Layered Access Control for MPEG-4 FGS Video 1
`Chun Yuan 1, Bin B. Zhu2, Ming Su3• Xiaoming Wang3, Shipeng Li 2, Yuzhuo Zhong 1
`1Dept. of Computer Science, Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, 100084, China
`2Microsoft Research Asia, Beijing, 100080, China
`'School of Mathematics, Nankai Univ., Tianjin, China
`the fine Granularity
`MPEG-4 has recently adopted
`Scalability (FGS) video coding technology which enables easy
`and flexible adaptation to bandwidth fluctuations and device
`capabilities. Encryption for FGS should preserve such adaptation
`capabilities and allow intermediate stages in the delivery to
`process the media on the ciphertext directly. In this paper, we
`propose a novel scalable access control scheme with this property
`for the MPEG-4 FGS format. It offers free browsing of the low(cid:173)
`quality base
`layer video but controls the access
`enhancement layer at different service levels based on either
`PSNR or bitrates. Both types of service levels are supported
`simultaneously without jeopardizing each other's security. The
`scheme is fast and degrades neither compression efficiency nor
`error resilience of the MPEG-4 FGS. The approach is also
`applicable to other scalable multimedia.
`increasing wide
`Scalable video coding has gained
`acceptance due to its flexibility and easy adaptation to a wide
`range of application requirements and environments. MPEG-4
`has recently adopted a scalable video coding scheme called the
`Fine Granularity Scalability (FGS) [I] as a standard. In MPGE-4
`FGS, a video stream is divided into two layers: a base layer and
`an enhancement layer. The base layer encodes a video at a very
`low bitrate in a non-scalable way. The residue between the
`original video and the reconstructed base layer is then is encoded
`as the enhancement layer in a scalable manner. OCT coefficients
`ofa frame's residue are compressed bit-plane-wise from the most
`significimt bit to the least significant bit. A video is compressed
`by MPEG-4 FGS only once. During the process that an FGS
`media is delivered to an end user, the media can be processed by
`many intermediate stages to maximize the received quality with
`available resources: A typical operation by an intermediate stage
`is rate shaping or transcoding such as bitrate reduction by
`discarding less important data in the enhancement layer to adapt
`to narrowed network bandwidths.
`Encryption of video data for digital rights management
`(ORM) has been actively studied and developed in the past
`decade. A challenge to the DRM design for the MPEG-4 FGS is
`to preserve the scalable feature after encl)'J)tion so intennediate
`stages can process directly on the encrypted video without
`decryption. This property is desirable in many applications. Such
`a DRM system would dramatically leverage the system security
`since no secret needs to be shared with any intennediate
`processing stages. The processing load on an intermediate stage
`is also reduced since no decryption and re-encryption cycle is
`needed in processing a video stream. In addition, scalable video
`coding makes scalable DRM possible, which non-scalable
`formats cannot offer. In scalable ORM, the same biistream offers
`access to different service levels, and the video data at lower
`service levels can be reused by a higher service level. To support
`access to a video at different quality levels in non-scalable
`coding, the same video would have to be compressed into
`separate files of different qualities, with each file encrypted with
`a different encryption key. Video data at different levels cannot
`be reused in this case. When designing a scalable DRM, it is a
`great challenge to support service levels based on both PSNR
`and bitrates simultaneously in the same bitstream without
`jeopardizing each other's security. It is also a challenge to design
`an encryption scheme with no or minimum degradation to the
`original system's compression efficiency and resilience to
`transmission bit errors and package losses.
`While there are many proposed encryption algorithms for
`non-scalable multimedia fonnats [2][3], some of which such as
`the scrambling algorithms proposed in [3] are also applicable to
`scalable formats, wc have seen only a couple of recently reported
`schemes that were specifically designed for scalable multimedia.
`Wee et al. [41 proposed a secure scalable streaming (SSS)
`scheme for scalable coding that enables transcoding without
`decl)'J)tion. For MPEG-4 FGS, SSS encl)'J)ts video data except
`headers in both base and enhancement layers. Hints for RD(cid:173)
`optimal cutoff points are inserted into the unencrypted header for
`an intennediate stage to perform RD-optimal bitrate reduction.
