`I IIIII IIIIIIII 11111111 JIpllo1111189I1
`( 12 ) United States Patent
`(12) United States Patent
`Rosendahl et al .
`Rosendahl et al.
`( 10 ) Patent No .:
`US 11,106,784 B2
`(10) Patent No.: US 11,106,784 B2
`Aug. 31 , 2021
`( 45 ) Date of Patent :
`Aug. 31, 2021
`(45) Date of Patent:
`( 71 ) Applicant : Neu Vector , Inc. , Milpitas , CA ( US )
`(71) Applicant: NeuVector, Inc., Milpitas, CA (US)
`( 72 )
`Inventors : Henrik Rosendahl , Milpitas , CA ( US ) ;
`Inventors: Henrik Rosendahl, Milpitas, CA (US);
`Fei Huang , Fremont , CA ( US ) ; Gang
`Fei Huang, Fremont, CA (US); Gang
`Duan , San Jose , CA ( US )
`Duan, San Jose, CA (US)
`( 73 ) Assignee : NeuVector , Inc. , San Jose , CA ( US )
`(73) Assignee: NeuVector, Inc., San Jose, CA (US)
`Subject to any disclaimer , the term of this
`( * ) Notice :
`(* ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154 ( b ) by 423 days .
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 423 days.
`( 21 ) Appl . No .: 16 / 155,742
`(21) Appl. No.: 16/155,742
`( 22 ) Filed :
`(22) Filed:
`( 65 )
`Oct. 9 , 2018
`Oct. 9, 2018
`Prior Publication Data
`Prior Publication Data
`Apr. 9 , 2020
`US 2020/0110873 A1
`US 2020/0110873 Al
`Apr. 9, 2020
`( 51 ) Int . Cl .
`(51) Int. Cl.
`G06F 21/53
`GO6F 21/53
`G06F 21/57
`GO6F 21/57
`( 52 ) U.S. CI .
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`( 2013.01 )
`( 2013.01 )
`GO6F 21/53 ( 2013.01 ) ; G06F 21/577
` GO6F 21/53 (2013.01); GO6F 21/577
`( 2013.01 ) ; G06F 2221/034 ( 2013.01 )
`(2013.01); GO6F 2221/034 (2013.01)
`( 58 ) Field of Classification Search
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`CPC G06F 21/53 ; G06F 21/577 ; G06F 2221/034 ;
`CPC .. G06F 21/53; G06F 21/577; G06F 2221/034;
`G06F 21/51 ; G06F 21/563 ; G06F 8/61 ;
`G06F 21/51; G06F 21/563; G06F 8/61;
`GO6F 11/3616
`G06F 11/3616
`See application file for complete search history .
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`References Cited
`( 56 )
`G06F 21/53
` G06F 21/53
`HO4L 67/10
` H04L 67/10
`2018/0336351 A1 * 11/2018 Jeffries
`2018/0336351 Al* 11/2018 Jeffries
`2020/0097662 A1 *
`3/2020 Hufsmith
`2020/0097662 Al *
`3/2020 Hufsmith
`* cited by examiner
`* cited by examiner
`Primary Examiner — Paul E Callahan
`Primary Examiner — Paul E Callahan
`( 74 ) Attorney , Agent , or Firm Fenwick & West LLP
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Fenwick & West LLP
`( 57 )
`A threat level analyzer probes for one or more threats within
`A threat level analyzer probes for one or more threats within
`an application container in a container system . Each threat
`an application container in a container system. Each threat
`is a vulnerability or a non - conformance with a benchmark
`is a vulnerability or a non-conformance with a benchmark
`setting . The threat level analyzer further probes for one or
`setting. The threat level analyzer further probes for one or
`more threats within a host of the container service . The
`more threats within a host of the container service. The
`threat level analyzer generates a threat level assessment
`threat level analyzer generates a threat level assessment
`score based on results from the probing of the one or more
`score based on results from the probing of the one or more
`threats of the application container and the one or more
`threats of the application container and the one or more
`threats of the host , and generates a report for presentation in
`threats of the host, and generates a report for presentation in
`a user interface including the threat level assessment score
`a user interface including the threat level assessment score
`and a list of threats discovered from the probe of the
`and a list of threats discovered from the probe of the
`application container and the host . A report is transmitted by
`application container and the host. A report is transmitted by
`the threat level analyzer to a client device of a user for
`the threat level analyzer to a client device of a user for
`presentation in the user interface .
