`US 20190379700A1
`( 19 ) United States
`(19) United States
`( 12 ) Patent Application Publication ( 10 ) Pub . No .: US 2019/0379700 A1
`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2019/0379700 Al
`( 43 ) Pub . Date :
`Dec. 12 , 2019
`Canzanese , JR . et al .
`Dec. 12, 2019
`Canzanese, JR. et al.
`(43) Pub. Date:
`( 71 ) Applicant : Netskope , Inc. , Santa Clara , CA ( US )
`(71) Applicant: Netskope, Inc., Santa Clara, CA (US)
`( 72 ) Inventors : Raymond Joseph Canzanese , JR . ,
`Inventors: Raymond Joseph Canzanese, JR.,
`Philadelphia , PA ( US ) ; Joshua David
`Philadelphia, PA (US); Joshua David
`Batson , Sunnyvale , CA ( US )
`Batson, Sunnyvale, CA (US)
`( 73 ) Assignee : Netskope , Inc. , Santa Clara , CA ( US )
`(73) Assignee: Netskope, Inc., Santa Clara, CA (US)
`( 21 ) Appl . No .: 16 / 361,023
`(21) Appl. No.: 16/361,023
`( 22 ) Filed :
`Mar. 21 , 2019
`(22) Filed:
`Mar. 21, 2019
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Related U.S. Application Data
`( 60 ) Provisional application No. 62 / 683,795 , filed on Jun .
`(60) Provisional application No. 62/683,795, filed on Jun.
`12 , 2018 .
`12, 2018.
`Publication Classification
`Publication Classification
`( 51 ) Int . Ci .
`Int. Cl.
`H04L 29/06
`H04L 29/06
`G06F 16/901
`G06F 16/901
`G06F 16/906
`G06F 16/906
`( 2006.01 )
`( 2006.01 )
`( 2006.01 )
`( 52 ) U.S. CI .
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`H04L 63/20 ( 2013.01 ) ; G06F 16/906
` H04L 63/20 (2013.01); G06F 16/906
`( 2019.01 ) ; G06F 16/9024 ( 2019.01 )
`(2019.01); G06F 16/9024 (2019.01)
`( 57 )
`The technology disclosed includes a system to group secu
`The technology disclosed includes a system to group secu-
`rity alerts generated in a computer network and prioritize
`rity alerts generated in a computer network and prioritize
`grouped security alerts for analysis . The system includes
`grouped security alerts for analysis. The system includes
`graphing entities in the computer network as entities con
`graphing entities in the computer network as entities con-
`nected by one or more edges . Native scores for pending
`nected by one or more edges. Native scores for pending
`alerts are assigned to nodes or to edges between the nodes .
`alerts are assigned to nodes or to edges between the nodes.
`A connection type is assigned to each edge and weights are
`A connection type is assigned to each edge and weights are
`assigned to edges representing relationship strength between
`assigned to edges representing relationship strength between
`the nodes . The technology disclosed includes traversing the
`the nodes. The technology disclosed includes traversing the
`graph starting at starting nodes and propagating native
`graph starting at starting nodes and propagating native
`scores through and to neighboring nodes connected by the
`scores through and to neighboring nodes connected by the
`edges . Aggregate score for a visited node is calculated by
`edges. Aggregate score for a visited node is calculated by
`accumulating propagated scores at visited nodes with their
`accumulating propagated scores at visited nodes with their
`respective native scores . The technology disclosed forms
`respective native scores. The technology disclosed forms
`clusters of connected nodes in the graph that have a respec
`clusters of connected nodes in the graph that have a respec-
`tive aggregate score above a selected threshold . The clusters
`tive aggregate score above a selected threshold. The clusters
`are ranking and prioritized for analysis .
`are ranking and prioritized for analysis.
`Enterprise Network 111
`Enterprise Network 111
`User Endpoints 121
`User Endpoints 121
`Computers 131a - n
`Computers 3 la-n
`Tablets 141a - n
`Tablets 141a-n
`Cell Phones 151a - n
`Cell Phones 151a-n
`Servers 161a - m
`Servers 161a-m
`Internet - Based Services 117
`Internet-Based Services 117
`Internet - Based
`Hosting Service
`Hosting Service
`Web Service
`Web Service
`Cloud - Based
`Storage Service
`Storage Service
`Network ( s )
`Security Log Data
`Security Log Data
`Alert Prioritization Engine
`Alert Prioritization Engine
`WIZ, Inc. EXHIBIT - 1045
`WIZ, Inc. v. Orca Security LTD.
