`Skechers EX1006
`Skechers v Nike
`Case 2:23-cv-09346-AB-PVC Document 50-1 Filed 05/15/24 Page 2 of 25 Page ID #:546
`“article of footwear”
`U.S. PATENT NO. 8,266,749
`Nike’s Proposed Construction
`Ordinary and customary meaning, i.e., article
`of footwear; no further construction necessary
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`’749 patent at Abstract; 1:20-2:13; 2:57-3:24;
`4:1-2; 4:17-24; 4:31-54; 5:4-15; 5:23-25;
`5:30-31; 7:51-53; 8:6-9; 9:10-13; 9:18-28;
`9:53-57; 10:8-48; 11:24-25; Claims 1, 12-13,
`18; Figs. 1, 12-13.
`Skechers’ Proposed Construction
`“any foot covering in the form of shoes, boots,
`slippers, or hose (e.g., socks) used for utility
`dress wear. Not
`synonymous with shoes, which are simply one
`category of footwear”
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`’749 patent at Abstract, 1:20-26, 1:42-47, 3:27-
`29, 3:44-48, 4:28-44, 5:21-40, 10:8-9, 10:32-
`33; Figs. 1-7, 12-14; claims 1, 12, 13, 18
`U.S. Patent No. 7,347,011, claims 1, 36
`U.S. Patent No. 7,814,598, claims 1, 9, 14
`U.S. Patent No. 8,042,288, claims 1, 29, 36
`Extrinsic Evidence:
`U.S. Patent No. 9,060,562 at Abstract, 2:22-23,
`5:19-60, 6:15-21; Figs. 1-4B
`U.S. Patent No. 9,730,484 at Abstract, 1:27-42,
`3:10-44, 5:9-29, 9:55-57, 10:47-57, 11:43-
`12:27, 12:40-45; Figs. 1-4C, 11A-13
`IPR2016-00922 – Decision to Institute
`IPR2016-00922 – Final Written Decision
`Skechers EX1006
`Skechers v Nike
`Case 2:23-cv-09346-AB-PVC Document 50-1 Filed 05/15/24 Page 3 of 25 Page ID #:547
`The Complete Footwear Dictionary, 2nd Ed. –
`The Complete Footwear Dictionary, 2nd Ed. –
`The Complete Footwear Dictionary, 2nd Ed. –
`“knitting a textile element simultaneously with
`knitting a textile structure that borders the
`textile element on all sides”
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`’749 patent at 3:40-53, 4:13-14, 5:37-58, 6:51-
`8:8, 8:61-9:17, 9:29-57, 11:10-32; Fig. 9;
`claims 1-6, 9-11, 13-16, 19-21
`U.S. Patent No. 7,347,011, claim 36
`U.S. Patent No. 7,814,598, claim 1
`U.S. Patent No. 8,042,288, claim 1
`U.S. Patent No. 1,910,251, including, for
`example, at 1:4-35, 2:89-92; Fig. 1
`File history of U.S. Patent No. 7,814,598,
`including, for example, March 17, 2010
`Response to Final Office Action
`Extrinsic Evidence:
`“simultaneously knitting a textile element with
`a surrounding textile structure”
`Ordinary and customary meaning,
`simultaneously knitting a textile element with
`a surrounding textile structure; no further
`construction necessary
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`’749 patent at 3:40-53; 5:45-48; 6:51-8:8;
`8:65-9:4; 9:29-31; 11:11-25; Claims 1-2, 5-6,
`9-11, 13-16, 19-21; Figs. 2-7, 9, 11.
`Skechers EX1006
`Skechers v Nike
`Case 2:23-cv-09346-AB-PVC Document 50-1 Filed 05/15/24 Page 4 of 25 Page ID #:548
`ITC No. 337-TA-1289 – Complainant Nike
`Inc.’s Markman Hearing Presentation Slides
`including, for example, at 36
`ITC No. 337-TA-1289 – Markman hearing
`transcript including, for example, at 52:15-
`IPR2024-00460 – Patent Owner’s Preliminary
`Response including, for example, at 32-33
`IPR2024-00460 – Ex 2002, Declaration of Dr.
`Christopher M. Pastore including, for example,
`¶¶ [40]-[43]
`The American Heritage Dictionary, 2nd
`College Ed. – surround
`Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary,
`10th Ed. – surround
`“knitting a first textile element and a second
`textile element simultaneously with knitting a
`textile structure that borders both the first
`textile element and the second textile element
`on all sides”
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`’749 patent at 3:40-53, 4:13-14, 5:37-58, 7:26-
`8:8, 11:10-32; Fig. 9; claims 1-6, 9-11, 13-16,
`U.S. Patent No. 7,347,011, claim 36
`U.S. Patent No. 7,814,598, claim 1
`“knitting a first textile element and a second
`textile element simultaneously with knitting a
`surrounding textile structure”
`Ordinary and customary meaning, i.e., knitting
`a first textile element and a second textile
`element simultaneously with knitting a
`textile structure; no
`construction necessary
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`’749 patent at 3:40-53; 5:45-48; 6:51-8:8;
`8:65-9:4; 9:29-31; 11:11-25; Claims 1-2, 5-6,
`9-11, 13-16, 19-21; Figs. 2-7, 9, 11.