`presentation in the user interface.
`18 Claims , 7 Drawing Sheets
`18 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets
`App Container 104A
`App Container j_C14.8
`WAN Access 106
`WAN Access 106
`Network Activity 108
`Network Activity 108
`Container System 102
`Container System 102
`App Container 104B
`App Container LOAU
`Program Libraries 110
`Program Libraries 110
`Patch Level 112
`Patch Level 112
`App Container
`App Container
`Container Configuration
`Container Configuration
`Data 114
`Data 114
`Container Probe
`Container Probe
`Threat Level Analyzer Container 120
`Threat Level Analyzer Container 120
`Network Probe
`Network Probe
`Host Probe
`Host Probe
`Threat Level Assessment
`Threat Level Assessment
`Report Generator
`Report Generator
`Threat Level Policy
`Threat Level Policy
`Data Logger
`Data Logger
`Threat Database
`Threat Database
`Data Log
`Data Log
`Automated Response Engine
`Automated Response Engine
`Program Libraries 152
`Program Libraries .1
`Patch Level 154
`Patch Level 154
`Host 150
`Host 150
`Container Service 160
`Container Service 160
`Patch Level 162
`Patch Level 162
`Service Config Data 164
`Service Config Data 164
`File System 156
`File System 156
`Host Configuration Data 158
`Host Configuration Data 158
`WIZ, Inc. EXHIBIT - 1017
`WIZ, Inc. v. Orca Security LTD.
`WIZ, Inc. EXHIBIT - 1017
`WIZ, Inc. v. Orca Security LTD.
`U.S. Patent
`lualud °S11
`Aug. 31 , 2021
`noz `i£ 'any
`Sheet 1 of 7
`US 11,106,784 B2
`Zll 178L`90VII Sf1
`App Container
`Container Configuration
`Data 114
`Container 104N Container
`Configuration Data 114
`System 102
`104B Program
`110 Patch
`Level 112
`Container System 102
`App Container 104B
`Program Libraries 110
`Patch Level 112
`■ ■ ■
`App Container 104A
`WAN Access 106
`104A WAN
`Access 106
`Network Activity 108
`Activity 108
`Threat Level Analyzer Container 120
`Container 120
`Host Probe
`Probe 126
`Network Probe
`Probe 124
`Container Probe
`Probe 122
`Threat Database
`Database 132
`Threat Level Policy
`Policy Store 130
`Threat Level Assessment
`Assessment Engine 128
`Data Log
`Data Log 140
`Data Logger
`Logger 138
`Report Interface 136
`Report Generator
`Generator 134
`File System 156
`System 156
`Host Configuration Data 158
`Data 158
`Automated Response Engine
`Engine 142
`Host 150
`Host 150
`Container Service 160
`Patch Level 162
`160 Patch
`Service Config Data 164
`Data 164
`FIG. 1
`FIG . 1
`152 Patch
`Level 154
`Program Libraries 152
`Patch Level 154
`U.S. Patent
`lualud °S11
`Aug. 31 , 2021
`noz `i£ 'any
`Sheet 2 of 7
`US 11,106,784 B2
`Zll 178L`90VII Sf1
`Threat Level
`Analysis Assessment Threat Severity
`Image 208 Status 210 Score 212
`Count 214
`Severity Count
`Assessment Status
`Container Image
`Network Address
`Address 206
`OS 204
`OS 204
`List 202
`Container List 202
`o Containers
`Scanned : Failed :
`o Containefis a Nodes
`Image /
`tatusi Score High TVIed !Time
`Node 1
`OS i
`Name40 1
`lip-172-31-43-216 I neuvector/docs Finish
`Mar 05, 2018 09:06:17
` 4.7
`ecs-deploy-docs-2-docs-94e5f... jdebian:8
` ijp-172-31-41-1381mysqT
`ecs-wordpress-demo-4-mysqj... debian:8
`Mar 05, 2018 09:06:20
