`7/1/24, 8:59 AM
`CVE-2006-2923 : The iax_net_read function in the iaxclient open source library, as used in multiple products including (a) LoudHush ...
`7/1/24, 8:59 AM
`The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20140729171850/http://cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2006-2923/
`The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20140729171850/http://cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2006-2923/
`(e.g.: CVE-2009-1234 or 2010-1234 or 20101234)
`(e.g.: CVE-2009-1234 or 2010-1234 or 20101234)
`SI,: Custom 'Search
`COOSie Custom Search
`The iax_net_read function in the iaxclient open source library, as used in multiple products including (a) LoudHush
`The iax_net_read function in the iaxclient open source library, as used in multiple products including (a) LoudHush
`1.3.6, (b) IDE FISK 1.35 and earlier, (c) Kiax 0.8.5 and earlier, (d) DIAX, (e) Ziaxphone, (f) IAX Phone, (g) X-lite,
`1.3.6, (b) IDE FISK 1.35 and earlier, (c) Kiax 0.8.5 and earlier, (d) DIAX, (e) Ziaxphone, (f) IAX Phone, (g) X-lite,
`(h) MediaX, (i) Extreme Networks ePhone, and (j) iaxComm before 1.2.0, allows remote attackers to execute
`(h) MediaX, (i) Extreme Networks ePhone, and (j) iaxComm before 1.2.0, allows remote attackers to execute
`arbitrary code via crafted IAX 2 (IAX2) packets with truncated (1) full frames or (2) mini-frames, which are
`arbitrary code via crafted IAX 2 (IAX2) packets with truncated (1) full frames or (2) mini-frames, which are
`detected in a length check but still processed, leading to buffer overflows related to negative length values.
`detected in a length check but still processed, leading to buffer overflows related to negative length values.
`Publish Date : 2006-06-09 Last Update Date : 2011-03-28
`Publish Date : 2006-06-09 Last Update Date : 2011-03-28
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`Partial (There is considerable informational disclosure.)
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`Partial (Modification of some system files or information is possible, but the attacker does not
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`have control over what can be modified, or the scope of what the attacker can affect is
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`None (There is no impact to the availability of the system.)
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`Low (Specialized access conditions or extenuating circumstances do not exist. Very little
`knowledge or skill is required to exploit. )
`knowledge or skill is required to exploit. )
`Not required (Authentication is not required to exploit the vulnerability.)
`Not required (Authentication is not required to exploit the vulnerability.)
`Execute Code Overflow
`Execute Code Overflow
`- Products Affected By CVE-2006-2923
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`(e.g.: CVE-2009-1234 or
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`— Products Affected By CVE-2006-2923
`# Product Type
`# Product Type
`1 Application
`1 Application
`Version Update Edition Language
`Product Version Update Edition Language
`Loudhush Loudhush 1.3.6
`Loudhush Loudhush 1.3.6
`- Number Of Affected Versions By Product
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`Vulnerable Versions
`Loud hush
`Loud hush
`- References For CVE-2006-2923
`- References For CVE-2006-2923
`http://iaxclient.sourceforge.net/iaxcomm/ CONFIRM
`http://iaxclient.sourceforge.net/iaxcomm/ CONFIRM
`SECUNIA 20560
`SECUNIA 20560
`SECUNIA 20567
`SECUNIA 20567
`SECUNIA 20623
`SECUNIA 20623
`SECUNIA 20900
`SECUNIA 20900
`http://sourceforge.net/project/shownotes.php?release_id=423099&group_id=131960 CONFIRM
`roject/shownotes.php?release id=423099&group id= 131960 CONFIRM
`WIZ, Inc. EXHIBIT - 1090
`WIZ, Inc. v. Orca Security LTD.
`WIZ, Inc. EXHIBIT - 1090
`WIZ, Inc. v. Orca Security LTD.
`7/1/24, 8:59 AM
`7/1/24, 8:59 AM
`CVE-2006-2923 : The iax_net_read function in the iaxclient open source library, as used in multiple products including (a) LoudHush …
`CVE-2006-2923 : The iax_net_read function in the iaxclient open source library, as used in multiple products including (a) LoudHush
` Isa-200606-30.xml
`GENTOO GLSA-200606-30
`GENTOO GLSA-200606-30
`http://www.vupen.com/eng lish/advisories/2006/2286
`VUPEN ADV-2006-2286
`VUPEN ADV-2006-2286
`http://www.vupen.com english/advisories/2006/2285
`VUPEN ADV-2006-2285
`VUPEN ADV-2006-2285
`http://www.vupen.com english/advisories/2006/2284
`VUPEN ADV-2006-2284
`VUPEN ADV-2006-2284
`http://www.vupen.com english/advisories/2006/2180
`VUPEN ADV-2006-2180
`VUPEN ADV-2006-2180
`BUGTRAQ 20060609 CORE-2006-0327: IAXclient truncated frames vulnerabilities
`BUGTRAQ 20060609 CORE-2006-0327: IAXclient truncated frames vulnerabilities
`http://www.loudhush.ro/changelog.txt CONFIRM
`http://www.loudhush.ro/changelog.txt CONFIRM
`http ://xforce. iss. net/xforce/xfd b/27047
`XF iaxclient-truncated-frame-bo(27047)
`XF iaxclient-truncated-frame-bo(27047)
`SECUNIA 20466
`SECUNIA 20466
`BID 18307 IAXClient Multiple Truncated IAX Frames Remote Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities Release Date:2006-06-30
`BID 18307 IAXClient Multiple Truncated IAX Frames Remote Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities Re/ease Date:2006-06-30
`- Metasploit Modules Related To CVE-2006-2923
`— Metasploit Modules Related To CVE-2006-2923
`There are not any metasploit modules related to this vulnerability (Please visit www.metasploit.com for more information)
`There are not any metasploit modules related to this vulnerability (Please visit www.metasploit.com for more information)
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`How does it work? Known limitations & technical details User agreement disclaimer and privacy statement About & Contact Feedback
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`CVE is a registred trademark of the MITRE Corporation and the authoritative source of CVE content is MITRE's CVE web site. CWE is a registred trademark of the MITRE Corporation and the
`authoritative source of CWE content is MITRE's CWE web site. OVAL is a registered trademark of The MITRE Corporation and the authoritative source of OVAL content is MITRE's OVAL web site.
`authoritative source of CWE content is MITRE's CWE web site. OVAL is a registered trademark of The MITRE Corporation and the authoritative source of OVAL content is MITRE's OVAL web site.
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