`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`9 August 2001 (09.08.2001)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 01/57696 Al
`(51) International Patent Classification’:
`GO6F 15/173
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date: 5 February 2001 (05.02.2001)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`PQ 5456
`4 February 2000 (04.02.2000)
`except US):
`all designated States
`(71) Applicant
`[US/US]; 3500 Lakeside Court,
`Suite 200, Reno, NV 89509 (US).
`(72) Inventor; and
`(for US only): MCELLIGOTT,
`(75) Inventor/Applicant
`Adrian [AU/AU]; 6 McKinlay Place, Durack, Queensland
`4077 (AU).
`TORNEY; Level 11, Telstra House, 167 Eagle Strect, Bris-
`bane, Queensland 4000 (AU).
`(81) Designated States (national): AE, AG, AL, AM,AT, AU,
`LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ,
`NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM,
`TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, ZW.
`(84) Designated States (regional): ARIPO patent (GH, GM,
`KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZW), Eurasian
`patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European
`patent (AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, I'l, FR, GB, GR,IE,
`IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF,
`CG,CI, CM, GA, GN, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`with international search report
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid-
`ance Notes on Codes andAbbreviations" appearing at the begin-
`ning ofeach regular issue ofthe PCT Gazette.
`(57) Abstract: A method for a web-server host H (11) to determine the network address of a router or other network support device
`© (10) most directly connected to a network connected computational device M such as a PC (12). In a preferred embodiment Host
`(11)is able to determine the geographical location of router (10), and hence the approximate geographical location of PC (12). The
`host may transmit information geographically relevant to PC (12) such as advertisements for locally available goodsandservices.
` Google Exhibit 1062
`Google Exhibit 1062
`Google v. Mullen
`Google v. Mullen
`The present invention is concerned a method for determining the network
`address of a network support device closest to a computer network accessing
`computational device, such as a personal computer. The invention further
`relates to a method for determining the approximate geographical locale of an
`internet accessing computational device, such as a personal computer.
`At presentit is not possible for a web server to non-intrusively determine with
`any degree of accuracy the geographical location of users accessing it. By
`"geographical location" is meant the approximate locality, such as town, city, or
`rural region where the user is located. Consequently it is only possible for the
`accessed web-site to make geographically specific the information presented to
`a remote useron the basis of information provided by the user. For example, a
`user may access a web-page which provides information on entertainment
`available in all the capital cities of a particular country. However the user must
`provide information to the web-site as to the city that he/she inhabits, in order to
`be provided with appropriate information.
`The web-page can not be
`programmed to automatically provide information appropriate to the user's
`is not possible to ascertain the location without the user
`location because it
`submitting that information.
`Another example where it would be desirable to be able to provide
`locality customised information is in the realm of internet advertising. At present
`when a user accesses a web page such as an internet search engine the web
`page provider inserts advertisements onto the page of search results. Such
`advertising space is sold to businesses and the revenue provides incomefor.
`the web-site provider, however becausethelocality of the user is unknown the
`web page advertisements are not well targeted to the user.
`WO 01/57696
`The vast majority of advertisers are currently being excluded from advertising
`on the internet as they simply can't afford, or don't want, to target potential
`customersin far flung geographical locations. For example the local newspaper
`in Miami does not want
`to advertise itself to viewers in Colorado.
`advertising of local product to local consumers is almost non-existent on the
`internet when compared with traditional media where in excess of 80% of
`advertising is in respect of local product offered to the local market.
`In particular
`regional businesses, which provide services only in fairly specific geographical
`regions, are not inclined to purchase advertising space from internet web-page
`providers. Recently, it has been estimated that 75% of all internet advertising
`inventory goes unsold, this over-supply has resulted in downward pressure on
`CPM prices
`is an object of the present
`invention to provide a method for
`determining the IP address of the closest internet support device, to an internet
`accessing machine given the |P address of the machine.