`Encryption granularity depends on how a video stream is
`packetized in transmission. More precisely, encryption is applied
`to each transmission packet. This means that SSS encryption has
`to know the size or'transmission packets. Any change to the size
`of transmission packets will require a cycle of decryption and re(cid:173)
`encryption. It is thus similar to the encryption applied at
`transmission. Grosbois et al. 15} proposed an encryption
`algorithm for scalable image compression JPEG 2000. In the
`scheme, sign bits of wavelet coefficients in high frequency
`subbands are pseudo-randomly flipped. A different seed is used
`for each code-block in genera.ting the pseudo-random sequence.
`These seeds have to be inserted into the compressed stream to
`send to an end user which lowers the compression efficiency. We
`have recently proposed an encryption scheme for MPEG-4 f'GS
`[6] which encrypts the base layer and also the sign bits of DCT
`1 The wotk was done when Chun Yuan, Ming Su, and Xiaoming Wang were interns at Microsoft Research Asia
`Contact info:
`0-7803-7750-8/03/$17.00 ©2003 IEEE
`1- 517
`Google Exhibit 1023
`Google v. Ericsson


`coefficients in the enhancement layer to enable full scalability for
`the encrypted video.
`In this paper, we present a novel scalable access control
`scheme for
`the MPEG-4 FGS vlihich encrypts
`the FGS
`enhancement video data (headers are not encrypted) at different
`access levels called service levels. Service levels can be divided
`according to the PSNR (called PSNR service levels) or bitrates
`(called bitrate service levels). PSNR service levels are a natural
`choice if we separate service levels according to different
`perceptual qualities, although it is well known that PSNR is not a
`good measure of perceptual quality. If a video is streamed over a
`nem•ork, it is naturally to separate service levels by bitrates. A
`single type of service levels does not work ·well for both
`scenarios since each frame may have variable number of coded
`bit-planes or bits. The goal of this project is to design a scalable
`DRM system that allows free views of a low-quality video but
`protects better quality content at different quality levels, with
`higher level reusing the data of lower levels. Moreover, both
`PSNR service levels and bitrate service levels have to be
`supported in the same encrypted video to address a large variety
`of applications. Our proposed
`scheme meets all
`requirements. Moreover, it has a very low complexity, and causes
`no degradation to either compression efficiency or resilience to
`transmissi011 bit errors and packet losses. The same approach can
`be easily applied or extended to other scalable multimedia
`In MPEG-4 FGS, video data is grouped into video packets,
`which are separated by the resynchronization marker. The bit(cid:173)
`start code,
`fgs_bp_starr_code, also
`serves as a
`resynchronization marker for error resilience purpose [l]. For our
`purpose in this paper, both the resynchronization marker and the
`bit-plane start code will be referred to as vp_marker, and the data
`separated by a vp_marker will be called a video packet. Video
`packets are aligned with macroblocks. The size of a video packet
`may vary greatly because the most significant bit-plane may have
`much less bits than others, and also because a bit-plane may be
`grouped into video packets such that the last video packet of that
`bit-plane is much smaller than others. The latter case can be
`avoided by adjusting video packet sizes of that bit-plane, and we
`can assume it will not occur in our applications. Note that in the
`MPEG-4 FGS, video packets are determined at the time of
`compression. Although resynchronization markers can be moved
`around, removed or inserted after compression in the MPEG-4
`FGS, we assume
`that video packets don't change after
`compression in our applications.
`For multimedia transmission, we will make the following
`assumption in our design:
`• A transport packet should contain complete video packets
`so a whole video packet is either received or completely
`lost when a packet loss occurs.
`The header of a transport packet should contain the
`information of the indexes of the video packets it
`contains. When a video packet is received, it can be
`decompressed to right positions no matter previous video
`packets are lost or not during transmission.
`The!!e two assumptions are valid for most multimedia networks
`in real applications. We note that the current macroblock address,
`fgs_macroblock_11umber, is inserted with the resynchronization
`marker so a received video packet can be decoded correctly no
`matter previous video packets are received or not.
`Ideally we would like the bitrate control as fine as one byte.