`lip-172-31-41-138 wordpress
`Mar 05, 2018 09:06:20
`ecs-wordpress-demo-4-wordpr... debian:9
`lip-172-31-41-138 invbeta/nqinx
`1Mar 05, 2018 09:06:20
`1 234 !Mar 05, 2018 09:C6:24 I
`lubuntu:14.04ip-172-31-43-216 invbeta/node
`Finished! 7.2
`' 234 Mar 05, 2018 09:06:22
` 'Finished
` iubuntu:14.04iip-172-31-43-2161nvbeta/node
`Mar 05, 2018 09:06:19
`ip-172-31-41-138 redis
`43 Mar 05, 2018 09:06:24
`10 40 Mar 05 , 2018
`61 189
`Mar 05 , 2018
`7 12 Mar 05 , 2018
`19 234 Mar 05 , 2018
`18 43 Mar 05 , 2018
`Score 1 High
`ubuntu : 14.04 ip - 172-31-43-216
`nvbeta / node
`Mar 05 , 2018
`16 : 2
`Finished 7.2
`ecs - deploy - docs - 2 - docs - 94e5f
`Idebian : 8 ip - 172-31-43-216
`neuvector / docs
`Mar 05 , 2018
`debian : 8 ip - 172-31-41-138
`Invbeta / nginx
`ecs - wordpress - demo - 4 - wordpr ...
`debian : 9 ip - 172-31-41-138
`ecs - wordpress - demo - 4 - mysql
`debian : 8 lip - 172-31-41-138
`ubuntu : 14.04ip - 172-31-43-216
`nvbeta / node
`Finished 19
`Scheduled : Vulnerability
`version : 1.039
`ubuntu : 14.04 1p - 172-31-43-216
`nvbeta / node
`debian : 8 ip - 172-31-41-138
`Scanned: °failed: Q Scanning: C) Scheduled: 'Vulnerability database version: 1.039
`1 Fixed Version
`1 3.13.0-139.188
`1 0 1ubuntu2 17
`Z1.9.70.a2Lin.16..14 .
`1.4.16-1 ubuntu2.4
`1 Version
`1 2.19-Oubuntu6.9
`11.4.16-1 ubuntu2.3
`1.5.3-2ubuntu4.3 .1,
`1 3.13.0-112.159
`1.0.1ubuntu2.17 ..2.19 - Qubuntu .. 14 . 1.4.16-1ubuntu2.4
`1.5.3-2ubuntu4.4 3.13.0-121.170
`Version 3.13.0-139.188
`3.13.0-121.170 3.13.0-115.162
`2.14 2.19 - Oubuntu6.9 1.4.16-1ubuntu2.3
`1.5.3-2ubuntu4.3 3.13.0-112.159
`3.13.0-112.159 3.13.0-112.159 3.13.0-112.159
`Version 3.13.0-112.159
`Package linux apt ..eglibc . gnupg libgarypt11 linux linux linux linux
`1 Package
`1 eglitc
`i gnupg
` 1 lib.gcrypt11
`1 linux
`i Score
`Score High 4.7 High 4.3 High 10 High 5 High 5 High
`7.2 . High 6.2 High
`..... 2 High || 7.2
`CVE-2017- 000111
`Name CVE - 2017-5754 CVE - 2016-1252 CVE - 2018-1000001 CVE - 2016-6313 CVE - 2016-6313 CVE - 2017-1000379 CVE - 2017-1000364 CVE - 2017-7184 CVE - 2017-1000111
`Package Fixed
`Version 226
`Fixed Version
`Version 224
`Package Version 224
`Package Location
`Threat Package
`Location 222
`FIG. 2A
`FIG . 2A
`Score 220
`Score 220
`Individual Level
`Threat Severity
`Level 218
`Threats List
`Detected Threats
`List 216
`U.S. Patent
`lualud °S11
`Aug. 31 , 2021
`noz `i£ 'any
`Sheet 3 of 7
`US 11,106,784 B2
`Zll 178L`90VII Sf1
`Hardware Info 240
`Info 240
`Platform 238
`OS 234
`OS 234
`Node List 232
`List 232
`/El Nodes
`E Nodes
`I Memory
`993.5 MB
` 993.5 MB
`993.5 MB
`Memory 993.5 MB 993.5 MB 993.5 MB
`1 1
`I Amazon-ECS
`Platform Amazon - ECS Amazon - ECS Amazon - ECS
`I Amazon Linux AMI 2017.03
`Amazon Linux AMI 2017.03
`Amazon Linux AMI 2016.03
`2017.03 Amazon
`2017.03 Amazon
`I IP-172-31-41-138
`Name ip - 172-31-41-138 ip - 172-31-43-216 ip - 172-31-44-255
`Threat Description 246
`File not
`WWW . ###
`Test number
`El 1(14)
`a 1 .3(2.)
`number 1 ( 14 ) 1.1 1.2
`1.3 ( 2 )
`E 1.4 ( 1 ) .
`1.5 1.6 1.7
`1.8 ( 1 )
`1.9 ( 1 ) . 1.10 ( 1 ) .
`5 1.11 ( 1 )
`Threat.Repart . 242
`Message Host
