`Standard Handbook
`for Mechanical Engineers
`Revised by a staff of specialists
`Consulting Engineer; Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Emeritus
`The City College of the City University of New York
`Retired Consultant, Information Systems Department
`E. |. du Pont de Nemours & Co.
`Consulting Engineer; Professor of Mechanical Engineering
`The City College of the City University of New York
`Library of Congress Cataloged The First Issue
`ofthis title as follows:
`Standard handbook for mechanical engineers. Ist-ed.;
`New York. McGraw-Hill.
`v. Illus. 18-24 em.
`Title varies: 1916-58; Mechanical engineers’ handbook.
`Editors: 1916-51, L. S. Marks—1958- T. Baumeister.
`Includes bibliographies.
`I. Marks,
`1, Mechanical engineering—Handbooks, manuals, etc.
`Lionel Simeon, 1871-ed.
`II, Baumeister, Theodore, 1897-
`ed. III. Title; Mechanical engineers’ handbook.
` 502°.4°621
`Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 87-641192
`Copyright © 2007, 1996, 1987, 1978 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
`Copyright © 1967, renewed 1995, and 1958, renewed 1986, by Theodore Baumeister III.
`Copyright © 1951, renewed 1979, by Lionel P. Marks and Alison P. Marks.
`Copyright © 1941, renewed 1969, and 1930, renewed 1958, by Lionel Peabody Marks.
`Copyright © 1924, renewed 1952 by Lionel S. Marks.
`Copyright © 1916 by Lionel 5. Marks.
`All rights reserved.
`Printed in the United States of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of
`1976, no part ofthis publication may be reproducedor distributed in any form or by any means, or
`editorfor this book was Larry S. Hager, the editing supervisor was David E. Fogarty,
`supervisor was Richard C. Ruzycka. 1t was set in Times RomanbyInternational
`position. The art directorfor the cover was Anthony Landi.
`utblisher will be grateful to readers who notify them ofany inaccuracy or impor-
`stored in a data base orretrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
`in this work has been obtained by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
`from sourcesbelieved to be reliable. However, neither McGraw-Hill norits authors
`or completeness of any information published herein, and neither McGraw-
`| be responsible for any errors, omissions, or damages arising out of use of
`ork is published with the understanding that McGraw-Hill andits authors are
`but are not attempting to render engineering or other professional services.If
`the assistance of an appropriate professional should be sought.
`Forthe detailed contents of any section consult thetitle page of that section.
`The Editors—xiii
`Preface to the Eleventh Edition
`Preface to the First Edition—xvii
`Symbols and Abbreviations
`1. Mathematical Tables and Measuring Units ..............
`1.1 Mathematical Tables 2.0... ... cc cece cece e eee eee ete enee
`TZ MeaSerlisg UGS x
`a cisccesteiese ieee sence vieie:co ce
`ioe ia:ie acejin ee ee ecia afer sceraceeta corm am
`wocc cescswssccnceewnare ee maw oc acereeww we ele
`2;. Mathematics:
`ZT Mathematics aia iiccecceanssssctetorsbewerevecesussueraceraeine siete meaeneeue ne
`2.2 Computers .........-0.000 Ni Soo ces aac eRe OTe eee ae GOTH ‘
`3. Mecaniceoesordsiand Fluide SemieiecWcleienmra ans
`Ries 6 bss 606.8 6.86/88Sheela leis, ase) a whale
`6.10 Water oo... ccc cece eee tt eee cece eee n een eeeeeaeennnnes
`6.11 Lubricants and Lubrication .--++-... cece cece eect eee eens
`6.12 PlasticS ........ ccc eee tet Conese eee creareneerereueenenees
`6.13 Fiber Composite MaterialS «+++ +++... cece cece eee eee eee eens
`7. Fuels and Furnaces ....- Cee ewe nee tenn ewe noes
`FG FGI ce ecernrece: wresecevecgcnceretdt@ BEES a oie gece eye averse ere cprenmcn acecaud ce DSS
`7.2. Carbonization of Coal and Gas Making ...........00000eee cece eee
`7.3 Combustion Furnaces ....---+-:cscececccceccucecueueeeeeeeees
`7.4 Municipal Waste Combustion .-....... 0... ccecee een e eee erence
`7.5 Electric Furnaces and Ovens ....... 0... cc cece eee eee nee eeee
`8. Machine Elements ..... SES acon teen masa rend etd
`B.1 Mechanism ......cccc cece ee teen eee eee seen eee een en eneeneee
`8.2 Machine Elements ......--0+ see eeeececucececseeeueeeeeueeuas
`B39 Gearing 2... ccc tee eee eee eee eee e eee
`8.4 Fluid-Film BearingS .... 0.00: e cece eee e eet eee eee eee e eens
`8.5 Bearings with Rolling Contact ........... eee eee eee ee eens
`8.6 Packings, Gaskets, and Seals .......... 0... cece eee e eee eens
`8.7 Pipe, Pipe Fittings, and ValveS .......... ccc cee eee teens
`9;, Power Generation: 6a 255% Sones See os FES HO SES HOE OSES
`9.1 Sources:of Energy. oes iiss einai ie Shes SENSE ass Weal eae sayel
`$2 Steam Boilers.cseasssciiiwa ceecwsiewe Coralia A Mina awe
`9:3 Steam Engines cssiicssiieny sawiacewadewe so saan ademas
`$9.4 Steam TUPBINeS:
`iaiessisisieissec are scan earn a
`icin Seine waa ie eee aU a eee a
`9.5 Power-Plant Heat Exchangers ........ccc cue e eee reese were wena
`9.6 Internal-Combustion Engines .........c06cseeeeee een eeeneweenes
`ST Gas FUDINGS cae ceca hemes da Sadat ede mesatrwahl
`$8.8 Nogclear POWGE:
`ou -0:0:enrecccen che wceyeiaacettane'd degaedd dauetieeh wk drauaedsuliecess
`9.9 Hydraulic TurbineS ........ 0c cece een teeter nee e nent e ents eens
`10.7Material Storage and Warehousing .....-++.eeeeeeeeereneerereees
`exc esti cweted Mewes Vee ewe cwtele
`iOmMaterials Handling:
`10.1 Materials Holding, Feeding, and Metering ...........00 eee ee cence
`10.2 Lifting, Hoisting, and Elevating ......... 6. cc cece cee eee eens
`10.3 Dragging, Pulling, and Pushing ............ceceeeee eens eeeeeees
`10.4 Loading, Carrying, and Excavating ..........2 cece eee e eee ewes
`10.5 Conveyor Moving and Handling ........---..+ee cece cence eee eeee
`10.6 Automatic Guided Vehicles and Robots .........--csseeeeeeeeees
`BREIETIOLCAUON Sine 'e's tives s conceited Bette S Wiens DOU os
`Automotive Engineering ........ccceeeee tenner anne ee ee en ene ees
`fJailway Engineering ....... 00: c eee eee ree ee eee e nena nannies
`(11.3Marine Engineering ............cseeeeeseueeeeeneee o cermreietmasiea
`FILLOMe oral ots gh stale vel cre elerer ale oa yperi bide sing mere ue seece Race RRO)
`Propulsion and Aircraft Propellers .........ccceeseeeeeeeennee
`aye al pte cekaleretate <a
`the snc a acdie espe wielduleie aim) Wied dina wyecerevelere
`MeerzationsMere. om, MBs 6055s SWS NOTA TCA Sus ne cee-ne 11-149
`Iding Construction and Equipment........... sivcasecig»-“F204
`IndustrialPlants..........000000s ie Tsai lca alin i aaa scala 12-2
`Structural Design of Buildings .......... luna: Seana ive RG Cae Ta BE le
`lorced Concrete Design and Construction ...............4. coee
`Conditioning, Heating, and Ventilating ..............0ee0 0005 os
`RRSSMODNDe satel ores aye!» aPote leh a,'
`(ota ww Dieta aaa vectra aia al ela
`U, Noise, and UltrasonicS ........ se esses eee cess e eee eeeenes
`acturing Processes ........-....0.eeee: ee
`Practice and Equipment PjeT# S[e 18 Ole S18) Fen -d eee: bean week Rial ee eave
`13-B|BERTY EXHIBIT 101 9, Page 5
`13.2 Plastic Working of Metals: os 6s ciieceiic is sinew eiela Mew Nie ae wie eels
`43:3 Wolding ard Cutthrag icc aica sinieieie ose este eit oie Seine satin Caw a WE ww eG
`13.4 Machining Processes and Machine Tools ...............0002e ee eeee
`13.5 Surface Texture Designation, Production, and Quality Control ........
`13.6 Woodcutting Tools and Machines ........... 0.00 e cece eee eee eee
`AZT Precision CleaANNG),
`x. o:s:cserses ece-svedrevevserwraceetoreneieretend/end wigne meresere ae ayers
`|Fans, Pumps, and Compressors. cise ciiais cas ciao a eres servi
`14:14 Displacement PUMPS secs cae caine deieerewe eure Hee Sw WiR teeta
`44:2 Contriftigal PUMPS is siseseis ccc sie seis moeauarenene arene aoe ae ale ee
`TES COMPPOSSOLS cicisceiicccinw cane see aURITE MOR eRe Oe Ea
`14.4 High-Vacuum Pumps .......... 000 cee cece eee eee eee enna
`FAmsS 2... cece eee eee eee eee eee e eee ee eeens
`15. Electrical and Electronics Engineering ...........-+..55
`15.1 Electrical Enginearing «...:.5.. 5.06 ssec c0.c06 oss ane as kale onlay wee en
`V5.2 EMSC ONCE iasinis sisi eR STis Siw TEAS TG Wisin ie SESS wale VeewEe 15-68
`16. Instruments and Controls ..... cee eee eee eee eee
`TeeStreets esse owe ajece ese cn a nein eee saree oe Sie aoe Wale 2S ea wee ee
`16:2 Automatic Controls: 3. ose cies so CES Si Se BN ews Uw eee ee eee
`TG2S9SUPVSYIAG se isisicss, iia siniie were a pelaciya Riera eis Wine eek BAT ele se Bele Hew eS S Sis 16-52
`17. Industrial ENQINESring.. «<6 o.cas <j9s Sows tes cae esse Rees
`17.1 Operations Management ........0 cece cece center ee ewe eeeeneeee
`.oiicese ieiciicieweieeeaicda Malawi viele sia ainleaiere's's
`17.3. Engineering Statistics and Quality Control ...................-5--
`1:7,4a METHOGS, ENGINGOFING woe. ai5 (cio te ccd ate, cies eye wis oie oie Wis: aia were ier e tera ave ane
`17.5 Cost of Electric Power ............ Re ReE ME eTCRS emia 6) 618) 0 aie (Wee zetieia we tmace
`RTs isvecawaas ee as
`See MR Ts Sia:iaice eran ave
`erete ec sa oe ence a's
`ogee 20-79
`Rteeete eifeeile-mrayecaiese
`Maree eee ceiecaue ere ese
`Sate ese) ee eis
`BEER a raya /wiereinss nieince
`giz:eHumanFactors andaed: Bra erateTaNa ielel sls a-ein se sie eee eee
`ele-7AutomaticManufacturing «See cecleeeeiaina ese esses ee es