`Copyright ©2017 KSII
`VirtAV: an Agentless Runtime Antivirus
`System for Virtual Machines
`Hongwei Tang1'2'3'4, Shengzhong Feng1'2'3, Xiaofang Zhao3'4 and Yan Jin3'4
`1 Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
`Shenzhen, 518055 - China
`[e-mail: tanghongwei@ict.ac.cn, sz.feng@siatac.cn]
`2Shenzhen College of Advanced Technology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
`Shenzhen, 518055 — China
`3University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
`Beijing, 100049 - China
`4 Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
`Beijing, 100190 - China
`[e-mail: zhaoxf@ict.ac.cn, jinyan@ncic.ac.cn]
`*Corresponding author: Hongwei Tang
`Received August 9, 2016; revised May 4, 2017; accepted July 10, 2017;
`published November 30, 2017
`Antivirus is an important issue to the security of virtual machine (VM). According to where
`the antivirus system resides, the existing approaches can be categorized into three classes:
`internal approach, external approach and hybrid approach. However, for the internal approach,
`it is susceptible to attacks and may cause antivirus storm and rollback vulnerability problems.
`On the other hand, for the external approach, the antivirus systems built upon virtual machine
`introspection (VMI) technology cannot find and prohibit viruses promptly. Although the
`hybrid approach performs virus scanning out of the virtual machine, it is still vulnerable to
`attacks since it completely depends on the agent and hooks to deliver events in the guest
`operating system. To solve the aforementioned problems, based on in-memory signature
`scanning, we propose an agentless runtime antivirus system VirtAV, which scans each piece
`of binary codes to execute in guest VMs on the VMM side to detect and prevent viruses. As an
`external approach, VirtAV does not rely on any hooks or agents in the guest OS, and exposes
`no attack surface to the outside world, so it guarantees the security of itself to the greatest
`extent. In addition, it solves the antivirus storm problem and the rollback vulnerability
`problem in virtualization environment. We implemented a prototype based on Qemu/KVM
`hypervisor and ClamAV antivirus engine. Experimental results demonstrate that VirtAV is
`able to detect both user-level and kernel-level virus programs inside Windows and Linux guest,
`no matter whether they are packed or not. From the performance aspect, the overhead of
`VirtAV on guest performance is acceptable. Especially, VirtAV has little impact on the
`performance of common desktop applications, such as video playing, web browsing and
`Microsoft Office series.
`Keywords: agentless, antivirus, antivirus storm, virtual machine, virus signature
`A preliminary version of this paper appeared in IEEE ICACT 2016, Feb 2-4, Korea. This version includes a
`detailed description on the basic idea, design and implementation of VirtAV.
`ISSN :1976-7277
`WIZ, Inc. EXHIBIT - 1034
`WIZ, Inc. v. Orca Security LTD.
`Copyright (©)2017 KSI
`VirtAV: an Agentless Runtime Antivirus
`System for Virtual Machines
`Hongwei Tang’?*", Shengzhong Feng'?", Xiaofang Zhao™ and Yan Jin*™*
`' Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
`Shenzhen, 518055 - China
`[e-mail: tanghongwei@ict.ac.cn, sz.feng@siat.ac.cn]
`* Shenzhen College of Advanced Technology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
`Shenzhen, 518055 — China
`* University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
`Beijing, 100049 - China
`‘Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
`Beijing, 100190 - China
`[e-mail: zhaoxf(@ict.ac.cn, jinyan@ncic.ac.cn]
`*Corresponding author: Hongwei Tang
`Received August 9, 2016; revised May 4, 2017; accepted July 10, 2017;
`published November 30, 2017
`Antivirus is an important issue to the security of virtual machine (VM). According to where
`the antivirus system resides, the existing approaches can be categorized into three classes:
`internal approach, external approach and hybrid approach. However, for the internal approach,
`it is susceptible to attacks and may cause antivirus storm and rollback vulnerability problems.