`According to a first aspect of the present invention there is provided a method
`for determining the network address of a network support device in most direct
`communication with a computer network accessing computational device, said
`methodincluding the steps of:
`transmitting a burst of messages having a range of time-to-live (TTL)
`values, each message including a network address of said computational
`device and having a copyofits initial time-to-live value embedded as a constant
`value in the message, whereby response messages generated by the network
`support devices and said computational device in response to said burst of
`messagesincorporate said initial time-to-live values; and
`determining said address of th network support device on the basis of the
`type of response message received and said incorporated initial time-to-live
`WO 01/57696
`Typically the computer network is the Internet wherein Internet Protocol (IP)
`addresses are used to identify the network support devices and wherein the
`network support devices ‘are programmed to respond to the burst of messages
`with response messages according to the Internet Control Message Protocol
`Preferably the step of determining said address includes examining the
`response messages and extracting from said messages the address of the
`network support device returning a message of the ICMP_TTL_exceeded type
`with the highest time-to-live (TTL) value embedded as a constant value of the
`response messages.
`The step of determining said address may include determining said
`address by recording the lowest TTL value embedded as a constant amongst
`ICMP_Echo_Reply type messagesandthenretrieving an originating address of
`a message having an embedded TTL value of one less than said lowest TTL
`ICMP_machine_unreachable type response messages are
`received then the step of determining said address maybeinclude determining
`ICMP_machine_unreachable type response message.
`According to a further aspect of the present invention there is provided a
`method for determining the approximate geographical location of a data network
`accessible computational device located remotely from a host, said method
`including the stepsof:
`accessing a database relating network support device identity to
`determining the identity of a network support device appearing in said
`table mostdirectly connected to said computational device; and
`looking up a geographical
`location in said database related to said
`determined network support device.
`WO 01/57696
`Preferably the method further includes the step of compiling said database by
`operating a website requesting remote users of the site to transmit
`geographical location and from responses to said request recording provided
`geographical locations in association with the address of the nearest network
`support, said address being determined according to the previously described
`method of the first aspect of the invention.
`The method may further include providing data to said computational
`device relevant to the geographical location of the computational device.
`Typically said data includes advertisements in respect of goods and/or
`services available in the geographical location.
`According to another aspect of the invention there is provided a
`computational device connected to the internet,
`the computational device
`including processing means operatively arranged to produce a burst of ICMP
`' data messages havinginitial time-to-live values stored in a data field of each
`said processing means being further operatively arranged to
`determine the nearest network device to a given IP address on the basis of
`ICMP data messages received over the network in responseto said burst.
`Preferably the computational device is
`in communication with an
`electronic storage medium containing a database relating IP addresses of
`routers to geographicallocations.
`According to a final aspect-of the present invention there is provided a-
`software product stored upon a computer readable medium for execution by a
`computer, the software product including:
`for generating modified
`messages, said messagesincluding a constant time-to-live (TTL) value and the
`IP address of a remote computational device;
`message transmission instructions for transmitting said modified ICMP
`messagesto said IP address;
`messagereading instructions for reading response messagesreceived in
`response to said modified ICMP messages;
`WO 01/57696
`address determination instructions for determining the address of a
`network support device in most direct communication with the remote
`computational device on the basis of data provided by the message reading
`Preferably the message reading instructions include response type
`instructions for determining the type of a response message, the embedded
`TTL value and the address of a network support device originating said
`response message.
`The address determination instructions may include instructions for
`determining if a response message contains the IP address of the network
`support device in most direct communication with the remote computational
`device on the basis of the type of the response message and the embedded
`TTL value of the response message
`the address determination instructions may also include
`instructions for extracting from said response messages the address of the
`network support device returning a message of the ICMP_TTL_exceeded type
`with the highest embedded TTLvalue of the response messages.
`Preferably the address determination instructions include instructions for
`determining said address by recording the lowest TTL value embedded as a
`constant amongst
`ICMP_EchoReply type messages
`messages and then retrieving an address of a response message having an
`embedded TTL value of one less than said lowest TTL value.
`The address determination instructions may also include instructions for
`determining said address by recording the originating address of an
`ICMP_machine_unreachable type response message.
`In order that this invention may be more readily understood and putinto
`practical effect, reference will now be made to the accompanying drawings
`which are used in an explanation of a preferred embodimentof the invention.
