`( 12 ) United States Patent
`(12) United States Patent
`Kapoor et al .
`Kapoor et al.
`( 10 ) Patent No .: US 10,498,845 B1
`(10) Patent No.: US 10,498,845 B1
`Dec. 3 , 2019
`( 45 ) Date of Patent :
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Dec. 3, 2019
`( 72 )
`( * ) Notice :
`( 71 ) Applicant : Lacework Inc. , Mountain View , CA
`Applicant: Lacework Inc., Mountain View, CA
`( US )
`Inventors : Vikram Kapoor , Cupertino , CA ( US ) ;
`Inventors: Vikram Kapoor, Cupertino, CA (US);
`Rakesh Sachdeva , Santa Clara , CA
`Rakesh Sachdeva, Santa Clara, CA
`( US ) ; Samuel Joseph Pullara , III , Los
`(US); Samuel Joseph Pullara, III, Los
`Altos , CA ( US )
`Altos, CA (US)
`( 73 ) Assignee : Lacework Inc. , Mountain View , CA
`Assignee: Lacework Inc., Mountain View, CA
`( US )
`Subject to any disclaimer , the term of this
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154 ( b ) by 0 days .
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`( 21 ) Appl . No .: 16 / 134,836
`Appl. No.: 16/134,836
`Sep. 18 , 2018
`( 22 ) Filed :
`(22) Filed:
`Sep. 18, 2018
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Related U.S. Application Data
`( 60 ) Provisional application No. 62 / 590,986 , filed on Nov.
`(60) Provisional application No. 62/590,986, filed on Nov.
`27 , 2017 , provisional application No. 62 / 650,971 ,
`27, 2017, provisional application No. 62/650,971,
`filed on Mar. 30 , 2018 .
`filed on Mar. 30, 2018.
`Int . Ci .
`( 51 )
`(51) Int. Cl.
`H04L 29/08
`HO4L 29/08
`GO6F 9/54
`GO6F 9/54
`G06F 9/455
`GO6F 9/455
`H04L 29/06
`HO4L 29/06
`G06F 16/901
`GO6F 16/901
`GOOF 16/9038
`GO6F 16/9038
`GOOF 16/9537
`GO6F 16/9537
`( 52 ) U.S. CI .
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`( 2006.01 )
`( 2006.01 )
`( 2018.01 )
`( 2006.01 )
`( 2019.01 )
`( 2019.01 )
`( 2019.01 )
`H04L 67/22 ( 2013.01 ) ; G06F 9/455
` HO4L 67/22 (2013.01); GO6F 9/455
`( 2013.01 ) ; G06F 9/545 ( 2013.01 ) ; G06F
`(2013.01); GO6F 9/545 (2013.01); GO6F
`16/9024 ( 2019.01 ) ; G06F 16/9038 ( 2019.01 ) ;
`16/9024 (2019.01); GO6F 16/9038 (2019.01);
`G06F 16/9537 ( 2019.01 ) ; H04L 63/1425
`GO6F 16/9537 (2019.01); HO4L 63/1425
`( 2013.01 )
`( 56 )
`HO4L 67/1002
`H04L 67/1002
`G06F 21/552
`G06F 21/552
`( 58 )
`Field of Classification Search
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`CPC . H04L 67/22 ; H04L 63/1425 ; GOOF 16/9038 ;
`CPC . H04L 67/22; H04L 63/1425; G06F 16/9038;
`G06F 16/9537 ; G06F 16/9024 ; G06F
`G06F 16/9537; G06F 16/9024; G06F
`9/455 ; G06F 9/545
`9/455; G06F 9/545
`See application file for complete search history .
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`References Cited
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`Primary Examiner — Mohamed A. Wasel
`Primary Examiner — Mohamed A. Wasel
`( 74 ) Attorney , Agent , or Firm
`Van Pelt , Yi & James
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Van Pelt, Yi & James
`( 57 )
`An agent executes in user space on a machine and monitors
`An agent executes in user space on a machine and monitors
`for network connections . In response to detecting an initia
`for network connections. In response to detecting an initia-
`tion of a network connection , data associated with a process
`tion of a network connection, data associated with a process
`associated with the network connection is collected , e.g. , by
`associated with the network connection is collected, e.g., by
`the agent . At least a portion of the collected process data is
`the agent. At least a portion of the collected process data is
`reported to an external node . The reported information is
`reported to an external node. The reported information is
`used to detect anomalies in a network environment .