`On the other hand, for the external approach, the antivirus systems built upon virtual machine
`introspection (VMI) technology cannot find and prohibit viruses promptly. Although the
`hybrid approach performs virus scanning out of the virtual machine, it
`is still vulnerable to
`attacks since it completely depends on the agent and hooks to deliver events in the guest
`operating system. To solve the aforementioned problems, based on in-memory signature
`scanning, we propose an agentless runtime antivirus system VirtAV, which scans each piece
`of binary codes to execute in guest VMs on the VMM side to detect and prevent viruses. As an
`external approach, VirtAV does not rely on any hooks or agents in the guest OS, and exposes
`no attack surface to the outside world, so it guarantees the security of itself to the greatest
`extent. In addition, it solves the antivirus storm problem and the rollback vulnerability
`problem in virtualization environment. We implemented a prototype based on Qemu/KVM
`hypervisor and ClamAV antivirus engine. Experimental results demonstrate that VirtAV is
`able to detect both user-level and kernel-level virus programs inside Windows and Linux guest,
`no matter whether they are packed or not. From the performance aspect, the overhead of
`VirtAV on guest performance is acceptable. Especially, VirtAV has little impact on the
`performance of common desktop applications, such as video playing, web browsing and
`Microsoft Office series.
`Keywords: agentless, antivirus, antivirus storm, virtual machine, virus signature
`A preliminary version of this paper appeared in IEEE ICACT 2016, Feb 2-4, Korea. This version includes a
`detailed description on the basic idea, design and implementation of VirtAV.
`https: //doi.org/10.3837/tiis.2017.11.026
`ISSN : 1976-7277
`WIZ, Inc. EXHIBIT - 1034
`WIZ, Inc. v. Orca Security LTD. - IPR2024-00220
`WIZ, Inc. EXHIBIT - 1034
`WIZ, Inc. v. Orca Security LTD.
`1. Introduction
`.Antivirus protection is necessary for modern computers. As virtualization technology has
`been extensively adopted to enhance the effectiveness of resource utilization, more and more
`applications are deployed in VMs. Currently three antivirus approaches, i.e., internal approach,
`external approach and hybrid approach, are provided in the industry and academia. In the
`internal approach, antivirus software is installed in the VM and
`it often uses
`signature-matching [1][2] technology to search viruses in files [3][4]. When all guest VMs on
`a host machine schedule virus scanning or signature database updating simultaneously, the
`host will be overloaded and corresponding performance of VMs will be degraded dramatically.
`As a result, the `antivirus storm' problem [5] is inevitable because of a large number of
`concurrent resource-intensive operations stressing on both computing resource and I/O
`resource. On the other hand, as a useful approach that facilitates VM fault tolerance and
`system maintenance, snapshot & rollback also has been applied. However, when the VM
`rollbacks to a snapshot previously saved, the signature database installed inside may be out of
`date [6][7]. In this case, antivirus software may be unable to detect newer viruses timely,
`which leads to security vulnerabilities of antivirus peculiar to virtualization environment. We
`call it as a `rollback vulnerability' problem. Moreover, antivirus software is highly susceptible
`to attacks when exposed in the VM under protection [8].
`The external approach is inspired by the feature that the VMM has supervisory privilege
`on guest VMs. Antivirus software is totally moved out of the VM [8][9][10], and gets
`necessary information from the guest OS using VMI techniques [11][40] [46]. The existing
`work following this approach can only detect virus in guest files or memory, and can't prohibit
`it properly.
`The hybrid approach is usually composed of two parts: hooks on the guest OS to monitor
`events and capture information, and scanning engine deployed in a dedicated VM [5][12][13].
`The most widely used antivirus product from VMWare and Trend Micro follows this approach
`[13]. Although this approach can avoid the antivirus storm problem and the rollback
`vulnerability problem, the hooks or agents in the guest OS are still vulnerable to attacks.
`Furthermore, some research shows that, over 80% of modern viruses appear to be using
`packing techniques to evade detection by antivirus software. There is also evidence that more
`than 50% of new viruses are generated by simply packing existing ones [48][49]. However,
`traditional approaches widely adopted by antivirus software is using unpacking routines to
`recover the original virus program before scanning it [3]. The limitation of this approach is that
`it needs a specific unpacker for each packer, and moreover, only viruses packed with known
`packers can be unpacked and detected.