`This is not necessary since each transmission packet contains
`complete video packets, as ,ve have assumed above. By adjusting
`the number of transmitted video packets for each frame, the
`bitrate can be controlled within the deviation of one video packet
`per second, which is very smaller as compared to the normal
`video transmission bandwidth. Therefore each video packet can
`treated as an encryption cell which
`is encrypted
`independently. If the number of bits in the most significant bit(cid:173)
`plane is too smaller, it will be combined with the neid video
`packet to form a larger encryption cell. A custom marker
`merged_vp is inserted into the enhancement layer header of the
`frame to indicate such a situation (see below).
`In our
`experiments, only the most significant bit-plane may need to
`merge into the next video-packet, so one bit per frame for
`merged_vp will be adequate.
`A PSNR service level is a group of adjacent bit planes of
`enhancement layer data, and a bitrate service level is a group of
`adjacent video packets. A content owner can specify where to
`separate a PSNR or bitrate service level according to the
`characteristics of the video and business needs, which is beyond
`the scope of this paper. Suppose we divide the total bit planes
`into T adjacent groups to fonn T PSNR service levels, and divide
`a frame's enhancement video packets into M adjacent groups to
`form M bitrate service levels, we have then divided the FGS
`enhancement layer into TxM different segments. If the separation
`point for a bitrate service level coincides with that of a PSNR
`service level, the corresponding segment is considered as empty
`with length of 0. Each segment is assigned an independently and
`randomly generated key denoted as Key(l, m), where t = I. ---. T,
`andm = J, ... ,M.
`is encrypted
`in a
`Each encryption cell
`independently ·with the same segment key. The cipher used to
`eucrypt each encryption cell
`is based the C&S encryption
`proposed by Jakubowski and Venkatesan [7] where RC4 [8] is
`used as the stream cipher and RC5 [8] replaces the original DES
`to encrypt the pre-MAC. The key idea behind the C&S
`encryption scheme is to partition the data to be encrypted into
`blocks and then apply two linear functions to these blocks to
`obtain a reversible pre-MAC (Message Authentication Code)
`which replaces some data blocks. The resulting pre-MAC value
`is combined with the encryption key to feed into RC4 to encrypt
`the transformed data other than the pre-MAC as well as the
`trailing partial block, if it exists, while tl1e pre-MAC itself is
`encrypted by RCS to form the MAC. Since the MAC is reversible,
`the encryption process can be reversed to get the original
`plaintext if no bit error occurs. Due to the unique feature that part
`of the key to the stream cipher is the "hash" value of the data to
`be encrypted, a small change in the data to be encrypted will
`result in very different ciphertext even though the same global
`encryption key may be repeatedly used. Another advantage of the
`C&S encryption is that it does not increase the size of the data to
`be encrypted. In our implementation, the C&S encryption is
`implemented on the field of 2(231 -1) which has the security
`of 262 for each encryption cell [7]. For details of the C&S
`encryption, interested readers are referred to [7].
`I - 518


`Our system focuses on the superdistribution model where
`the content and the license are delivered separately, although the
`scheme can be equally applicable to other distribution models.
`When a user buvs a certain service level, all the keys for that and
`lo\\<-er levels of the same service type will be included in the
`license delivered to the user. For example, if the service level a
`user buys is the PSNR service level t = 2, the license will
`contains all the keys Key(I, m), where t <=2, and m = 1. ···, M. It
`is similar for the case of bitrate service levels. In this way, a user
`with access to a ci:rtain type of service level can only access that
`service level and lower service levels of the same type. Access to
`higher service levels of the same type or service levels of
`different type is not granted. Note that only a subset of segment
`keys are likely used for encryption in most applications since
`there exists correlation between PSNR service levels and bitrate
`service levels. For example, a low PSNR service level is likely to
`share data with a low bitrate service level. This means that some
`of the total TxM segments are likely to be empty (i.e., of length
`0). Since we use the superdistribution model, the unused keys
`will have no impact to the content encryption. It affects only the
`size of a license. If the size of a license is a concern for an
`application, we can exclude unused keys from the license. A
`sc~me that requires only a single key in a license to send to a
`buyer is to be reported elsewhere [9].
`No marker is needed to separate PSNR service levels since
`the separation points for all frames are the same, and MPEG-4
`FGS bit-plane start code can be used for such a purpose.