`Skechers EX1006
`Skechers v Nike
`Case 2:23-cv-09346-AB-PVC Document 50-1 Filed 05/15/24 Page 5 of 25 Page ID #:549
`U.S. Patent No. 8,042,288, claim 1
`U.S. Patent No. 1,910,251, including, for
`example, at 1:4-35, 2:89-92; Fig. 1
`File history of U.S. Patent No. 7,814,598,
`including, for example, March 17, 2010
`Response to Final Office Action
`Extrinsic Evidence:
`ITC No. 337-TA-1289 – Complainant Nike
`Inc.’s Markman Hearing Presentation Slides
`including, for example, at 36
`ITC No. 337-TA-1289 – Markman hearing
`transcript including, for example, at 52:15-
`IPR2024-00460 – Patent Owner’s Preliminary
`Response including, for example, at 32-33
`IPR2024-00460 – Ex 2002, Declaration of Dr.
`Christopher M. Pastore including, for example,
`¶¶ [40]-[43]
`The American Heritage Dictionary, 2nd
`College Ed. – surround
`Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary,
`10th Ed. – surround
`Skechers EX1006
`Skechers v Nike
`Case 2:23-cv-09346-AB-PVC Document 50-1 Filed 05/15/24 Page 6 of 25 Page ID #:550
`“article of footwear”
`U.S. PATENT NO. 9,986,781
`Nike’s Proposed Construction
`Ordinary and customary meaning, i.e., article
`of footwear; no further construction necessary
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`’781 patent at Abstract; 1:32-2:29; 3:6-65;
`4:18-20; 4:35-42; 4:46-5:2; 5:23-34; 5:42-45;
`5:49-51; 5:57-60; 8:9-12; 8:32-36; 9:40-43;
`9:47-57; 10:15-19; 10:37-11:11; 11:34-40;
`11:55-57; Claims 1, 12-20; Figs. 1, 12-13.
`Skechers’ Proposed Construction
`“any foot covering in the form of shoes, boots,
`slippers, or hose (e.g., socks) used for utility
`dress wear. Not
`synonymous with shoes, which are simply one
`category of footwear”
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`’781 patent at Abstract, 1:32-40, 1:57-62, 3:43-
`45, 3:60-63, 4:62-63, 5:40-60, 10:37-38,
`10:61-62; Figs. 1-7, 12-14
`U.S. Patent No. 7,347,011, claims 1, 36
`U.S. Patent No. 7,814,598, claims 1, 9, 14
`U.S. Patent No. 8,042,288, claims 1, 29, 36
`Extrinsic Evidence:
`U.S. Patent No. 9,060,562 at Abstract, 2:22-23,
`5:19-21, 6:15-21; Figs. 1-4B
`U.S. Patent No. 9,730,484 at Abstract, 1:27-42,
`3:10-44, 5:9-10, 9:55-57, 10:47-57, 11:43-55;
`Figs. 1-4C, 11A, 12-13
`IPR2016-00922 – Decision to Institute
`IPR2016-00922 – Final Written Decision
`Skechers EX1006
`Skechers v Nike
`Case 2:23-cv-09346-AB-PVC Document 50-1 Filed 05/15/24 Page 7 of 25 Page ID #:551
`The Complete Footwear Dictionary, 2nd Ed. –
`The Complete Footwear Dictionary, 2nd Ed. –
`The Complete Footwear Dictionary, 2nd Ed. –
`“a textile element that has only flat knit edges,
`where a flat knit edge is itself flat knit, e.g., not
`formed by cutting from a flat knit textile
`element or by otherwise removing the textile
`element from a larger textile material”
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`’781 patent at Abstract, 3:21-55, 4:18-42, 4:66-
`5:6, 5:57-7:5, 7:21-50, 9:23-10:40, 11:26-63;
`Figs. 2-8, 10-11; claims 1, 12
`Extrinsic Evidence:
`U.S. Patent No. 9,730,484 at 4:49-5:1, 8:15-26
`IPR2013-00067 – Final Written Decision
`IPR2013-00067 – Expert Declaration of
`Raymond F. Tonkel including, for example, at
`¶¶ [111], [112], [178]
`Federal Circuit Case No. 2014-1719 (Nike, Inc.