`Motivated by the aforementioned observations, an agentless antivirus system VirtAV that is
`based on in-memory signature scanning is proposed in this paper. Basically, it can be
`classified into external approach since signature scanning and database updating are
`performed completely outside of guest VMs under protection. The main contributions are
`listed as follows.
`• We designed an agentless approach for runtime antivirus protection on VMs, which
`actively scans guest binary codes on the VMM side, transparently performs virus
`detection and timely prohibits virus found. Such an approach guarantees the security of
`antivirus system to the greatest extent because there is no attack surface exposed to the
`1. Introduction
`Antivirus protection is necessary for modern computers. As virtualization technology has
`been extensively adopted to enhance the effectiveness of resource utilization, more and more
`applications are deployed in VMs. Currently three antivirus approaches, i.e., internal approach,
`external approach and hybrid approach, are provided in the industry and academia. In the
`the VM and
`signature-matching [1 ][2] technology to search viruses in files [3][4]. When all guest VMs on
`a host machine schedule virus scanning or signature database updating simultaneously, the
`host will be overloaded and corresponding performance of VMs will be degraded dramatically.
`As a result, the ‘antivirus storm’ problem [5]
`is inevitable because of a large number of
`concurrent resource-intensive operations stressing on both computing resource and I/O
`resource. On the other hand, as a useful approach that facilitates VM fault tolerance and
`system maintenance, snapshot & rollback also has been applied. However, when the VM
`rollbacks to a snapshot previously saved, the signature database installed inside may be out of
`date [6][7]. In this case, antivirus software may be unable to detect newer viruses timely,
`which leads to security vulnerabilities of antivirus peculiar to virtualization environment. We
`call it as a ‘rollback vulnerability’ problem. Moreover, antivirus software is highly susceptible
`to attacks when exposed in the VM under protection [8].
`The external approach is inspired by the feature that the VMM has supervisory privilege
`on guest VMs. Antivirus software is totally moved out of the VM [8][9][10], and gets
`necessary information from the guest OS using VMI_
`techniques [11][40][46]. The existing
`work following this approach can only detect virus in guest files or memory, and can’t prohibit
`it properly.
`The hybrid approach is usually composed of two parts: hooks on the guest OS to monitor
`events and capture information, and scanning engine deployed in a dedicated VM [5][12][13].
`The most widely used antivirus product from VMWare and Trend Micro follows this approach
`[13]. Although this approach can avoid the antivirus storm problem and the rollback
`vulnerability problem, the hooks or agents in the guest OS are still vulnerable to attacks.
`Furthermore, some research shows that, over 80% of modern viruses appear to be using
`packing techniques to evade detection by antivirus software. There is also evidence that more
`than 50% of new viruses are generated by simply packing existing ones [48][49]. However,
`traditional approaches widely adopted by antivirus software is using unpacking routines to
`recover the original virus program before scanning it [3]. The limitation of this approach is that
`it needs a specific unpacker for each packer, and moreover, only viruses packed with known
`packers can be unpacked and detected.
`Motivated by the aforementioned observations, an agentless antivirus system VirtAV that is
`based on in-memory signature scanning is proposed in
`this paper. Basically, it can be
`into external approach since signature scanning and database updating are
`performed completely outside of guest VMs under protection. The main contributions are
`listed as follows.
`。 We designed an agentless approach for runtime antivirus protection on VMs, which
`actively scans guest binary codes on the VMM side, transparently performs virus
`detection and timely prohibits virus found. Such an approach guarantees the security of
`antivirus system to the greatest extent because there is no attack surface exposed to the
`Tang et al.: VirtAV: an Agentless Runtime Antivirus System for Virtual Machines
`outside world. It avoids the antivirus storm and the rollback vulnerability problems.
`Moreover, it can also detect packed virus relying on the virus to unpack itself in memory.