`Separation points for bitrate service levels vary from one frame
`to another, but no marker is actually inserted into the bitstream to
`separate each bitrate service level for a frame. Instead a custom
`header is added to the enhancement layer of each frame lo
`indicate how many video packets the enhancement layer has for
`the frame at the encryption time. It also uses a few bits to register
`possible minor variation from a general grouping rule to allow
`fine tune of bitrate service levels for the frame. The previous
`mentioned marker merged_ vp is placed into this header, too. For
`our experiments, 24 bits will be adeqUBle for such a purpose. In
`this way, our scheme has negligible compression overhead: on%
`24 bits are added to each compressed frame. Because of the 2
`assumption at the beginning of this section, the bitrate service
`level separation points can be derived from
`this 24 bit
`customized header even under the circumstance that some video
`packets are lost in transmission, which guarantees that the right
`key is used to decrypt each received video packet. In applications
`where the 2.-.l assumption is invalid, a field has to be inserted into
`the unencrypted part for each video packet , to indicate which
`bitrate service level it belongs to. Note that in streaming
`applications, it may be advantageous for a streaming server to
`derive bitrate service level separation points so it does waste
`bandwidth in sending extra data that an end user has no
`pennission to access.
`There is a slim chance that the ciphertext emulates the video
`packet separator vp_marker. We adopted the following simple
`issue: If a ciphertext emulates
`technique to address the
`vp_marker, the marker vp_marker at the beginning of the cell is
`repeated, followed by a fixed number of bits to indicate how
`many ''P_markers to skip (or the size of the encryption cell)
`before appending the ciphertext. The same technique can be used
`if the hamming distance between vp_marker and any vector in
`the ciphertext is smaller than a threshold. Since the chance for
`such an event occurs is very tiny, the byte overhead is negligible.
`3.1. Error Resilience
`■ 1,200,000
`" ~ 1,000,000
`~ ....
`0 ..
`i 200,000
`bit rate service level
`Figure 1. Average number of bits for the four
`bitrate service levels for akyio, carphpone, and
`First we discuss the performance of the proposed scheme
`under transmission bit errors and package losses. Let us begin by
`looking at its performance when package loss occurs. With the
`two assumptions at the beginning of Section 2, any received
`package can be fully decrypted no matter previous packages are
`lost or not, as long as the package containing the custom header
`for the frame mentioned previously has received. If the package
`containing the custom header has lost, the frame headers are also
`lost since they are placed
`together, and thus
`the whole
`enhancement layer for the frame has to be discarded, no matter
`the enhancement layer is encrypted or not. We conclude that the
`proposed scheme has no degradation under packet losses. In
`other words, the scheme is robust to packet losses.
`In MPEG-4, if bit errors occur in a received bit stream, the
`video packet that contains bit errors will normally be discarded,
`ifwe assume that the Reversible Variable Length Codes (RVLC)
`are not used. Using RVLC reduces coding efficiency. With our
`proposed scheme, a bit error in an encryption cell will expand to
`many other bits inside the cell, but never propagate to other cells,
`thanks to independent encryption of each cell. Only the corrupted
`cell will be discarded. Since the encryption cell is the same as the
`video packet (except possible video packets from the most
`significant bit-plane), the scheme has no negative impact under
`bit errors. In conclusion, the proposed scheme is robust to both
`bit errors and packet losses.
`Processing and Compression Overhead
`The C&S encryption is a simple and fast algorithm. We
`have implemented the algorithm in C++ and tested on a DELL
`PC with PIii 667 MHZ CPU and 512 MB memory. Its
`encryption or decryption speed was over 90 Mbits/s. This was
`much slower than the results reported in [7] due possibly to the
`fact that ·we did not use any assembly codes or fioe-tune to any
`specific platforms. The computational overhead for both
`encryption and decryption is very small as compared with
`encoding and decoding processes.
`I - 519


`[l] W. Li, "Overviews of Fine Granularity Scalability in
`MPEG-4 Video Standard," IEEE Trans. 011 Circuits and
`Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 11, No. 3, March,
`2001, pp. 301--317.
`L Qiao and K. Nahrstedt, "Comparison of MPEG
`Encryption Algorithms," Int. Journal 011 Computers &
`Graphics, Special Issue: "Data Security
`ill Image
`Communicalion and Network", Permagon Publisher, Vol.
`22, No. 3, 1998.
`J. Wen, M. Severa, W. Zeng, M. H. LuttrelL and W. Jin,
`Framework for Access Control of Video," IEEE Trans.
