`Figure 23
`Skechers EX1013-p.433
`Skechers v Nike
`WO 2013/126313
`Figure 24
`Skechers EX1013-p.434
`Skechers v Nike
`WO 2013/126313
`Skechers EX1013-p.435
`Skechers v Nike
`WO 2013/126313
`Skechers EX1013-p.436
`Skechers v Nike
`WO 2013/126313
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`Skechers v Nike
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`Skechers v Nike
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`Skechers v Nike
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`Skechers v Nike
`WO 2013/126313
`Skechers EX1013-p.453
`Skechers v Nike
`WO 2013/126313
`Skechers EX1013-p.454
`Skechers v Nike
`Gibson, Eric M.
`1041 i Motor City Drive, Suite 320
`Bethesda, MD 20817
`DOC!{t:·1 t:[J t)./:2~4./201.iJ.
`f\l1 L_/.\/"t !\.-~ ·-r
`Applicant's or agent's file reference
`international application No.
`PCT/US2014i018852 //
`:,1i ~:# 1§!
`Date of mailing
`(POT Rule 44.1)
`20 June ?014 (20-06-20i 4)
`See paragraphs 1 and 4 below
`international filing date
`27 February 2014 {27-02-2014)
`The appiioant is hereby notified that the international search report and the written opinion cf the International Searching
`Authority have been established and are transmitted herewith.
`FIiing of amendments and statement under Article 19:
`The applicant is entitled, if he so wishes, to amend the claims of the International Application {see Rl,le 46):
`When? The time limit for filing such amendments is normally two months from the date of transmittal of the
`international Search Report.
`Where? Direcl!y to the International Bureau of WIPO, 34 chemin des Colombettes
`1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland, Fascimile No.: (41-22) 338,82.70
`For more detailed i111str1..u:::tions, see POT Appiioant's Guide, lntemationaJ Phase, paragraphs 9 004 - 9-011.
`The appricant is hereby notified that no international search report wiil be established and that the declaration under
`Article 17(2)(a) to that effect and the written opinion of the International Searching Authority are transmitted herewith.
`With regard to any protest against payment of (an) additional fee(s} under Ruie 40.2, the applicant is notified that:
`the protest together with the decision thereon has been transmitted to the International Bureau together with any
`request to forward the texts cf both the protest and the decision thereon to the designated Offices.
`no decision has been made yet on the protest; the applicant will be notified as soon as a decision is made.
`4. Reminders
`The applicant may submit comments on an informal basis on the written opinion of the International Searching Authority to the
`international Bureau. The International Bureau wm send a copy of such comments to all designated Offices unless an
`intemationa! preliminary examination report has been or is to be established. Following the expiration of 30 months from the
`priority date, these comments will also be made available to the public.
`Shortly after the expiration of 18 months from the priority date, the international application wii! be published by the
`International Bureau. If the applicant wishes to avoid or postpone publication, a notice of withdrawal of the internationa!
`application, or of the priority claim, must reach the international Bureau before completion of the technical preparations for
`international publication (Rll!es 90bis.1 and 90bis.3).
`Within 19 months from the priority dal:e, but only in respect of some des~nlSted omcs;s, a dem;,;nd for lnternation~! preliminary
`examination must be filed if the applicant wishes to postpone the enttylnto thi:> fl>llion::ll ~'ll't>l:,>"il until 30 mtmthcs fr(cid:144)rn
`Ihe priority
`date (in some Offices even later); othen,vise, the applicant must, within 20 month~ tram lh~ priority i;lat.,.;_ !'WffotWl th,s, prescribed
`acts for entry into the national phase before those designated Offices.
`in respect of other designated Offices, the time limit of 30 months (or later) wili apply even if no demand is filed within 19
`months ..
`For details about the applicable time limits, Office by Office, see www.wipo.int/pct/en/textsi!:ime.Jimils.html and the
`POTAppJioant's Gulde, National Chapters.