`used to detect anomalies in a network environment.
`42 Claims , 63 Drawing Sheets
`42 Claims, 63 Drawing Sheets
`Receive data associated with activities occurring within
`Receive data associated with activities occurring within
`a network environment .
`a network environment.
`ir 1802
`Generate a logical graph model using at least a portion
`Generate a logical graph model using at least a portion
`of the activities .
`of the activities.
`Detect an anomaly using the logical graph .
`Detect an anomaly using the logical graph.
`Generate an alert based on detecting the anomaly .
`Generate an alert based on detecting the anomaly.
` F3-1808
`WIZ, Inc. EXHIBIT - 1111
`WIZ, Inc. v. Orca Security LTD.
`( 56 )
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`U.S. Patent
`lualud °S11
`Dec. 3 , 2019
`Sheet 1 of 63
`£9 JO I WIN
`US 10,498,845 B1
`Ill S178'8617'01 Sf1
`Qs JobServer
`Web Ap
`Web App
`Query Service
`Query Service
`Alert Notifier
`GBM Runner
`DATABASE ( e.g. , SnowflakeDB )
`FIG . 1
`Ag r
`Data Aggregator
`Data Aggregator
`Threat Aggr
`EAS -148 150
`SSH Tracker
`AWS Cloud Trail Analyzer
`148 5
`A S
`Graph Gen
`FIG. 1
`DATABASE (e.g., SnowflakeDB)
`142 142
`DB Loader
`DB Loader
`S3 Loader
`S3 Loader
` 1
`Load Balancer
`Load Balancer
`Data Aggregator
`Data Aggregator
`Agent An
`Agent Az
`Agent AL
`Agent ALli
`[132 _
` 5-134
`152 152
`Agent Service
`Agent Service
`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 3 , 2019
`Dec. 3, 2019
`Sheet 2 of 63
`Sheet 2 of 63
`US 10,498,845 B1
`US 10,498,845 B1
`Receive packet .
`Receive packet.
`Get connection information associated with packet .
`Get connection information associated with packet.
`Determine process associated with connection .
`Determine process associated with connection.
`Determine information about process ( e.g. , parents ,
`Determine information about process (e.g., parents,
`binary , user ) .
`binary, user).
`Transmit information .
`Transmit information.
`FIG . 2
`FIG. 2
`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 3 , 2019
`Dec. 3, 2019
`Sheet 3 of 63
`Sheet 3 of 63
`US 10,498,845 B1
`US 10,498,845 B1
`300 -Th‘
`" event " .
`"event": {
`" created time " : 1501626889179
`"created___time": 1501_626889179,
`" type " : " ProcessData " ,
`"type": "ProcessData",
`" data " :
`"data": f
`" net.lacework.model.agent . ProcessData " : {
`" pid " : 26191 ,
`"pid": 26191,
`" pid_hash " : 7372148259205580000 ,
`"pid hash": 7372148259205580000,
`" start_time " : 1501515701990 ,
`"start time": 1501515701990,
`" uid " : 0 ,
`"uid" 0,
`" euid " : 0 ,
`"euid": 0,
`" username " : {
`" string " : " root "
`"string": "root"
`} ,
`" ppid " : 1336 ,
`"ppid": 1336,
`" ppid_hash " : {
`"ppid hash": (
`" long " : 376175681985733950
`"long": 376175681985733950
`" pgid " : 26191 ,
`"pgid": 26191,
`" pgid_hash " : {
`314-1,...:pgid hash": {
`" long " : 7372148259205580000
`"long": 7372148259205580000
`} ,
`" sid " : 1336 ,
`"Sid": 1336,
`316-:sid hash": {
`" sid_hash " : {
`" long " : 376175681985733950
`"long": 376175681985733950
`318 320
`" tty " : " O " ,
`• "0",
`" cmdline_hash " : " 1fe756721a2Oddec981aa953bce34cla " ,
`"cm Wine hash": "lfe756721a2Oddee981aa953bee34ela",
`" exe_path " : {
`' string " : " / usr / bin / containerd - shim "
`"string": "iusr/binlcontainerd-shim"
`" eusername " : {
`324—L :eusername":
`" string " : " root "
`"string": "root"
`" container id " : null
`. null
`FIG . 3A
`FIG. 3A
`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 3 , 2019
`Dec. 3, 2019
`Sheet 4 of 63
`Sheet 4 of 63
`US 10,498,845 B1
`US 10,498,845 B1
`350 -Th‘
`" event " : {
`!' event":
`" created time " : 1501626889179 ,
`"created time": 1501626889179,
`" type " : " ProcessStatsData " ,
`"type": "ProcessStatsData",
`" data " : {
`"data": I
`" net.lacework.model.agent.ProcessStatsData " : {
`" pid hash " : 7372148259205580000 ,
`356_) ---"pid.___hash": 7372148259205580000,
`" threads " : 10 .
