`A WayTo Lower Lire Cycie Costs
`Surepamp aand as InstituteLIBERTY EXHIBIT ARS Page 1




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`Table of contents
`Chapter « One
`—_—hook mo
`Objectives of the QUIde ooo icc ceeccceeereseeeceenseuttecentesssttees 1
`ACKNOWlEdGEMENS ...........c.cccccccseecseceecceececeesecueeeesesecstecceaeceeeesesseaes 3
`Chapter e Two
`Pumping system hydraulic characteristics
`SyStEM CHAaracterisStiCS oo... ec ceeeceeeeeeeeecceeeessaeeseeseeceseeageseseneeeees 5
`SYSLOEM CUIVES 000.0 cceccececceeeecceeeeeeceseaesaeececeseeaaeeeeeeessusneneseeeeenes 6
`PUMP CUIVES 00.2.2... cecceecececeeneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeceeeeeeseetesacaaereseeeeeeeeeeseeteees 8
`Pump operating Point cece cc cccceseceneeeeceneseneseseeseseeeseeseerese 8
`Chapter e« Three
`System and process requirements
`Supply and demand controlled systems .............:::ceeeeseeeceeeeeetteeees 11
`Introduction to variable speed concept .............0..c ccc cccceeee cece eee ee ee 11
`ProCe@SS rEQuirEMentS ..........ccccceceeececeseseceeceeseesceeeeeseeceeeseeeeeeesnaanenss 12
`Chapter e Four
`Classification Of DUMPS oo... cece ete tetetneaaeeeeeeeteeteteeteesteeaes 15
`Rotodyna@Mic PUMPS 2.0.0... ecee ee ceeeeeensaeeeeeaacaeeeeaeeeceeteneateeeeese 15
`Pump principles and performance characteristics.............. 15
`Effects of speed variation ......... ee ceecceesseeeeeees 17
` Effects of impeller diameter change.................... 18
`Pump suction performance (NPSH).........0...00. 20
`4.2.2 Methods of varying the performance of rotodynamic
`PUMPS——he eeeeeeeeeteeteteesetaneusteanaenaaeeetaneenrseteeeeess 21
`The need for performance variation ...............00. 21
`Pump control by varying speed....................000 22
` Varying speed in a system with only
`Friction NEA oo... ceeeceeceeeeeeetseeeeees 22
` Varying speed in a system with high
`Static NEA oo... ee ceccceeseeeeeeeeneeeeaes 23
` Other implications of varying speed ..24
`Pumpsin parallel switched to meet demand...... 24


`Table of contents
`Pumpsin series switched to meet demand ........ 26
` Stop/start Control 0... cee ceecccceeeeseeeueereecueees 26
`Flow control valve............cccccccceeeecceseesseseeeeeseeaaeess 27
`BY-PASS CONTI]... eee ccc eceneeeeeeeeseeeseeeeeeeeesaaes 28
`Positive displacement PUMPS...............cccccceeeeeceeeeeeeeeeeteeeeeeeeeeeneeees 28
`Rotary positive displacement PUMPS...............:.ccceeeeeeeeeeeees 28
`Flow rate, pressure and speed...........0..:ccee 28
` Suction performance ..............ccccececseeseseeeeeseeaeees 30
` Speed and torque.......... ce cesseeseeeesesssseeeeeeeesenes 30
` Speed and power absorbed 0.0.2... 30
`4.3.2 Reciprocating positive displacement pumps ....................- 31
`PYriNCiPlOS 200... eee e eee c eee ceeteneteeeaceeneeeseceneeeeees 31
`Simplex PUMP .......ce eeetteeeeenees 31
` Duplex puMp.............cccccessseesesseeeeeeees 32
` Triplex PUMP ......... ccc cceccesssseseeeseeeeeenes 33
` Reciprocating puMp tyPeES.......... ce eeeereeeeeeeees 34
`PIUNger PUMP ....... ce ecceeee eee ee eens 34
`PiStON PUMP ............ccceeeeeeeeseeeeeseaees 34
` Diaphragm pump ...........-cceeeeesreeeee 34
` Effect of speed variation for plunger and
`PISTON PUMPS ......... eee cceceeeeeeeeee cece eeeeeceeeeeaetteneees 34
` Effect of speed variation for diaphragm
`PUMPS oo. .eeecececcccsceecececeeeeeeeeeesssuseecsseaeeeessaereeseaes 35
`4.3.3. Applying variable speed to PD pumps.................:cceeeeceeeees 36
`4.3.4 Other methods offlow control for PD pumps.
`.................... 38
`Pumpsin parallel cccccccccescessseeseeseeseeeees 38
`PUMPSIN SETIES «oe eece ceeetttttteetteeeeteeetees 38
`FIOW control ValV@....... eee eccceeceeeeeeeeeeueeeeeeteeaeaes 38
` By-Pass CONIOL........ cece reese eter centeeterers 38
`Chapter ¢ Five
`Concepts for estimating pumping energy costs
`Flow duration diaQrams ...............ccccceeescseeeceececeeeteceeeereseuaaesaeanaeaaaees 39
`5.2 —SP@CifIC ENELGY «00... eeeecccccecececeseeesececeeeeeeeeeeeseeauaecseeeeessaeaseeeeeees 40
`Systems without static head or closed loop systems ........ 41
`Systems with static head .......... cc eeeeeeeeeeeteeeeeesenerereeeeees 42
`Flow regulation by varying SpG@d ou... ccs eceeereeteeenteeteneeneney 43
`Flow regulated by throttling cccceccseecceceeceeeceeeceeactenensaeseenenens 44
`Parallel pumps common header.................. cece ceceec cece teeeeceeeeeeeeeaeees 45
`System awareness — notes of Caution ..............0. ccc cceceeeeeeeeeeeeees 45
`Conclusions on a VSD within a system .......0.0..... cece ceeeee eens 46