`Name and mailing address of the International Searching Authority
`Authorized officer
`Nt~2mo NV f1Jjsw1jk
`n,1. ('tcH -l-0) :S4lHW40
`---"'--- FaK: {-Kn-:rti} >340:.301 $
`~ E.•.;1JA-;pr:,.·i:i.n P,·;"'. !,;..r·1·t0 .. !.fo··~~, P.8- 5818 Patentlaan 2
`Te!: +49 (0)89 2399-6933
`Ferm PCT/ISA/220 (July 201 0)
`Skechers EX1013-p.455
`Skechers v Nike
`(PCT Article 18 and Rules 43 and 44)
`international ming date (day/month/year)
`see Form PCT/ISN220
`as well as, where applicable, item 5 below.
`(Earliest) Priority Date (dayl.monthlye;ar)
`27 February 2014 (27-02-2014)1'
`28 February 2013 (28-02-2013) /
`!ntemat:onal application No,
`PGT/US2014/018852 /
`This international search repcrt has been prepared by this International Searching Authority and is transmitted to the applicant
`aocord,ng io Article i 8. A copy is being transmitted to the International Bureau.
`This international search repcrt consists of a total of ______ 4 ___ sheets.
`it is also accompanied by a copy of each prior art document cited in this report
`1. Basis of the report
`a_ With regard io the language, the international search was carried out on the basis of-
`the 1nternaticmal app!ication in the language in which it was filed
`a translation of the international application into ___________ , which is the language
`of a translation furnished for the purposes of international search (Rules 12.3{a) and 23_ 1 (b))
`This international search repcrt has been established taking into account the rectification of an obvious mistake
`authorized by or notified to this Authority under Ruie 91 (Rule 43.6.bis(a)).
`With regard to any nucleotide and/or amino acid sequence disclosed in the international application, see Box No. I.
`Certain claims were found unsearchable (See Box No. II)
`Unity of invention is lacking (see Box No !!I)
`4. With regard to the title,
`the text is approved as submitted by the applicant
`the text has been established by this Authority to read as foliows:
`With regard to the abstract,
`the text is approved as submitted by the applicant
`the text has been established, according to Rule 38.2, by this Authority as it appears in Box No. IV. The applicant
`may, within one month from the date of mailing of this international search report, submit comments to this Authority
`With regard to the drawings,
`the figure of the drawings to be pubiished with the abstract is Figure No, .
`as suggested by the applicant
`as selected by this Authority, because the appi1cant failed to suggest a figure
`as selected by this Authority, because this figure better characterizes the invention
`none of the figures is to be published with the abstract
`20 ______________ ....
`Form PCT/ISA/210 (first sheet) (Juiy 2009)
`Skechers EX1013-p.456
`Skechers v Nike
`!nlemationai application No
`INV. D04B1/24
`According to International Pa.tent Classification {!PC) or to both national ola.ssifo:w.tion and !PC
`Minimum documentation searched (o!a.ssifioation system followed by classification symbols}
`D04B A438
`Documentation searched other than minfmum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searohed
`Eleotronic data base oom,w!ted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used)
`EPO-Internal, WPI Data
`Oltatlon of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages
`Relevant to claim No.
`us 2005/193592 Al (DUA BHUPESH [US] ET AL)
`8 September 2005 (2005-09-08)
`paragraph [0055] - paragraph [0057];
`figures 8, 11
`_ _........,._.,.,
`us 2005/115284 Al (DUA BHUPESH
`2 June 2005 (2005-06-02)
`paragraph [0020] - paragraph [0031];
`figure 1
`us 2004/118018 Al (DUA BHUPESH
`24 June 2004 (2004-06-24)
`paragraph [0062] - paragraph [0063];
`figures 6A, 6B
`_,,..., . ...., __
`[KJ Further documents are listed in the oontinuation cf Box C"
`. Special categories of o!ted documents :
`•A• document defining the general state of the art which is not c-onsidered
`to be of particular r-<>levance
`"E 0 earlier application or patent but published on or after the intemational
`filing date
`•t.· dooumentwhioh may throw doubts on priority c!aim(s) orwhioh is
`cited to establish the publication date cf another citation or other
`speoial reruisan {as speoified)
`•o• document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or other
`•p• document published prior to the international filing date but later than
`the priority date claimed
`[[I See patent family annex.