`Threat.Severity . |
`-Levet 244
`Host Configuration
`insure a separate partition for containers has been created
`Ensure the container host has been Hardened
`Ensure Docker is up to date
`Using 17.03.1 verify is it up to date as deemed necessary
` Your.. Qpera agtem yen. caLinay pravide auppgrtarad,
`Ensure only rusted users are allowed to control Docker ...
`docker x:4 7:ec2-user
`Ensure auditing is configured for the Docker daemon
`Ensure auditing. configured for files and dir. -/var/fibidocker
`Ensure auditing configured for files and dir. -/etc/docker
`Ensure auditing configured for files and dir. — docker. service
`File not found
`Ensure auditing configured for files and dir. — docker.socket
`File not found
`Ensure auditing configured for files and dir. — /ect/default/doc
`File not found
`Ensure auditing configured for files and dir. — /ect/docker/dae
`necessary Your
`and Ensure
`Ensure a separate
`containers has
`users are
`allowed to control
`verify is it up to date as deemed
`Docker is up to date
`docker X : 497 : ec2 - user
`and dir . - lect / default / doc
`dir . / var / lib / docker Ensure
`dir . - / etc / docker Ensure
`and dir . - docker , service
`and dir . docker.socket
`auditing is configured
`for the
`and dir . - lect / docker / dae
`FIG. 2B
`FIG . 2B
`U.S. Patent
`lualud °S11
`Aug. 31 , 2021
`noz `i£ 'any
`Sheet 4 of 7
`L JO 17 JaM1S
`US 11,106,784 B2
`Zll 178L`90VII Sf1
`Network 274
`Network 274
`172.3 33.186
`Indicator 268
`Non - Container Indicator 268
`--' External Network
`Detected High
`Network Threat
`Indicator 272
`High Network
`Threat Indicator 272
`Type 264
`Connection Type
`node 1
`Indicators 262
`Threat Level
`Score Indicator
`266 \
`Level Assessment Score
`Indicator 266
`Detected High
`Indicator 270
`High Threat Indicator
`FIG. 2C
`FIG . 2C
`U.S. Patent
`lualud °S11
`Aug. 31 , 2021
`noz `i£ 'any
`Sheet 5 of 7
`US 11,106,784 B2
`Zll 178L`90VII Sf1
`1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
`1 1
`1 I 1
`1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
`1 1 1 I
`Container Server
`Server 310B
`VM 3150
`Virtual Machine (VM)
`Machine ( VM ) 315B
`UI Container 365
`Analytics Container 360
`Management Container 355
`VM 315 N
`VM 315 D
`Container System 305-
`Container Server
`Server 310A
`Virtual Machine (VM)
`Machine ( VM ) 315A
`Security Container 350
`App Container 320B
`App Container 320A
`Virtual Switch 335C
`Cont . Svc . 330C
`Switch 335B
`Container Svc . 330B
`Virtual Switch
`Hypervisor 340B
`FIG. 3
`FIG . 3
`Network 390
`Virtual Switch
`Switch 335A
`Container Service
`Service 330A
`Hypervisor 340A
`Client Device
`Device 370A
`Client Device
`Device 370B
`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 31 , 2021
`Aug. 31, 2021
`Sheet 6 of 7
`Sheet 6 of 7
`US 11,106,784 B2
`US 11,106,784 B2
`Probe an application container for threats including vulnerabilities and non
`Probe an application container for threats including vulnerabilities and non-
`conformance of benchmark settings
`conformance of benchmark settings
`Probe container service host for threats
`Probe container service host for threats