`WO 01/57696
`Figure 1
`is a schematic diagram of a relationship between a user's
`internet terminal, a web server and a geographical location resolution server as
`maybe provided in accordance with the present invention.
`Figure 2 is a schematic diagram of a portion of the internet between a
`host such as a web server and a user terminal.’
`Figure 3 is a further schematic diagram showing routers
`connected between a host and a webserver for purposes of explanation.
`Figure 4 is a schematic diagram of an ICMP_Echo / ICMP_EchoReply.
`data packet.
`Figure 5 is a schematic diagram showing the type of ICMP data packets
`generated in response to a burst of ICMP_Echo messages in accordance with
`the present invention,
`in the case where the IP address of the ICMP_Echo
`messages is unresponsive.
`Figure 6 is a schematic diagram showing the type of ICMP data packets
`generated in response to a burst of ICMP_Echo messages in accodance with
`the present invention,
`in the case where the IP address of the ICMPEcho
`messagesis responsive.
`Figure 7 is a block diagram of a methodfor identifying a router nearest to
`a given IP address.
`Figure 8 is a block diagram of a methodfor identifying a router nearest to
`a given IP address and the relative position of the router between a host and a
`user terminal.
`There is no geographic relationship between two IP addresses, other
`than those that share the same subnet.
`For example,
`is quite likely that
`geographically close but there is no such nexus between IP addresses of
`different subnets like and Consecutive network
`addresses 203.30.195 and 203.30.196 could be on opposite sides of the globe,
`and are morethanlikely not geographically close.
`WO 01/57696
`location could
`to a geographical
`In order to relate every possible subnet
`the geographical
`256x256x256 (or 16,777,216) subnets. Additionally the maintenance of such a
`table may very well be moredifficult than its original construction because there
`is no way of automatically knowing when a subnet has been moved, or of
`knowing the location of a newly created subnet.
`It is also not possible to use
`the data obtained for one subnetto confirm or verify data obtained for another.
`The geographical
`location of an IP address can be deduced if the
`geographical location of an IP address that shares the same router is known.
`Given this assumption, the problem is one of identifying the common network
`infrastructrure between two given subnets. A method of doing this is to identify
`the subnet's gateway, referred to herein as the subnet's nearest router.
`Once the nearest router to a subnet whose geographical
`location is
`known, has beenidentified, then the geographical location of all other subnets
`which share this common nearest router can be deduced. This assumption
`applies to network terminating subnets, to which end-user PC's are generally
`One method for compiling a table relating router identity to geographical
`location is to set up a web page which provides an incentive for users to
`voluntarily provide their geographical location.
`It is assumed that in the great
`majority of cases the geographical location of the user is approximately the
`same asthe location of the nearest router.
`Oncethe user has provided the geographical location then the identity of
`the nearest router to the user may be determined in a manner which will be
`described shortly. The router identity is stored in a table with the geographical
`location information. The subnet IP address is also stored with its related
`geographical information.
`With reference to Figure 1 a Geographical Location Resolution Server
`(GLRS) 60 maybe constructed which stores the router location table and is also
`programmed to determine the nearest router to a given IP subnet address. A
`web serveror portal 62 may support a search engine which is accessed by an
`end-user's PC 64.
`WO 01/57696
`The end userinitially sends a data packet to server 62 which includes the
`subnet address of PC 64. Server 62 in turn forwards the subnet address of the
`user to the GLRS. The GLRSchecksits databaseto seeif it has the location of
`the subnet readily available.
`If the subnet is already in the database then all
`that is required is a database lookup of the subnet's nearest router ID. However
`if the subnet is not within the database then the nearest router to PC 64 will
`have to be identified and that router ID used to determine a geographical
`location from the router ID-location table for terminal 64. The geographical
`location data is then transmitted from the GLRS to web server 62. The web
`server given the geographical data customises the web page data that
`presented to the user. For example the customisation might involve displaying
`an advertisement on the web-pageof a service available from a businessin the
`geographical area determined by the GLRS.
`A preferred method for determining the identity of the router nearest to a
`given IP address will now be explained.