`Table of contents
`Chapter ¢ Six
`Types of electric MOtOMs 0.0... ee ceecccececeeeeceecceeeeseaneeeeeeeenseeeeeesseaaees 47
`Asynchronous induction Motors .0.... eee cecectteneeeeetetetenenees 49
`6.2.1 Main types and operating principles 00.00.00... cess 49
`6.2.2 Motor efficiency 2.0... cc cccccccece cee eceeeeeeeseesssaeeeeeeeeeteeeetens 50
`6.2.3 Output torque 2... ec ccce cece ec ceeeeeeesecnenstaseeseeeeeeseeeeeens 52
`Induction motors operated at variable speed ................. 52
`Alternative electrical designs Of MOtOrs .......... ccc ceteteenteeeees 53
`SyNChronous MOTOS .0.... cece cece cece ceseeeeetaneeeseeeeeeeeeetens 53
`Separately exited cee cee cece ceeeeeeeeeeeeees 53
`Switched reluctance motors...................eee 53
`Permanent magnet (PM) motors...............2:005 54
` The principles of electronically commutated
`permanent magnet MOTOFMS.............cccceeeceeeseeeee tees 55
`6.3.2 DC MOtors ...... eee cece tere ee ee teeneneeaaaaeaeeeseteeeteeeneeneniees 56
`Motor construction and COOliINg 2.0.0... ce cecccceseeeseceeeeserseeseeeeeesreas 56
`Dry installed Motors... ecseeecsneeseesseeeeeceeeeteerereneeees 56
`Submersible PUMP MOtors 00... ccc eeesseeeeeeeeessaeeeeseees 56
`6.4.3. Wet rotor motors (canned Motors)
`........eeeeeeeeeeeereeeeees 57
`Motor starting ...........cccccccccee cee ccecccneeeeceeceaeeeeeteseccaaceeeeneeeeesacneteeeeseena 57
`Chapter « Seven
`Variable speed drives
`Types of variable speed rive ou... cccseeeccceecsesseeeseceeeesseaaesseneees 59
`Variable speed drives for induction MOtOIS ............ ccc eeesceseeeeeeeees 59
`Variable speed drives for other AC Motors .0........ccccecceeeeeseeeeeeeeeees 63
`Variable speed drives for DC Motors... cc cceeceeeeeeeeeeeaneseneee 64
`Drive controller algorithms ............ cece eeeeeeceeeeceeceeeeeeeteeeeeeeeennnneaes 64
`Energy optimizing or “flux optimizing” techniques...................0.05 65
`Power drive SYSTEMS 20... eee e cece eee eeeeeeee sees naaaeaenaaeeeteeeeeeeeeees 65
`Integrated motors aNd CriveS ........... cece cece eee eeeeeeecccutecetaaseeeeeeees 66
`Chapter e Eight
`Control principles for variable speed pumping
`Methods of controlling a rotodynamic pump ...................::c0eeeeeeee 67
`Control principles for rotodynamic PUMPS..................eeeeeeeeeeeeeees 68
`Speed variation of rotodynamic pumps...68
`8.2.2 Control at constant pressure with varying flow rate............ 69
`8.2.3. Control by differential pressure according to a demand
`CUIVE oie cecccecec eee neee eee e ee tte eee a eres ane teat naaeeeeeaaeeseenaaetectaaeeeenanes 71
`8.2.4 Control by varying pressureat a fixed flow rate ......... 72