`'T" later docurr:-ent published after the international filing date or priority
`date and not in conf!iot with the app!ic:ation but cited l:o understand
`the principle or theory underiying the imtention
`•x• document of particular ;elevanoe; the olaimed invention cannot be
`considered novel or cannot be con!!idered to !nvo!ve an inventive
`step when the dooument is taken alone
`•y• document of partiou iar relevance; the claimed invention cannot be
`considered to involve en inventive s1tep when the document is
`oombined with one or more other suoh documents, such combination
`being obvious to a person skilled in the art
`'&• document member of ihe same patent family
`Date ot the actual oompletiari of the intemationa! searoh
`Date of mailing at the international seareii report
`12 June 2014
`Name and maiiing address of the !SA/
`Europeim Patent Offioo, P.B. 5818 Patenilaan 2
`NL • 2280 HV Rijswijk
`Tel. {+31-70} 340-2040,
`Fax: (+3'1-70) 340-3016
`Authorized officer
`Zirkler. Stefanie
`page 1 of 2
`Skechers EX1013-p.457
`Skechers v Nike
`International application No
`Citation of document, with indkiation, where appropriate, of the relevant passages
`Relevant to claim No.
`[US]) 29 August 2013 (2013-08-29)
`the whole document
`page 2 of 2
`Skechers EX1013-p.458
`Skechers v Nike
`information on patent family members
`Patent document
`cited in search report
`us 2005193592 Al
`Patent fami!y
`International application No
`y - - - - - - -
`1925763 A
`101756428 A
`1279198 B
`2005193592 Al
`2008196181 Al
`2010325916 Al
`2012005922 Al
`2012159813 Al
`2014150294 Al
`2005092134 Al
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - «-------------------·
`us 2005115284 Al
`6931762 Bl
`2005115284 Al
`2006130359 Al
`- ---- -
`= "------------ -- - .. +»» - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - -
`us 2004118018 Al
`448703 T
`2003299627 Al
`2510558 Al
`1571938 Al
`2335988 T3
`4376792 82
`2006511306 A
`2004118018 Al
`2004060093 Al
`._-._, - -N » ✓ ✓\ - - - . - . - . - ' " ' - -·w- ·-.""""'. - w nl:_~b _ _y
`WO 2013126313
`- - . - . - -
`-- -------------
`...._-,; ..... -~ N - - - . - -
`,,...,·....,..·.,.,, ..,..-,,..,.. ,_
`, · - «
`-W~•:,,._'"' > - - - - - - - · _, _ _
`-~-- -----·--- ------ ~-~------~~-------------- -·--
`201402030 A
`8448474 Bl
`2013212907 Al
`2014144190 Al
`2014150296 Al
`2013126313 A2
`Skechers EX1013-p.459
`Skechers v Nike
`From the
`see form PCT;lSA,220
`t5t)CKETED fi/24/2014
`(PCT Rule 43bis.1)
`Date of mailing
`(day/month/year) see form PCT/ISA'2i0 (second sheet)
`Applicant's or agent's file reference
`see form PCHSA,'220
`See paragraph 2 below
`International application No.
