`Skechers EX1020-p.1
`Skechers v Nike
`Skechers EX1020-p.2
`Skechers v Nike
`, " ( .,,.!-.i
`.:;t~~{i,-~\/-f~~~~- ..
`Turn dream knitwear and pattern
`ideas into reality: With Stoll
`Stoll-flat knitting machines and pattern preparation systems
`are designed to address every conceivable knitting requirement:
`From yarded fabric through accessories and Fully Fashion to
`ready-to-wear articles. Quickly, simply, without problems - by
`benefiting from short equipping and set-up times, a maintenance(cid:173)
`friendly design, various working widths, a wide gauge range and
`an operating system which is unique anywhere in the world and
`can even be individua lly adjusted to meet individual demands_
`All Stoll-CMS-machines are also compatible and therefore
`offer completely flexible application. Thanks to the identical
`stitch formation on the various machines, it is also possible
`for individual parts to be produced on different machines.
`Basic Class: For small batch sizes and fashioned accessories
`of all types. Fast and profitable. Also ideal for patterning or as
`an addition to our Top Class mach ines .
`Compact Class: Maximum flexibility when producing Fully
`Fash ion articles and frequently changing batch sizes. Also for
`coarse knits.
`Top Class: For maximum productivity and great patterning
`variety. Machines with a convincing performance, or used
`in tandem operation for Fully Fashion production.
`Special Class: Less making-up work, shorter throughput
`times and even greater pattern variety: Stoll-multi gauges®,
`Stoll-flexi ble gauge®, Stoll-applications®, Stoll-knit and wea r®.
`Pattern workstation Ml: The pattern workstation M1 and
`M1 knit and wear from Stoll makes programming faster, simpler
`and more easily manageable. The fabric vi ew and the technical
`view offer the ideal portrayal for both technicians and designers.
`Stoll is present in more than 70 countries -
`find all the relevant addresses under www.stoll.com
`Skechers EX1020-p.3
`Skechers v Nike
`From the inspiration to the knitted product through the medium of a Stoll-machine
`When the golden cornfields are harvested in autumn,
`stripes are created from the effects of light and
`shade. Thi s striping effect has been the inspiration
`behind a pullover with groups of diagonal stitches
`wh ich can be particularly efficiently knitted on the
`Stoll CMS 330 TC-R with split additional beds. Ideal
`not only for narrowing processes with unrestricted
`width, but also for diagonal groups of stitches and
`cables in double-faced fabrics.
`The inspiration for this cardigan with its scarf collar
`was provided by the Australian frilled lizard with
`its striking, collar-like folds of skin . Thi s was knitted
`on the CMT 211, which at the same time is far more
`than simply an accessory machine. It also knits semi(cid:173)
`shaped knitwear and fabrics with simple patterni ng
`• at extremely high speed, and also offers semi-jac(cid:173)
`quard capabilities, selective yarn feede r control and
`moveable holding-down sinkers.
`The direct gaze of the leopard stimulates us to think
`about the different ways of see ing th ings. The
`knitting technician and the knitwear designer clearl y
`view the wo rld with different eyes. Th is was a
`motivation in our development of the pattern
`workstation M1 and M1 knit and wear, wh ich offe r
`the appropriate view for different users. With a
`wide range of modules and va rious basic patterns.
`■ .
`Skechers EX1020-p.4
`Skechers v Nike
`The butterfly provided a shining example when it
`came to perfecting the production of ready-to-wear
`articles: With the same perfect ease as the insect
`completes its meta-morphosis from cocoon to
`beautifu l butterfly, ready-to-wear articles are now
`produced from our knitting machines - only a lot
`quicker. The machines for ready-to-wear articles
`of all types produce kn itwear practically ready for
`the shelf with an ideal fit and no seams.
`The combination of different th icknesses has proven
`problematical over the years - and not only when
`cooking pasta . But when it comes to knitting, our
`mu lti gauge mach ines make coping with different
`gauges simplicity itself. Because Stoll-multi gauges®
`permits the production of several different gauges
`within a single fabric - either within a course or one
`underneath the other. And with Stol 1-flexible gauge~
`fabrics in different gauges can be knitted on one
`and the same machine.