`Table of contents
`8.2.5 Control by varying flow maintaining a fixed liquid level ...... 73
`8.2.6 Control by varying flow maintaining a fixed
`TEMPEAtUre oo... ec cee cece eeecccceeseeceeseevecuueesscensseetaeeessaees 74
`Suction pressure monitoring to avoid cavitation ................ 75
`8.2.8 Controlling flow by using the power/flow relationship
`Of thE PUMP .......... ce ecceeeeecceeeeecceeeeeeeccusensseeuuessueueuesenseeesenens 75
`Speed variation for positive displacement pumps..............0-:-ceeee 75
`8.3.1 Consideration of starting torque «0.00... cceeseeeeeeeeee 75
`Control principles for PD pumps .................ceececeeeeecceceeecceeeteeeeeees 76
`8.4.1 Use Of SENSOFS o.oo... ccccecectsceeecececceecceneeeecsstcsateeaeeeeees 76
`8.4.2 Control of positive displacement pump byalgorithm.......... 16
`Implementation of control sysStOMS 20.000... cecececeeteeeeneenees 77
`Soft starting and Stopping ..............ccccecccesseeceeeeseeeeeeeeseeeseeentetinaeenes 77
`Chapter « Nine
`Selection process — new systems
`Selection for optimum life cycle COST... cc cccceeessssneeeetseeeeees 79
` FIOW CHAIS ooo eee cccccccceseececeeeeeeessesseeeeesceseseesseeeeeseneuutessesnenees 79
`Chapter e Ten
`Selection process — retrofitting to existing
`JUSTIFICATION oo. cece ccc cttteseeeeeeeeseececceceeeeeesseteanaaneanseedeeeesenes 83
`10.2 Motor suitability and de-rating ............. ccc eccc ccc cceeecceseaeaeeeteeeeeseees 84
`10.3 FLOW Charts ........cccccccccescscccesssssceeeceeceneaseecccessaeseecesecenesssteeseesees 84
`10.4 Retrofitting a motor mounted VED... ccesescscsseeseceeeseesenes 86
`Chapter e Eleven
`Benefits, drawbacks and operational issues
`11.1 Tangible benefits to the USEF ........... cece ccc ee cece eeccseceueseceeeeeaeaee 89
`11.1.1 EMmergy SavingS cccecceeecccesccceseeesssseeeccecccsteneeeeees 89
`11.1.2 Improved process CONtrol 2.0... ccesteetecescteeeeeeeeees 89
`11.1.3 Improved system reliability 2.000... ccccessneeeeeeeeees 90
`11.2 Additional Dene fits oo... ccccseteteeeescsseeeesceeeeserseeeseessaeennsaaess 90
`11.3. Potential drawbacks of PWM VEDS............ cc ccccccceeeeeseceeeuneeeeeeeeeeuees 90
`11.4 Operational ISSUCS «0.0.0... cece ceneeeeceteeeecsseeeeesceeeeeesseetsaessaaennegeess 91
`11.4.1 General precautions 0.0.0... cece ccccceecseeeeeessseueeesceeereseeeees 91
`11.4.2 Resonance and rotor dynamics ............ccceeccessseeesseeeereceeees 92
` Structural reSOMNANCE ou... cece eeeeeccceeseereeeeenseeeees 92
` Precautions 0.0.0... ccccecseeceeee sees 93
` Rotor dynamics... cece cc ccecceeseneeeeetentneees 93