`Generate threat level assessment score based on probed results
`Generate threat level assessment score based on probed results
`Generate report to present in user interface including threat level assessment
`Generate report to present in user interface including threat level assessment
`score and list of threats
`score and list of threats
`FIG . 4
`FIG. 4
`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 31 , 2021
`Aug. 31, 2021
`Sheet 7 of 7
`Sheet 7 of 7
`US 11,106,784 B2
`US 11,106,784 B2
` ri_
`FIG . 5
`FIG. 5
`US 11,106,784 B2
`US 11,106,784 B2
`The disclosure generally relates to the field of container-
`The disclosure generally relates to the field of container-
`ization security , and specifically to automated threat level
`ization security, and specifically to automated threat level
`determination for containers running on containerization
`determination for containers running on containerization
`platforms as well as their hosts .
`platforms as well as their hosts.
`FIG . 2A is an exemplary user interface presenting a list of
`FIG. 2A is an exemplary user interface presenting a list of
`containers and their associated threat level scores , along
`containers and their associated threat level scores, along
`with a threat list for a container , as determined by the threat
`with a threat list for a container, as determined by the threat
`level analyzer , according to an example embodiment .
`level analyzer, according to an example embodiment.
`FIG . 2B is an exemplary user interface presenting a list of
`FIG. 2B is an exemplary user interface presenting a list of
`hosts and a detail interface reporting individual threat tests ,
`hosts and a detail interface reporting individual threat tests,
`as determined by the threat level analyzer , according to an
`as determined by the threat level analyzer, according to an
`example embodiment .
`example embodiment.
`FIG . 2C is an exemplary user interface presenting a graph
`FIG. 2C is an exemplary user interface presenting a graph
`10 view of a plurality of containers, and interface elements
`view of a plurality of containers , and interface elements
`indicating threat level scores and detected high level threats
`indicating threat level scores and detected high level threats
`for certain containers , according to an example embodiment .
`for certain containers, according to an example embodiment.
`FIG . 3 illustrates an example container environment with
`FIG. 3 illustrates an example container environment with
`an exemplary container architecture in which a threat level
`15 an exemplary container architecture in which a threat level
`analyzer , such as the threat level analyzer of FIG . 1 , may
`analyzer, such as the threat level analyzer of FIG. 1, may
`operate , according to an embodiment .
`operate, according to an embodiment.
`FIG . 4 is a flow chart illustrating an exemplary method for
`FIG. 4 is a flow chart illustrating an exemplary method for
`determining a threat level of a container and host in a
`determining a threat level of a container and host in a
`container system , according to one embodiment .