`• We proposed memory signature of virus, variant of file signature used in traditional
`antivirus software, which can be used to uniquely identify virus when it has been loaded
`or even partially loaded into memory. Such an approach helps antivirus system detect
`and prohibit virus in memory before it is activated.
`• We implemented a prototype system based on the Qemu/KVM hypervisor and the
`open-source scanning engine of ClamAV. Functionality verification reveals that VirtAV
`is independent of guest operating systems, and is able to detect both non-packed and
`packed viruses running in user space or kernel space inside guest VMs. Moreover,
`benchmarks of typical desktop applications, such as Windows booting, video playing
`and synthetic office workload, are evaluated in both single-VM and multiple-VM
`environments. The performance results show that the overhead of VirtAV is reasonable
`and acceptable. From the results, we can further draw a conclusion that antivirus storm is
`eliminated by VirtAV in the multiple-VM environment.
`The rest of the paper is organized in the following manner: Section 2 gives a brief
`introduction of Qemu/KVM hypervisor and ClamAV antivirus system, and reviews related
`works on security protection on virtual machines. Section 3 discusses the main design
`principles on VirtAV. Section 4 gives the implementation details of VirtAV. Section 5
`presents the experimental results from the viewpoints of function and performance. Finally
`Section 6 concludes the paper and mentions the future work.
`2. Background and Related Work
`2.1 Qemu/KVM Hypervisor
`Qemu/KVM hypervisor is a full virtualization solution based on Linux for X86 platform with
`CPU virtualization extensions (Intel VT or AMD-V). It provides isolated virtualized hardware
`enviromnent for virtual machines running unmodified Linux or Windows as guest OS. Guest
`codes (user-level processes or kernel-level OS) run natively on CPU in non-root mode with the
`exception of sensitive instructions or operations, such as accessing I/O port, which are trapped
`to KVM, and emulated by KVM and Qemu. For each virtual machine, there is an independent
`memory address space that starts from physical address 0x0. On the host, EPT (from Intel, or
`NPT from AMD) is used by MMU to translate guest physical memory address (GPA) into host
`physical memory address (HPA) when CPU that is operating in non-root mode accesses guest
`memory. Moreover, if the corresponding host memory page has not been allocated or mapped,
`or there are not sufficient access rights on the page, EPT violation will be generated and
`captured by KVM.
`2.2 ClamAV
`ClamAV is the most widely used open-source antivirus system, which supports detection of
`both non-polymorphic viruses and polymorphic viruses. For non-polymorphic viruses,
`signatures are in simple string format, and the Boyer-Moore (BM) algorithm is used to detect
`this kind of viruses. While for polymorphic viruses, signatures could contains regular
`expressions and wildcards, and the Aho-Corasick (AC) algorithm [2] is adopted.
`Specially, the implementation of the AC algorithm in ClamAV uses a trie to store the
`finite-state machine (FSM) constructed from the signatures. In addition, 3 helper functions
`including goto, failure and output, are defined accordingly. The goto0 function on a given
`Tang etal.: VirtAV: an Agentless Runtime Antivirus System for Virtual Machines
`outside world. It avoids the antivirus storm and the rollback vulnerability problems.
`Moreover, it can also detect packed virus relying on the virus to unpack itself in memory.
`。 We proposed memory signature of virus, variant of file signature used in traditional
`antivirus software, which can be used to uniquely identify virus when it has been loaded
`or even partially loaded into memory. Such an approach helps antivirus system detect
`and prohibit virus in memory before it is activated.
`‧ We implemented a prototype system based on the Qemu/KVM hypervisor and the
`open-source scanning engine of ClamAV. Functionality verification reveals that VirtAV
`is independent of guest operating systems, and is able to detect both non-packed and
`packed viruses running in user space or kernel space inside guest VMs. Moreover,
`benchmarks of typical desktop applications, such as Windows booting, video playing
`and synthetic office workload, are evaluated in both single-VM and multiple-VM
`environments. The performance results show that the overhead of VirtAV is reasonable
`and acceptable. From the results, we can further draw a conclusion that antivirus storm is
`eliminated by VirtAV in the multiple-VM environment.