`Table of contents
` Precautions oo...ere 93
` Resonantvibrations in vertical pumps................ 94
`11.5 Power drive system integration... cece ec eeeeeneceneeerenenneeeerens 95
`11.5.1 Operating motors above base speed ............cceeeteeees 96
`11.6 Low base Speed MOTOS ........c cece cccccceseececeeseceeeesecesueaeeeseeseeeeseaeeees 98
`Motor C@SIQGN ........ccccccccesecsceeeeceeeaesseeeeeseeeaeaeeseeessaaeaeseeesenensaeeserenaaes 98
`Chapter e Twelve
`Financial justification
`Life cycle cost (LOC) rene eter eter tee treaanaaaaaeeeeanes 101
`12.2 Capital Cost SAVINGS..............ccccceesseeeccceceeeeeeeeeescesneeesisauaeeseeeeeeeeeees 102
`12.2.1 Elimination of control valves ce eeeceececeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees 103
`12.2.2 Elimination of by-pass lin@S.........0.....ceccceceeceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 103
`12.2.3 Elimination of starters ...........0 ccc ccceeeeeeeteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeteneeeeneas 104
`Chapter « Thirteen
`Case studies
`VRFOCUCEION oo... cece cece eee ceeetere ee tee reese ners eee enaea nae nateseesenetetneeeeseeentenes 105
`CASE STUY Vion ccccccceceteeneeeensaeaeeeneeeeeeesceeereceeeeneceeeeeteseeneneneaaaea 106
`OF5-1-3)(00| 109
`Case Study 3 oi... ccecec cece eccececueeeceeeeeceeececeeeeegeeaeeesaaessaeaeedccegeeeseeeerteseeenees 111
`Case StUDY 4 oii ccccccceceecceseeecceeensseeeeesseteenseeeeeecseseeeseeeeensineeeeeeeees 113
`Case Study 5 oo. eccecccecee scence eee eeennaneceesseenneaeeeeetssnneeeeeerencianeeseerees 114
`Case Study 6 occ ccc ce cee eeceect eee eeeseedetaeeeeecceeseeceetetsateeeenenees 116
`Case Study 7 oo... cccececccceccecneeeeeceeeeeccececcecieaaeaeeeeeeeeeeeecaseneeeineestnaneees 118
`Case Study 8 oi cecccccsecsnceeeeeeeeeeeecceescceneeaaeeeeeeeseeeeeecaseteestneaaaaenenes 119
`Appendix A‘
`Electric motors
`A1.1 Energy efficiency .......... cee cecceecciceeceeeee te teeenescaeaeeeeeeeeteetseerseeeneres 121
`A1.2 Efficiency labelling «22.0.2... cece ceccccnsecceeeteeeeeeeteeeeeeaneaanaeeneneeteeteeess 122
`A1.2.1 EUlOP@....... cc cceccccccccececesseeeescceecesseeeeeessesanstaaseeeseseaeceeeesensea 122
`A1.2.2 North AMEVica ...... cece ccc ec ee ce teeesteneescneeeeeeeeeeteceeteeened 123
`A1.3 Motor SIZING cece cece cee ceeeeeeeeeeecseeeeeeeeeeeesesanaassesaaessaeeetesseeeeness 124
`Appendix A2
`Frequency converters
`Inverter GESIQNS ............ccceccceececessseeeeeseeeeesaeaeeeseeseessanssesseesaueeeeeeeees 127
`A2.1.1 Voltage source inverter (VSI)
`.............::e:ccescecceeeeeeeeeeeeeeees 129
`A2.1.2 Voltage source pulse width modulated (PWM)
`occ e eee ceececceee eee ee cece ceeeeceecaaeeeeeeeeesaeaaaeeteeeseeaneeeeeees 129
`LIBERTY EXHIBIT 1013, Page 10
`LIBERTY EXHIBIT 1013, Page 10