`20 container system, according to one embodiment.
`FIG . 5 is a block diagram illustrating components of an
`FIG. 5 is a block diagram illustrating components of an
`example machine able to read instructions from a machine
`example machine able to read instructions from a machine-
`readable medium and execute them in a processor ( or
`readable medium and execute them in a processor (or
`controller ) .
`A recent development in networked infrastructure is the
`A recent development in networked infrastructure is the
`container model . In the container model , a kernel of an
`container model. In the container model, a kernel of an
`operating system ( e.g. , Linux ) allows for multiple isolated
`operating system (e.g., Linux) allows for multiple isolated
`user - space instances , or " containers , ” executing simultane
`user-space instances, or "containers," executing simultane-
`ously . Each container is isolated from other containers , and
`ously. Each container is isolated from other containers, and
`may access a set of resources that are isolated from other
`may access a set of resources that are isolated from other
`containers . Each container also interacts with a container
`containers. Each container also interacts with a container
`service , which may provide various functions , such as an
`service, which may provide various functions, such as an
`application programming interface ( API ) to allow each
`application programming interface (API) to allow each
`container to access various functions of the container service 25
`container to access various functions of the container service 25
`( e.g. , establishing communications , communicating with
`(e.g., establishing communications, communicating with
`other containers , logging ) . One advantage of such a con
`other containers, logging). One advantage of such a con-
`The Figures ( FIGS . ) and the following description relate
`tainer system is the ability of the container system , with the
`tainer system is the ability of the container system, with the
`The Figures (FIGS.) and the following description relate
`to preferred embodiments by way of illustration only . It
`assistance of the container service , to quickly and transpar-
`assistance of the container service, to quickly and transpar-
`to preferred embodiments by way of illustration only. It
`ently migrate containers between hosts during live opera- 30 should be noted that from the following discussion , alter
`ently migrate containers between hosts during live opera-
`30 should be noted that from the following discussion, alter-
`tion , e.g. , for load balancing . Another advantage is that ,
`native embodiments of the structures and methods disclosed
`tion, e.g., for load balancing. Another advantage is that,
`native embodiments of the structures and methods disclosed
`since virtual emulation of resources , such as in a virtual
`herein will be readily recognized as viable alternatives that
`since virtual emulation of resources, such as in a virtual
`herein will be readily recognized as viable alternatives that
`machine ( VM ) environment , is not being performed to
`may be employed without departing from the principles of
`machine (VM) environment, is not being performed to
`may be employed without departing from the principles of
`provide resources to the containers , the overhead compared
`provide resources to the containers, the overhead compared
`what is claimed .
`what is claimed.
`to a VM - based environment is much lower .
`to a VM-based environment is much lower.
`Reference will now be made in detail to several embodi
`Reference will now be made in detail to several embodi-
`However , within such container systems , security and
`However, within such container systems, security and
`ments , examples of which are illustrated in the accompany
`ments, examples of which are illustrated in the accompany-
`threat detection can be a more challenging issue . A container
`threat detection can be a more challenging issue. A container
`ing figures . It is noted that wherever practicable similar or
`ing figures. It is noted that wherever practicable similar or
`system includes many different components , in many cases
`system includes many different components, in many cases
`like reference numbers may be used in the figures and may
`like reference numbers may be used in the figures and may
`more than a traditional system . The container system has a
`more than a traditional system. The container system has a
`host operating system , a container service , multiple appli- 40 indicate similar or like functionality . The figures depict
`40 indicate similar or like functionality. The figures depict
`host operating system, a container service, multiple appli-
`embodiments of the disclosed system ( or method ) for pur
`embodiments of the disclosed system (or method) for pur-
`cation containers with their own configuration , with each
`cation containers with their own configuration, with each
`poses of illustration only . One skilled in the art will readily
`poses of illustration only. One skilled in the art will readily
`application container accessing various resources , such as
`application container accessing various resources, such as
`ognize from the following description that alternative
`with network connections other containers and to the Inter-
`recognize from the following description that alternative
`with network connections other containers and to the Inter-
`embodiments of the structures and methods illustrated
`net . Such a complex system has a broad surface area for
`embodiments of the structures and methods illustrated
`net. Such a complex system has a broad surface area for
`malicious attackers to penetrate . While traditional systems 45 herein may be employed without departing from the prin
`45 herein may be employed without departing from the prin-
`malicious attackers to penetrate. While traditional systems
`may have multiple operators for detecting and resolving
`ciples described herein .