`The rest of the paper is organized in the following manner: Section 2 gives a brief
`introduction of Qemu/KVM hypervisor and ClamAV antivirus system, and reviews related
`works on security protection on virtual machines. Section 3 discusses the main design
`principles on VirtAV. Section 4 gives the implementation details of VirtAV. Section 5
`presents the experimental results from the viewpoints of function and performance. Finally
`Section 6 concludes the paper and mentions the future work.
`2. Background and Related Work
`2.1 Qemu/KVM Hypervisor
`Qemu/K VM hypervisor is a full virtualization solution based on Linux for X86 platform with
`CPU virtualization extensions (Intel VT or AMD-V). It provides isolated virtualized hardware
`environment for virtual machines running unmodified Linux or Windows as guest OS. Guest
`codes (user-level processes or kernel-level OS) run natively on CPU in non-root mode with the
`exception of sensitive instructions or operations, such as accessing I/O port, which are trapped
`to KVM, and emulated by KVM and Qemu. For each virtual machine, there is an independent
`memory address space that starts from physical address 0x0. On the host, EPT (from Intel, or
`NPT from AMD) is used by MMU to
`translate guest physical memory address (GPA) into host
`physical memory address (HPA) when CPU that is operating in non-root mode accesses guest
`memory. Moreover, if the corresponding host memory page has not been allocated or mapped,
`or there are not sufficient access rights on the page, EPT violation will be generated and
`captured by KVM.
`2.2 ClamAV
`ClamAV is the most widely used open-source antivirus system, which supports detection of
`both non-polymorphic viruses
`and polymorphic viruses.
`For non-polymorphic viruses,
`signatures are in simple string format, and the Boyer-Moore (BM) algorithm is used to detect
`this kind of viruses. While for polymorphic viruses, signatures could contains regular
`expressions and wildcards, and the Aho-Corasick (AC) algorithm [2] is adopted.
`Specially, the implementation of the AC algorithm in ClamAV uses a
`trie to store the
`finite-state machine (FSM) constructed from the signatures. In addition, 3 helper functions
`including goto, failure and output, are defined accordingly. The goto() function on a given
`state points out which state to move if the next input character matches with any predefined
`input of the state, otherwise, the FSM resorts to the failure° function. The ouqnitO function
`summarizes and outputs target patterns matched in the end. At the initialization phase, fixed
`string parts of each polymorphic signatures are loaded from the database, and are used to build
`the trie. At the scanning phase, ClamAV scans an input file byte-by-byte and detects
`occurrences of signatures. In general, fixed parts of signatures are scanned in the trie firstly,
`and after that wildcards and regular expressions are processed. Take a signature with a
`wildcard as an example. The fixed string is split by an asterisk wildcard into two substrings
`that is in the "substringl*substring2" format. The two substrings are matched individually by
`the AC FSM. When all the two parts are found, it will further verify the order and gap between
`them. ClamAV uses a 256-element array for each node with each element corresponding to an
`ASCII character. The integer value of the input byte is used as the index into the array, and if
`the element is present, a match character is found. Furthermore, ClamAV provides several
`common unpackers, such as MEW, Upack, Petite, yC, FSG, AsPack, WWPack, NsPack and
`etc., to recover the original programs from packed viruses obfuscated with the known packing
`2.3 Related Work on Intrusion Protection of Virtual Machines
`Virtualization technology brings opportunities for security and is extensively used to improve
`the anti-attack capability of intrusion or malware detection and protection tools [8][26].
`A. VMI-based intrusion protection
`Security tools can be installed outside of the VM that need to be protected, and monitors the
`guest via special interfaces, such as VMI [46]. As is isolated from the VM, the security tools
`are immune to attacks even if the VM is compromised by attackers. However, as lacking of
`guest OS-level semantic (known as the semantic gap [40][46]), the accuracy and effectiveness
`of the security tools outside the VM have to be sacrificed. Livewire [8] is a general IDS
`framework adopting VMI technology, which uses the priori knowledge about the guest OS
`data structures to interpret the hardware-level view in OS-level semantics. Especially, to
`detect signatures of malicious program, it performs a full scan of all the host memory.
