`Filed March 26, 1930
`Skechers EX1051-p.1
`Skechers v Nike
`Patented May 5, 1931
`w Application filed March 26, 1930. Serial No. 439,102.
`with side flanges 6 and 7, each of which flanges
`This invention relates to shoes, and partic
`has eyelets, such as 8. The sole is formed
`ularly to sport shoes of the type used in play
`ing games, such as basketball, although, of
`with a toe portion 9 which receives the toe of
`the sock-like upper 10, which upper is pref
`course, its utility may extend to other func
`erably formed of elastic knit material capable 55
`5 tions.
`of snugly fitting the user.
`It is an object of this invention to provide
`An insole 11 is preferably applied to the
`a shoe having an elastic upper which may be
`interior of the sock or upper and this will
`readily applied to or removed from a sole
`prevent friction when running or stopping or
`and counter, the said sole also including a
`10 portion arching the toe of the upper.
`A counter 12 is seated within the flanges
`It is a further object of this invention to
`produce a shoe which is laceless, although
`and it may be secured to the inner surface of
`the sole and flanges in any appropriate way.
`it will remain in place during its use owing
`Preferably the inner part of the sole and
`to elasticity of the upper which is intended
`flanges are faced with canvas, as illustrated at 65
`to closely fit the foot and retain the shoe in
`13, a condition which results in reinforcing
`place. However, the shoe may be expedi
`and strengthening the structure.
`tiously removed and this is a great advantage
`The upper or sock portion is secured in
`where quick changes have to be resorted to,
`place by flexible members or ties 14 which
`as is the case where a player receives an in
`extend through the material of the sole por- 70
`jury which requires the attention of a coach
`tion and the upper or sock and they are
`or the like, as a trainer may tape an ankle
`or instep during intermission and have the
`knotted to insure the retention of the parts
`assembled, as illustrated.
`E ready to continue play at the next
`It is intended that the portion 9 of the toe
`shall be sufficiently rigid and strong so as to 7
`PSE advantages may be attributed to the
`revent dislodgment of the toe of the user
`invention, in that it is comparatively inex
`rom the toe cap, and the strength of this cap
`pensive, as well as efficient and satisfactory
`will be determined by the strainincident to its
`With the foregoing and other objects in
`The toe portion 9 also has eyelets 8 and 80
`view, the invention consists in the details of
`coinciding apertures respectively for the re
`construction, and in the arrangement and
`ception of a tie such as 14.
`combination of parts to be hereinafter more
`fully set forth and claimed.
`In describing the invention in detail, ref
`1. In a shoe of the character described, a
`sole having side flanges and a toe cap, the said 85
`erence will be had to the accompanying
`flanges having apertures, a counter secured
`drawings forming part of this application,
`wherein like characters denote corresponding
`to the sole at the rear thereof, and an elastic
`sock-like upper attached to said flanges and
`parts in the several views, and in which
`Figure 1 illustrates a perspective view of a
`counter, the said toe portion of said upper
`shoe embodying the invention;
`being inserted under the toe cap.
`Figure 2 illustrates a perspective view of
`2. In a shoe of the character described, a
`sole having side flanges and a toe cap, a coun
`the sole portion with the counter applied
`tersecured to the sole at its rear end, the said
`flanges and counter having apertures, an
`Figure 3 illustrates a perspective view of
`elastic sock-like upper applied to said sole, 9
`the upper or elastic knit sock to be assembled
`toe cap and counter, fastenings extending
`with the sole and counter; and
`E. the flanges and upper, and fastenings
`Figure 4 illustrates a sectional view of the
`extending through the counter and upper for
`shoe on the line 4-4 of Fig.1.
`securing the parts assembled.
`The present embodiment of the invention,
`50 as
`3. In a shoe of the character described, a 0
`illustrated, comprises a sole portion 5
`Skechers EX1051-p.2
`Skechers v Nike
`4 m
`sole having side E. and a toe cap, a coun
`tersecured to the sole at its rear end, the said
`flanges and counter having apertures, an
`elastic sock-like upper applied to said sole,
`toe cap and counter, fastenings extending
`through the flanges and upper, fastenings
`extending through the counter and upper for
`securing the parts' assembled, and an insole
`applied to the interior of the upper.
`Skechers EX1051-p.3
`Skechers v Nike