` int peer_len = sizeof(peeraddr);
` struct sctp_sndrcvinfo sri;
` int total_read = 0;
` *p_msg = NULL; /* default fail value */
` if (getsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF,
` &rcv_buf_size, &rcv_buf_size_len) == -1) {
` return -1;
` }
` if ((buf = malloc(rcv_buf_size)) == NULL) {
` return -1;
` }
` while (1) {
` int nread;
` int flags;
` nread = sctp_recvmsg(sockfd, buf+total_read,rcv_buf_size,
` (struct sockaddr *) &peeraddr,&peer_len,
` &sri, &flags);
` if (nread < 0) {
` return nread;
` }
` total_read += nread;
` if (flags & MSG_EOR) {
` /* trim the buf and return msg */
` printf("Trimming buf to %d\n", total_read);
` *p_msg = realloc(buf, total_read);
` return total_read;
` }
` buf = realloc(buf, total_read + rcv_buf_size);
` }
` /* error to get here? */
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` free(buf);
` return -1;
`SCTP has full support out of the box for IPv6 as well as IPv4. You simply need to use IPv6 socket addresses
`instead of IPv4 socket addresses. If you create an IPv4 socket, SCTP will deal only with IPv4 addresses.
`But, if you create an IPv6 socket, SCTP will handle both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
`This article provides a brief introduction to the IETF Stream Control Transmission Protocol and explains how
`it can be used as a replacement for TCP. In future articles, we will examine additional features of SCTP and
`show their use.
`The Principal Site for SCTP (contains pointers to the RFCs and Internet Drafts for SCTP): www.sctp.org
`The Linux Kernel Project Home Page: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/lksctp-developers.
`Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP): A Reference Guide by Randall Stewart and Qiaobing Xie,
`Unix Network Programming (volume 1, 3rd ed.) by W. Richard Stevens, et al., has several chapters on
`SCTP, although some of it is out of date.
`Jan Newmarch is Honorary Senior Research Fellow at Monash University. He has been using Linux since
`kernel 0.98. He has written four books and many papers and also has given courses on many technical
`topics, concentrating on network programming for the last six years. His Web site is jan.newmarch.name.
`© 2024 Slashdot Media, LLC. All rights reserved.
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