`However, this methodology cannot timely find out virus and prohibit them. VMwatcher [9]
`reconstructs semantic views of guest OS in a non-intrusive manner, and provides objects with
`the guest OS view to external malware detection tools. Just like Livewire, VMwatcher only
`provides malwares detection and cannot intervene execution of the guest. [12] proposed a
`hybrid approach enabling security tools to perform active monitoring while pertaining
`isolation to ensure security. It hooks the guest OS to monitor interested events and handle the
`events in an isolated VM. It solves the semantic gap problem in a simple manner, but it heavily
`depends on integrity of the guest OS. [20] described a framework that enables security
`monitoring applications to be placed in the untrusted guest VM without sacrificing the security
`guarantees. The monitoring application itself is protected by the VMM and should be
`self-contained to ensure its integrity. This method imposes restrictions on the monitoring
`applications and even requires reconstruction of commodity tools to adapt to this framework.
`[27] proposed a mechanism to verify the integrity of user and kernel code at runtime in page
`granularity. [50] described a framework that combines intrusion monitoring, evidence
`preservation, in-depth log analysis and decision making on suspicious events handling for
`guest VMs.
`In addition, there are also advances in the research of VMI. VMI technique requires
`privilege access to the virtual machine monitor, so that it is usually not provided in public
`state points out which state to move if the next input character matches with any predefined
`input of the state, otherwise, the FSM resorts to the failure() function. The output() function
`summarizes and outputs target patterns matched in the end. At the initialization phase, fixed
`string parts of each polymorphic signatures are loaded from the database, and are used to build
`At the scanning phase, ClamAV scans an input
`file byte-by-byte and detects
`occurrences of signatures. In general, fixed parts of signatures are scanned in the trie firstly,
`and after that wildcards and regular expressions are processed. Take a signature with a
`wildcard as an example. The fixed string is split by an asterisk wildcard into two substrings
`that is in the “substring1 *substring2” format. The two substrings are matched individually by
`the AC FSM. When all the two parts are found, it will further verify the order and gap between
`them. ClamAV uses a 256-element array for each node with each element corresponding to an
`ASCII character. The integer value of the input byte is used as the index into the array, and if
`the element is present, a match character is found. Furthermore, ClamAV provides several
`common unpackers, such as MEW, Upack, Petite, yC, FSG, AsPack, WWPack, NsPack and
`etc., to recover the original programs from packed viruses obfuscated with the known packing
`2.3 Related Work on Intrusion Protection of Virtual Machines
`Virtualization technology brings opportunities for security and is extensively used to improve
`the anti-attack capability of intrusion or malware detection and protection tools [8 ][26].
`A. VMI-based intrusion protection
`Security tools can be installed outside of the VM that need to be protected, and monitors the
`guest via special interfaces, such as VMI [46]. As is isolated from the VM, the security tools
`are immune to attacks even if the VM is compromised by attackers. However, as lacking of
`guest OS-level semantic (known as the semantic gap [40][46]), the accuracy and effectiveness
`of the security tools outside the VM have to be sacrificed. Livewire [8]
`a general IDS
`framework adopting VMI technology, which uses the priori knowledge about the guest OS
`data structures to interpret the hardware-level view in OS-level semantics. Especially, to
`detect signatures of malicious program, it performs a
`full scan of all
`the host memory.
`However, this methodology cannot timely find out virus and prohibit them. VMwatcher [9]
`reconstructs semantic views of guest OS in a non-intrusive manner, and provides objects with
`the guest OS view to external malware detection tools. Just like Livewire, VMwatcher only
`provides malwares detection and cannot intervene execution of the guest. [12] proposed a
`hybrid approach enabling security tools to perform active monitoring while pertaining
`isolation to ensure security. It hooks the guest OS to monitor interested events and handle the
`events in an isolated VM. It solves the semantic gap problem in a simple manner, but it heavily
`depends on integrity of the guest OS. [20] described a framework that enables security
`monitoring applications to be placed in the untrusted guest VM without sacrificing the security
`guarantees. The monitoring application itself is protected by the VMM and should be
`self-contained to ensure its integrity. This method imposes restrictions on the monitoring
`applications and even requires reconstruction of commodity tools to adapt to this framework.