`358_; ----"threads": 10,
`" vsize " : 221245440 ,
`360—t"-- "vsize": 221245440,
`" rsize " : 1296 ,
`"rsize": 1296,
`" utime " : 839 ,
`"utime": 839,
`" stime " : 2852
`"slime": 28.52
`FIG . 3B
`FIG. 3B
`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 3 , 2019
`Dec. 3, 2019
`Sheet 5 of 63
`Sheet 5 of 63
`US 10,498,845 B1
`US 10,498,845 B1
`" outgoing " : {
`"outgoing": (
`" net.lacework.model.agent . UniDirectionData " : {
`"net.lacework.model.agent.UniDirectionData": {
`" bytes " : 7524648 ,
`"bytes": 7524648,
`" compress ratio " : 0 ,
`"compress_ratio": 0,
`" compress_samples " : 0 ,
`"compress_samp1es": 0,
`" packet_len_hist " : {
`" net.lacework.model.agent . Histogram " : {
`" count " : 471 ,
`"count": 471,
`" sum " : 7524648 ,
`"sum": 7524648,
`" max " . 31856 ,
`"max": 31856,
`" std dev " : 0 ,
`"std_dev": 0,
`" buckets " : null
`"buckets": null
`} ,
`" session len hist " : {
`" net.lacework , model agent . Histogram " : {
`" count " : 4 ,
`"count": 4,
`" sum " : 7524648 ,
`"sum": 7524648,
`" max " : 2532151 ,
`"max": 2532151,
`" std_dev " : 0 ,
`"std_dev": 0,
`" buckets " : null
`"buckets": null
`" session_time_hist " : {
`" net.lacework.model.agent . Histogram " : {
`" count " : 4 ,
`"count": 4,
`" sum " : 152452
`"sum": 152452,
`" max " : 52039 ,
`"max": 52039,
`" std_dev " : 0 ,
`"std_dev": 0,
`" buckets " : null
`"buckets": null
`} ,
`" session_switch_time_hist " : {
`"session_switch_time_hi st": {
`" net.lacework.model.agent . Histogram " : {
`" count " : 3 ,
`"count": 3,
`" sum " : 544171 ,
`"sum": 544171,
`" max " : 223693 ,
`"max": 223693,
`" std dev " : 0 ,
`"std_dev": 0,
`" buckets " : null
`"buckets": null
`" incoming " : {
`"incoming": {
`" net.lacework.model.agent . UniDirection Data " : {
`"net.lacework.model.agent.UniDirectionData": {
`" bytes " : 1041 ,
`"bytes": 1041,
`" compress_ratio " : 0 ,
`"compress_ratio": 0,
`" compress_samples " : 0 ,
`"compress_samples": 0,
`" packet_len_hist " : {
`" net.lacework.model.agent . Histogram " : {
`"net.lacework.model.agent.Histogram": {
`" count " : 6 ,
`"count": 6,
`" sum " : 1041 ,
`"sum": 1041,
`" max " : 298 ,
`"max": 298,
`" std_der " : 0 ,
`"std_dev": 0,
`" buckets " : null
`"buckets": null
`} ,
`" session_len_hist " : {
`" net.lacework , model.agent.Histogram " : {
`"net.lacework.model.agent.Histogram": {
`" count " : 3 ,
`"count": 3,
`" sum " : 1041 ,
`"sum": 1041,
`" max " : 347 ,
`"max": 347,
`" std dev " : 0 ,
`"std_dev": 0,
`" buckets " : null
`"buckets": null
`" session time hist " : {
`"session_time_hist": {
`" net.lacework.model.agent . Histogram " : {
`"net.lacework.model.agent.Histogram": {
`" count " : 3 ,
`"count": 3,
`" sum " : 87 ,
`"sum": 87,