`ciples described herein.
`may have multiple operators for detecting and resolving
`security issues ( e.g. , developers for applications , operations
`Configuration Overview
`Configuration Overview
`security issues (e.g., developers for applications, operations
`Embodiments herein disclose a method in a container
`staff for hosts , and network security staff for network access
`Embodiments herein disclose a method in a container
`staff for hosts, and network security staff for network access
`operations ) , having these multiple operators operate on a
`system for determining a threat level assessment for an
`system for determining a threat level assessment for an
`operations), having these multiple operators operate on a
`container system is cumbersome , reduces efficiency , and can 50 application container . A threat level analyzer probes for one
`so application container. A threat level analyzer probes for one
`container system is cumbersome, reduces efficiency, and can
`easily cause shortfalls due to the complex division of
`or more threats within an application container in a container
`or more threats within an application container in a container
`easily cause shortfalls due to the complex division of
`responsibilities . Therefore , what was lacking , inter alia , was
`system . Each threat is a vulnerability or a non - conformance
`system. Each threat is a vulnerability or a non-conformance
`responsibilities. Therefore, what was lacking, inter alia, was
`a vertically integrated system to automatically determine ,
`with a benchmark setting . The application container
`with a benchmark setting. The application container
`a vertically integrated system to automatically determine,
`report , and respond to threats and security issues in all
`includes computer - readable instructions , and is initiated via
`includes computer-readable instructions, and is initiated via
`report, and respond to threats and security issues in all
`55 a container service and isolated using operating system - level
`aspects of a container system .
`55 a container service and isolated using operating system-level
`aspects of a container system.
`virtualization .
`The threat level analyzer further probes for one or more
`The threat level analyzer further probes for one or more
`threats within a host of the container service . The threat level
`threats within a host of the container service. The threat level
`analyzer generates a threat level assessment score based on
`The disclosed embodiments have advantages and features
`analyzer generates a threat level assessment score based on
`The disclosed embodiments have advantages and features
`which will be more readily apparent from the detailed 60 results from the probing of the one or more threats of the
`60 results from the probing of the one or more threats of the
`which will be more readily apparent from the detailed
`description , the appended claims , and the accompanying
`application container and the one or more threats of the host ,
`application container and the one or more threats of the host,
`description, the appended claims, and the accompanying
`figures ( or drawings ) . A brief introduction of the figures is
`and generates a report for presentation in a user interface
`and generates a report for presentation in a user interface
`figures (or drawings). A brief introduction of the figures is
`including the threat level assessment score and a list of
`below .
`including the threat level assessment score and a list of
`FIG . 1 illustrates an example of a container system with
`threats discovered from the probe of the application con
`threats discovered from the probe of the application con-
`FIG. 1 illustrates an example of a container system with
`a threat level analyzer to determine a threat level of appli- 65 tainer and the host . A report is transmitted by the threat level
`65 tainer and the host. A report is transmitted by the threat level
`a threat level analyzer to determine a threat level of appli-
`cation containers and hosts on which the container system
`analyzer to a client device of a user for presentation in the
`analyzer to a client device of a user for presentation in the
`cation containers and hosts on which the container system
`reside , according to an example embodiment .
`user interface .
`user interface.
`reside, according to an example embodiment.

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