`In use the method is typically
`programmed asa software application that is run on GLRS 60. Alternatively the
`functionality of the GLRS could be incorporated directly into the web-server62.
`Referring now to Figure 2 there is depicted a generalised portion of the
`internet. Between a web-page host H (item 11) and a user machine M (item
`12), such as a personal computer there may be manydifferent paths supported
`by routers, gateways or other network support devices (items 1-10). However,
`due to standard address tables stored in each router data packets between the
`host and the machine generally take the same path. Accordingly in order to
`explain the present invention the path between host H and machine M may be
`represented as shownin Figure 3.
`With reference to Figure 3 it will be noted that there are a numberof
`routers R1,...,Rn interconnecting H and M. The internet protocol (IP) facilitates
`data communication between H and M via routers R1,...,Rn. An integral part of
`IP is the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP).
`ICMP messages are
`generated by routers, and other network support devices, in several situations:
`for example, when a data packet cannot reach its destination, when a router
`does not have the buffering capacity to forward a data packet, and when the
`WO 01/57696
`time-to-live parameter of a data packet has been exceeded.
`ICMP is
`documented in internet Request For Comment document (RFC) 792.
`Figure 4 schematically depicts a type 8 ICMP message. Type 8 is an
`echo or echo-reply ICMP message. The address of the source in an echo
`message will be the destination of the echo reply message. That is, to form an
`echo reply message, the source and destination addresses are simply reversed.
`ICMP messagesare sent using a basic IP header. Thefirst octed of the data
`portion of such a data packet is an ICMP typefield.
`In the present case the
`type field is set to type 8. The IP header also includes a time-to-live (TTL) field.
`This field takes an integer value that is decremented at each machine at which
`the data packet
`is processed during its passage across the network.
`standard use the value of the TTLfield is set to be at least as great as the
`numberof routers which the data packet will have to traverse, otherwise the
`data packet will not reach its destination but rather will time-out as it traverses
`the network.
`According to the present invention Host H transmits a burst of ICMP
`Echo messages each with the IP address of machine M and each having a
`different TTL value. For example, the burst of messages may comprise say 42
`messages with TTL values ranging from 1
`to 42. Apart from the TTL value
`being present in the header, as is standard, the TTL value is also embeddedin
`the "sequence-number" portion of the packet. As a packet passes along the
`router chain the TTL value in the header is decremented by each router which
`processesthe data packet. Depending on the original value of the TTL header
`value the packet may or not reach machine M.
`If the TTL value is larger than
`the number of routers to be traversed then the packet will reach machine M
`and, in the event that the machine is responsive, an Echo-Reply message will
`be generated by machine M and transmitted back to Host H. Importantly the
`Echo-Reply message will have embedded within it the original TTL value which
`was embeddedin the sequence-numberportion of the initial |CMP_EchoReply
`WO 01/57696
`Alternatively, if the TTL value of the packet in question is lower than the number
`of routers to be traversed then the data packet will time out at one of the
`In that case the router at which the time-out occurs will generate a
`ICMP_TTL_Exceeded message (ICMP type 11) addressed to the host.
`According to the ICMP the TTL exceeeded message generated will include 64
`bits of the original ICMP_Echo message, including the embedded TTL value of
`the original message.
`Another possibility is that machine M is switched off or otherwise
`inaccessible to messages over the network.
`In the event that machine M is
`indeed inaccessible then it
`is common practice that the router nearest to
`machine M be programmed to detect that machine M is unreachable.
`In that
`case the nearest
`router will generate an ICMP Destination Unreachable
`message (ICMP type 3) for transmission back to the originating host H. The
`Destination Unreachable message will
`include 64 bits of
`the original
`ICMP_Echo message,including the embeddedinitial TTL value of the original
`With reference to Figure 5, a method for determining the address of the
`router nearest to machine M will now be explained. According to the present
`invention host H generates a burst 15 of, for example, eighteen ICMP-Echo
`data packets having TTL values ranging from TTL=3 to TTL=20.
`It being
`assumedthat machine M is between three and twenty hops away from H. Each
`of the packets includes IP-m, the IP address of M, in its header and also an
`_ original TTL value. The original value is also embedded in the "sequence
`number"field of the data packet as previously explained.