`v. Adidas AG) – Appellant Nike’s Opening and
`Reply Briefs and Joint Appendix, including,
`for example, Nike’s Opening Brief at 10-15
`“a flat knit textile element having: (1) flat knit
`edges free of surrounding textile structure such
`that the flat knit edges are not surrounded by
`textile structure from which the textile element
`must be removed”
`Ordinary and customary meaning, i.e., a flat
`knit textile element having: (1) flat knit edges
`free of surrounding textile structure such that
`the flat knit edges are not surrounded by textile
`structure from which the textile element must
`be removed; no further construction necessary
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`’781 patent at Abstract; 2:62-3:5; 3:43-55;
`3:64-4:3; 4:18-42; 4:66-5:6; 5:57-6:3; 6:14-
`52; 6:63-7:36; 9:23-27; 9:32-34; 10:30-36;
`10:38-40; 11:26-63; Claims 1, 12; Figs. 2-8,
`‘781 patent, July 28, 2017 Notice of
`Skechers EX1006
`Skechers v Nike
`Case 2:23-cv-09346-AB-PVC Document 50-1 Filed 05/15/24 Page 8 of 25 Page ID #:552
`“extending … toward the heel region”
`Ordinary and customary meaning,
`extending … toward the heel region; no further
`construction necessary
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`’781 patent at Abstract; 1:60-62; 2:1-2; 2:10-
`13; 5:40-42; 5:51-56; 6:6-12; 9:23-46; 10:51-
`53; Claims 1-2, 8, 12-13, 18; Figs. 2-7, 10-12.
`Nike, Inc. v. Adidas AG, 812 F.3d 1326 (Fed.
`Cir. 2016)
`ITC No. 337-TA-1289 – Markman hearing
`transcript including, for example, at 67:13-20,
`68:19-69:6, 77:3-21, 83:12-23, 84:11-25
`“extending in the direction of the heel region,
`not in a diagonal or vertical orientation up
`towards the ankle opening of the article of
`footwear, wherein an ankle opening is an
`opening in the article of footwear defined by
`the edges of the upper encircling the ankle
`when the foot is fully inserted into the
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`’781 patent at Abstract, 5:40-6:12, 9:23-46,
`10:37-60; Figs. 2-7, 10, 12; claims 1-2, 8-10,
`12-13, 18
`File history of ’781 patent, including, for
`example, January 17, 2018 Office Action;
`February 23, 2018 Amendment and Remarks
`“article of footwear”
`U.S. PATENT NO. 9,918,511
`Nike’s Proposed Construction
`Ordinary and customary meaning, i.e., article
`of footwear; no further construction necessary
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`Skechers’ Proposed Construction
`“any foot covering in the form of shoes, boots,
`slippers, or hose (e.g., socks) used for utility
`dress wear. Not
`synonymous with shoes, which are simply one
`category of footwear”
`Skechers EX1006
`Skechers v Nike
`Case 2:23-cv-09346-AB-PVC Document 50-1 Filed 05/15/24 Page 9 of 25 Page ID #:553
`’511 patent at Abstract; 1:33-2:30; 3:7-66;
`4:19-21; 4:36-43; 4:47-5:3; 5:24-35; 5:43-46;
`5:50-52; 5:58-61; 8:10-13; 8:33-36; 9:40-43;
`9:47-57; 10:15-19; 10:37-11:11; 11:34-40;
`11:55-57; Claims 1, 15-20; Figs. 1, 12-13.
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`’511 patent at Abstract, 1:32-40, 1:57-62, 3:44-
`46, 3:61-64, 4:63-64, 5:41-61, 10:37-38,
`10:61-62; Figs. 1-7, 12-14
`U.S. Patent No. 7,347,011, claims 1, 36
`U.S. Patent No. 7,814,598, claims 1, 9, 14
`U.S. Patent No. 8,042,288, claims 1, 29, 36
`Extrinsic Evidence:
`U.S. Patent No. 9,060,562 at Abstract, 2:22-23,
`5:19-21, 6:15-21; Figs. 1-4B
`U.S. Patent No. 9,730,484 at Abstract, 1:27-42,
`3:10-44, 5:9-10, 9:55-57, 10:47-57, 11:43-55;
`Figs. 1-4C, 11A, 12-13
`IPR2016-00922 – Decision to Institute
`IPR2016-00922 – Final Written Decision
`The Complete Footwear Dictionary, 2nd Ed. –
`The Complete Footwear Dictionary, 2nd Ed. –
`The Complete Footwear Dictionary, 2nd Ed. –
`Skechers EX1006
`Skechers v Nike
`Case 2:23-cv-09346-AB-PVC Document 50-1 Filed 05/15/24 Page 10 of 25 Page ID #:554
`“a flat knit textile element having: (1) flat knit
`edges free of surrounding textile structure such
`that the flat knit edges are not surrounded by
`textile structure from which the textile element
`must be removed”
`Ordinary and customary meaning, i.e., a flat
`knit textile element having: (1) flat knit edges
`free of surrounding textile structure such that
`the flat knit edges are not surrounded by textile
`structure from which the textile element must
`be removed; no further construction necessary
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`’511 patent at Abstract; 2:63-3:6; 3:44-56;
`3:65-4:4; 4:19-43; 4:67-5:7; 5:58-6:4; 5:58-
`6:4; 6:15-53; 6:64-7:37; 9:23-27; 9:32-34;
`10:30-36; 10:38-40; 11:26-63; Claims 1, 4, 9,
`15, 17; Figs. 2-8, 10-11.