`WIZ, Inc. EXHIBIT - 1045
`WIZ, Inc. v. Orca Security LTD.
`Patent Application Publication
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 12 , 2019 Sheet 1 of 17
`LI Jo I loollS 610Z `ZI 'aaa
`US 2019/0379700 A1
`IV 00L6L£0/6I0Z SR
`Storage Service
`Cloud - Based Storage
`Service 139
`Internet-Based Services 117
`Internet - Based
`Services 11
`Web Service
`Service 137
`Hosting Service
`Internet - Based Hosting
`Service 136
`111 User
`Endpoints 121
`User Endpoints 121
`Enterprise Network 111
`Engine 158
`Alert Prioritization Engine
`Computers 131a-n
`131a - n Tablets
`141a - n
`Tablets 141a-n
`Network ( s )
`Data 175
`Security Log Data
`FIG. 1
`FIG . 1
`Cell Phones 151a-n
`151a - n
`Servers 161a-m
`161a - m
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 12 , 2019 Sheet 2 of 17
`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2019 Sheet 2 of 17
`US 2019/0379700 A1
`US 2019/0379700 Al
`Alert Prioritization Engine 158
`Alert Prioritization Engine 158
`Graph Generator 225
`Graph Generator 225
`Graph Traverser 235
`Graph Traverser 235
`Alert Score Propagator 245
`Alert Score Propagator 245
`Cluster Formation Engine 255
`Cluster Formation Engine 255
`Alert Cluster Ranker 265
`Alert Cluster Ranker 265
`FIG . 2
`FIG. 2
`Patent Application Publication
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 12 , 2019 Sheet 3 of 17
`LI JO £ loollS 610Z `ZI 'aaa
`US 2019/0379700 A1
`IV 00L6L£0/6I0Z SR
`Database 1
`Score =
`Score = 0
`Database 2
`. :
`33 Score = 100
`Score = 100
`Example 1 : Native
`Example 1: Native Scores
`Score = 0
`Score = 0
`Score = 0
`Different Edge Types
`User 100
`Score =
`Score = 0
`Score = 0
`FIG. 3
`FIG . 3
`Score = 0
`Score = 0
`7 ***
`X Score = 100
`Score = 100
`Wgm(s) = 1.0
`Wgm ( s )
`Wgm ( b ) = 0.9
`wgm(b) = 0 9
`Patent Application Publication
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 12 , 2019 Sheet 4 of 17
`LI JO 17 loollS 610Z `ZI 'aaa
`US 2019/0379700 A1
`IV 00L6L£0/6I0Z SR
`Database 1
`Score =
`Score = 0
`Database 2
`Score = 0
`Score = 0
`Node IP
`Propagated Scores from Node IP
`2nd Iteration
`Score = 0.105
`Score = 0.105
`( '
`IP .1.1.1
`Score =
`Score = 0
`Different Edge Types
`Score = 34.482
`Score = 34.482
`2 Score = 100
`Score = 100
`User 100
`IS` Iteration
`15 Iteration
`Score =
`Score = 0
`Score = 0
`FIG. 4A
`FIG . 4A
`Wgm ( s ) = 1.0
`Wgm(s) = 1.0
` = 0.9
`Wgm ( b ) = 0.9
`Patent Application Publication
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 12 , 2019 Sheet 5 of 17
`LI Jo S loollS 610Z `ZI 'aoa
`US 2019/0379700 A1
`IV 00L6L£0/6I0Z SR
`Database ??