`•• ~,:, ... I' .. ~
`international filing ,.date (day.fuonthlyearj
`27.02.2014 .. /
`Priority date
`-f .. i'
`International Patent Classification (IPCj or both national classification and IPC
`!NV. D0481i24 A43B23/J2
`This opinion contains indications relating to the following items:
`~ Box No. I
`Box No. IV
`~ Box No. V
`(cid:143) Box No. Ii
`(cid:143) Box No. Iii
`Basis of the opinion
`Non-establishment of opinion with regard to novelty, inventive step and industrial appiicability
`Lack of unity of invention
`Reasoned statement under Rule 43bis.1 (a)(i) with regard to novelty, inventive step and industrial
`applicabiiity; citations and explanations supporting such statement
`Certain documents cited
`~ Box No. VI
`~ Box No. Vil Certain defects in the international appiication
`~ Box No. VIII Certain observations on the international application
`If a demand for internationar preliminary examination is made, this opinion wiii usually be considered to be a
`written opinion of the International Preliminary Examining Authority ("IPEA") except that this does not apply where
`the applicant chooses an Authority other than this one to be the IPEA and the chosen IPEA has notifed the
`international Bureau under Rule 66. i bis(b) that written opinions of this International Searching Authority
`will not be so considered.
`If this opinion is, as provid~d above, considered to be a written opinion of the !PEA, the applicant is invited to
`submit to the !PEA a written reply together, where appropriate, with amendments, before the expiration of 3 months
`from the date of mailing of Form PCT/ISA/220 or before the expiration of 22 months from the priority date,
`whichever expires later.
`For further options, see Form PCTt1SAi-220.
`Name and mailing address of the !SA:
`European Patent Office
`L __
`D-80298 Munich
`Tel. +49 89 2399 - 0
`Fax: +49 89 2399 - 4465
`• • • • -.-..-..-.-..-..-...._.._.._.._._.._.._~, , , , , , n n , n
`• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
`Form PCTASA/237 (Cover Sheet) (July 2009)
`············-..-.-.-..-..-..-.. ... -..•.·•v•-.-..-..- .................... ,,.,, ......... .
`••••••••••• .. -.-..-..-..v.-.-..
`.._ ........... ...,-,._,n•••••-n••••••
`;,,,t Date cf compie1ion of
`this opinion
`l see form
`j PCT/lSA,210
`Zirkler, Stefanie
`{""j\ I
`Telephon~--~.::_::~-~~.~.~~~-~~~~-6-·····-· .\,.,.,~~,,,,,;,'i __ j
`Skechers EX1013-p.460
`Skechers v Nike
`International application No.
`Box No. I Basis of the opinion
`1. With regard to the language, this opinion has been established on the basis of:
`~ the internationai application in the language in which it was filed
`a translation of the international application into , which is the language of a translation furnished for the
`purposes of international search (Ruies 12.3(a) and 23.1 (b)).
`2. (cid:143)
`This opinion has been estabiished taking into account the rectification of an obvious mistake authorized
`by or notified to this Authority under Rule 91 (Rule 43bis.1 (a))
`3. With regard to any nucleotide and/or amino acid sequence disclosed in the international application, this
`opinion has been established on the basis of a sequence listing filed or furnished:
`on paper
`in electronic form
`ln 1i-1e intemational application as filed
`a. (means)
`b. (time)
`together with the international application in electronic form
`subsequently to this Authority for the purposes of search
`4. (cid:143)
`In addition, in the case that more than one version or copy of a sequence listing has been filed or furnished,
`the required statements that the information in the subsequent or additional copies is identical to that in the
`application as filed or does not go beyond the application as filed, as appropriate, were furnished.
`5. Additional comments:
`Box No. V Reasoned statement under Rule 43bis.1(a)(i) with regard to novelty, inventive step or
`industrial applicability; citationsand explanations supporting such statement
`1 . Statement
`Novelty (N)
`Inventive step (iS)
`5-7, 15
`1-4. 8-14, 16-23
`Industrial applicability (IA)
`2. Citations and explanations
`see separate sheet
`Form PCTASA/ 237 (April 2007)
`Skechers EX1013-p.461
`Skechers v Nike
`international application No.