`“a textile element that has only flat
`knit edges, where a flat knit edge is itself flat
`knit, e.g., not formed by cutting from a flat knit
`textile element or by otherwise removing the
`textile element from a larger textile material”
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`’511 patent at Abstract, 3:22-56, 4:19-43, 4:67-
`5:7, 5:58-7:6, 7:22-51, 9:23-10:40, 11:26-64;
`Figs. 2-8, 10-11; claims 1, 15
`Extrinsic Evidence:
`U.S. Patent No. 9,730,484 at 4:49-5:1, 8:15-26
`IPR2013-00067 – Final Written Decision
`IPR2013-00067 – Expert Declaration of
`Raymond F. Tonkel including, for example, at
`¶¶ [111], [112], [178]
`Federal Circuit Case No. 2014-1719 (Nike, Inc.
`v. Adidas AG) – Appellant Nike’s Opening and
`Reply Briefs and Joint Appendix, including,
`for example, Nike’s Opening Brief at 10-15
`Nike, Inc. v. Adidas AG, 812 F.3d 1326 (Fed.
`Cir. 2016)
`ITC No. 337-TA-1289 – Markman hearing
`transcript including, for example, at 67:13-20,
`68:19-69:6, 77:3-21, 83:12-23, 84:11-25
`Skechers EX1006
`Skechers v Nike
`Case 2:23-cv-09346-AB-PVC Document 50-1 Filed 05/15/24 Page 11 of 25 Page ID #:555
`“article of footwear”
`U.S. PATENT NO. 9,730,484
`Nike’s Proposed Construction
`Ordinary and customary meaning, i.e., article
`of footwear; no further construction necessary
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`’484 patent at Abstract; 1:27-44; 2:5-9; 2:55-
`61; 3:10-12; 3:19-22; 3:30-36; 3:47-4:24;
`4:28-6:5; 6:7-9; 6:16-24; 6:46-49; 6:57-65;
`7:4-7; 9:1-7; 9:55-57; 10:8-11; 10:23-25;
`10:47-53; 11:12-29; 11:40-48; 12:7-8; 12:40-
`51; Claims 1-11, 15; Figs. 1-4, 8, 11-14.
`Skechers’ Proposed Construction
`“any foot covering in the form of shoes, boots,
`slippers, or hose (e.g., socks) used for utility
`dress wear. Not
`synonymous with shoes, which are simply one
`category of footwear”
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`’484 patent at Abstract, 1:27-42, 3:10-44, 5:9-
`29, 9:55-57, 10:47-57, 11:43-12:27, 12:40-45;
`Figs. 1-4C, 11A-13
`Extrinsic Evidence:
`U.S. Patent No. 8,266,749 at Abstract, 1:20-26,
`1:42-47, 3:27-29, 3:44-48, 4:28-44, 5:21-40,
`10:8-9, 10:32-33; Figs. 1-7, 12-14; claims 1,
`12, 13, 18
`U.S. Patent No. 9,060,562 at Abstract, 2:22-23,
`5:19-60, 6:15-21; Figs. 1-4B
`IPR2016-00922 – Decision to Institute
`IPR2016-00922 – Final Written Decision
`The Complete Footwear Dictionary, 2nd Ed. –
`The Complete Footwear Dictionary, 2nd Ed. –
`Skechers EX1006
`Skechers v Nike
`Case 2:23-cv-09346-AB-PVC Document 50-1 Filed 05/15/24 Page 12 of 25 Page ID #:556
`“article of footwear”
`U.S. PATENT NO. 9,060,562
`Nike’s Proposed Construction
`Ordinary and customary meaning, i.e. article of
`footwear; no further construction necessary
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`‘562 patent at Abstract, 1:16-64; 2:16-18; 2:22-
`25; 4:57-62; 5:13-41; 5:61-63; 6:22-24; 6:51-
`59; 7:44-53; 8:41-47; 10:57-62; 14:44-47;
`Claims 1, 8, 16; Figs. 1-4.