`Score =
`Score = 0
`Database 2
`\ Database
`Score = 0
`Score = 0
`3rd Iteration
`Score = 0.032
`Score = 0.032
`User 100
`Score =
`Score = 0
`FIG. 4B
`FIG . 4B
`Propagated Scores from Node IP
`Node IP
`3rd Iteration
`3 Iteration
`2nd Iteration
`Score = 0.036
`Score = 0.036
`Score = 0.105
`Score = 0.105
`X Score = 100
`Score = 100
`Score = 34.482
`Score = 34.482
`• •
`1st Iteration
`1 Iteration
`Wgm ( s ) = 1.0
`= 1.0
`Wgm ( b ) = 0.9
`(b) = 0 9
`Patent Application Publication
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 12 , 2019 Sheet 6 of 17
`LI JO 9 loollS 610Z `ZI 'aaa
`US 2019/0379700 A1
`IV 00L6L£0/6I0Z SR
`Score = 0.011
`Score = 0.011
`Database 1
`4th Iteration
`Node IP
`Propagated Scores from Node IP
`3rd Iteration
`3rd Iteration
`2nd Iteration
`Score = 0.036
`Score = 0.036
`Score = 0.10
`Score = 0.105
`* ***
`Database 2
`4th Iteration Score = 0.011
`Score = 0.011
`3rd Iteration
`...\ Score = 0.032
`3 Iteration
`Score = 0.032
`User 100
`Iteration Score = 0.011
`4- Iteration
`Score = 0.011
` 11
`FIG. 4C
`FIG . 4C
`3 Score = 100
`Score = 100
`1st Iteration
`1 Iteration
`Wgm ( s ) = 1.0
`Wgm(s) = 1.0
` = 0.9
`= 0.9
`Wgm ( b )
`Score = 34.482
`Score = 34.482
`• •
`Patent Application Publication
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 12 , 2019 Sheet 7 of 17
`LI Jo L loollS 610Z `ZI •aoa
`US 2019/0379700 A1
`IV 00L6L£0/6I0Z SR
`Score = 4.815
`Score = 4.815
`Propagated Scores from Node Database 2
`2nd Iteration
`21'd Iteration
`Score = 5.351c —
`Score = 5.351
`Score = 15.517 •
`Score = 15.517
`Different Edge Types
`User 100
`Score = 0
`Score = 0
`Database 2
`** 4
`Score = 100
`Score = 100
`1st Iteration
`15 Iteration
`Score =
`Score = 0
`Score = 0
`FIG. 5A
`FIG . 5A
`Score =0 0
`Score = 0
`Wgm ( s ) = 1.0
`Wgm(s) = 1.0
`= 0 9
`Wgm ( b ) = 0.9
`Patent Application Publication
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 12 , 2019 Sheet 8 of 17
`LI Jo 8 loollS 610Z `ZI 'aaa
`US 2019/0379700 A1
`IV 00L6L£0/6I0Z SR
`Score = 4.815
`Score = 4.815
`Database ???
`Database 2
`2nd Iteration
`Propagated Scores from Node Database 2
`2nd Iteration
`3rd Iteration
`Score = 5.351
`Score = 5.351
`Score = 1.661
`Score = 1.661
`Database 2
`*** .
`Score = 100
`Score = 100
`Score = 15.517 • •
`Score = 15.517
`Host A
`100 11,
`3' Iteration
`User 100
`1st Iteration
`15 Iteration
`Score = 1.661
`Score = 1.661
`Score = 0
`FIG. 5B
`FIG . 5B
`• •
`Score = 0
`Score = 0
`wgm(s) = 1.0
`Wgm ( s )
`wgm(b) = 0 9
`Wgm ( b ) = 0.9
`Patent Application Publication
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 12 , 2019 Sheet 9 of 17
`LI JO 6 loollS 610Z `ZI 'aaa
`US 2019/0379700 A1
`IV 00L6L£0/6I0Z SR
`Score = 4.815
`Score = 4.815
`Database ???
`Database 2
`2nd Iteration
`Propagated Scores from Node Database 2
`2nd Iteration
`3td Iteration
`4th Iteration
`Score = 5.351
`Score = 5.351
`Score = 1.661
`Score = 1.661
`Score = 0.572
`Score = 0.572
`Host A
`Score = 15.517 • •
`Score = 15.517
`Database 2
`*** .