`" max " : 43 ,
`"max": 43,
`" std dev " : 0 ,
`"std_dev": 0,
`" buckets " : null
`"buckets": null
`} ,
`" session_switch_time_hist " : {
`" net.lacework.model.agent . Histogram " : {
`"net.lacework.model.agent.Histogram": {
`" count " : 3 ,
`"count": 3,
`" sum " : 1750190 ,
`"sum": 1750190,
`" max " : 1180754 ,
`"max": 1180754,
`" std dev " : 0 ,
`"std_dev": 0,
`" buckets " : null
`"buckets": null
`} ,
`FIG . 3C
`FIG. 3C
`FIG . 3D
`FIG. 3D
`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 3 , 2019
`Dec. 3, 2019
`Sheet 6 of 63
`Sheet 6 of 63
`US 10,498,845 B1
`US 10,498,845 B1
`/ VM2
`4107 4127
`4067 4087
`4063 4083
`4103 4123
` , 24256 , , 45167 , TCP
`, 24256,, 45167, TCP
`( Apache )
` <
`( Oracle )
`CN 0
`FIG . 4
`FIG. 4
`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 3 , 2019
`Dec. 3, 2019
`Sheet 7 of 63
`Sheet 7 of 63
`US 10,498,845 B1
`US 10,498,845 B1
`506 -
`Connections : 7
`Connections: 7
`Sent : 10.5 KB
`Sent:10.5 KB
`Received : 29.3 KB
`Received: 29.3 KB
`Bandwidth : 11.0 B / sec
`Bandwidth: 11.0 B/sec
`508 TCP : 100 %
`TCP: 100%
`Update_engine ( 7 )
`Update_engine (7)
`/ Update.core-os.net
`FIG . 5
`FIG. 5
`US 10,498,845 B1
`Ill 07848617401 Sf1
`£9 Jo 8 laatis
`Sheet 8 of 63
`Dec. 3 , 2019
`U.S. Patent
`lualed *S*11
`Received: 1,7 GB
`Sent: 892.4 MB
`Members: 5
`Assodated FQDN(s):
`ype: s3.amazonaws.com
`stage.s3.amazonaws.com:443 , staging - collector - facework.s3
`west-2.amazonaws.com:443 , sfc - ds1 - customer - stage.s3 - us
`west-2.amazonaws.com:443 , sfc - ds1 - customer
`build - fr - lacework , s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com:443 , 53 - us
`Associated FQDN ( 5 )
`Type : $ 3.amazonaws.com
`2.arnagaws com
`nee s-
`amodb,us-we .amazonaws,com
`nce Jatadata
`istance Matadata
`monitoros test-Zamazonaws.com
`aceworklgraphgen (4
`docker hacework graphgen
`laceworkígbm - ¡ unner ( 3 )
`laceworkleventgen ( 2 )
`lacework / ell - history - loader
`FIG. 6
`acework / ssh - tracker
`lacework / s3 - loader ( 2 )
`seamazonaws.com ( 5 ) -
`azonaws.com (5)—
`Us-west-2.amazonaws.com:443 Members : 5 Sent : 892.4 MB
`Received : 1.7 GB
`hans Lavellore.com
`gof36 : ( 0 ) ( 5vc ( 3 )
`acework reporting
`lactvarklapobserv• 2
`lacework aspobserver
`clients (10)
`Internel IP
`Internet P
`clients ( 10 )
`nginx (6)
`nginx ( 6 )
`Ps ( 510 )
`External IPs(7)
`Back External Ps77
`U.S. Patent
`lualud *S11
`Dec. 3 , 2019
`Sheet 9 of 63
`£9 JO 6 JaatiS
`US 10,498,845 B1
`IS C178'8617'01 Sfl
`- losjost,3212
`nos host.t16311;O
`dns.host - 28
`dns host 36 slack.com
`dns - host - 32
`dns host 43
`host 37 dns host 1840 708
`dna host 43
`dns host 205 ,
`221 0 dns_host_90
`dos_host 90
`dns_host 83
`dosahost 219