`The Complete Footwear Dictionary, 2nd Ed. –
`Skechers’ Proposed Construction
`“any foot covering in the form of shoes, boots,
`slippers, or hose (e.g., socks) used for utility
`dress wear. Not
`synonymous with shoes, which are simply one
`category of footwear”
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`’562 patent at Abstract, 2:22-23, 5:19-60, 6:15-
`21; Figs. 1-4B
`Extrinsic Evidence:
`U.S. Patent No. 8,266,749 at Abstract, 1:20-26,
`1:42-47, 3:27-29, 3:44-48, 4:28-44, 5:21-40,
`10:8-9, 10:32-33; Figs. 1-7, 12-14; claims 1,
`12, 13, 18
`U.S. Patent No. 9,730,484 at Abstract, 1:27-42,
`3:10-44, 5:9-29, 9:55-57, 10:47-57, 11:43-
`12:27, 12:40-45; Figs. 1-4C, 11A-13
`IPR2016-00922 – Decision to Institute
`IPR2016-00922 – Final Written Decision
`The Complete Footwear Dictionary, 2nd Ed. –
`Skechers EX1006
`Skechers v Nike
`Case 2:23-cv-09346-AB-PVC Document 50-1 Filed 05/15/24 Page 13 of 25 Page ID #:557
`“knitting a portion of the knitted component
`defining an upper”
`“knitting a first portion of
`component defining an upper”
`the knitted
`Ordinary and customary meaning, i.e., knitting
`a portion of the knitted component defining an
`upper; no further construction necessary
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`‘562 patent at 2:35-3:16; 7:57-60; 11:17-22;
`12:16-24; 13:13-19; 14:50-52; Claim 1; Figs.
`5, 8-9, 10, 13.
`Ordinary and customary meaning, i.e., knitting
`a first portion of the knitted component
`defining an upper; no further construction
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`‘562 patent at 2:35-3:16; 7:57-60; 11:17-22;
`12:16-24; 13:13-19; 14:50-52; Claims 8, 16;
`Figs. 5, 8-9, 10, 13.
`“knitting a second portion of the knitted
`component defining an upper”
`Ordinary and customary meaning, i.e., knitting
`a second portion of the knitted component
`The Complete Footwear Dictionary, 2nd Ed. –
`The Complete Footwear Dictionary, 2nd Ed. –
`“knitting a portion of a one-piece knitted
`element that, when further knit to add an
`integral knit tongue, will be an upper that
`includes edges that define an ankle opening in
`the article of footwear”
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`’562 patent at Abstract, 1:20-55, 2:22-3:17,
`6:51-67, 7:44-8:12, 11:13-22, 12:13-38, 13:9-
`21, 14:44-15:3, 20:63-24:14; Figs. 5-15, 19-
`29; claims 1, 5-11, 13-16, 20-23
`“knitting a first portion of a one-piece
`knitted element that, when further knit to add
`an integral knit tongue, will be an upper that
`includes edges that define an ankle opening in
`the article of footwear”
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`’562 patent at Abstract, 1:20-39, 2:22-3:17,
`6:51-67, 7:54-8:12, 11:13-22, 12:13-38, 13:9-
`21, 14:44-15:3, 20:63-24:14; Figs. 5-15, 19-
`29; claims 1, 5-11, 13-16, 20-23
`“knitting a second portion of a one piece
`knitted element that, when further knit to add
`an integral knit tongue, will be an upper that
`Skechers EX1006
`Skechers v Nike
`Case 2:23-cv-09346-AB-PVC Document 50-1 Filed 05/15/24 Page 14 of 25 Page ID #:558
`“ankle opening”
`“knitting an integral knit tongue that is of
`unitary knit construction with the upper with
`the knitting machine, the integral knit tongue
`extending through a throat area of the knitted
`defining an upper; no further construction
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`‘562 patent at 2:35-3:16, 7:57-60, 11:17-22,
`12:16-24, 13:13-19, 14:50-52; Claims 8, 16;
`Figs. 5, 8-9, 10, 13.
`Ordinary and customary meaning, i.e., ankle
`opening; no further construction necessary
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`‘562 patent at 1:45-47; 2:35-3:16; 6:27-31;
`6:39-43; 8:52-56; 11:29-39; 12:4-16; 12:31-
`34; 13:22-28; 13:54-14:3; 14:44-47; 14:63-66;
`15:34-40; 15:66-16:13; 17:42-47; Claims 1, 8,
`16; Figs. 1-5, 8-15.
`Ordinary and customary meaning, i.e., knitting
`an integral knit tongue that is of unitary knit
`construction with the upper with the knitting
`machine, the integral knit tongue extending
`through a throat area of the knitted component;
`no further construction necessary
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`‘562 patent at Abstract, 2:29-32; 2:35-3:16;
`6:31-35; 8:52-56; 9:34-59; 11:41-45; 13:22-
`38; 13:54-66; 15:40-45; Claim 1; Figs. 5, 8-13.