`[27] proposed a mechanism to verify the integrity of user and kernel code at runtime in page
`[50] described a framework that combines intrusion monitoring, evidence
`preservation, in-depth log analysis and decision making on suspicious events handling for
`guest VMs.
`In addition, there are also advances in the research of VMI. VMI technique requires
`privilege access to the virtual machine monitor, so that it
`is usually not provided in public
`Tang et al.: VirtAV: an Agentless Runtime Antivirus System for Virtual Machines
`cloud environments. CloudVMI [38] virtualizes the VMI interface and allows cloud users to
`introspecting their own VMs. For live VM monitoring by VMI, VMI tools and guest VMs run
`concurrently which might cause race conditions and data inconsistency. TxIntro [47]
`leverages the atomicity of hardware transactional memory to ensure concurrent and consistent
`VMI. To reduce the overhead of VMI and improves its generality for different OSes, [43]
`presents an approach that redirects the system calls of monitoring tools to the dummy process
`in guest VM which collects guest OS states natively in a lightweight manner. [45] presented
`the observation that the definition and layout of critical information in kernel data structures
`for process is stable as the evolution of kernel versions. The generality of VMI is improved by
`reconstructing the process list basing on only partial information, that is believed as sufficient
`intrusion detection. [52]
`introduced hypervisor
`introspection (HVI)
`to detect
`hypercall-based attacks with hardware supports, such as nested virtualization and EPT
`B. Not VMI-based intrusion protection
`To solve the antivirus storm problem, VMware & TrendTech [5][13] proposed a so-called
`agentless antivirus framework - vShield Endpoint. In that framework, the primary causes of
`storm including signature scanning and database updating are offloaded to a dedicated VM,
`called secure virtual appliance (SVA). Moreover, there is a lightweight agent (called `EPsec
`Thin Agent') deployed in guest OS whose main duties are monitoring file operations in guest
`OS and forwarding files to SVA to be scanned. However, the framework is not truly agentless,
`and indeed, the agent is exposed to attacks from malicious users or malware. Moreover, the
`agent depends on the guest OS. When the agent is not running, for example in booting phase or
`shutting down phase of the guest OS, the guest VM loses protection of antivirus.
`[24] presented an external approach to malware analysis which can hide the analyzer from
`the target. With the help of hardware virtualization technology such as Intel VT, it can offer
`both instruction level and system call level tracing of the target in guest VM. [25] described a
`Qemu-based system that dynamically analyses Windows kernel-level code and extract
`malicious behaviors from rookits. [37] introduced an event-logging based reliability and
`security monitoring framework for virtual machines, which relies on hardware invariant to
`provide an isolated root of trust, so that the events and states about guests cannot be modified
`by attackers and failures inside guests. [41] presented an out-of-VM user-mode process
`execution monitoring which supports existing user-mode process monitoring tools such as
`strace, ltrace and gdb. The suspect process to be monitored is moved out from the production
`VM to the monitor VM, where the user-mode monitoring tools run side-by-side with the
`process. This approach removes semantic gap and can directly intercept the process execution
`at the granularity of user-level function calls. CIVIC [44] creates a live replica of the
`production VM and the inspection or analysis operations are performed on the replica. It
`leaves the production VM unmodified without any impa

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Please refresh this page in a few minutes to see if the filing has been downloaded. The filing will also be emailed to you when the download completes.

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If you do not receive the document in five minutes, contact support at support@docketalarm.com.

Sealed Document
We are unable to display this document, it may be under a court ordered seal.
If you have proper credentials to access the file, you may proceed directly to the court's system using your government issued username and password.
Access Government Site