`dns host 220
`- 'dos host 83
`dos host 220 ‘o
``dos host 67
`c.t)—dris host_66
`ssh (16479)dos host'206
`ssh ( 16479 ) dns host 206
`dns host 66
`dns host 67
`dns host 44
`— \dos ho
`0 1 dnshast36 slackcom
`dos ho 178
`dnrhost_226 (2)
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`dB:31(2g 225
`dns host 225
`amazonaws.com:2 )
`d s'host 105
`dns host 105
`dns host 233
`dns3host 109
`-dns host_109
`dns ihost 235
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`dns host 237
`dna host 24
`exe_xe455(131).d s l'o?t 120/ Q
`ns4 0Q2 37
`dill o .125-
`OV dns host 24
`Ydns host125
`dns host 1201
`exe_45 ( 31 )
`exe - 514
`cl, host,28Lacemrknel
`dnsthöst = 163
`--Exe_68 ( 2 ) ,
`exe - 82 ( 14 )
`( SST
`p ooterrrt•61(951
`dns host 184\
`pythiterm 28
`dns host 178
`dns host 181
`term_55 )
`python.term 28
`python term 61/95 )
`'''').thon term
`exe,63 (10)
`Instance "M mists
`Instance Metadata . $ 10 : 200 : 2.54
`servers ( 837 ) -exe.29 exe - 63 ( 10 )
`83--exe :2_25
`Internal : P
`exe®14 , ( 350 )
`exe'15 ( 34)
`exe - 15 : ( 334 )
`FIG. 7
`FIG . 7
`exe 90
`exe57 (3)
`exe_57 ( 3 )
`----- -
`1 .2001:146;4219,
`10.200 : 1 : 145
`java termi 0 (1328
`java tem_10 ( 1328 )
`ajava : ( 2,5
`Java ternit,_53.(14)
`sjáva tem 53714 )
`-exe - 6 ( 1379 )
`exe16 (2)/ exejl1379)7": - — —
`ruby (66) exe 21 (151)
`j at m_ 6 (14)
`javaterm : 16 / 14 / exe 16
`exe_21 ( 151 )
`exe_26 ( 2 )
`ruby ( 66 )
`sshd ( 421 )
`exe_81 (13) exe_66 (1041 )java term 29 sshd (421)
`java term 29 ( 233 )
`exe_81 ( 13 ) exe_66 ( 1041 ) ;
`eze_9 (290)
`exe_23 (758253)
`exe_23 ( 758253 )
`dhclient (336)
`dhclient ( 336 )
`exe 67 (352)
`exe_67 ( 352 )
`External IPS ( 1349 )
`IPS (1349)
`Internal IP clients
`Intemal IP clients ( 198 )
`U.S. Patent
`lualud *S'il
`Dec. 3 , 2019
`Sheet 10 of 63
`1:9 Jo 01 1aatIS
`US 10,498,845 B1
`IR St78`86e0I Sil
`email us-west-2 arnazorlaws con:
`dynamodb.uwest-2.ffnazonaws com
`lacework / snowiake mgr
`acework / datacoilector ( 13 )
`mondoring.us-west2.amazonaws co r
`logs--01.iogg kcom
`sis . amazonaws.com
`api lacework.net
`a i.lacework net
`.QuorurtiF eerrdin
`quorum QuorumPeer Main
`acework / graphgen ( 3 ) acework / gbm ( 4 ) Wali
`09 AM 110 AM 11 AM
`07 AM 108 AM 09 AM 10 AM 11 AM
`08 AM
`stack.com ( 2 ) acework.snowflakecomputing.com
`stack.corn (2)
`s3 amazonaws.com (6)
`$ 3.amazonaws.com ( 6 )
`sqs.us-west-2 amazonaws.com
`804 sqs.us-west-2.amazonaws.com
`acework s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com
`le engine
`lacewor ! sos master ( 3 )
`lacework / usage - recorder
`acework / ssh - tracker
`laceworRnmesos-slave (8)
`ruby . uentd (2)
`ruby fluenid
`jSVC ( 3 ) lacework / mesos - slave
`sic (3)
`.. lace.worldqsjobserver(?