`includes edges that define an ankle opening in
`the article of footwear”
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`’562 patent at Abstract, 1:20-39, 2:22-3:17,
`6:51-67, 7:54-8:12, 11:13-22, 12:13-38, 13:9-
`21, 14:44-15:3, 20:63-24:14; Figs. 5-15, 19-
`29; claims 1, 5-11, 13-16, 20-23
`“an opening in the article of footwear
`defined by the edges of the upper encircling the
`ankle when a foot is fully inserted into the
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`’562 patent at Abstract, 1:40-55, 2:22-3:17,
`3:28-4:53, 6:22-50, 7:1-19, 8:33-64, 9:34-48,
`11:13-54, 12:4-38, 13:22-37, 13:54-14:3,
`14:44-15:3, 15:34-45, 15:58-16:13, 17:28-47;
`Figs. 1-5, 7-15, 19-29; claims 1, 8, 16
`“using a knitting machine to knit a tongue (1)
`that, through a knitting process, is formed as a
`one-piece element with the rest of the upper
`and (2) that extends from an area adjacent to
`the forefoot region of the upper over the instep
`to an ankle opening”
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`’562 patent at Abstract, 1:16-55, 2:16-3:17,
`3:28-4:53, 5:14-18, 6:22-50, 7:1-8:58, 9:34-
`11:12, 11:36-14:43, 14:44-17:47, 17:49-18:55,
`Skechers EX1006
`Skechers v Nike
`Case 2:23-cv-09346-AB-PVC Document 50-1 Filed 05/15/24 Page 15 of 25 Page ID #:559
`20:63-21:12, 21:50-22:51, 23:5-24:14; Figs. 1-
`29; claims 1-16, 19-25
`U.S. Patent No. 8,490,299 (incorporated by
`reference in ’562 patent)
`Extrinsic Evidence:
`U.S. Patent No. 10,182,617
`File History of U.S. Patent No. 9,510,636
`“using a knitting machine to knit, with at least
`one of the first feeder and the second feeder of
`the knitting machine, a tongue (1) that, through
`a knitting process, is formed as a one-piece
`element with the rest of the upper and (2) that
`extends from an area adjacent to the forefoot
`region of the upper over the instep to an ankle
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`’562 patent at Abstract, 1:16-55, 2:16-3:17,
`3:28-4:53, 5:14-18, 6:22-50, 7:1-8:58, 9:34-
`11:12, 11:36-14:43, 14:44-17:47, 17:49-18:55,
`20:63-21:12, 21:50-22:51, 23:5-24:14; Figs. 1-
`29; claims 1-16, 19-25
`U.S. Patent No. 8,490,299 (incorporated by
`reference in ’562 patent)
`Extrinsic Evidence:
`U.S. Patent No. 10,182,617
`“knitting an integral knit tongue that is of
`unitary knit construction with the upper with at
`least one of the first feeder and the second
`feeder of the knitting machine, the integral knit
`tongue extending through a throat area of the
`knitted component”
`Ordinary and customary meaning, i.e., knitting
`an integral knit tongue that is of unitary knit
`construction with the upper with at least one of
`the first feeder and the second feeder of the
`knitting machine, the integral knit tongue
`extending through a throat area of the knitted
`component; no further construction necessary
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`‘562 patent at Abstract, 2:29-32; 2:35-3:16;
`6:31-35; 8:52-56; 9:34-59; 11:41-45; 13:22-
`38; 13:54-66; 15:40-45; Claim 8; Figs. 5, 8-13.
`Skechers EX1006
`Skechers v Nike
`Case 2:23-cv-09346-AB-PVC Document 50-1 Filed 05/15/24 Page 16 of 25 Page ID #:560
`“knitting an integral knit tongue that is of
`unitary knit construction with the upper with a
`third feeder of the knitting machine, the
`integral knit tongue extending through a throat
`area of the knitted component”
`Ordinary and customary meaning, i.e., knitting
`an integral knit tongue that is of unitary knit
`construction with the upper with a third feeder
`of the knitting machine, the integral knit
`tongue extending through a throat area of the
`knitted component; no further construction
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`‘562 patent at Abstract, 2:29-32; 2:35-3:16;
`6:31-35; 8:52-56; 9:34-59; 11:41-45; 13:22-
`38; 13:54-66; 15:40-45; Claim 16; Figs. 5, 8-
`“throat area”
`Ordinary and customary meaning, i.e., throat
`area; no further construction necessary
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`‘562 patent at Abstract; 2:29-34; 2:35-67; 3:1-
`17; 6:27-35; 8:52-58; 9:34-63; 11:41-45;
`13:22-38; 13:54-14:3; 14:8-18; 14:31-37;
`15:21-24; 15:34-49; 15:66-16:4; 16:5-11;
`16:42-50; 16:59-17:1; 17:30-35; 17:42-47;
`File History of U.S. Patent No. 9,510,636
`“using a knitting machine to knit, with a third
`feeder of the knitting machine, a tongue (1)
`that, through a knitting process, is formed as a
`one-piece element with the rest of the upper
`and (2) that extends from an area adjacent to
`the forefoot region of the upper over the instep
`to an ankle opening”
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`’562 patent at Abstract, 1:16-55, 2:16-3:17,
`3:28-4:53, 5:14-18, 6:22-50, 7:1-8:58, 9:34-
`11:12, 11:36-14:43, 14:44-17:47, 17:49-18:55,
`20:63-21:12, 21:50-22:51, 23:5-24:14; Figs. 1-
`29; claims 1-16, 19-25
`U.S. Patent No. 8,490,299 (incorporated by
`reference in ’562 patent)
`Extrinsic Evidence:
`U.S. Patent No. 10,182,617
`File History of U.S. Patent No. 9,510,636
`“an area of the upper that extends
`from an ankle opening over the instep to an
`area adjacent to the forefoot region”
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`’562 patent at Abstract, 2:22-3:17, 6:22-35,
`8:33-58, 9:34-10:8, 11:36-54, 13:22-14:44,
`15:4-24, 15:34-16:13, 16:38-17:7, 17:28-47,
`Skechers EX1006
`Skechers v Nike
`Case 2:23-cv-09346-AB-PVC Document 50-1 Filed 05/15/24 Page 17 of 25 Page ID #:561
`“integral knit tongue”
`23:26-35; 23:52-55; Claims 1, 5, 8, 13, 14, 16,
`20, 21; Figs. 1-3, 5, 7-8, 10-11.
