`CVE List
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`CVE-2018-1312 Learn more at National Vulnerability Database (NVD).
`• CVSS Severity Rating • Fix Information • Vulnerable Software
`Versions • SCAP Mappings • CPE Information
`In Apache httpd 2.2.0 to 2.4.29, when generating an HTTP Digest authentication challenge,
`the nonce sent to prevent reply attacks was not correctly generated using a pseudo-random
`seed. In a cluster of servers using a common Digest authentication configuration, HTTP
`requests could be replayed across servers by an attacker without detection.
`_.;iimi =Illi..=,
`Note: References are provided for the convenience of the reader to help distinguish between
`vulnerabilities. The list is not intended
`to be complete.
`• MLIST:[oss-security] 20180323 CVE-2018-1312: Weak Digest auth nonce generation in
`• URL:http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2018/03/24/7
`• MLIST:[debian-Its-announce] 20180530 [SECURITY] [DLA 1389-1] apache2 security
`• URL:https://lists.debian.org/debian-Its-announce/2018/05/msg00020.html
`• CONFIRM:https://httpd.apache.org/security/vulnerabilities 24.html
`• CONFIRM:https://security.netapp.com/advisory/ntap-20180601-0004/
`• DEBIAN:DSA-4164
`• URL:https://www.debian.org/security/2018/dsa-4164
`• REDHAT:RHSA-2018:3558
`• URL:https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2018:3558
`• UBUNTU:USN-3627-1
`• URL:https://usn.ubuntu.com/3627-1/
`• UBUNTU:USN-3627-2
`• URL:https://usn.ubuntu.com/3627-2/
`• BID:103524
`• URL:http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/103524
`• SECTRACK: 1040571
`• URL: http://www.securitytracker.com/id/1040571
`Apache Software Foundation
`WIZ, Inc. EXHIBIT - 1102
`, inc. v. vrca Jecuruy L i 1J.
`WIZ, Inc. EXHIBIT - 1102
`WIZ, Inc. v. Orca Security LTD.
`Disclaimer: The entry creation date may reflect when the CVE
`ID was allocated or reserved, and does not necessarily indicate
`when this vulnerability was discovered, shared with the affected
`vendor, publicly disclosed, or updated in CVE.
`de Entry Created
`%ACP f I canary'
`Assigned (20171207)
`--losed (Legacy)
`This is an entry on the CVE List, which provides common identifiers for publicly known cybersecurity
`using the CVE Reference Maps.
`You can also search by reference
`For More Information: cve@mitre.org.

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