`Score = 100
`Score = 100
`100 11,
`3' Iteration
`User 100
`1st Iteration
`15 Iteration
`Score = 1.661
`Score = 1.661
`• • O
`Score = 0.572 \
`Score = 0.572
`FIG. 5C
`FIG . 5C
`Wgm(s) = 1.0
`Wgm ( s )
`wgm(b) = 0 9
`Wgm ( b ) = 0.9
`Patent Application Publication
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 12 , 2019 Sheet 10 of 17
`LI JO 0I loollS 610Z `ZI 'aaa
`US 2019/0379700 A1
`IV 00L6L£0/6I0Z SR
`Database 1
`Score = 4.826
`Score = 4.826
`Database 2
`Score = 100.011
`Score = 100.011
`Score = 15.553 •
`Score = 15.553
`gm ( s ) = 1.0
`(s) = 1 0
`(b) = 0.9
`Wgm ( b ) = 0.9
`User 100
`Score = 1.693
`Score = 1.693
`Score = 0.583
`Score = 0.583
`FIG. 6
`FIG . 6
`Aggregated Scores
`Score = 36.143 Score = 5.4561
`Score = 5.456
`Score = 36.143
`Score = 100.572
`Score = 100.572
`From IP
`Database 2 ]
`Aggregated Score
`N / A
`Node Aggregated
`Database 2
`User 1
`User 1
`Host A
`Host A
`0.036 1
`IP 15.553
`Database 1
`Database 1
`N / A
`1.661 0.011
`User 100
`User 100
`Database 2 100.011
`Database 2
`Patent Application Publication
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 12 , 2019 Sheet 11 of 17
`LI Jo H laallS 610Z `ZI 'aaa
`US 2019/0379700 A1
`IV 00L6L£0/6I0Z SR
`Cluster 1
`Cluster 1
`Score = 100.572
`Score = 100.572
`Cluster Formation
`Score = 4.826
`Score = 4.826
`Host A
`Score = 36.143 Score = 5.456
`Score = 5.456
`Score = 36.143
`Score = 15.553 •
`Score = 15.553
`Database 2
`. 4%46
`\ Score = 100.011
`Score - 100.011
`User 100
`wow. ammo.
`Cluster 1 Score =
`Cluster 1 Score = 262.561
`gm(s) = 1.0
`Wgm ( s ) = 1.0
`wg,,,(b) = 0.9
`= 0.9
`Wgm ( b )
`Score = 1.693
`Score = 1.693
`Score = 0.583
`Score = 0.583
`FIG. 7
`FIG . 7
`Patent Application Publication
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 12 , 2019 Sheet 12 of 17
`LI Jo ZI loollS 610Z `ZI 'aaa
`US 2019/0379700 A1
`IV 00L6L£0/6I0Z SR
`Score = 100
`Score = 100
`Score =
`Score 0
`Example 2 : Native
`Example 2: Native Scores
`User 100
`Score = 0
`User 99
`Score = 0
`Score = 0
`Host A
`Host A
`Score =
`Score = 0
`wwwwwwww .
`FIG. 8
`FIG . 8
`Score = 0
`Score = 0
`User 2
`Score = 0
`Score = 0
`Score = 100
`Score = 100
`Score = 0
`Score = 0
`Wgm(s) =1.0
`Wgm ( s ) = 1.0
`= 0 9
`= 0.9
`Wgm ( b )
`Patent Application Publication
`• •
`Dec. 12 , 2019 Sheet 13 of 17
`LI JO £i JoolIS 610Z `ZI 'aaU
`US 2019/0379700 A1
`IV 00L6L£0/6I0Z SR
`Score = 0.011
`Score = 0.011
`User \ \
`Score = 0.033
`Score = 0.033
`Score = 0.033
`Score = 0.033
`Score = 0.011
`Score = 0.011
`FIG. 9
`FIG . 9
`Propagated Scores from Node IP
`Node IP
` (
`Host A
`Host A
` E User
`Score =0.01.1 0.011
`Score = 0.011
`Score = 0.033
`Score = 0.033
`\ \
`Score = 0.107
`Score = 0.107
`Score = 34.48
`Score = 34.48
`Score = 100
`Score = 100
`gm ( s ) = 1.0
`Wgm(s) =1.0
`Wgm ( b ) = 0.9
`= 0 9
`Patent Application Publication
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 12 , 2019 Sheet 14 of 17
`LI Jo rt loollS 610Z `ZI 'aaa
`US 2019/0379700 A1
`IV 00L6L£0/6I0Z SR
`Node IP
`Propagated Scores from Node IP
`User 100
`Score = 100
`Score = 100
`Score = 34.48
`Score = 34.48
`Host A
`Host A
`Score = 0.107 • \
`Score = 0.107
`Score = 0.033
`Score = 0.033
`Score = 0.011
`Score = 0.011
`User 99
`Score = 0.033