`Jacework / asjobserv
`206251235 89
`Graph Off
`Cg Graph Diff
`N- 814
`laoeworlgraphgen4k0..iaoeworlog m (4) wet
`gal3r ‘')
`lacework / gbm - runner- ( 3 )
` aceworkieventgerr(2:
`lacework / eveniger ( 2
`lacework / amazon - sm - gwy
`FIG. 8
`'04 AM 105 AM i06 AM i07 AM
`105 AM 06 AM
`'03 AM
`.02 AM
`12 AM 01 AM 02 AM 03 AM 04 AM
`wave₹ronthq!cadviscv (13)
`wavefronthq / cadvisor ( 13 )
`.01 AM
`Mon 5 June
`12 AM
`8- COE)
`Mon 5 June
`roots applications ( 3 )
`lacówork / query - service
`story lcader
`laceworkispaA-master (3)
`lacework / spark - master ( 3 )
`python marathon_lb ( 10 )
`python marathon lb (10)
`systemd -nehvorkd (13)
`systemd -networkd ( 13 )
`lacework / et
`lace crld
`laceworlds3-loader (2)
`acework / s3 - loader ( 2 )
`systemd ( 2 )
`systernd (2)
`lacework / db - loader
`s hd (9)
`sshd ( 9 )
`laceworkkollecid (13)
`Internal - IP clients ( 6 ) -lacework / collectd ( 13 ) haproxy ( 10 )
`nginx (6)
`nginx ( 6 )
`lacework / agentsiv ( 2 )
`etcdctl (3)
`etcdctl ( 3 )
`lacework / auth - server
`locksmithal (3
`locksmithct ( 3 )
`ntpd (13)
`nipd ( 13 )
`10.60 3.2.39
`acework / rainbow ( 2 )
`laceworldrainbow (2)
`External los (612)
`External Ips ( 612 )
`,-.., \ ..)(-.
`Instance Metadatas
`lacework / marathon ( 3 ) .
`tod2*(13 lacemrklairkw laceworlUmarathon (3'
`lacework / marathon - slack " acework alert - notification - mor
`lacework / ainilo
`Etcd2 ( 13 )
`Insider Behavior
`Application Launch
`Application Communication
`U.S. Patent
`lualud °S11
`Dec. 3 , 2019
`Sheet 11 of 63
`£9 JO H WIN
`US 10,498,845 B1
`Ill S178'8617'01 Sf1
`106 AM 07 AM 08 AM 09AM 11 AM 111 AM
`11 AM
`107 AM 108 AM 09 AM 10 AM
`3.amazonaws.com (2)
`$ 3.amazonaws.com ( 2 )
`cli (2
`lucli ( 2 )
`java.quorum QuorümPeerMain-- bizild - fr - lace work.S3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com
`laceworklam on,s ;gw
`lacework / amazon : Sm gwy
`lacework / red *
`laceworkgraphgen ( 3 ) clacéwork / query - service ( 2 )
`lacework / event?en ( 3 )
`Instance Metadata
`porno s
`Graph Diff
`E. Graph Diff
`pr n-graphgen-laceworKsks-west-2,amazonaws.com
`" prodn-graphgen-lacework.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com
`81810 }
`906 908
`lacework snowflakecomputing.com
`904 -Ns.".-:---=";
`908 —'
`906-f ,-53)
`slackcom (2)
`slack.com ( 2 )
`sfcds.1 - customer - stage s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com
`920 922
`gof3i laceworkialert-notification-mgr
`lacework / alert - notification - mgr instance Metadata .
`iii ....
`lacework / airflow
`I ceworklagentri
`A lacework / agentsiv
`root's applications
`root's applications
`ban !
`Insider Behavior
`Application Launch
`Application Communication