`Ordinary and customary meaning, i.e., tongue;
`no further construction necessary
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`‘562 patent at Abstract; 1:53-55; 2:22-67; 3:1-
`25; 5:14-19; 6:22-50; 7:1-24:30; Claims 1, 3-
`17, 19-21; Figs. 1-29.
`23:5-61; Figs. 1-3, 5-13, 26-29; claims 1, 5, 8,
`13-14, 16, 20-21
`Extrinsic Evidence:
`The Complete Footwear Dictionary, 2nd Ed. –
`“throat area between overhanging portions of
`the upper or adjacent to one or more raised
`elements, where a raised element is a flap or
`overhanging portion that extends outward
`away from the surface of the upper and along
`the length of the side of the tongue”
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`’562 patent at Abstract, 1:16-55, 2:16-3:17,
`3:1-17, 3:34-4:53, 5:14-18, 6:22-50, 7:1-8:58,
`9:34-11:12, 11:36-14:43, 14:44-17:47, 17:49-
`18:55, 20:63-21:12, 21:50-22:51, 23:11-24:14;
`Figs. 1-29; claims 1-17, 19-25
`File history of U.S. Patent No. 9,060,562,
`Documents submitted with 371 (National
`Stage) Applications; 09-16-2014 Non-Final
`Arguments/Remarks Made in an Amendment
`US Appl. No. 2008/0110048 including, for
`example, at [61]
`Extrinsic Evidence:
`US. Patent No. 9,510,636
`Skechers EX1006
`Skechers v Nike
`Case 2:23-cv-09346-AB-PVC Document 50-1 Filed 05/15/24 Page 18 of 25 Page ID #:562
`File History of U.S. Patent No. 9,510,636,
`including, for example, at, 10-08-2015 Non-
`Final Rejection;
`01-07-2016 Applicant
`Arguments/Remarks Made in an Amendment
`U.S. Patent No. 8,621,891
`File History of U.S. Patent No. 8,621,891,
`for example, at 08-16-2013
`Applicant Arguments/Remarks Made in an
`Amendment; 08-16-2013 Claims; 06-25-2013
`Final Rejection
`File History of U.S. Patent No. 10,351,979
`File History of U.S. Patent No. 10,378,130,
`for example, at 02-12-2019
`Applicant Arguments/Remarks Made in an
`Amendment; 02-12-2019 Claims
`“the integral knit tongue includes (1) a first
`portion joined to other sections of the upper by
`knitting along both the lateral side and medial
`side and (2) a second portion joined to the first
`portion but not joined to other sections of the
`upper on one or more of the lateral side or
`medial side of the second portion”
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`’562 patent at Abstract, 1:16-55, 2:16-3:17,
`3:28-4:53, 5:14-18, 6:22-50, 7:1-8:58, 9:34-
`11:12, 11:36-14:43, 14:44-17:47, 17:49-18:55,
`20:63-21:12, 21:50-22:51, 23:11-24:14; Figs.
`1-29; claims 1-16, 19-25
`“the integral knit tongue comprises a partially
`integral portion and a free portion”
`Ordinary and customary meaning, i.e., the
`integral knit tongue comprises a partially
`integral portion and a free portion; no further
`construction necessary
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`‘562 patent at 13:19-21, 13:54-61, 21:50-62,
`22:18-31; Claims 5, 15; Figs. 10-11, 22-25.
`Skechers EX1006
`Skechers v Nike
`Case 2:23-cv-09346-AB-PVC Document 50-1 Filed 05/15/24 Page 19 of 25 Page ID #:563
`“article of footwear”
`U.S. PATENT NO. 9,510,636
`Nike’s Proposed Construction
`Ordinary and customary meaning, i.e., article
`of footwear; no further construction necessary
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`‘636 patent at Abstract, 1:21-60; 2:20-22; 2:26-
`29; 4:64-66; 5:16-49; 5:64-66; 6:25-27; 6:54-
`69; 7:48-57; 8:45-51; 10:66-11:5; 14:60-63;
`Claims 1-13, 21; Figs. 1-4.