`Score = 0.033
`User 2
`Score = 0.033
`Score = 0.033
`Score = 0.011
`Score = 0.011
`Score = 0.011
`Score = 0.011
`= 1.0
`Wgm ( s ) = 1.0
`FIG. 10
`FIG . 10
`= 0 9
`Wgm ( b ) = 0.9
`Patent Application Publication
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 12 , 2019 Sheet 15 of 17
`LI Jo SI loollS 610Z `ZI 'aaa
`US 2019/0379700 A1
`IV 00L6L£0/6I0Z SR
`Aggregated Scores
`User 100
`Score = 100.011
`Score = 100.011
`Score = 34.513
`Score = 34.513
`Host A
`Host A
`Score = 0.214 • \
`Score = 0.214
`Score = 34.513
`Score = 34.513
`Score = 100.011
`Score = 100.011
`User 99
`Score = 0.066
`Score = 0.066
`User 2
`Score = 0.066
`Score = 0.066
`Score = 0.022
`Score = 0.022
`FIG. 11
`FIG . 11
`Score = 0.022
`Score = 0.022
`= 1.0
`Wgm ( s )
`Wgm(b) = 0.9
`Wgm ( b ) = 0.9
`Patent Application Publication
`Patent Application Publication
`LI JO 91 1oollS 610Z `ZI 'aaa
`Dec. 12 , 2019 Sheet 16 of 17
`IV 00L6L£0/6I0Z SR
`US 2019/0379700 A1
`Cluster Formation
`Host A
`Host A
`\ ♦
`Score = 0.214
`Score = 0.214
`13 /
`Score = 34.513 j
`Score = 34.513
`User 2
`Score = 0.066
`Score = 0.066
`FIG. 12
`FIG . 12
`Cluster 1
`Cluster 1
`Score = 100.011
`Score - 100.011
`Cluster 1 Score =
`Cluster 1 Score 134.524
`Score = 0.022
`Score = 0.022
`gm (s) = 1.0
`Wgm ( s )
`= 0.9
`= 0.9
`Wgm ( b )
`Score = 100.011
`Cluster 2 Score =
`Cluster 2 Score 134.524
`Score = 0.022
`Score = 0.022
`Score = 34.513
`Score = 34.513
`User 99
`Score = 0.066
`Score = 0.066
`Cluster 2
`Cluster 2
`Patent Application Publication
`Patent Application Publication
`Dec. 12 , 2019 Sheet 17 of 17
`LI Jo LI WIN 610Z `ZI 'aaI
`US 2019/0379700 A1
`TV 00L6L£0/6I0Z SR
`Engine 158
`Alert Prioritization Engine
`Storage Subsystem 1310
`Memory Subsystem 1322
`User Interface
`Input Devices
`Interface Input
`Devices 1338
`Storage Subsystem 1336
`File Storage
`ROM 1334
`RAM 1332
`Bus Subsystem 1355
`GPU , FPGA 1378
`Interface Output
`Devices 1376
`User Interface
`Output Devices
`Interface Subsystem 1374
`Network Interface
`FIG. 13
`FIG . 13
`CPU 1372
`US 2019/0379700 A1
`US 2019/0379700 Al
`Dec. 12 , 2019
`Dec. 12, 2019
`This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provi
`[ 0001 ]
`[0001] This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provi-
`sional Patent Application No. 62 / 683,795 , entitled “ ALERT
`sional Patent Application No. 62/683,795, entitled "ALERT
`filed on Jun . 12 , 2018 ( Atty . Docket No. NSKO 1022-1 ) . The
`filed on Jun. 12, 2018 (Atty. Docket No. NSKO 1022-1). The
`provisional application is incorporated by reference as if
`provisional application is incorporated by reference as if
`fully set forth herein .
`fully set forth herein.
`[ 0002 ] The following materials are incorporated by refer
`[0002] The following materials are incorporated by refer-
`ence as if fully set forth herein :
`ence as if fully set forth herein:
`[ 0003 ] U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 62/683 ,
`[0003] U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 62/683,
`12 , 2018 ( Atty . Docket No. NSKO 1024-1 ) .
`12, 2018 (Atty. Docket No. NSKO 1024-1).
`[ 0004 ] Contemporaneously filed U.S. patent application
`[0004] Contemporaneously filed U.S. patent application
`Ser . No.
`Ser. No.
`2019 ( Atty . Docket
`EVENTS GRAPH ” , filed on
`EVENTS GRAPH", filed on
`, 2019 (Atty. Docket
`No. NSKO 1024-2 ) .
`No. NSKO 1024-2).
`[ 0005 ] The technology disclosed relates to graph presen
`[0005] The technology disclosed relates to graph presen-
`tation for prioritization of security incidents .
`tation for prioritization of security incidents.
`[ 0006 ] The subject matter discussed in this section should
`[0006] The subject matter discussed in this section should
`not be assumed to be prior art merely as a result of its
`not be assumed to be prior art merely as a result of its
`mention in this section . Similarly , a problem mentioned in
`mention in this section. Similarly, a problem mentioned in
`this section or associated with the subject matter provided as
`this section or associated with the subject matter provided as
`background should not be assumed to have been previously
`background should not be assumed to have been previously
`recognized in the prior art . The subject matter in this section
`recognized in the prior art. The subject matter in this section
`merely represents different approaches , which in and of
`merely represents different approaches, which in and of
`themselves can also correspond to implementations of the
`themselves can also correspond to implementations of the
`claimed technology .
`claimed technology.
`[ 0007 ] Security analysts use log data generated by security
`[0007] Security analysts use log data generated by security
`and operations systems to identify and protect enterprise
`and operations systems to identify and protect enterprise
`networks against cybersecurity threats . Gigabytes of log
`networks against cybersecurity threats. Gigabytes of log
`security and operations log data can be generated in a short
`security and operations log data can be generated in a short
`time . These logs contain security events with varying levels
`time. These logs contain security events with varying levels
`of threat . Firstly , it is difficult for an analyst to go through
`of threat. Firstly, it is difficult for an analyst to go through
`these logs and identify the alerts that need immediate
`these logs and identify the alerts that need immediate
`attention . Secondly , it is difficult to identify different com
`attention. Secondly, it is difficult to identify different com-
`puter network entities related to a particular alert . Graphs
`puter network entities related to a particular alert. Graphs
`can be used to visualize computer network entities which are
`can be used to visualize computer network entities which are
`connected to other entities through edges . However for a
`connected to other entities through edges. However for a
`typical enterprise network , graphs can become very large
`typical enterprise network, graphs can become very large
`with hundreds of thousands of entities connected through
`with hundreds of thousands of entities connected through
`tens of millions edges . Security analysts are overwhelmed
`tens of millions edges. Security analysts are overwhelmed
`by such graphs of security events and they can miss most
`by such graphs of security events and they can miss most
`important alerts and entities related to those alerts . Some of
`important alerts and entities related to those alerts. Some of
`these alerts are false positives . In most cases , a well - planned
`these alerts are false positives. In most cases, a well-planned
`cyberattack impacts more than one entity in the enterprise
`cyberattack impacts more than one entity in the enterprise
`network . It is difficult for security analysts to review the
`network. It is difficult for security analysts to review the
`graph and identify groups of entities impacted by one or
`graph and identify groups of entities impacted by one or
`more alerts in the logs .
`more alerts in the logs.
`[ 0008 ] Therefore , an opportunity arises to automatically
`[0008] Therefore, an opportunity arises to automatically
`identify groups of entities in an enterprise network that are
`identify groups of entities in an enterprise network that are
`impacted by one or more alerts in the logs of data generated
`impacted by one or more alerts in the logs of data generated
`by security systems in a computer network .
`by security systems in a computer network.
`[ 0009 ]
`In the drawings , like reference characters generally
`In the drawings, like reference characters generally
`refer to like parts throughout the different views . Also , the
`refer to like parts throughout the different views. Also, the
`drawings are not necessarily to scale , with an emphasis
`drawings are not necessarily to scale, with an emphasis
`instead generally being placed upon illustrating the prin
`instead generally being placed upon illustrating the prin-
`ciples of the technology disclosed . In the following descrip
`ciples of the technology disclosed. In the following descrip-
`tion , various implementations of the technology disclosed
`tion, various implementations of the technology disclosed
`are described with reference to the following drawings , in
`are described with reference to the following drawings, in
`which :
`[ 0010 ] FIG . 1 illustrates an architectural level schematic
`[0010] FIG. 1 illustrates an architectural level schematic
`of a system in which an alert prioritization engine is used to
`of a system in which an alert prioritization engine is used to
`automatically group security alerts and present prioritized
`automatically group security alerts and present prioritized
`alerts to a security analyst .