`Box No. VI Certain documents cited
`1 . Certain published documents (Ruies 43bis.1 and 70. 1 O}
`and I or
`2. Non-written disclosures (Rules 43bis.1 and 70.9)
`see form 210
`Box No. VII Certain defects in the international application
`The following defects in the form or contents of the international appi!cation have been noted:
`see separate sheet
`Box No. vm Certain observations on the international application
`The following observations on the clarity of the claims, description, and drawings or on the question whether the
`claims are fully supported by the description, are made:
`see separate sheet
`Form PCHSA/ 237 {April 2007j
`Skechers EX1013-p.462
`Skechers v Nike
`international application No.
`Re Item vm
`Certain observations on the international application
`Claim 10 is not clear due to its back reference to claim 9 because claim 1 0
`claims "knitting the exterior surface of the first portion of the upper with the
`second feeder" whereas claim 9 claims "knitting the exterior surface of the first
`portion of the upper with the first feeder'.
`Re Item v
`Reasoned statement with regard to novelty, inventive step or industrial
`applicability; citations and explanations supporting such statement
`Reference is made to the following documents:
`US 2005/193592 A1
`US 2005/115284 A 1
`The present application does not meet the criteria of Article 33(1) PCT for the
`following reasons:
`Documents D1 and D2 both disclose a method of manufacturing a knitted
`component for an article of footwear (D 1: Fig. 11; 02: Fig. 1 ), the method
`knitting a portion of the knitted component defining an upper with a knitting
`machine, the upper including a portion of at least one of an exterior surface of
`the knitted component and an opposite interior surface of the knitted
`component [note: it is assumed that any knitted component comprises an
`exterior and an interior surface]; and
`knitting an integral knit tongue [claim 1 does not define what features
`differentiate this region from an instep section of documents Di and D2 (see
`for example D2: Fig. 1 (33)), especially as the "integral knit tongue" of claim 1
`loses the features characteristic for a tongue by fixing it to all sides of the
`throat area] that is of unitary knit construction with the upper with the knitting
`machine, the integral knit tongue extending through a throat area of the
`knitted component; and
`Skechers EX1013-p.463
`Skechers v Nike
`International application No.
`wherein the integral knit tongue is joined by knitting with the knitting machine
`to a forward portion of the throat area and at least along a portion of a lateral
`side and a medial side of the throat area of the knitted component extending
`from the forward portion to an ankle opening of the upper (D1: Fig. 11; D2:
`Fig. 1 (33)).
`Hence, the subject-matter of claim 1 is not new (Articles 33(1) and 33(2)
`The subject-matter of independent claim 8 differs from that of claim 1 in that it
`further defines that a first portion of an upper is knitted using a first feeder, a
`second portion of the upper is knitted using a second feeder and the integral
`knit tongue is knitted using at least one of these two feeders.
`According to D2 ([0023]) "upper 30 is formed primarily from multiple yams that
`are mechanically manipulated through an interloping process to produce a
`unitary structure having various sections with different physical properties."
`Although, this does not explicitly disclose the usage of a first feeder for a first
`section and a second feeder for a second section and one of those two for the
`instep section a person skilled in the art would without the exercise of
`inventive skill derive this configuration from the disclosure of D2.
`Hence, the subject-matter of claim 8 does not involve an inventive step
`{Articles 33(1) and 33(3) PCT).
`The subject-matter of independent claim 16 differs from that of claim 8 in that
`the integral knitted tongue is not knitted using one of the first and second
`feeder but an additional third feeder.
`Hence, the subject-matter of claim 16 does not involve an inventive step
`for the reasons already given for claim 8 (Articles 33(1) and 33(3) PCT).