`Skechers’ Proposed Construction
`“any foot covering in the form of shoes, boots,
`slippers, or hose (e.g., socks) used for utility
`dress wear. Not
`synonymous with shoes, which are simply one
`category of footwear”
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`’636 patent at Abstract, 2:26-38, 5:22-24, 6:17-
`24; Figs. 1-4B
`Extrinsic Evidence:
`U.S. Patent No. 8,266,749 at Abstract, 1:20-26,
`1:42-47, 3:27-29, 3:44-48, 4:28-44, 5:21-40,
`10:8-9, 10:32-33; Figs. 1-7, 12-14; claims 1,
`12, 13, 18
`U.S. Patent No. 9,730,484 at Abstract, 1:27-42,
`3:10-44, 5:9-29, 9:55-57, 10:47-57, 11:43-
`12:27, 12:40-45; Figs. 1-4C, 11A-13
`IPR2016-00922 – Decision to Institute
`IPR2016-00922 – Final Written Decision
`The Complete Footwear Dictionary, 2nd Ed. –
`The Complete Footwear Dictionary, 2nd Ed. –
`Skechers EX1006
`Skechers v Nike
`Case 2:23-cv-09346-AB-PVC Document 50-1 Filed 05/15/24 Page 20 of 25 Page ID #:564
`“a portion of the knitted component defining an
`“ankle opening”
`“integral knit tongue formed with the upper
`and extending through a throat area of the
`knitted component”
`The Complete Footwear Dictionary, 2nd Ed. –
`“a portion of a one-piece knitted element that,
`when further knit to add an integral knit
`tongue, will be an upper that includes edges
`that define an ankle opening in the article of
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`’636 patent at Abstract, 1:24-60, 2:26-3:18,
`6:54-7:3, 7:48-8:16, 11:25-34, 12:27-52,
`13:24-37, 14:60-15:19, 21:25-24:48; Figs. 5-
`15, 19-29; claims 1, 7, 10-13, 18, 21, 23-24
`“an opening in the article of footwear
`defined by the edges of the upper encircling the
`ankle when a foot is fully inserted into the
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`’636 patent at Abstract, 1:44-60, 2:26-3:18,
`3:30-4:56, 6:25-53, 7:4-22, 8:37-9:2, 9:41-56,
`11:25-67, 12:18-52, 13:38-54, 14:4-20, 14:60-
`15:19, 15:51-62, 16:8-31, 17:48-67; Figs. 1-5,
`7-15, 19-29; claims 1, 13, 21
`“a tongue (1) that, through a knitting
`process, is formed as a one-piece element with
`the rest of the upper and (2) that extends from
`an area adjacent to the forefoot region of the
`upper over the instep to an ankle opening”
`Ordinary and customary meaning, i.e., a
`portion of the knitted component defining an
`upper; no further construction necessary
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`‘636 patent at 1:25-30; 2:26-36; 2:39-67; 2:44-
`60; 3:1-18; 5:56-63; 6:25-38; 6:54-65; 7:58-
`66; 8:64-9:2; 11:29-31; 12:33-35; 13:58-66;
`14:66-15:1; 24:24-27; Claim 13; Figs. 1-5, 10,
`13-15, 19-21, 23-25, 27-29.
`Ordinary and customary meaning, i.e., ankle
`opening; no further construction necessary
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`‘636 patent at 1:49-51; 2:39-67; 3:1-18; 6:30-
`34; 6:42-46; 8:51-61; 9:41-47; 11:41-44;
`11:49-52; 12:18-21; 12:46-49; 13:38-44; 14:4-
`20; 14:60-63; 15:13-16; 15:51-57; 16:17-29;
`17:62-67; Claims 1, 13, 21; Figs. 1-5, 8-15.
`Ordinary and customary meaning, i.e., integral
`knit tongue formed with the upper and
`extending through a throat area of the knitted
`component; no further construction necessary
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`Skechers EX1006
`Skechers v Nike
`Case 2:23-cv-09346-AB-PVC Document 50-1 Filed 05/15/24 Page 21 of 25 Page ID #:565
`‘636 patent at 2:39-67, 3:1-18, 6:25-38, 9:41-
`46, 9:57-67, 11:54-58, 13:44-49, 15:57-62,
`16:60-17:1; Claim 1; Figs. 1-5, 10-15.
`“throat area”
`Ordinary and customary meaning, i.e., throat
`area; no further construction necessary
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`‘636 patent at Abstract; 2:26-3:18; 6:30-38;
`8:57-63; 9:41-67; 10:1-4; 11:52-58; 13:38-49;
`13:55-58; 14:4-17; 14:25-35; 14:47-53;
`15:38:41; 15:51-16: