`ANGELOS STAVROU - Curriculum Vitae
`- August 2020 – Present
`Professor, Innovation Campus & Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
`Virginia Tech, Arlington, VA
`- August 2017 – August 2020
`Professor, Computer Science Department, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
`- April 2014 – August 2020
`Director, Center for Assurance Research and Engineering (CARE), George Mason University,
`Fairfax, VA
`- May 2012 – August 2017
`Associate Professor, Computer Science Department, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
`- March 2014 – May 2017
`Academic Director, M.S. in Management of Secure Information Systems Program, School of
`Management, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
`- May 2013 – August 2015
`Academic Director, M.S. in Information Security and Assurance, Computer Science Department,
`George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
`- September 2011 – August 2020
`Associate Researcher, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Computer Security
`Division, Gaithersburg, MD
`- January 2012 – August 2013
`Associate Director, Center for Secure Information Systems, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
`- August 2007 – May 2012
`Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
`- May 2006 – August 2006
`Research Intern, Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK
`- August 2004 – December 2004
`Software Engineer Intern, Google Inc., Mountain view, CA
`- September 2001 – August 2007
`Research Assistant, Computer Science Department, Columbia University, New York, NY
`- Columbia University, Fu Foundation School of Engineering & Applied Science, New York, NY.
`Ph.D. in Computer Science (with Distinction) (August 2007)
`Thesis: "An Overlay Architecture for End-to-End Service Availability".
`Advisor: Angelos D. Keromytis.
`- Columbia University, Fu Foundation School of Engineering & Applied Science, New York, NY.
`M.Phil. Degree in Computer Science (January 2007)
`M.Sc. Degree in Electrical Engineering with concentration in Multimedia Networking (Peer to
`Peer Networks). (December 2002).
`- National University of Athens, Athens Greece /Carleton University ON, Canada.
`M.Sc. Degree in Algorithms, Computability and Logic. (June 2001)
`WIZ, Inc. EXHIBIT - 1003
`WIZ, Inc. v. Orca Security LTD.


`Master's Thesis: "A new distributed algorithm for routing in satellite constellation networks"
`Advisor: Prof. E. Kranakis.
`- University of Patras, Electrical Engineering Department, Patras Greece.
`Certificate of Engineering for the completion of the last two years of coursework in Electrical
`Engineering (February 1999).
`- University of Patras, Physics Department, Patras, Greece.
`B.Sc (Honors) in Physics, (July 1997) Thesis: "Stream Ciphers theory and practical application".
` Publications
`Issued Patents
`Systems and methods for analyzing software
`Ryan Johnson, Nikolaos Kiourtis, Angelos Stavrou
`U.S. Patent Number 10,387,627. Issued on August 20th, 2019.
`2. Active Authentication of Users
`Angelos Stavrou, Rahul Murmuria, Ryan Johnson, Daniel Barbara
`U.S. Patent Number 10,289,819. Issued on May 14th, 2019.
`3. Methods and systems for increased debugging transparency
`Fengwei Zhang, Kevin Leach, Angelos Stavrou, Haining Wang
`U.S. Patent Number 10,127,137. Issued on November 13th, 2018.
`4. Methods and Apparatus for Application Isolation
`Anup Ghosh, Yih Huang, Jiang Wang, Angelos Stavrou
`U.S. Patent Number 9,602,524. Issued on March 21st, 2017.
`5. Malware Detector
`Angelos Stavrou, Sushil Jajodia, Anup Ghosh, Rhandi Martin, Charalampos Andrianakis
`U.S. Patent Number 9,531,747. Issued on December 27th, 2016.
`6. Hardware-assisted Integrity Monitor
`Jiang Wang, Anup Ghosh, Kun Sun, Angelos Stavrou
`U.S. Patent Number 9,270,697. Issued on February 23rd, 2016.
`Systems and Methods for Inhibiting Attacks with a Network
`Angelos Stavrou, Angelos D. Keromytis
`U.S. Patent Number 9,344,418. Issued on May 17th, 2016.
`8. Methods and Apparatus for Application Isolation
`Anup Ghosh, Yih Huang, Jiang Wang, Angelos Stavrou
`U.S. Patent Number 9,098,698. Issued on August 4th, 2015.
`9. Adaptive feedback loop based on a sensor for streaming static and interactive
`media content to animals
`Angelos Stavrou, Margaret Lee Perry-Flippin
`U.S. Patent Number 9,043,818. Issued on May 26th, 2015.


`10. Malware Detector
`Angelos Stavrou, Sushil Jajodia, Anup Ghosh, Rhandi Martin, Charalampos Andrianakis
`U.S. Patent Number 8,935,773. Issued on January 13th, 2015.
`11. Systems, Methods, and Media for Recovering an Application from a Fault or Attack
`Michael E. Locasto, Angelos D. Keromytis, Angelos Stavrou, Gabriela F. Ciocarlie
`U.S. Patent Number 8,924,782. Issued on December 30th, 2014.
`12. Hardware-assisted Integrity Monitor
`Jiang Wang, Angelos Stavrou, Anup Ghosh, Kun Sun
`U.S. Patent Number 8,819,225. Issued on August 26th, 2014.
`13. Website Matching based on Network Traffic
`Angelos Stavrou, Mohammed A. Alhussein, Brian Sanders
`U.S. Patent Number 8,726,005. Issued on May 13th, 2014.
`14. Systems and Methods for Inhibiting Attacks with a Network
`Angelos Stavrou, Angelos D. Keromytis.
`U.S. Patent Number 8,631,484. Issued on January 14th, 2014.
`15. Methods, Media and Systems for Responding to a Denial of Service Attack
`Angelos Stavrou, Angelos D. Keromytis, Jason Nieh, Vishal Misra, and Daniel Rubenstein.
`U.S. Patent Number 8,549,646. Issued on October 1st, 2013.
`16. Systems, Methods, and Media for Generating Sanitized Data, Sanitizing Anomaly Detection
`Models, and/or Generating Sanitized Anomaly Detection Models
`Gabriela Cretu, Angelos Stavrou, Salvatore J. Stolfo, Angelos D. Keromytis, Michael E. Locasto.
`U.S. Patent Number 8,407,160. Issued on March 26th, 2013.
`17. Systems and Methods for Computing Data Transmission Characteristics of a Network Path
`Based on Single-ended Measurements
`Angelos D. Keromytis, Sambuddho Chakravarty, and Angelos Stavrou.
`U.S. Patent Number 8,228,815. Issued on July 24th, 2012.
`18. Methods, Systems and Media for Software Self-Healing
`Michael E. Locasto, Angelos D. Keromytis, Salvatore J. Stolfo, Angelos Stavrou, Gabriela Cretu,
`Stylianos Sidiroglou, Jason Nieh, and Oren Laadan.
`U.S. Patent Number 7,962,798. Issued on June 14th, 2011.
`19. Systems and Methods for Computing Data Transmission Characteristics of a Network Path
`Based on Single-ended Measurements
`Angelos D. Keromytis, Sambuddho Chakravarty, and Angelos Stavrou. U.S. Patent Number
`7,660,261. Issued on February 9th, 2010.
`Journal Publications
`1. Revisiting the Spaceborne Illuminators of Opportunity for Airborne Object Tracking. [PDF]
`John Robie, Alireza Famili, Angelos Stavrou. In IEEE Computer 56(1): 82-92 (2023)
`2. Understanding the Security Implication of Aborting Live Migration
`X. Gao, J. Xiao, H. Wang and Angelos Stavrou. IEEE Trans. Cloud Comput. 10(2): 1275-1286
`(Online: 2020, Published: 2022)
`21 Years of Distributed Denial-of-Service: A Call to Action – Part 2 [PDF]


`Eric Osterweil, Angelos Stavrou, and Lixia Zhang. In Computer, vol. 53, no. 8, pp. 94-99, Aug. 2020,
`doi: 10.1109/MC.2020.2993330.
`21 Years of Distributed Denial-of Service: Current State of Affairs - Part 1 [PDF]
`Eric Osterweil, Angelos Stavrou, and Lixia Zhang. In Computer, vol. 53, no. 7, pp. 88-92, July 2020,
`doi: 10.1109/MC.2020.2983711.
`5. Towards Transparent Debugging
`Fengwei Zhang, Kevin Leach, Angelos Stavrou, Haining Wang
`IEEE Trans. Dependable Sec. Comput. 15(2): 321-335 (IEEE TDSC 2018)
`6. On Early Detection of Application-level Resource Exhaustion and Starvation
`Mohamed Elsabagh, Daniel Barbará, Dan Fleck, Angelos Stavrou.
`In the Elsevier Journal of Systems and Software 137: 430-447 (2018)
`7. An Empirical Investigation of Ecommerce-Reputation-Escalation-as-a-Service
`Haitao Xu, Daiping Liu, Haining Wang, Angelos Stavrou.
`ACM Transactions on the Web, Volume 11, Number 2, May 2017 (pages 13:1-13:35)
`8. DDoS in the IoT: Mirai and Other Botnets
`Constantinos Kolias, Georgios Kambourakis, Angelos Stavrou, Jeffrey M. Voas.
`IEEE Computer 50(7): 80-84 (2017)
`9. Cybersecurity Leadership: Competencies, Governance, and Technologies for Industrial Control
`Jean-Pierre Auffret, Jane L. Snowdon, Angelos Stavrou, Jeffrey S. Katz, Diana Kelley, Rasheq S.
`Rahman, Frank Stein, Lisa Sokol, Peter Allor, Peng Warweg. Systems. Journal of Interconnection
`Networks 17(1): 1-20 (2017)
`10. Verified Time
`Angelos Stavrou, Jeff Voas.
`IEEE Computer, Volume: 50, Issue: 3, March 2017
`11. On the Move: Evading Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks
`Angelos Stavrou, Daniel Fleck, Constantinos Kolias.
`IEEE Computer 49(3): 104-107 (2016)
`12. Intrusion Detection in 802.11 Networks: Empirical Evaluation of Threats and a Public Dataset
`Constantinos Kolias, Georgios Kambourakis, Angelos Stavrou, Stefanos Gritzalis.
`IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials 18(1): 184-208 (2016)
`13. Learning Internet-of-Things Security "Hands-On"
`Constantinos Kolias, Angelos Stavrou, Jeffrey M. Voas, Irena Bojanova, D. Richard Kuhn.
`IEEE Security & Privacy 14(1): 37-46 (2016)
`14. Securely Making "Things" Right
`Constantinos Kolias, Angelos Stavrou, Jeffrey M. Voas.
`IEEE Computer 48(9): 84-88 IEEE Magazine (2015)
`15. A Moving Target DDoS Defense Mechanism
`Huangxin Wang, Quan Jia, Dan Fleck, Walter Powell, Fei Li, Angelos Stavrou.
`In the Elsevier Journal of Computer Communications, 46: 10-21 (2014)
`16. HyperCheck: A Hardware-Assisted Integrity Monitor
`Fengwei Zhang, Jiang Wang, Kun Sun, and Angelos Stavrou.
`In the proceedings of IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing
`(TDSC), 11(4): 332-344 (2014)


`17. Improving network response times using social information
`Sharath Hiremagalore, Chen Liang, Angelos Stavrou and Huzefa Rangwala.
`Proceedings of Social Network Analysis and Mining, Springer
`Social Network Analysis and Mining, Volume 3, pages 209-220 (2013)
`18. Providing Users' Anonymity in Mobile Hybrid Networks
`Claudio Agostino Ardagna, Sushil Jajodia, Pierangela Samarati, Angelos Stavrou.
`ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Volume 12, 3, Article 7, pages 1 - 33 (May 2013)
`19. Building Security into Off-the-Shelf Smartphones
`Angelos Stavrou, Jeffrey Voas, Tom Karygiannis, Steve Quirolgico.
`IEEE Computer, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 82-84, Feb. 2012, doi:10.1109/MC.2012.44
`20. DoubleGuard: Detecting Intrusions In Multi-tier Web Applications
`Meixing Le, Angelos Stavrou, Brent ByungHoon Kang.
`In IEEE Journal on Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC) 2011,
`ISSN: 1545-5971 10 Nov. 2011. IEEE computer Society Digital Library. IEEE Computer Society.
`Acceptance Rate: 10-12% as reported by 2009 TDSC editorial, ISI Impact Factor: 2.093 (2010).
`21. The Ephemeral Legion: Producing an Expert Cyber-security Workforce from Thin Air
`Michael E. Locasto, Anup Ghosh, Sushil Jajodia, and Angelos Stavrou.
`In the Communications of the ACM, Vol. 54, Issue 1, pp 129 - 131.
`Impact Factor: 2.362 (2010). [bib]
`22. The Dynamic Community of Interest and its Realization in ZODIAC
`Scott Alexander, Steve Bellovin, Yuu-Heng Cheng, Brian Coan, Andrei Ghetie,
`Vikram Kaul, Nicholas F. Maxemchuk, Henning Schulzrinne, Stephen Schwab, Bruce Siegell,
`Angelos Stavrou, and Jonathan M. Smith.
`In IEEE Communications Magazine, October 2009, pp. 40-47. Impact Factor: 2.837
`23. On the Infeasibility of Modeling Polymorphic Shellcode: Re-thinking the Role of Learning in
`Intrusion Detection Systems
`Yingbo Song, Michael E. Locasto, Angelos Stavrou, Angelos D. Keromytis, and Salvatore J. Stolfo.
`In the Proceedings of Machine Learning Journal (MLJ) p. 179-205. Accepted: 7 August 2009.
`Published online: 29 October 2009. Editors: Pavel Laskov and Richard Lippmann. ISI Impact Factor:
`1.956 (2010). [bib]
`24. WebSOS: An Overlay-based System For Protecting Web Servers From Denial of Service
`Angelos Stavrou, Debra L. Cook, William G. Morein, Angelos D. Keromytis, Vishal Misra, and Dan
`In Elsevier Journal of Computer Networks, special issue on Web and Network Security, vol. 48, no. 5,
`p. 781 - 807. August 2005 5-Year Impact Factor: 1.690. [bib]
`25. A Lightweight, Robust, P2P System to Handle Flash Crowds
`Angelos Stavrou, Dan Rubenstein, Sambit Sahu.
`In the Proceedings of IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC),
`special issue on Service Overlay Networks, Volume 22, Number 1, p. 6-17, January 2004. Impact
`Factor: 4.232 (2010). [bib]


`Conference Publications
`1. Securing 5G OpenRAN with a Scalable Authorization Framework for xApps
`Tolga O Atalay, Sudip Maitra, Dragoslav Stojadinovic, Angelos Stavrou, Haining Wang
`To appear in the Proceedings of IEEE Infocom 2023.
`2. Isochrons in tunable photonic oscillators and applications in precise positioning
`G Himona, A Famili, A Stavrou, V Kovanis, Y Kominis
`Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XXXI 12415, 82-86
`3. Detecting and Measuring Misconfigured Manifests in Android Apps
`Allen Yuqing Yang, Mohamed Elsabagh, Chaoshun Zuo, Ryan Johnson, Angelos Stavrou, Zhiqiang
`Lin ACM CCS '22: Proceedings of the 2022 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and
`Communications SecurityNovember 2022 Pages 3063–3077
`4. Network-Slice-as-a-Service Deployment Cost Assessment in an End-to-End 5G Testbed
`Tolga O. Atalay, Dragoslav Stojadinovic, Alireza Famili, Angelos Stavrou, Haining Wang.
`In the Proceedings of IEEE Global Communications Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2022, pp.
`2056-2061, doi: 10.1109/GLOBECOM48099.2022.10001579.
`5. GPS Spoofing Detection by Leveraging 5G Positioning Capabilities
`Alireza Famili, Mahsa Foruhandeh, Tolga Atalay, Angelos Stavrou, Haining Wang
`IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2022,
`pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/LATINCOM56090.2022.10000569.
`6. SPIN: Sensor Placement for Indoor Navigation of Drones
`Alireza Famili, Angelos Stavrou, Haining Wang, Jung-Min Jerry Park
`In the Proceedings of IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM), Rio de
`Janeiro, Brazil, 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/LATINCOM56090.2022.10000583.
`7. Streaming and Unbalanced PSI from Function Secret Sharing
`Samuel Dittmer, Yuval Ishai, Steve Lu, Rafail Ostrovsky, Mohamed Elsabagh, Nikolaos Kiourtis,
`Brian Schulte, Angelos Stavrou. Security and Cryptography for Networks. SCN 2022. Lecture Notes
`in Computer Science, vol 13409. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-14791-3_25
`8. Eternal flying: Optimal placement of wireless chargers for nonstop drone flights
`Alireza Famili, Angelos Stavrou
`International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET), Prague, Czech
`Republic, 2022, doi: 10.1109/ICECET55527.2022.9873507.
`9. Receiver Density Analysis for High Probability Detection of Forward Scattered Airborne Signals
`John Robie, Alireza Famili, Angelos Stavrou
`International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET), Prague, Czech
`Republic, 2022, doi: 10.1109/ICECET55527.2022.9872553
`10. RAIL: Robust Acoustic Indoor Localization for Drones
`A. Famili, A. Stavrou, H. Wang and J. -M. J. Park
`In the Proceedings of IEEE 95th Vehicular Technology Conference: (VTC2022-Spring), Helsinki,
`Finland, 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/VTC2022-Spring54318.2022.9860933.
`11. Characterization of AES Implementations on Microprocessor-based IoT Devices
`S. Roy, A. Stavrou, B. L. Mark, K. Zeng, S. M. P D and K. N. Khasawneh.
`In the proceedings of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Austin,
`TX, USA, 2022, pp. 55-60, doi: 10.1109/WCNC51071.2022.9771975.


`12. Scaling Network Slices with a 5G Testbed: A Resource Consumption Study
`Tolga O. Atalay, Dragoslav Stojadinovic, Angelos Stavrou, Haining Wang
`In the proceedings of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Austin,
`TX, USA, 2022, pp. 2649-2654, doi: 10.1109/WCNC51071.2022.9771860.
`13. DEFInit: An Analysis of Exposed Android Init Routines
`Yuede Ji, Mohamed Elsabagh, Ryan Johnson, and Angelos Stavrou
`In the proceedings of the 30th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 2021)
`14. (Un)protected Broadcasts in Android 9 and 10
`Ryan Johnson, Mohamed Elsabagh, and Angelos Stavrou
`BlackHat Asia 2021
`15. Black-Box IoT: Authentication and Distributed Storage of IoT Data from Constrained
`Panagiotis Chatzigiannis, Foteini Baldimtsi, Constantinos Kolias, and Angelos Stavrou. In
`Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet-of-Things Design and Implementation
`(IoTDI 2021), 2021
`16. CloudSkulk: A Nested Virtual Machine Based Rootkit and Its Detection.
`J. Connelly, T. Roberts, X. Gao, J. Xiao, H. Wang, and A. Stavrou. In 51st Annual IEEE/IFIP
`International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2021), 2021
`17. FIRMSCOPE: Automatic Uncovering of Privilege-Escalation Vulnerabilities in Pre-Installed
`Apps in Android Firmware. [PDF]
`Mohamed Elsabagh, Ryan Johnson, and Angelos Stavrou, Kryptowire; Chaoshun Zuo, Qingchuan
`Zhao, and Zhiqiang Lin, The Ohio State University. In the 29th USENIX Security Symposium
`(USENIX Security 20).
`18. Resilient and Scalable Cloned App Detection Using Forced Execution and Compression Trees
`Mohamed Elsabagh, Ryan Johnson, Angelos Stavrou
`In proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing (DSC 2018)
`19. An adversarial coupon-collector model of asynchronous moving-target defense against botnet
`G Kesidis, Y Shan, D Fleck, A Stavrou, T Konstantopoulos
`In proceedings of the 2018 13th IEEE International Conference on Malicious and Unwanted Software
`20. Moving-target Defense against Botnet Reconnaissance and an Adversarial Coupon-Collection
`Dan Fleck, Angelos Stavrou, George Kesidis, N Nasiriani, Y Shan, T Konstantopoulos
`In proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing (DSC 2018)
`21. End Users Get Maneuvered: Empirical Analysis of Redirection Hijacking in Content Delivery
`Shuai Hao, Yubao Zhang and Haining Wang, Angelos Stavrou
`In the proceeding of the 27th Usenix Security Symposium, (Usenix Security 2018)
`August 15-17, 2018, Baltimore, MD, USA
`22. Dazed Droids: A Longitudinal Study of Android Inter-App Vulnerabilities
`Ryan Johnson, Mohamed Elsabagh, Angelos Stavrou, and Jeff Offutt
`In the Proceedings of ACM ASIA Conference on Computer & Communications Security 2018,


`(ASIACCS 2018), 777-791, June 4 - 8, 2018, Sogdo, Incheon, Korea
`23. Detecting and Characterizing Web Bot Traffic in a Large E-commerce Marketplace
`Haitao Xu, Zhao Li, Chen Chu, Yuanmi Chen, Yifan Yang, Haifeng Lu, Haining Wang, and Angelos
`Stavrou, In the Proceedings of the 23rd European Symposium on Research in Computer Security
`(ESORICS'18), Barcelona, Spain, Sep. 2018. (Acceptance Rate: 19.8%, 56/283).
`24. The Mirai Botnet and the IoT Zombie Armies
`Georgios Kambourakis, Constantinos Kolias, and Angelos Stavrou
`In the Proceedings of the IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM 2017)
`October 23 -25, 2017, Baltimore, MD, USA.
`25. Practical and Accurate Runtime Application Protection against DoS Attacks
`Mohamed Elsabagh, Dan Fleck, Angelos Stavrou, Michael Kaplan, Thomas Bowen
`In the Proceedings of 20th International Symposium on Research on Attacks, Intrusions
`and Defenses (RAID 2017). September 18-20, 2017, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
`26. E-Android: A New Energy Profiling Tool for Smartphones
`Xing Gao, Dachuan Liu, Daiping Liu, Haining Wang, Angelos Stavrou
`In the proceedings of the the 37th IEEE International Conference on Distributed
`Computing Systems (ICDCS 2017), June 5-8, 2017, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
`(Acceptance Rate: 16.9%, 90/531)
`27. Detecting Passive Cheats in Online Games via Performance-Skillfulness Inconsistency
`Daiping Liu, Xing Gao, Mingwei Zhang, Haining Wang, Angelos Stavrou
`In the proceedings of the 47th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems
`and Networks (DSN 2017), June 26-29, 2017, Denver, Colorado, USA.
`(Acceptance Rate: 22.3%, 49/220)
`28. Strict Virtual Call Integrity Checking for C++ Binaries (Distinguished paper award)
`Mohamed Elsabagh, Dan Fleck, Angelos Stavrou
`In the Proceedings of the ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security
`(ASIACCS) 2017, April 2-6, 2017 Abu Dhabi, UAE (Acceptance Rate: 18.7%, 67/359)
`29. Why Software DoS is Hard to Fix: Denying Access in Embedded Android Platforms
`Ryan Johnson, Mohamed Elsabagh, and Angelos Stavrou
`In the proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and
`Network Security (ACNS) 2016, June 19-22, 2016, London, UK (Acceptance Rate: 19.13%, 35/183).
`30. When a Tree Falls: Using Diversity in Ensemble Classifiers to Identify Evasion in Malware
`Charles Smutz and Angelos Stavrou
`In the proceedings of the Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) 2016,
`February 21-24, San Diego, California, USA (Acceptance Rate: 15.4%, 60/389).
`31. Targeted DoS on Android: How to Disable Android in 10 Seconds or Less
`Ryan Johnson, Mohamed Elsabagh, Angelos Stavrou, and Vincent Sritapan
`In the proceedings of the 10th Malware Conference (MALCON) Oct. 2015, IEEE Computer Society
`ISBN: 978-1-5090-0317-4 pp: 136-143 Puerto Rico, USA.
`32. Preventing Exploits in Microsoft Office Documents through Content Randomization
`Charles Smutz and Angelos Stavrou
`In the proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and
`Defenses (RAID), November 2015, Kyoto, Japan (Acceptance Rate: 23.5%, 28/119).


`33. Continuous Authentication on Mobile Devices Using Power Consumption, Touch Gestures and
`Physical Movement of Users
`Rahul Murmuria, Angelos Stavrou, Daniel Barbara, Dan Fleck
`In the proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and
`Defenses (RAID), November 2015, Kyoto, Japan (Acceptance Rate: 23.5%, 28/119).
`34. Privacy Risk Assessment on Online Photos
`Haitao Xu, Haining Wang, Angelos Stavrou
`In the proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and
`Defenses (RAID), November 2015, Kyoto, Japan (Acceptance Rate: 23.5%, 28/119).
`35. Radmin: Early Detection of Application-Level Resource Exhaustion and Starvation Attacks
`Mohamed Elsabagh, Daniel Barbara, Daniel Fleck, Angelos Stavrou
`In the proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and
`Defenses (RAID), November 2015, Kyoto, Japan (Acceptance Rate: 23.5%, 28/119).
`36. On the DNS Deployment of Modern Web Services (Best paper nominee)
`Shuai Hao, Haining Wang, Angelos Stavrou, and Evgenia Smirni
`In the proceeding of the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP)
`November 10-13 2015, San Francisco, CA, USA (Acceptance rate: 20%).
`37. Analysis of Content Copyright Infringement in Mobile Application Markets (Best paper award)
`Ryan Johnson, Nikolaos Kiourtis, Angelos Stavrou, and Vincent Sritapan
`In the proceedings of APWG/IEEE eCrime Research Summit 2015, May 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
`38. Using Hardware Features for Increased Debugging Transparency
`Fengwei Zhang, Kevin Leach, Angelos Stavrou, Haining Wang, and Kun Sun
`In the Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy
`(Oakland 2015), May 2015, San Jose, CA (Acceptance Rate: 13.5%, 55/407).
`39. Resurrecting the READ_LOGS Permission on Samsung Devices
`Ryan Johnson and Angelos Stavrou
`In the briefings of Blackhat Asia 2015.
`40. E-commerce Reputation Manipulation: The Emergence of Reputation-Escalation-as-a-Service
`(Best paper nominee)
`Haitao Xu, Daiping Liu, Haining Wang and Angelos Stavrou
`In the Proceedings of 24th World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2015) (Acceptance Rate: 14.1%,
`41. TrustLogin: Securing Password-Login on Commodity Operating Systems
`Fengwei Zhang, Kevin Leach, Haining Wang, and Angelos Stavrou
`In the Proceedings of The 10th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications
`Security (AsiaCCS'15), Singapore, April 2015 (Acceptance Rate: 17.8%, 48/269).
`42. transAD: An Anomaly Detection Network Intrusion Sensor for the Web (short paper)
`Sharath Hiremagalore, Daniel Barbara, Dan Fleck, Walter Powell, and Angelos Stavrou
`In the Proceedings of Information Security Conference (ISC 2014), Lecture Notes in Computer
`Science p 477-489, Hong Kong, Oct 2014. (Acceptance Rate: 17.8%, 48/269)
`43. A Framework to Secure Peripherals at Runtime
`Fengwei Zhang, Haining Wang, Kevin Leach, Angelos Stavrou
`European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS) p. 219-238 (2014)
`(Acceptance Rate: 24.8%, 58/234)


`44. Click Fraud Detection on the Advertiser Side
`Haitao Xu, Daiping Liu, Aaron Koehl, Haining Wang, Angelos Stavrou
`European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS) p. 419-438 (2014)
`(Acceptance Rate: 24.8%, 58/234)
`45. Activity Spoofing and Its Defense in Android Smartphones
`Brett Cooley, Haining Wang, and Angelos Stavrou
`In the proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network
`Security (ACNS 2014) Lausanne, Switzerland. (Acceptance Rate: 22.5%, 33/147)
`46. Catch Me if You Can: A Cloud-Enabled DDoS Defense
`Quan Jia, Huangxin Wang, Dan Fleck, Fei Li, Angelos Stavrou, Walter A. Powell.
`In the Proceedings of the 44th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on
`Dependable Systems and Networks (IEEE DSN 2014), Atlanta, Georgia USA,
`June 23 - 26, 2014.
`47. Detecting Malicious Javascript in PDF through Document Instrumentation
`Daiping Liu, Haining Wang, and Angelos Stavrou.
`In the Proceedings of the 44th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on
`Dependable Systems and Networks (IEEE DSN 2014), Atlanta, Georgia USA,
`June 23 - 26, 2014.
`48. PyTrigger: A System to Trigger & Extract User-Activated Malware Behavior
`Dan Fleck, Arnur Tokhtabayev, Alex Alarif, Angelos Stavrou, and Tomas Nykodym.
`In the proceedings of the 8th ARES Conference (ARES 2013),
`University of Regensburg, Germany September 2nd - 6th, 2013.
`49. MOTAG: Moving Target Defense Against Internet Denial of Service Attacks
`Quan Jia, Kun Sun, Angelos Stavrou.
`In the proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Communications
`and Networks ICCCN 2013 Nassau, Bahamas July 30 - August 2, 2013.
`50. Behavioral Analysis of Android Applications Using Automated Instrumentation
`Mohammad Karami, Mohamed Elsabagh, Parnian Najafiborazjani, and Angelos Stavrou.
`In the Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Software Security and Reliability
`(IEEE SERE 2013), 18-20 June 2013, Washington DC, USA. (Acceptance rate 30%)
`51. Forced-Path Execution for Android Applications on x86 Platforms
`Ryan Johnson, and Angelos Stavrou.
`In the Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Software Security and Reliability
`(IEEE SERE 2013), 18-20 June 2013, Washington DC, USA. (Acceptance rate 30%)
`52. Towards a Cyber Conflict Taxonomy
`Scott Applegate and Angelos Stavrou.
`To appear in the Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Cyber Conflict (CyCon 2013)
`NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence conference, 4-7 June 2013 in Tallinn,
`53. Spectre: A Dependable Introspection Framework via System Management Mode
`Fengwei Zhang, Kevin Leach, Kun Sun, and Angelos Stavrou.
`In the Proceedings of the 43nd Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on
`Dependable Systems and Networks (IEEE DSN 2013), Budapest, 24 - 27 June 2013.
`(Acceptance Rate: 19.6%)
`54. Exposing Software Security and Availability Risks For Commercial Mobile Devices (CMDs)
`Ryan Johnson, Zhaohui Wang, Angelos Stavrou, and Jeff Voas.


`In the Proceedings of the IEEE RAMS 2013, Orlando, Florida, 28 - 31 January 2013.
`55. Malicious PDF Detection Using Metadata and Structural Features
`Charles Smutz and Angelos Stavrou.
`In the Proceedings of the 2012 Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC),
`Orlando, Florida, USA, December 3-7, 2012. (Acceptance Rate: 19%, 44/231)
`56. Malware Characterization using Behavioral Components
`Chaitanya Yavvari, Arnur Tokhtabayev, Huzefa Rangwala, and Angelos Stavrou.
`In the Proceedings of 6th International Conference "Mathematical Methods, Models, and Architectures
`for Computer Network Security", St. Petersburg, Russia, October 17-20, 2012.
`57. Exposing Security Risks for Commercial Mobile Devices(Invited)
`Zhaohui Wang, Ryan Johnson, Rahul Murmuria, and Angelos Stavrou.
`In the Proceedings of 6th International Conference "Mathematical Methods, Models, and Architectures
`for Computer Network Security", St. Petersburg, Russia, October 17-20, 2012.
`58. Mobile Application and Device Power Usage Measurements
`Rahul Murmuria, Jeffrey Medsger, Angelos Stavrou.
`In the Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software
`Security and Reliability (SERE 2012), Washington, DC, June 2012.
`59. Netgator: Malware Detection Using Program Interactive Challenges
`Brian Schulte, Haris Andrianakis, Kun Sun, Angelos Stavrou.
`In the Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware
`& Vulnerability Assessment (DIMVA 2012), Heraklion, Crete, Greece, July 26-27th, 2012.
`60. A Dependability Analysis of Hardware-Assisted Polling Integrity Checking Systems
`Jiang Wang, Kun Sun, and Angelos Stavrou.
`In the Proceedings of the 42nd Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems
`and Networks (DSN 2012), Boston, Massachusetts, June, 2012.
`61. Implementing & Optimizing an Encryption File System on Android
`Zhaohui Wang, Rahul Murmuria, and Angelos Stavrou.
`In the Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management
`(IEEE MDM 2012), July 23 - 26, 2012, Bangalore, India. (Acceptance Rate: 22/88)
`62. Analysis Android Applications’ Permissions (short paper)
`Ryan Johnson, Zhaohui Wang, Corey Gagnon and Angelos Stavrou.
`In the Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software Security and Reliability (SERE
`2012), Washington, DC, June 2012.
`63. Mutual Authentication for USB Communications (short paper)
`Zhaohui Wang, Ryan Johnson and Angelos Stavrou.
`In the Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software Security and Reliability (SERE
`2012), Washington, DC, June 2012.
`64. A Framework for Automated Security Testing of Android Applications on the Cloud (short)
`Sam Malek, Naeem Esfahani, Thabet Kacem, Riyadh Mahmood, Nariman Mirzaei, and Angelos
`Stavrou. In the Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software Security and Reliability
`(SERE 2012), Washington, DC, June 2012.
`65. SecureSwitch: BIOS-Assisted Isolation and Switch between Trusted and Untrusted Commodity
`Kun Sun, Jiang Wang, Fengwei Zhang and Angelos Stavrou.


`In the Proceedings of the 19th Annual Network & Distributed System Security Symposium NDSS
`2012, San Diego, California, 5-8 February 2012. Impact Factor: 2.60 (Acceptance Rate: 46/258 -
`17.8%). [Presentation]
`66. Hardware-Assisted Application Integrity Monitor
`Jiang Wang, Kun Sun, Angelos Stavrou.
`In the Proceedings of IEEE Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS45) pp. 5375-
`5383, 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2012 January 4-7, 2012, Grand
`Wailea, Maui, USA. Impact Factor: N/A, (Acceptance Rate: N/A).
`67. Cross-domain Collaborative Anomaly Detection: So Far Yet So Close
`Nathaniel Boggs, Sharath Hiremagalore, Angelos Stavrou, Salvatore J. Stolfo.
`In the Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Recent
`Advances in Intrusion Detection (RAID). September 2011, Menlo Park, CA.
`Impact Factor: 2.20 (Acceptance rate: 20/87 - 23%).
`68. Trading Elephants For Ants: Efficient Post-Attack Reconstitution (Short paper)
`Meixing Le, Zhaohui Wang, Quan Jia, Angelos Stavrou, Anup Ghosh and Sushil Jajodia
`In the Proceedings of the 7th International ICST Conference on Security and Privacy
`in Communication Networks (Securecomm 2011), p. 1-10, September 7-9 2011, London.
`Impact Factor: N/A, (Acceptance rate: 24%).
`69. Predicting Network Response Times Using Social Information (short paper)
`Chen Liang, Sharath Hiremagalore, Angelos Stavrou and Huzefa Rangwala.
`In the Proceedings of the ACM 2011 Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and
`Mining, p. 527-531,

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