`Supposing that machine M is
`reachable then ICMP_TTL_Exceeded
`"packets" or messages 17, will be composed and returned from routers
`R3,...,R6 in response to the ICMP_TTL_Exceeded messages with initial TTL
`header values of TTL=3,...,6. The ICMP_TTL_Exceeded packets include the
`address IP-Rn of the router port through which the data packet was transmitted,
`and the original TTL values, in the range of TTL=j,...,1TL=k. Here j is the lowest
`TTL value that was used (in the present example j=3) and where k is the
`numberof routers in the path from H to M.
`In the present example k=6).
`WO 01/57696
`As machineMis reachable in this case ICMP_EchoReply data packets 19 will
`be returned from machine M. These data packets include |P-m which is the
`subnet address of M and TTL values ranging from TTL=k+1 to TTL=n where n
`is the largest TTL value that was usedin the original burst of ICMP-Echodata
`packets (in the present example n=20).
`In order to determine which router is
`closest to machine M it is necessary to detect a returned ICMP data packet
`having an embedded TTL value of k and then retrieve the IP-Rn address from
`ICMP_TTL_Exceeded data packet having the highest TTL value will contain the
`address of the nearest router. Alternatively, the ICMP_EchoReply data packet
`having the lowest embedded TTL value will have a TTL of k+1. Consequently
`another way for determining the nearest router is to firstly determine the data
`packet having TTL=k+1 and then wait for the data packet with TTL=k and from
`that packet retrieve the IP-Rn address, which is the address of the router —
`nearest to M.
`With reference to Figure 6,
`in the event
`the machine M is
`unreachable, for example it may be switched off, then no ICMP_EchoReply
`packets will be generated. However ICMP_TTL_Exceeded messages 21 will
`be produced as before.
`ICMP_Machine_Unreachable data packets 23 may
`also be produced by the router closest to M, depending on how the nearest
`router R6, (item 25) is programmed.
`If the nearest router is programmed to
`produce ICMP_Machine_Unreachable data packets then such data packets
`having embedded TTL values in the range 7-20 will be produced. These data
`packets will all include the address of the router nearest to M.
`If the nearest
`is not programmed to produce ICMP_Machine_Unreachable data
`packets then the nearest router address may be determined from the returning
`TTL-exceeded messagehaving the greatest TTL value.
`Referring now to Figure 7 there is depicted a flow chart of a computer
`program used to determine the address of the router nearest machine M.
`Initially at block 100 a burst of ICMP_Echo packets having TTL values over a
`range of, for example 3 to 20, are generated. The ICMP_Echo packets are
`WO 01/57696
`customised as previously explained by having the original TTL value embedded
`in the sequence numberportion of the packet.
`A timeout counter is set to zero and a variable "Nearest" is initialised. The
`Nearest variable is a data object having an integerfield for storing TTL values
`and a string field for storing router IP addresses. Atinitialisation both the string
`and integer components are set to nil. A second variable Reply is of the same
`type as Nearest. The reply variable is used for storing IP address and TTL
`values from each returned ICMP packet that is processed.
`Shortly after transmitting the burst of data packets response packets are
`returned over the network. The response packets are not in any particular order
`however they all contain embedded initial TTL values from the originating
`ICMP_Echo packet burst. At box 102 a response packet is read and its type
`ICMP_Machine_Unreachable. The embedded TTL value and the address of
`the router which originated the response packet are also extracted and are
`stored in the Reply variable. At box 104 a check is made to determine whether
`or not the time limit for determination of the nearest router has been reached.
`In the event that the time limit has not been reached then control branches to
`decision box 106. The time limit
`is necessary as under some network fault
`conditions very few or no packets may be received.
`In that case it
`undesirable that the method waits indefinitely for packets to process.
`If the response packet is determined to be an ICMP_EchoReply type
`then it must be the case that M is reachable and has generated the response
`packet. As discussed in relation to Figure 5 the ICMP_EchoReply packet with
`the lowest embedded TTL value will have an embedded value of TTL=k+1
`where k is the numberof routers in the path.