`Table of contents
`A2.1.3 Voltage source pulse amplitude modulated
`(PAM) inVerter oo... ccecccssseseeeseeseeeceeeceneceseuseesseteanensees 130
`A2.1.4 Current source inverter (CSI) oo... cccccssecssssssssreeeeeeees 130
`A2.1.5 Load commutated inverter (LCI) 2.0... sesssesseeeseeens 131
`A2.1.6 Slip energy recovery (Kramer) rive .............cccssssseeeeeeeees 131
`A2.1.7 CyCloConverter ............cccccccsccceeeeeeceteetesssssensinsaasaeseseeeeseess 131
`A2.1.8 Matrix CONVErMED............ cece cc cccccccccccecccceseesscteaenssegeneeeseres 132
`A2.2 Rectifier d@SIQN 0... ceccccccseccceeceeeteseeeeeeeeeetecaaaaeeeeeeeesineteeeeeees 133
`A2.2.1 Dissipative GeSIQN .............ccccceeeeeceeceeeeeeeeereeeeeeceesnneetentens 133
`A2.2.2 Regenerative deSiQn ..........ccccccccccccccecceeeeteseseesecesssstettreeees 133
`A2.3 Control Strategies 0... cccceceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenneeseeeeaeeseeseeeeseesteeseens 134
`A2.3.1 Scalar or voltage/frequency (U/F) control ..................0008 134
`A2.3.2 Closed lOOp CONTKOL ............ cece eeeeseeeeecseeeeeeeceseussseuuenseneeeees 136
`A2.3.3 FlUX Vector CONTION ..........cccceseeecseceesesseeeceeccceeeseerseeaeeeaaaeees 136
`A2.3.4 Direct flux and motor torque Control
`..............cccceeseesseeeeees 136
`A2.4 Factors to be considered in sizing variabte frequencydrives...... 137
`A2.4.1 Motor nameplate full load amps (FLA) ..............:ccceeeeeees 137
`A2.4.2 Motor load torque characteristic .............00.ccceeeeteeeeees 137
`A2.4.3 Motor nameplate 3-phase voltage............0.0c:0ccccccsseseeeees 138
`A2.4.4 Single PNasing............cccccccccccccccceeeecesessssesseeeenssssseseseseseceee 138
`Appendix A3
`Legal obligations and harmonic suppression
`A3.1 European Directives cece cccccccccetetceeeeeeeceeeeessuuneseceeeaneneees 139
`A3.1.1 The Machinery Directive ........... ccc cccceeccceceeessseesecceeeeaneees 139
`A3.1.2 The EMC Directive 0.0... ccecccccccceccceesseeseeeessesenessseaaeaees 139
`A3.1.3 The Low Voltage Directive... cccceesssssssesesseseeeeeees 141
`A3.1.4 The Atex Directives 0.00... ceecccccccccccseeesceeeeeesseserersteaaeanes 141
`A3.1.5 The CE Marking Directive ccccceeceeseeeeseeaeeeees 141
`A3.1.6 Environmental legislation ................ccccccseceeecseeeeesssueeeenenes 142
`A3.2 United States regulations and standards...............ccccccccceseseeeeeeees 142
`A3.2.1 Federal regulations ................ccccceecsceecceeseesseeeeeeeesntteeceees 142
`A3.2.2 Safety regulations and standards................0..cccceeseeseeeeee 142
`A3.2.3 Harmonic current @MmisSIONs ................0ccccccesceeeeeseseeeeeeeees 143
`AS.3 H@PMOniCs 0.0... ccccccccccceeseeeseeeeeeeceeaesseeeeseeeeeeccceneeecsccesenrsaneanensees 143
`A3.3.1 Adding input (AC line) or DC link chokes ................ 144
`A3.3.2 Passive filters oo... ce ccesecsessseesseeeeceeseenseeeseeeeassaueanensees 144
`A3.3.2.1 SHUNFILES oe. ec c cece cccccccenseesseeaeasscseesesesees 145
`A3.3.2.2 Series fILCTS 0... cece cc cccceececeseeesseeaeessenseeeeneess 145
`A3.3.3 Active harmonic filter... ccccccccceeececeeeessseeeeesaeaeeeneeeens 146
`A3.3.4 Multipulse rectifier with a phase shifted transformer ........ 147
`A3.3.5 Active rectifier (four-quadrant VFD)..............cccccesseeeeeeeeeees 147
`PNG OM cE 1-1) -1¢-|ee 148
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`LIBERTY EXHIBIT 1013, Page 11