`- e way an intarsia pattern wanders through a
`s :: i Tica ed knitted fabric is reminiscent of a river
`-s,;":s,· g on its course through the countryside.
`is simplicity itself with any Stoll(cid:173)
`:._ -,,:- -c: ·mpl slip on the inta rsia yarn
`=====--= s-: -= □'" -o! or anyone seeki ng more
`-::: -=-:::- :- ::-= ::· _ -·on of intarsia patterns,
`:_- - ~ . ::rc::s=:: II~ ··ons offer plenty of food
`Skechers EX1020-p.5
`Skechers v Nike
`Knitting technicians see the world from a different angle than knitwear designers.
`The pattern workstation M1 and M1 knit and wear takes it in its stride
`It is an age-old scenario: On the one hand there is less and less time available for pattern generation. On the other hand, the number of
`patterns needed is growing all the time - for example for intermediate collection s. Coordination between knitting technicians and designers
`often leads to a situation where patterns have to be modified. Consequently, all too many test knitting processes are required. That is all set
`to change: The pattern workstation M1 and M1 knit and wear from Stoll makes programming faster, simpler and more easily manageable.
`This allows patterns to be drafted simply using graphic support tools, whi le the Pattern workstation itself assumes responsibility for knitting
`know-how. Finished basic patterns and already a large library of permanently available knitting modules simplify your work. And what's
`more: Patterns can be generated in two different views - either the fabri c view or the technical view. So you have the opportunity to see
`beforehand how your fabric will look once it is knitted. Which wil l save you tim e and energy spent on knitting trials. In addition, all patterns
`can be traced at any time, allowing them to be utilized and processed jointly by different knitting technicians.
`Skechers EX1020-p.6
`Skechers v Nike
`Fabric view and technical view: Simultaneous Pattern
`Design. The right viewing mode for technicians and designers
`alike. Fabric view - a true-to-life picture which corre sponds
`to the appearance of the finished fabric, even with structures
`and Stoll-mu lti gauges®. Technical view - a representation
`of the knitting sequence using customary symbols such as needle
`selection, racking, stitch length etc.
`Both perspectives permit the pattern to be further developed and
`modified. And whatever is completed in one view is executed auto(cid:173)
`matically on a parallel basis in the other view The rea listic fabric
`view, together with a preliminary check of the knitting sequence,
`can partially eliminate the need for test kn itting.
`One program for everything: Integrated Pattern Design.
`Whether intarsia, structures, jacquard, Fully Fashion, Stoll-
`multi gauges® or Stoll-knit and wea r® (only M1 knit and wear) (cid:173)
`all knitting modes are generated in a single program.
`Module database: Module Based Pattern Design. Simplifies
`the programming processes by providing a wide selection of exi(cid:173)
`sting modules. These modules can be modified, the designer's own
`modules are simply added to the database. Several modules can
`be joined to create a so-called pattern section. A module explorer
`simplifies the selection of modules .
`Finished basic patterns: Ready-to-use Pattern Collection.
`A collection of ready-to-use basic patterns showing a wide variety
`of different knitting techniques offer a basis for the development
`of new patterns.
`The Shape Editor: Function Integrated Shaping. The Shape
`Editor operates either in millimetres, inches or stitches. The
`required shape is simply placed over the fabric view Narrowing,
`bind-off as well as fading out of structure elements (e g. cables)
`and changes in the stitch structure in the se lvedge area are per(cid:173)
`formed automatically. Even size changes are easy to implement.
`Automatic implementation in a knitting program:
`Automatic Program Transfer. The completed design is auto(cid:173)
`matically implemented in the form of a knitting program with
`all missing knitting parameters intelligently added. Standardized
`route for the creation of a finished program. The utilization
`and processing of patterns by different technicians no longer
`represents a problem.
`Manual intervention: Individual Program Adjustments.