`Circuits & Systems for Video Teclmo/ogl'. vol. \2. no. G,
`2002, pp. 545 - 557.
`S. J. Wee and J. G. Apostolopoulos, "Secure Scalable
`Streaming Enabling Transcoding Without Decryption,"
`IEEE fol. Conf Image Processing, October 2001.
`R Grosbois, P Gcrbelot,
`T. Ebrahimi,
`"Authentication and access control in the JPEG 2000
`compressed domain:' Proc. of SPIE 46th Annual
`Meeting. Applications ofDigilal Image Processing XXIV,
`San Diego, 2001.
`C Yuan, B. B. Zhu, Y. Wang. S. Li. Y. Zhong, "Efficient
`and Fully Scalable Encryption for MPEG-4 FGS," IEEE
`fol. Symp. Cirrnils and Systems, May, 2003.
`[7] M. H. Jakubowski and R. Venkatesan. "The Ch::tin &
`Sum Primitive and Its Applications to l'viACs and Stream
`Ciphers." EUROCRYPT'98, pp. 281--293, 1998.
`Schneier, Applied Cryptography:
`Algorithms. and S011rc,1 Code iri C, 2nd ed., John Wiley
`& Sons, Inc. I 996.
`B. B. Zhu, C. Yuan, Y. Wang, and S. Li, "Scl!lable
`Protection for MPEG-4 Fine Granularity Scalability,"
`submitted to IEEE Trans. Afo/1imedia, Dec. 2002.
`ISOIIEC JTC!/SC291WGl I N35 l 5, July 2000, Beijing.
`In the proposed scheme, encryption is applied at1er the
`compression, so it does not affect compression efiiciency. The
`data added to the compressed bitstream is the custom header of
`24 bits per frame, plus statistically insignificant overhead for
`vp _marker to be emulated in the ciphertext. For a video at
`normal bit rates. the overhead of the proposed scheme is
`ncgligi ble.
`3.3. Other Performance
`The proposed scheme enables rate shaping operations such
`as dynamical reduction to a certain service level of either type on
`the ciphertext directly. as we discussed in early sections. It also
`allows random access to or reversal play of a video (with a
`smalkr buffer), tllat1ks to the nice pmperty of the C&S
`encryption algorithm th11t makes possible independent encryption
`of a reasonably smaller cell without sacrifice of security.
`We have implemented a demo system which integrated the
`proposed scheme into the MPEG-4 FGS reference codes from
`MPEG that matches the verification model described in [!OJ.
`Quite a few video clips have been tested on the system with four
`PSNR service levels and four bitrate service levels. Figure I
`shows the average bitrate for each of the four bitrate service
`levels for the three QCIF video clips foreman, aAJ•io. and
`earphone. The bitrates are almost along a straight line since we
`linear division for
`the bitrate service
`lcve ls
`in our
`The visual effect for the four PSNR service levels for
`foreman is shown in Figure 2, along "1th the PSNR values for
`each PSNR service levels. In our experiments we separated the
`PSNR service levels for each video clip in such a way that each
`PSNR level showed perceptible improvement over the next lower
`We have presented in this paper a novel secure and scalable
`access control for the MPEG-4 FGS format The proposed
`scheme exploits unique features offered by the scalability of the
`FGS fom1at to deliver a scalable DRM which is much more
`efficient in storage and transmission. Both PSNR service levels
`and bitrate service levels are supported simultaneouslv in the
`encrypted video. One type of access control does not jeopardize
`the other type of access control, and a higher level control has
`full access to the lower levels of the same service type, but not
`vice versa. The scheme is fast and has negligible byte overhead.
`Moreover, it is robust to both bit errors and packet losses. The
`scheme ean be applied or extended to other scalable multimedia
`formats and should be useful in a large variety of applications.
`The authors would thank our colleagues Feng Wu, Guobin
`Shen, and Xiaoyan Sun of Microsoft Research Asia for valuable
`comments, suggestions. and fruitful discussions.
`I" and 2nd PSNR levels (left: 27dB. right: 3 !dB))
`-, ~
`~. , ,:<I
`3rd and 4tl• PSNR levels (left: 36dB, right: 45dB)
`Figure 2. Visual effects for the four PSNR
`service Le,·els for foreman.
`l • 520

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