`Table of contents
`Appendix A4
`Frequently asked questions
`A4.1 Motor protection ............cccccccsssssecccecsessesseeeessanecesseseaseaseeeseesensnenes 151
`AG.2 SPO oo... eecccccccccccccesseeecsceeeeeesneesccecesecseneeessaeegestesecssaaeneeseeseeeeaes 151
`A4.3 INSUIATION CESIQN 0.0... ecececceececceeeeeeeuneeaussaaeeeeeseeeeeseeeteesseneeseess 152
`A4.4 Motor D@aringS....... eee eenneccnscscneeeeeteeseesseeeeesaesesisaaaneeaees 153
`A4.5 Sleeve (journal) D@AaringS..............ccccececcceceeeecceeeereeeeessereestesnnneesnens 153
`A4.6 Reliability 0.0.00...c cece cece ccneeeceeeceaeeeeecescaaaeseseeeaessaeseeteeseesseaes 154
`Appendix AS
`Effects of pump speed and impeller diameter
`on magnetically driven pumps
`A5.1 Changes of PUMP SPE............ cc cccecceeseescceceaeeeeeeeseasaasseteceesenaues 155
`A5.2 Change of impeller diameter ................ccccccccccessseeseceeeeaeesenseseesenaes 157
`Appendix A6
`Efficiency of variable speed drive systems
`A6.1 Energyefficiency in the supply Chain...........0....ceeceeeeeeeeeeeeteeeeeees 159
`AG.2 LOSSES IN thE PUMP 00.00... ce eeeceececeeeceeeeeeesaaaeseeeeeessseaeeeneeeenenaes 160
`AG.3 Motor IOSSES ooo... ccececcccesceeceeeeeeeeeeeeessasaeaesaaaeusseeeesceeesesseeesenees 160
`AG.4 Converter lOSSES 0.0... cecceecceeeeeeeeeneeeseeanaeseaescseenecssueeeseeeeeeseas 162
`AG.5 Drive train effICIEN CIOS 00... ce cccnntrteeteetnseeescseerecceeetteeseesenens 163
`AG.6 Measuring eCffiClency 2.0... eee ccc eee ceeceeteeeeeeresenensnnatieeseeseeers 164
`Appendix A7
`Non VFD drives
`ATT SUIMIMALSY 00... ccecccceececsceecesseneeecseensesseaeesceeesaancseeessetaaavesetesseeseaassss 165
`Appendix A8
`A8.1 Abbreviations of terms ........ cc cccccccieceeescnsetetceseneeeseeeessseeeteeeeeneeaas 169
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`LIBERTY EXHIBIT 1013, Page 12


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`eea— -
`1.1 Objectives of the guide
`Variable speed drives in pump systems are now a mature technology,
`which can generate large benefits to the user in cost savings and reliability
`improvements, in the right applications. However it is apparent that oppor-
`tunities for lower life cycle costs are being missed by continuing to use
`traditional control methods. Conversely there are examples of ineffective
`systems and wasted expenditure, caused by wrongly applying variable
`speed drives.
`A study was carried out to find what information was available on this
`subject, and it became apparent that very little was specific to variable
`speed driven pumps. Another observation was that the few articles found,
`were focused on either electrical or hydraulic issues, and the interaction of
`the component parts of the complete system was not described.
`The conclusion was that there was a real need for a comprehensive
`guide on variable speed pumps, motors and drives.
`A further major catalyst in forming the international group of mechanical
`and electrical experts to create this quide, was the need for energy conser-
`vation. This not only saves cost to users, but also has environmental
`it was shown
`From studies carried out by the European Commission,
`that pumping systems account for nearly 22% of the world’s electric motor
`energy demand. In certain industrial plants over 50%of electrical energy
`used by motors can be for pumping systems. Figure 1.1 showsa typical
`split of energy usage of motor driven equipment on an industrial plant.
`Clearly there is scope for major savings by operating pumps more
`effectively and efficiently.
`Figure 1.2 shows the breakdown of energy consumption by the two
`main pump categories. Rotodynamic pump types account for 73% and
`positive displacement pumps 27%, of total energy used by pumps. The
`LIBERTY EXHIBIT 1013, Page 14
`LIBERTY EXHIBIT 1013, Page 14


`Other equipment
`_ Fans
`Figure 1.1: Share of motor electricity consumption!
`27% Rotadynamic
`Figure 1.2: Energy consumption by pumptype
`two types have quite different characteristics in response to varying
`operating speed, and both are describedfully in this guide.
`In constructing this document, the group has tried to offer hydraulic,
`mechanical and electrical assistance to the reader who wishes to evaluate
`variable speed driven pumps.
`This guide includes sections on pumps, systems, motors, variable
`speed drives and control methods, which start with the basic principles,
`but progress to more advanced and detailed concepts. Atall times the
`importance of understanding the process requirements and system design
`is emphasised, and the interrelation of the various elements is explained.
`Whenthe requirements of the pump and system are defined, the use of
`our flow charts will enable the reader to work through a logical selection
`1 European Cammission SAVE Study on Pumps
`LIBERTY EXHIBIT 1013, Page 15
`LIBERTY EXHIBIT 1013, Page 15


