The Wayback Machine -
`Learn how NGINX Instance Manager can help you track, configure and monitor NGINX OSS instances.
`iINX Instance Manage
`Basic HTTP server features
`Other HTTP server features
`Mail proxy server features
`TCP/UDP proxy server features
`Architecture and scalability_
`Tested OS and platforms
`nginx [engine x] is an HTTP and reverse proxy server, a mail proxy
`server, and a generic TCP/UDP proxy server, originally written by Igor
`Sysoev. For a long time, it has been running on many heavily loaded
`Russian sites including Yandex, Mail.Ru, VK, and Rambler. According
`to Netcraft, nginx served or proxied 23.06% busiest sites in March
`2021. Here are some of the success stories: Dropbox, Netflix,
`, FastMail.FM.
`The sources and documentation are distributed under the 2-clause
`BSD-like license.
`Commercial support is available from Nginx, Inc.
`Basic HTTP server features
`• Serving static and index files, autoindexing; open file descriptor
`• Accelerated reverse proxying with caching; load balancing and
`fault tolerance;
`• Accelerated support with caching of FastCGl, uwsgi, SCGI, and
`memcached servers; load balancing and fault tolerance;
`• Modular architecture. Filters include gzipping, byte ranges,
`chunked responses, XSLT, SSI, and image transformation filter.
`Multiple SSI inclusions within a single page can be processed in
`parallel if they are handled by proxied or FastCGl/uwsgi/SCGI
`• SSL and TLS SNI support;
`• Support for HTTP/2 with weighted and dependency-based
`Other HTTP server features
`WIZ, Inc. EXHIBIT - 1016
`WIZ, Inc. v. Orca Security LTD.


`• Name-based and IP-based virtual servers;
`• Keep-alive and pipelined connections support;
`• Access log formats, buffered log writing, fast log rotation, and
`yslog logging;
`• 3xx-5xx error codes redirection;
`• The rewrite module: URI changing using regular expressions;
`• Executing different functions depending on the client address;
`• Access control based on client IP address, by password (HTTP
`Basic authentication) and by the result of subrequest;
`• Validation of HTTP referer;
`• The PUT, DELETE, MKCOL, COPY, and MOVE methods;
`• FLV and MP4 streaming;
`• Response rate limiting;
`• Limiting the number of simultaneous connections or requests
`coming from one address;
`• IP-based geolocation;
`• NB testing;
`• Request mirroring;
`• Embedded Perl;
`• njs scripting language.
`Mail proxy server features
`• User redirection to IMAP or POP3 server using an external HTTP
`authentication server;
`• User authentication using an external HTTP authentication server
`and connection redirection to an internal SMTP server;
`• Authentication methods:
`• SSL support;
`• STARTTLS and STLS support.
`TCP/UDP proxy server features
`• Generic proxying of TCP and UDP;
`• SSL and TLS SNI support for TCP;
`• Load balancing and fault tolerance;
`• Access control based on client address;
`• Executing different functions depending on the client address;


`• Limiting the number of simultaneous connections coming from
`one address;
`• Access log formats, buffered log writing, fast log rotation, and
`yslog logging;
`• IP-based geolocation;
`• NB testing;
`• njs scripting language.
`Architecture and scalability
`• One master and several worker processes; worker processes run
`under an unprivileged user;
`• Flexible configuration;
`• Reconfiguration and upgrade of an executable without
`interruption of the client servicing;
`• Support for kqueue (FreeBSD 4.1+), epoll (Linux 2.6+), /dev/poll
`(Solaris 7 11/99+), event ports (Solaris 10), select, and poll;
`• The support of
`the various kqueue
`temporarily disable events),
`NOTE LOWAT, EV_EOF, number of available data, error codes;
`• The support of various epoll features including EPOLLRDHUP
`(Linux 2.6.17+, glibc 2.8+) and EPOLLEXCLUSIVE (Linux 4.5+,
`glibc 2.24+);
`• sendfile (FreeBSD 3.1+, Linux 2.2+, macOS 10.5+), sendfile64
`(Linux 2.4.21+), and sendfilev (Solaris 8 7/01+) support;
`• File AIO (FreeBSD 4.3+, Linux 2.6.22+);
`• DIRECTIO (FreeBSD 4.4+, Linux 2.4+, Solaris 2.6+, macOS);
`• Accept-filters
`TCP DEFER_ACCEPT (Linux 2.4+) support;
`• 10,000 inactive HTTP keep-alive connections take about 2.5M
`• Data copy operations are kept to a minimum.
`Tested OS and platforms
`• FreeBSD 3 - 12 / i386; FreeBSD 5 - 12 / amd64; FreeBSD 11 /
`ppc; FreeBSD 12 / ppc64;
`• Linux 2.2 — 4 / i386; Linux 2.6 — 5 / amd64; Linux 3 — 4 /
`armv6I, armv7I, aarch64, ppc641e;
`• Solaris 9 / i386, sun4u; Solaris 10 / i386, amd64, sun4v; Solaris
`11 /x86;
`• AIX 7.1 / powerpc;
`• HP-UX 11.31 / ia64;


`• macOS / ppc, i386, x86_64;
`• Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows 7, Windows 10.

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