`If the response packet is an
`ICMP_EchoReply packet then control branches to box 108. The variable
`LowestTtlEchoReply stores the lowest embedded TTL value retrieved from
`response packets of
`the ICMP_EchoReply type. LowestTtlEchoReply is
`updated at box 110 if the TTL value stored in Reply,
`is less than the value
`presently stored in LowestTtlEchoReply. Control then diverts to box 118 where
`a check is undertaken to determine if the TTL value stored in the Nearest
`WO 01/57696
`variable, which should be k is equal to the TTL value in LowestTtlEchoReply
`(which should be k+1) minus 1.
`If that condition is met then the procedure terminates with the address of the
`router nearest machine M being stored in the data string component of the
`Nearest variable.
`it may be that at box 106 it is found that the response packet being
`processed is not an ICMP_EchoReply type. In that case it is inferred that the
`response packet originated at a router.
`If the address of the router is not the
`same as the address stored in Nearest then control diverts to box 114. Atthis
`point it is known that the response packet originated at a router on the path
`between H and M butit is not known howfar along the path from H to M the
`router is located.
`If the TTL value that was retrieved from the response packet
`is greater than the value presently stored in Nearest then it must be the case
`that the current response packetoriginated further along the path than any of
`the previous ones which originated at routers.
`In that case control branches to
`box 116 and Nearest takes the TTL value and IP address of the current
`response packet, which are stored in Reply. Control then flows to box 118,
`which performs a check as previously explained.
`If at box 112 it is found that the IP address stored in Nearestis equal to
`the IP address stored in Reply then it must be the case that at least two
`messages have originated from a router having the IP address in question. The
`only circumstance under which sucha situation could have arisen is where the
`router nearest M has generated a numberof ICMP_Machine_Unreachable type
`messages. As explained with reference to Figure 6, only the router nearest to
`M may generate multiple messages in the event
`that M is unreachable.
`Consequently if the condition at box 112 returns true then it
`is immediately
`known that the IP address stored in Nearest is the desired address and control
`diverts directly to box 120 which flags the successful completion of the process.
`lt may be that at box 104 the timeout for the overall process is reached,
`in that event if Nearest stores an IP address then that address is taken to
`identify the nearest router to M and theprocessdiverts at box 120.
`WO 01/57696
`Alternatively if Nearest does not store an IP address then the process
`terminates unsuccessfully at box 122.
`Although the method of Figure 7 returns the IP address of the nearest
`router to M it only provides information as to the IP address of the nearest
`router to M, and how manyrouters from H the nearest router to M is located if
`the process successfully terminates through box 118. Thatis, it is not known
`what the minimum TTL value of an ICMP_Echo message originating from H
`would be that would be capable of reaching the nearest router without timing
`out if the process terminates through box 112. The flow chart of Figure 8
`depicts a method which does determine the minimum TTL value associated
`with the nearest router. The methodology of the flowchart of Figure 8 is similar
`to that of Figure 7 with respect
`to handling of the timeout variable and
`ICMP_EchoReply_packets. Where it differs is in handling
`ICMP_MachineUnreachable messages and ICMP_TTL_Exceeded messages.
`At box 200 in the event that a repeat ICMP response messageis detected then
`it is known that the IP address of the router nearest to M has been found, as
`explained with reference to box 112 of Figure 7. Accordingly, a boolean
`variable FindNearestRouter is set to True at box 202. At box 204 if it is desired
`to determine the number of hops from M to the nearest router then control
`diverts to box 206 where the TTL value of the currently processed data packet
`is compared with the value held in the Nearest variable. It will be recalled that
`the lowest embedded TTL value of all
`the ICMP_Machine_Unreachable
`messages is equal to the number of hops from H to the nearest router to M.
`ICMP_Machine_Unreachable message. Control flows from box 208 to decision
`box 210 which specifies conditions for successful termination of the process.
`If at box 200 duplicate replies from the same router are not detected then
`control passes to box 214 which tests the address of the reply against the
`variable SecondNearest. SecondNearest serves two purposes,
`in this case
`being to detect a "ping-ponging" r