`All knitting sequences can be influenced and individually modified
`independently of the automatic program transfer function
`! I
`Skechers EX1020-p.7
`Skechers v Nike
`For small batch sizes and shaped accessories: The Basic Class
`The Basic Class: Flexible and economica l. No matter what the quantity. Whether incorporating the features of the CMS-generation such
`as individua l needle selection and split stitch functi on. Or as machines of the CMT series with semi-jacquard capabi lities. With one carriage
`or working in tandem, and with two or three systems.
`CMS 302 TC
`Nominal width/max. working width ............... 50"/127 cm
`Gauges ............................................ E 5 I 718 I 10 I 12 I 14
`Operating weight approx ........................................ 1320 kg
`Dimensions approx .......................... 2990 x 901 x 2265 mm
`... 72"/183 cm
`Nominal width/max. working width...
`As a tandem max ......................................... 2 x 34"/86 cm
`Gauges .............................. E 5I7 I 8I10112114 I 16 I 18
`Operating weight approx ....................................... 1530 kg
`.. ....... 3550 x 901 x 2265 mm
`Dimensions approx...
`CMS 311 TC-L
`Nominal width/max working width ............ 50"/ 127 cm
`E 5 I 7 I 8 I 10 I 12 J 14 J 16 J 18
`Operating weight approx ...................................... 1340 kg
`Dimensions approx ......................... 2990 x 901 x 2265 mm
`CMS 303 TC
`CMT 211
`Nominal width/max. working width ............. 84"/213 cm
`As a tandem max ......................................... 2 x 38"/96 cm
`Gauges ............................................ E 10 J 12 J 14 J 16 J 18
`Operating weight approx ...................................... 1120 kg
`Dimensions approx....
`. ... 3240 x 852 x 1960 mm
`Skechers EX1020-p.8
`Skechers v Nike
`High output, great equipment features: The Compact Class
`The Compact Class: Unmatched efficiency for Fu lly Fashion production, also for coarse knits or unusual sizes. With one carriage and
`two, three or fo ur systems, and one model even offering additional beds. Special highlights: Thread clamping and cutting device as well
`as Stoll -multiflex® take-down system with take-down comb.
`CMS 320 TC
`Nominal width/max. working width ................. 50"/127 cm
`. .E5 l7l 8 I 10 I 12 I 14 I 16 I 18
`Gauges ..
`Take-down comb ............................. Standard equipment
`Thread clamping and cutting device ... Standard equipment
`Convertible to .............................. CMS 320 TC multi gauge
`Operating weight approx ........................................ 1390 kg
`Dimensions approx .......................... 2990 x 901 x 2265 mm
`CMS 330 TC-R
`Nominal width/max. working width ................. 50"/127 cm
`E 5 I 718 I 1 O I 12 I 14 I 16 I 18
`Gauges. ......
`Take-down comb ................................. Standard equipment
`Thread clamping and cutting device ... Standard equipment
`Convertible to .............................. CMS 330 TC multi gauge
`Opera ing weight approx ................................... 1410 kg
`Jirnn10 s aoprox .......................... 2990 x 901 x 2265 mm
`:: . ::;- -a •,aicing wid h ................ 50"/ 127 cm
`. _
`: 5 7 81 10 112 114 116 118
`..... S andard equipment
`: _-::;-_ :e.'ce .. Standard equipment
`......... 1430 kg
`. 2990 x 901 x 2265 mm
`- ==: ;,c: - = =
`CMS 330 TC
`C S3 -c
`CMS 320 TC-C
`Ta e-dcr.•.- c:,(cid:173)
`Thread cla
`CMS 330 TC-L
`CMS 340 TC-L
`CMS 340 TC-M
`Nominal width/max. working width ............ 50"/127 cm
`Gauges ................................................. E7 18l 10l 12l 14
`Take-down comb ................................ Standard equipment
`Thread clamping and cutting device .. Standard equipment
`2 split additional beds .......................... Standard equipment
`Operating weight approx ........................................ 1460 kg
`Dimensions approx ......... ............ 2990 x 901 x 2265 mm
`Nominal width/max working width ....... 72"/183 cm
`Gauges ............................... E 5 I 718 I 1 O I 12 I 14 I 16 I 18
`Take-down comb ......
`....................... .. Standard equipment
`Thread clamping and cutting device ... Standard equipment
`Convertible to ....................... .... CMS 330 TC knit and wear
`Operating weight approx ........................................ 1610 kg
`Dimensions approx...
`.. ........... .3550 x 901 x 2265 mm
`Nominal width/max. working width .. ............... 72"/183 cm
`. ..... E 5 I 71 8 I 10 I 12 I 14 I 16 I 18
`Take-down comb ................................. Standard equipment
`Thread clamping and cutting device ... Standard equipment
`Conve ible o ........................... CMS 340 TC knit and wear
`Opera,ing weight approx ........................................ 1630 kg
`Dimensions approx ......................... 3550 x 901 x 2265 mm
`.. ... 84"/213 cm
`ominal width/max working width. .. .
`Gauges .............................................. E 5 I 718110 I 12 I 14
`Ta e-down comb ................................ Standard equipment
`Thread clamping and cutting device ... Standard equipment
`Convertible to ....................... CMS 340 TC-M knit and wear
`Operating weight approx ........................................ 1730 kg
`Dimensions approx ......................... 4025 x 901 x 2265 mm
`Skechers EX1020-p.9
`Skechers v Nike
`For bulk knitting production: The Top Class
`The Top Class: Offers even greater knitting productivity. Remarkable patterning variety over a large working width. Complies with the
`whole range of market requirements with al l of the advantages of tandem machines, with two, four and six systems.
`Nominal width/max. working width ............. 96"/244 cm
`As a tandem max ........................................ 2 x 46"/ 117 cm
`Gauges ........................................... E 5 I 718 I 10 I 12 I 14
`Operating weight approx. . .
`. ................ 1970 kg
`Dimensions approx ...................... .4244 x 1105 x 2265 mm
`. .... 96"/ 244 cm
`Nominal width/max working width...
`As a tandem max... .
`. ........ 2 x 46"/ 117 cm
`Gauges ............................................ E 5 I 718 110 I 12 I 14
`Operating weight approx..
`.. .. 2190 kg
`Dimensions approx ........... .. .......... 5100 x 1105 x 2265 mm
`CMS 433 TC
`Nominal width/max. working width ............... 96"/244 cm
`As a tandem max...
`.. .. .................. 2 x 46"/ 117 cm
`. ... E 5 I 718 110 I 12 I 14
`Operating weight approx ............................ ........... 2100 kg
`Dimensions approx ...................... .4560 x 1105 x 2265 mm
`CMS 411 TC
`CMS 422 TC
`Skechers EX1020-p.10
`Skechers v Nike
`For ready-to-wear articles and special requirements: The Special Class
`The Special Class: Mach ines for those out-of-the-ordinary requirements. These machines wi ll knit everything which falls under the
`scope of Sto ll-Pattern Innovations®: Sto ll -mul ti ga uges® - severa l different gauges in a single fabric; Stoll-flexible gauge® - fabrics
`in differe nt gauges without need le exchange or gauge conversion; Stoll-applications® - integrated making-up processes as you kn it as
`well as new patterning effects; Stoll-knit and wear® - knitwear without making-up processes.
`CMS 320 TC
`multi gauge
`Nominal width/max. working width .................. 50"/127 cm
`................................ E 3,5.2 I 5.2 I 6.217.2
`Take-down comb...
`. ............. Standard equipment
`Thread clamping and cutting device ... Standard equipment
`Convertible to.. .
`. .. CMS 320 TC
`Operating weight approx ........................................ 1390 kg
`Dimensions approx....
`. ............. 2990 x 901 x 2265 mm
`CMS 340 TC
`knit and wear
`Nominal width/max working width ................. 50"/127 cm
`E 2,5.2 I 3.5.2 I 5.2 I 6.2 I 7.2 I 9 2
`Ta e-down comb ................................. Standard equipment
`7lread clamping and cutting device ... Standard equipment
`Con e ,ible to...
`. .......................... CMS 330 TC
`Cce·a: g \eighi approx...
`. .......... 1410 kg
`: -,n TS aoorox ......................... 2990 x 901 x 2265 mm
`:- -= , ::::- -ax. ,•,orking width...
`. .... .72"/183 cm
`...... E 2,5.2 I 3.5.2 I 5.2 I 6.2 I 7.2
`...... Standard equipment
`--:a: - =-- -; ==-- :~-:-~-g de ice ... Standard equipment
`....................... CMS 330 TC-L
`.............. 1610kg
`. ..3550 x 901 x 2265 mm
`CMS 340 TC-M
`knit and wear
`CMS 330 TC-C
`knit and wear
`CMS 330 TC
`multi gauge
`CMS 330 TC
`knit and wear
`Nominal width/max working width .................. 72"/183 cm
`....................... E 2,5.2 I 3,5.2 I 5.216.2 I 7.2 I 9 2
`Take-down comb ................................. Standard equipment
`Thread clamping and cutting device ... Standard equipment
`Convertible to... .
`. ............................ CMS 340 TC-L
`Operating weight approx .. ..................................... 1630 kg
`Dimensions approx ......................... .3550 x 901 x 2265 mm
`Nomina l width/max. working width ...... .... 84"/213 cm
`. ...... E 2,5.2 I 3.5.2 I 5.2 I 6.2 I 7.2
`Gauges ...
`Take-down comb ................................. Standard equipment
`Thread clamping and cutting device ... Standard equipment
`Convertible to...
`. ........................... CMS 340 TC -M
`Operating weight approx ........................................ 1730 kg
`Dimensions approx ................... ..4025 x 901 x 2265 mm
`Nominal width/max. working width ........... 84"/213 cm
`. ......................... E 2,5.2
`Take-down comb ................................ Standard equipment
`Thread clamping and cutting device .. Standard equipment
`Operating weight approx...
`. .................. 1730 kg
`Dimensions approx ....................... .4025 x 901 x 2265 mm
`. . 72"/183 cm
`Nominal width/max. working width. . . ..
`.................................... E 6.2 I 7.2
`Take-down comb...
`. .................. Standard equipment
`Thread clamping and cutting device .. Standard equipment
`2 additional beds..
`. .................... Standard equipment
`Operating weight approx...
`. .................. 1660 kg
`Dimensions approx ........................ .3550 x 901 x 2265 mm
`CMS 330 TC-T
`knit and wear
`Skechers EX1020-p.11
`Skechers v Nike
`06 CMS-needle - - - -- - - -----1
`07 Moveable holding-down sinkers - -~
`Skechers EX1020-p.12
`Skechers v Nike
`05 Electronic selection system
`_ _ _ 04 Knitting system control with PTS
`_ __ 09 Monitoring and stop functions
`Skechers EX1020-p.13
`Skechers v Nike
`Why our machines fit like a glove into your production environment
`01 Display slide: Always on the pulse of the action. Machine
`commands can be entered at CMS-machines without taking your
`eyes off the fabric.Optionally also with additional keyboard (option).
`02 Stoll-touchcontrol®: Inputs at CMS-machines directly on
`screen. Unique, individually adjustable display settings. With
`convenient order/sequence knitting and "pattern set-up" function.
`03 Knitting systems: Independently operating for optimum system
`assignment and maximum production performance. Simultaneous
`transfer in both directions or spl it stitch operations.
`04 Knitting system control with PTS (Power Tension Setting):
`Control of cam functions and stitch tension at CMS-machines by
`means of a step motor unit. Extremely short stitch density adjust(cid:173)
`ment speed with PTS, for example in the case of ribbed knits with
`cables or in the selvedge areas.
`05 Electronic selection system: Two selection points for each
`system in each direction with CMS-machines. No moving parts -
`meani ng no maintenance or wear.
`06 CMS-needle: Pelerine spring transfer needle with spring(cid:173)
`loaded latch and conical hook. No latch extension. Tight knitting
`action even in very coarse and very fine gauges. Extremely low
`needle consumption.
`Skechers EX1020-p.14
`Skechers v Nike
`07 Moveable holding-down sinkers: Patent-protected Stoll (cid:173)
`holding-down technology for knitting typical 30 CMS-wedge
`patterns. Creates soph isticated fabric appearance.
`08 Suction device: Disposal of lint in the stitch-forming area.
`Extraction effect by means of electric turbines. Large lint container.
`09 Monitoring and stop functions: Permanent monitoring of the
`knitting process. Automatic stop in case of faults. Monitors the
`thread line, needles, carriage movement and fabric.
`10 Varn control units: Separate knot detector for smal l and
`large knots. Error display by means of easily visible warn ing light
`Scalable setting of required parameters. Easy yarn insertion.
`11 Varn feeders: Maximum of 32 for machines with one carriage
`(16 with thread clamping and cutting device) or 2 x 32 for tandem
`machines. Every CMS-machine is transformed into a perfect intarsia
`machine by simply slipping on the intarsia yarn feeders (option)
`12 Gauge conversion/needle exchange: Permits fast, flexible
`and low-investment adjustment of CMS-machines in line with
`fashion demands.
`More information on the highlights and data of our
`knitting machines and pattern workstation are available
`under www.stoll.com
`Skechers EX1020-p.15
`Skechers v Nike
`01 Additional holder for yarn bobbins: For suspension on the
`back of the bobbin board. For 2 x 4, 2 x 5 or 2 x 7 additiona l bobbins
`depending on type .
`02 Bobbin magazine: For suspension on the back of the machine.
`For space-saving, protected accommodati on of up to five yarn
`03 Holder for elastic yarns: For mounting on left or right of TC
`generati on machines, to accommodate one bobbin with elastic
`yarn .
`04 Friction feed wheel: Yarn delivery device for reduced,
`constant yarn tension. Standard equipment in Compact Class
`and Special Class machines.
`05 STIXX: For measurement of stitch length, control s external
`influences on yarn consumption.
`06 Keyboard with holder: Additi ona l input keyboard with space-
`saving, ergonomically shaped holder for TC generation machines.
`Skechers EX1020-p.16
`Skechers v Nike
`50 inch nominal width/max. working width
`CMS 302 TC, CMS 303 TC, CMS 320 TC-C
`CMS 320 TC, CMS 330 TC, CMS 340 TC, CMS 330 TC-R
`CMS 320 TC multi ga uge, CMS 330 TC multi ga uge
`E 3,5
`E 12
`E 2,5.2
`E 3,5.2
`E 5.2
`E 6.2
`E 7.2
`E 9.2
`Number of usable needles
`72 inch nominal width/max. working width
`CMS 330 TC-L, CMS 340 TC-L, CMS 330 TC knit and wear
`CMS 340 TC knit and wear, CMS 330 TC-T kn it and wear
`Tandem machine: CMS 311 TC-L
`Number of usable needles
`One carriaQe.lclose couplinQ
`11 51
`E 10
`E 12
`E 14
`E 16
`E 2,5.2
`E 3,5.2
`E 5.2
`E 6.2
`E 7.2
`Tandem operation
`2 X 169
`2 X 237
`2 X 271
`2 X 339
`2 X 407
`2 x475
`2 X 543
`2 x611
`84 inch nominal width/max. working width
`CMS 340 TC-M, CMS 330 TC-C knit and wear
`CMS 340 TC-M kn it and wear
`Tandem machine: CMT 211
`Gauqe Number of usable needles
`One carriaae/close couolina
`Tandem operation
`2 x380
`2 X 456
`2 X 532
`2 X 608
`2 X 684
`E 2,5.2
`E 3,5.2
`E 5.2
`E 6.2
`E 7.2
`96 inch nominal width/max. working width
`Tandem machines: CMS 411 TC, CMS 422 TC,
`CMS 433 TC
`Coupling widths: 54/52/50/48 inch, CMS 433 TC
`also 56 inch
`Gauge Number of usable needles
`Tandem operation
`Close coupling
`Coup I in i widths
`56 inch 54 inch 52 inch . 50 inch
`2 X 199 2 X 209 2 X 219 2 X 229
`2 X 279 2 X 293 2 X 307 2 X 321
`2 X 319 2 X 335 2 X 351 2 X 367
`2 X 399 2 X 419 2 X 439 2 X 459
`2 X 479 2 X 503 2 X 527 2 X 551
`2 X 559 2 X 587 2 X 615 2 X 643
`E 5
`E 10
`E 14
`48 inch
`2 X 239
`2 X 335
`2 X 383
`2 X 479
`2 X 575
`2 X 671
`Remark: The gauges shown here are not available for all
`the models specified above. For more detailed informati on,
`please see our machine brochures or under www.stoll.com
`Skechers EX1020-p.17
`Skechers v Nike
`Stoll-Pattern Innovations®: Here we have drawn up
`a breakdown of fields of the Stoll-Pattern Innovations®,
`which can be covered by our Special Class machines, and
`which fabric gauges are possible with which gauge of
`machine. However, all the information provided is strictly
`dependent upon the respective fabric requirements and
`can vary as well, depending on the yarn qualities used.