`processto decideif variable speed pumpingis the correct choice for either
`newor retrofit installations.
`The long term benefits are sometimes missed by apparent high initial
`costs, but we show how to makealife cycle cost analysis, and even how
`the investment need be no higher than for traditional pump system control
`It is essential to avoid inappropriate applications. Therefore we explain
`the limitations, drawbacks and operational characteristics, as well as high-
`lighting the importance of reviewing potential installations on a case-by-
`case basis.
`The appendices of this guide offer a wealth of detailed information,
`including legislative issues. A number of case studies show achievable
`cost savings,
`improved pump system reliability and process efficiency
`improvements, by using variable speed drives.
`This guide concentrates on electronic variable frequency drives
`because they have the greatest benefits,
`including wide ranging appli-
`cations, versatile control, energy saving and easeofretrofitting.
`In conclusion we hope that this guide encourages the use of variable
`speed pumping, in appropriate applications, leading to cost savings from
`both reduced energy consumption and increased pump system reliability.
`John Bower
`Managerof Engineering and Technology
`Flowserve UK
`(Chairman of the VSD Group)
`1.2 Acknowledgements
`The International working group was formed from members of the pump,
`motor and drives industries and it
`is to these individuals we are all
`indebted for this guide.
`John Bower
`Manager of Engineering and Technology
`Flowserve UK
`(Chairman of the VSD Group)
`Steve Schofield
`Director, Technical Services
`(Secretary of the VSD Group)
`The Chairman and the Secretary of the working group wish to thank all the
`team membersfor their contributions.
`In particular a special mention should be given to the main working
`group members:—
`LIBERTY EXHIBIT 1013, Page 16
`LIBERTY EXHIBIT 1013, Page 16


`Geoff Brown
`Gunnar Hovstadius
`Lez Warren
`lan James
`Steve Allen
`Zbigniew Czarnota
`Aldo Janigro
`Hansjurgen Kech
`John Thorne
`Manfred Sacher
`— ABB Ltd
`— Consultant
`— Cat Pumps
`— HMD Sealless Pumps
`— Johnson Pumps(Viking)
`— ITT Flygt
`— Assopompe
`— Wiio AG
`— ITT Industries
`— Vogel Pumpen
`Assistance with the guide was also received from:—
`Gregory Romanyshyn=— Hydraulic Institute
`Jean-Francois Lapray —Alstom
`Charles Cappellino
`— ITT Goulds
`Michel Laroche
`— Wilo AG
`Bill Beekman
`— Floway
`Jim Mahon
`— Lovejoy Inc
`Friedrich Klutsch
`Stefan Abelin
`— ITT Flygt
`Vestal Tutterow
`— Alliance to Save Energy
`Julian Atchia
`— SJE-Rhombus
`Mick Cropper
`— Sulzer Pumps
`Tony Garcia
`— ITT Bell & Gossett
`Manfred Beisdorf
`— Sterling Fluid Systems
`Tim Rahill
`— Rockwell Automation
`David McKinstry
`— Imo Pump
`Aimee Mckane
`Steve Cummins
`— SR Drives
`The following independent reviewers kindly agreed to give comments and
`opinions on the guide during its final stages:-
`Professor Girobone
`Paul Barnard
`Roger Lawrence
`Dennis Rusnak
`Maurice Yates
`Dr Hugh Falkner
`Professor Almeida
`— Genoa University — Italy
`— Deepdale Consulting Ltd - UK
`—RGL Solutions — USA
`— Flowserve — USA
`— Advanced Energy Monitoring Systems — UK
`— Future Energy Solutions — UK
`— Coimbra University — Portugal
`LIBERTY EXHIBIT 1013, Page 17
`LIBERTY EXHIBIT 1013, Page 17


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`Pumping system hydraulic
`2.1 System characteristics
`In a pumping system, the objective, in most cases, is either to transfer a
`liquid from a source to a required destination, e.g.
`filling a high level
`reservoir, or to circulate liquid around a system, e.g. as a means of heat
`A pressure is needed to makethe liquid flow at the required rate and
`this must overcome losses in the system. Losses are of two types: static
`and friction head.
`Static head is simply the difference in height of the supply and
`destination reservoirs, as in Figure 2.1. In this illustration, flow velocity in
`Figure 2.1: Static head
`LIBERTY EXHIBIT 1013, Page 18
`LIBERTY EXHIBIT 1013, Page 18