`alerts to a security analyst.
`[ 0011 ]
`FIG . 2 is a block diagram example of components
`[0011] FIG. 2 is a block diagram example of components
`of the alert prioritization engine of FIG . 1 .
`of the alert prioritization engine of FIG. 1.
`[ 0012 ] FIG . 3 illustrates native scores assigned to nodes in
`[0012] FIG. 3 illustrates native scores assigned to nodes in
`a first example graph of an enterprise network .
`a first example graph of an enterprise network.
`[ 0013 ] FIGS . 4A , 4B , and 4C illustrate propagated scores
`[0013] FIGS. 4A, 4B, and 4C illustrate propagated scores
`from a first starting node in the first example graph presented
`from a first starting node in the first example graph presented
`in FIG . 3 .
`in FIG. 3.
`[ 0014 ] FIGS . 5A , 5B , and 5C illustrate propagated scores
`[0014] FIGS. 5A, 5B, and 5C illustrate propagated scores
`from a second starting node in the first example graph
`from a second starting node in the first example graph
`presented in FIG . 3 .
`presented in FIG. 3.
`[ 0015 ] FIG . 6 presents aggregate scores for nodes in the
`[0015] FIG. 6 presents aggregate scores for nodes in the
`first example graph presented in FIG . 3 .
`first example graph presented in FIG. 3.
`[ 0016 ] FIG . 7 presents cluster formation of connected
`[0016] FIG. 7 presents cluster formation of connected
`nodes in the first example graph presented in FIG . 3 .
`nodes in the first example graph presented in FIG. 3.
`[ 0017 ] FIG . 8 illustrates native scores assigned to nodes in
`[0017] FIG. 8 illustrates native scores assigned to nodes in
`a second example graph of an enterprise network .
`a second example graph of an enterprise network.
`[ 0018 ] FIG . 9 presents propagated scores from
`a first
`[0018] FIG. 9 presents propagated scores from a first
`starting node in the second example graph presented in FIG .
`starting node in the second example graph presented in FIG.
`8 .
`[ 0019 ] FIG . 10 presents propagated scores from a second
`[0019] FIG. 10 presents propagated scores from a second
`starting node in the second example graph presented in FIG .
`starting node in the second example graph presented in FIG.
`8 .
`[ 0020 ]
`FIG . 11 presents aggregate scores for nodes in the
`[0020] FIG. 11 presents aggregate scores for nodes in the
`second example graph presented in FIG . 8 .
`second example graph presented in FIG. 8.
`[ 0021 ] FIG . 12 presents cluster formation of connected
`[0021] FIG. 12 presents cluster formation of connected
`nodes in the second example graph presented in FIG . 8 .
`nodes in the second example graph presented in FIG. 8.
`[ 0022 ] FIG . 13 is a simplified block diagram of a computer
`[0022] FIG. 13 is a simplified block diagram of a computer
`system that can be used to implement the technology dis
`system that can be used to implement the technology dis-
`closed .
`[ 0023 ] The following discussion is presented to enable any
`[0023] The following discussion is presented to enable any
`person skilled in the art to make and use the technology
`person skilled in the art to make and use the technology
`disclosed , and is provided in the context of a particular
`disclosed, and is provided in the context of a particular
`application and its requirements . Various modifications to
`application and its requirements. Various modifications to
`the disclosed implementations will be readily apparent to
`the disclosed implementations will be readily apparent to
`those skilled in the art , and the general principles defined
`those skilled in the art, and the general principles defined
`herein may be applied to other implementations and appli
`herein may be applied to other implementations and appli-
`cations without departing from the spirit and scope of the
`cations without departing from the spirit and scope of the
`technology disclosed . Thus , the technology disclosed is not
`technology disclosed. Thus, the technology disclosed is not
`intended to be limited to the implementations shown , but is
`intended to be limited to the implementations shown, but is
`to be accorded the widest scope consistent with the prin
`to be accorded the widest scope consistent with the prin-
`ciples and features disclosed herein .
`ciples and features disclosed herein.
`[ 0024 ] Protecting enterprise networks against cybersecu
`[0024] Protecting enterprise networks against cybersecu-
`rity attacks is a priority of every organization . Gigabytes of
`rity attacks is a prio

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