`E 2,5.2
`E 3,5.2
`E 5.2
`E 6.2
`E 7.2
`Field of application
`FG + MG
`FG + MG
`FG + MG
`Possible gauges E
`3 I 3,s I 4 Is
`3 I 3,5 I 4
`3,s I 4 Is I 7
`3,5 I 4 I 5
`s I 7 Is 110
`7 I s I1 0 112
`7 Is 110
`10 I 12 I 14 I 16 I 18
`FG = Stoll-flexible gauge®
`MG = Stoll-multi gauges®
`A = Stoll-applications®
`KW = Stoll-knit and wear®
`Yarn table: Here we have a breakdown of the various
`Stoll-Pattern Innovations® covered by Special Class
`machines, indicating which fabric gauges are possible
`from which machine gauge. The information provided is a
`guide only and dependent upon the specific requirements
`and yarn qualities used. In general, we recommend using
`twisted yarns, and for coarse gauges the use of several
`twisted threads.
`E 3,5
`E 12
`E 16
`E1 8
`E 2,5.2
`E 3,5.2
`E 5.2
`= , :
`- -
`Nm end number
`3- 4,5
`4,5- 7
`6- 8
`10- 18
`ld - 20
`20- 30
`20- 40
`3- .1,5
`.3- 2
`j .5- 7
`s-· 2
`3- -'-,5
`·0- 16
`~.5- 7
`• .1 - 20
`6- 8
`all needles
`every second needle
`all needles
`every second needle
`all needles
`every second needle
`all needles
`every second needle
`all needles
`eve second needle
`all needles
`eve second needle
`Skechers EX1020-p.18
`Skechers v Nike
`Below is an overview of internationally accepted
`abbreviations fo r yarns and their meaning:
`PES: Polyester
`AC: Acetate
`PP: Polypropylene
`AF: Other fibers
`PR: Regenerated protein fiber
`CA: Hemp
`PU: Polyurethane
`CC: Coconut
`Polyvinylchloride RA: Ramie
`CO: Cotton
`SE: Silk
`CU: Cupro
`TA: Tri acetate
`LA: Rubber
`TV: Tri vinyl
`VI: Viscose
`GL: Glass fiber
`VY: Vinya l
`JU: Jute
`WA: Angora
`KP: Kapok
`WB: Beaver
`WG: Vicuna
`WL: Lama
`MA: Mod acrylic
`MD: Modal
`WM: Mohair
`MTF: Metal (Thread)
`WO: Wool
`WP: Alpaca
`PA: Polyamide
`WS: Cashmere
`PB: Polyurea
`PC: Polyacrilic
`WV: Virgin Wool
`WV: Yack
`PE: Polyethylene
`Thi s table is used for the
`conversion of one yarn gauge
`into another. The specified
`yarn gauges mean:
`TEX (Tt)
`Grams per kilometre
`840 yd lengths per lb
`560 yd lengths per lb
`Metres per gram
`DENIER (den)
`Grams per 9000 metres
`DECITEX (dtex)
`Grams per 10000 metres
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`Skechers EX1020-p.19
`Skechers v Nike
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`H. Stoll GmbH & Co. KG, Stollweg 1, D-72760 Reutlingen
`Telephone +49-7121 -313-0, Telefax +49-7121-313-110, Emailcontact@stoll.com,www.stoll.com
`Skechers EX1020-p.20
`Skechers v Nike