`Pumping system hydraulic characteristics
`Flow Fost
`Figure 2.2: Static head vs. flow rate
`the pipe is assumed to be very small, Another example of a system with
`only static head is pumping into a pressurized vessel with short pipe runs,
`Static head is independent of flow rate and graphically would be shown as
`in Figure 2.2.
`Friction head (sometimes called dynamic head loss)is the friction loss,
`on the liquid being moved, in pipes, valves and equipment in the system.
`These losses are proportional to the square of the flow rate. A closed loop
`circulating system without a surface open to atmospheric pressure, would
`exhibit only friction losses and would have a system head loss vs. flow
`characteristic curve as Figure 2.3. This is known as a system curve,
`Flow Fote
`Figure 2.3: Friction head vs. flow rate
`2.2 System curves
`Most systems have a combination of static and friction head and the
`system curves for two cases are shown in Figures 2.4 and 2.5. The ratio of
`static to friction head over the operating range influences the benefits
`achievable from variable speed drives (see Section
`Static head is a characteristic of the specific installation and reducing
`LIBERTY EXHIBIT 1013, Page 19
`LIBERTY EXHIBIT 1013, Page 19


`System curves
`Figure2.4: System with high static head
`Figure 2.5: System with low static head
`this head, wherethis is possible, generally helps both the costoftheinstal-
`lation and the cost of pumping the liquid. Friction head losses must be
`minimized to reduce pumping cost, but aftereliminating unnecessary pipe
`fittings and length, further reduction in friction head will require larger
`diameter pipes, which addsto installation cost.
`LIBERTY EXHIBIT 1013, Page 20
`LIBERTY EXHIBIT 1013, Page 20


`Pumping system hydraulic characteristics
`2.3 Pump curves
`The performance of a pump can also be expressed graphically as head
`againstflow rate. See Figure 2.6 for rotodynamic pumps and Figure 2.7 for
`positive displacement (PD) pumps.
`The rotodynamic pump, (usually a centrifugal pump) has a curve where
`the head falls gradually with increasing flow, but for a PD pump,the flow is
`almost constant whatever the head. It is customary to draw the curve for
`PD pumpswith the axes reversed (see Section 4.3), but to understand the
`interaction with the system, a common presentation is used here for the
`two pump types.
`2.4 Pump operating point
`When a pump is installed in a system, the interaction can be illustrated
`graphically by superimposing pump and system curves. The operating
`point will always be where the twocurvesintersect. (Figure 2.8 and Figure
`Figure 2.6: Rotodynamic pump
`Figure 2.7: Positive displacement pump
`LIBERTY EXHIBIT 1013, Page 21
`LIBERTY EXHIBIT 1013, Page 21


`Pump operating point
`Figure 2.8: Rotodynamic pump and system curves
`Figure 2.9: PD pump and system curves
`If the actual system curveis different in reality from that calculated, the
`pump will operate at a flow and head different from that expected.
`For a PD pump,
`if the system resistance increases,
`the pump will
`increase its discharge pressure and maintain a fairly constant flow rate,
`dependenton viscosity and pump type. Unsafe pressure levels can occur
`without relief valves.
`For a rotodynamic pump, an increasing system resistance will reduce
`the flow, eventually to zero, but the maximum head is limited as shown in
`Figure 2.8. Even so, this condition is only acceptable for a short period
`without causing problems. An error in the system curve calculation is also
`likely to lead to a rotodynamic pumpselection which is less than optimum.
`Adding comfort margins to the calculated system curve to ensure
`that a sufficiently large pump is selected will generally result in
`LIBERTY EXHIBIT 1013, Page 22
`LIBERTY EXHIBIT 1013, Page 22


`Pumping system hydraulic characteristics
`installing an oversized pump, which will operate at an excessive flow
`rate or in a throttled condition, which increases energy usage and
`reduces pumplife.
`LIBERTY EXHIBIT 1013, Page 23
`LIBERTY EXHIBIT 1013, Page 23


`system and process
`3.1 Supply and demandcontrolled systems
`When designing a pumping system the process requirements of flow and
`pressure have to be well defined. These requirements will dictate the
`selection of pumps and the way the pumps are controlled. The need to
`control pump operation varies depending on whether the pumping system
`is supply controlled or demand controlled.
`Supply controlied systems pump away incoming flows. They may need
`to match the rate of variable inflow, and hence they may require variable
`pump operation.If the inflow varies, one or several constant speed pumps
`can usually accommodate these variations if some storage volume is
`provided, however
`this may not always be the most cost effective
`approach, an infinitely variable flow may sometimes be more appropriate.
`Examples of supply-controlled systems are pumping sewage, storm water,
`discharges of process liquids, and de-watering or
`flood protection
`Demand controlled systems pump liquids into a process or to recipients
`at a constant or variable rate, as re

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