`Dependent claims 2 to 4, 9 to 14 and 17 to 23 do not appear to contain any
`additional features which, in combination with the features of any claim to
`which they refer, meet the requirements of the PCT in respect of novelty and/
`or inventive step (Articles 33(1), 33(2) and 33{3) PCT), as the additional
`features of these claims are either already disclosed in D1 and 02 or are
`merely straightforward possibilities suggested by these documents so that the
`skilled person would select them, in accordance with the circumstances,
`without the exercise of inventive skill, in order to solve the respective problem
`Skechers EX1013-p.464
`Skechers v Nike
`International application No.
`The combination of the features of dependent claims 5 to 7 and 15 is neither
`known from, nor rendered obvious by, the available prior art as none of these
`documents discloses or even suggests to add a "free portion" to the "integral
`knit tongue".
`Re Item VI
`Certain documents cited
`Application No
`Publication date
`Filing date
`Priority date
`• .~'.n•~• • •••••• • ••••
`Re Item vu
`Certain defects in the international application
`The independent claims are not in the two-part form in accordance with Rule
`6.3(b) PCT.
`The features of the claims are not provided with reference signs placed in
`parentheses (Rule 6.2{b) PCT).
`Contrary to the requirements of Rule 5.1 (a)(U) PCT, the relevant background
`art disclosed in documents D1 to D4 is not mentioned in the description, nor
`are these documents identified therein.
`Skechers EX1013-p.465
`Skechers v Nike
`Electronic Acknowledgement Receipt
`Application Number:
`International Application Number:
`Confirmation Number:
`Title of Invention:
`Method Of Knitting A Knitted Component With An Integral Knit Tongue
`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name:
`Adrian Meir
`Customer Number:
`Eric M. Gibson/Jose Espejo
`Filer Authorized By:
`Eric M. Gibson
`Attorney Docket Number:
`Receipt Date:
`Filing Date:
`Time Stamp:
`Application Type:
`Utility under 35 USC 111 (a)
`Payment information:
`Submitted with Payment
`I no
`File Listing:
`Document Description
`File Name
`Information Disclosure Statement (IDS)
`Form (SB08)
`File Size(Bytes)/
`Message Digest
`Part /.zip
`(if appl.)
`2014-07-07 _51-3238_IDS.pdf
`dce7 cc1156f76080ba 1885bdc7001 c2d6d3
`Skechers EX1013-p.466
`Skechers v Nike
`This is not an USPTO supplied IDS fillable form
`Foreign Reference
`2014-07-07 _51-3238_IDS_W02
`Ol 3126313A2.pdf
`Non Patent Literature
`2014-07-07 _51-3238_IDS_ISR.
`c4074a 1 0a45c0baa500ea82d654acc3228b
`Total Files Size (in bytes)
`This Acknowledgement Receipt evidences receipt on the noted date by the USPTO of the indicated documents,
`characterized by the applicant, and including page counts, where applicable. It serves as evidence of receipt similar to a
`Post Card, as described in MPEP 503.
`New A~~lications Under 35 U.S.C. 111
`If a new application is being filed and the application includes the necessary components for a filing date (see 37 CFR
`1.53(b)-(d) and MPEP 506), a Filing Receipt (37 CFR 1.54) will be issued in due course and the date shown on this
`Acknowledgement Receipt will establish the filing date of the application.
`National Stage of an International A~~lication under 35 U.S.C. 371
`If a timely submission to enter the national stage of an international application is compliant with the conditions of 35
`U.S.C. 371 and other applicable requirements a Form PCT/DO/EO/903 indicating acceptance of the application as a
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`New International A~~lication Filed with the USPTO as a Receiving Office
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`the application.
`Skechers EX1013-p.467
`Skechers v Nike
`PTO/SB/08a (01-10)
`Doc code: IDS
`Approved for use through 07/31/2012. 0MB 0651-0031
`Doc description: Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it contains a valid 0MB control number.
`( Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99)
`Application Number
`Filing Date
`First Named Inventor I Adrian Meir
`Art Unit
`I Larry D. Worrell Jr.
`Attorney Docket Number
`Examiner Name
`Examiner Cite